Пример #1
Файл: go.c Проект: 15ramky/geany
static void parseFunctionOrMethod (tokenInfo *const token)
	// FunctionDecl = "func" identifier Signature [ Body ] .
	// Body         = Block.
	// MethodDecl   = "func" Receiver MethodName Signature [ Body ] .
	// Receiver     = "(" [ identifier ] [ "*" ] BaseTypeName ")" .
	// BaseTypeName = identifier .

	// Skip over receiver.
	readToken (token);
	if (isType (token, TOKEN_OPEN_PAREN))
		skipToMatched (token);

	if (isType (token, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER))
		vString *argList;
		tokenInfo *functionToken = copyToken (token);

		// Start recording signature
		signature = vStringNew ();

		// Skip over parameters.
		readToken (token);
		skipToMatchedNoRead (token);

		vStringStripLeading (signature);
		vStringStripTrailing (signature);
		argList = signature;
		signature = vStringNew ();

		readToken (token);

		// Skip over result.
		skipType (token);

		// Remove the extra { we have just read
		vStringStripTrailing (signature);
		vStringChop (signature);

		vStringStripLeading (signature);
		vStringStripTrailing (signature);
		makeTag (functionToken, GOTAG_FUNCTION, NULL, GOTAG_UNDEFINED, argList->buffer, signature->buffer);
		deleteToken (functionToken);

		// Stop recording signature
		signature = NULL;

		// Skip over function body.
		if (isType (token, TOKEN_OPEN_CURLY))
			skipToMatched (token);
Пример #2
static void appendText (vString *text, vString *appendedText)
	if (text != NULL && vStringLength (appendedText) > 0)
		if (vStringLength (text) > 0 && vStringLast (text) == ' ' &&
			vStringLength (appendedText) > 0 && vStringChar (appendedText, 0) == ' ')
			vStringStripTrailing (text);
		vStringCat (text, appendedText);
Пример #3
static void matchTagPattern (const vString* const line,
		const regexPattern* const patbuf,
		const regmatch_t* const pmatch)
	vString *const name = substitute (vStringValue (line),
			patbuf->u.tag.name_pattern, BACK_REFERENCE_COUNT, pmatch);
	vStringStripLeading (name);
	vStringStripTrailing (name);
	if (vStringLength (name) > 0)
		makeRegexTag (name, &patbuf->u.tag.kind);
		error (WARNING, "%s:%ld: null expansion of name pattern \"%s\"",
			getInputFileName (), getInputLineNumber (),
	vStringDelete (name);
Пример #4
static boolean loadPathKind (xcmdPath *const path, char* line, char *args[])
	const char* backup = line;
	char* off;
	vString *desc;
	kindOption *kind;

	if (line[0] == '\0')
		return FALSE;
	else if (!isblank(line[1]))
		error (WARNING, "[%s] a space after letter is not found in kind description line: %s", args[0], backup);
		return FALSE;

	path->kinds = xRealloc (path->kinds, path->n_kinds + 1, kindOption);
	kind = &path->kinds [path->n_kinds];
	memset (kind, 0, sizeof (*kind));
	kind->enabled = TRUE;
	kind->letter = line[0];
	kind->name = NULL;
	kind->description = NULL;
	kind->referenceOnly = FALSE;
	kind->nRoles = 0;
	kind->roles = NULL;

	verbose ("	kind letter: <%c>\n", kind->letter);

	for (line++; isblank(*line); line++)
		;		/* do nothing */

	if (*line == '\0')
		error (WARNING, "[%s] unexpectedly a kind description line is terminated: %s",
		       args[0], backup);
		return FALSE;

	Assert (!isblank (*line));

	off = strrstr(line, "[off]");
	if (off == line)
		error (WARNING, "[%s] [off] is given but no kind description is found: %s",
		       args[0], backup);
		return FALSE;
	else if (off)
		if (!isblank (*(off - 1)))
			error (WARNING, "[%s] a whitespace must precede [off] flag: %s",
			       args[0], backup);
			return FALSE;
		kind->enabled = FALSE;
		*off = '\0';
	desc = vStringNewInit (line);
	vStringStripTrailing (desc);

