Пример #1
void AC_AttitudeControl::input_euler_rate_roll_pitch_yaw(float euler_roll_rate_cds, float euler_pitch_rate_cds, float euler_yaw_rate_cds)
    // Convert from centidegrees on public interface to radians
    float euler_roll_rate_rads = radians(euler_roll_rate_cds*0.01f);
    float euler_pitch_rate_rads = radians(euler_pitch_rate_cds*0.01f);
    float euler_yaw_rate_rads = radians(euler_yaw_rate_cds*0.01f);

    Vector3f att_error_euler_rad;

    // Compute acceleration-limited euler roll rate
    if (get_accel_roll_max_radss() > 0.0f) {
        float rate_change_limit_rads = get_accel_roll_max_radss() * _dt;
        _att_target_euler_rate_rads.x += constrain_float(euler_roll_rate_rads - _att_target_euler_rate_rads.x, -rate_change_limit_rads, rate_change_limit_rads);
    } else {
        _att_target_euler_rate_rads.x = euler_roll_rate_rads;

    // Compute acceleration-limited euler pitch rate
    if (get_accel_pitch_max_radss() > 0.0f) {
        float rate_change_limit_rads = get_accel_pitch_max_radss() * _dt;
        _att_target_euler_rate_rads.y += constrain_float(euler_pitch_rate_rads - _att_target_euler_rate_rads.y, -rate_change_limit_rads, rate_change_limit_rads);
    } else {
        _att_target_euler_rate_rads.y = euler_pitch_rate_rads;

    // Compute acceleration-limited euler yaw rate
    if (get_accel_yaw_max_radss() > 0.0f) {
        float rate_change_limit_rads = get_accel_yaw_max_radss() * _dt;
        _att_target_euler_rate_rads.z += constrain_float(euler_yaw_rate_rads - _att_target_euler_rate_rads.z, -rate_change_limit_rads, rate_change_limit_rads);
    } else {
        _att_target_euler_rate_rads.z = euler_yaw_rate_rads;

    // Update the attitude target from the computed euler rates
    update_att_target_and_error_roll(_att_target_euler_rate_rads.x, att_error_euler_rad, AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_ROLL_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD);
    update_att_target_and_error_pitch(_att_target_euler_rate_rads.y, att_error_euler_rad, AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_PITCH_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD);
    update_att_target_and_error_yaw(_att_target_euler_rate_rads.z, att_error_euler_rad, AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_YAW_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD);

    // Apply tilt limit
    _att_target_euler_rad.x = constrain_float(_att_target_euler_rad.x, -get_tilt_limit_rad(), get_tilt_limit_rad());
    _att_target_euler_rad.y = constrain_float(_att_target_euler_rad.y, -get_tilt_limit_rad(), get_tilt_limit_rad());

    // Convert 321-intrinsic euler angle errors to a body-frame rotation vector
    // NOTE: This results in an approximation of the attitude error based on a linearization about the current attitude
    euler_rate_to_ang_vel(Vector3f(_ahrs.roll,_ahrs.pitch,_ahrs.yaw), att_error_euler_rad, _att_error_rot_vec_rad);

    // Compute the angular velocity target from the attitude error

    // Convert euler angle derivatives of desired attitude into a body-frame angular velocity vector for feedforward
    euler_rate_to_ang_vel(_att_target_euler_rad, _att_target_euler_rate_rads, _att_target_ang_vel_rads);

    // Add the angular velocity feedforward, rotated into vehicle frame
    Matrix3f Trv;
    _ang_vel_target_rads += Trv * _att_target_ang_vel_rads;
void AC_AttitudeControl::input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw(float euler_roll_angle_cd, float euler_pitch_angle_cd, float euler_yaw_rate_cds)
    // Convert from centidegrees on public interface to radians
    float euler_roll_angle_rad = radians(euler_roll_angle_cd*0.01f);
    float euler_pitch_angle_rad = radians(euler_pitch_angle_cd*0.01f);
    float euler_yaw_rate_rads = radians(euler_yaw_rate_cds*0.01f);

    Vector3f    att_error_euler_rad;

