Пример #1
Vic2::Relations::Relations(const std::string& theTag, std::istream& theStream):
	registerKeyword(std::regex("value"), [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream){
		commonItems::singleInt valueInt(theStream);
		value = valueInt.getInt();
	registerKeyword(std::regex("level"), [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream){
		commonItems::singleInt levelInt(theStream);
		level = levelInt.getInt();
	registerKeyword(std::regex("military_access"), [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream){
		commonItems::singleString stateString(theStream);
		militaryAccess = (stateString.getString() == "yes");
	registerKeyword(std::regex("last_send_diplomat"), [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream){
		commonItems::singleString dateString(theStream);
		lastSentDiplomat = date(dateString.getString());
	registerKeyword(std::regex("last_war"), [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream){
		commonItems::singleString dateString(theStream);
		lastWar = date(dateString.getString());
	registerKeyword(std::regex("truce_until"), [this](const std::string& unused, std::istream& theStream){
		commonItems::singleString dateString(theStream);
		truceUntil = date(dateString.getString());
	registerKeyword(std::regex("[A-Za-z0-9_]+"), commonItems::ignoreItem);

Пример #2
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSSYChannel::SetPropertyL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSSYChannel::SetPropertyL( const TSensrvChannelId aChannelId,
                                    const TSensrvProperty& aProperty )
    SSY_TRACE( EExtended, "ORIENTATIONSSY:ChannelId %d", iChannelInfo.iChannelId ); 

    if ( ChannelId() != aChannelId )
        SSY_TRACE( EError, "ORIENTATIONSSY:ERROR: SetPropertyL wrong channelId!" );
        User::Leave( KErrArgument );

    TBool valueChanged( ETrue );
    RSensrvChannelList affectedChannels;
    TInt valueInt( 0 );

    // try first common sensor properties
    TInt ret = iSensorProperties->SetProperty( aProperty, affectedChannels );

    if ( ret == KErrNotFound )
        // then try the channel properties
        ret = iChannelProperties->SetProperty( aProperty, affectedChannels );        

    if ( ret != KErrNone && ret != KErrAlreadyExists )
        SSY_TRACE( EError, "ORIENTATIONSSY:ERROR: Property is not supported or it's readonly: 0x%x ", aProperty.GetPropertyId() );
        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );

    if ( ret == KErrAlreadyExists )
        // client tried to set the same value that the property already has, lets just return without doing anything
        // but informing the "change" via the callback
        valueChanged = EFalse;

    // do something if the value was really changed
    if ( valueChanged )
        aProperty.GetValue( valueInt );

        // These are ReadOnly values, cannot change these
        if ( ( aProperty.GetPropertyId() == KSensrvPropIdDataRate ) ||  
             ( aProperty.GetPropertyId() == KSensrvPropIdAvailability ) ||   
             ( aProperty.GetPropertyId() == KSensrvPropIdMeasureRange ) || 
             ( aProperty.GetPropertyId() == KSensrvPropIdChannelDataFormat ) || 
             ( aProperty.GetPropertyId() == KSensrvPropIdChannelAccuracy ) )
            SSY_TRACE( EError, "ORIENTATIONSSY:ERROR: Setting the property is not supported: 0x%x ", aProperty.GetPropertyId() );
            User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );

    // we call the callback function to inform that property was changed, even if it was not actually changed
    iCallback->PropertyChanged( iChannelInfo.iChannelId, affectedChannels, aProperty );

