Пример #1
 * Open:
static int Open( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    demux_t      *p_demux = (demux_t*)p_this;
    demux_sys_t  *p_sys;
    char         *psz_name;
    char         *psz_dvdcss_env;
    dvd_reader_t *p_dvdread;
    ifo_handle_t *p_vmg_file;
    vlc_value_t  val;

    if( !p_demux->psz_path || !*p_demux->psz_path )
        /* Only when selected */
        if( !p_this->b_force ) return VLC_EGENERIC;

        psz_name = var_CreateGetString( p_this, "dvd" );
        if( !psz_name )
            psz_name = strdup("");
        psz_name = strdup( p_demux->psz_path );

#ifdef WIN32
    if( psz_name[0] && psz_name[1] == ':' &&
        psz_name[2] == '\\' && psz_name[3] == '\0' ) psz_name[2] = '\0';

    /* Override environment variable DVDCSS_METHOD with config option
     * (FIXME: this creates a small memory leak) */
    psz_dvdcss_env = config_GetPsz( p_demux, "dvdread-css-method" );
    if( psz_dvdcss_env && *psz_dvdcss_env )
        char *psz_env;

        psz_env = malloc( strlen("DVDCSS_METHOD=") +
                          strlen( psz_dvdcss_env ) + 1 );
        if( !psz_env )
            free( psz_dvdcss_env );
            return VLC_ENOMEM;

        sprintf( psz_env, "%s%s", "DVDCSS_METHOD=", psz_dvdcss_env );

        putenv( psz_env );
    if( psz_dvdcss_env ) free( psz_dvdcss_env );

    /* Open dvdread */
    if( !(p_dvdread = DVDOpen( psz_name )) )
        msg_Err( p_demux, "DVDRead cannot open source: %s", psz_name );
        free( psz_name );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;
    free( psz_name );

    /* Ifo allocation & initialisation */
    if( !( p_vmg_file = ifoOpen( p_dvdread, 0 ) ) )
        msg_Warn( p_demux, "cannot open VMG info" );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;
    msg_Dbg( p_demux, "VMG opened" );

    /* Fill p_demux field */
    p_demux->pf_demux = Demux;
    p_demux->pf_control = Control;
    p_demux->p_sys = p_sys = malloc( sizeof( demux_sys_t ) );
    memset( p_sys, 0, sizeof( demux_sys_t ) );

    ps_track_init( p_sys->tk );
    p_sys->i_aspect = -1;
    p_sys->i_title_cur_time = (mtime_t) 0;
    p_sys->i_cell_cur_time = (mtime_t) 0;
    p_sys->i_cell_duration = (mtime_t) 0;

    p_sys->p_dvdread = p_dvdread;
    p_sys->p_vmg_file = p_vmg_file;
    p_sys->p_title = NULL;
    p_sys->p_vts_file = NULL;

    p_sys->i_title = p_sys->i_chapter = -1;
    p_sys->i_mux_rate = 0;

    var_Create( p_demux, "dvdread-angle", VLC_VAR_INTEGER|VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );
    var_Get( p_demux, "dvdread-angle", &val );
    p_sys->i_angle = val.i_int > 0 ? val.i_int : 1;

    DemuxTitles( p_demux, &p_sys->i_angle );
    if( DvdReadSetArea( p_demux, 0, 0, p_sys->i_angle ) != VLC_SUCCESS )
        Close( p_this );
        msg_Err( p_demux, "DvdReadSetArea(0,0,%i) failed (can't decrypt DVD?)",
                 p_sys->i_angle );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    /* Update default_pts to a suitable value for dvdread access */
    var_Create( p_demux, "dvdread-caching",

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Пример #2
/* This function will add or remove a a module from a string list (colon
 * separated). It will return true if there is a modification
 * In case p_aout is NULL, we will use configuration instead of variable */
bool aout_ChangeFilterString( vlc_object_t *p_obj, vlc_object_t *p_aout,
                              const char *psz_variable,
                              const char *psz_name, bool b_add )
    if( *psz_name == '\0' )
        return false;

    char *psz_list;
    if( p_aout )
        psz_list = var_GetString( p_aout, psz_variable );
        psz_list = var_CreateGetString( p_obj->p_libvlc, psz_variable );
        var_Destroy( p_obj->p_libvlc, psz_variable );

    /* Split the string into an array of filters */
    int i_count = 1;
    for( char *p = psz_list; p && *p; p++ )
        i_count += *p == ':';
    i_count += b_add;

    const char **ppsz_filter = calloc( i_count, sizeof(*ppsz_filter) );
    if( !ppsz_filter )
        free( psz_list );
        return false;
    bool b_present = false;
    i_count = 0;
    for( char *p = psz_list; p && *p; )
        char *psz_end = strchr(p, ':');
        if( psz_end )
            *psz_end++ = '\0';
            psz_end = p + strlen(p);
        if( *p )
            b_present |= !strcmp( p, psz_name );
            ppsz_filter[i_count++] = p;
        p = psz_end;
    if( b_present == b_add )
        free( ppsz_filter );
        free( psz_list );
        return false;

    if( b_add )
        int i_order = FilterOrder( psz_name );
        int i;
        for( i = 0; i < i_count; i++ )
            if( FilterOrder( ppsz_filter[i] ) > i_order )
        if( i < i_count )
            memmove( &ppsz_filter[i+1], &ppsz_filter[i], (i_count - i) * sizeof(*ppsz_filter) );
        ppsz_filter[i] = psz_name;
        for( int i = 0; i < i_count; i++ )
            if( !strcmp( ppsz_filter[i], psz_name ) )
                ppsz_filter[i] = "";
    size_t i_length = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < i_count; i++ )
        i_length += 1 + strlen( ppsz_filter[i] );

    char *psz_new = malloc( i_length + 1 );
    *psz_new = '\0';
    for( int i = 0; i < i_count; i++ )
        if( *ppsz_filter[i] == '\0' )
        if( *psz_new )
            strcat( psz_new, ":" );
        strcat( psz_new, ppsz_filter[i] );
    free( ppsz_filter );
    free( psz_list );

    if( p_aout )
        var_SetString( p_aout, psz_variable, psz_new );
        config_PutPsz( p_obj, psz_variable, psz_new );
    free( psz_new );

    return true;
Пример #3
 * Open:
static int Open( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    sout_stream_t     *p_stream = (sout_stream_t*)p_this;
    sout_stream_sys_t *p_sys;
    char              *psz_string;

    if( !p_stream->p_next )
        msg_Err( p_stream, "cannot create chain" );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;
    p_sys = calloc( 1, sizeof( *p_sys ) );
    p_sys->i_master_drift = 0;

    config_ChainParse( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX, ppsz_sout_options,
                   p_stream->p_cfg );

    /* Audio transcoding parameters */
    psz_string = var_GetString( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "aenc" );
    p_sys->psz_aenc = NULL;
    p_sys->p_audio_cfg = NULL;
    if( psz_string && *psz_string )
        char *psz_next;
        psz_next = config_ChainCreate( &p_sys->psz_aenc, &p_sys->p_audio_cfg,
                                       psz_string );
        free( psz_next );
    free( psz_string );

    psz_string = var_GetString( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "acodec" );
    p_sys->i_acodec = 0;
    if( psz_string && *psz_string )
        char fcc[5] = "    \0";
        memcpy( fcc, psz_string, __MIN( strlen( psz_string ), 4 ) );
        p_sys->i_acodec = vlc_fourcc_GetCodecFromString( AUDIO_ES, fcc );
        msg_Dbg( p_stream, "Checking codec mapping for %s got %4.4s ", fcc, (char*)&p_sys->i_acodec);
    free( psz_string );

    p_sys->psz_alang = var_GetNonEmptyString( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "alang" );

    p_sys->i_abitrate = var_GetInteger( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "ab" );
    if( p_sys->i_abitrate < 4000 ) p_sys->i_abitrate *= 1000;

    p_sys->i_sample_rate = var_GetInteger( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "samplerate" );

    p_sys->i_channels = var_GetInteger( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "channels" );

    if( p_sys->i_acodec )
        if( ( p_sys->i_acodec == VLC_CODEC_MP3 ||
              p_sys->i_acodec == VLC_CODEC_MP2 ||
              p_sys->i_acodec == VLC_CODEC_MPGA ) && p_sys->i_channels > 2 )
            msg_Warn( p_stream, "%d channels invalid for mp2/mp3, forcing to 2",
                      p_sys->i_channels );
            p_sys->i_channels = 2;
        msg_Dbg( p_stream, "codec audio=%4.4s %dHz %d channels %dKb/s",
                 (char *)&p_sys->i_acodec, p_sys->i_sample_rate,
                 p_sys->i_channels, p_sys->i_abitrate / 1000 );

    psz_string = var_GetString( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "afilter" );
    if( psz_string && *psz_string )
        p_sys->psz_af = strdup( psz_string );
        p_sys->psz_af = NULL;
    free( psz_string );

    /* Video transcoding parameters */
    psz_string = var_GetString( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "venc" );
    p_sys->psz_venc = NULL;
    p_sys->p_video_cfg = NULL;
    if( psz_string && *psz_string )
        char *psz_next;
        psz_next = config_ChainCreate( &p_sys->psz_venc, &p_sys->p_video_cfg,
                                   psz_string );
        free( psz_next );
    free( psz_string );

    psz_string = var_GetString( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "vcodec" );
    p_sys->i_vcodec = 0;
    if( psz_string && *psz_string )
        char fcc[5] = "    \0";
        memcpy( fcc, psz_string, __MIN( strlen( psz_string ), 4 ) );
        p_sys->i_vcodec = vlc_fourcc_GetCodecFromString( VIDEO_ES, fcc );
        msg_Dbg( p_stream, "Checking video codec mapping for %s got %4.4s ", fcc, (char*)&p_sys->i_vcodec);
    free( psz_string );

    p_sys->i_vbitrate = var_GetInteger( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "vb" );
    if( p_sys->i_vbitrate < 16000 ) p_sys->i_vbitrate *= 1000;

    p_sys->f_scale = var_GetFloat( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "scale" );

    p_sys->b_master_sync = var_InheritURational( p_stream, &p_sys->fps_num, &p_sys->fps_den, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "fps" ) == VLC_SUCCESS;

    p_sys->i_width = var_GetInteger( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "width" );

    p_sys->i_height = var_GetInteger( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "height" );

    p_sys->i_maxwidth = var_GetInteger( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "maxwidth" );

    p_sys->i_maxheight = var_GetInteger( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "maxheight" );

    psz_string = var_GetString( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "vfilter" );
    if( psz_string && *psz_string )
        p_sys->psz_vf2 = strdup(psz_string );
        p_sys->psz_vf2 = NULL;
    free( psz_string );

    p_sys->b_deinterlace = var_GetBool( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "deinterlace" );

    psz_string = var_GetString( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "deinterlace-module" );
    p_sys->psz_deinterlace = NULL;
    p_sys->p_deinterlace_cfg = NULL;
    if( psz_string && *psz_string )
        char *psz_next;
        psz_next = config_ChainCreate( &p_sys->psz_deinterlace,
                                   psz_string );
        free( psz_next );
    free( psz_string );

    p_sys->i_threads = var_GetInteger( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "threads" );
    p_sys->b_high_priority = var_GetBool( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "high-priority" );

    if( p_sys->i_vcodec )
        msg_Dbg( p_stream, "codec video=%4.4s %dx%d scaling: %f %dkb/s",
                 (char *)&p_sys->i_vcodec, p_sys->i_width, p_sys->i_height,
                 p_sys->f_scale, p_sys->i_vbitrate / 1000 );

    /* Disable hardware decoding by default (unlike normal playback) */
    psz_string = var_CreateGetString( p_stream, "avcodec-hw" );
    if( !strcasecmp( "any", psz_string ) )
        var_SetString( p_stream, "avcodec-hw", "none" );
    free( psz_string );

