 * This is the main program.
 * The arguments of the main function can be specified by the
 * "controllerArgs" field of the Robot node
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  //int cont=0;

  /* necessary to initialize webots stuff */
  // do this once only Darwin
  WbNodeRef robot_node = wb_supervisor_node_get_from_def("Darwin");
  WbFieldRef trans_field = wb_supervisor_node_get_field(robot_node, "translation");
  WbFieldRef rot_field = wb_supervisor_node_get_field(robot_node, "rotation");
  int caiu_cont = 0;

  // do this once only Darwin2
  WbNodeRef robot_node_2 = wb_supervisor_node_get_from_def("Darwin2");
  WbFieldRef trans_field_2 = wb_supervisor_node_get_field(robot_node_2, "translation");
  WbFieldRef rot_field_2 = wb_supervisor_node_get_field(robot_node_2, "rotation");

  // do this once only Darwin3
  WbNodeRef robot_node_3 = wb_supervisor_node_get_from_def("Darwin3");
  WbFieldRef trans_field_3 = wb_supervisor_node_get_field(robot_node_3, "translation");
  WbFieldRef rot_field_3 = wb_supervisor_node_get_field(robot_node_3, "rotation");

  while (1) {
    // this is done repeatedly
    const double *trans = wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_vec3f(trans_field);
	const double *trans_2 = wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_vec3f(trans_field_2);
	const double *trans_3 = wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_vec3f(trans_field_3);
    TRANS1 = trans[0];
    TRANS2 = trans[1];
    TRANS3 = trans[2];
    TRANS1_2 = trans_2[0];
    TRANS2_2 = trans_2[1];
    TRANS3_2 = trans_2[2];
    TRANS1_3 = trans_3[0];
    TRANS2_3 = trans_3[1];
    TRANS3_3 = trans_3[2];
    //printf("MY_ROBOT is at position: %g %g %g\n", trans[0], trans[1], trans[2]);
    if(RESET_ROBOT == 1)
      CAIU_CONT = caiu_cont;
      // reset robot position
      const double INITIAL[3] = { 0, 0.32004, 0 };
      const double INITIAL_ROT[4] = { 0.211189, 0.971678, -0.106025, 0.944968 };
      wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_vec3f(trans_field, INITIAL);
      wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_rotation(rot_field, INITIAL_ROT);
      RESET_ROBOT = 0;
      if(caiu_cont > 25)
        caiu_cont = 0;
        wb_supervisor_simulation_revert(); // restart the simulation
        // A medida que o tempo vai passando o robo Darwin vai ficando
        // cada vez mais devagar como se houvesse algum tipo de desgaste fisico
        //entao e necessario restarta a simulaçao

    if(RESET_ROBOT_2 == 1)
      // reset robot position
      const double INITIAL_2[3] = { 0.2, 0.32004, 4.7 };
      const double INITIAL_ROT_2[4] = { 0.211189, 0.971678, -0.106025, 0.944968 };
      wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_vec3f(trans_field_2, INITIAL_2);
      wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_rotation(rot_field_2, INITIAL_ROT_2);
      RESET_ROBOT_2 = 0;

    if(RESET_ROBOT_3 == 1)
      // reset robot position
      const double INITIAL_3[3] = { 3.2, 0.32004, -3.7 };
      const double INITIAL_ROT_3[4] = { 0.211189, 0.971678, -0.106025, 0.944968 };
      wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_vec3f(trans_field_3, INITIAL_3);
      wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_rotation(rot_field_3, INITIAL_ROT_3);
      RESET_ROBOT_3 = 0;
   * You should declare here WbDeviceTag variables for storing
   * robot devices like this:
   *  WbDeviceTag my_sensor = wb_robot_get_device("my_sensor");
   *  WbDeviceTag my_actuator = wb_robot_get_device("my_actuator");
  /* This is necessary to cleanup webots resources */
  return 0;
Пример #2
 * Node entry-point. Handles ROS setup, and serial port connection/reconnection.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  //ros::init(argc, argv, "um7_driver");


  // Load parameters from private node handle.
  std::string port("/dev/robot/imu");
  int32_t baud = 115200;
  //ros::param::param<std::string>("~port", port, "/dev/ttyUSB0");
  //ros::param::param<int32_t>("~baud", baud, 115200);

  serial::Serial ser;
  serial::Timeout to = serial::Timeout(50, 50, 0, 50, 0);

  //ros::NodeHandle n;
  //std_msgs::Header header;
  //ros::param::param<std::string>("~frame_id", header.frame_id, "imu_link");

  // Initialize covariance. The UM7 sensor does not provide covariance values so,
  //   by default, this driver provides a covariance array of all zeros indicating
  //   "covariance unknown" as advised in sensor_msgs/Imu.h.
  // This param allows the user to specify alternate covariance values if needed.

