Пример #1
triangle_intersects(const triangle_t *triangle, const ray_t *ray, intersection_t *result)
	const v3_t* edge1;
    const v3_t* edge2;
	v3_t tvec;
	v3_t pvec;
	v3_t qvec;
	float det;
	float inv_det;
	float t;
	float u;
	float v;

	result->hit = 0;

	//v3_sub(&edge1, &triangle->pt2, &triangle->pt1);
	//v3_sub(&edge2, &triangle->pt3, &triangle->pt1);
	edge1 = &triangle->edge1;
	edge2 = &triangle->edge2;

	v3_cross(&pvec, &ray->direction, edge2);

	det = v3_dot(edge1, &pvec);
	//No culling version
	if(det > -EPSILON && det < EPSILON)
		return 0;

	inv_det = 1.0f / det;

	v3_sub(&tvec, &ray->origin, &triangle->v0);

	u = v3_dot(&tvec, &pvec) * inv_det;
	if(u < 0.0f || u > 1.0f)
		return 0;

	v3_cross(&qvec, &tvec, edge1);
	v = v3_dot(&ray->direction, &qvec) * inv_det;
	if(v < 0.0f || u + v > 1.0f + EPSILON) //add EPSILON to offset small precision errors
		return 0;

	t = v3_dot(edge2, &qvec) * inv_det;

    if(t > EPSILON) {
      result->hit = 1;
      result->distance = t;
      return 1;

	v3_copy(&result->normal, &triangle->normal);
	v3_copy(&result->hit_point, &r->direction);
	v3_mul_scalar(&result->hit_point, t);
	v3_add(&result->hit_point, &result->hit_point, &r->origin);
	return 0;
Пример #2
hit_test intersect(ray r, object obj) {
    v3 ro = r.origin;
    v3 rd = r.direction;
    double t;
    hit_test ht_out;
    switch (obj.tag) {
        case SPHERE: {
            v3 sc = obj.o.s.center;
            double sr = obj.o.s.radius;
            v3 A = v3_sub(ro, sc);
            double B = v3_dot(A, rd);
            double C = v3_dot(A, A) - sr*sr;
            double D = B*B - C;
            t = -B - sqrt(D);
            if (D > 0 && t > 0) {
                v3 ray_pos = ray_position(r, t);
                ht_out.miss = HIT;
                ht_out.t = t;
                ht_out.hit_point = ray_pos;
                ht_out.surf = \
                    (*(obj.o.s.surface_color))(obj.o.s.center, ray_pos);
                ht_out.shine = obj.o.s.shine;
                ht_out.surf_norm = v3_norm(v3_sub(ray_pos, obj.o.s.center));
            } else {
                ht_out.miss = MISS;
        case POSTER: {
            v3 n = v3_expr(0, 0, -1);
            double d = obj.o.p.upper_left.z;
            t = -(v3_dot(ro, n) + d) / v3_dot(rd, n);
            v3 ray_pos = ray_position(r, t);
            if (t > 0 && is_on_poster(ray_pos, obj.o.p)) {
                ht_out.miss = HIT;
                ht_out.t = t;
                ht_out.hit_point = ray_pos;
                ht_out.surf = \
                    (*(obj.o.p.surface_color))(obj.o.p.upper_left, ray_pos);
                ht_out.shine = obj.o.p.shine;
                ht_out.surf_norm = n;
            } else {
                ht_out.miss = MISS;
            fprintf(stderr, "error in intersect: unrecognized tag\n");
    return ht_out;
Пример #3
Файл: torus.c Проект: cheque/s3d
Inode *torus_intersect(Prim *p, Ray ro)
  double a, b, c, disc, t0, t1;
  Inode *i0, *i1;
  Ray r = ray_transform(ro, p->ti);

  a = v3_sqrnorm(r.d);
  b = 2 * v3_dot(r.d, r.o);
  c = v3_sqrnorm(r.o) - 1;
  if ((disc = SQR(b) - 4 * a * c) <= 0)
    return (Inode *)0;
  t0 = (-b - sqrt(disc)) / (2 * a);
  t1 = (-b + sqrt(disc)) / (2 * a);
  if (t1 < RAY_EPS)
    return (Inode *)0;
  if (t0 < RAY_EPS) {
    Vector3 n1 = v3_unit(torus_gradient(p, ray_point(r, t1)));
    return inode_alloc(t1, n1, FALSE);
  } else {
    Vector3 n0 = v3_unit(torus_gradient(p, ray_point(ro, t0)));
    Vector3 n1 = v3_unit(torus_gradient(p, ray_point(ro, t1)));
    i0 = inode_alloc(t0, n0, TRUE);
    i1 = inode_alloc(t1, n1, FALSE);
    i0->next = i1;
    return i0;
Пример #4
Файл: misc.c Проект: cheque/s3d
int dir_coupling(Cone a, Vector3 v)
  if (v3_dot(a.d, v3_scale(-1, v)) > a.cosa)
    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
Пример #5
Color ray_shade(int level, Real w, Ray v, RContext *rc, Object *ol)
  Inode *i = ray_intersect(ol, v);
  if (i != NULL) { Light *l; Real wf;
    Material *m = i->m;
    Vector3 p = ray_point(v, i->t); 
    Cone  recv = cone_make(p, i->n, PIOVER2);
    Color c = c_mult(m->c, c_scale(m->ka, ambient(rc)));
    rc->p = p;

