Пример #1
  Create space in the binary for count bytes starting at index.
  The memory in the new space is uninitialized.

  \param buf    Initialized binary buffer.
  \param index  Position to expand at.
  \param count  Number of bytes to expand.
void ur_binExpand( UBuffer* buf, int index, int count )
    ur_binReserve( buf, buf->used + count );
    if( index < buf->used )
        uint8_t* mem = buf->ptr.b + index;
        memMove( mem + count, mem, buf->used - index );
    buf->used += count;
Пример #2
static int _readInfoBuf( HANDLE fd, UBuffer* buf )
#define BUFSIZE     1024
    DWORD nr;

    if( buf->type == UT_STRING )
        ur_arrReserve( buf, buf->used + BUFSIZE ); 
        ur_binReserve( buf, buf->used + BUFSIZE ); 

    if( ReadFile(fd, buf->ptr.c + buf->used, BUFSIZE, &nr, NULL) == 0 )
        return -1;  // GetLastError();
    if( nr > 0 )
        buf->used += nr;
    return nr;
Пример #3
static void itemview_rebuildAttr( UThread* ut, GItemView* ep,
                                  const UBuffer* items, int page )
#define MAX_ITEM_TRIS   400
#define MAX_DEC_TRIS    100
#define TRI_ATTR_BYTES  (3 * AttrCount * sizeof(GLfloat))
    DrawContext dc;
    UBlockIter bi;
    UBlockIter layout;
    UBuffer* fcBuf;
    const UCell* loStart;
    UCell* cell;
    float* attr;
    int bsize;
    int height = ep->itemHeight;
    int caOffset = items->used + DECORATION_GROUPS;

    // Reserve triangles for each item.
    ur_binReserve( &glEnv.tmpBin,
           (MAX_DEC_TRIS + (items->used * MAX_ITEM_TRIS)) * TRI_ATTR_BYTES );
    attr = glEnv.tmpBin.ptr.f;

    // Reserve first & count arrays.  fcBuf->used tracks the number of items
    // and view decorations, which is half the number of integers used for
    // both arrays.
    fcBuf = &ep->fc[ page ];
    ur_arrReserve( fcBuf, caOffset * 2 );
    fcBuf->used = 0;

    dc.attr = attr;
    dc.drawFirst = 0;
    dc.penX = 0.0;

#if 1
    // Build selected background tris.
    dc.drawCount = 0;

    if( ep->selRow > -1 )
        dc.color[0] = 1.0;
        dc.color[1] = dc.color[2] = 0.0;
        dc.penY = ep->wid.area.h;

        cell = glEnv.guiStyle + CI_STYLE_AREA;
        //ur_setId(cell, UT_COORD)
        cell->coord.len = 4;
        cell->coord.n[0] = 0;
        cell->coord.n[1] = (ep->selRow + 1) * -height;
        cell->coord.n[2] = ep->itemWidth;
        cell->coord.n[3] = height;

        layout.buf = ur_buffer( ep->selectBgBlkN );
        layout.it  = layout.buf->ptr.cell;
        layout.end = layout.it + layout.buf->used;

        if( ! itemview_parse( &dc, ut, &layout, (GWidget*) ep ) )
            printf( "KR itemview_parse failed\n" );

    fcBuf->ptr.i[ fcBuf->used ] = dc.drawFirst;
    fcBuf->ptr.i[ fcBuf->used + caOffset ] = dc.drawCount;

    dc.attr = attr + MAX_DEC_TRIS * 3 * AttrCount;
    dc.drawFirst = MAX_DEC_TRIS * 3;

    dc.penY = ep->wid.area.h;

