Пример #1
double iterfcn(int n, int s, int iter, int gbest, struct swarm *pop)
    bool stop = false;
    int stat;
    double ret = 1.0;
    double evaltime;
    //Get Execution Time
    end = clock();
    evaltime = ((double)(end-start))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    //Iteration Printing
    if(printLevel > 1 && iter > 0) {      
        if(iter == 10 || !(iter%100))
            mexPrintf(" iter      feval     time[s]   leader     objective\n");
        mexPrintf("%5d     %5d     %5.2f      %5d  %12.5g\n",iter,noFeval,evaltime,gbest,pop->fy[gbest]);       
        mexEvalString("drawnow;"); //flush draw buffer        
    //Check for Ctrl-C
    if (utIsInterruptPending()) {
        utSetInterruptPending(false); /* clear Ctrl-C status */
        mexPrintf("\nCtrl-C Detected. Exiting PSwarm...\n\n");
        ret = -1.0;
        ctrlCExit = true;
    //Iteration Callback
    if(iterF.enabled && iter > 0)
        iterF.plhs[0] = NULL;
        memcpy(mxGetData(iterF.prhs[1]), &iter, sizeof(int));
        memcpy(mxGetPr(iterF.prhs[2]), &pop->fy[gbest], sizeof(double));
        memcpy(mxGetPr(iterF.prhs[3]), &pop->y[gbest*n], n * sizeof(double));
        stat = mexCallMATLAB(1, iterF.plhs, 4, iterF.prhs, iterF.f);
            mexErrMsgTxt("Error calling Callback Function!");

        //Collect return argument
        stop = *(bool*)mxGetData(iterF.plhs[0]);
            ctrlCExit = true;
            mexPrintf("\nIterFun Called Stop. Exiting PSwarm...\n\n");
            ret = -1;
        // Clean up Ptr
    //Check for maxtime expiry    
    if(evaltime > maxtime)
        mexPrintf("\nMaximum Solver Time Exceeded. Exiting PSwarm...\n\n");
        ret = -1.0;
    return ret;
Пример #2
int train_callback(mkl_network *net){
	learning_info info;
	char in_message[1024];
	info.MSE = net->MSE;
	info.grad = 0;
	info.time = net->elpased_time;
	info.epoch = net->epoch;
	mexPrintf("MSE: %e\tTime: %d\n", net->MSE, net->elpased_time);
	MSE_log[net->epoch - 1] = net->MSE;
	time_log[net->epoch - 1] = net->elpased_time;
	if (utIsInterruptPending()){
		mexPrintf("Cought Ctrl+C. Wait a 5 sec.\n");
		return -1;
	if (net_receive_info(in_message)){
		if(!strcmp("{command:stop}", in_message)){
			return -1
	return 0;
//Solver Iteration Callback Monitor
int user_exit(int n, int k, struct blockmatrix C, double *a, double dobj, double pobj, double constant_offset, struct constraintmatrix *con, struct blockmatrix X, double *y, struct blockmatrix Z, struct paramstruc params)
    double evaltime;
    //Get Execution Time
    end = clock();
    evaltime = ((double)(end-start))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    //Check max time
    if(evaltime > maxtime)
        return CSDP_MAX_TIME;

    //Check ctrl-c
    if (utIsInterruptPending()) {
        utSetInterruptPending(false); /* clear Ctrl-C status */
        mexPrintf("\nCtrl-C Detected. Exiting CSDP...\n\n");
        return CSDP_USER_TERMINATION; //terminate

    if(printLevel>1 && citer) {
        //Display heading if % 20 iters
        if(citer==1 || citer % 20 == 0)
            mexPrintf("Iter    Time    PP Objective      DD Objective\n");
        //Display parameters
        mexPrintf("%-3d   %6.2f %16.8e  %16.8e\n",citer,evaltime,pobj,dobj);
        mexEvalString("drawnow;"); //flush draw buffer
    //Return ok
Пример #4
//Solver Iteration Callback Monitor
static int DSDPMonitor(DSDP dsdp, void* dummy)
    int    iter;
    double pobj,dobj,pstp=0,dstp,mu,res,pnorm,pinfeas;
    double evaltime;
    //Get Execution Time
    end = clock();
    evaltime = ((double)(end-start))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    //Check max time
    if(evaltime > maxtime)
        return DSDP_MAX_TIME;

