/* {{{ proto Spoofchecker Spoofchecker::__construct() * Spoofchecker object constructor. */ PHP_METHOD(Spoofchecker, __construct) { int checks; zend_error_handling error_handling; SPOOFCHECKER_METHOD_INIT_VARS; if (zend_parse_parameters_throw(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "") == FAILURE) { return; } zend_replace_error_handling(EH_THROW, IntlException_ce_ptr, &error_handling); SPOOFCHECKER_METHOD_FETCH_OBJECT_NO_CHECK; co->uspoof = uspoof_open(SPOOFCHECKER_ERROR_CODE_P(co)); INTL_METHOD_CHECK_STATUS(co, "spoofchecker: unable to open ICU Spoof Checker"); /* Single-script enforcement is on by default. This fails for languages like Japanese that legally use multiple scripts within a single word, so we turn it off. */ checks = uspoof_getChecks(co->uspoof, SPOOFCHECKER_ERROR_CODE_P(co)); uspoof_setChecks(co->uspoof, checks & ~USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT, SPOOFCHECKER_ERROR_CODE_P(co)); zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); }
/* {{{ proto Spoofchecker Spoofchecker::__construct() * Spoofchecker object constructor. */ PHP_METHOD(Spoofchecker, __construct) { int checks; SPOOFCHECKER_METHOD_INIT_VARS; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { return; } SPOOFCHECKER_METHOD_FETCH_OBJECT_NO_CHECK; co->uspoof = uspoof_open(SPOOFCHECKER_ERROR_CODE_P(co)); INTL_CTOR_CHECK_STATUS(co, "spoofchecker: unable to open ICU Spoof Checker"); /* Single-script enforcement is on by default. This fails for languages like Japanese that legally use multiple scripts within a single word, so we turn it off. */ checks = uspoof_getChecks(co->uspoof, SPOOFCHECKER_ERROR_CODE_P(co)); uspoof_setChecks(co->uspoof, checks & ~USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT, SPOOFCHECKER_ERROR_CODE_P(co)); }
/* {{{ proto Spoofchecker::__construct() * Spoofchecker object constructor. */ PHP_METHOD(Spoofchecker, __construct) { #if U_ICU_VERSION_MAJOR_NUM < 58 int checks; #endif zend_error_handling error_handling; SPOOFCHECKER_METHOD_INIT_VARS; if (zend_parse_parameters_none_throw() == FAILURE) { return; } zend_replace_error_handling(EH_THROW, IntlException_ce_ptr, &error_handling); SPOOFCHECKER_METHOD_FETCH_OBJECT_NO_CHECK; co->uspoof = uspoof_open(SPOOFCHECKER_ERROR_CODE_P(co)); INTL_METHOD_CHECK_STATUS(co, "spoofchecker: unable to open ICU Spoof Checker"); #if U_ICU_VERSION_MAJOR_NUM >= 58 /* TODO save it into the object for further suspiction check comparison. */ /* ICU 58 removes WSC and MSC handling. However there are restriction levels as defined in http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr39/tr39-15.html#Restriction_Level_Detection and the default is high restrictive. In further, we might want to utilize uspoof_check2 APIs when it became stable, to use extended check result APIs. Subsequent changes in the unicode security algos are to be watched.*/ uspoof_setRestrictionLevel(co->uspoof, SPOOFCHECKER_DEFAULT_RESTRICTION_LEVEL); #else /* Single-script enforcement is on by default. This fails for languages like Japanese that legally use multiple scripts within a single word, so we turn it off. */ checks = uspoof_getChecks(co->uspoof, SPOOFCHECKER_ERROR_CODE_P(co)); uspoof_setChecks(co->uspoof, checks & ~USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT, SPOOFCHECKER_ERROR_CODE_P(co)); #endif zend_restore_error_handling(&error_handling); }
c_SpoofChecker::c_SpoofChecker(Class* cb) : ExtObjectData(cb) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; m_spoof_checker = uspoof_open(&status); // Any of the subsequent calls will be no-ops if 'status' indicates failure. // // Single-script enforcement is on by default. This fails for languages // like Japanese that legally use multiple scripts within a single word, // so we turn it off. int32_t checks = uspoof_getChecks( m_spoof_checker, &status); uspoof_setChecks( m_spoof_checker, checks & ~USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { throw Exception("Could not open spoof checker, error %d (%s)", status, u_errorName(status)); } }