	Assert (vStringLength (desc) > 0);

	kind->description = vStringDeleteUnwrap (desc);

	/* TODO: This conversion should be part of protocol. */
	  char *tmp = eStrdup (kind->description);
	  char *c;
	  for (c = tmp; *c != '\0'; c++)
	      if (*c == ' ' || *c == '\t')
		*c = '_';
	  kind->name = tmp;

	path->n_kinds += 1;
	return TRUE;
Пример #5
static void findMakeTags (void)
    stringList *identifiers = stringListNew ();
    boolean newline = TRUE;
    boolean in_define = FALSE;
    boolean in_rule = FALSE;
    boolean variable_possible = TRUE;
    int c;

    while ((c = nextChar ()) != EOF)
        if (newline)
            if (in_rule)
                if (c == '\t' || (c = skipToNonWhite (c)) == '#')
                    skipLine ();  /* skip rule or comment */
                    c = nextChar ();
                else if (c != '\n')
                    in_rule = FALSE;
            stringListClear (identifiers);
            variable_possible = (boolean)(!in_rule);
            newline = FALSE;
        if (c == '\n')
            newline = TRUE;
        else if (isspace (c))
        else if (c == '#')
            skipLine ();
        else if (variable_possible && c == '?')
            c = nextChar ();
            ungetcToInputFile (c);
            variable_possible = (c == '=');
        else if (variable_possible && c == ':' &&
                 stringListCount (identifiers) > 0)
            c = nextChar ();
            ungetcToInputFile (c);
            if (c != '=')
                unsigned int i;
                for (i = 0; i < stringListCount (identifiers); i++)
                    newTarget (stringListItem (identifiers, i));
                stringListClear (identifiers);
                in_rule = TRUE;
        else if (variable_possible && c == '=' &&
                 stringListCount (identifiers) == 1)
            newMacro (stringListItem (identifiers, 0));
            skipLine ();
            in_rule = FALSE;
        else if (variable_possible && isIdentifier (c))
            vString *name = vStringNew ();
            readIdentifier (c, name);
            stringListAdd (identifiers, name);

            if (stringListCount (identifiers) == 1)
                if (in_define && ! strcmp (vStringValue (name), "endef"))
                    in_define = FALSE;
                else if (in_define)
                    skipLine ();
                else if (! strcmp (vStringValue (name), "define"))
                    in_define = TRUE;
                    c = skipToNonWhite (nextChar ());
                    vStringClear (name);
                    /* all remaining characters on the line are the name -- even spaces */
                    while (c != EOF && c != '\n')
                        vStringPut (name, c);
                        c = nextChar ();
                    if (c == '\n')
                        ungetcToInputFile (c);
                    vStringTerminate (name);
                    vStringStripTrailing (name);
                    newMacro (name);
                else if (! strcmp (vStringValue (name), "export"))
                    stringListClear (identifiers);
                else if (! strcmp (vStringValue (name), "include")
                         || ! strcmp (vStringValue (name), "sinclude")
                         || ! strcmp (vStringValue (name), "-include"))
                    boolean optional = (vStringValue (name)[0] == 'i')? FALSE: TRUE;
                    while (1)
                        c = skipToNonWhite (nextChar ());
                        readIdentifier (c, name);
                        vStringStripTrailing (name);
                        if (isAcceptableAsInclude(name))
                            newInclude (name, optional);

                        /* non-space characters after readIdentifier() may
                         * be rejected by the function:
                         * e.g.
                         * include $*
                         * Here, remove such characters from input stream.
                            c = nextChar ();
                        while (c != EOF && c != '\n' && (!isspace (c)));
                        if (c == '\n')
                            ungetcToInputFile (c);