    //Check ctrl-c
    if (utIsInterruptPending()) {
        utSetInterruptPending(false); /* clear Ctrl-C status */
        mexPrintf("\nCtrl-C Detected. Exiting DSDP...\n\n");
        return DSDP_USER_TERMINATION; //terminate

    if(printLevel>1) {
        //Display heading if % 20 iters
        if(iter==0 || iter % 20 == 0)
            mexPrintf("Iter   Time[s]   PP Objective      DD Objective     PInfeas   DInfeas     Nu     StepLength   Pnrm\n");
        //Display parameters
        mexPrintf("%-3d   %6.2f  %16.8e  %16.8e  %9.1e %9.1e %9.1e",iter,evaltime,pobj,dobj,pinfeas,res,mu);
        mexPrintf("  %4.2f  %4.2f",pstp,dstp);
        if (pnorm>1.0e3)
            mexPrintf("  %1.0e \n",pnorm);
            mexPrintf("  %5.2f \n",pnorm);
        mexEvalString("drawnow;"); //flush draw buffer
    //Return ok
Пример #5
bool lbfgsb_program::iterCallback (int t, double etime, double* x, double f)
    bool stop = false;

    //Check for Ctrl-C
    if (utIsInterruptPending()) {
        utSetInterruptPending(false); /* clear Ctrl-C status */
        mexPrintf("\nCtrl-C Detected. Exiting L-BFGS-B...\n\n");
        return true; //terminate asap

    //Iteration Printing
    if(printLevel > 1) {
        if(t==1 || !(t%10))
            mexPrintf(" iter      feval     time[s]      objective\n");

        mexPrintf("%5d     %5d       %5.2f    %12.5g\n",t,noFevals,etime,f);
        mexEvalString("drawnow;"); //flush draw buffer

    //Iteration Callback
        iterF->plhs[0] = NULL;
        memcpy(mxGetData(iterF->prhs[1]), &t, sizeof(int));
        memcpy(mxGetPr(iterF->prhs[2]), &f, sizeof(double));
        memcpy(mxGetPr(iterF->prhs[3]), x, this->ndec * sizeof(double));
        try {
            mexCallMATLAB(1, iterF->plhs, 4, iterF->prhs, iterF->f);
            mexWarnMsgTxt("Unrecoverable Error from Iteration Callback, Exiting LBFGSB...\n");
            //Force exit
            return true;

        //Collect return argument
        stop = *(bool*)mxGetData(iterF->plhs[0]);
        // Clean up Ptr

    return stop;
Пример #6
void Net::Forward(Mat &pred, int passnum) {
  if (first_layer_ == 0) {
    //mexPrintMsg("Forward pass for layer", layers_[0]->type_);  
    layers_[0]->Forward(NULL, passnum);  
    layers_[0]->CalcWeights(NULL, passnum);
  for (size_t i = first_layer_; i < layers_.size(); ++i) {
    if (layers_[i]->type_ == "j") first_layer_ = i;
    //mexPrintMsg("Forward pass for layer", layers_[i]->type_);  
    layers_[i]->Forward(layers_[i-1], passnum);    
    if (utIsInterruptPending()) {
      mexAssert(false, "Ctrl-C Detected. END");
  //mexPrintMsg("Forward pass finished");
Пример #7
void Net::Forward(Mat &pred, int passnum) {
  //mexPrintMsg("Start forward pass...");  
  //mexPrintMsg("Forward pass for layer", layers_[0]->type_);  
  layers_[0]->Forward(NULL, passnum);  
  for (size_t i = 1; i < layers_.size(); ++i) {
    //mexPrintMsg("Forward pass for layer", layers_[]->type_);  
    Mat activ_mat_prev;
    layers_[i]->Forward(layers_[i-1], passnum);    
    if (layers_[i]->type_ == "c" || layers_[i]->type_ == "f") {
    if (passnum == 0) layers_[i-1]->activ_mat_.clear();    
    if (utIsInterruptPending()) {
      mexAssert(false, "Ctrl-C Detected. END");
    for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j) {
      //mexPrintMsg("activ_mat_", layers_[i]->activ_mat_(0, j)); 
  //("Forward pass finished");
Пример #8
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]){ ALLOCATES();