    // Setup the data item and layout iterators.
    bi.it  = items->ptr.cell;
    bi.end = bi.it + items->used;

    layout.buf = ur_buffer( ep->layoutBlkN );
    loStart    = layout.buf->ptr.cell;
    layout.end = loStart + layout.buf->used;

    ur_foreach( bi )
        // Set item word to current data value.
        cell = ur_ctxCell( ur_buffer( ep->bindCtxN ), 0 );
        *cell = *bi.it;

        dc.drawCount = 0;
        dc.color[0] = 1.0;
        dc.color[1] = dc.color[2] = 0.0;
        dc.penY -= height;

        layout.it = loStart;
        if( ! itemview_parse( &dc, ut, &layout, (GWidget*) ep ) )
            printf( "KR itemview_parse failed\n" );

        //printf( "KR fc %d,%d\n", dc.drawFirst, dc.drawCount );

        fcBuf->ptr.i[ fcBuf->used ] = dc.drawFirst;
        fcBuf->ptr.i[ fcBuf->used + caOffset ] = dc.drawCount;

        dc.drawFirst += dc.drawCount;
        //dc.drawFirst += MAX_ITEM_TRIS;

    assert( fcBuf->used == caOffset );

    // Transfer vertex data to GPU.
    bsize = dc.drawFirst * TRI_ATTR_BYTES;
    if( ep->vboSize[ page ] < bsize )
        ep->vboSize[ page ] = bsize;
        glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, bsize, attr, GL_STATIC_DRAW );
        float* abuf = (float*) glMapBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_WRITE_ONLY );
        if( abuf )
            memCpy( abuf, attr, bsize );
            glUnmapBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER );
Пример #4
  Append encoded ASCII string to binary buffer.

  \param buf    Initialized binary buffer.
  \param it     Start of string
  \param end    End of string
  \param enc    Encoding of string.

  \return End of string or position where non-hex or non-whitespace
          character was found.
const char* ur_binAppendBase( UBuffer* buf, const char* it, const char* end,
                              enum UrlanBinaryEncoding enc )
    int c;
    int high;
    uint32_t byte = 0;
    uint8_t* out;

    c = end - it;
    if( enc == UR_BENC_16 )
        c = (c + 1) / 2;
    else if( enc == UR_BENC_2 )
        c = (c + 7) / 8;
    ur_binReserve( buf, buf->used + c );
    out = buf->ptr.b + buf->used;

    switch( enc )
        case UR_BENC_16:
            high = 0;
            while( it != end )
                c = *it++;
                if( ur_bitIsSet(charset_hex, c) )
                    byte |= hexNibble(c);
                    if( high )
                        *out++ = byte;
                        byte = high = 0;
                        byte <<= 4;
                        high = 1;
                else if( ! ur_bitIsSet(charset_white, c) )
            if( high )

        case UR_BENC_2:
            high = 0x80;
            while( it != end )
                c = *it++;
                if( c == '0' || c == '1' )
                    if( c == '1' )
                        byte |= high;
                    if( high == 1 )
                        high = 0x80;
                        *out++ = byte;
                        byte = 0;
                        high >>= 1;
                else if( ! ur_bitIsSet(charset_white, c) )
            // TODO: Should subtract the correct number of characters not
            // emitted to out, but this is good enough for the caller
            // (like ur_tokenize) to know the input ended early.
            if( high != 0x80 )

        case UR_BENC_64:
            high = 0;
            while( it != end )
                c = *it++;
                if( ur_bitIsSet(charset_base64, c) )
                    if( c == '=' )
                    byte = (byte << 6) | base64_decodeChar( c );
                    if( high == 3 )
                        high = 0;
                        *out++ = byte >> 16;
                        *out++ = byte >>  8;
                        *out++ = byte;
                else if( ! ur_bitIsSet(charset_white, c) )
Пример #5
  Append data to binary buffer.

  \param buf    Initialized binary buffer.
  \param data   Data to append.
  \param len    Number of bytes from data to append.
void ur_binAppendData( UBuffer* buf, const uint8_t* data, int len )
    ur_binReserve( buf, buf->used + len );
    memCpy( buf->ptr.b + buf->used, data, len );
    buf->used += len;