    for (l = rc->l; l != NULL; l = l->next) 
      if ((*l->transport)(l, recv, rc) && (wf = shadow(l, p, ol)) > RAY_WF_MIN)
	c = c_add(c, c_mult(m->c,
		     c_scale(wf * m->kd * v3_dot(l->outdir,i->n), l->outcol)));

    if (level++ < MAX_RAY_LEVEL) {
      if ((wf = w * m->ks) > RAY_WF_MIN) {
	Ray r = ray_make(p, reflect_dir(v.d, i->n));
        c = c_add(c, c_mult(m->s,
		     c_scale(m->ks, ray_shade(level, wf, r, rc, ol))));
      if ((wf = w * m->kt) > RAY_WF_MIN) {
	Ray t = ray_make(p, refract_dir(v.d, i->n, (i->enter)? 1/m->ir: m->ir));
	if (v3_sqrnorm(t.d) > 0) {
	  c = c_add(c, c_mult(m->s,
		       c_scale(m->kt, ray_shade(level, wf, t, rc, ol))));
    return c;
  } else {
    return BG_COLOR;
Пример #6
t_mat4		m4_look_at(t_vec3 from, t_vec3 to, t_vec3 up)
	t_vec3	x;
	t_vec3	y;
	t_vec3	z;

	z = v3_muls(v3_norm(v3_sub(to, from)), -1);
	x = v3_norm(v3_cross(up, z));
	y = v3_cross(z, x);
	return (mat4(
				 x.x, x.y, x.z, -v3_dot(from, x),
				 y.x, y.y, y.z, -v3_dot(from, y),
				 z.x, z.y, z.z, -v3_dot(from, z),
				 0,   0,   0,    1
Пример #7
scalar_t noise3(scalar_t x, scalar_t y, scalar_t z)
	int i, j;
	int bx0, bx1, by0, by1, bz0, bz1;
	int b00, b10, b01, b11;
	scalar_t rx0, rx1, ry0, ry1, rz0, rz1;
	scalar_t sx, sy, sz;
	scalar_t u, v, a, b, c, d;

	if(!tables_valid) {
		tables_valid = 1;

	setup(x, bx0, bx1, rx0, rx1);
	setup(y, by0, by1, ry0, ry1);
	setup(z, bz0, bz1, rz0, rz1);

	i = perm[bx0];
	j = perm[bx1];

	b00 = perm[i + by0];
	b10 = perm[j + by0];
	b01 = perm[i + by1];
	b11 = perm[j + by1];

	/* calculate hermite interpolating factors */
	sx = s_curve(rx0);
	sy = s_curve(ry0);
	sz = s_curve(rz0);

	/* interpolate along the top slice of the cell */
	u = v3_dot(grad3[b00 + bz0], v3_cons(rx0, ry0, rz0));
	v = v3_dot(grad3[b10 + bz0], v3_cons(rx1, ry0, rz0));
	a = lerp(u, v, sx);

	u = v3_dot(grad3[b01 + bz0], v3_cons(rx0, ry1, rz0));
	v = v3_dot(grad3[b11 + bz0], v3_cons(rx1, ry1, rz0));
	b = lerp(u, v, sx);

	c = lerp(a, b, sy);

	/* interpolate along the bottom slice of the cell */
	u = v3_dot(grad3[b00 + bz0], v3_cons(rx0, ry0, rz1));
	v = v3_dot(grad3[b10 + bz0], v3_cons(rx1, ry0, rz1));
	a = lerp(u, v, sx);

	u = v3_dot(grad3[b01 + bz0], v3_cons(rx0, ry1, rz1));
	v = v3_dot(grad3[b11 + bz0], v3_cons(rx1, ry1, rz1));
	b = lerp(u, v, sx);

	d = lerp(a, b, sy);