static void TestUSpoofCAPI(void) { /* * basic uspoof_open(). */ { USpoofChecker *sc; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; sc = uspoof_open(&status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { /* If things are so broken that we can't even open a default spoof checker, */ /* don't even try the rest of the tests. They would all fail. */ return; } uspoof_close(sc); } /* * Test Open from source rules. */ TEST_SETUP const char *dataSrcDir; char *fileName; char *confusables; int confusablesLength; char *confusablesWholeScript; int confusablesWholeScriptLength; FILE *f; UParseError pe; int32_t errType; USpoofChecker *rsc; dataSrcDir = ctest_dataSrcDir(); fileName = malloc(strlen(dataSrcDir) + 100); strcpy(fileName, dataSrcDir); strcat(fileName, U_FILE_SEP_STRING "unidata" U_FILE_SEP_STRING "confusables.txt"); f = fopen(fileName, "r"); TEST_ASSERT_NE(f, NULL); confusables = malloc(3000000); confusablesLength = fread(confusables, 1, 3000000, f); fclose(f); strcpy(fileName, dataSrcDir); strcat(fileName, U_FILE_SEP_STRING "unidata" U_FILE_SEP_STRING "confusablesWholeScript.txt"); f = fopen(fileName, "r"); TEST_ASSERT_NE(f, NULL); confusablesWholeScript = malloc(1000000); confusablesWholeScriptLength = fread(confusablesWholeScript, 1, 1000000, f); fclose(f); rsc = uspoof_openFromSource(confusables, confusablesLength, confusablesWholeScript, confusablesWholeScriptLength, &errType, &pe, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); free(confusablesWholeScript); free(confusables); free(fileName); uspoof_close(rsc); /* printf("ParseError Line is %d\n", pe.line); */ TEST_TEARDOWN; /* * openFromSerialized and serialize */ TEST_SETUP int32_t serializedSize = 0; int32_t actualLength = 0; char *buf; USpoofChecker *sc2; int32_t checkResults; serializedSize = uspoof_serialize(sc, NULL, 0, &status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(status, U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR); TEST_ASSERT(serializedSize > 0); /* Serialize the default spoof checker */ status = U_ZERO_ERROR; buf = (char *)malloc(serializedSize + 10); TEST_ASSERT(buf != NULL); buf[serializedSize] = 42; uspoof_serialize(sc, buf, serializedSize, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(42, buf[serializedSize]); /* Create a new spoof checker from the freshly serialized data */ sc2 = uspoof_openFromSerialized(buf, serializedSize+10, &actualLength, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_NE(NULL, sc2); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(serializedSize, actualLength); /* Verify that the new spoof checker at least wiggles */ checkResults = uspoof_check(sc2, goodLatin, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, checkResults); checkResults = uspoof_check(sc2, scMixed, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT | USPOOF_MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, checkResults); uspoof_close(sc2); free(buf); TEST_TEARDOWN; /* * Set & Get Check Flags */ TEST_SETUP int32_t t; uspoof_setChecks(sc, USPOOF_ALL_CHECKS, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); t = uspoof_getChecks(sc, &status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(t, USPOOF_ALL_CHECKS); uspoof_setChecks(sc, 0, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); t = uspoof_getChecks(sc, &status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, t); uspoof_setChecks(sc, USPOOF_WHOLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE | USPOOF_MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE | USPOOF_ANY_CASE, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); t = uspoof_getChecks(sc, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_WHOLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE | USPOOF_MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE | USPOOF_ANY_CASE, t); TEST_TEARDOWN; /* * get & setAllowedChars */ TEST_SETUP USet *us; const USet *uset; uset = uspoof_getAllowedChars(sc, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT(uset_isFrozen(uset)); us = uset_open((UChar32)0x41, (UChar32)0x5A); /* [A-Z] */ uspoof_setAllowedChars(sc, us, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_NE(us, uspoof_getAllowedChars(sc, &status)); TEST_ASSERT(uset_equals(us, uspoof_getAllowedChars(sc, &status))); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); uset_close(us); TEST_TEARDOWN; /* * clone() */ TEST_SETUP USpoofChecker *clone1 = NULL; USpoofChecker *clone2 = NULL; int32_t checkResults = 0; clone1 = uspoof_clone(sc, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_NE(clone1, sc); clone2 = uspoof_clone(clone1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_NE(clone2, clone1); uspoof_close(clone1); /* Verify that the cloned spoof checker is alive */ checkResults = uspoof_check(clone2, goodLatin, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, checkResults); checkResults = uspoof_check(clone2, scMixed, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT | USPOOF_MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, checkResults); uspoof_close(clone2); TEST_TEARDOWN; /* * get & set Checks */ TEST_SETUP int32_t checks; int32_t checks2; int32_t checkResults; checks = uspoof_getChecks(sc, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_ALL_CHECKS, checks); checks &= ~(USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT | USPOOF_MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE); uspoof_setChecks(sc, checks, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); checks2 = uspoof_getChecks(sc, &status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(checks, checks2); /* The checks that were disabled just above are the same ones that the "scMixed" test fails. So with those tests gone checking that Identifier should now succeed */ checkResults = uspoof_check(sc, scMixed, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, checkResults); TEST_TEARDOWN; /* * AllowedLoacles */ TEST_SETUP const char *allowedLocales; int32_t checkResults; /* Default allowed locales list should be empty */ allowedLocales = uspoof_getAllowedLocales(sc, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT(strcmp("", allowedLocales) == 0) /* Allow en and ru, which should enable Latin and Cyrillic only to pass */ uspoof_setAllowedLocales(sc, "en, ru_RU", &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); allowedLocales = uspoof_getAllowedLocales(sc, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT(strstr(allowedLocales, "en") != NULL); TEST_ASSERT(strstr(allowedLocales, "ru") != NULL); /* Limit checks to USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT. Some of the test data has whole script confusables also, * which we don't want to see in this test. */ uspoof_setChecks(sc, USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); checkResults = uspoof_check(sc, goodLatin, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, checkResults); checkResults = uspoof_check(sc, goodGreek, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT, checkResults); checkResults = uspoof_check(sc, goodCyrl, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, checkResults); /* Reset with an empty locale list, which should allow all characters to pass */ uspoof_setAllowedLocales(sc, " ", &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); checkResults = uspoof_check(sc, goodGreek, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, checkResults); TEST_TEARDOWN; /* * AllowedChars set/get the USet of allowed characters. */ TEST_SETUP const USet *set; USet *tmpSet; int32_t checkResults; /* By default, we should see no restriction; the USet should allow all characters. */ set = uspoof_getAllowedChars(sc, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); tmpSet = uset_open(0, 0x10ffff); TEST_ASSERT(uset_equals(tmpSet, set)); /* Setting the allowed chars should enable the check. */ uspoof_setChecks(sc, USPOOF_ALL_CHECKS & ~USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); /* Remove a character that is in our good Latin test identifier from the allowed chars set. */ uset_remove(tmpSet, goodLatin[1]); uspoof_setAllowedChars(sc, tmpSet, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); uset_close(tmpSet); /* Latin Identifier should now fail; other non-latin test cases should still be OK */ checkResults = uspoof_check(sc, goodLatin, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT, checkResults); checkResults = uspoof_check(sc, goodGreek, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_WHOLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, checkResults); TEST_TEARDOWN; /* * check UTF-8 */ TEST_SETUP char utf8buf[200]; int32_t checkResults; int32_t position; u_strToUTF8(utf8buf, sizeof(utf8buf), NULL, goodLatin, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); position = 666; checkResults = uspoof_checkUTF8(sc, utf8buf, -1, &position, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, checkResults); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(666, position); u_strToUTF8(utf8buf, sizeof(utf8buf), NULL, goodCyrl, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); checkResults = uspoof_checkUTF8(sc, utf8buf, -1, &position, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, checkResults); u_strToUTF8(utf8buf, sizeof(utf8buf), NULL, scMixed, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); position = 666; checkResults = uspoof_checkUTF8(sc, utf8buf, -1, &position, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE | USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT , checkResults); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(2, position); TEST_TEARDOWN; /* * uspoof_areConfusable() */ TEST_SETUP int32_t checkResults; checkResults = uspoof_areConfusable(sc, scLatin, -1, scMixed, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, checkResults); checkResults = uspoof_areConfusable(sc, goodGreek, -1, scLatin, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, checkResults); checkResults = uspoof_areConfusable(sc, lll_Latin_a, -1, lll_Latin_b, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, checkResults); TEST_TEARDOWN; /* * areConfusableUTF8 */ TEST_SETUP int32_t checkResults; char s1[200]; char s2[200]; u_strToUTF8(s1, sizeof(s1), NULL, scLatin, -1, &status); u_strToUTF8(s2, sizeof(s2), NULL, scMixed, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); checkResults = uspoof_areConfusableUTF8(sc, s1, -1, s2, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, checkResults); u_strToUTF8(s1, sizeof(s1), NULL, goodGreek, -1, &status); u_strToUTF8(s2, sizeof(s2), NULL, scLatin, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); checkResults = uspoof_areConfusableUTF8(sc, s1, -1, s2, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, checkResults); u_strToUTF8(s1, sizeof(s1), NULL, lll_Latin_a, -1, &status); u_strToUTF8(s2, sizeof(s2), NULL, lll_Latin_b, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); checkResults = uspoof_areConfusableUTF8(sc, s1, -1, s2, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, checkResults); TEST_TEARDOWN; /* * getSkeleton */ TEST_SETUP UChar dest[100]; int32_t skelLength; skelLength = uspoof_getSkeleton(sc, USPOOF_ANY_CASE, lll_Latin_a, -1, dest, sizeof(dest)/sizeof(UChar), &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, u_strcmp(lll_Skel, dest)); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(u_strlen(lll_Skel), skelLength); skelLength = uspoof_getSkeletonUTF8(sc, USPOOF_ANY_CASE, goodLatinUTF8, -1, dest, sizeof(dest)/sizeof(UChar), &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); skelLength = uspoof_getSkeleton(sc, USPOOF_ANY_CASE, lll_Latin_a, -1, NULL, 0, &status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR, status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(3, skelLength); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; TEST_TEARDOWN; }
// testConfData - Check each data item from the Unicode confusables.txt file, // verify that it transforms correctly in a skeleton. // void IntlTestSpoof::testConfData() { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; const char *testDataDir = IntlTest::getSourceTestData(status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); char buffer[2000]; uprv_strcpy(buffer, testDataDir); uprv_strcat(buffer, "confusables.txt"); LocalStdioFilePointer f(fopen(buffer, "rb")); if (f.isNull()) { errln("Skipping test spoof/testConfData. File confusables.txt not accessible."); return; } fseek(f.getAlias(), 0, SEEK_END); int32_t fileSize = ftell(f.getAlias()); LocalArray<char> fileBuf(new char[fileSize]); fseek(f.getAlias(), 0, SEEK_SET); int32_t amt_read = fread(fileBuf.getAlias(), 1, fileSize, f.getAlias()); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(amt_read, fileSize); TEST_ASSERT(fileSize>0); if (amt_read != fileSize || fileSize <=0) { return; } UnicodeString confusablesTxt = UnicodeString::fromUTF8(StringPiece(fileBuf.getAlias(), fileSize)); LocalUSpoofCheckerPointer sc(uspoof_open(&status)); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); // Parse lines from the confusables.txt file. Example Line: // FF44 ; 0064 ; SL # ( d -> d ) FULLWIDTH .... // Three fields. The hex fields can contain more than one character, // and each character may be more than 4 digits (for supplemntals) // This regular expression matches lines and splits the fields into capture groups. RegexMatcher parseLine("(?m)^([0-9A-F]{4}[^#;]*?);([^#;]*?);([^#]*)", confusablesTxt, 0, status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); while (parseLine.find()) { UnicodeString from = parseHex(parseLine.group(1, status)); if (!Normalizer::isNormalized(from, UNORM_NFD, status)) { // The