Пример #1
 * IF volume status is Append, Full, Used, or Error, mark it Purged
 *   Purged volumes can then be recycled (if enabled).
bool mark_media_purged(UAContext *ua, MEDIA_DBR *mr)
   JCR *jcr = ua->jcr;
   bool status;

   status = bstrcmp(mr->VolStatus, "Append") ||
            bstrcmp(mr->VolStatus, "Full") ||
            bstrcmp(mr->VolStatus, "Used") ||
            bstrcmp(mr->VolStatus, "Error");
   if (status) {
      bstrncpy(mr->VolStatus, "Purged", sizeof(mr->VolStatus));
      set_storageid_in_mr(NULL, mr);
      if (!db_update_media_record(jcr, ua->db, mr)) {
         return false;
      pm_strcpy(jcr->VolumeName, mr->VolumeName);
      generate_plugin_event(jcr, bDirEventVolumePurged);
       * If the RecyclePool is defined, move the volume there
      if (mr->RecyclePoolId && mr->RecyclePoolId != mr->PoolId) {
         POOL_DBR oldpr, newpr;
         memset(&oldpr, 0, sizeof(POOL_DBR));
         memset(&newpr, 0, sizeof(POOL_DBR));
         newpr.PoolId = mr->RecyclePoolId;
         oldpr.PoolId = mr->PoolId;
         if (   db_get_pool_record(jcr, ua->db, &oldpr)
             && db_get_pool_record(jcr, ua->db, &newpr))
            /* check if destination pool size is ok */
            if (newpr.MaxVols > 0 && newpr.NumVols >= newpr.MaxVols) {
               ua->error_msg(_("Unable move recycled Volume in full "
                              "Pool \"%s\" MaxVols=%d\n"),
                        newpr.Name, newpr.MaxVols);

            } else {            /* move media */
               update_vol_pool(ua, newpr.Name, mr, &oldpr);
         } else {
            ua->error_msg("%s", db_strerror(ua->db));

      /* Send message to Job report, if it is a *real* job */
      if (jcr && jcr->JobId > 0) {
         Jmsg(jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("All records pruned from Volume \"%s\"; marking it \"Purged\"\n"),
      return true;
   } else {
      ua->error_msg(_("Cannot purge Volume with VolStatus=%s\n"), mr->VolStatus);
   return bstrcmp(mr->VolStatus, "Purged");
Пример #2
 * Update a media record -- allows you to change the
 *  Volume status. E.g. if you want Bacula to stop
 *  writing on the volume, set it to anything other
 *  than Append.
static int update_volume(UAContext *ua)
   MEDIA_DBR mr;
   POOL *pool;
   POOL_DBR pr;
   POOLMEM *query;
   POOL_MEM ret;
   char buf[1000];
   char ed1[130];
   bool done = false;
   int i;
   const char *kw[] = {
      NT_("VolStatus"),                /* 0 */
      NT_("VolRetention"),             /* 1 */
      NT_("VolUse"),                   /* 2 */
      NT_("MaxVolJobs"),               /* 3 */
      NT_("MaxVolFiles"),              /* 4 */
      NT_("MaxVolBytes"),              /* 5 */
      NT_("Recycle"),                  /* 6 */
      NT_("InChanger"),                /* 7 */
      NT_("Slot"),                     /* 8 */
      NT_("Pool"),                     /* 9 */
      NT_("FromPool"),                 /* 10 */
      NT_("AllFromPool"),              /* 11 !!! see below !!! */
      NT_("Enabled"),                  /* 12 */
      NT_("RecyclePool"),              /* 13 */
      NT_("ActionOnPurge"),            /* 14 */
      NULL };

#define AllFromPool 11               /* keep this updated with above */

   for (i=0; kw[i]; i++) {
      int j;
      POOL_DBR pr;

      if ((j=find_arg_with_value(ua, kw[i])) > 0) {
         /* If all from pool don't select a media record */
         if (i != AllFromPool && !select_media_dbr(ua, &mr)) {
            return 0;
         switch (i) {
         case 0:
            update_volstatus(ua, ua->argv[j], &mr);
         case 1:
            update_volretention(ua, ua->argv[j], &mr);
         case 2:
            update_voluseduration(ua, ua->argv[j], &mr);
         case 3:
            update_volmaxjobs(ua, ua->argv[j], &mr);
         case 4:
            update_volmaxfiles(ua, ua->argv[j], &mr);
         case 5:
            update_volmaxbytes(ua, ua->argv[j], &mr);
         case 6:
            update_volrecycle(ua, ua->argv[j], &mr);
         case 7:
            update_volinchanger(ua, ua->argv[j], &mr);
         case 8:
            update_volslot(ua, ua->argv[j], &mr);
         case 9:
            memset(&pr, 0, sizeof(POOL_DBR));
            pr.PoolId = mr.PoolId;
            if (!db_get_pool_record(ua->jcr, ua->db, &pr)) {
               ua->error_msg("%s", db_strerror(ua->db));
            update_vol_pool(ua, ua->argv[j], &mr, &pr);
         case 10:
            update_vol_from_pool(ua, &mr);
            return 1;
         case 11:
            update_all_vols_from_pool(ua, ua->argv[j]);
            return 1;
         case 12:
            update_volenabled(ua, ua->argv[j], &mr);
         case 13:
            update_vol_recyclepool(ua, ua->argv[j], &mr);
         case 14:
            update_vol_actiononpurge(ua, ua->argv[j], &mr);
         done = true;

