int uwsgi_cr_map_use_cache(struct uwsgi_corerouter *ucr, struct corerouter_peer *peer) { uint64_t hits = 0; uwsgi_rlock(ucr->cache->lock); char *value = uwsgi_cache_get4(ucr->cache, peer->key, peer->key_len, &peer->instance_address_len, &hits); if (!value) goto end; peer->tmp_socket_name = uwsgi_concat2n(value, peer->instance_address_len, "", 0); size_t nodes = uwsgi_str_occurence(peer->tmp_socket_name, peer->instance_address_len, '|'); if (nodes > 0) { size_t choosen_node = hits % (nodes+1); size_t choosen_node_len = 0; peer->instance_address = uwsgi_str_split_nget(peer->tmp_socket_name, peer->instance_address_len, '|', choosen_node, &choosen_node_len); if (!peer->instance_address) goto end; peer->instance_address_len = choosen_node_len; } else { peer->instance_address = peer->tmp_socket_name; } char *cs_mod = uwsgi_str_contains(peer->instance_address, peer->instance_address_len, ','); if (cs_mod) { peer->modifier1 = uwsgi_str_num(cs_mod + 1, (peer->instance_address_len - (cs_mod - peer->instance_address)) - 1); peer->instance_address_len = (cs_mod - peer->instance_address); } end: uwsgi_rwunlock(ucr->cache->lock); return 0; }
static int uwsgi_api_cache_get(lua_State *L) { char *value ; uint64_t valsize; const char *key ; lca(L, 1); if (!uwsgi.caches) goto error; if (lua_isstring(L, 1)) { // get the key key = lua_tolstring(L, 1, NULL); uwsgi_rlock(uwsgi.caches->lock); value = uwsgi_cache_get((char *)key, strlen(key), &valsize); if (value) { lua_pushlstring(L, value, valsize); uwsgi_rwunlock(uwsgi.caches->lock); return 1; } uwsgi_rwunlock(uwsgi.caches->lock); } error: lua_pushnil(L); return 1; }
static void stats_pusher_dogstatsd(struct uwsgi_stats_pusher_instance *uspi, time_t now, char *json, size_t json_len) { if (!uspi->configured) { struct dogstatsd_node *sn = uwsgi_calloc(sizeof(struct dogstatsd_node)); char *comma = strchr(uspi->arg, ','); if (comma) { sn->prefix = comma+1; sn->prefix_len = strlen(sn->prefix); *comma = 0; } else { sn->prefix = "uwsgi"; sn->prefix_len = 5; } char *colon = strchr(uspi->arg, ':'); if (!colon) { uwsgi_log("invalid dd address %s\n", uspi->arg); if (comma) *comma = ','; free(sn); return; } sn->addr_len = socket_to_in_addr(uspi->arg, colon, 0, &sn->addr.sa_in); sn->fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (sn->fd < 0) { uwsgi_error("stats_pusher_dogstatsd()/socket()"); if (comma) *comma = ','; free(sn); return; } uwsgi_socket_nb(sn->fd); if (comma) *comma = ','; uspi->data = sn; uspi->configured = 1; } // we use the same buffer for all of the packets struct uwsgi_buffer *ub = uwsgi_buffer_new(uwsgi.page_size); struct uwsgi_metric *um = uwsgi.metrics; while(um) { uwsgi_rlock(uwsgi.metrics_lock); // ignore return value if (um->type == UWSGI_METRIC_GAUGE) { dogstatsd_send_metric(ub, uspi, um->name, um->name_len, *um->value, "|g"); } else { dogstatsd_send_metric(ub, uspi, um->name, um->name_len, *um->value, "|c"); } uwsgi_rwunlock(uwsgi.metrics_lock); if (um->reset_after_push){ uwsgi_wlock(uwsgi.metrics_lock); *um->value = um->initial_value; uwsgi_rwunlock(uwsgi.metrics_lock); } um = um->next; } uwsgi_buffer_destroy(ub); }
static int uwsgi_websocket_send_from_sharedarea_do(struct wsgi_request *wsgi_req, int id, uint64_t pos, uint64_t len, uint8_t opcode) { struct uwsgi_sharedarea *sa = uwsgi_sharedarea_get_by_id(id, pos); if (!sa) return -1; if (!len) { len = sa->honour_used ? sa->used-pos : ((sa->max_pos+1)-pos); } uwsgi_rlock(sa->lock); sa->hits++; struct uwsgi_buffer *ub = uwsgi_websocket_message(wsgi_req, sa->area, len, opcode); uwsgi_rwunlock(sa->lock); if (!ub) return -1; return uwsgi_response_write_body_do(wsgi_req, ub->buf, ub->pos); }