    /* Subpictures transcoding parameters */
    p_sys->p_spu = NULL;
    p_sys->p_spu_blend = NULL;
    p_sys->psz_senc = NULL;
    p_sys->p_spu_cfg = NULL;
    p_sys->i_scodec = 0;

    psz_string = var_GetString( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "senc" );
    if( psz_string && *psz_string )
        char *psz_next;
        psz_next = config_ChainCreate( &p_sys->psz_senc, &p_sys->p_spu_cfg,
                                   psz_string );
        free( psz_next );
    free( psz_string );

    psz_string = var_GetString( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "scodec" );
    if( psz_string && *psz_string )
        char fcc[5] = "    \0";
        memcpy( fcc, psz_string, __MIN( strlen( psz_string ), 4 ) );
        p_sys->i_scodec = vlc_fourcc_GetCodecFromString( SPU_ES, fcc );
        msg_Dbg( p_stream, "Checking spu codec mapping for %s got %4.4s ", fcc, (char*)&p_sys->i_scodec);
    free( psz_string );

    if( p_sys->i_scodec )
        msg_Dbg( p_stream, "codec spu=%4.4s", (char *)&p_sys->i_scodec );

    p_sys->b_soverlay = var_GetBool( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "soverlay" );

    psz_string = var_GetString( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "sfilter" );
    if( psz_string && *psz_string )
        p_sys->p_spu = spu_Create( p_stream );
        if( p_sys->p_spu )
            spu_ChangeSources( p_sys->p_spu, psz_string );
    free( psz_string );

    /* OSD menu transcoding parameters */
    p_sys->psz_osdenc = NULL;
    p_sys->p_osd_cfg  = NULL;
    p_sys->i_osdcodec = 0;
    p_sys->b_osd   = var_GetBool( p_stream, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "osd" );

    if( p_sys->b_osd )
        char *psz_next;

        psz_next = config_ChainCreate( &p_sys->psz_osdenc,
                                   &p_sys->p_osd_cfg, "dvbsub" );
        free( psz_next );

        p_sys->i_osdcodec = VLC_CODEC_YUVP;

        msg_Dbg( p_stream, "codec osd=%4.4s", (char *)&p_sys->i_osdcodec );

        if( !p_sys->p_spu )
            p_sys->p_spu = spu_Create( p_stream );
            if( p_sys->p_spu )
                spu_ChangeSources( p_sys->p_spu, "osdmenu" );
            spu_ChangeSources( p_sys->p_spu, "osdmenu" );

    p_stream->pf_add    = Add;
    p_stream->pf_del    = Del;
    p_stream->pf_send   = Send;
    p_stream->p_sys     = p_sys;

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Пример #4
int Open_LuaIntf( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    intf_thread_t *p_intf = (intf_thread_t*)p_this;
    intf_sys_t *p_sys;
    lua_State *L;

    config_ChainParse( p_intf, "lua-", ppsz_intf_options, p_intf->p_cfg );
    char *psz_name = GetModuleName( p_intf );
    const char *psz_config;
    bool b_config_set = false;
    if( !psz_name ) psz_name = strdup( "dummy" );

    p_intf->p_sys = (intf_sys_t*)malloc( sizeof(intf_sys_t) );
    if( !p_intf->p_sys )
        free( psz_name );
        return VLC_ENOMEM;
    p_sys = p_intf->p_sys;
    p_sys->psz_filename = FindFile( psz_name );
    if( !p_sys->psz_filename )
        msg_Err( p_intf, "Couldn't find lua interface script \"%s\".",
                 psz_name );
        free( psz_name );
        free( p_sys );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;
    msg_Dbg( p_intf, "Found lua interface script: %s", p_sys->psz_filename );

    L = luaL_newstate();
    if( !L )
        msg_Err( p_intf, "Could not create new Lua State" );
        free( psz_name );
        free( p_sys );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    luaL_openlibs( L );

    /* register our functions */
    luaL_register( L, "vlc", p_reg );

    /* store a pointer to p_intf (FIXME: user could overwrite this) */
    lua_pushlightuserdata( L, p_intf );
    lua_setfield( L, -2, "private" );

    /* register submodules */
    luaopen_acl( L );
    luaopen_config( L );
    luaopen_volume( L );
    luaopen_httpd( L );
    luaopen_input( L );
    luaopen_msg( L );
    luaopen_misc( L );
    luaopen_net( L );
    luaopen_object( L );
    luaopen_osd( L );
    luaopen_playlist( L );
    luaopen_sd( L );
    luaopen_stream( L );
    luaopen_strings( L );
    luaopen_variables( L );
    luaopen_video( L );
    luaopen_vlm( L );
    luaopen_volume( L );

    /* clean up */
    lua_pop( L, 1 );

    /* <gruik> */
    /* Setup the module search path */
    char *psz_command;
    char *psz_char = strrchr(p_sys->psz_filename,DIR_SEP_CHAR);
    *psz_char = '\0';
    /* FIXME: don't use luaL_dostring */
    if( asprintf( &psz_command,
                  "package.path = \"%s"DIR_SEP"modules"DIR_SEP"?.lua;\"..package.path",
                  p_sys->psz_filename ) < 0 )
        free( psz_name );
        free( p_sys );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;
    *psz_char = DIR_SEP_CHAR;
    if( luaL_dostring( L, psz_command ) )
        free( psz_name );
        free( p_sys );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;
    /* </gruik> */

    psz_config = var_CreateGetString( p_intf, "lua-config" );
    if( psz_config && *psz_config )
        char *psz_buffer;
        if( asprintf( &psz_buffer, "config={%s}", psz_config ) != -1 )
            printf("%s\n", psz_buffer);
            if( luaL_dostring( L, psz_buffer ) == 1 )
                msg_Err( p_intf, "Error while parsing \"lua-config\"." );
            free( psz_buffer );
            lua_getglobal( L, "config" );
            if( lua_istable( L, -1 ) )
                lua_getfield( L, -1, psz_name );
                if( lua_istable( L, -1 ) )
                    lua_setglobal( L, "config" );
                    b_config_set = true;
    if( b_config_set == false )
        lua_newtable( L );
        lua_setglobal( L, "config" );

    p_sys->L = L;

    p_intf->psz_header = psz_name;
    /* ^^ Do I need to clean that up myself in Close_LuaIntf? */

    vlc_mutex_init( &p_sys->lock );
    vlc_cond_init( &p_sys->wait );
    p_sys->exiting = false;

    if( vlc_clone( &p_sys->thread, Run, p_intf, VLC_THREAD_PRIORITY_LOW ) )
        p_sys->exiting = true;
        Close_LuaIntf( p_this );
        return VLC_ENOMEM;

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Пример #5
 * InitVideo: initialize the video decoder
 * the ffmpeg codec will be opened, some memory allocated. The vout is not yet
 * opened (done after the first decoded frame).
int InitVideoDec( decoder_t *p_dec, AVCodecContext *p_context,
                      AVCodec *p_codec, int i_codec_id, const char *psz_namecodec )
    decoder_sys_t *p_sys;
    int i_val;

    /* Allocate the memory needed to store the decoder's structure */
    if( ( p_dec->p_sys = p_sys = calloc( 1, sizeof(decoder_sys_t) ) ) == NULL )
        return VLC_ENOMEM;

    p_codec->type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;
    p_context->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;
    p_context->codec_id = i_codec_id;
    p_sys->p_context = p_context;
    p_sys->p_codec = p_codec;
    p_sys->i_codec_id = i_codec_id;
    p_sys->psz_namecodec = psz_namecodec;
    p_sys->p_ff_pic = avcodec_alloc_frame();
    p_sys->b_delayed_open = true;
    p_sys->p_va = NULL;
    vlc_sem_init( &p_sys->sem_mt, 0 );

    /* ***** Fill p_context with init values ***** */
    p_sys->p_context->codec_tag = ffmpeg_CodecTag( p_dec->fmt_in.i_original_fourcc ?: p_dec->fmt_in.i_codec );

    /*  ***** Get configuration of ffmpeg plugin ***** */
    p_sys->p_context->workaround_bugs =
        var_InheritInteger( p_dec, "avcodec-workaround-bugs" );
    p_sys->p_context->err_recognition =
        var_InheritInteger( p_dec, "avcodec-error-resilience" );

    if( var_CreateGetBool( p_dec, "grayscale" ) )
        p_sys->p_context->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GRAY;

    i_val = var_CreateGetInteger( p_dec, "avcodec-vismv" );
    if( i_val ) p_sys->p_context->debug_mv = i_val;

    i_val = var_CreateGetInteger( p_dec, "avcodec-skiploopfilter" );
    if( i_val >= 4 ) p_sys->p_context->skip_loop_filter = AVDISCARD_ALL;
    else if( i_val == 3 ) p_sys->p_context->skip_loop_filter = AVDISCARD_NONKEY;
    else if( i_val == 2 ) p_sys->p_context->skip_loop_filter = AVDISCARD_BIDIR;
    else if( i_val == 1 ) p_sys->p_context->skip_loop_filter = AVDISCARD_NONREF;

    if( var_CreateGetBool( p_dec, "avcodec-fast" ) )
        p_sys->p_context->flags2 |= CODEC_FLAG2_FAST;

#if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_CHECK( 54, 41, 0, 91, 100 )
    if( var_InheritBool( p_dec, "avcodec-ignorecrop" ) )
        p_sys->p_context->flags2 |= CODEC_FLAG2_IGNORE_CROP;

    /* ***** libavcodec frame skipping ***** */
    p_sys->b_hurry_up = var_CreateGetBool( p_dec, "avcodec-hurry-up" );

    switch( var_CreateGetInteger( p_dec, "avcodec-skip-frame" ) )
        case -1:
            p_sys->p_context->skip_frame = AVDISCARD_NONE;
        case 0:
            p_sys->p_context->skip_frame = AVDISCARD_DEFAULT;
        case 1:
            p_sys->p_context->skip_frame = AVDISCARD_NONREF;
        case 2:
            p_sys->p_context->skip_frame = AVDISCARD_NONKEY;
        case 3:
            p_sys->p_context->skip_frame = AVDISCARD_ALL;
            p_sys->p_context->skip_frame = AVDISCARD_NONE;
    p_sys->i_skip_frame = p_sys->p_context->skip_frame;

    switch( var_CreateGetInteger( p_dec, "avcodec-skip-idct" ) )
        case -1:
            p_sys->p_context->skip_idct = AVDISCARD_NONE;
        case 0:
            p_sys->p_context->skip_idct = AVDISCARD_DEFAULT;
        case 1:
            p_sys->p_context->skip_idct = AVDISCARD_NONREF;
        case 2:
            p_sys->p_context->skip_idct = AVDISCARD_NONKEY;
        case 3:
            p_sys->p_context->skip_idct = AVDISCARD_ALL;
            p_sys->p_context->skip_idct = AVDISCARD_NONE;
    p_sys->i_skip_idct = p_sys->p_context->skip_idct;

    /* ***** libavcodec direct rendering ***** */
    p_sys->b_direct_rendering = false;
    p_sys->i_direct_rendering_used = -1;
    if( var_CreateGetBool( p_dec, "avcodec-dr" ) &&
       (p_sys->p_codec->capabilities & CODEC_CAP_DR1) &&
        /* No idea why ... but this fixes flickering on some TSCC streams */
        p_sys->i_codec_id != AV_CODEC_ID_TSCC && p_sys->i_codec_id != AV_CODEC_ID_CSCD &&
        p_sys->i_codec_id != AV_CODEC_ID_CINEPAK &&
        !p_sys->p_context->debug_mv )
        /* Some codecs set pix_fmt only after the 1st frame has been decoded,
         * so we need to do another check in ffmpeg_GetFrameBuf() */
        p_sys->b_direct_rendering = true;

    /* libavcodec doesn't properly release old pictures when frames are skipped */
    //if( p_sys->b_hurry_up ) p_sys->b_direct_rendering = false;
    if( p_sys->b_direct_rendering )
        msg_Dbg( p_dec, "trying to use direct rendering" );
        p_sys->p_context->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_EMU_EDGE;
        msg_Dbg( p_dec, "direct rendering is disabled" );