	/* interpolate between slices */
	return lerp(c, d, sz);
Пример #8
static Real formfactor(int i, int j, int n, Poly **p, Real *a)
  Vector3 vi, vj, vji, d;
  Real r2, ci, cj;
  vi = poly_centr(p[i]);
  vj = poly_centr(p[j]);
  vji = v3_sub(vi, vj);
  if ((r2 = v3_sqrnorm(vji)) < REL_EPS)
    return 0;    
  d = v3_scale(1.0/sqrt(r2), vji);
  if ((cj =  v3_dot(poly_normal(p[j]), d)) < REL_EPS)
    return 0;
  if ((ci = -v3_dot(poly_normal(p[i]), d)) < REL_EPS)
    return 0;
  if (vis_flag  && visible(n, p, vj, vji) < REL_EPS)
    return 0;
  return a[i] * ((cj * ci) / (PI * r2 + a[i])); 
Пример #9
//get the angle from vector v1 to vector v2 around the axis
double GetAngle(double* v1, double* v2, double* axis)
  double dot_prod = v3_dot(v1, v2);
  double r_axis_len = v3_mag(axis);

  double theta = atan2(r_axis_len, dot_prod);

  return theta;
Пример #10
hit_test intersect_poster (ray r, poster p)
  hit_test result = {0};
  v3 ro = r.origin;
  v3 rd = r.direction;
  v3 n = v3_expr(0, 0, -1);
  double d = p.upper_left.z;
  double t = -(v3_dot(ro, n) + d) / v3_dot(rd, n);
  result.miss = MISS;
  v3 intersection = ray_position(r, t);
  if (t>0 && within_poster(intersection, p)) {
    result.miss = HIT;
    result.t = t;
    result.hit_point = intersection;
    result.surf = p.surface_color(p.upper_left, intersection);
    result.shine = p.shine;
    result.surf_norm = n;
  return result;
Пример #11
hit_test intersect_sphere (ray r, sphere s)
  hit_test result = {0};
  v3 sc = s.center;
  double sr = s.radius;
  v3 a = v3_sub(r.origin, sc);
  double b = v3_dot(a, r.direction);
  double c = v3_dot(a, a) - (sr * sr);
  double d = (b * b) - c;
  double t = -b - sqrt(d);
  result.miss = MISS;
  if (d > 0 && t > 0) {
    v3 intersection = ray_position(r, t);  
    result.miss = HIT;
    result.t = t;
    result.hit_point = intersection;
    result.surf = s.surface_color(sc, intersection);
    result.shine = s.shine;
    result.surf_norm = v3_norm(v3_sub(intersection, sc));
  return result;
Пример #12
void makeviewV(void)
  Vector3 n,u,v,t;

  n = view->normal;
  v = v3_sub(view->up, v3_scale(v3_dot(view->up, n), n));
  if (v3_norm(v) < ROUNDOFF)
    error("view up parallel to view normal");
  v = v3_unit(v);
  u = v3_cross(n, v);
  t.x = v3_dot(view->center, u);
  t.y = v3_dot(view->center, v);
  t.z = v3_dot(view->center, n);

  view->V = m4_ident();
  view->V.r1.x =  u.x; view->V.r2.x =  v.x; view->V.r3.x =  n.x;
  view->V.r1.y =  u.y; view->V.r2.y =  v.y; view->V.r3.y =  n.y;
  view->V.r1.z =  u.z; view->V.r2.z =  v.z; view->V.r3.z =  n.z;
  view->V.r1.w = -t.x; view->V.r2.w = -t.y; view->V.r3.w = -t.z;

Пример #13
Vector3 refract_dir(Vector3 d, Vector3 n, Real eta)
  Real c1, c2;

  if ((c1 = v3_dot(d, n)) < 0)
    c1 = -c1;
    n = v3_scale(-1.0, n);

  if ((c2 = 1 - SQR(eta) * (1 - SQR(c1))) < 0)
    return v3_make(0,0,0);
    return v3_add(v3_scale(eta, d), v3_scale(eta*c1 - sqrt(c2), n));
Пример #14
	camera_t * const c,
	v3_t eye,
	v3_t lookat,
	v3_t up,
	float fov
	// compute the basis for the camera
	// negative look direction from eye to destination
	v3_t w = v3_norm(v3_sub(eye, lookat));

	// compute the side axis
	v3_t u = v3_norm(v3_cross(up, w));

	// and the "up" normal
	v3_t v = v3_norm(v3_cross(w, u));

	m44_t cam = {{
		{ u.p[0], u.p[1], u.p[2], -v3_dot(u,eye) },
		{ v.p[0], v.p[1], v.p[2], -v3_dot(v,eye) },
		{ w.p[0], w.p[1], w.p[2], -v3_dot(w,eye) },
		{ 0,      0,      0,      1 },

	fprintf(stderr, "Camera:\n");
	for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
		for(int j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++)
			fprintf(stderr, " %+5.3f", cam.m[i][j]);
		fprintf(stderr, "\n");