static void stats_pusher_socket(struct uwsgi_stats_pusher_instance *uspi, time_t now, char *json, size_t json_len) { if (!uspi->configured) { struct socket_node *sn = uwsgi_calloc(sizeof(struct socket_node)); char *comma = strchr(uspi->arg, ','); if (comma) { sn->prefix = comma+1; sn->prefix_len = strlen(sn->prefix); *comma = 0; } else { sn->prefix = "uwsgi"; sn->prefix_len = 5; } sn->fd = uwsgi_socket_from_addr(&sn->addr, &sn->addr_len, uspi->arg, SOCK_DGRAM); if (sn->fd < -1) { if (comma) *comma = ','; free(sn); return; } uwsgi_socket_nb(sn->fd); if (comma) *comma = ','; uspi->data = sn; uspi->configured = 1; } // we use the same buffer for all of the packets struct uwsgi_buffer *ub = uwsgi_buffer_new(uwsgi.page_size); struct uwsgi_metric *um = uwsgi.metrics; while(um) { uwsgi_rlock(uwsgi.metrics_lock); socket_send_metric(ub, uspi, um); uwsgi_rwunlock(uwsgi.metrics_lock); if (um->reset_after_push){ uwsgi_wlock(uwsgi.metrics_lock); *um->value = um->initial_value; uwsgi_rwunlock(uwsgi.metrics_lock); } um = um->next; } uwsgi_buffer_destroy(ub); }
SSL_SESSION *uwsgi_ssl_session_get_cb(SSL *ssl, unsigned char *key, int keylen, int *copy) { uint64_t valsize = 0; *copy = 0; uwsgi_rlock(uwsgi.ssl_sessions_cache->lock); char *value = uwsgi_cache_get2(uwsgi.ssl_sessions_cache, (char *)key, keylen, &valsize); if (!value) { uwsgi_rwunlock(uwsgi.ssl_sessions_cache->lock); if (uwsgi.ssl_verbose) { uwsgi_log("[uwsgi-ssl] cache miss\n"); } return NULL; } SSL_SESSION *sess = d2i_SSL_SESSION(NULL, (const unsigned char **)&value, valsize); uwsgi_rwunlock(uwsgi.ssl_sessions_cache->lock); return sess; }
struct uwsgi_stats *uwsgi_master_generate_stats() { int i; struct uwsgi_stats *us = uwsgi_stats_new(8192); if (uwsgi_stats_keyval_comma(us, "version", UWSGI_VERSION)) goto end; #ifdef __linux__ if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "listen_queue", (unsigned long long) uwsgi.shared->options[UWSGI_OPTION_BACKLOG_STATUS])) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "listen_queue_errors", (unsigned long long) uwsgi.shared->options[UWSGI_OPTION_BACKLOG_ERRORS])) goto end; #endif int signal_queue = 0; if (ioctl(uwsgi.shared->worker_signal_pipe[1], FIONREAD, &signal_queue)) { uwsgi_error("uwsgi_master_generate_stats() -> ioctl()\n"); } if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "signal_queue", (unsigned long long) signal_queue)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "load", (unsigned long long) uwsgi.shared->load)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "pid", (unsigned long long) getpid())) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "uid", (unsigned long long) getuid())) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "gid", (unsigned long long) getgid())) goto end; char *cwd = uwsgi_get_cwd(); if (uwsgi_stats_keyval_comma(us, "cwd", cwd)) { free(cwd); goto end; } free(cwd); if (uwsgi.daemons) { if (uwsgi_stats_key(us, "daemons")) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_list_open(us)) goto end; struct uwsgi_daemon *ud = uwsgi.daemons; while (ud) { if (uwsgi_stats_object_open(us)) goto end; // allocate 2x the size of original command // in case we need to escape all chars char *cmd = uwsgi_malloc(strlen(ud->command)*2); escape_json(ud->command, strlen(ud->command), cmd); if (uwsgi_stats_keyval_comma(us, "cmd", cmd)) { free(cmd); goto end; } free(cmd); if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "pid", (unsigned long long) (ud->pid < 0) ? 0 : ud->pid)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong(us, "respawns", (unsigned long long) ud->respawns ? 0 : ud->respawns)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_object_close(us)) goto end; if (ud->next) { if (uwsgi_stats_comma(us)) goto end; } ud = ud->next; } if (uwsgi_stats_list_close(us)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_comma(us)) goto end; } if (uwsgi_stats_key(us, "locks")) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_list_open(us)) goto end; struct uwsgi_lock_item *uli = uwsgi.registered_locks; while (uli) { if (uwsgi_stats_object_open(us)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong(us, uli->id, (unsigned long long) uli->pid)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_object_close(us)) goto end; if (uli->next) { if (uwsgi_stats_comma(us)) goto end; } uli = uli->next; } if (uwsgi_stats_list_close(us)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_comma(us)) goto end; if (uwsgi.caches) { if (uwsgi_stats_key(us, "caches")) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_list_open(us)) goto end; struct uwsgi_cache *uc = uwsgi.caches; while(uc) { if (uwsgi_stats_object_open(us)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keyval_comma(us, "name", uc->name ? uc->name : "default")) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keyval_comma(us, "hash", uc->hash->name)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "hashsize", (unsigned long long) uc->hashsize)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "keysize", (unsigned long long) uc->keysize)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "max_items", (unsigned long long) uc->max_items)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "blocks", (unsigned long long) uc->blocks)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "blocksize", (unsigned long long) uc->blocksize)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "items", (unsigned long long) uc->n_items)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "hits", (unsigned long long) uc->hits)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "miss", (unsigned long long) uc->miss)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "full", (unsigned long long) uc->full)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong(us, "last_modified_at", (unsigned long long) uc->last_modified_at)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_object_close(us)) goto end; if (uc->next) { if (uwsgi_stats_comma(us)) goto end; } uc = uc->next; } if (uwsgi_stats_list_close(us)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_comma(us)) goto end; } if (uwsgi_stats_key(us, "sockets")) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_list_open(us)) goto end; struct uwsgi_socket *uwsgi_sock = uwsgi.sockets; while (uwsgi_sock) { if (uwsgi_stats_object_open(us)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keyval_comma(us, "name", uwsgi_sock->name)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keyval_comma(us, "proto", uwsgi_sock->proto_name ? uwsgi_sock->proto_name : "uwsgi")) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "queue", (unsigned long long) uwsgi_sock->queue)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "shared", (unsigned long long) uwsgi_sock->shared)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong(us, "can_offload", (unsigned long long) uwsgi_sock->can_offload)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_object_close(us)) goto end; uwsgi_sock = uwsgi_sock->next; if (uwsgi_sock) { if (uwsgi_stats_comma(us)) goto end; } } if (uwsgi_stats_list_close(us)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_comma(us)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_key(us, "workers")) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_list_open(us)) goto end; for (i = 0; i < uwsgi.numproc; i++) { if (uwsgi_stats_object_open(us)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "id", (unsigned long long) uwsgi.workers[i + 1].id)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "pid", (unsigned long long) uwsgi.workers[i + 1].pid)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "requests", (unsigned long long) uwsgi.workers[i + 1].requests)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "delta_requests", (unsigned long long) uwsgi.workers[i + 1].delta_requests)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "exceptions", (unsigned long long) uwsgi_worker_exceptions(i + 1))) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "harakiri_count", (unsigned long long) uwsgi.workers[i + 1].harakiri_count)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "signals", (unsigned long long) uwsgi.workers[i + 1].signals)) goto end; if (ioctl(uwsgi.workers[i + 1].signal_pipe[1], FIONREAD, &signal_queue)) { uwsgi_error("uwsgi_master_generate_stats() -> ioctl()\n"); } if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "signal_queue", (unsigned long long) signal_queue)) goto end; if (uwsgi.workers[i + 1].cheaped) { if (uwsgi_stats_keyval_comma(us, "status", "cheap")) goto end; } else if (uwsgi.workers[i + 1].suspended && !uwsgi_worker_is_busy(i+1)) { if (uwsgi_stats_keyval_comma(us, "status", "pause")) goto end; } else { if (uwsgi.workers[i + 1].sig) { if (uwsgi_stats_keyvalnum_comma(us, "status", "sig", (unsigned long long) uwsgi.workers[i + 1].signum)) goto end; } else if (uwsgi_worker_is_busy(i+1)) { if (uwsgi_stats_keyval_comma(us, "status", "busy")) goto end; } else { if (uwsgi_stats_keyval_comma(us, "status", "idle")) goto end; } } if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "rss", (unsigned long long) uwsgi.workers[i + 1].rss_size)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "vsz", (unsigned long long) uwsgi.workers[i + 1].vsz_size)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "running_time", (unsigned long long) uwsgi.workers[i + 1].running_time)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "last_spawn", (unsigned long long) uwsgi.workers[i + 1].last_spawn)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "respawn_count", (unsigned long long) uwsgi.workers[i + 1].respawn_count)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "tx", (unsigned long long) uwsgi.workers[i + 1].tx)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "avg_rt", (unsigned long long) uwsgi.workers[i + 1].avg_response_time)) goto end; // applications list if (uwsgi_stats_key(us, "apps")) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_list_open(us)) goto end; int j; for (j = 0; j < uwsgi.workers[i + 1].apps_cnt; j++) { struct uwsgi_app *ua = &uwsgi.workers[i + 1].apps[j]; if (uwsgi_stats_object_open(us)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "id", (unsigned long long) j)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "modifier1", (unsigned long long) ua->modifier1)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keyvaln_comma(us, "mountpoint", ua->mountpoint, ua->mountpoint_len)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "startup_time", ua->startup_time)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "requests", ua->requests)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "exceptions", ua->exceptions)) goto end; if (ua->chdir) { if (uwsgi_stats_keyval(us, "chdir", ua->chdir)) goto end; } else { if (uwsgi_stats_keyval(us, "chdir", "")) goto end; } if (uwsgi_stats_object_close(us)) goto end; if (j < uwsgi.workers[i + 1].apps_cnt - 1) { if (uwsgi_stats_comma(us)) goto end; } } if (uwsgi_stats_list_close(us)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_comma(us)) goto end; // cores list if (uwsgi_stats_key(us, "cores")) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_list_open(us)) goto end; for (j = 0; j < uwsgi.cores; j++) { struct uwsgi_core *uc = &uwsgi.workers[i + 1].cores[j]; if (uwsgi_stats_object_open(us)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "id", (unsigned long long) j)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "requests", (unsigned long long) uc->requests)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "static_requests", (unsigned long long) uc->static_requests)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "routed_requests", (unsigned long long) uc->routed_requests)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "offloaded_requests", (unsigned long long) uc->offloaded_requests)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "write_errors", (unsigned long long) uc->write_errors)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "in_request", (unsigned long long) uc->in_request)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_key(us, "vars")) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_list_open(us)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_dump_vars(us, uc)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_list_close(us)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_object_close(us)) goto end; if (j < uwsgi.cores - 1) { if (uwsgi_stats_comma(us)) goto end; } } if (uwsgi_stats_list_close(us)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_object_close(us)) goto end; if (i < uwsgi.numproc - 1) { if (uwsgi_stats_comma(us)) goto end; } } if (uwsgi_stats_list_close(us)) goto end; struct uwsgi_spooler *uspool = uwsgi.spoolers; if (uspool) { if (uwsgi_stats_comma(us)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_key(us, "spoolers")) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_list_open(us)) goto end; while (uspool) { if (uwsgi_stats_object_open(us)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keyval_comma(us, "dir", uspool->dir)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "pid", (unsigned long long) uspool->pid)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "tasks", (unsigned long long) uspool->tasks)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "respawns", (unsigned long long) uspool->respawned)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong(us, "running", (unsigned long long) uspool->running)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_object_close(us)) goto end; uspool = uspool->next; if (uspool) { if (uwsgi_stats_comma(us)) goto end; } } if (uwsgi_stats_list_close(us)) goto end; } struct uwsgi_cron *ucron = uwsgi.crons; if (ucron) { if (uwsgi_stats_comma(us)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_key(us, "crons")) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_list_open(us)) goto end; while (ucron) { if (uwsgi_stats_object_open(us)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keyslong_comma(us, "minute", (long long) ucron->minute)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keyslong_comma(us, "hour", (long long) ucron->hour)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keyslong_comma(us, "day", (long long) ucron->day)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keyslong_comma(us, "month", (long long) ucron->month)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keyslong_comma(us, "week", (long long) ucron->week)) goto end; char *cmd = uwsgi_malloc(strlen(ucron->command)*2); escape_json(ucron->command, strlen(ucron->command), cmd); if (uwsgi_stats_keyval_comma(us, "command", cmd)) { free(cmd); goto end; } free(cmd); if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "unique", (unsigned long long) ucron->unique)) goto end; #ifdef UWSGI_SSL if (uwsgi_stats_keyval_comma(us, "legion", ucron->legion ? ucron->legion : "")) goto end; #endif if (uwsgi_stats_keyslong_comma(us, "pid", (long long) ucron->pid)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong(us, "started_at", (unsigned long long) ucron->started_at)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_object_close(us)) goto end; ucron = ucron->next; if (ucron) { if (uwsgi_stats_comma(us)) goto end; } } if (uwsgi_stats_list_close(us)) goto end; } #ifdef UWSGI_SSL struct uwsgi_legion *legion = NULL; if (uwsgi.legions) { if (uwsgi_stats_comma(us)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_key(us, "legions")) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_list_open(us)) goto end; legion = uwsgi.legions; while (legion) { if (uwsgi_stats_object_open(us)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keyval_comma(us, "legion", legion->legion)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keyval_comma(us, "addr", legion->addr)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keyval_comma(us, "uuid", legion->uuid)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "valor", (unsigned long long) legion->valor)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "checksum", (unsigned long long) legion->checksum)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "quorum", (unsigned long long) legion->quorum)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "i_am_the_lord", (unsigned long long) legion->i_am_the_lord)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "lord_valor", (unsigned long long) legion->lord_valor)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_keyvaln_comma(us, "lord_uuid", legion->lord_uuid, 36)) goto end; // legion nodes start if (uwsgi_stats_key(us, "nodes")) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_list_open(us)) goto end; struct uwsgi_string_list *nodes = legion->nodes; while (nodes) { if (uwsgi_stats_str(us, nodes->value)) goto end; nodes = nodes->next; if (nodes) { if (uwsgi_stats_comma(us)) goto end; } } if (uwsgi_stats_list_close(us)) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_comma(us)) goto end; // legion members start if (uwsgi_stats_key(us, "members")) goto end; if (uwsgi_stats_list_open(us)) goto end; uwsgi_rlock(legion->lock); struct uwsgi_legion_node *node = legion->nodes_head; while (node) { if (uwsgi_stats_object_open(us)) goto unlock_legion_mutex; if (uwsgi_stats_keyvaln_comma(us, "name", node->name, node->name_len)) goto unlock_legion_mutex; if (uwsgi_stats_keyval_comma(us, "uuid", node->uuid)) goto unlock_legion_mutex; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "valor", (unsigned long long) node->valor)) goto unlock_legion_mutex; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong_comma(us, "checksum", (unsigned long long) node->checksum)) goto unlock_legion_mutex; if (uwsgi_stats_keylong(us, "last_seen", (unsigned long long) node->last_seen)) goto unlock_legion_mutex; if (uwsgi_stats_object_close(us)) goto unlock_legion_mutex; node = node->next; if (node) { if (uwsgi_stats_comma(us)) goto unlock_legion_mutex; } } uwsgi_rwunlock(legion->lock); if (uwsgi_stats_list_close(us)) goto end; // legion nodes end if (uwsgi_stats_object_close(us)) goto end; legion = legion->next; if (legion) { if (uwsgi_stats_comma(us)) goto end; } } if (uwsgi_stats_list_close(us)) goto end; } #endif if (uwsgi_stats_object_close(us)) goto end; return us; #ifdef UWSGI_SSL unlock_legion_mutex: if (legion) uwsgi_rwunlock(legion->lock); #endif end: free(us->base); free(us); return NULL; }
// this function does not use the magic api internally to avoid too much copy static void manage_magic_context(struct wsgi_request *wsgi_req, struct uwsgi_cache_magic_context *ucmc) { struct uwsgi_buffer *ub = NULL; struct uwsgi_cache *uc = uwsgi.caches; if (ucmc->cache_len > 0) { uc = uwsgi_cache_by_namelen(ucmc->cache, ucmc->cache_len); if (!uc) return; } if (!uc) return; // cache get if (!uwsgi_strncmp(ucmc->cmd, ucmc->cmd_len, "get", 3)) { uint64_t vallen = 0; uint64_t expires = 0; uwsgi_rlock(uc->lock); char *value = uwsgi_cache_get3(uc, ucmc->key, ucmc->key_len, &vallen, &expires); if (!value) { uwsgi_rwunlock(uc->lock); return; } // we are still locked !!! ub = uwsgi_buffer_new(uwsgi.page_size); ub->pos = 4; if (uwsgi_buffer_append_keyval(ub, "status", 6, "ok", 2)) goto error; if (uwsgi_buffer_append_keynum(ub, "size", 4, vallen)) goto error; if (expires) { if (uwsgi_buffer_append_keynum(ub, "expires", 7, expires)) goto error; } if (uwsgi_buffer_set_uh(ub, 111, 17)) goto error; if (uwsgi_buffer_append(ub, value, vallen)) goto error; // unlock !!! uwsgi_rwunlock(uc->lock); uwsgi_response_write_body_do(wsgi_req, ub->buf, ub->pos); uwsgi_buffer_destroy(ub); return; } // cache exists if (!uwsgi_strncmp(ucmc->cmd, ucmc->cmd_len, "exists", 6)) { uwsgi_rlock(uc->lock); if (!uwsgi_cache_exists2(uc, ucmc->key, ucmc->key_len)) { uwsgi_rwunlock(uc->lock); return; } // we are still locked !!! ub = uwsgi_buffer_new(uwsgi.page_size); ub->pos = 4; if (uwsgi_buffer_append_keyval(ub, "status", 6, "ok", 2)) goto error; if (uwsgi_buffer_set_uh(ub, 111, 17)) goto error; // unlock !!! uwsgi_rwunlock(uc->lock); uwsgi_response_write_body_do(wsgi_req, ub->buf, ub->pos); uwsgi_buffer_destroy(ub); return; } // cache del if (!uwsgi_strncmp(ucmc->cmd, ucmc->cmd_len, "del", 3)) { uwsgi_wlock(uc->lock); if (uwsgi_cache_del2(uc, ucmc->key, ucmc->key_len, 0, 0)) { uwsgi_rwunlock(uc->lock); return; } // we are still locked !!! ub = uwsgi_buffer_new(uwsgi.page_size); ub->pos = 4; if (uwsgi_buffer_append_keyval(ub, "status", 6, "ok", 2)) goto error; if (uwsgi_buffer_set_uh(ub, 111, 17)) goto error; // unlock !!! uwsgi_rwunlock(uc->lock); uwsgi_response_write_body_do(wsgi_req, ub->buf, ub->pos); uwsgi_buffer_destroy(ub); return; } // cache clear if (!uwsgi_strncmp(ucmc->cmd, ucmc->cmd_len, "clear", 5)) { uint64_t i; uwsgi_wlock(uc->lock); for (i = 1; i < uwsgi.caches->max_items; i++) { if (uwsgi_cache_del2(uc, NULL, 0, i, 