    /* Always use our get_buffer wrapper so we can calculate the
     * PTS correctly */
    p_sys->p_context->get_buffer = ffmpeg_GetFrameBuf;
    p_sys->p_context->reget_buffer = avcodec_default_reget_buffer;
    p_sys->p_context->release_buffer = ffmpeg_ReleaseFrameBuf;
    p_sys->p_context->opaque = p_dec;

    int i_thread_count = var_InheritInteger( p_dec, "avcodec-threads" );
    if( i_thread_count <= 0 )
        i_thread_count = vlc_GetCPUCount();
        if( i_thread_count > 1 )

        //FIXME: take in count the decoding time
        i_thread_count = __MIN( i_thread_count, 4 );
    i_thread_count = __MIN( i_thread_count, 16 );
    msg_Dbg( p_dec, "allowing %d thread(s) for decoding", i_thread_count );
    p_sys->p_context->thread_count = i_thread_count;

    if( i_codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4 )
        p_sys->p_context->thread_count = 1;

    p_sys->p_context->thread_safe_callbacks = true;

    char *hw = var_CreateGetString( p_dec, "avcodec-hw" ); /* FIXME */
    if( (hw == NULL || strcasecmp( hw, "none" )) &&
        (i_codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG1VIDEO || i_codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO ||
         i_codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG4 || i_codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_H263 ||
         i_codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_H264 ||
         i_codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_VC1 || i_codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_WMV3) )
        if( p_sys->p_context->thread_type & FF_THREAD_FRAME )
            msg_Warn( p_dec, "threaded frame decoding is not compatible with avcodec-hw, disabled" );
            p_sys->p_context->thread_type &= ~FF_THREAD_FRAME;
        if( ( p_sys->p_context->thread_type & FF_THREAD_SLICE ) &&
            ( i_codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG1VIDEO || i_codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO ) )
            msg_Warn( p_dec, "threaded slice decoding is not compatible with avcodec-hw, disabled" );
            p_sys->p_context->thread_type &= ~FF_THREAD_SLICE;
        p_sys->p_context->get_format = ffmpeg_GetFormat;
    free( hw );
    if( p_sys->p_context->thread_type & FF_THREAD_FRAME )
        p_dec->i_extra_picture_buffers = 2 * p_sys->p_context->thread_count;

    /* ***** misc init ***** */
    p_sys->i_pts = VLC_TS_INVALID;
    p_sys->b_has_b_frames = false;
    p_sys->b_first_frame = true;
    p_sys->b_flush = false;
    p_sys->i_late_frames = 0;

    /* Set output properties */
    p_dec->fmt_out.i_cat = VIDEO_ES;
    if( GetVlcChroma( &p_dec->fmt_out.video, p_context->pix_fmt ) != VLC_SUCCESS )
        /* we are doomed. but not really, because most codecs set their pix_fmt later on */
        p_dec->fmt_out.i_codec = VLC_CODEC_I420;
    p_dec->fmt_out.i_codec = p_dec->fmt_out.video.i_chroma;

    /* Setup palette */
    memset( &p_sys->palette, 0, sizeof(p_sys->palette) );
    if( p_dec->fmt_in.video.p_palette )
        p_sys->palette.palette_changed = 1;

        for( int i = 0; i < __MIN( AVPALETTE_COUNT, p_dec->fmt_in.video.p_palette->i_entries ); i++ )
            union {
                uint32_t u;
                uint8_t a[4];
            } c;
            c.a[0] = p_dec->fmt_in.video.p_palette->palette[i][0];
            c.a[1] = p_dec->fmt_in.video.p_palette->palette[i][1];
            c.a[2] = p_dec->fmt_in.video.p_palette->palette[i][2];
            c.a[3] = p_dec->fmt_in.video.p_palette->palette[i][3];

            p_sys->palette.palette[i] = c.u;
        p_sys->p_context->palctrl = &p_sys->palette;

        p_dec->fmt_out.video.p_palette = malloc( sizeof(video_palette_t) );
        if( p_dec->fmt_out.video.p_palette )
            *p_dec->fmt_out.video.p_palette = *p_dec->fmt_in.video.p_palette;
    else if( p_sys->i_codec_id != CODEC_ID_MSVIDEO1 && p_sys->i_codec_id != CODEC_ID_CINEPAK )
        p_sys->p_context->palctrl = &p_sys->palette;
# warning FIXME

    /* ***** init this codec with special data ***** */
    ffmpeg_InitCodec( p_dec );

    /* ***** Open the codec ***** */
    if( ffmpeg_OpenCodec( p_dec ) < 0 )
        msg_Err( p_dec, "cannot open codec (%s)", p_sys->psz_namecodec );
        av_free( p_sys->p_ff_pic );
        vlc_sem_destroy( &p_sys->sem_mt );
        free( p_sys );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Пример #6
 * Open
static int Open( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    sout_stream_t        *p_stream = (sout_stream_t *)p_this;
    sout_stream_sys_t    *p_sys;
    vlc_value_t           val;

    config_ChainParse( p_stream, CFG_PREFIX, ppsz_sout_options,
                       p_stream->p_cfg );

    p_sys = malloc( sizeof( sout_stream_sys_t ) );
    if( !p_sys )
        return VLC_ENOMEM;

    p_stream->p_sys = p_sys;
    p_sys->b_inited = false;

    p_sys->psz_id = var_CreateGetString( p_stream, CFG_PREFIX "id" );

    p_sys->i_height =
        var_CreateGetIntegerCommand( p_stream, CFG_PREFIX "height" );
    var_AddCallback( p_stream, CFG_PREFIX "height", HeightCallback, p_stream );

    p_sys->i_width =
        var_CreateGetIntegerCommand( p_stream, CFG_PREFIX "width" );
    var_AddCallback( p_stream, CFG_PREFIX "width", WidthCallback, p_stream );

    var_Get( p_stream, CFG_PREFIX "sar", &val );
    if( val.psz_string )
        char *psz_parser = strchr( val.psz_string, ':' );

        if( psz_parser )
            *psz_parser++ = '\0';
            p_sys->i_sar_num = atoi( val.psz_string );
            p_sys->i_sar_den = atoi( psz_parser );
            vlc_ureduce( &p_sys->i_sar_num, &p_sys->i_sar_den,
                         p_sys->i_sar_num, p_sys->i_sar_den, 0 );
            msg_Warn( p_stream, "bad aspect ratio %s", val.psz_string );
            p_sys->i_sar_num = p_sys->i_sar_den = 1;

        free( val.psz_string );
        p_sys->i_sar_num = p_sys->i_sar_den = 1;

    p_sys->i_chroma = 0;
    val.psz_string = var_GetNonEmptyString( p_stream, CFG_PREFIX "chroma" );
    if( val.psz_string && strlen( val.psz_string ) >= 4 )
        memcpy( &p_sys->i_chroma, val.psz_string, 4 );
        msg_Dbg( p_stream, "Forcing image chroma to 0x%.8x (%4.4s)", p_sys->i_chroma, (char*)&p_sys->i_chroma );
    free( val.psz_string );

#define INT_COMMAND( a ) do { \
    var_Create( p_stream, CFG_PREFIX #a, \
    var_AddCallback( p_stream, CFG_PREFIX #a, a ## Callback, \
                     p_stream ); } while(0)
    INT_COMMAND( alpha );
    INT_COMMAND( x );
    INT_COMMAND( y );


    p_stream->pf_add    = Add;
    p_stream->pf_del    = Del;
    p_stream->pf_send   = Send;
    p_stream->pace_nocontrol = true;

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Пример #7
 * CreateFiler: allocate mosaic video filter
static int CreateFilter( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    filter_t *p_filter = (filter_t *)p_this;
    filter_sys_t *p_sys;
    libvlc_t *p_libvlc = p_filter->p_libvlc;
    char *psz_order;
    int i_index;
    vlc_value_t val;

    /* The mosaic thread is more important than the decoder threads */
    vlc_thread_set_priority( p_this, VLC_THREAD_PRIORITY_OUTPUT );

    /* Allocate structure */
    p_sys = p_filter->p_sys = malloc( sizeof( filter_sys_t ) );
    if( p_sys == NULL )
        msg_Err( p_filter, "out of memory" );
        return VLC_ENOMEM;

    p_filter->pf_sub_filter = Filter;
    p_sys->p_pic = NULL;

    vlc_mutex_init( p_filter, &p_sys->lock );
    vlc_mutex_lock( &p_sys->lock );

    var_Get( p_libvlc, "mosaic-lock", &val );
    p_sys->p_lock = val.p_address;

#define GET_VAR( name, min, max )                                           \
    p_sys->i_##name = __MIN( max, __MAX( min,                               \
                var_CreateGetInteger( p_filter, "mosaic-" #name ) ) );      \
    var_Destroy( p_filter, "mosaic-" #name );                               \
    var_Create( p_libvlc, "mosaic-" #name, VLC_VAR_INTEGER );               \
    var_SetInteger( p_libvlc, "mosaic-" #name, p_sys->i_##name );           \
    var_AddCallback( p_libvlc, "mosaic-" #name, MosaicCallback, p_sys );

    GET_VAR( width, 0, INT_MAX );
    GET_VAR( height, 0, INT_MAX );
    GET_VAR( xoffset, 0, INT_MAX );
    GET_VAR( yoffset, 0, INT_MAX );

    p_sys->i_align = __MIN( 10, __MAX( 0,  var_CreateGetInteger( p_filter, "mosaic-align" ) ) );
    if( p_sys->i_align == 3 || p_sys->i_align == 7 )
        p_sys->i_align = 5;
    var_Destroy( p_filter, "mosaic-align" );
    var_Create( p_libvlc, "mosaic-align", VLC_VAR_INTEGER );
    var_SetInteger( p_libvlc, "mosaic-align", p_sys->i_align );
    var_AddCallback( p_libvlc, "mosaic-align", MosaicCallback, p_sys );

    GET_VAR( borderw, 0, INT_MAX );
    GET_VAR( borderh, 0, INT_MAX );
    GET_VAR( rows, 1, INT_MAX );
    GET_VAR( cols, 1, INT_MAX );
    GET_VAR( alpha, 0, 255 );
    GET_VAR( position, 0, 1 );
    GET_VAR( delay, 100, INT_MAX );
    p_sys->i_delay *= 1000;

    p_sys->b_ar = var_CreateGetBool( p_filter, "mosaic-keep-aspect-ratio" );
    var_Destroy( p_filter, "mosaic-keep-aspect-ratio" );
    var_Create( p_libvlc, "mosaic-keep-aspect-ratio", VLC_VAR_INTEGER );
    var_SetBool( p_libvlc, "mosaic-keep-aspect-ratio", p_sys->b_ar );
    var_AddCallback( p_libvlc, "mosaic-keep-aspect-ratio", MosaicCallback,
                     p_sys );

    p_sys->b_keep = var_CreateGetBool( p_filter, "mosaic-keep-picture" );
    if ( !p_sys->b_keep )
        p_sys->p_image = image_HandlerCreate( p_filter );

    p_sys->i_order_length = 0;
    p_sys->ppsz_order = NULL;
    psz_order = var_CreateGetString( p_filter, "mosaic-order" );

    if( psz_order[0] != 0 )
        char *psz_end = NULL;
        i_index = 0;
            psz_end = strchr( psz_order, ',' );
            p_sys->ppsz_order = realloc( p_sys->ppsz_order,
                                         i_index * sizeof(char *) );
            p_sys->ppsz_order[i_index - 1] = strndup( psz_order,
                                             psz_end - psz_order );
            psz_order = psz_end+1;
        } while( NULL !=  psz_end );
        p_sys->i_order_length = i_index;