    // Add roll trim to compensate tail rotor thrust in heli (will return zero on multirotors)
    euler_roll_angle_rad += get_roll_trim_rad();

    // Set roll/pitch attitude targets from input.
    _att_target_euler_rad.x = constrain_float(euler_roll_angle_rad, -get_tilt_limit_rad(), get_tilt_limit_rad());
    _att_target_euler_rad.y = constrain_float(euler_pitch_angle_rad, -get_tilt_limit_rad(), get_tilt_limit_rad());

    // Update roll/pitch attitude error.
    att_error_euler_rad.x = wrap_PI(_att_target_euler_rad.x - _ahrs.roll);
    att_error_euler_rad.y = wrap_PI(_att_target_euler_rad.y - _ahrs.pitch);

    // Zero the roll and pitch feed-forward rate.
    _att_target_euler_rate_rads.x = 0;
    _att_target_euler_rate_rads.y = 0;

    if (get_accel_yaw_max_radss() > 0.0f) {
        // When yaw acceleration limiting is enabled, the yaw input shaper constrains angular acceleration about the yaw axis, slewing
        // the output rate towards the input rate.
        float rate_change_limit_rads = get_accel_yaw_max_radss() * _dt;
        _att_target_euler_rate_rads.z += constrain_float(euler_yaw_rate_rads - _att_target_euler_rate_rads.z, -rate_change_limit_rads, rate_change_limit_rads);

        // The output rate is used to update the attitude target euler angles and is fed forward into the rate controller.
        update_att_target_and_error_yaw(_att_target_euler_rate_rads.z, att_error_euler_rad, AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_YAW_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD);
    } else {
        // When yaw acceleration limiting is disabled, the attitude target is simply rotated using the input rate and the input rate
        // is fed forward into the rate controller.
        _att_target_euler_rate_rads.z = euler_yaw_rate_rads;
        update_att_target_and_error_yaw(_att_target_euler_rate_rads.z, att_error_euler_rad, AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_YAW_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD);

    // Convert 321-intrinsic euler angle errors to a body-frame rotation vector
    // NOTE: This results in an approximation of the attitude error based on a linearization about the current attitude
    euler_rate_to_ang_vel(Vector3f(_ahrs.roll,_ahrs.pitch,_ahrs.yaw), att_error_euler_rad, _att_error_rot_vec_rad);

    // Compute the angular velocity target from the attitude error

    // Convert euler angle derivatives of desired attitude into a body-frame angular velocity vector for feedforward
    // NOTE: This should be done about the desired attitude instead of about the vehicle attitude
    euler_rate_to_ang_vel(Vector3f(_ahrs.roll,_ahrs.pitch,_ahrs.yaw), _att_target_euler_rate_rads, _att_target_ang_vel_rads);
    // NOTE: A rotation of _att_target_ang_vel_rads from desired body frame to estimated body frame is possibly omitted here

    // Add the angular velocity feedforward
    _ang_vel_target_rads += _att_target_ang_vel_rads;
Пример #3
// Calculates the body frame angular velocities to follow the target attitude
void AC_AttitudeControl::attitude_controller_run_quat()
    // Retrieve quaternion vehicle attitude
    // TODO add _ahrs.get_quaternion()
    Quaternion attitude_vehicle_quat;

    // Compute attitude error
    Vector3f attitude_error_vector;
    thrust_heading_rotation_angles(_attitude_target_quat, attitude_vehicle_quat, attitude_error_vector, _thrust_error_angle);

    // Compute the angular velocity target from the attitude error
    _rate_target_ang_vel = update_ang_vel_target_from_att_error(attitude_error_vector);

    // Add feedforward term that attempts to ensure that roll and pitch errors rotate with the body frame rather than the reference frame.
    _rate_target_ang_vel.x += attitude_error_vector.y * _ahrs.get_gyro().z;
    _rate_target_ang_vel.y += -attitude_error_vector.x * _ahrs.get_gyro().z;