//  std::string covariance;
//  char cov[200];
//  char *ptr1;

//  ros::param::param<std::string>("~covariance", covariance, "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0");
//  snprintf(cov, sizeof(cov), "%s", covariance.c_str());

//  char* p = strtok_r(cov, " ", &ptr1);           // point to first value
//  for (int iter = 0; iter < 9; iter++)
//  {
//    if (p) covar[iter] = atof(p);                // covar[] is global var
//    else  covar[iter] = 0.0;
//    p = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &ptr1);              // point to next value (nil if none)
//  }

  // Real Time Loop
  bool first_failure = true;
  while (1)
    catch(const serial::IOException& e)
      std::cout<<"Unable to connect to port."<<std::endl;
    if (ser.isOpen())
      std::cout<<"Successfully connected to serial port."<<std::endl;
      first_failure = true;
        um7::Comms sensor(&ser);
        um7::Registers registers;
        //ros::ServiceServer srv = n.advertiseService<um7::Reset::Request, um7::Reset::Response>(
        //    "reset", boost::bind(handleResetService, &sensor, _1, _2));
        int t=0;
        int contador = 0;
        float med_accel_z = 0, ac_med_accel_z = 0;
        while (1)
            //--------- calcula a média do accel em Z-----------------------------
                med_accel_z = ac_med_accel_z/40; // calcula a média do accel em Z
                contador = 0;
                ac_med_accel_z = 0;
            ac_med_accel_z = ac_med_accel_z + IMU_ACCEL_Z;

            if(med_accel_z>0.70) // Identifica se o robô esta caido ou em pé
                IMU_STATE = 0; // Robo caido
                IMU_STATE = 1; // Robo em pé


            std::cout<<"Robo caido = "<<std::fixed<<IMU_STATE<<std::endl;
            std::cout<<"med_acc_z = "<<std::fixed<<med_accel_z<<std::endl;
            std::cout<<"giros_x = "<<std::fixed<<IMU_GYRO_X<<std::endl;
            std::cout<<"giros_y = "<<std::fixed<<IMU_GYRO_Y<<std::endl;
            std::cout<<"giros_z = "<<std::fixed<<IMU_GYRO_Z<<std::endl;

            std::cout<<"accel_x = "<<std::fixed<<IMU_ACCEL_X<<std::endl;
            std::cout<<"accel_y = "<<std::fixed<<IMU_ACCEL_Y<<std::endl;
            std::cout<<"accel_z = "<<std::fixed<<IMU_ACCEL_Z<<std::endl;

            std::cout<<"magne_x = "<<std::fixed<<IMU_COMPASS_X<<std::endl;
            std::cout<<"magne_y = "<<std::fixed<<IMU_COMPASS_Y<<std::endl;
            std::cout<<"magne_z = "<<std::fixed<<IMU_COMPASS_Z<<std::endl;
            std::cout<<"Quat_x = "<<std::fixed<<IMU_QUAT_X<<std::endl;
            std::cout<<"Quat_y = "<<std::fixed<<IMU_QUAT_Y<<std::endl;
            std::cout<<"Quat_z = "<<std::fixed<<IMU_QUAT_Z<<std::endl;
            std::cout<<"Euler_x = "<<std::fixed<<IMU_EULER_X<<std::endl;
            std::cout<<"Euler_y = "<<std::fixed<<IMU_EULER_Y<<std::endl;
            std::cout<<"Euler_z = "<<std::fixed<<IMU_EULER_Z<<std::endl<<std::endl;
          // triggered by arrival of last message packet
          if (sensor.receive(&registers) == TRIGGER_PACKET)
            //header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
      catch(const std::exception& e)
        if (ser.isOpen()) ser.close();
        //ROS_INFO("Attempting reconnection after error.");
        std::cout<<"Attempting reconnection after error."<<std::endl;
      //ROS_WARN_STREAM_COND(first_failure, "Could not connect to serial device "
      //    << port << ". Trying again every 1 second.");
      std::cout<< "Could not connect to serial device "
                << port << ". Trying again every 1 second."<< std::endl;
      first_failure = false;