    /* Bluescreen specific stuff */
    GET_VAR( bsu, 0x00, 0xff );
    GET_VAR( bsv, 0x00, 0xff );
    GET_VAR( bsut, 0x00, 0xff );
    GET_VAR( bsvt, 0x00, 0xff );
    p_sys->b_bs = var_CreateGetBool( p_filter, "mosaic-bs" );
    var_Destroy( p_filter, "mosaic-bs" );
    var_Create( p_libvlc, "mosaic-bs", VLC_VAR_INTEGER );
    var_SetBool( p_libvlc, "mosaic-bs", p_sys->b_bs );
    var_AddCallback( p_libvlc, "mosaic-bs", MosaicCallback, p_sys );
    if( p_sys->b_bs && p_sys->b_keep )
        msg_Warn( p_filter, "mosaic-keep-picture needs to be disabled for"
                  " bluescreen to work" );

    vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_sys->lock );

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Пример #8
 * Create and start an interface.
 * @param p_this the calling vlc_object_t
 * @param chain configuration chain string
 * @return VLC_SUCCESS or an error code
int intf_Create( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *chain )
    libvlc_int_t *p_libvlc = p_this->p_libvlc;
    intf_thread_t * p_intf;

    /* Allocate structure */
    p_intf = vlc_custom_create( p_libvlc, sizeof( *p_intf ), "interface" );
    if( !p_intf )
        return VLC_ENOMEM;

    /* Variable used for interface spawning */
    vlc_value_t val, text;
    var_Create( p_intf, "intf-add", VLC_VAR_STRING |
    text.psz_string = _("Add Interface");
    var_Change( p_intf, "intf-add", VLC_VAR_SETTEXT, &text, NULL );
#if !defined(WIN32) && defined(HAVE_ISATTY)
    if( isatty( 0 ) )
        val.psz_string = (char *)"rc";
        text.psz_string = (char *)_("Console");
        var_Change( p_intf, "intf-add", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text );
    val.psz_string = (char *)"telnet";
    text.psz_string = (char *)_("Telnet");
    var_Change( p_intf, "intf-add", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text );
    val.psz_string = (char *)"http";
    text.psz_string = (char *)_("Web");
    var_Change( p_intf, "intf-add", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text );
    val.psz_string = (char *)"logger";
    text.psz_string = (char *)_("Debug logging");
    var_Change( p_intf, "intf-add", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text );
    val.psz_string = (char *)"gestures";
    text.psz_string = (char *)_("Mouse Gestures");
    var_Change( p_intf, "intf-add", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text );

    var_AddCallback( p_intf, "intf-add", AddIntfCallback, NULL );

    /* Attach interface to LibVLC */
#if defined( __APPLE__ )
    p_intf->b_should_run_on_first_thread = false;

    /* Choose the best module */
    p_intf->p_cfg = NULL;
    char *psz_parser = *chain == '$'
                     ? var_CreateGetString(p_intf, chain+1)
                     : strdup( chain );
    char *module;
    char *psz_tmp = config_ChainCreate( &module, &p_intf->p_cfg,
                                        psz_parser );
    free( psz_tmp );
    free( psz_parser );
    p_intf->p_module = module_need( p_intf, "interface", module, true );
    if( p_intf->p_module == NULL )
        msg_Err( p_intf, "no suitable interface module" );
        goto error;

    vlc_mutex_lock( &lock );
#if defined( __APPLE__ )
    /* Hack to get Mac OS X Cocoa runtime running
     * (it needs access to the main thread) */
    if( p_intf->b_should_run_on_first_thread )
        if( vlc_clone( &p_intf->thread,
                       MonitorLibVLCDeath, p_intf, VLC_THREAD_PRIORITY_LOW ) )
            msg_Err( p_intf, "cannot spawn libvlc death monitoring thread" );
            vlc_mutex_unlock( &lock );
            goto error;
        assert( p_intf->pf_run );
        p_intf->pf_run( p_intf );

        /* It is monitoring libvlc, not the p_intf */
        vlc_object_kill( p_intf->p_libvlc );

        vlc_join( p_intf->thread, NULL );
    /* Run the interface in a separate thread */
    if( p_intf->pf_run
     && vlc_clone( &p_intf->thread,
                   RunInterface, p_intf, VLC_THREAD_PRIORITY_LOW ) )
        msg_Err( p_intf, "cannot spawn interface thread" );
        vlc_mutex_unlock( &lock );
        goto error;

    p_intf->p_next = libvlc_priv( p_libvlc )->p_intf;
    libvlc_priv( p_libvlc )->p_intf = p_intf;
    vlc_mutex_unlock( &lock );

    return VLC_SUCCESS;

    if( p_intf->p_module )
        module_unneed( p_intf, p_intf->p_module );
    config_ChainDestroy( p_intf->p_cfg );
    vlc_object_release( p_intf );
    return VLC_EGENERIC;
Пример #9
 * Open: initialize and create stuff
static int Open( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    intf_thread_t *p_intf = (intf_thread_t *)p_this;
    intf_sys_t *p_sys;
    char *psz_mode;

    msg_Info( p_intf, "using logger." );

    /* Allocate instance and initialize some members */
    p_sys = p_intf->p_sys = (intf_sys_t *)malloc( sizeof( intf_sys_t ) );
    if( p_sys == NULL )
        return VLC_ENOMEM;

    p_sys->msg.p_intf = p_intf;
    p_sys->msg.i_mode = MODE_TEXT;
    psz_mode = var_CreateGetString( p_intf, "logmode" );
    if( psz_mode )
        if( !strcmp( psz_mode, "text" ) )
        else if( !strcmp( psz_mode, "html" ) )
            p_sys->msg.i_mode = MODE_HTML;
        else if( !strcmp( psz_mode, "syslog" ) )
            p_sys->msg.i_mode = MODE_SYSLOG;
            msg_Warn( p_intf, "invalid log mode `%s', using `text'", psz_mode );
            p_sys->msg.i_mode = MODE_TEXT;
        free( psz_mode );
        msg_Warn( p_intf, "no log mode specified, using `text'" );

    if( p_sys->msg.i_mode != MODE_SYSLOG )
        char *psz_file = config_GetPsz( p_intf, "logfile" );
        if( !psz_file )
#ifdef __APPLE__
            char *home = config_GetUserDir(VLC_DOCUMENTS_DIR);
            if( home == NULL
             || asprintf( &psz_file, "%s/"LOG_DIR"/%s", home,
                (p_sys->msg.i_mode == MODE_HTML) ? LOG_FILE_HTML
                                             : LOG_FILE_TEXT ) == -1 )
                psz_file = NULL;
            switch( p_sys->msg.i_mode )
            case MODE_HTML:
                psz_file = strdup( LOG_FILE_HTML );
            case MODE_TEXT:
                psz_file = strdup( LOG_FILE_TEXT );
            msg_Warn( p_intf, "no log filename provided, using `%s'",
                               psz_file );

        /* Open the log file and remove any buffering for the stream */
        msg_Dbg( p_intf, "opening logfile `%s'", psz_file );
        p_sys->msg.p_file = utf8_fopen( psz_file, "at" );
        if( p_sys->msg.p_file == NULL )
            msg_Err( p_intf, "error opening logfile `%s'", psz_file );
            free( p_sys );
            free( psz_file );
            return -1;
        setvbuf( p_sys->msg.p_file, NULL, _IONBF, 0 );

        free( psz_file );

        switch( p_sys->msg.i_mode )
        case MODE_HTML:
            fputs( HTML_HEADER, p_sys->msg.p_file );
        case MODE_TEXT:
            fputs( TEXT_HEADER, p_sys->msg.p_file );

        p_sys->msg.p_file = NULL;
        int i_facility;
        char *psz_facility = var_CreateGetString( p_intf, "syslog-facility" );
        if( psz_facility )
            bool b_valid = 0;
            for( size_t i = 0; i < fac_entries; ++i )
                if( !strcmp( psz_facility, fac_name[i] ) )
                    i_facility = fac_number[i];
                    b_valid = 1;
            if( !b_valid )
                msg_Warn( p_intf, "invalid syslog facility `%s', using `%s'",
                          psz_facility, fac_name[0] );
                i_facility = fac_number[0];
            free( psz_facility );
            msg_Warn( p_intf, "no syslog facility specified, using `%s'",
                      fac_name[0] );
            i_facility = fac_number[0];

        openlog( "vlc", LOG_PID|LOG_NDELAY, i_facility );

    p_sys->p_sub = msg_Subscribe( p_intf->p_libvlc, Overflow, &p_sys->msg );

    return 0;
Пример #10
 * Open: initialize and create stuff
int Open_LuaSD( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    services_discovery_t *p_sd = ( services_discovery_t * )p_this;
    services_discovery_sys_t *p_sys;
    lua_State *L = NULL;
    char *psz_name = NULL;

    if( !strcmp(p_sd->psz_name, "lua"))
        // We want to load the module name "lua"
        // This module can be used to load lua script not registered
        // as builtin lua SD modules.
        config_ChainParse( p_sd, "lua-", ppsz_sd_options, p_sd->p_cfg );
        psz_name = var_CreateGetString( p_sd, "lua-sd" );
        // We are loading a builtin lua sd module.
        psz_name = strdup(p_sd->psz_name);

    if( !( p_sys = malloc( sizeof( services_discovery_sys_t ) ) ) )
        free( psz_name );
        return VLC_ENOMEM;
    p_sd->p_sys = p_sys;
    p_sys->psz_filename = vlclua_find_file( p_this, "sd", psz_name );
    if( !p_sys->psz_filename )
        msg_Err( p_sd, "Couldn't find lua services discovery script \"%s\".",
                 psz_name );
        free( psz_name );
        goto error;
    free( psz_name );
    L = luaL_newstate();
    if( !L )
        msg_Err( p_sd, "Could not create new Lua State" );
        goto error;
    vlclua_set_this( L, p_sd );
    luaL_openlibs( L );
    luaL_register( L, "vlc", p_reg );
    luaopen_input( L );
    luaopen_msg( L );
    luaopen_misc( L );
    luaopen_net( L );
    luaopen_object( L );
    luaopen_sd( L );
    luaopen_strings( L );
    luaopen_variables( L );
    luaopen_stream( L );
    luaopen_gettext( L );
    luaopen_xml( L );
    luaopen_md5( L );
    lua_pop( L, 1 );

    if( vlclua_add_modules_path( p_sd, L, p_sys->psz_filename ) )
        msg_Warn( p_sd, "Error while setting the module search path for %s",
                  p_sys->psz_filename );
        goto error;
    if( luaL_dofile( L, p_sys->psz_filename ) )

        msg_Err( p_sd, "Error loading script %s: %s", p_sys->psz_filename,
                  lua_tostring( L, lua_gettop( L ) ) );
        lua_pop( L, 1 );
        goto error;
    p_sys->L = L;
    if( vlc_clone (&p_sd->p_sys->thread, Run, p_sd, VLC_THREAD_PRIORITY_LOW) )
        goto error;
    return VLC_SUCCESS;
    if( L )
        lua_close( L );
    free( p_sys->psz_filename );
    free( p_sys );
    return VLC_EGENERIC;
Пример #11
 * Open: initializes raw audio demuxer
static int Open( vlc_object_t * p_this )
    demux_t     *p_demux = (demux_t*)p_this;
    demux_sys_t *p_sys;

    p_demux->p_sys      = p_sys = malloc( sizeof( demux_sys_t ) );
    if( !p_sys )
        return VLC_ENOMEM;

    char *psz_fourcc = var_CreateGetString( p_demux, "rawaud-fourcc" );
    es_format_Init( &p_sys->fmt, AUDIO_ES,
                    vlc_fourcc_GetCodecFromString( AUDIO_ES, psz_fourcc ) );
    free( psz_fourcc );

    if( !p_sys->fmt.i_codec )
        msg_Err( p_demux, "rawaud-fourcc must be a 4 character string");
        es_format_Clean( &p_sys->fmt );
        free( p_sys );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    // get the bits per sample ratio based on codec
    switch( p_sys->fmt.i_codec )