source character was not NFD. // Skip this case; the first step in obtaining a skeleton is to NFD the input, // so the mapping in this line of confusables.txt will never be applied. continue; } UnicodeString rawExpected = parseHex(parseLine.group(2, status)); UnicodeString expected; Normalizer::decompose(rawExpected, FALSE /*NFD*/, 0, expected, status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); int32_t skeletonType = 0; UnicodeString tableType = parseLine.group(3, status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); if (tableType.indexOf("SL") >= 0) { skeletonType = USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE; } else if (tableType.indexOf("SA") >= 0) { skeletonType = USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE | USPOOF_ANY_CASE; } else if (tableType.indexOf("ML") >= 0) { skeletonType = 0; } else if (tableType.indexOf("MA") >= 0) { skeletonType = USPOOF_ANY_CASE; } UnicodeString actual; uspoof_getSkeletonUnicodeString(sc.getAlias(), skeletonType, from, actual, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT(actual == expected); if (actual != expected) { errln(parseLine.group(0, status)); UnicodeString line = "Actual: "; int i = 0; while (i < actual.length()) { appendHexUChar(line, actual.char32At(i)); i = actual.moveIndex32(i, 1); } errln(line); } if (U_FAILURE(status)) { break; } } }
/* * Spoof Detection C API Tests */ static void TestUSpoofCAPI(void) { /* * basic uspoof_open(). */ { USpoofChecker *sc; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; sc = uspoof_open(&status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { /* If things are so broken that we can't even open a default spoof checker, */ /* don't even try the rest of the tests. They would all fail. */ return; } uspoof_close(sc); } /* * openFromSerialized and serialize */ TEST_SETUP int32_t serializedSize = 0; int32_t actualLength = 0; char *buf; USpoofChecker *sc2; int32_t checkResults; serializedSize = uspoof_serialize(sc, NULL, 0, &status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(status, U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR); TEST_ASSERT(serializedSize > 0); /* Serialize the default spoof checker */ status = U_ZERO_ERROR; buf = (char *)malloc(serializedSize + 10); TEST_ASSERT(buf != NULL); buf[serializedSize] = 42; uspoof_serialize(sc, buf, serializedSize, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(42, buf[serializedSize]); /* Create a new spoof checker from the freshly serialized data */ sc2 = uspoof_openFromSerialized(buf, serializedSize+10, &actualLength, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_NE(NULL, sc2); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(serializedSize, actualLength); /* Verify that the new spoof checker at least wiggles */ checkResults = uspoof_check(sc2, goodLatin, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, checkResults); checkResults = uspoof_check(sc2, scMixed, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT | USPOOF_MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, checkResults); uspoof_close(sc2); free(buf); TEST_TEARDOWN; /* * Set & Get Check Flags */ TEST_SETUP int32_t t; uspoof_setChecks(sc, USPOOF_ALL_CHECKS, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); t = uspoof_getChecks(sc, &status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(t, USPOOF_ALL_CHECKS); uspoof_setChecks(sc, 0, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); t = uspoof_getChecks(sc, &status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, t); uspoof_setChecks(sc, USPOOF_WHOLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE | USPOOF_MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE | USPOOF_ANY_CASE, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); t = uspoof_getChecks(sc, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_WHOLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE | USPOOF_MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE | USPOOF_ANY_CASE, t); TEST_TEARDOWN; /* * get & setAllowedChars */ TEST_SETUP USet *us; const USet *uset; uset = uspoof_getAllowedChars(sc, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT(uset_isFrozen(uset)); us = uset_open((UChar32)0x41, (UChar32)0x5A); /* [A-Z] */ uspoof_setAllowedChars(sc, us, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_NE(us, uspoof_getAllowedChars(sc, &status)); TEST_ASSERT(uset_equals(us, uspoof_getAllowedChars(sc, &status))); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); uset_close(us); TEST_TEARDOWN; /* * clone() */ TEST_SETUP USpoofChecker *clone1 = NULL; USpoofChecker *clone2 = NULL; int32_t checkResults = 0; clone1 = uspoof_clone(sc, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_NE(clone1, sc); clone2 = uspoof_clone(clone1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_NE(clone2, clone1); uspoof_close(clone1); /* Verify that the cloned spoof checker is alive */ checkResults = uspoof_check(clone2, goodLatin, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, checkResults); checkResults = uspoof_check(clone2, scMixed, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT | USPOOF_MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, checkResults); uspoof_close(clone2); TEST_TEARDOWN; /* * basic uspoof_check() */ TEST_SETUP int32_t result; result = uspoof_check(sc, goodLatin, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, result); result = uspoof_check(sc, han_Hiragana, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, result); result = uspoof_check(sc, scMixed, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT | USPOOF_MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, result); TEST_TEARDOWN /* * get & set Checks */ TEST_SETUP int32_t checks; int32_t checks2; int32_t checkResults; checks = uspoof_getChecks(sc, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_ALL_CHECKS, checks); checks &= ~(USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT | USPOOF_MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE); uspoof_setChecks(sc, checks, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); checks2 = uspoof_getChecks(sc, &status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(checks, checks2); /* The checks that were disabled just above are the same ones that the "scMixed" test fails. So with those tests gone checking that Identifier should now succeed */ checkResults = uspoof_check(sc, scMixed, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, checkResults); TEST_TEARDOWN; /* * AllowedLoacles */ TEST_SETUP const char *allowedLocales; int32_t checkResults; /* Default allowed locales list should be empty */ allowedLocales = uspoof_getAllowedLocales(sc, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT(strcmp("", allowedLocales) == 0) /* Allow en and ru, which should enable Latin and Cyrillic only to pass */ uspoof_setAllowedLocales(sc, "en, ru_RU", &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); allowedLocales = uspoof_getAllowedLocales(sc, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT(strstr(allowedLocales, "en") != NULL); TEST_ASSERT(strstr(allowedLocales, "ru") != NULL); /* Limit checks to USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT. Some of the test data has whole script confusables also, * which we don't want to see in this test. */ uspoof_setChecks(sc, USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); checkResults = uspoof_check(sc, goodLatin, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, checkResults); checkResults = uspoof_check(sc, goodGreek, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT, checkResults); checkResults = uspoof_check(sc, goodCyrl, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, checkResults); /* Reset with an empty locale list, which should allow all characters to pass */ uspoof_setAllowedLocales(sc, " ", &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); checkResults = uspoof_check(sc, goodGreek, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, checkResults); TEST_TEARDOWN; /* * AllowedChars set/get the USet of allowed characters. */ TEST_SETUP const USet *set; USet *tmpSet; int32_t checkResults; /* By default, we should see no restriction; the USet should allow all characters. */ set = uspoof_getAllowedChars(sc, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); tmpSet = uset_open(0, 0x10ffff); TEST_ASSERT(uset_equals(tmpSet, set)); /* Setting the allowed chars should enable the check. */ uspoof_setChecks(sc, USPOOF_ALL_CHECKS & ~USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); /* Remove a character that is in our good Latin test identifier from the allowed chars set. */ uset_remove(tmpSet, goodLatin[1]); uspoof_setAllowedChars(sc, tmpSet, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); uset_close(tmpSet); /* Latin Identifier should now fail; other non-latin test