static CCard *GetCardInstance(const char *csReader, SCARDHANDLE hCard, CContext *poContext, CPinpad *poPinpad, const std::string &csPluginPath, CDynamicLib &oCardPluginLib) { CCard * poCard = NULL; unsigned long ulErr = oCardPluginLib.Open(csPluginPath); if (ulErr != EIDMW_OK) { MWLOG(LEV_ERROR, MOD_CAL, L"Couldn't load card plugin \"%ls\", err = 0x%0x", utilStringWiden(csPluginPath).c_str(), ulErr); } else { GETCARDINSTANCE pGetCardInstance = (GETCARDINSTANCE) oCardPluginLib.GetAddress(csGetCardInstanceName); if (pGetCardInstance == NULL) { MWLOG(LEV_ERROR, MOD_CAL, L"Function \"GetCardInstance\" not found in \"%ls\"", utilStringWiden(csPluginPath).c_str()); } else { poCard = pGetCardInstance(PLUGIN_VERSION, csReader, hCard, poContext, poPinpad); if (poCard) { MWLOG(LEV_DEBUG, MOD_CAL, L" CardFactory: using plugin \"%ls\"", utilStringWiden(csPluginPath).c_str()); } } } return poCard; }
/** Obtain the SIS-data via the plugin library */ CCard * SISPluginReadData(const char *csReader, SCARDHANDLE hCard, CContext *poContext, CPinpad *poPinpad, CDynamicLib &oCardPluginLib) { CCard *poCard = NULL; if (!m_bPluginInfosOK) GetPluginInfos(); for (size_t i = 0; poCard == NULL && i < PlugInCount(); i++) { if (!StartsWith(csReader, GetPlugInReader(i).c_str())) continue; std::string csPluginPath = GetPlugInPath(i); unsigned long ulErr = oCardPluginLib.Open(csPluginPath); if (ulErr != EIDMW_OK) { MWLOG(LEV_ERROR, MOD_CAL, L"Couldn't load SIS plugin \"%ls\", err = 0x%0x", utilStringWiden(csPluginPath).c_str(), ulErr); continue; } SISPLUGINREADCARD pSisPluginReadCard = (SISPLUGINREADCARD) oCardPluginLib.GetAddress("SISPluginReadCard"); if (pSisPluginReadCard == NULL) { MWLOG(LEV_ERROR, MOD_CAL, L"Function \"SISPluginReadCard\" not found in \"%ls\"", utilStringWiden(csPluginPath).c_str(), ulErr); continue; } tPCSCfunctions xPCSCFunctions; GetPCSCFunctions(&poContext->m_oPCSC, &xPCSCFunctions); unsigned char tucData[500]; SCARDHANDLE hCrd = hCard; long lErr = pSisPluginReadCard(SISPLUGIN_VERSION, &xPCSCFunctions, csReader, &hCrd, tucData, 0, NULL); hCard = (unsigned long) hCrd; if (lErr != 0) { MWLOG(LEV_ERROR, MOD_CAL, L"Function \"SISPluginReadCard\" in \"%ls\" returned 0x%0x (%d)", utilStringWiden(csPluginPath).c_str(), lErr, lErr); continue; } MWLOG(LEV_DEBUG, MOD_CAL, L"Using SIS plugin \"%ls\"", utilStringWiden(csPluginPath).c_str()); poCard = new CSISCard(hCard, poContext, poPinpad, CByteArray(tucData, 404)); break; } return poCard;; }
void CPkiCard::WriteUncachedFile(const std::string & csPath, unsigned long ulOffset, const CByteArray & oData) { CAutoLock autolock(this); tFileInfo fileInfo = SelectFile(csPath, true); const unsigned char *pucData = oData.GetBytes(); unsigned long ulDataLen = oData.Size(); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < ulDataLen; i += MAX_APDU_WRITE_LEN) { unsigned long ulLen = ulDataLen - i; if (ulLen > MAX_APDU_WRITE_LEN) ulLen = MAX_APDU_WRITE_LEN; CByteArray oResp = UpdateBinary(ulOffset + i, CByteArray(pucData + i, ulLen)); unsigned long ulSW12 = getSW12(oResp); if (ulSW12 == 0x6982) throw CNotAuthenticatedException( EIDMW_ERR_NOT_AUTHENTICATED, fileInfo.lWritePINRef); else if (ulSW12 != 0x9000) throw CMWEXCEPTION(m_poContext->m_oPCSC.SW12ToErr(ulSW12)); } MWLOG(LEV_INFO, MOD_CAL, L"Written file %ls to card", utilStringWiden(csPath).c_str()); }