        case VLC_CODEC_FL64:
            p_sys->fmt.audio.i_bitspersample = 64;

        case VLC_CODEC_FL32:
        case VLC_CODEC_S32L:
        case VLC_CODEC_S32B:
            p_sys->fmt.audio.i_bitspersample = 32;

        case VLC_CODEC_S24L:
        case VLC_CODEC_S24B:
            p_sys->fmt.audio.i_bitspersample = 24;

        case VLC_CODEC_S16L:
        case VLC_CODEC_S16B:
            p_sys->fmt.audio.i_bitspersample = 16;

        case VLC_CODEC_S8:
        case VLC_CODEC_U8:
            p_sys->fmt.audio.i_bitspersample = 8;

            msg_Err( p_demux, "unknown fourcc format %4.4s",
                    (char *)&p_sys->fmt.i_codec);
            es_format_Clean( &p_sys->fmt );
            free( p_sys );
            return VLC_EGENERIC;


    p_sys->fmt.psz_language = var_CreateGetString( p_demux, "rawaud-lang" );
    p_sys->fmt.audio.i_channels = var_CreateGetInteger( p_demux, "rawaud-channels" );
    p_sys->fmt.audio.i_rate = var_CreateGetInteger( p_demux, "rawaud-samplerate" );

    if( p_sys->fmt.audio.i_rate == 0 || p_sys->fmt.audio.i_rate > 384000 )
        msg_Err( p_demux, "invalid sample rate");
        es_format_Clean( &p_sys->fmt );
        free( p_sys );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    if( p_sys->fmt.audio.i_channels == 0 || p_sys->fmt.audio.i_channels > 32 )
        msg_Err( p_demux, "invalid number of channels");
        es_format_Clean( &p_sys->fmt );
        free( p_sys );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    p_sys->fmt.i_bitrate = p_sys->fmt.audio.i_rate *
                           p_sys->fmt.audio.i_channels *

    if( p_sys->fmt.i_bitrate > 50000000)
        msg_Err( p_demux, "invalid bitrate");
        es_format_Clean( &p_sys->fmt );
        free( p_sys );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    msg_Dbg( p_demux,
            "format initialized: channels=%d , samplerate=%d Hz, fourcc=%4.4s, bits per sample = %d, bitrate = %d bit/s",

    /* add the es */
    p_sys->p_es = es_out_Add( p_demux->out, &p_sys->fmt );
    msg_Dbg( p_demux, "elementary stream added");

    /* initialize timing */
    date_Init( &p_sys->pts, p_sys->fmt.audio.i_rate, 1 );
    date_Set( &p_sys->pts, VLC_TICK_0 );

    /* calculate 50ms frame size/time */
    p_sys->i_frame_samples = __MAX( p_sys->fmt.audio.i_rate / 20, 1 );
    p_sys->i_seek_step  = p_sys->fmt.audio.i_channels *
                          ( (p_sys->fmt.audio.i_bitspersample + 7) / 8 );
    p_sys->i_frame_size = p_sys->i_frame_samples * p_sys->i_seek_step;
    msg_Dbg( p_demux, "frame size is %d bytes ", p_sys->i_frame_size);

    p_demux->pf_demux   = Demux;
    p_demux->pf_control = Control;
    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Пример #12
 * OpenDecoder: probe the decoder and return score
static int OpenDecoder( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    decoder_t *p_dec = (decoder_t*) p_this;
    unsigned i_codec_id;
    int i_cat, i_result;
    const char *psz_namecodec;

    AVCodecContext *p_context = NULL;
    AVCodec        *p_codec = NULL;

    /* *** determine codec type *** */
    if( !GetFfmpegCodec( p_dec->fmt_in.i_codec, &i_cat, &i_codec_id,
                             &psz_namecodec )
     || i_cat == UNKNOWN_ES )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    /* Initialization must be done before avcodec_find_decoder() */

    /* *** ask ffmpeg for a decoder *** */
    char *psz_decoder = var_CreateGetString( p_this, "avcodec-codec" );
    if( psz_decoder && *psz_decoder )
        p_codec = avcodec_find_decoder_by_name( psz_decoder );
        if( !p_codec )
            msg_Err( p_this, "Decoder `%s' not found", psz_decoder );
        else if( p_codec->id != i_codec_id )
            msg_Err( p_this, "Decoder `%s' can't handle %4.4s",
                    psz_decoder, (char*)&p_dec->fmt_in.i_codec );
            p_codec = NULL;
    free( psz_decoder );
    if( !p_codec )
        p_codec = avcodec_find_decoder( i_codec_id );
    if( !p_codec )
        msg_Dbg( p_dec, "codec not found (%s)", psz_namecodec );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    /* *** get a p_context *** */
    p_context = avcodec_alloc_context3(p_codec);
    if( !p_context )
        return VLC_ENOMEM;
    p_context->debug = var_InheritInteger( p_dec, "avcodec-debug" );
    p_context->opaque = (void *)p_this;

    p_dec->b_need_packetized = true;
    switch( i_cat )
    case VIDEO_ES:
        p_dec->pf_decode_video = DecodeVideo;
        i_result =  InitVideoDec ( p_dec, p_context, p_codec,
                                       i_codec_id, psz_namecodec );
    case AUDIO_ES:
        p_dec->pf_decode_audio = DecodeAudio;
        i_result =  InitAudioDec ( p_dec, p_context, p_codec,
                                       i_codec_id, psz_namecodec );
    case SPU_ES:
        p_dec->pf_decode_sub = DecodeSubtitle;
        i_result =  InitSubtitleDec( p_dec, p_context, p_codec,
                                     i_codec_id, psz_namecodec );
        i_result = VLC_EGENERIC;

    if( i_result == VLC_SUCCESS )
        p_dec->p_sys->i_cat = i_cat;
        if( p_context->profile != FF_PROFILE_UNKNOWN)
            p_dec->fmt_in.i_profile = p_context->profile;
        if( p_context->level != FF_LEVEL_UNKNOWN)
            p_dec->fmt_in.i_level = p_context->level;

    return i_result;
Пример #13
 * Open:
static int Open( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    demux_t      *p_demux = (demux_t*)p_this;
    demux_sys_t  *p_sys;
    char         *psz_name;
    dvd_reader_t *p_dvdread;
    ifo_handle_t *p_vmg_file;

    if( !p_demux->psz_file || !*p_demux->psz_file )
        /* Only when selected */
        if( !p_demux->psz_access || !*p_demux->psz_access )
            return VLC_EGENERIC;

        psz_name = var_CreateGetString( p_this, "dvd" );
        if( !psz_name )
            psz_name = strdup("");
        psz_name = ToLocaleDup( p_demux->psz_file );

#ifdef WIN32
    if( psz_name[0] && psz_name[1] == ':' &&
        psz_name[2] == '\\' && psz_name[3] == '\0' ) psz_name[2] = '\0';

    /* Open dvdread */
    if( !(p_dvdread = DVDOpen( psz_name )) )
        msg_Err( p_demux, "DVDRead cannot open source: %s", psz_name );
        dialog_Fatal( p_demux, _("Playback failure"),
                        _("DVDRead could not open the disc \"%s\"."), psz_name );
        free( psz_name );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;
    free( psz_name );

    /* Ifo allocation & initialisation */
    if( !( p_vmg_file = ifoOpen( p_dvdread, 0 ) ) )
        msg_Warn( p_demux, "cannot open VMG info" );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;
    msg_Dbg( p_demux, "VMG opened" );

    /* Fill p_demux field */
    DEMUX_INIT_COMMON(); p_sys = p_demux->p_sys;

    ps_track_init( p_sys->tk );
    p_sys->i_sar_num = 0;
    p_sys->i_sar_den = 0;
    p_sys->i_title_cur_time = (mtime_t) 0;
    p_sys->i_cell_cur_time = (mtime_t) 0;
    p_sys->i_cell_duration = (mtime_t) 0;

    p_sys->p_dvdread = p_dvdread;
    p_sys->p_vmg_file = p_vmg_file;
    p_sys->p_title = NULL;
    p_sys->p_vts_file = NULL;

    p_sys->i_title = p_sys->i_chapter = -1;
    p_sys->i_mux_rate = 0;

    p_sys->i_angle = var_CreateGetInteger( p_demux, "dvdread-angle" );
    if( p_sys->i_angle <= 0 ) p_sys->i_angle = 1;

    DemuxTitles( p_demux, &p_sys->i_angle );
    if( DvdReadSetArea( p_demux, 0, 0, p_sys->i_angle ) != VLC_SUCCESS )
        Close( p_this );
        msg_Err( p_demux, "DvdReadSetArea(0,0,%i) failed (can't decrypt DVD?)",
                 p_sys->i_angle );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    /* Update default_pts to a suitable value for dvdread access */
    var_Create( p_demux, "dvdread-caching",

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Пример #14
int Open_LuaIntf( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    intf_thread_t *p_intf = (intf_thread_t*)p_this;
    intf_sys_t *p_sys;
    lua_State *L;

    config_ChainParse( p_intf, "lua-", ppsz_intf_options, p_intf->p_cfg );
    char *psz_name = NULL;

    if( !p_intf->psz_intf || !*p_intf->psz_intf )
        psz_name = strdup( "rc" );
        psz_name = GetModuleName( p_intf );

    if( !psz_name ) psz_name = strdup( "dummy" );

    char *psz_config;
    bool b_config_set = false;

    p_intf->p_sys = (intf_sys_t*)malloc( sizeof(intf_sys_t) );
    if( !p_intf->p_sys )
        free( psz_name );
        return VLC_ENOMEM;
    p_sys = p_intf->p_sys;
    p_sys->psz_filename = vlclua_find_file( p_this, "intf", psz_name );
    if( !p_sys->psz_filename )
        msg_Err( p_intf, "Couldn't find lua interface script \"%s\".",
                 psz_name );
        goto error;
    msg_Dbg( p_intf, "Found lua interface script: %s", p_sys->psz_filename );

    L = luaL_newstate();
    if( !L )
        msg_Err( p_intf, "Could not create new Lua State" );
        goto error;

    vlclua_set_this( L, p_intf );
    vlclua_set_intf( L, p_sys );

    luaL_openlibs( L );

    /* register our functions */
    luaL_register( L, "vlc", p_reg );

    /* register submodules */
    luaopen_acl( L );
    luaopen_config( L );
    luaopen_volume( L );
    luaopen_httpd( L );
    luaopen_input( L );
    luaopen_msg( L );
    luaopen_misc( L );
    luaopen_net( L );
    luaopen_object( L );
    luaopen_osd( L );
    luaopen_playlist( L );
    luaopen_sd( L );
    luaopen_stream( L );
    luaopen_strings( L );
    luaopen_variables( L );
    luaopen_video( L );
    luaopen_vlm( L );
    luaopen_volume( L );
    luaopen_gettext( L );
    luaopen_xml( L );
    luaopen_md5( L );

    /* clean up */
    lua_pop( L, 1 );

    /* Setup the module search path */
    if( vlclua_add_modules_path( p_intf, L, p_sys->psz_filename ) )
        msg_Warn( p_intf, "Error while setting the module search path for %s",
                  p_sys->psz_filename );
        lua_close( L );
        goto error;