                        if (c == EOF || c == '\n')
            variable_possible = FALSE;
    stringListDelete (identifiers);
Пример #6
static void findMakeTags (void)
	stringList *identifiers = stringListNew ();
	boolean newline = TRUE;
	boolean in_define = FALSE;
	boolean in_rule = FALSE;
	boolean variable_possible = TRUE;
	int c;

	while ((c = nextChar ()) != EOF)
		if (newline)
			if (in_rule)
				if (c == '\t' || (c = skipToNonWhite (c)) == '#')
					skipLine ();  /* skip rule or comment */
					c = nextChar ();
				else if (c != '\n')
					in_rule = FALSE;
			stringListClear (identifiers);
			variable_possible = (boolean)(!in_rule);
			newline = FALSE;
		if (c == '\n')
			newline = TRUE;
		else if (isspace (c))
		else if (c == '#')
			skipLine ();
		else if (variable_possible && c == '?')
			c = nextChar ();
			fileUngetc (c);
			variable_possible = (c == '=');
		else if (variable_possible && c == ':' &&
				 stringListCount (identifiers) > 0)
			c = nextChar ();
			fileUngetc (c);
			if (c != '=')
				unsigned int i;
				for (i = 0; i < stringListCount (identifiers); i++)
					newTarget (stringListItem (identifiers, i));
				stringListClear (identifiers);
				in_rule = TRUE;
		else if (variable_possible && c == '=' &&
				 stringListCount (identifiers) == 1)
			newMacro (stringListItem (identifiers, 0));
			skipLine ();
			in_rule = FALSE;
		else if (variable_possible && isIdentifier (c))
			vString *name = vStringNew ();
			readIdentifier (c, name);
			stringListAdd (identifiers, name);

			if (stringListCount (identifiers) == 1)
				if (in_define && ! strcmp (vStringValue (name), "endef"))
					in_define = FALSE;
				else if (in_define)
					skipLine ();
				else if (! strcmp (vStringValue (name), "define"))
					in_define = TRUE;
					c = skipToNonWhite (nextChar ());
					vStringClear (name);
					/* all remaining characters on the line are the name -- even spaces */
					while (c != EOF && c != '\n')
						vStringPut (name, c);
						c = nextChar ();
					if (c == '\n')
						fileUngetc (c);
					vStringTerminate (name);
					vStringStripTrailing (name);
					newMacro (name);
				else if (! strcmp (vStringValue (name), "export"))
					stringListClear (identifiers);
			variable_possible = FALSE;
	stringListDelete (identifiers);
Пример #7
/* Function format:
 * "fn" <ident>[<type_bounds>] "(" [<args>] ")" ["->" <ret_type>] "{" [<body>] "}"*/
static void parseFn (lexerState *lexer, vString *scope, int parent_kind)
	int kind = (parent_kind == K_TRAIT || parent_kind == K_IMPL) ? K_METHOD : K_FN;
	vString *name;
	vString *arg_list;
	unsigned long line;
	fpos_t pos;
	int paren_level = 0;
	boolean found_paren = FALSE;
	boolean valid_signature = TRUE;

	advanceToken(lexer, TRUE);
	if (lexer->cur_token != TOKEN_IDENT)

	name = vStringNewCopy(lexer->token_str);
	arg_list = vStringNew();

	line = lexer->line;
	pos = lexer->pos;

	advanceToken(lexer, TRUE);

	/* HACK: This is a bit coarse as far as what tag entry means by
	 * 'arglist'... */
	while (lexer->cur_token != '{' && lexer->cur_token != ';')
		if (lexer->cur_token == '}')
			valid_signature = FALSE;
		else if (lexer->cur_token == '(')
			found_paren = TRUE;
		else if (lexer->cur_token == ')')
			if (paren_level < 0)
				valid_signature = FALSE;
		else if (lexer->cur_token == TOKEN_EOF)
			valid_signature = FALSE;
		writeCurTokenToStr(lexer, arg_list);
		advanceToken(lexer, FALSE);
	if (!found_paren || paren_level != 0)
		valid_signature = FALSE;

	if (valid_signature)
		addTag(name, arg_list->buffer, kind, line, pos, scope, parent_kind);
		addToScope(scope, name);
		parseBlock(lexer, TRUE, kind, scope);

Пример #8
static void findConfTags (void)
    vString *name = vStringNew ();
    vString *scope = vStringNew ();
    const unsigned char *line;

    while ((line = fileReadLine ()) != NULL)
		const unsigned char* cp = line;
		boolean possible = TRUE;

		if (isspace ((int) *cp) || *cp == '#' || (*cp != '\0' && *cp == '/' && *(cp+1) == '/'))