  CreateTicTacToc( CallMatlab );
  CreateTicTacToc( callSort   );
  int               I, J, K, ii, jj, kk;
  int               IJ, IJK, IJK_1;
  int               DI, DJ, DK, DIJK, DIJK_1;
  int               CDI, CDJ, CDK;
  int               result, fevals = 0;
  int               NVOLS, NVOLS_1, n, s, s_start, s_end, v_init;
  real              *volumes, *V, x, y, *DIST, *order, last_distance;
  int               *VV=NULL, nV, v, vv;
  char              skip;
  triplet           *TS=NULL, *DTS=NULL, T;
  mxArray           *INPUT[2]={NULL,NULL}, *OUTPUT[3]={NULL,NULL,NULL};
  double            *MAXs, LAST_MAX;
  double            thisMINx, thisMINy;
  double            *idxs;
  double            *vols;
  double            *ijk;
  char              callSort;
  mwSize            toVec[2]={1,1};
  char              VERBOSE = 0;
  char              STR[1024];
  if( nlhs > 1 ){
    mxErrMsgTxt("too much outputs");

  if( mxIsChar( prhs[nrhs-1] ) ){
    mxGetString( prhs[nrhs-1], STR, 100 );
    if( ! myStrcmpi(STR,"verbose") ){ 
      VERBOSE = 1;
    } else {
      mxErrMsgTxt("only 'verbose' option allowed.");
    nrhs = nrhs-1;
  if( nrhs != 3 ){
    mxErrMsgTxt("sintax error. max_min_multiples_erodes( V , F , volumes )");

  if( mxGetClassID( prhs[1] ) != mxFUNCTION_CLASS ){
    mxErrMsgTxt("F have to be a function_handle.");

  if( myNDims( prhs[0] ) > 3  ){
    mxErrMsgTxt("bigger than 3d arrays is not allowed.");
  NVOLS   = myNumel( prhs[2] );
  NVOLS_1 = NVOLS - 1;
  volumes = myGetPr( prhs[2] );
  I     = mySize( prhs[0] , 0 );
  J     = mySize( prhs[0] , 1 );
  K     = mySize( prhs[0] , 2 );
  IJ    = I*J;
  IJK   = IJ*K;

  VV = (int     *) mxMalloc( IJK*sizeof( int     ) );
  TS     = (triplet *) mxMalloc( IJK*sizeof( triplet ) );

  V = myGetPr( prhs[0] );

  v  = 0; 
  nV = 0;
  for( kk = 0 ; kk < K ; kk++ ){ for( jj = 0 ; jj < J ; jj++ ){ for( ii = 0 ; ii < I ; ii++ ){
    x = V[ v ];
    if( x == x ){
      VV[ nV ] = v;
      TS[ v ].isnan = 0;
      TS[ v ].i     = ii;
      TS[ v ].j     = jj;
      TS[ v ].k     = kk;
    } else {
      TS[ v ].isnan = 1;

  INPUT[0] = prhs[1];
  INPUT[1] = mxCreateNumericMatrix( 1 , 3 , mxDOUBLE_CLASS , mxREAL );
  ijk = (double *) mxGetData( INPUT[1] );
  ijk[0] = TS[ VV[ nV/2] ].i + 1;
  ijk[1] = TS[ VV[ nV/2] ].j + 1;
  ijk[2] = TS[ VV[ nV/2] ].k + 1;