     * Get the lua-config string.
     * If the string is empty, try with the old http-* or telnet-* options
     * and build the right configuration line
    psz_config = var_CreateGetNonEmptyString( p_intf, "lua-config" );
    if( !psz_config )
        if( !strcmp( psz_name, "http" ) )
            char *psz_http_host = var_CreateGetNonEmptyString( p_intf, "http-host" );
            char *psz_http_src = var_CreateGetNonEmptyString( p_intf, "http-src" );
            bool b_http_index = var_CreateGetBool( p_intf, "http-index" );
            if( psz_http_host )
                char *psz_esc = config_StringEscape( psz_http_host );
                asprintf( &psz_config, "http={host='%s'", psz_esc );
                free( psz_esc );
                free( psz_http_host );
            if( psz_http_src )
                char *psz_esc = config_StringEscape( psz_http_src );
                if( psz_config )
                    char *psz_tmp;
                    asprintf( &psz_tmp, "%s,dir='%s'", psz_config, psz_esc );
                    free( psz_config );
                    psz_config = psz_tmp;
                    asprintf( &psz_config, "http={dir='%s'", psz_esc );
                free( psz_esc );
                free( psz_http_src );
            if( psz_config )
                char *psz_tmp;
                asprintf( &psz_tmp, "%s,no_index=%s}", psz_config, b_http_index ? "true" : "false" );
                free( psz_config );
                psz_config = psz_tmp;
                asprintf( &psz_config, "http={no_index=%s}", b_http_index ? "true" : "false" );
        else if( !strcmp( psz_name, "telnet" ) )
            char *psz_telnet_host = var_CreateGetString( p_intf, "telnet-host" );
            int i_telnet_port = var_CreateGetInteger( p_intf, "telnet-port" );
            char *psz_telnet_passwd = var_CreateGetString( p_intf, "telnet-password" );

            char *psz_esc_host = config_StringEscape( psz_telnet_host );
            char *psz_esc_passwd = config_StringEscape( psz_telnet_passwd );

            asprintf( &psz_config, "telnet={host='%s:%d',password='******'}", psz_esc_host ? psz_esc_host : "", i_telnet_port, psz_esc_passwd );

            free( psz_esc_host );
            free( psz_esc_passwd );
            free( psz_telnet_passwd );
            free( psz_telnet_host );

    if( psz_config )
        char *psz_buffer;
        if( asprintf( &psz_buffer, "config={%s}", psz_config ) != -1 )
            msg_Dbg( p_intf, "Setting config variable: %s", psz_buffer );
            if( luaL_dostring( L, psz_buffer ) == 1 )
                msg_Err( p_intf, "Error while parsing \"lua-config\"." );
            free( psz_buffer );
            lua_getglobal( L, "config" );
            if( lua_istable( L, -1 ) )
                lua_getfield( L, -1, psz_name );
                if( lua_istable( L, -1 ) )
                    lua_setglobal( L, "config" );
                    b_config_set = true;
        free( psz_config );

    if( b_config_set == false )
        lua_newtable( L );
        lua_setglobal( L, "config" );

    p_sys->L = L;

    p_intf->psz_header = psz_name;
    /* ^^ Do I need to clean that up myself in Close_LuaIntf? */

    vlc_mutex_init( &p_sys->lock );
    vlc_cond_init( &p_sys->wait );
    p_sys->exiting = false;

    if( vlc_clone( &p_sys->thread, Run, p_intf, VLC_THREAD_PRIORITY_LOW ) )
        p_intf->psz_header = NULL;
        vlc_cond_destroy( &p_sys->wait );
        vlc_mutex_destroy( &p_sys->lock );
        lua_close( p_sys->L );
        goto error;

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
    free( p_sys->psz_filename );
    free( p_sys );
    free( psz_name );
    return VLC_EGENERIC;
Пример #15
 * OpenDecoder: probe the decoder and return score
static int OpenDecoder( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    decoder_t *p_dec = (decoder_t*) p_this;
    int i_cat, i_codec_id, i_result;
    const char *psz_namecodec;

    AVCodecContext *p_context = NULL;
    AVCodec        *p_codec = NULL;

    /* *** determine codec type *** */
    if( !GetFfmpegCodec( p_dec->fmt_in.i_codec, &i_cat, &i_codec_id,
                             &psz_namecodec ) )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    /* Initialization must be done before avcodec_find_decoder() */

    /* *** ask ffmpeg for a decoder *** */
    char *psz_decoder = var_CreateGetString( p_this, "avcodec-codec" );
    if( psz_decoder && *psz_decoder )
        p_codec = avcodec_find_decoder_by_name( psz_decoder );
        if( !p_codec )
            msg_Err( p_this, "Decoder `%s' not found", psz_decoder );
        else if( p_codec->id != i_codec_id )
            msg_Err( p_this, "Decoder `%s' can't handle %4.4s",
                    psz_decoder, (char*)&p_dec->fmt_in.i_codec );
            p_codec = NULL;
    free( psz_decoder );
    if( !p_codec )
        p_codec = avcodec_find_decoder( i_codec_id );
    if( !p_codec )
        msg_Dbg( p_dec, "codec not found (%s)", psz_namecodec );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    /* *** get a p_context *** */
    p_context = avcodec_alloc_context3(p_codec);
    p_context = avcodec_alloc_context();
    if( !p_context )
        return VLC_ENOMEM;
    p_context->debug = var_InheritInteger( p_dec, "avcodec-debug" );
    p_context->opaque = (void *)p_this;

    /* Set CPU capabilities */
    unsigned i_cpu = vlc_CPU();
    p_context->dsp_mask = 0;
    if( !(i_cpu & CPU_CAPABILITY_MMX) )
        p_context->dsp_mask |= AV_CPU_FLAG_MMX;
    if( !(i_cpu & CPU_CAPABILITY_MMXEXT) )
        p_context->dsp_mask |= AV_CPU_FLAG_MMX2;
    if( !(i_cpu & CPU_CAPABILITY_3DNOW) )
        p_context->dsp_mask |= AV_CPU_FLAG_3DNOW;
    if( !(i_cpu & CPU_CAPABILITY_SSE) )
        p_context->dsp_mask |= AV_CPU_FLAG_SSE;
    if( !(i_cpu & CPU_CAPABILITY_SSE2) )
        p_context->dsp_mask |= AV_CPU_FLAG_SSE2;
    if( !(i_cpu & CPU_CAPABILITY_SSE3) )
        p_context->dsp_mask |= AV_CPU_FLAG_SSE3;
    if( !(i_cpu & CPU_CAPABILITY_SSSE3) )
        p_context->dsp_mask |= AV_CPU_FLAG_SSSE3;
    if( !(i_cpu & CPU_CAPABILITY_SSE4_1) )
        p_context->dsp_mask |= AV_CPU_FLAG_SSE4;
#ifdef AV_CPU_FLAG_SSE42
    if( !(i_cpu & CPU_CAPABILITY_SSE4_2) )
        p_context->dsp_mask |= AV_CPU_FLAG_SSE42;

    p_dec->b_need_packetized = true;
    switch( i_cat )
    case VIDEO_ES:
        p_dec->pf_decode_video = DecodeVideo;
        i_result =  InitVideoDec ( p_dec, p_context, p_codec,
                                       i_codec_id, psz_namecodec );
    case AUDIO_ES:
        p_dec->pf_decode_audio = DecodeAudio;
        i_result =  InitAudioDec ( p_dec, p_context, p_codec,
                                       i_codec_id, psz_namecodec );
    case SPU_ES:
        p_dec->pf_decode_sub = DecodeSubtitle;
        i_result =  InitSubtitleDec( p_dec, p_context, p_codec,
                                     i_codec_id, psz_namecodec );
        i_result = VLC_EGENERIC;

    if( i_result == VLC_SUCCESS )
        p_dec->p_sys->i_cat = i_cat;
        if( p_context->profile != FF_PROFILE_UNKNOWN)
            p_dec->fmt_in.i_profile = p_context->profile;
        if( p_context->level != FF_LEVEL_UNKNOWN)
            p_dec->fmt_in.i_level = p_context->level;

    return i_result;
Пример #16
 * CreateFilter: Create the filter and open the definition file
static int CreateFilter ( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    filter_t *p_filter = (filter_t *)p_this;
    filter_sys_t *p_sys = NULL;

    msg_Dbg( p_filter, "Creating vnc osd filter..." );

    p_filter->p_sys = p_sys = calloc( 1, sizeof(*p_sys) );
    if( !p_filter->p_sys )
        return VLC_ENOMEM;

    /* Populating struct */
    vlc_mutex_init( &p_sys->lock );
    p_sys->b_continue = true;
    p_sys->i_socket = -1;
    p_sys->p_pic = NULL;

    p_sys->psz_host = var_CreateGetString( p_this, RMTOSD_CFG "host" );
    if( EMPTY_STR(p_sys->psz_host) )
        msg_Err( p_filter, "unable to get vnc host" );
        goto error;

    p_sys->psz_passwd = var_CreateGetString( p_this, RMTOSD_CFG "password" );
    if( !p_sys->psz_passwd )
        msg_Err( p_filter, "unable to get vnc password" );
        goto error;

    p_sys->i_port = var_CreateGetIntegerCommand( p_this, RMTOSD_CFG "port" );

    p_sys->i_alpha = var_CreateGetIntegerCommand( p_this, RMTOSD_CFG "alpha" );

    /* in milliseconds, 0 disables polling, should not be lower than 100 */
    p_sys->i_vnc_poll_interval  = var_CreateGetIntegerCommand( p_this,
                                                       RMTOSD_CFG "update" );
    if ( p_sys->i_vnc_poll_interval < 100)
       p_sys->i_vnc_poll_interval = 100;

    for ( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ )
        p_sys->ar_color_table_yuv[i][0] = 255;
        p_sys->ar_color_table_yuv[i][1] = 255;
        p_sys->ar_color_table_yuv[i][2] = 255;
        p_sys->ar_color_table_yuv[i][3] = 255;

    p_sys->b_vnc_poll = var_CreateGetBoolCommand( p_this,
                                            RMTOSD_CFG "vnc-polling" );
    p_sys->b_vnc_mouse_events = var_CreateGetBoolCommand( p_this,
                                            RMTOSD_CFG "mouse-events" );
    p_sys->b_vnc_key_events = var_CreateGetBoolCommand( p_this,
                                            RMTOSD_CFG "key-events" );

    /* Keep track of OSD Events */
    p_sys->b_need_update  = false;

    /* Attach subpicture source callback */
    p_filter->pf_sub_source = Filter;
    p_filter->pf_sub_mouse  = MouseEvent;

    var_AddCallback( p_filter->p_libvlc, "key-pressed", KeyEvent, p_this );

    es_format_Init( &p_filter->fmt_out, SPU_ES, VLC_CODEC_SPU );
    p_filter->fmt_out.i_priority = 0;


    /* create the vnc worker thread */
    p_sys->p_worker_thread = vlc_object_create( p_this,
                                                sizeof( vlc_object_t ) );
    vlc_object_attach( p_sys->p_worker_thread, p_this );
    if( vlc_thread_create( p_sys->p_worker_thread,
                           vnc_worker_thread, VLC_THREAD_PRIORITY_LOW ) )
        vlc_object_release( p_sys->p_worker_thread );
        msg_Err( p_filter, "cannot spawn vnc message reader thread" );
        goto error;

    msg_Dbg( p_filter, "osdvnc filter started" );

    return VLC_SUCCESS;

    msg_Err( p_filter, "osdvnc filter discarded" );

    stop_osdvnc( p_filter );

    vlc_mutex_destroy( &p_sys->lock );
    free( p_sys->psz_host );
    free( p_sys->psz_passwd );
    free( p_sys );

    return VLC_EGENERIC;
Пример #17
Файл: fake.c Проект: Kafay/vlc
 * OpenDecoder: probe the decoder and return score
static int OpenDecoder( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    decoder_t *p_dec = (decoder_t*)p_this;
    vlc_value_t val;
    image_handler_t *p_handler;
    video_format_t fmt_in, fmt_out;
    picture_t *p_image;
    char *psz_file, *psz_chroma;
    bool b_keep_ar;
    int i_aspect = 0;

    if( p_dec->fmt_in.i_codec != VLC_FOURCC('f','a','k','e') )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    p_dec->p_sys = calloc( 1, sizeof( *p_dec->p_sys ) );
    if( !p_dec->p_sys )
        return VLC_ENOMEM;

    psz_file = var_CreateGetNonEmptyStringCommand( p_dec, "fake-file" );
    if( !psz_file )
        msg_Err( p_dec, "specify a file with --fake-file=..." );
        free( p_dec->p_sys );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;
    var_AddCallback( p_dec, "fake-file", FakeCallback, p_dec );