0)) { uwsgi_rwunlock(uc->lock); return; } } // we are still locked !!! ub = uwsgi_buffer_new(uwsgi.page_size); ub->pos = 4; if (uwsgi_buffer_append_keyval(ub, "status", 6, "ok", 2)) goto error; if (uwsgi_buffer_set_uh(ub, 111, 17)) goto error; // unlock !!! uwsgi_rwunlock(uc->lock); uwsgi_response_write_body_do(wsgi_req, ub->buf, ub->pos); uwsgi_buffer_destroy(ub); return; } // cache set if (!uwsgi_strncmp(ucmc->cmd, ucmc->cmd_len, "set", 3) || !uwsgi_strncmp(ucmc->cmd, ucmc->cmd_len, "update", 6)) { if (ucmc->size == 0 || ucmc->size > uc->max_item_size) return; wsgi_req->post_cl = ucmc->size; // read the value ssize_t rlen = 0; char *value = uwsgi_request_body_read(wsgi_req, ucmc->size, &rlen); if (rlen != (ssize_t) ucmc->size) return; // ok let's lock uwsgi_wlock(uc->lock); if (uwsgi_cache_set2(uc, ucmc->key, ucmc->key_len, value, ucmc->size, ucmc->expires, ucmc->cmd_len > 3 ? UWSGI_CACHE_FLAG_UPDATE : 0)) { uwsgi_rwunlock(uc->lock); return; } // we are still locked !!! ub = uwsgi_buffer_new(uwsgi.page_size); ub->pos = 4; if (uwsgi_buffer_append_keyval(ub, "status", 6, "ok", 2)) goto error; if (uwsgi_buffer_set_uh(ub, 111, 17)) goto error; // unlock !!! uwsgi_rwunlock(uc->lock); uwsgi_response_write_body_do(wsgi_req, ub->buf, ub->pos); uwsgi_buffer_destroy(ub); return; } return; error: uwsgi_rwunlock(uc->lock); uwsgi_buffer_destroy(ub); }
int uwsgi_file_serve(struct wsgi_request *wsgi_req, char *document_root, uint16_t document_root_len, char *path_info, uint16_t path_info_len, int is_a_file) { struct stat st; char real_filename[PATH_MAX + 1]; size_t real_filename_len = 0; char *filename = NULL; size_t filename_len = 0; struct uwsgi_string_list *index = NULL; if (!is_a_file) { filename = uwsgi_concat3n(document_root, document_root_len, "/", 1, path_info, path_info_len); filename_len = document_root_len + 1 + path_info_len; } else { filename = uwsgi_concat2n(document_root, document_root_len, "", 0); filename_len = document_root_len; } #ifdef UWSGI_DEBUG uwsgi_log("[uwsgi-fileserve] checking for %s\n", filename); #endif if (uwsgi.static_cache_paths) { uwsgi_rlock(uwsgi.static_cache_paths->lock); uint64_t item_len; char *item = uwsgi_cache_get2(uwsgi.static_cache_paths, filename, filename_len, &item_len); if (item && item_len > 0 && item_len <= PATH_MAX) { memcpy(real_filename, item, item_len); real_filename_len = item_len; uwsgi_rwunlock(uwsgi.static_cache_paths->lock); goto found; } uwsgi_rwunlock(uwsgi.static_cache_paths->lock); } if (!realpath(filename, real_filename)) { #ifdef UWSGI_DEBUG uwsgi_log("[uwsgi-fileserve] unable to get realpath() of the static file\n"); #endif free(filename); return -1; } real_filename_len = strlen(real_filename); if (uwsgi.static_cache_paths) { uwsgi_wlock(uwsgi.static_cache_paths->lock); uwsgi_cache_set2(uwsgi.static_cache_paths, filename, filename_len, real_filename, real_filename_len, uwsgi.use_static_cache_paths, UWSGI_CACHE_FLAG_UPDATE); uwsgi_rwunlock(uwsgi.static_cache_paths->lock); } found: free(filename); if (uwsgi_starts_with(real_filename, real_filename_len, document_root, document_root_len)) { struct uwsgi_string_list *safe = uwsgi.static_safe; while(safe) { if (!uwsgi_starts_with(real_filename, real_filename_len, safe->value, safe->len)) { goto safe; } safe = safe->next; } uwsgi_log("[uwsgi-fileserve] security error: %s is not under %.*s or a safe path\n", real_filename, document_root_len, document_root); return -1; } safe: if (!uwsgi_static_stat(wsgi_req, real_filename, &real_filename_len, &st, &index)) { if (index) { // if we are here the PATH_INFO need to be changed if (uwsgi_req_append_path_info_with_index(wsgi_req, index->value, index->len)) { return -1; } } // skip methods other than GET and HEAD if (uwsgi_strncmp(wsgi_req->method, wsgi_req->method_len, "GET", 3) && uwsgi_strncmp(wsgi_req->method, wsgi_req->method_len, "HEAD", 4)) { return -1; } // check for skippable ext struct uwsgi_string_list *sse = uwsgi.static_skip_ext; while (sse) { if (real_filename_len >= sse->len) { if (!uwsgi_strncmp(real_filename + (real_filename_len - sse->len), sse->len, sse->value, sse->len)) { return -1; } } sse = sse->next; } #ifdef UWSGI_ROUTING // before sending the file, we need to check if some rule applies if (!wsgi_req->is_routing && uwsgi_apply_routes_do(wsgi_req, NULL, 0) == UWSGI_ROUTE_BREAK) { return 0; } wsgi_req->routes_applied = 1; #endif return uwsgi_real_file_serve(wsgi_req, real_filename, real_filename_len, &st); } return -1; }
