Пример #1
/** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnAsyncWrite */
static int rawAsyncWrite(void *pBackendData, uint64_t uOffset, size_t cbWrite,
                         PVDIOCTX pIoCtx,
                         size_t *pcbWriteProcess, size_t *pcbPreRead,
                         size_t *pcbPostRead, unsigned fWrite)
    int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
    PRAWIMAGE pImage = (PRAWIMAGE)pBackendData;

    rc = vdIfIoIntFileWriteUserAsync(pImage->pIfIo, pImage->pStorage, uOffset,
                                     pIoCtx, cbWrite, NULL, NULL);
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        *pcbWriteProcess = cbWrite;
        *pcbPostRead = 0;
        *pcbPreRead  = 0;

    return rc;
Пример #2
/** @copydoc VBOXHDDBACKEND::pfnAsyncWrite */
static int parallelsAsyncWrite(void *pBackendData, uint64_t uOffset, size_t cbToWrite,
                               PVDIOCTX pIoCtx,
                               size_t *pcbWriteProcess, size_t *pcbPreRead,
                               size_t *pcbPostRead, unsigned fWrite)
    LogFlowFunc(("pBackendData=%#p uOffset=%llu pIoCtx=%#p cbToWrite=%zu pcbWriteProcess=%#p\n",
                 pBackendData, uOffset, pIoCtx, cbToWrite, pcbWriteProcess));
    int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
    uint64_t uSector;
    uint64_t uOffsetInFile;
    uint32_t iIndexInAllocationTable;

    Assert(uOffset % 512 == 0);
    Assert(cbToWrite % 512 == 0);

    if (pImage->uImageFlags & VD_IMAGE_FLAGS_FIXED)
        rc = vdIfIoIntFileWriteUserAsync(pImage->pIfIo, pImage->pStorage, uOffset,
                                         pIoCtx, cbToWrite, NULL, NULL);
        /* Calculate offset in the real file. */
        uSector = uOffset / 512;
        /* One chunk in the file is always one track big. */
        iIndexInAllocationTable = (uint32_t)(uSector / pImage->PCHSGeometry.cSectors);
        uSector = uSector % pImage->PCHSGeometry.cSectors;

        cbToWrite = RT_MIN(cbToWrite, (pImage->PCHSGeometry.cSectors - uSector)*512);

        if (pImage->pAllocationBitmap[iIndexInAllocationTable] == 0)
            if (fWrite & VD_WRITE_NO_ALLOC)
                *pcbPreRead  = uSector * 512;
                *pcbPostRead = pImage->PCHSGeometry.cSectors * 512 - cbToWrite - *pcbPreRead;

                if (pcbWriteProcess)
                    *pcbWriteProcess = cbToWrite;
                return VERR_VD_BLOCK_FREE;

            /* Allocate new chunk in the file. */
            Assert(uSector == 0);
            AssertMsg(pImage->cbFileCurrent % 512 == 0, ("File size is not a multiple of 512\n"));
            pImage->pAllocationBitmap[iIndexInAllocationTable] = (uint32_t)(pImage->cbFileCurrent / 512);
            pImage->cbFileCurrent += pImage->PCHSGeometry.cSectors * 512;
            pImage->fAllocationBitmapChanged = true;
            uOffsetInFile = (uint64_t)pImage->pAllocationBitmap[iIndexInAllocationTable] * 512;

             * Write the new block at the current end of the file.
            rc = vdIfIoIntFileWriteUserAsync(pImage->pIfIo, pImage->pStorage,
                                             uOffsetInFile, pIoCtx, cbToWrite, NULL, NULL);
            if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) || (rc == VERR_VD_ASYNC_IO_IN_PROGRESS))
                /* Write the changed allocation bitmap entry. */
                /** @todo: Error handling. */
                rc = vdIfIoIntFileWriteMetaAsync(pImage->pIfIo, pImage->pStorage,
                                                 sizeof(ParallelsHeader) + iIndexInAllocationTable * sizeof(uint32_t),
                                                 sizeof(uint32_t), pIoCtx,
                                                 NULL, NULL);

            *pcbPreRead  = 0;
            *pcbPostRead = 0;
            uOffsetInFile = (pImage->pAllocationBitmap[iIndexInAllocationTable] + uSector) * 512;
            rc = vdIfIoIntFileWriteUserAsync(pImage->pIfIo, pImage->pStorage,
                                             uOffsetInFile, pIoCtx, cbToWrite, NULL, NULL);

    if (pcbWriteProcess)
        *pcbWriteProcess = cbToWrite;

    LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc));
    return rc;