    // Add the angular velocity feedforward, rotated into vehicle frame
    Quaternion attitude_target_ang_vel_quat = Quaternion(0.0f, _attitude_target_ang_vel.x, _attitude_target_ang_vel.y, _attitude_target_ang_vel.z);
    Quaternion attitude_error_quat = attitude_vehicle_quat.inverse() * _attitude_target_quat;
    Quaternion target_ang_vel_quat = attitude_error_quat.inverse()*attitude_target_ang_vel_quat*attitude_error_quat;

    // Correct the thrust vector and smoothly add feedforward and yaw input
    if(_thrust_error_angle > AC_ATTITUDE_THRUST_ERROR_ANGLE*2.0f){
        _rate_target_ang_vel.z = _ahrs.get_gyro().z;
    }else if(_thrust_error_angle > AC_ATTITUDE_THRUST_ERROR_ANGLE){
        float flip_scalar = (1.0f - (_thrust_error_angle-AC_ATTITUDE_THRUST_ERROR_ANGLE)/AC_ATTITUDE_THRUST_ERROR_ANGLE);
        _rate_target_ang_vel.x += target_ang_vel_quat.q2*flip_scalar;
        _rate_target_ang_vel.y += target_ang_vel_quat.q3*flip_scalar;
        _rate_target_ang_vel.z += target_ang_vel_quat.q4;
        _rate_target_ang_vel.z = _ahrs.get_gyro().z*(1.0-flip_scalar) + _rate_target_ang_vel.z*flip_scalar;
    } else {
        _rate_target_ang_vel.x += target_ang_vel_quat.q2;
        _rate_target_ang_vel.y += target_ang_vel_quat.q3;
        _rate_target_ang_vel.z += target_ang_vel_quat.q4;

    if (_rate_bf_ff_enabled & _use_ff_and_input_shaping) {
        // rotate target and normalize
        Quaternion attitude_target_update_quat;
        attitude_target_update_quat.from_axis_angle(Vector3f(_attitude_target_ang_vel.x * _dt, _attitude_target_ang_vel.y * _dt, _attitude_target_ang_vel.z * _dt));
        _attitude_target_quat = _attitude_target_quat * attitude_target_update_quat;
void AC_AttitudeControl::attitude_controller_run_quat(const Quaternion& att_target_quat, const Vector3f& att_target_ang_vel_rads)
    // Update euler attitude target and angular velocity target
    _att_target_ang_vel_rads = att_target_ang_vel_rads;

    // Retrieve quaternion vehicle attitude
    // TODO add _ahrs.get_quaternion()
    Quaternion att_vehicle_quat;

    // Compute attitude error

    // Compute the angular velocity target from the attitude error

    // Add the angular velocity feedforward, rotated into vehicle frame
    Matrix3f Trv;
    _ang_vel_target_rads += Trv * _att_target_ang_vel_rads;
void AC_AttitudeControl::input_att_quat_bf_ang_vel(const Quaternion& att_target_quat, const Vector3f& att_target_ang_vel_rads)
    // Update euler attitude target and angular velocity targets
    _att_target_ang_vel_rads = att_target_ang_vel_rads;
    ang_vel_to_euler_rate(Vector3f(_ahrs.roll,_ahrs.pitch,_ahrs.yaw), att_target_ang_vel_rads, _att_target_euler_rate_rads);

    // Retrieve quaternion vehicle attitude
    // TODO add _ahrs.get_quaternion()
    Quaternion att_vehicle_quat;

    // Compute attitude error

    // Compute the angular velocity target from the attitude error

    // Add the angular velocity feedforward
    // NOTE: Rotation of _att_target_ang_vel_rads from desired body frame to estimated body frame is possibly omitted here
    _ang_vel_target_rads += _att_target_ang_vel_rads;
void AC_AttitudeControl::input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_yaw(float euler_roll_angle_cd, float euler_pitch_angle_cd, float euler_yaw_angle_cd, bool slew_yaw)
    // Convert from centidegrees on public interface to radians
    float euler_roll_angle_rad = radians(euler_roll_angle_cd*0.01f);
    float euler_pitch_angle_rad = radians(euler_pitch_angle_cd*0.01f);
    float euler_yaw_angle_rad = radians(euler_yaw_angle_cd*0.01f);