void manage_snmp(int fd, uint8_t * buffer, int size, struct sockaddr_in *client_addr) { uint16_t asnlen; uint16_t oidlen; uint8_t oid_part[2]; int ptrdelta; uint8_t *ptr = buffer, *seq1, *seq2, *seq3; uint8_t community_len; uint64_t snmp_int = 0; uint64_t request_id = 0; uint64_t version = 0; // KISS for memory management if (size > SNMP_WATERMARK) return; ptr++; // check total sequence size if (*ptr > SNMP_WATERMARK || *ptr < 13) return; ptr++; #ifdef UWSGI_DEBUG uwsgi_debug("SNMP packet size: %d\n", size); #endif // check snmp version if (*ptr != SNMP_INTEGER) return; ptr++; ptrdelta = get_snmp_integer(ptr, &version); if (version > 2) return; ptr += ptrdelta; #ifdef UWSGI_DEBUG uwsgi_debug("SNMP version: %d\n", version); #endif // check for community string (this must be set from the api using uwsgi.snmp_community or with --snmp-community arg) if (*ptr != SNMP_STRING) return; ptr++; community_len = *ptr; if (community_len > 72 || community_len < 1) return; ptr++; // check for community string if (strlen(uwsgi.shared->snmp_community) != community_len) return; if (memcmp(ptr, uwsgi.shared->snmp_community, community_len)) return; #ifdef UWSGI_DEBUG uwsgi_debug("SNMP community: %.*s\n", community_len, ptr); #endif ptr += community_len; // check for get request if (*ptr != SNMP_GET) return; *ptr = SNMP_RES; ptr++; seq1 = ptr; if (*ptr != ((size - community_len) - 9)) return; ptr++; // get request_id if (*ptr != SNMP_INTEGER) return; ptr++; ptrdelta = get_snmp_integer(ptr, &request_id); if (ptrdelta <= 0) return; #ifdef UWSGI_DEBUG uwsgi_debug("SNMP request id: %d %p\n", request_id, ptr); #endif // check here if (ptr + ptrdelta >= buffer + size) return; ptr += ptrdelta; // get error if (*ptr != SNMP_INTEGER) return; ptr++; snmp_int = 0; ptrdelta = get_snmp_integer(ptr, &snmp_int); if (ptrdelta <= 0) return; if (ptr + ptrdelta >= buffer + size) return; if (snmp_int != 0) return; ptr += ptrdelta; // get index if (*ptr != SNMP_INTEGER) return; ptr++; snmp_int = 0; ptrdelta = get_snmp_integer(ptr, &snmp_int); if (ptrdelta <= 0) return; if (ptr + ptrdelta >= buffer + size) return; if (snmp_int != 0) return; ptr += ptrdelta; #ifdef UWSGI_DEBUG uwsgi_debug("SNMP int [1]: %d\n", snmp_int); #endif // check for sequence if (*ptr != SNMP_SEQUENCE) return; ptr++; if (*ptr > SNMP_WATERMARK) return; seq2 = ptr; ptr++; // now the interesting stuff: OID management if (*ptr != SNMP_SEQUENCE) return; ptr++; // check for normal OID uWSGI size: |1.3|.6|.1|.4|.1.|35156|.17|.1/2|.x| + OID_NULL asnlen = *ptr; if (asnlen < 15) return; seq3 = ptr; ptr++; #ifdef UWSGI_DEBUG uwsgi_debug("SNMP ASN len: %d\n", asnlen); #endif // is it an OID ? if (*ptr != SNMP_OID) return; ptr++; oidlen = *ptr; if (oidlen < 11) return; ptr++; // and now parse the OID !!! if (memcmp(ptr, SNMP_UWSGI_BASE, 9)) return; ptr += 9; oid_part[0] = *ptr; // old style SNMP metrics if (oid_part[0] == 1 || oid_part[0] == 2) { ptr++; oid_part[1] = *ptr; if (oid_part[1] < 1 || oid_part[1] > 100) return; ptr++; // check for null if (memcmp((char *) ptr, "\x05\x00", 2)) return; ptr += 2; size = build_snmp_response(oid_part[0], oid_part[1], buffer, size, seq1, seq2, seq3); } // metrics subsystem else { size_t metric_asn_len = oidlen - 9; char *metric_asn = (char *) ptr; struct uwsgi_metric *um = uwsgi_metric_find_by_asn(metric_asn, metric_asn_len); if (!um) return; uwsgi_rlock(uwsgi.metrics_lock); int64_t value = *um->value; uwsgi_rwunlock(uwsgi.metrics_lock); size = build_snmp_metric_response(value, um->type, buffer, size, seq1, seq2, seq3); } if (size > 0) { if (sendto(fd, buffer, size, 0, (struct sockaddr *) client_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) < 0) { uwsgi_error("sendto()"); } } }