  OUTPUT[2] = mexCallMATLABWithTrap( 2 , OUTPUT , 2 , INPUT , "feval" );
  if( OUTPUT[2] == NULL ){
    callSort = 0;
    if( mxGetClassID( OUTPUT[0] ) != mxDOUBLE_CLASS ){
      if( INPUT[1]  != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( INPUT[1] );  INPUT[1]=NULL;  }
      if( OUTPUT[0] != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( OUTPUT[0] ); OUTPUT[0]=NULL; }
      if( OUTPUT[1] != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( OUTPUT[1] ); OUTPUT[1]=NULL; }
      if( OUTPUT[2] != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( OUTPUT[2] ); OUTPUT[2]=NULL; }
      mxErrMsgTxt("F debe retornar un double en el primer output.");
    if( mxGetClassID( OUTPUT[1] ) != mxDOUBLE_CLASS ){
      if( INPUT[1]  != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( INPUT[1] );  INPUT[1]=NULL;  }
      if( OUTPUT[0] != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( OUTPUT[0] ); OUTPUT[0]=NULL; }
      if( OUTPUT[1] != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( OUTPUT[1] ); OUTPUT[1]=NULL; }
      if( OUTPUT[2] != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( OUTPUT[2] ); OUTPUT[2]=NULL; }
      mxErrMsgTxt("F debe retornar un double en el segundo output.");
  } else {

    callSort = 1;
    if( VERBOSE ){
      mexPrintf("sort has to be called\n");
    mxDestroyArray( OUTPUT[2] ); OUTPUT[2] = NULL;

    result = mexCallMATLAB( 1 , OUTPUT , 2 , INPUT , "feval" );
    if( result ){ mxErrMsgTxt("error computing la funcion."); }

    if( mxGetClassID( OUTPUT[0] ) != mxDOUBLE_CLASS ){
      if( INPUT[1]  != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( INPUT[1] );  INPUT[1]=NULL;  }
      if( OUTPUT[0] != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( OUTPUT[0] ); OUTPUT[0]=NULL; }
      if( OUTPUT[1] != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( OUTPUT[1] ); OUTPUT[1]=NULL; }
      if( OUTPUT[2] != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( OUTPUT[2] ); OUTPUT[2]=NULL; }
      mxErrMsgTxt("F debe retornar un double en el primer output.");


  DI   = mySize( OUTPUT[0] , 0 );
  DJ   = mySize( OUTPUT[0] , 1 );
  DK   = mySize( OUTPUT[0] , 2 );
  DTS  = (triplet *) mxMalloc( 2*DI*DJ*DK*sizeof( triplet ) );

  plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix( NVOLS , 1 , mxREAL_CLASS , mxREAL );
  MAXs    = (real *) mxGetData( plhs[0] );
  for( n = 0 ; n < NVOLS ; n++ ){
    MAXs[n] = -10000;

  for( v_init = 0 ; v_init < EVERY ; v_init++ ){
    if( utIsInterruptPending() ){
      if( INPUT[1]  != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( INPUT[1] );  INPUT[1]=NULL;  }
      if( OUTPUT[0] != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( OUTPUT[0] ); OUTPUT[0]=NULL; }
      if( OUTPUT[1] != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( OUTPUT[1] ); OUTPUT[1]=NULL; }
      if( OUTPUT[2] != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( OUTPUT[2] ); OUTPUT[2]=NULL; }
      mexPrintf("USER INTERRUP!!!\n");
      mxErrMsgTxt("USER INTERRUP!!!");
    if( VERBOSE ){
      mexPrintf("v_init:  %d  (%g)  of  %d\n", v_init , LAST_MAX , EVERY );

    for( v = v_init ; v < nV ; v += EVERY ){
      vv = VV[ v ];
      thisMINx =   V[ vv ];
      thisMINy =  -thisMINx;
      if( ( thisMINx < LAST_MAX )  && ( thisMINy < LAST_MAX ) ){