// MWLOG(tLevel level, tModule mod, CMWEXCEPTION theException) bool MWLOG(tLevel level, tModule mod, CMWException theException) { #ifdef DO_LOGGING //char buffer[256]; //sprintf_s(buffer,sizeof(buffer), "Exception thrown at file = %s, line = %s", theException.GetFile(), theException.GetLine()); //return MWLOG(level, mod, " %s", buffer); try { CLog &log=MapModule(mod); if (theException.GetLine()==0) { log.write(MapLevel(level),L"Exception 0x%0x thrown", theException.GetError()); } else { int line = (int) theException.GetLine(); log.write(MapLevel(level),line,utilStringWiden(theException.GetFile()).c_str(),L"Exception 0x%0x thrown",theException.GetError()); } } catch(CMWException &e) { if(e.GetError()!=(long)EIDMW_ERR_LOGGER_APPLEAVING) throw e; return false; } #endif return true; }
static CCard *ConnectGetCardInstance(const char *csReader, CContext *poContext, CPinpad *poPinpad, const std::string &csPluginPath, CDynamicLib &oCardPluginLib) { CCard * poCard = NULL; try { unsigned long ulErr = oCardPluginLib.Open(csPluginPath); if (ulErr != EIDMW_OK) { MWLOG(LEV_ERROR, MOD_CAL, L"Couldn't load reader specific plugin \"%ls\", err = 0x%0x", utilStringWiden(csPluginPath).c_str(), ulErr); } else { CONNECTGETCARDINSTANCE pConnectGetCardInstance = (CONNECTGETCARDINSTANCE) oCardPluginLib.GetAddress(csConnectGetCardInstanceName); if (pConnectGetCardInstance == NULL) { MWLOG(LEV_ERROR, MOD_CAL, L"Function \"ConnectGetCardInstance\" not found in \"%ls\"", utilStringWiden(csPluginPath).c_str()); } else poCard = pConnectGetCardInstance(PLUGIN_VERSION, csReader, poContext, poPinpad); if (poCard) { MWLOG(LEV_DEBUG, MOD_CAL, L" CardFactory: connected via plugin \"%ls\"", utilStringWiden(csPluginPath).c_str()); } } } catch(CMWException &e) { MWLOG(LEV_ERROR, MOD_CAL, L"Exception in ConnectGetCardInstance(): err = 0x%0x\n", e.GetError()); } catch (...) { MWLOG(LEV_ERROR, MOD_CAL, L"Unknown error in ConnectGetCardInstance()"); } return poCard; }
CReader::CReader(const std::string & csReader, CContext *poContext) : m_poCard(NULL), m_oPKCS15(poContext) { m_csReader = csReader; m_wsReader = utilStringWiden(csReader); m_poContext = poContext; m_poCard = NULL; m_bIgnoreRemoval = false; m_oPinpad = new CPinpad(m_poContext, m_csReader); }
void APL_CryptoFwk::resetProxy() { APL_Config conf_pac(CConfig::EIDMW_CONFIG_PARAM_PROXY_PACFILE); m_proxy_pac = conf_pac.getString(); APL_Config conf_host(CConfig::EIDMW_CONFIG_PARAM_PROXY_HOST); m_proxy_host = conf_host.getString(); APL_Config conf_port(CConfig::EIDMW_CONFIG_PARAM_PROXY_PORT); char buffer[10]; sprintf_s(buffer,sizeof(buffer),"%ld",conf_port.getLong()); m_proxy_port = buffer; MWLOG(LEV_INFO, MOD_SSL, L"Proxy settings: pac='%ls', host='%ls' and port=%ls",utilStringWiden(m_proxy_pac).c_str(),utilStringWiden(m_proxy_host).c_str(),utilStringWiden(m_proxy_port).c_str()); }