    Vector3f    att_error_euler_rad;

    // Add roll trim to compensate tail rotor thrust in heli (will return zero on multirotors)
    euler_roll_angle_rad += get_roll_trim_rad();

    // Set attitude targets from input.
    _att_target_euler_rad.x = constrain_float(euler_roll_angle_rad, -get_tilt_limit_rad(), get_tilt_limit_rad());
    _att_target_euler_rad.y = constrain_float(euler_pitch_angle_rad, -get_tilt_limit_rad(), get_tilt_limit_rad());
    _att_target_euler_rad.z = euler_yaw_angle_rad;

    // Update attitude error.
    att_error_euler_rad.x = wrap_PI(_att_target_euler_rad.x - _ahrs.roll);
    att_error_euler_rad.y = wrap_PI(_att_target_euler_rad.y - _ahrs.pitch);
    att_error_euler_rad.z = wrap_PI(_att_target_euler_rad.z - _ahrs.yaw);

    // Constrain the yaw angle error
    if (slew_yaw) {
        att_error_euler_rad.z = constrain_float(att_error_euler_rad.z,-get_slew_yaw_rads(),get_slew_yaw_rads());

    // Convert 321-intrinsic euler angle errors to a body-frame rotation vector
    // NOTE: This results in an approximation of the attitude error based on a linearization about the current attitude
    euler_rate_to_ang_vel(Vector3f(_ahrs.roll,_ahrs.pitch,_ahrs.yaw), att_error_euler_rad, _att_error_rot_vec_rad);

    // Compute the angular velocity target from the attitude error

    // Keep euler derivative updated
    ang_vel_to_euler_rate(Vector3f(_ahrs.roll,_ahrs.pitch,_ahrs.yaw), _ang_vel_target_rads, _att_target_euler_rate_rads);
// passthrough_bf_roll_pitch_rate_yaw - passthrough the pilots roll and pitch inputs directly to swashplate for flybar acro mode
void AC_AttitudeControl_Heli::passthrough_bf_roll_pitch_rate_yaw(float roll_passthrough, float pitch_passthrough, float yaw_rate_bf_cds)
    // convert from centidegrees on public interface to radians
    float yaw_rate_bf_rads = radians(yaw_rate_bf_cds*0.01f);

    // store roll, pitch and passthroughs
    // NOTE: this abuses yaw_rate_bf_rads
    _passthrough_roll = roll_passthrough;
    _passthrough_pitch = pitch_passthrough;
    _passthrough_yaw = degrees(yaw_rate_bf_rads)*100.0f;

    // set rate controller to use pass through
    _flags_heli.flybar_passthrough = true;

    // set bf rate targets to current body frame rates (i.e. relax and be ready for vehicle to switch out of acro)
    _attitude_target_ang_vel.x = _ahrs.get_gyro().x;
    _attitude_target_ang_vel.y = _ahrs.get_gyro().y;

    // accel limit desired yaw rate
    if (get_accel_yaw_max_radss() > 0.0f) {
        float rate_change_limit_rads = get_accel_yaw_max_radss() * _dt;
        float rate_change_rads = yaw_rate_bf_rads - _attitude_target_ang_vel.z;
        rate_change_rads = constrain_float(rate_change_rads, -rate_change_limit_rads, rate_change_limit_rads);
        _attitude_target_ang_vel.z += rate_change_rads;
    } else {
        _attitude_target_ang_vel.z = yaw_rate_bf_rads;

    _att_error_rot_vec_rad.x = 0;
    _att_error_rot_vec_rad.y = 0;

    // update our earth-frame angle targets
    Vector3f att_error_euler_rad;

    // convert angle error rotation vector into 321-intrinsic euler angle difference
    // NOTE: this results an an approximation linearized about the vehicle's attitude
    if (ang_vel_to_euler_rate(Vector3f(_ahrs.roll,_ahrs.pitch,_ahrs.yaw), _att_error_rot_vec_rad, att_error_euler_rad)) {
        _attitude_target_euler_angle.x = wrap_PI(att_error_euler_rad.x + _ahrs.roll);
        _attitude_target_euler_angle.y = wrap_PI(att_error_euler_rad.y + _ahrs.pitch);
        _attitude_target_euler_angle.z = wrap_2PI(att_error_euler_rad.z + _ahrs.yaw);