cases should still be OK * Note: fail of CHAR_LIMIT also causes the restriction level to be USPOOF_UNRESTRICTIVE * which will give us a USPOOF_RESTRICTION_LEVEL failure. */ checkResults = uspoof_check(sc, goodLatin, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_CHAR_LIMIT | USPOOF_RESTRICTION_LEVEL, checkResults); checkResults = uspoof_check(sc, goodGreek, -1, NULL, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_WHOLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, checkResults); TEST_TEARDOWN; /* * check UTF-8 */ TEST_SETUP char utf8buf[200]; int32_t checkResults; int32_t position; u_strToUTF8(utf8buf, sizeof(utf8buf), NULL, goodLatin, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); position = 666; checkResults = uspoof_checkUTF8(sc, utf8buf, -1, &position, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, checkResults); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, position); u_strToUTF8(utf8buf, sizeof(utf8buf), NULL, goodCyrl, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); checkResults = uspoof_checkUTF8(sc, utf8buf, -1, &position, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, checkResults); u_strToUTF8(utf8buf, sizeof(utf8buf), NULL, scMixed, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); position = 666; checkResults = uspoof_checkUTF8(sc, utf8buf, -1, &position, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE | USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT , checkResults); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, position); TEST_TEARDOWN; /* * uspoof_areConfusable() */ TEST_SETUP int32_t checkResults; checkResults = uspoof_areConfusable(sc, scLatin, -1, scMixed, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, checkResults); checkResults = uspoof_areConfusable(sc, goodGreek, -1, scLatin, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, checkResults); checkResults = uspoof_areConfusable(sc, lll_Latin_a, -1, lll_Latin_b, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, checkResults); TEST_TEARDOWN; /* * areConfusableUTF8 */ TEST_SETUP int32_t checkResults; char s1[200]; char s2[200]; u_strToUTF8(s1, sizeof(s1), NULL, scLatin, -1, &status); u_strToUTF8(s2, sizeof(s2), NULL, scMixed, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); checkResults = uspoof_areConfusableUTF8(sc, s1, -1, s2, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, checkResults); u_strToUTF8(s1, sizeof(s1), NULL, goodGreek, -1, &status); u_strToUTF8(s2, sizeof(s2), NULL, scLatin, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); checkResults = uspoof_areConfusableUTF8(sc, s1, -1, s2, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, checkResults); u_strToUTF8(s1, sizeof(s1), NULL, lll_Latin_a, -1, &status); u_strToUTF8(s2, sizeof(s2), NULL, lll_Latin_b, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); checkResults = uspoof_areConfusableUTF8(sc, s1, -1, s2, -1, &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(USPOOF_SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, checkResults); TEST_TEARDOWN; /* * getSkeleton */ TEST_SETUP UChar dest[100]; int32_t skelLength; skelLength = uspoof_getSkeleton(sc, USPOOF_ANY_CASE, lll_Latin_a, -1, dest, UPRV_LENGTHOF(dest), &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(0, u_strcmp(lll_Skel, dest)); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(u_strlen(lll_Skel), skelLength); skelLength = uspoof_getSkeletonUTF8(sc, USPOOF_ANY_CASE, goodLatinUTF8, -1, (char*)dest, UPRV_LENGTHOF(dest), &status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); skelLength = uspoof_getSkeleton(sc, USPOOF_ANY_CASE, lll_Latin_a, -1, NULL, 0, &status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR, status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(3, skelLength); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; TEST_TEARDOWN; /* * get Inclusion and Recommended sets */ TEST_SETUP const USet *inclusions = NULL; const USet *recommended = NULL; inclusions = uspoof_getInclusionSet(&status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(TRUE, uset_isFrozen(inclusions)); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; recommended = uspoof_getRecommendedSet(&status); TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(status); TEST_ASSERT_EQ(TRUE, uset_isFrozen(recommended)); TEST_TEARDOWN; }
USpoofChecker *__hs_uspoof_open(UErrorCode *status) { return uspoof_open(status); }