Пример #1
void vrpn_Tracker_ButtonFly::mainloop()
  int i;
  struct timeval  now;
  double	  interval;	// How long since the last report, in secs

  // Call generic server mainloop, since we are a server

  // Mainloop() all of the buttons that are defined and the analog
  // scale values if they are defined so that we will get all of
  // the values fresh.
  for (i = 0; i < d_num_axes; i++) {
  if (d_vel_scale != NULL) { d_vel_scale->mainloop(); };
  if (d_rot_scale != NULL) { d_rot_scale->mainloop(); };

  // See if it has been long enough since our last report.
  // If so, generate a new one.
  vrpn_gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
  interval = duration(now, d_prevtime);

  if (shouldReport(interval)) {
    // Figure out the new matrix based on the current values and
    // the length of the interval since the last report
    d_prevtime = now;

    // Set the time on the report to now.
    vrpn_Tracker::timestamp = now;

    // pack and deliver tracker report;
    if (d_connection) {
      char	msgbuf[1000];
      int	len = encode_to(msgbuf);
      if (d_connection->pack_message(len, vrpn_Tracker::timestamp,
	      position_m_id, d_sender_id, msgbuf,
      fprintf(stderr,"Tracker ButtonFly: cannot write message: tossing\n");
    } else {
      fprintf(stderr,"Tracker ButtonFly: No valid connection\n");

  // We're not always sending reports, but we still want to
  // update the matrix so that we don't integrate over
  // too long a timespan when we do finally report a change.
  } else if (interval >= d_update_interval) {
    // Figure out the new matrix based on the current values and
    // the length of the interval since the last report
    d_prevtime = now;
Пример #2
void vrpn_IMU_SimpleCombiner::mainloop()
  // Call generic server mainloop, since we are a server

  // Mainloop() all of the analogs that are defined and the button
  // so that we will get all of the values fresh.
  if (d_acceleration.ana != NULL) { d_acceleration.ana->mainloop(); }
  if (d_rotational_vel.ana != NULL) { d_rotational_vel.ana->mainloop(); }
  if (d_magnetometer.ana != NULL) { d_magnetometer.ana->mainloop(); }

  // Update the matrix based on the change in time since the last
  // update and the current values.
  struct timeval	now;
  vrpn_gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
  double delta_t = vrpn_TimevalDurationSeconds(now, d_prev_update_time);
  d_prev_update_time = now;

  // See if it has been long enough since our last report.
  // If so, generate a new one.
  double interval = vrpn_TimevalDurationSeconds(now, d_prevtime);
  if (interval >= d_update_interval) {

    // pack and deliver tracker report with info from the current matrix;
    if (d_connection) {
      char	msgbuf[1000];
      int	len = encode_to(msgbuf);
      if (d_connection->pack_message(len, vrpn_Tracker::timestamp,
        position_m_id, d_sender_id, msgbuf,
        fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_IMU_SimpleCombiner: "
          "cannot write pose message: tossing\n");
      len = encode_vel_to(msgbuf);
      if (d_connection->pack_message(len, vrpn_Tracker::timestamp,
        velocity_m_id, d_sender_id, msgbuf,
        fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_IMU_SimpleCombiner: "
          "cannot write velocity message: tossing\n");
    } else {
      fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_IMU_SimpleCombiner: "
        "No valid connection\n");

    // We just sent a report, so reset the time
    d_prevtime = now;
Пример #3
void vrpn_Tracker_AnalogFly::mainloop()
  struct timeval	now;
  double	interval;	// How long since the last report, in secs

  // Call generic server mainloop, since we are a server

  // Mainloop() all of the analogs that are defined and the button
  // so that we will get all of the values fresh.
  if (d_x.ana != NULL) { d_x.ana->mainloop(); };
  if (d_y.ana != NULL) { d_y.ana->mainloop(); };
  if (d_z.ana != NULL) { d_z.ana->mainloop(); };
  if (d_sx.ana != NULL) { d_sx.ana->mainloop(); };
  if (d_sy.ana != NULL) { d_sy.ana->mainloop(); };
  if (d_sz.ana != NULL) { d_sz.ana->mainloop(); };
  if (d_reset_button != NULL) { d_reset_button->mainloop(); };
  if (d_clutch_button != NULL) { d_clutch_button->mainloop(); };

  // See if it has been long enough since our last report.
  // If so, generate a new one.
  vrpn_gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
  interval = vrpn_TimevalDurationSeconds(now, d_prevtime);

  if (shouldReport(interval)) {

    // Set the time on the report to now, if not an absolute
    // tracker.  Absolute trackers have their time values set
    // to match the time at which their analog devices gave the
    // last report.
    if (!d_absolute) {
      vrpn_Tracker::timestamp = now;

    // Figure out the new matrix based on the current values and
    // the length of the interval since the last report

    // pack and deliver tracker report;
    if (d_connection) {
      char	msgbuf[1000];
      int	len = encode_to(msgbuf);
      if (d_connection->pack_message(len, vrpn_Tracker::timestamp,
	      position_m_id, d_sender_id, msgbuf,
      fprintf(stderr,"Tracker AnalogFly: "
              "cannot write message: tossing\n");
    } else {
      fprintf(stderr,"Tracker AnalogFly: "
              "No valid connection\n");

    // We just sent a report, so reset the time
    d_prevtime = now;

  // We're not always sending reports, but we still want to
  // update the interval clock so that we don't integrate over
  // too long a timespan when we do finally report a change.
  if (interval >= d_update_interval) {
    d_prevtime = now;