    // handle flipping over pitch axis
    if (_attitude_target_euler_angle.y > M_PI/2.0f) {
        _attitude_target_euler_angle.x = wrap_PI(_attitude_target_euler_angle.x + M_PI);
        _attitude_target_euler_angle.y = wrap_PI(M_PI - _attitude_target_euler_angle.x);
        _attitude_target_euler_angle.z = wrap_2PI(_attitude_target_euler_angle.z + M_PI);
    if (_attitude_target_euler_angle.y < -M_PI/2.0f) {
        _attitude_target_euler_angle.x = wrap_PI(_attitude_target_euler_angle.x + M_PI);
        _attitude_target_euler_angle.y = wrap_PI(-M_PI - _attitude_target_euler_angle.x);
        _attitude_target_euler_angle.z = wrap_2PI(_attitude_target_euler_angle.z + M_PI);

    // convert body-frame angle errors to body-frame rate targets
    _rate_target_ang_vel = update_ang_vel_target_from_att_error(_att_error_rot_vec_rad);

    // set body-frame roll/pitch rate target to current desired rates which are the vehicle's actual rates
    _rate_target_ang_vel.x = _attitude_target_ang_vel.x;
    _rate_target_ang_vel.y = _attitude_target_ang_vel.y;

    // add desired target to yaw
    _rate_target_ang_vel.z += _attitude_target_ang_vel.z;
    _thrust_error_angle = norm(_att_error_rot_vec_rad.x, _att_error_rot_vec_rad.y);
void AC_AttitudeControl::input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw_smooth(float euler_roll_angle_cd, float euler_pitch_angle_cd, float euler_yaw_rate_cds, float smoothing_gain)
    // Convert from centidegrees on public interface to radians
    float euler_roll_angle_rad = radians(euler_roll_angle_cd*0.01f);
    float euler_pitch_angle_rad = radians(euler_pitch_angle_cd*0.01f);
    float euler_yaw_rate_rads = radians(euler_yaw_rate_cds*0.01f);

    // Sanity check smoothing gain
    smoothing_gain = constrain_float(smoothing_gain,1.0f,50.0f);

    // Add roll trim to compensate tail rotor thrust in heli (will return zero on multirotors)
    euler_roll_angle_rad += get_roll_trim_rad();

    Vector3f att_error_euler_rad;

    if ((get_accel_roll_max_radss() > 0.0f) && _rate_bf_ff_enabled) {
        // When roll acceleration limiting and feedforward are enabled, the sqrt controller is used to compute an euler roll-axis
        // angular velocity that will cause the euler roll angle to smoothly stop at the input angle with limited deceleration
        // and an exponential decay specified by smoothing_gain at the end.
        float euler_rate_desired_rads = sqrt_controller(euler_roll_angle_rad-_att_target_euler_rad.x, smoothing_gain, get_accel_roll_max_radss());

        // Acceleration is limited directly to smooth the beginning of the curve.
        float rate_change_limit_rads = get_accel_roll_max_radss() * _dt;
        _att_target_euler_rate_rads.x = constrain_float(euler_rate_desired_rads, _att_target_euler_rate_rads.x-rate_change_limit_rads, _att_target_euler_rate_rads.x+rate_change_limit_rads);