    memset( &fmt_in, 0, sizeof(fmt_in) );
    memset( &fmt_out, 0, sizeof(fmt_out) );

    val.i_int = var_CreateGetIntegerCommand( p_dec, "fake-file-reload" );
    if( val.i_int > 0)
        p_dec->p_sys->b_reload = true;
        p_dec->p_sys->i_reload = (mtime_t)(val.i_int * 1000000);
        p_dec->p_sys->i_next   = (mtime_t)(p_dec->p_sys->i_reload + mdate());
    var_AddCallback( p_dec, "fake-file-reload", FakeCallback , p_dec );

    psz_chroma = var_CreateGetString( p_dec, "fake-chroma" );
    fmt_out.i_chroma = vlc_fourcc_GetCodecFromString( VIDEO_ES, psz_chroma );
    if( !fmt_out.i_chroma )
        msg_Warn( p_dec, "Invalid chroma (%s). Using I420.", psz_chroma );
        fmt_out.i_chroma = VLC_CODEC_I420;
    free( psz_chroma );

    var_Create( p_dec, "fake-keep-ar", VLC_VAR_BOOL | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );
    var_Get( p_dec, "fake-keep-ar", &val );
    b_keep_ar = val.b_bool;

    var_Create( p_dec, "fake-width", VLC_VAR_INTEGER | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );
    var_Create( p_dec, "fake-height", VLC_VAR_INTEGER | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );
    var_Create( p_dec, "fake-aspect-ratio",

    var_Get( p_dec, "fake-aspect-ratio", &val );
    if ( val.psz_string )
        char *psz_parser = strchr( val.psz_string, ':' );

        if( psz_parser )
            *psz_parser++ = '\0';
            i_aspect = atoi( val.psz_string )
                                   * VOUT_ASPECT_FACTOR / atoi( psz_parser );
        free( val.psz_string );

    if ( !b_keep_ar )
        var_Get( p_dec, "fake-width", &val );
        fmt_out.i_width = val.i_int;
        var_Get( p_dec, "fake-height", &val );
        fmt_out.i_height = val.i_int;

    p_handler = image_HandlerCreate( p_dec );
    p_image = image_ReadUrl( p_handler, psz_file, &fmt_in, &fmt_out );
    image_HandlerDelete( p_handler );

    if ( p_image == NULL )
        msg_Err( p_dec, "unable to read image file %s", psz_file );
        free( psz_file );
        free( p_dec->p_sys );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;
    msg_Dbg( p_dec, "file %s loaded successfully", psz_file );

    free( psz_file );

    if ( b_keep_ar )
        picture_t *p_old = p_image;
        int i_width, i_height;

        var_Get( p_dec, "fake-width", &val );
        i_width = val.i_int;
        var_Get( p_dec, "fake-height", &val );
        i_height = val.i_int;

        if ( i_width && i_height )
            int i_image_ar = fmt_out.i_width * VOUT_ASPECT_FACTOR
                              / fmt_out.i_height;
            int i_region_ar = i_width * VOUT_ASPECT_FACTOR / i_height;
            fmt_in = fmt_out;

            if ( i_aspect == i_image_ar )
                fmt_out.i_width = i_width;
                fmt_out.i_height = i_height;
            else if ( i_image_ar > i_region_ar )
                fmt_out.i_width = i_width;
                fmt_out.i_height = i_width * VOUT_ASPECT_FACTOR
                                    / i_image_ar;
                i_aspect = i_image_ar;
                fmt_out.i_height = i_height;
                fmt_out.i_width = i_height * i_image_ar
                                    / VOUT_ASPECT_FACTOR;
                i_aspect = i_image_ar;

            p_handler = image_HandlerCreate( p_dec );
            p_image = image_Convert( p_handler, p_old, &fmt_in, &fmt_out );
            image_HandlerDelete( p_handler );

            if ( p_image == NULL )
                msg_Warn( p_dec, "couldn't load resizing module" );
                p_image = p_old;
                fmt_out = fmt_in;
                picture_Release( p_old );

    if ( i_aspect )
        fmt_out.i_aspect = i_aspect;
        fmt_out.i_aspect = fmt_out.i_width
                            * VOUT_ASPECT_FACTOR / fmt_out.i_height;

    var_Create( p_dec, "fake-deinterlace", VLC_VAR_BOOL | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );
    var_Get( p_dec, "fake-deinterlace", &val );
    if ( val.b_bool )
        picture_t *p_old = p_image;

        var_Create( p_dec, "fake-deinterlace-module",
                    VLC_VAR_STRING | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );
        var_Get( p_dec, "fake-deinterlace-module", &val );

        p_handler = image_HandlerCreate( p_dec );
        p_image = image_Filter( p_handler, p_old, &fmt_out, val.psz_string );
        image_HandlerDelete( p_handler );
        free( val.psz_string );

        if ( p_image == NULL )
            msg_Warn( p_dec, "couldn't load deinterlace module" );
            p_image = p_old;
            picture_Release( p_old );

    /* Set output properties */
    p_dec->fmt_out.i_cat = VIDEO_ES;
    p_dec->fmt_out.i_codec = fmt_out.i_chroma;
    p_dec->fmt_out.video = fmt_out;

    /* Set callbacks */
    p_dec->pf_decode_video = DecodeBlock;

    p_dec->p_sys->p_image = p_image;
    vlc_mutex_init( &p_dec->p_sys->lock );

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Пример #18
 * Open: open a dummy audio device
static int Open( vlc_object_t * p_this )
    audio_output_t * p_aout = (audio_output_t *)p_this;
    char * psz_name, * psz_format;
    const char * const * ppsz_compare = format_list;
    int i_channels, i = 0;

    psz_name = var_CreateGetString( p_this, "audiofile-file" );
    if( !psz_name || !*psz_name )
        msg_Err( p_aout, "you need to specify an output file name" );
        free( psz_name );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    /* Allocate structure */
    p_aout->sys = malloc( sizeof( aout_sys_t ) );
    if( p_aout->sys == NULL )
        return VLC_ENOMEM;

    if( !strcmp( psz_name, "-" ) )
        p_aout->sys->p_file = stdout;
        p_aout->sys->p_file = vlc_fopen( psz_name, "wb" );

    free( psz_name );
    if ( p_aout->sys->p_file == NULL )
        free( p_aout->sys );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    p_aout->pf_play = Play;
    p_aout->pf_pause = NULL;
    p_aout->pf_flush = NULL;

    /* Audio format */
    psz_format = var_CreateGetString( p_this, "audiofile-format" );

    while ( *ppsz_compare != NULL )
        if ( !strncmp( *ppsz_compare, psz_format, strlen(*ppsz_compare) ) )
        ppsz_compare++; i++;

    if ( *ppsz_compare == NULL )
        msg_Err( p_aout, "cannot understand the format string (%s)",
                 psz_format );
        if( p_aout->sys->p_file != stdout )
            fclose( p_aout->sys->p_file );
        free( p_aout->sys );
        free( psz_format );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;
    free( psz_format );

    p_aout->format.i_format = format_int[i];
    if ( AOUT_FMT_SPDIF( &p_aout->format ) )
        p_aout->format.i_bytes_per_frame = AOUT_SPDIF_SIZE;
        p_aout->format.i_frame_length = A52_FRAME_NB;
    p_aout->volume_set = NULL;
    p_aout->mute_set = NULL;

    /* Channels number */
    i_channels = var_CreateGetInteger( p_this, "audiofile-channels" );

    if( i_channels > 0 && i_channels <= CHANNELS_MAX )
        p_aout->format.i_physical_channels =

    /* WAV header */
    p_aout->sys->b_add_wav_header = var_CreateGetBool( p_this,
                                                        "audiofile-wav" );

    if( p_aout->sys->b_add_wav_header )
        /* Write wave header */
        WAVEHEADER *wh = &p_aout->sys->waveh;

        memset( wh, 0, sizeof(*wh) );

        switch( p_aout->format.i_format )
        case VLC_CODEC_FL32:
            wh->Format     = WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT;
            wh->BitsPerSample = sizeof(float) * 8;
        case VLC_CODEC_U8:
            wh->Format     = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
            wh->BitsPerSample = 8;
        case VLC_CODEC_S16L:
            wh->Format     = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
            wh->BitsPerSample = 16;

        wh->MainChunkID = VLC_FOURCC('R', 'I', 'F', 'F');
        wh->Length = 0;                    /* temp, to be filled in as we go */
        wh->ChunkTypeID = VLC_FOURCC('W', 'A', 'V', 'E');
        wh->SubChunkID = VLC_FOURCC('f', 'm', 't', ' ');
        wh->SubChunkLength = 16;

        wh->Modus = aout_FormatNbChannels( &p_aout->format );
        wh->SampleFreq = p_aout->format.i_rate;
        wh->BytesPerSample = wh->Modus * ( wh->BitsPerSample / 8 );
        wh->BytesPerSec = wh->BytesPerSample * wh->SampleFreq;

        wh->DataChunkID = VLC_FOURCC('d', 'a', 't', 'a');
        wh->DataLength = 0;                /* temp, to be filled in as we go */

        /* Header -> little endian format */
        SetWLE( &wh->Format, wh->Format );
        SetWLE( &wh->BitsPerSample, wh->BitsPerSample );
        SetDWLE( &wh->SubChunkLength, wh->SubChunkLength );
        SetWLE( &wh->Modus, wh->Modus );
        SetDWLE( &wh->SampleFreq, wh->SampleFreq );
        SetWLE( &wh->BytesPerSample, wh->BytesPerSample );
        SetDWLE( &wh->BytesPerSec, wh->BytesPerSec );

        if( fwrite( wh, sizeof(WAVEHEADER), 1,
                    p_aout->sys->p_file ) != 1 )
            msg_Err( p_aout, "write error (%m)" );

    return 0;
Пример #19
 * VCDOpen: open vcd
static int Open( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    access_t     *p_access = (access_t *)p_this;
    access_sys_t *p_sys;
    if( p_access->psz_filepath == NULL )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    char *psz_dup = ToLocaleDup( p_access->psz_filepath );
    char *psz;
    int i_title = 0;
    int i_chapter = 0;
    vcddev_t *vcddev;

    /* Command line: vcd://[dev_path][#title[,chapter]] */
    if( ( psz = strchr( psz_dup, '#' ) ) )
        *psz++ = '\0';

        i_title = strtol( psz, &psz, 0 );
        if( *psz )
            i_chapter = strtol( psz+1, &psz, 0 );

    if( *psz_dup == '\0' )
        free( psz_dup );

        /* Only when selected */
        if( strcmp( p_access->psz_access, "vcd" ) &&
            strcmp( p_access->psz_access, "svcd" ) )
            return VLC_EGENERIC;

        psz_dup = var_CreateGetString( p_access, "vcd" );
        if( *psz_dup == '\0' )
            free( psz_dup );
            return VLC_EGENERIC;

#if defined( _WIN32 ) || defined( __OS2__ )
    if( psz_dup[0] && psz_dup[1] == ':' &&
        psz_dup[2] == '\\' && psz_dup[3] == '\0' ) psz_dup[2] = '\0';

    /* Open VCD */
    vcddev = ioctl_Open( p_this, psz_dup );
    free( psz_dup );
    if( !vcddev )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    /* Set up p_access */
    p_access->p_sys = p_sys = calloc( 1, sizeof( access_sys_t ) );
    if( unlikely(!p_sys ))
        goto error;
    p_sys->vcddev = vcddev;
    p_sys->offset = 0;

    /* We read the Table Of Content information */
    p_sys->i_titles = ioctl_GetTracksMap( VLC_OBJECT(p_access),
                                          p_sys->vcddev, &p_sys->p_sectors );
    if( p_sys->i_titles < 0 )
        msg_Err( p_access, "unable to count tracks" );
        goto error;
    else if( p_sys->i_titles <= 1 )
        msg_Err( p_access, "no movie tracks found" );
        goto error;