bool CPkiCard::AskPinRetry(tPinOperation operation, const tPin & Pin, unsigned long ulRemaining, const tPrivKey *pKey) { bool bRetry = false; bool bUsePinpad = m_poPinpad->UsePinpad(operation); // Bad PIN: show a dialog to ask the user to try again // PIN blocked: show a dialog to tell the user if (!bUsePinpad) { DlgPinUsage usage = PinUsage2Dlg(Pin, pKey); DlgRet dlgret = DlgBadPin(usage, utilStringWiden(Pin.csLabel).c_str(), ulRemaining); if (0 != ulRemaining && DLG_RETRY == dlgret) bRetry = true; } return bRetry; }
CByteArray CPkiCard::ReadUncachedFile(const std::string & csPath, unsigned long ulOffset, unsigned long ulMaxLen) { CByteArray oData(ulMaxLen); CAutoLock autolock(this); tFileInfo fileInfo = SelectFile(csPath, true); // Loop until we've read ulMaxLen bytes or until EOF (End Of File) bool bEOF = false; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < ulMaxLen && !bEOF; i += MAX_APDU_READ_LEN) { unsigned long ulLen = ulMaxLen - i <= MAX_APDU_READ_LEN ? ulMaxLen - i : MAX_APDU_READ_LEN; CByteArray oResp = ReadBinary(ulOffset + i, ulLen); unsigned long ulSW12 = getSW12(oResp); // If the file is a multiple of the block read size, you will get // an SW12 = 6B00 (at least with BE eID) but that OK then.. if (ulSW12 == 0x9000 || (i != 0 && ulSW12 == 0x6B00)) oData.Append(oResp.GetBytes(), oResp.Size() - 2); else if (ulSW12 == 0x6982) { throw CNotAuthenticatedException( EIDMW_ERR_NOT_AUTHENTICATED, fileInfo.lReadPINRef); } else if (ulSW12 == 0x6B00) throw CMWEXCEPTION(EIDMW_ERR_PARAM_RANGE); else if (ulSW12 == 0x6D00) throw CMWEXCEPTION(EIDMW_ERR_NOT_ACTIVATED); else throw CMWEXCEPTION(m_poContext->m_oPCSC.SW12ToErr(ulSW12)); // If the driver/reader itself did the 6CXX handling, // we assume we're at the EOF if (oResp.Size() < MAX_APDU_READ_LEN) bEOF = true; } MWLOG(LEV_INFO, MOD_CAL, L" Read file %ls (%d bytes) from card", utilStringWiden(csPath).c_str(), oData.Size()); return oData; }
void EIDCardType_Processor::process( const XMLCh *const chars , const unsigned int length , DataStorage& dataStorage ) { displayName(); std::wstring w_chars = FromXMLCh(chars); if ( 0 == utilStringWiden(CARDTYPE_NAME_PTEID_EID) ) ) { ((EID_DataStorage&)dataStorage).m_CardType = APL_CARDTYPE_PTEID_IAS101; } else { ((EID_DataStorage&)dataStorage).m_CardType = APL_CARDTYPE_UNKNOWN; } }