	// now compute the perspective projection matrix
if(1) {
	float s = 1000.0 / tan(fov * M_PI / 180 / 2);
	c->near = 1;
	c->far = 200;
	float f1 = - c->far / (c->far - c->near);
	float f2 = - c->far * c->near / (c->far - c->near);

	m44_t pers = {{
		{ s, 0, 0, 0 },
		{ 0, s, 0, 0 },
		{ 0, 0, f2, -1 },
		{ 0, 0, f1, 0 },

	fprintf(stderr, "Perspective:\n");
	for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
		for(int j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++)
			fprintf(stderr, " %+5.3f", pers.m[i][j]);
		fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	m44_mult(&c->r, &pers, &cam);
} else {
	// no perspective
	m44_t pers = {{
		{ 1, 0, 0, 0 },
		{ 0, 1, 0, 0 },
		{ 0, 0, 1, 0 },
		{ 0, 0, 0, 1 },
	// and apply it to the camera matrix to generate transform
	m44_mult(&c->r, &pers, &cam);

	fprintf(stderr, "Cam*Pers\n");
	for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
		for(int j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++)
			fprintf(stderr, " %+5.3f", c->r.m[i][j]);
		fprintf(stderr, "\n");

Пример #15
Vector3 reflect_dir(Vector3 d, Vector3 n)
  return v3_add(d, v3_scale(-2 * v3_dot(n, d), n));
Пример #16
GLvoid sample_world() {
  //  int timing;
  u_int i,j,d;
  //  float t0,t1,t2;

  v3* temp;
  v3* disp;
  //  v3* disp2;
  float dot;
  float dm;

  char* temp_s1;
  char* temp_s2;

  for (i = 0; i < PARTICLES; i++) {
    //    printf("adding g %d,%f\n", i,ps[i].v[1]);
    v3_add(ps[i].v, gr);
    //    ps[i].v->v[1] -= g;

    v3_mult(ps[i].v, LOSS_V);
    for (d = 0; d < D; d++) {
      v3_mult_add(ps[i].c, ps[i].v, 1 / (float) SPS); //  ps[i].c[d] += ps[i].v[d] / (float) SPS;
      if (ps[i].c->v[d] < -B + RADIUS) {

	disp = v3_new(0,0,0);
	disp->v[d] = ps[i].c->v[d] + B;
	dm = 1 / (1 - (RADIUS - v3_mag(disp)) / RADIUS);

	v3_mult_add(ps[i].v, disp, dm * LOSS_WALL * dt);

	//	ps[i].c->v[d] = -B + RADIUS;
	//	ps[i].v->v[d] *= -1 * LOSS_WALL;

      if (ps[i].c->v[d] > B - RADIUS) {

	disp = v3_new(0,0,0);
	disp->v[d] = ps[i].c->v[d] - B;
	//	dm = (RADIUS - v3_mag(disp)) / RADIUS;
	dm = 1 / (1 - (RADIUS - v3_mag(disp)) / RADIUS);

	v3_mult_add(ps[i].v, disp, dm * LOSS_WALL * dt);

	//	ps[i].c->v[d] = B - RADIUS;
	//	ps[i].v->v[d] *= -1 * LOSS_WALL;
  for (i = 0; i < PARTICLES; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < PARTICLES; j++) {
      if (i == j) continue;
      if (v3_dist(ps[i].c, ps[j].c) >= RADIUS * 2) continue;

      /*      temp_s1 = v3_str(ps[i].c);
      temp_s2 = v3_str(ps[j].c);
      printf("collision pos: %s %s\n", temp_s1, temp_s2);

      temp_s1 = v3_str(ps[i].v);
      temp_s2 = v3_str(ps[j].v);
      printf("collision vel: %s %s\n", temp_s1, temp_s2);

      temp = v3_copy(ps[i].v);
      v3_sub(temp, ps[j].v);

      temp_s1 = v3_str(temp);
      printf("temp = %s\n", temp_s1);

      disp = v3_copy(ps[i].c);
      v3_sub(disp, ps[j].c);

      //      disp2 = v3_copy(disp);

      dm = RADIUS - v3_mag(disp) / 2;

      temp_s1 = v3_str(disp);
      printf("disp = %s\n", temp_s1);


      temp_s1 = v3_str(disp);
      printf("disp unit = %s\n", temp_s1);

      dot = v3_dot(temp, disp);

      printf("dot = %f\n", dot);

      v3_mult_add(ps[i].v, disp, dm*LOSS_COL*dt);
      v3_mult_sub(ps[j].v, disp, dm*LOSS_COL*dt);

      //      v3_mult_add(ps[i].c, disp, dm);
      //      v3_mult_sub(ps[j].c, disp, dm);