    /* The first title isn't usable */

    /* Build title table */
    for( int i = 0; i < p_sys->i_titles; i++ )
        input_title_t *t = p_sys->title[i] = vlc_input_title_New();

        msg_Dbg( p_access, "title[%d] start=%d", i, p_sys->p_sectors[1+i] );
        msg_Dbg( p_access, "title[%d] end=%d", i, p_sys->p_sectors[i+2] );

        t->i_size = ( p_sys->p_sectors[i+2] - p_sys->p_sectors[i+1] ) *

    /* Map entry points into chapters */
    if( EntryPoints( p_access ) )
        msg_Warn( p_access, "could not read entry points, will not use them" );

    /* Starting title/chapter and sector */
    if( i_title >= p_sys->i_titles )
        i_title = 0;
    if( i_chapter >= p_sys->title[i_title]->i_seekpoint )
        i_chapter = 0;

    p_sys->i_sector = p_sys->p_sectors[1+i_title];
    if( i_chapter > 0 )
        p_sys->i_sector += ( p_sys->title[i_title]->seekpoint[i_chapter]->i_byte_offset /
                           VCD_DATA_SIZE );

    /* p_access */
    p_access->pf_read    = NULL;
    p_access->pf_block   = Block;
    p_access->pf_control = Control;
    p_access->pf_seek    = Seek;

    p_access->info.b_eof       = false;

    p_sys->i_current_title = i_title;
    p_sys->i_current_seekpoint = i_chapter;
    p_sys->offset = (uint64_t)(p_sys->i_sector - p_sys->p_sectors[1+i_title]) *

    return VLC_SUCCESS;

    ioctl_Close( VLC_OBJECT(p_access), vcddev );
    free( p_sys );
    return VLC_EGENERIC;
Пример #20
 * Open: open the visualizer
static int Open( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    filter_t     *p_filter = (filter_t *)p_this;
    filter_sys_t *p_sys;

    char *psz_effects, *psz_parser;
    video_format_t fmt;

    if( ( p_filter->fmt_in.audio.i_format != VLC_CODEC_FL32 &&
          p_filter->fmt_in.audio.i_format != VLC_CODEC_FI32 ) )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    p_sys = p_filter->p_sys = malloc( sizeof( filter_sys_t ) );
    if( unlikely (p_sys == NULL ) )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    p_sys->i_height = var_InheritInteger( p_filter , "effect-height");
    p_sys->i_width  = var_InheritInteger( p_filter , "effect-width");

    /* No resolution under 400x532 */
    if( p_sys->i_height < 400 ) p_sys->i_height = 400;
    if( p_sys->i_width  < 532 ) p_sys->i_width  = 532;
    /* Work on even dimensions */
    if( (p_sys->i_height % 2 ) != 0 ) p_sys->i_height--;
    if( (p_sys->i_width % 2 )  != 0 ) p_sys->i_width--;

    p_sys->i_effect = 0;
    p_sys->effect   = NULL;

    /* Parse the effect list */
    psz_parser = psz_effects = var_CreateGetString( p_filter, "effect-list" );

    while( psz_parser && *psz_parser != '\0' )
        visual_effect_t *p_effect;

        p_effect = malloc( sizeof( visual_effect_t ) );
        if( !p_effect )
        p_effect->i_width     = p_sys->i_width;
        p_effect->i_height    = p_sys->i_height;
        p_effect->i_nb_chans  = aout_FormatNbChannels( &p_filter->fmt_in.audio);
        p_effect->i_idx_left  = 0;
        p_effect->i_idx_right = __MIN( 1, p_effect->i_nb_chans-1 );

        p_effect->psz_args = NULL;
        p_effect->p_data   = NULL;

        p_effect->pf_run   = NULL;
        p_effect->psz_name = NULL;

        for( int i = 0; pf_effect_run[i].psz_name != NULL; i++ )
            if( !strncasecmp( psz_parser,
                              strlen( pf_effect_run[i].psz_name ) ) )
                p_effect->pf_run = pf_effect_run[i].pf_run;
                p_effect->psz_name = pf_effect_run[i].psz_name;

        if( p_effect->psz_name )
            psz_parser += strlen( p_effect->psz_name );

            if( *psz_parser == '{' )
                char *psz_eoa;


                if( ( psz_eoa = strchr( psz_parser, '}') ) == NULL )
                   msg_Err( p_filter, "unable to parse effect list. Aborting");
                   free( p_effect );
                p_effect->psz_args =
                    strndup( psz_parser, psz_eoa - psz_parser);
            TAB_APPEND( p_sys->i_effect, p_sys->effect, p_effect );
            msg_Err( p_filter, "unknown visual effect: %s", psz_parser );
            free( p_effect );

        if( strchr( psz_parser, ',' ) )
            psz_parser = strchr( psz_parser, ',' ) + 1;
        else if( strchr( psz_parser, ':' ) )
            psz_parser = strchr( psz_parser, ':' ) + 1;

    free( psz_effects );

    if( !p_sys->i_effect )
        msg_Err( p_filter, "no effects found" );
        free( p_sys );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    /* Open the video output */
    memset( &fmt, 0, sizeof(video_format_t) );

    fmt.i_width   = fmt.i_visible_width  = p_sys->i_width;
    fmt.i_height  = fmt.i_visible_height = p_sys->i_height;
    fmt.i_chroma  = VLC_CODEC_I420;
    fmt.i_sar_num = fmt.i_sar_den = 1;

    p_sys->p_vout = aout_filter_RequestVout( p_filter, NULL, &fmt );
    if( p_sys->p_vout == NULL )
        msg_Err( p_filter, "no suitable vout module" );
        for( int i = 0; i < p_sys->i_effect; i++ )
            free( p_sys->effect[i]->psz_args );
            free( p_sys->effect[i] );
        free( p_sys->effect );
        free( p_sys );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    p_filter->pf_audio_filter = DoWork;

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Пример #21
 * This function opens and setups Direct Sound.
static int Start( audio_output_t *p_aout, audio_sample_format_t *restrict fmt )
    char * psz_speaker;
    int i = 0;

    const char * const * ppsz_compare = speaker_list;

    msg_Dbg( p_aout, "Opening DirectSound Audio Output" );

    /* Retrieve config values */
    var_Create( p_aout, "directx-audio-float32",
                VLC_VAR_BOOL | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );
    psz_speaker = var_CreateGetString( p_aout, "directx-audio-speaker" );

    while ( *ppsz_compare != NULL )
        if ( !strncmp( *ppsz_compare, psz_speaker, strlen(*ppsz_compare) ) )
        ppsz_compare++; i++;

    if ( *ppsz_compare == NULL )
        msg_Err( p_aout, "(%s) isn't valid speaker setup option", psz_speaker );
        msg_Err( p_aout, "Defaulting to Windows default speaker config");
        i = 0;
Пример #22
Файл: kva.c Проект: IAPark/vlc
static void PMThread( void *arg )
    vout_display_t *vd = ( vout_display_t * )arg;
    vout_display_sys_t * sys = vd->sys;
    ULONG i_frame_flags;
    QMSG qm;
    char *psz_mode;
    ULONG i_kva_mode;

    /* */
    video_format_t fmt;
    video_format_ApplyRotation(&fmt, &vd->fmt);

    /* */
    vout_display_info_t info = vd->info;
    info.is_slow = false;
    info.has_double_click = true;
    info.needs_hide_mouse = true;
    info.has_pictures_invalid = false;


    sys->hab = WinInitialize( 0 );
    sys->hmq = WinCreateMsgQueue( sys->hab, 0);

    WinRegisterClass( sys->hab,
                      CS_SIZEREDRAW | CS_MOVENOTIFY,
                      sizeof( PVOID ));

    sys->b_fixt23 = var_CreateGetBool( vd, "kva-fixt23");

    if( !sys->b_fixt23 )
        /* If an external window was specified, we'll draw in it. */
        sys->parent_window =
            vout_display_NewWindow( vd, VOUT_WINDOW_TYPE_HWND );

    if( sys->parent_window )
        sys->parent = ( HWND )sys->parent_window->handle.hwnd;

        ULONG i_style = WinQueryWindowULong( sys->parent, QWL_STYLE );
        WinSetWindowULong( sys->parent, QWL_STYLE,
                           i_style | WS_CLIPCHILDREN );

        i_frame_flags = FCF_TITLEBAR;
        sys->parent = HWND_DESKTOP;

        i_frame_flags = FCF_SYSMENU    | FCF_TITLEBAR | FCF_MINMAX |
                        FCF_SIZEBORDER | FCF_TASKLIST;

    sys->frame =
        WinCreateStdWindow( sys->parent,      /* parent window handle */
                            WS_VISIBLE,       /* frame window style */
                            &i_frame_flags,   /* window style */
                            WC_VLC_KVA,       /* class name */
                            "",               /* window title */
                            0L,               /* default client style */
                            NULLHANDLE,       /* resource in exe file */
                            1,                /* frame window id */
                            &sys->client );   /* client window handle */

    if( sys->frame == NULLHANDLE )
        msg_Err( vd, "cannot create a frame window");

        goto exit_frame;

    WinSetWindowPtr( sys->client, 0, vd );

    if( !sys->parent_window )
        WinSetWindowPtr( sys->frame, 0, vd );
        sys->p_old_frame = WinSubclassWindow( sys->frame, MyFrameWndProc );

    psz_mode = var_CreateGetString( vd, "kva-video-mode" );

    i_kva_mode = KVAM_AUTO;
    if( strcmp( psz_mode, "snap" ) == 0 )
        i_kva_mode = KVAM_SNAP;
    else if( strcmp( psz_mode, "wo" ) == 0 )
        i_kva_mode = KVAM_WO;
    else if( strcmp( psz_mode, "vman" ) == 0 )
        i_kva_mode = KVAM_VMAN;
    else if( strcmp( psz_mode, "dive" ) == 0 )
        i_kva_mode = KVAM_DIVE;

    free( psz_mode );

    if( kvaInit( i_kva_mode, sys->client, COLOR_KEY ))
        msg_Err( vd, "cannot initialize KVA");

        goto exit_kva_init;

    kvaCaps( &sys->kvac );

    msg_Dbg( vd, "selected video mode = %s",
             psz_video_mode[ sys->kvac.ulMode - 1 ]);

    if( OpenDisplay( vd, &fmt ) )
        msg_Err( vd, "cannot open display");

        goto exit_open_display;

    if( vd->cfg->is_fullscreen && !sys->parent_window )
        WinPostMsg( sys->client, WM_VLC_FULLSCREEN_CHANGE,
                    MPFROMLONG( true ), 0 );


    /* Setup vout_display now that everything is fine */
    vd->fmt     = fmt;
    vd->info    = info;

    vd->pool    = Pool;
    vd->prepare = NULL;
    vd->display = Display;
    vd->control = Control;
    vd->manage  = Manage;

    /* Prevent SIG_FPE */
    _control87(MCW_EM, MCW_EM);

    sys->i_result = VLC_SUCCESS;
    DosPostEventSem( sys->ack_event );

    if( !sys->parent_window )
        WinSetVisibleRegionNotify( sys->frame, TRUE );

    while( WinGetMsg( sys->hab, &qm, NULLHANDLE, 0, 0 ))
        WinDispatchMsg( sys->hab, &qm );

    if( !sys->parent_window )
        WinSetVisibleRegionNotify( sys->frame, FALSE );


    CloseDisplay( vd );

    /* fall through */

exit_open_display :

exit_kva_init :
    if( !sys->parent_window )
        WinSubclassWindow( sys->frame, sys->p_old_frame );

    WinDestroyWindow( sys->frame );

exit_frame :
    vout_display_DeleteWindow( vd, sys->parent_window );

    if( sys->is_mouse_hidden )
        WinShowPointer( HWND_DESKTOP, TRUE );

    WinDestroyMsgQueue( sys->hmq );
    WinTerminate( sys->hab );

    sys->i_result = VLC_EGENERIC;
    DosPostEventSem( sys->ack_event );