/***************************************************************************************** ---------------------------------------- EID_DataStorage -------------------------------------------- *****************************************************************************************/ EID_DataStorage::EID_DataStorage( void ) : m_CardType( APL_CARDTYPE_UNKNOWN ) { m_EIDStoreFields.push_back(utilStringWiden(PTEID_XML_PATH_FILE_ID).c_str()); m_EIDStoreFields.push_back(utilStringWiden(PTEID_XML_PATH_FILE_IDSIGN).c_str()); m_EIDStoreFields.push_back(utilStringWiden(PTEID_XML_PATH_FILE_ADDR).c_str()); m_EIDStoreFields.push_back(utilStringWiden(PTEID_XML_PATH_FILE_ADDRSIGN).c_str()); m_EIDStoreFields.push_back(utilStringWiden(PTEID_XML_PATH_FILE_PHOTO).c_str()); m_EIDStoreFields.push_back(utilStringWiden(PTEID_XML_PATH_FILE_CARDINFO).c_str()); m_EIDStoreFields.push_back(utilStringWiden(PTEID_XML_PATH_FILE_TOKENINFO).c_str()); m_EIDStoreFields.push_back(utilStringWiden(PTEID_XML_PATH_FILE_CHALLENGE).c_str()); m_EIDStoreFields.push_back(utilStringWiden(PTEID_XML_PATH_FILE_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE).c_str()); m_EIDStoreFields.push_back(utilStringWiden(PTEID_XML_PATH_FILE_CERTS).c_str()); m_EIDStoreFields.push_back(utilStringWiden(PTEID_XML_PATH_FILE_CERTS_P15).c_str()); m_EIDStoreFields.push_back(utilStringWiden(PTEID_XML_PATH_FILE_PINS_P15).c_str()); }
bool CPkiCard::PinCmd(tPinOperation operation, const tPin & Pin, const std::string & csPin1, const std::string & csPin2, unsigned long & ulRemaining, const tPrivKey *pKey) { // No standard for Logoff, so each card has to implement // it's own command here. if (operation == PIN_OP_LOGOFF ) return LogOff(Pin); bool bRet = false; std::string csReadPin1, csReadPin2; const std::string *pcsPin1 = &csPin1; const std::string *pcsPin2 = &csPin2; bool bAskPIN = csPin1.empty(); bool bUsePinpad = bAskPIN ? m_poPinpad->UsePinpad(operation) : false; bad_pin: //If no Pin(s) provided and it's no Pinpad reader -> ask Pins if (bAskPIN && !bUsePinpad) { showPinDialog(operation, Pin, csReadPin1, csReadPin2, pKey); pcsPin1 = &csReadPin1; pcsPin2 = &csReadPin2; } CByteArray oPinBuf = MakePinBuf(Pin, *pcsPin1, bUsePinpad); if (operation != PIN_OP_VERIFY) oPinBuf.Append(MakePinBuf(Pin, *pcsPin2, bUsePinpad)); CByteArray oAPDU = MakePinCmd(operation, Pin); // add CLA, INS, P1, P2 oAPDU.Append((unsigned char) oPinBuf.Size()); // add P3 oAPDU.Append(oPinBuf); CByteArray oResp; bool bSelected = false; // Don't remove these brackets!! { CAutoLock autolock(this); // Select the path where the Pin is, if necessary if (!Pin.csPath.empty() && !bSelected && Pin.csPath != "3F00") { SelectFile(Pin.csPath); bSelected = true; } // Send the command if (csPin1.empty() && bUsePinpad) oResp = m_poPinpad->PinCmd(operation, Pin, PinUsage2Pinpad(Pin, pKey), oAPDU, ulRemaining); else oResp = SendAPDU(oAPDU); } unsigned long ulSW12 = getSW12(oResp); if (ulSW12 == 0x9000) bRet = true; else if (ulSW12 == 0x6983) ulRemaining = 0; else if (ulSW12 / 16 == 0x63C) ulRemaining = ulSW12 % 16; else throw CMWEXCEPTION(m_poContext->m_oPCSC.SW12ToErr(ulSW12)); #ifndef NO_DIALOGS // Bad PIN: show a dialog to ask the user to try again // PIN blocked: show a dialog to tell the user if (bAskPIN && !bRet) { DlgPinUsage usage = PinUsage2Dlg(Pin, pKey); DlgRet dlgret = DlgBadPin(usage, utilStringWiden(Pin.csLabel).c_str(), ulRemaining); if (0 != ulRemaining && DLG_RETRY == dlgret) goto bad_pin; } #endif // If PIN command OK and no SSO, then state that we have now // verified this PIN, this info is needed in the Sign() method if (bRet && !m_poContext->m_bSSO) { bool bFound = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_verifiedPINs.size() && !bFound; i++) bFound = (m_verifiedPINs[i] == Pin.ulID); if (!bFound) m_verifiedPINs.push_back(Pin.ulID); } return bRet; }
