/// Erase a variable. static int builtin_set_erase(const wchar_t *cmd, set_cmd_opts_t &opts, int argc, wchar_t **argv, parser_t &parser, io_streams_t &streams) { if (argc != 1) { streams.err.append_format(BUILTIN_ERR_ARG_COUNT2, cmd, L"--erase", 1, argc); builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams.err, cmd); return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } int scope = compute_scope(opts); // calculate the variable scope based on the provided options wchar_t *dest = argv[0]; std::vector<long> indexes; int idx_count = parse_index(indexes, dest, scope, streams, parser.vars()); if (idx_count == -1) { builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams.err, cmd); return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } int retval; if (!valid_var_name(dest)) { streams.err.append_format(BUILTIN_ERR_VARNAME, cmd, dest); builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams.err, cmd); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } if (idx_count == 0) { // unset the var retval = parser.vars().remove(dest, scope); // When a non-existent-variable is unset, return ENV_NOT_FOUND as $status // but do not emit any errors at the console as a compromise between user // friendliness and correctness. if (retval != ENV_NOT_FOUND) { handle_env_return(retval, cmd, dest, streams); } } else { // remove just the specified indexes of the var const auto dest_var = parser.vars().get(dest, scope); if (!dest_var) return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; wcstring_list_t result; dest_var->to_list(result); erase_values(result, indexes); retval = env_set_reporting_errors(cmd, dest, scope, result, streams, parser.vars()); } if (retval != STATUS_CMD_OK) return retval; return check_global_scope_exists(cmd, opts, dest, streams, parser.vars()); }
/// Set a variable. static int builtin_set_set(const wchar_t *cmd, set_cmd_opts_t &opts, int argc, wchar_t **argv, parser_t &parser, io_streams_t &streams) { if (argc == 0) { streams.err.append_format(BUILTIN_ERR_MIN_ARG_COUNT1, cmd, 1); builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams.err, cmd); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } int scope = compute_scope(opts); // calculate the variable scope based on the provided options wchar_t *varname = argv[0]; argv++; argc--; std::vector<long> indexes; int idx_count = parse_index(indexes, varname, scope, streams, parser.vars()); if (idx_count == -1) { builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams.err, cmd); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } if (!valid_var_name(varname)) { streams.err.append_format(BUILTIN_ERR_VARNAME, cmd, varname); builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams.err, cmd); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } int retval; wcstring_list_t new_values; if (idx_count == 0) { // Handle the simple, common, case. Set the var to the specified values. retval = set_var_array(cmd, opts, varname, new_values, argc, argv, parser, streams); } else { // Handle the uncommon case of setting specific slices of a var. retval = set_var_slices(cmd, opts, varname, new_values, indexes, argc, argv, parser, streams); } if (retval != STATUS_CMD_OK) return retval; retval = env_set_reporting_errors(cmd, varname, scope, new_values, streams, parser.vars()); if (retval != STATUS_CMD_OK) return retval; return check_global_scope_exists(cmd, opts, varname, streams, parser.vars()); }
/// Show mode. Show information about the named variable(s). static int builtin_set_show(const wchar_t *cmd, set_cmd_opts_t &opts, int argc, wchar_t **argv, parser_t &parser, io_streams_t &streams) { UNUSED(opts); auto &vars = parser.vars(); if (argc == 0) { // show all vars wcstring_list_t names = parser.vars().get_names(ENV_USER); sort(names.begin(), names.end()); for (auto it : names) { show_scope(it.c_str(), ENV_LOCAL, streams, vars); show_scope(it.c_str(), ENV_GLOBAL, streams, vars); show_scope(it.c_str(), ENV_UNIVERSAL, streams, vars); streams.out.push_back(L'\n'); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { wchar_t *arg = argv[i]; if (!valid_var_name(arg)) { streams.err.append_format(_(L"$%ls: invalid var name\n"), arg); continue; } if (std::wcschr(arg, L'[')) { streams.err.append_format( _(L"%ls: `set --show` does not allow slices with the var names\n"), cmd); builtin_print_error_trailer(parser, streams.err, cmd); return STATUS_CMD_ERROR; } show_scope(arg, ENV_LOCAL, streams, vars); show_scope(arg, ENV_GLOBAL, streams, vars); show_scope(arg, ENV_UNIVERSAL, streams, vars); streams.out.push_back(L'\n'); } } return STATUS_CMD_OK; }