      T = TS[ vv ];
      ijk[0] = T.i + 1;
      ijk[1] = T.j + 1;
      ijk[2] = T.k + 1;

      if( OUTPUT[0] != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( OUTPUT[0] ); OUTPUT[0]=NULL; }
      if( OUTPUT[1] != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( OUTPUT[1] ); OUTPUT[1]=NULL; }
      if( OUTPUT[2] != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( OUTPUT[2] ); OUTPUT[2]=NULL; }

      if( !callSort ){
        tic( CallMatlab );
        result = mexCallMATLAB( 2 , OUTPUT , 2 , INPUT , "feval" ); fevals++;
        tac( CallMatlab );
      } else {
        tic( CallMatlab );
        result = mexCallMATLAB( 1 , OUTPUT , 2 , INPUT , "feval" ); fevals++;
        tac( CallMatlab );
      DI   = mySize( OUTPUT[0] , 0 );
      DJ   = mySize( OUTPUT[0] , 1 );
      DK   = mySize( OUTPUT[0] , 2 );

      DIJK    = DI*DJ*DK;

      if( volumes[ NVOLS_1 ] > DIJK ){
      if( INPUT[1]  != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( INPUT[1] );  INPUT[1]=NULL;  }
      if( OUTPUT[0] != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( OUTPUT[0] ); OUTPUT[0]=NULL; }
      if( OUTPUT[1] != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( OUTPUT[1] ); OUTPUT[1]=NULL; }
      if( OUTPUT[2] != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( OUTPUT[2] ); OUTPUT[2]=NULL; }
        mxErrMsgTxt("el maximo volumen debe ser menor que numel(DIST)");

      DIJK_1  = DIJK - 1;

      DIST  = (double  *) mxGetData( OUTPUT[0] );
      DTS  = (triplet *) mxRealloc( DTS , DIJK*sizeof( triplet ) );
      s = 0;
      for( kk = 0 ; kk < DK ; kk++ ){ for( jj = 0 ; jj < DJ ; jj++ ){ for( ii = 0 ; ii < DI ; ii++ ){
        DTS[ s ].i = ii;
        DTS[ s ].j = jj;
        DTS[ s ].k = kk;

      if( !callSort ){
        order = (double  *) mxGetData( OUTPUT[1] );
      } else {
        toVec[0] = mxGetNumberOfElements( OUTPUT[0] );
        mxSetDimensions( OUTPUT[0] ,  toVec  , 2 );
        tic( callSort );
        result = mexCallMATLAB( 2 , OUTPUT+1 , 1 , OUTPUT , "sort" );
        tac( callSort );
        order = (double  *) mxGetData( OUTPUT[2] );
      CDI = DTS[ (int) ( order[0] - 1 ) ].i;
      CDJ = DTS[ (int) ( order[0] - 1 ) ].j;
      CDK = DTS[ (int) ( order[0] - 1 ) ].k;
      skip   = 0;

      s = 0;
      for( n = 0 ; n < NVOLS ; n++ ){
        s_end = (int) ( volumes[n] - 1 );
        last_distance = DIST[ (int) order[ s_end ] - 1 ];
        while( s_end < DIJK_1 && DIST[ (int) ( order[ s_end + 1 ] - 1 ) ] == last_distance ){
        for( ; s < s_end ; s++ ){
          vv = (int) ( order[ s ] - 1 );
          ii = T.i + DTS[ vv ].i - CDI;  if( ii < 0 || ii > I ){ skip = 1; break; }
          jj = T.j + DTS[ vv ].j - CDJ;  if( jj < 0 || jj > J ){ skip = 1; break; }
          kk = T.k + DTS[ vv ].k - CDK;  if( kk < 0 || kk > K ){ skip = 1; break; }
          vv = ii + jj*I + kk*IJ;
          if( TS[ vv ].isnan ){  skip = 1; break; }
          x =  V[ vv ];  if( x < thisMINx ){ thisMINx = x; }
          y = -x;        if( y < thisMINy ){ thisMINy = y; }
          if( ( thisMINx < LAST_MAX )  && ( thisMINy < LAST_MAX ) ){
            skip = 1; break; 
        if( skip ){  break; }
        if( thisMINx > MAXs[n] ){ MAXs[n] = thisMINx; }
        if( thisMINy > MAXs[n] ){ MAXs[n] = thisMINy; }
      LAST_MAX = MAXs[ NVOLS_1 ];