std::wstring CByteArray::ToWString(bool bAddSpace, bool bOneLine, unsigned long ulOffset, unsigned long ulLen) const { return utilStringWiden(ToString(bAddSpace,bOneLine,ulOffset,ulLen)); }
tCardFileStatus APL_CardFile::LoadData(bool bForceReload) { CAutoMutex autoMutex(&m_Mutex); //We lock for only one instantiation std::wstring strPath = utilStringWiden(m_path); const wchar_t *wsPath= strPath.c_str(); if(m_card!=NULL && (m_status==CARDFILESTATUS_UNREAD || bForceReload)) { try { //Fill the m_data with the content of the file MWLOG(LEV_INFO, MOD_APL, L"LoadData: Ask for file %ls", wsPath); //TODO replace by DEBUG ReadFile(); MWLOG(LEV_INFO, MOD_APL, L"LoadData: Read file %ls ok", wsPath); //TODO replace by DEBUG } catch(CMWException& e) { unsigned long err = e.GetError(); if (err == EIDMW_ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { MWLOG(LEV_INFO, MOD_APL, L"LoadData: File %ls not found", wsPath); m_status=CARDFILESTATUS_ERROR_NOFILE; return m_status; } if (err == EIDMW_ERR_CARD_COMM) { MWLOG(LEV_WARN, MOD_APL, L"LoadData: Could not read file : %ls - Error : 0x%x", wsPath,e.GetError()); m_status=CARDFILESTATUS_ERROR_NOFILE; return m_status; } if (err == EIDMW_ERR_NOT_ACTIVATED) { MWLOG(LEV_WARN, MOD_APL, L"LoadData: Could not read file : %ls - Error : 0x%x", wsPath,e.GetError()); m_status=CARDFILESTATUS_ERROR_NOFILE; return m_status; } MWLOG(LEV_ERROR, MOD_APL, L"LoadData: Could not read file : %ls - Error : 0x%x", wsPath,e.GetError()); throw e; } } //Get the status //m_status=VerifyFile(); m_status=CARDFILESTATUS_OK; //If Status ok, map the fields if(m_status==CARDFILESTATUS_OK) if(!MapFields()) m_status=CARDFILESTATUS_ERROR_FORMAT; if(m_status!=CARDFILESTATUS_OK) { EmptyFields(); if(!m_keepdata) m_data.ClearContents(); } MWLOG(LEV_INFO, MOD_APL, L"LoadData: File : %ls - status : 0x%x", wsPath,m_status); return m_status; }
void CLogger::init(const char *directory,const char *prefix,long filesize,long filenr,tLOG_Level maxlevel,bool groupinnewfile) { init(utilStringWiden(directory).c_str(),utilStringWiden(prefix).c_str(),filesize,filenr,maxlevel,groupinnewfile); }
CLog &CLogger::getLogA(const char *group) { return getLogW(utilStringWiden(group).c_str()); }
size_t EIDMW_XMLParser::getDataSize(const char* pPath) { std::wstring wPath = utilStringWiden(std::string(pPath)); return m_DataStorage.getDataSize(wPath); }
const CByteArray* EIDMW_XMLParser::getData(const char* pPath, size_t idx) { std::wstring wPath = utilStringWiden(std::string(pPath)); return m_DataStorage.get(wPath,idx); }