		/* look for a section */
		if (*cp != '\0' && *cp == '[')
			while (*cp != '\0' && *cp != ']')
				vStringPut (name, (int) *cp);
			vStringTerminate (name);
			makeSimpleTag (name, ConfKinds, K_SECTION);
			/* remember section name */
			vStringCopy (scope, name);
			vStringTerminate (scope);
			vStringClear (name);

		while (*cp != '\0')
			/*  We look for any sequence of identifier characters following a white space */
			if (possible && isIdentifier ((int) *cp))
				while (isIdentifier ((int) *cp))
					vStringPut (name, (int) *cp);
				vStringTerminate (name);
				vStringStripTrailing (name);
				while (isspace ((int) *cp))
				if (*cp == '=')
					if (vStringLength (scope) > 0)
						makeSimpleScopedTag (name, ConfKinds, K_KEY,
							"section", vStringValue(scope), NULL);
						makeSimpleTag (name, ConfKinds, K_KEY);
				vStringClear (name);
			else if (isspace ((int) *cp))
				possible = TRUE;
				possible = FALSE;

			if (*cp != '\0')
    vStringDelete (name);
    vStringDelete (scope);
Пример #9
static void readTag (tokenInfo *token, vString *text, int depth)
	bool textCreated = false;

	readToken (token, true);
	if (token->type == TOKEN_NAME)
		keywordId startTag;
		bool isHeading;
		bool isVoid;

		startTag = lookupKeyword (vStringValue (token->string), Lang_html);
		isHeading = (startTag == KEYWORD_h1 || startTag == KEYWORD_h2 || startTag == KEYWORD_h3);
		isVoid = (startTag >= KEYWORD_area && startTag <= KEYWORD_wbr);
		if (text == NULL && isHeading)
			text = vStringNew ();
			textCreated = true;

			readToken (token, true);
			if (startTag == KEYWORD_a && token->type == TOKEN_NAME)
				keywordId attribute = lookupKeyword (vStringValue (token->string), Lang_html);

				if (attribute == KEYWORD_name)
					readToken (token, true);
					if (token->type == TOKEN_EQUAL)
						readToken (token, true);
						if (token->type == TOKEN_STRING || token->type == TOKEN_NAME)
							makeSimpleTag (token->string, HtmlKinds, K_ANCHOR);
		while (token->type != TOKEN_TAG_END && token->type != TOKEN_TAG_END2 &&
			   token->type != TOKEN_EOF);

		if (!isVoid && token->type == TOKEN_TAG_END && depth < MAX_DEPTH)
			long startSourceLineNumber = getSourceLineNumber ();
			long startLineNumber = getInputLineNumber ();
			long startLineOffset = getInputLineOffset ();
			long endLineNumber;
			long endLineOffset;
			bool tag_start2;

			if (startTag == KEYWORD_script)
				bool script = skipScriptContent (token, &endLineNumber, &endLineOffset);
				if (script)
					makePromise ("JavaScript", startLineNumber, startLineOffset,
								 endLineNumber, endLineOffset, startSourceLineNumber);
				readToken (token, true);
				goto out;

			tag_start2 = readTagContent (token, text, &endLineNumber, &endLineOffset, depth);
			if (tag_start2)
				readToken (token, true);
				if (isHeading && textCreated && vStringLength (text) > 0)
					keywordId endTag = lookupKeyword (vStringValue (token->string), Lang_html);
					if (startTag == endTag)
						htmlKind headingKind;

						if (startTag == KEYWORD_h1)
							headingKind = K_HEADING1;
						else if (startTag == KEYWORD_h2)
							headingKind = K_HEADING2;
							headingKind = K_HEADING3;

						vStringStripTrailing (text);
						makeSimpleTag (text, HtmlKinds, headingKind);
				else if (startTag == KEYWORD_style)
					keywordId endTag = lookupKeyword (vStringValue (token->string), Lang_html);
					if (startTag == endTag)
						makePromise ("CSS", startLineNumber, startLineOffset,
									 endLineNumber, endLineOffset, startSourceLineNumber);

				readToken (token, true);

	if (textCreated)
		vStringDelete (text);
Пример #10
static void makeResTag(vString *name, ResKind kind)
	makeSimpleTag(name, ResKinds, kind);