Пример #1
float ai_wall_distance(Vector2 p, DArray geometry) {
	Segment* segments = DARRAY_DATA_PTR(geometry, Segment);
	float distance = 10000.0f;
	for(uint i = 0; i < geometry.size; ++i) {
		Segment seg = {segments[i].p2, segments[i].p1};

		for(uint j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
			float wraparound_d;
			Segment wraparound_seg = segment(
				vec2_add(seg.p1, wraparound_offsets[j]),
				vec2_add(seg.p2, wraparound_offsets[j]));
			wraparound_d = segment_point_dist(wraparound_seg, p);
			if(wraparound_d > 0.0f && wraparound_d < fabsf(distance))
				distance = wraparound_d;

		float d = segment_point_dist(seg, p);
		if(fabsf(d) < fabsf(distance))
			distance = d;
			if(distance < 0.0f && d > 0.0f && feql((fabsf(distance)), d))
				distance = d;
	return distance > 0.0f ? distance : 0.0f;
void render_animated(vec3 color, vec2 offset, vec2 size, animation_state * animation){
  u64 tex = get_animation_texture(animation->animation);
  if(tex == 0) return;
  animation_frame * frame = NULL;
  u64 * key = NULL;
  get_refs2_animation_frames(&animation->animation, &frame, &key, 1);
  if(frame == NULL || key == NULL) return;
  ASSERT(key[animation->frame] == animation->animation);
  while(animation->time > frame[animation->frame].time){
    animation->time -= frame[animation->frame].time;
    animation->frame += 1;
    if(key[animation->frame] != animation->animation)
      animation->frame = 0;
  texture_section sec[20];
  u64 idx = 0;
  iter_texture_sections(tex, sec, 20, &idx);
  u64 ts = frame[animation->frame].section;
  i32 gltex = get_animation_gltexture(tex);

  vec2 render_size = vec2_scale(sec[ts].pixel_size, 3);
  vec2 center = vec2_add(offset, vec2_scale(size, 0.5));
  vec2 offset2 = vec2_sub(center, vec2_scale(render_size, 0.5));
  rect_render2(color, vec2_add(offset2, sec[ts].render_offset), render_size , gltex, sec[ts].uv_offset, sec[ts].uv_size);
Пример #3
static bool powerup_help_render(float t) {
	if(t != 0.0f)

	UIElement* element = uidesc_get("powerup_help");

	UIElement* text_elem2 = uidesc_get_child(element, "text2");
	UIElement* text_elem3 = uidesc_get_child(element, "text3");	

	UIElement* star = uidesc_get_child(element, "star");
	UIElement* item = uidesc_get_child(element, "item");	
	UIElement* button_quit = uidesc_get_child(element, "button_quit");

	float state_alpha = 1.0f-fabsf(t);
	byte a = lrintf(255.0f * state_alpha);
	Color col = COLOR_RGBA(255, 255, 255, a);

	spr_draw("blue_shade", hud_layer-1, rectf(0.0f, 0.0f, v_width, v_height), col); 

	static float xpos = 0.0f;
	static float inc = 600.0f;

	xpos = hud_scroll(xpos, inc, item_count, t);

	for(uint i = 0; i < item_count; ++i) {
		Vector2 off = vec2(xpos + i * inc, 0.0f);
		float d = normalize(fabsf(off.x), 0.0f, inc * (item_count-1));
		float scroll_alpha = 1.0f / exp(PI*d);
		byte a2 = lrintf(255.0f * scroll_alpha * state_alpha);
		Color col2 = COLOR_RGBA(255, 255, 255, a2);

		// Star
		spr_draw_cntr_h(star->spr, hud_layer, vec2_add(off, star->vec2), time_s()/10.0f, 1.0f, col2);

		// Item
		const char* item_img = powerup_params[i].unlocked_spr;
		spr_draw_cntr(item_img, hud_layer, vec2_add(off, item->vec2), 0.0f, 1.0f, col2);

		// Description text
		const char* text3 = powerup_params[i].description;
		vfont_select(FONT_NAME, 32.0f);
		Vector2 half_size3 = vec2_scale(vfont_size(text3), 0.5f);
		vfont_draw(text3, hud_layer+1, vec2_add(off, vec2_sub(text_elem3->vec2,half_size3)), col2);	

		// Item name
		const char* text2 = powerup_params[i].name;
		vfont_select(FONT_NAME, 48.0f);
		Vector2 half_size2 = vec2_scale(vfont_size(text2), 0.5f);
		vfont_draw(text2, hud_layer+1, vec2_add(off, vec2_sub(text_elem2->vec2,half_size2)), col2);	