  if( INPUT[1]  != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( INPUT[1]  ); INPUT[1] =NULL; }
  if( OUTPUT[0] != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( OUTPUT[0] ); OUTPUT[0]=NULL; }
  if( OUTPUT[1] != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( OUTPUT[1] ); OUTPUT[1]=NULL; }
  if( OUTPUT[2] != NULL ){ mxDestroyArray( OUTPUT[2] ); OUTPUT[2]=NULL; }
  if( VERBOSE ){
    mexPrintf( "\nfevals: %d  en  tiempo:   CallMatlab: %20.30g    sorting: %20.30g\n" , fevals , toc( CallMatlab ) , toc( callSort ) );
  if(  VV != NULL ){  mxFree(  VV ); }
  if(  TS != NULL ){  mxFree(  TS ); }
  if( DTS != NULL ){  mxFree( DTS ); }


Пример #9
int check_ctrlc(void)
    return utIsInterruptPending();
Пример #10
//MATLAB Callback
static void SIMUL(int *indic, int *n, double *x, double *f, double *g, int *izs, float *rzs, double *dzs)
    int stat;
    double *grad;   
    bool stop = false;
    double evaltime;

    //Get Execution Time
    end = clock();
    evaltime = ((double)(end-start))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    //Check for Ctrl-C
    if (utIsInterruptPending()) {
        utSetInterruptPending(false); /* clear Ctrl-C status */
        mexPrintf("\nCtrl-C Detected. Exiting M1QN3...\n\n");
        *indic = 0; //terminate
    //Check for maxtime expiry    
    if(evaltime > maxtime)
        mexPrintf("\nMaximum Solver Time Exceeded. Exiting M1QN3...\n\n");
        *indic = 0; //terminate
    //Only compute f and g if requested
    if(*indic == 4)
        fun.plhs[0] = NULL;
        memcpy(mxGetPr(fun.prhs[fun.xrhs]), x, *n * sizeof(double));

        stat = mexCallMATLAB(1, fun.plhs, fun.nrhs, fun.prhs, fun.f);
          mexErrMsgTxt("Error calling Objective Function!");

        //Get Objective
        *f = *mxGetPr(fun.plhs[0]);
        // Clean up Ptr
        //Check for inf, nan
        if(mxIsInf(*f) || mxIsNaN(*f))
            *indic = -1; //indicate smaller step size

        //Get Gradient
        fun.plhs[0] = NULL;
        memcpy(mxGetPr(fun.prhs_g[fun.xrhs_g]), x, *n * sizeof(double));

        stat = mexCallMATLAB(1, fun.plhs, fun.nrhs_g, fun.prhs_g, fun.g);
          mexErrMsgTxt("Error calling Gradient Function!");

        //Get Gradient
        grad = mxGetPr(fun.plhs[0]);
        //Assign Gradient

        // Clean up Ptr

        //Iteration Printing
        if(izs[1] > 1) {               
            if(izs[0] == 1 || !(izs[0]%10))
                mexPrintf(" feval       time           fval\n");

            mexPrintf("%5d       %5.2f    %12.5g\n",izs[0],evaltime,*f);
            mexEvalString("drawnow;"); //flush draw buffer