int parse_cmd_opts(bind_cmd_opts_t &opts, int *optind, //!OCLINT(high ncss method) int argc, wchar_t **argv, parser_t &parser, io_streams_t &streams) { wchar_t *cmd = argv[0]; static const wchar_t *const short_options = L":aehkKfM:Lm:s"; static const struct woption long_options[] = {{L"all", no_argument, NULL, 'a'}, {L"erase", no_argument, NULL, 'e'}, {L"function-names", no_argument, NULL, 'f'}, {L"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {L"key", no_argument, NULL, 'k'}, {L"key-names", no_argument, NULL, 'K'}, {L"list-modes", no_argument, NULL, 'L'}, {L"mode", required_argument, NULL, 'M'}, {L"preset", no_argument, NULL, 'p'}, {L"sets-mode", required_argument, NULL, 'm'}, {L"silent", no_argument, NULL, 's'}, {L"user", no_argument, NULL, 'u'}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}}; int opt; wgetopter_t w; while ((opt = w.wgetopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case L'a': { opts.all = true; break; } case L'e': { opts.mode = BIND_ERASE; break; } case L'f': { opts.mode = BIND_FUNCTION_NAMES; break; } case L'h': { opts.print_help = true; break; } case L'k': { opts.use_terminfo = true; break; } case L'K': { opts.mode = BIND_KEY_NAMES; break; } case L'L': { opts.list_modes = true; return STATUS_CMD_OK; } case L'M': { if (!valid_var_name(w.woptarg)) { streams.err.append_format(BUILTIN_ERR_BIND_MODE, cmd, w.woptarg); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } opts.bind_mode = w.woptarg; opts.bind_mode_given = true; break; } case L'm': { if (!valid_var_name(w.woptarg)) { streams.err.append_format(BUILTIN_ERR_BIND_MODE, cmd, w.woptarg); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } opts.sets_bind_mode = w.woptarg; break; } case L'p': { opts.have_preset = true; opts.preset = true; break; } case L's': { opts.silent = true; break; } case L'u': { opts.have_user = true; opts.user = true; break; } case ':': { builtin_missing_argument(parser, streams, cmd, argv[w.woptind - 1]); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } case L'?': { builtin_unknown_option(parser, streams, cmd, argv[w.woptind - 1]); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } default: { DIE("unexpected retval from wgetopt_long"); break; } } } *optind = w.woptind; return STATUS_CMD_OK; }
static int parse_cmd_opts(function_cmd_opts_t &opts, int *optind, //!OCLINT(high ncss method) int argc, wchar_t **argv, parser_t &parser, io_streams_t &streams) { const wchar_t *cmd = L"function"; int opt; wgetopter_t w; while ((opt = w.wgetopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'd': { opts.description = w.woptarg; break; } case 's': { int sig = wcs2sig(w.woptarg); if (sig == -1) { streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: Unknown signal '%ls'"), cmd, w.woptarg); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } opts.events.push_back(event_t::signal_event(sig)); break; } case 'v': { if (!valid_var_name(w.woptarg)) { streams.err.append_format(BUILTIN_ERR_VARNAME, cmd, w.woptarg); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } opts.events.push_back(event_t::variable_event(w.woptarg)); break; } case 'e': { opts.events.push_back(event_t::generic_event(w.woptarg)); break; } case 'j': case 'p': { pid_t pid; event_t e(EVENT_ANY); if ((opt == 'j') && (wcscasecmp(w.woptarg, L"caller") == 0)) { job_id_t job_id = -1; if (is_subshell) { size_t block_idx = 0; // Find the outermost substitution block. for (block_idx = 0;; block_idx++) { const block_t *b = parser.block_at_index(block_idx); if (b == NULL || b->type() == SUBST) break; } // Go one step beyond that, to get to the caller. const block_t *caller_block = parser.block_at_index(block_idx + 1); if (caller_block != NULL && caller_block->job != NULL) { job_id = caller_block->job->job_id; } } if (job_id == -1) { streams.err.append_format( _(L"%ls: Cannot find calling job for event handler"), cmd); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } e.type = EVENT_JOB_ID; e.param1.job_id = job_id; } else { pid = fish_wcstoi(w.woptarg); if (errno || pid < 0) { streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: Invalid process id '%ls'"), cmd, w.woptarg); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } e.type = EVENT_EXIT; e.param1.pid = (opt == 'j' ? -1 : 1) * abs(pid); } opts.events.push_back(e); break; } case 'a': { opts.named_arguments.push_back(w.woptarg); break; } case 'S': { opts.shadow_scope = false; break; } case 'w': { opts.wrap_targets.push_back(w.woptarg); break; } case 'V': { if (!valid_var_name(w.woptarg)) { streams.err.append_format(BUILTIN_ERR_VARNAME, cmd, w.woptarg); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } opts.inherit_vars.push_back(w.woptarg); break; } case 'h': { opts.print_help = true; break; } case ':': { builtin_missing_argument(parser, streams, cmd, argv[w.woptind - 1]); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } case '?': { builtin_unknown_option(parser, streams, cmd, argv[w.woptind - 1]); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } default: { DIE("unexpected retval from wgetopt_long"); break; } } } *optind = w.woptind; return STATUS_CMD_OK; }
/// The set builtin creates, updates, and erases (removes, deletes) variables. int builtin_set(parser_t &parser, io_streams_t &streams, wchar_t **argv) { wchar_t *cmd = argv[0]; int argc = builtin_count_args(argv); // Flags to set the work mode. int local = 0, global = 0, exportv = 0; int erase = 0, list = 0, unexport = 0; int universal = 0, query = 0; bool shorten_ok = true; bool preserve_failure_exit_status = true; const int incoming_exit_status = proc_get_last_status(); // Variables used for performing the actual work. wchar_t *dest = NULL; int retcode = STATUS_CMD_OK; int scope; int slice = 0; // Variables used for parsing the argument list. This command is atypical in using the "+" // (REQUIRE_ORDER) option for flag parsing. This is not typical of most fish commands. It means // we stop scanning for flags when the first non-flag argument is seen. static const wchar_t *short_options = L"+LUeghlnqux"; static const struct woption long_options[] = {{L"export", no_argument, NULL, 'x'}, {L"global", no_argument, NULL, 'g'}, {L"local", no_argument, NULL, 'l'}, {L"erase", no_argument, NULL, 'e'}, {L"names", no_argument, NULL, 'n'}, {L"unexport", no_argument, NULL, 'u'}, {L"universal", no_argument, NULL, 'U'}, {L"long", no_argument, NULL, 'L'}, {L"query", no_argument, NULL, 'q'}, {L"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}}; // Parse options to obtain the requested operation and the modifiers. int opt; wgetopter_t w; while ((opt = w.wgetopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'e': { erase = 1; preserve_failure_exit_status = false; break; } case 'n': { list = 1; preserve_failure_exit_status = false; break; } case 'x': { exportv = 1; break; } case 'l': { local = 1; break; } case 'g': { global = 1; break; } case 'u': { unexport = 1; break; } case 'U': { universal = 1; break; } case 'L': { shorten_ok = false; break; } case 'q': { query = 1; preserve_failure_exit_status = false; break; } case 'h': { builtin_print_help(parser, streams, cmd, streams.out); return STATUS_CMD_OK; } case '?': { builtin_unknown_option(parser, streams, cmd, argv[w.woptind - 1]); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } default: { DIE("unexpected retval from wgetopt_long"); break; } } } // Ok, all arguments have been parsed, let's validate them. If we are checking the existance of // a variable (-q) we can not also specify scope. if (query && (erase || list)) { streams.err.append_format(BUILTIN_ERR_COMBO, cmd); builtin_print_help(parser, streams, cmd, streams.err); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } // We can't both list and erase variables. if (erase && list) { streams.err.append_format(BUILTIN_ERR_COMBO, cmd); builtin_print_help(parser, streams, cmd, streams.err); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } // Variables can only have one scope. if (local + global + universal > 1) { streams.err.append_format(BUILTIN_ERR_GLOCAL, cmd); builtin_print_help(parser, streams, cmd, streams.err); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } // Variables can only have one export status. if (exportv && unexport) { streams.err.append_format(BUILTIN_ERR_EXPUNEXP, argv[0]); builtin_print_help(parser, streams, cmd, streams.err); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } // Calculate the scope value for variable assignement. scope = (local ? ENV_LOCAL : 0) | (global ? ENV_GLOBAL : 0) | (exportv ? ENV_EXPORT : 0) | (unexport ? ENV_UNEXPORT : 0) | (universal ? ENV_UNIVERSAL : 0) | ENV_USER; if (query) { // Query mode. Return the number of variables that do not exist out of the specified // variables. int i; for (i = w.woptind; i < argc; i++) { wchar_t *arg = argv[i]; int slice = 0; dest = wcsdup(arg); assert(dest); if (wcschr(dest, L'[')) { slice = 1; *wcschr(dest, L'[') = 0; } if (slice) { std::vector<long> indexes; wcstring_list_t result; size_t j; env_var_t dest_str = env_get_string(dest, scope); if (!dest_str.missing()) tokenize_variable_array(dest_str, result); if (!parse_index(indexes, arg, dest, result.size(), streams)) { builtin_print_help(parser, streams, cmd, streams.err); retcode = 1; break; } for (j = 0; j < indexes.size(); j++) { long idx = indexes[j]; if (idx < 1 || (size_t)idx > result.size()) { retcode++; } } } else { if (!env_exist(arg, scope)) { retcode++; } } free(dest); } return retcode; } if (list) { // Maybe we should issue an error if there are any other arguments? print_variables(0, 0, shorten_ok, scope, streams); return STATUS_CMD_OK; } if (w.woptind == argc) { // Print values of variables. if (erase) { streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: Erase needs a variable name\n"), cmd); builtin_print_help(parser, streams, cmd, streams.err); retcode = STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } else { print_variables(1, 1, shorten_ok, scope, streams); } return retcode; } dest = wcsdup(argv[w.woptind]); assert(dest); if (wcschr(dest, L'[')) { slice = 1; *wcschr(dest, L'[') = 0; } if (!valid_var_name(dest)) { streams.err.append_format(BUILTIN_ERR_VARNAME, cmd, dest); builtin_print_help(parser, streams, argv[0], streams.err); return STATUS_INVALID_ARGS; } // Set assignment can work in two modes, either using slices or using the whole array. We detect // which mode is used here. if (slice) { // Slice mode. std::vector<long> indexes; wcstring_list_t result; const env_var_t dest_str = env_get_string(dest, scope); if (!dest_str.missing()) { tokenize_variable_array(dest_str, result); } else if (erase) { retcode = 1; } if (!retcode) { for (; w.woptind < argc; w.woptind++) { if (!parse_index(indexes, argv[w.woptind], dest, result.size(), streams)) { builtin_print_help(parser, streams, argv[0], streams.err); retcode = 1; break; } size_t idx_count = indexes.size(); size_t val_count = argc - w.woptind - 1; if (!erase) { if (val_count < idx_count) { streams.err.append_format(_(BUILTIN_SET_ARG_COUNT), argv[0]); builtin_print_help(parser, streams, argv[0], streams.err); retcode = 1; break; } if (val_count == idx_count) { w.woptind++; break; } } } } if (!retcode) { // Slice indexes have been calculated, do the actual work. if (erase) { erase_values(result, indexes); my_env_set(dest, result, scope, streams); } else { wcstring_list_t value; while (w.woptind < argc) { value.push_back(argv[w.woptind++]); } if (update_values(result, indexes, value)) { streams.err.append_format(L"%ls: ", argv[0]); streams.err.append_format(ARRAY_BOUNDS_ERR); streams.err.push_back(L'\n'); } my_env_set(dest, result, scope, streams); } } } else { w.woptind++; // No slicing. if (erase) { if (w.woptind != argc) { streams.err.append_format(_(L"%ls: Values cannot be specfied with erase\n"), argv[0]); builtin_print_help(parser, streams, argv[0], streams.err); retcode = 1; } else { retcode = env_remove(dest, scope); } } else { wcstring_list_t val; for (int i = w.woptind; i < argc; i++) val.push_back(argv[i]); retcode = my_env_set(dest, val, scope, streams); } } // Check if we are setting variables above the effective scope. See // https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/issues/806 env_var_t global_dest = env_get_string(dest, ENV_GLOBAL); if (universal && !global_dest.missing()) { streams.err.append_format( _(L"%ls: Warning: universal scope selected, but a global variable '%ls' exists.\n"), L"set", dest); } free(dest); if (retcode == STATUS_CMD_OK && preserve_failure_exit_status) retcode = incoming_exit_status; return retcode; }