   /* Allow user to simply update all volumes */
   if (find_arg(ua, NT_("fromallpools")) > 0) {
      return 1;

   for ( ; !done; ) {
      start_prompt(ua, _("Parameters to modify:\n"));
      add_prompt(ua, _("Volume Status"));              /* 0 */
      add_prompt(ua, _("Volume Retention Period"));    /* 1 */
      add_prompt(ua, _("Volume Use Duration"));        /* 2 */
      add_prompt(ua, _("Maximum Volume Jobs"));        /* 3 */
      add_prompt(ua, _("Maximum Volume Files"));       /* 4 */
      add_prompt(ua, _("Maximum Volume Bytes"));       /* 5 */
      add_prompt(ua, _("Recycle Flag"));               /* 6 */
      add_prompt(ua, _("Slot"));                       /* 7 */
      add_prompt(ua, _("InChanger Flag"));             /* 8 */
      add_prompt(ua, _("Volume Files"));               /* 9 */
      add_prompt(ua, _("Pool"));                       /* 10 */
      add_prompt(ua, _("Volume from Pool"));           /* 11 */
      add_prompt(ua, _("All Volumes from Pool"));      /* 12 */
      add_prompt(ua, _("All Volumes from all Pools")); /* 13 */
      add_prompt(ua, _("Enabled")),                    /* 14 */
      add_prompt(ua, _("RecyclePool")),                /* 15 */
      add_prompt(ua, _("Action On Purge")),            /* 16 */
      add_prompt(ua, _("Done"));                       /* 17 */
      i = do_prompt(ua, "", _("Select parameter to modify"), NULL, 0);  

      /* For All Volumes, All Volumes from Pool, and Done, we don't need
           * a Volume record */
      if ( i != 12 && i != 13 && i != 17) {
         if (!select_media_dbr(ua, &mr)) {  /* Get Volume record */
            return 0;
         ua->info_msg(_("Updating Volume \"%s\"\n"), mr.VolumeName);
      switch (i) {
      case 0:                         /* Volume Status */
         /* Modify Volume Status */
         ua->info_msg(_("Current Volume status is: %s\n"), mr.VolStatus);
         start_prompt(ua, _("Possible Values are:\n"));
         add_prompt(ua, NT_("Append")); 
         add_prompt(ua, NT_("Archive"));
         add_prompt(ua, NT_("Disabled"));
         add_prompt(ua, NT_("Full"));
         add_prompt(ua, NT_("Used"));
         add_prompt(ua, NT_("Cleaning"));
         if (strcmp(mr.VolStatus, NT_("Purged")) == 0) {
            add_prompt(ua, NT_("Recycle"));
         add_prompt(ua, NT_("Read-Only"));
         if (do_prompt(ua, "", _("Choose new Volume Status"), ua->cmd, sizeof(mr.VolStatus)) < 0) {
            return 1;
         update_volstatus(ua, ua->cmd, &mr);
      case 1:                         /* Retention */
         ua->info_msg(_("Current retention period is: %s\n"),
            edit_utime(mr.VolRetention, ed1, sizeof(ed1)));
         if (!get_cmd(ua, _("Enter Volume Retention period: "))) {
            return 0;
         update_volretention(ua, ua->cmd, &mr);

      case 2:                         /* Use Duration */
         ua->info_msg(_("Current use duration is: %s\n"),
            edit_utime(mr.VolUseDuration, ed1, sizeof(ed1)));
         if (!get_cmd(ua, _("Enter Volume Use Duration: "))) {
            return 0;
         update_voluseduration(ua, ua->cmd, &mr);

      case 3:                         /* Max Jobs */
         ua->info_msg(_("Current max jobs is: %u\n"), mr.MaxVolJobs);
         if (!get_pint(ua, _("Enter new Maximum Jobs: "))) {
            return 0;
         update_volmaxjobs(ua, ua->cmd, &mr);

      case 4:                         /* Max Files */
         ua->info_msg(_("Current max files is: %u\n"), mr.MaxVolFiles);
         if (!get_pint(ua, _("Enter new Maximum Files: "))) {
            return 0;
         update_volmaxfiles(ua, ua->cmd, &mr);

      case 5:                         /* Max Bytes */
         ua->info_msg(_("Current value is: %s\n"), edit_uint64(mr.MaxVolBytes, ed1));
         if (!get_cmd(ua, _("Enter new Maximum Bytes: "))) {
            return 0;
         update_volmaxbytes(ua, ua->cmd, &mr);