        //Iteration Callback
            iterF.plhs[0] = NULL;
            memcpy(mxGetData(iterF.prhs[1]), izs, sizeof(int));
            memcpy(mxGetPr(iterF.prhs[2]), f, sizeof(double));
            memcpy(mxGetPr(iterF.prhs[3]), x, *n * sizeof(double));
            stat = mexCallMATLAB(1, iterF.plhs, 4, iterF.prhs, iterF.f);
                mexErrMsgTxt("Error calling Callback Function!");

            //Collect return argument
            stop = *(bool*)mxGetData(iterF.plhs[0]);
            // Clean up Ptr

                *indic = 0; //force exit
        //Increment feval counter
Пример #11
//LM_DER Callback
static void jacfunc(int *m, int *n, double *x, double *fvec, double *fjac, int *ldfjac, int *iflag)
    bool havrnorm = false, stop = false;
    int i, stat;
    double *fval, rnorm=0, evaltime; 
    //Get Execution Time
    end = clock();
    evaltime = ((double)(end-start))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    //Function Eval
    if(*iflag == 1) {   
        fun.plhs[0] = NULL;
        memcpy(mxGetPr(fun.prhs[fun.xrhs]), x, *n * sizeof(double));

        stat = mexCallMATLAB(1, fun.plhs, fun.nrhs, fun.prhs, fun.f);
          mexErrMsgTxt("Error calling Objective Function!");

        //Get Objective
        fval = mxGetPr(fun.plhs[0]);
        //Assign Objective + subtract ydata
            fvec[i] = fval[i]-ydata[i];

        // Clean up Ptr

        //Iteration Printing
        if(printLevel > 1) {      
            //Calculate Residual Norm
            rnorm = 0; havrnorm = true;
                rnorm += (fval[i]-ydata[i])*(fval[i]-ydata[i]);

            if(citer == 1 || !(citer%10))
                mexPrintf(" feval      time[s]          sse\n");

            mexPrintf("%5d       %5.2f     %12.5g\n",citer,evaltime,rnorm);
            mexEvalString("drawnow;"); //flush draw buffer
        //Iteration Callback
            //Calculate sse if we don't have it
                    rnorm += (fval[i]-ydata[i])*(fval[i]-ydata[i]);
            iterF.plhs[0] = NULL;
            memcpy(mxGetData(iterF.prhs[1]), &citer, sizeof(int));
            memcpy(mxGetPr(iterF.prhs[2]), &rnorm, sizeof(double));
            memcpy(mxGetPr(iterF.prhs[3]), x, *n * sizeof(double));
            stat = mexCallMATLAB(1, iterF.plhs, 4, iterF.prhs, iterF.f);
                mexErrMsgTxt("Error calling Callback Function!");
            //Collect return argument
            stop = *(bool*)mxGetData(iterF.plhs[0]);
            // Clean up Ptr
        //Update feval counter
    //Jacobian Eval
    else if(*iflag == 2) {
        grad.plhs[0] = NULL;
        memcpy(mxGetPr(grad.prhs[grad.xrhs]), x, *n * sizeof(double));

        stat = mexCallMATLAB(1, grad.plhs, grad.nrhs, grad.prhs, grad.f);
          mexErrMsgTxt("Error calling Gradient Function!");

        //Get Objective
        fval = mxGetPr(grad.plhs[0]);
        //Assign Gradient

        // Clean up Ptr
    //Check for Ctrl-C
    if (utIsInterruptPending()) {
        utSetInterruptPending(false); /* clear Ctrl-C status */
        mexPrintf("\nCtrl-C Detected. Exiting LM_DER...\n\n");
        *iflag = -1; //terminate
    //Check for iterfun terminate
    if (stop) {
        mexPrintf("\nIterFun called Stop. Exiting LM_DER...\n\n");
        *iflag = -1; //terminate
    //Check for maxtime expiry    
    if(evaltime > maxtime)
        mexPrintf("\nMaximum Solver Time Exceeded. Exiting LM_DER...\n\n");
        *iflag = -1; //terminate