        // The output rate is used to update the attitude target euler angles and is fed forward into the rate controller.
        update_att_target_and_error_roll(_att_target_euler_rate_rads.x, att_error_euler_rad, AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_ROLL_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD);
    } else {
        // When acceleration limiting and feedforward are not enabled, the target roll euler angle is simply set to the
        // input value and the feedforward rate is zeroed.
        _att_target_euler_rad.x = euler_roll_angle_rad;
        att_error_euler_rad.x = wrap_PI(_att_target_euler_rad.x - _ahrs.roll);
        _att_target_euler_rate_rads.x = 0;
    _att_target_euler_rad.x = constrain_float(_att_target_euler_rad.x, -get_tilt_limit_rad(), get_tilt_limit_rad());

    if ((get_accel_pitch_max_radss() > 0.0f) && _rate_bf_ff_enabled) {
        // When pitch acceleration limiting and feedforward are enabled, the sqrt controller is used to compute an euler pitch-axis
        // angular velocity that will cause the euler pitch angle to smoothly stop at the input angle with limited deceleration
        // and an exponential decay specified by smoothing_gain at the end.
        float euler_rate_desired_rads = sqrt_controller(euler_pitch_angle_rad-_att_target_euler_rad.y, smoothing_gain, get_accel_pitch_max_radss());

        // Acceleration is limited directly to smooth the beginning of the curve.
        float rate_change_limit_rads = get_accel_pitch_max_radss() * _dt;
        _att_target_euler_rate_rads.y = constrain_float(euler_rate_desired_rads, _att_target_euler_rate_rads.y-rate_change_limit_rads, _att_target_euler_rate_rads.y+rate_change_limit_rads);

        // The output rate is used to update the attitude target euler angles and is fed forward into the rate controller.
        update_att_target_and_error_pitch(_att_target_euler_rate_rads.y, att_error_euler_rad, AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_ROLL_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD);
    } else {
        _att_target_euler_rad.y = euler_pitch_angle_rad;
        att_error_euler_rad.y = wrap_PI(_att_target_euler_rad.y - _ahrs.pitch);
        _att_target_euler_rate_rads.y = 0;
    _att_target_euler_rad.y = constrain_float(_att_target_euler_rad.y, -get_tilt_limit_rad(), get_tilt_limit_rad());

    if (get_accel_yaw_max_radss() > 0.0f) {
        // When yaw acceleration limiting is enabled, the yaw input shaper constrains angular acceleration about the yaw axis, slewing
        // the output rate towards the input rate.
        float rate_change_limit_rads = get_accel_yaw_max_radss() * _dt;
        _att_target_euler_rate_rads.z += constrain_float(euler_yaw_rate_rads - _att_target_euler_rate_rads.z, -rate_change_limit_rads, rate_change_limit_rads);

        // The output rate is used to update the attitude target euler angles and is fed forward into the rate controller.
        update_att_target_and_error_yaw(_att_target_euler_rate_rads.z, att_error_euler_rad, AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_YAW_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD);
    } else {
        // When yaw acceleration limiting is disabled, the attitude target is simply rotated using the input rate and the input rate
        // is fed forward into the rate controller.
        _att_target_euler_rate_rads.z = euler_yaw_rate_rads;
        update_att_target_and_error_yaw(_att_target_euler_rate_rads.z, att_error_euler_rad, AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_STAB_YAW_OVERSHOOT_ANGLE_MAX_RAD);

    // Convert 321-intrinsic euler angle errors to a body-frame rotation vector
    // NOTE: This results in an approximation of the attitude error based on a linearization about the current attitude
    euler_rate_to_ang_vel(Vector3f(_ahrs.roll,_ahrs.pitch,_ahrs.yaw), att_error_euler_rad, _att_error_rot_vec_rad);

    // Compute the angular velocity target from the attitude error

    // Convert euler angle derivative of desired attitude into a body-frame angular velocity vector for feedforward
    if (_rate_bf_ff_enabled) {
        euler_rate_to_ang_vel(Vector3f(_ahrs.roll,_ahrs.pitch,_ahrs.yaw), _att_target_euler_rate_rads, _att_target_ang_vel_rads);
    } else {
        euler_rate_to_ang_vel(Vector3f(_ahrs.roll,_ahrs.pitch,_ahrs.yaw), Vector3f(0,0,_att_target_euler_rate_rads.z), _att_target_ang_vel_rads);
    // NOTE: Rotation of _att_target_ang_vel_rads from desired body frame to estimated body frame is possibly omitted here

    // Add the angular velocity feedforward
    _ang_vel_target_rads += _att_target_ang_vel_rads;