      case 6:                         /* Recycle */
         ua->info_msg(_("Current recycle flag is: %s\n"),
         if (!get_yesno(ua, _("Enter new Recycle status: "))) {
            return 0;
         update_volrecycle(ua, ua->cmd, &mr);

      case 7:                         /* Slot */
         ua->info_msg(_("Current Slot is: %d\n"), mr.Slot);
         if (!get_pint(ua, _("Enter new Slot: "))) {
            return 0;
         update_volslot(ua, ua->cmd, &mr);
      case 8:                         /* InChanger */
         ua->info_msg(_("Current InChanger flag is: %d\n"), mr.InChanger);
         bsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("Set InChanger flag for Volume \"%s\": yes/no: "),
         if (!get_yesno(ua, buf)) {
            return 0;
         mr.InChanger = ua->pint32_val;
          * Make sure to use db_update... rather than doing this directly,
          *   so that any Slot is handled correctly.
         if (!db_update_media_record(ua->jcr, ua->db, &mr)) {
            ua->error_msg(_("Error updating media record Slot: ERR=%s"), db_strerror(ua->db));
         } else {
            ua->info_msg(_("New InChanger flag is: %d\n"), mr.InChanger);

      case 9:                         /* Volume Files */
         int32_t VolFiles;
         ua->warning_msg(_("Warning changing Volume Files can result\n"
                        "in loss of data on your Volume\n\n"));
         ua->info_msg(_("Current Volume Files is: %u\n"), mr.VolFiles);
         if (!get_pint(ua, _("Enter new number of Files for Volume: "))) {
            return 0;
         VolFiles = ua->pint32_val;
         if (VolFiles != (int)(mr.VolFiles + 1)) {
            ua->warning_msg(_("Normally, you should only increase Volume Files by one!\n"));
            if (!get_yesno(ua, _("Increase Volume Files? (yes/no): ")) || ua->pint32_val == 0) {
         query = get_pool_memory(PM_MESSAGE);
         Mmsg(query, "UPDATE Media SET VolFiles=%u WHERE MediaId=%s",
            VolFiles, edit_int64(mr.MediaId, ed1));
         if (!db_sql_query(ua->db, query, NULL, NULL)) {
            ua->error_msg("%s", db_strerror(ua->db));
         } else {
            ua->info_msg(_("New Volume Files is: %u\n"), VolFiles);

      case 10:                        /* Volume's Pool */
         memset(&pr, 0, sizeof(POOL_DBR));
         pr.PoolId = mr.PoolId;
         if (!db_get_pool_record(ua->jcr, ua->db, &pr)) {
            ua->error_msg("%s", db_strerror(ua->db));
            return 0;
         ua->info_msg(_("Current Pool is: %s\n"), pr.Name);
         if (!get_cmd(ua, _("Enter new Pool name: "))) {
            return 0;
         update_vol_pool(ua, ua->cmd, &mr, &pr);
         return 1;

      case 11:
         update_vol_from_pool(ua, &mr);
         return 1;
      case 12:
         pool = select_pool_resource(ua);
         if (pool) {
            update_all_vols_from_pool(ua, pool->name());
         return 1;

      case 13:
         return 1;

      case 14:
         ua->info_msg(_("Current Enabled is: %d\n"), mr.Enabled);
         if (!get_cmd(ua, _("Enter new Enabled: "))) {
            return 0;
         if (strcasecmp(ua->cmd, "yes") == 0 || strcasecmp(ua->cmd, "true") == 0) {
            mr.Enabled = 1;
         } else if (strcasecmp(ua->cmd, "no") == 0 || strcasecmp(ua->cmd, "false") == 0) {
            mr.Enabled = 0;
         } else if (strcasecmp(ua->cmd, "archived") == 0) { 
            mr.Enabled = 2;
         } else {
            mr.Enabled = atoi(ua->cmd);
         update_volenabled(ua, ua->cmd, &mr);

      case 15:
         memset(&pr, 0, sizeof(POOL_DBR));
         pr.PoolId = mr.RecyclePoolId;
         if (db_get_pool_record(ua->jcr, ua->db, &pr)) {
            ua->info_msg(_("Current RecyclePool is: %s\n"), pr.Name);
         } else {
            ua->info_msg(_("No current RecyclePool\n"));
         if (!select_pool_dbr(ua, &pr, NT_("recyclepool"))) {
            return 0;
         update_vol_recyclepool(ua, pr.Name, &mr);
         return 1;

      case 16:
         pm_strcpy(ret, "");
         ua->info_msg(_("Current ActionOnPurge is: %s\n"), 
                      action_on_purge_to_string(mr.ActionOnPurge, ret));
         if (!get_cmd(ua, _("Enter new ActionOnPurge (one of: Truncate, None): "))) {
            return 0;

         update_vol_actiononpurge(ua, ua->cmd, &mr);

      default:                        /* Done or error */
         ua->info_msg(_("Selection terminated.\n"));
         return 1;
   return 1;