void FilterBase::processMeasurement(const Measurement &measurement)
    if (debug_)
      *debugStream_ << "------ FilterBase::processMeasurement ------\n";

    // If we've had a previous reading, then go through the predict/update
    // cycle. Otherwise, set our state and covariance to whatever we get
    // from this measurement.
    if (initialized_)
      if (debug_)
        *debugStream_ << "Filter is already initialized. Carrying out EKF loop...\n";

      // Could use msg->header.stamp here, but we may never get updates from
      // slower sensors
      double delta = measurement.time_ - lastMeasurementTime_;

      // Only want to carry out a prediction if it's
      // forward in time. Otherwise, just correct.
      if (delta > 0)


      if (debug_)
        *debugStream_ << "First measurement. Initializing filter.\n";

      state_ = measurement.measurement_;

      initialized_ = true;

    if (debug_)
      *debugStream_ << "\n----- /FilterBase::processMeasurement ------\n";
  void FilterBase::integrateMeasurements(double currentTime)
    if (debug_)
      *debugStream_ << "------ FilterBase::integrateMeasurements ------\n\n";

    // If we have any measurements in the queue, process them
    if (!measurementQueue_.empty())
      while (!measurementQueue_.empty())
        Measurement measurement = measurementQueue_.top();


        // Update the last measurement and update time.
        // The measurement time is based on the time stamp of the
        // measurement, whereas the update time is based on this
        // node's current ROS time. The update time is used to
        // determine if we have a sensor timeout, whereas the
        // measurement time is used to calculate time deltas for
        // prediction and correction.
        lastMeasurementTime_ = measurement.time_;

      lastUpdateTime_ = currentTime;
    else if (initialized_)
      // In the event that we don't get any measurements for a long time,
      // we still need to continue to estimate our state. Therefore, we
      // should project the state forward here.
      double lastUpdateDelta = currentTime - lastUpdateTime_;

      // If we get a large delta, then continuously predict until
      if(lastUpdateDelta >= sensorTimeout_)
        double projectTime = sensorTimeout_ * std::floor(lastUpdateDelta / sensorTimeout_);

        if (debug_)
          *debugStream_ << "Sensor timeout! Last measurement was " << lastMeasurementTime_ << ", current time is " <<
                           currentTime << ", delta is " << lastUpdateDelta << ", " << "projection time is " << projectTime << "\n";



        // Update the last measurement time and last update time
        lastMeasurementTime_ += projectTime;
        lastUpdateTime_ += projectTime;

      if (debug_)
        *debugStream_ << "Filter not yet initialized\n";

    if (debug_)
      *debugStream_ << "\n----- /FilterBase::integrateMeasurements ------\n";
  void FilterBase::processMeasurement(const Measurement &measurement)
    if (debug_)
      *debugStream_ << "------ FilterBase::processMeasurement ------\n";

    double delta = 0.0;

    // If we've had a previous reading, then go through the predict/update
    // cycle. Otherwise, set our state and covariance to whatever we get
    // from this measurement.
    if (initialized_)
      // Determine how much time has passed since our last measurement
      delta = measurement.time_ - lastMeasurementTime_;

      if (debug_)
        *debugStream_ << "Filter is already initialized. Carrying out predict/correct loop...\n";
        *debugStream_ << "Measurement time is " << std::setprecision(20) << measurement.time_ <<
                         ", last measurement time is " << lastMeasurementTime_ << ", delta is " << delta << "\n";

      // Only want to carry out a prediction if it's
      // forward in time. Otherwise, just correct.
      if (delta > 0)


        // Return this to the user
        predictedState_ = state_;

      if (debug_)
        *debugStream_ << "First measurement. Initializing filter.\n";

      // Initialize the filter, but only with the values we're using
      size_t measurementLength = measurement.updateVector_.size();
      for(size_t i = 0; i < measurementLength; ++i)
        state_[i] = (measurement.updateVector_[i] ? measurement.measurement_[i] : state_[i]);

      // Same for covariance
      for(size_t i = 0; i < measurementLength; ++i)
        for(size_t j = 0; j < measurementLength; ++j)
          estimateErrorCovariance_(i, j) = (measurement.updateVector_[i] && measurement.updateVector_[j] ?
                                            measurement.covariance_(i, j) :
                                            estimateErrorCovariance_(i, j));

      initialized_ = true;

    if(delta >= 0.0)
      // Update the last measurement and update time.
      // The measurement time is based on the time stamp of the
      // measurement, whereas the update time is based on this
      // node's current ROS time. The update time is used to
      // determine if we have a sensor timeout, whereas the
      // measurement time is used to calculate time deltas for
      // prediction and correction.
      lastMeasurementTime_ = measurement.time_;

    if (debug_)
      *debugStream_ << "\n----- /FilterBase::processMeasurement ------\n";