	// Quit button
	if(hud_button(button_quit, col, t)) {

	return true;
Пример #4
static void collision_detection_coins() {
  /* We simply check if the player intersects with the coins */
  character* main_char = entity_get("main_char");
  vec2 top_left = vec2_add(main_char->position, vec2_new(-TILE_SIZE, -TILE_SIZE));
  vec2 bottom_right = vec2_add(main_char->position, vec2_new(TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE));
  /* Again we collect pointers to all the coin type entities */
  int num_coins = 0;
  coin* coins[COIN_COUNT];
  entities_get(coins, &num_coins, coin); 
  for(int i = 0; i < num_coins; i++) {
    /* Check if they are within the main char bounding box */
    if ((coins[i]->position.x > top_left.x) &&
        (coins[i]->position.x < bottom_right.x) &&
        (coins[i]->position.y > top_left.y) && 
        (coins[i]->position.y < bottom_right.y)) {
      /* Remove them from the entity manager and delete */
      char* coin_name = entity_name(coins[i]);
      /* Play a nice twinkle sound */
      audio_sound_play(asset_get_as(P("./sounds/coin.wav"), sound), 0);
      /* Add some score! */
      level_score += 10;
      /* Update the ui text */
      ui_button* score = ui_elem_get("score");
      sprintf(score->label->string, "Score %06i", level_score);
  ui_button* victory = ui_elem_get("victory");
  /* if all the coins are gone and the victory rectangle isn't disaplayed then show it */
  if ((entity_type_count(coin) == 0) && (!victory->active)) {
    ui_button* victory = ui_elem_get("victory");
    ui_button* new_game = ui_elem_get("new_game");
    victory->active = true;
    new_game->active = true;
Пример #5
Segment ai_shortest_path(Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2) {
	uint id = 5;
	float min_d = 10000000.0f;
	float d_sqr;

	for(uint i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
		Vector2 wrap_p = vec2_add(p2, wraparound_offsets[i]);
		d_sqr = vec2_length_sq(vec2_sub(p1, wrap_p));
		if(d_sqr < min_d) {
			min_d = d_sqr;
			id = i;

	return segment(p1, vec2_add(p2, wraparound_offsets[id])); 
Пример #6
static int _llfunc_vec2_add(lua_State *L) {
	vec2 *a = (vec2*)userdata_get_or_die(L, 1);
	vec2 *b = (vec2*)userdata_get_or_die(L, 2);
	vec2 *r = (vec2*)userdata_get_or_new(L, 3, sizeof(vec2));
	vec2_add(a, b, r);
	return 1;
static void _control_camera(Game* G, float delta_time)
    if(G->num_points == 1) {
        Vec2 curr = G->points[0].pos;
        Vec2 delta = vec2_sub(curr, G->prev_single);

        /* L-R rotation */
        Quaternion q = quat_from_axis_anglef(0, 1, 0, delta_time*delta.x*0.2f);
        G->camera.orientation = quat_multiply(G->camera.orientation, q);

        /* U-D rotation */
        q = quat_from_axis_anglef(1, 0, 0, delta_time*delta.y*0.2f);
        G->camera.orientation = quat_multiply(q, G->camera.orientation);

        G->prev_single = curr;
    } else if(G->num_points == 2) {
        float camera_speed = 0.1f;
        Vec3 look = quat_get_z_axis(G->camera.orientation);
        Vec3 right = quat_get_x_axis(G->camera.orientation);
        Vec2 avg = vec2_add(G->points[0].pos, G->points[1].pos);
        Vec2 delta;

        avg = vec2_mul_scalar(avg, 0.5f);
        delta = vec2_sub(avg, G->prev_double);

        look = vec3_mul_scalar(look, -delta.y*camera_speed);
        right = vec3_mul_scalar(right, delta.x*camera_speed);

        G->camera.position = vec3_add(G->camera.position, look);
        G->camera.position = vec3_add(G->camera.position, right);

        G->prev_double = avg;
Пример #8
bool ai_split_path(Segment path, Segment* out_p1, Segment* out_p2) {

	for(uint i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
		Vector2 middle;
		if(segment_intersect(path, bounds[i], &middle)) {
			*out_p1 = segment(path.p1, middle); 
			Vector2 off = wraparound_offsets[i];
			*out_p2 = segment(vec2_add(middle, off), vec2_add(path.p2, off));
			return true;
	*out_p1 = path;
	return false;
Пример #9
Файл: gx.c Проект: LWSS/gx
static struct AABB aabb_from_transform(vec2 center, vec2 size)
    vec2 half_size = vec2_div(size, 2.0f);

    struct AABB aabb;
    aabb.min = vec2_sub(center, half_size);
    aabb.max = vec2_add(center, half_size);
    return aabb;
Пример #10
static float perlin_noise2D(vec2 v) {

    vec2 amount = vec2_fmod(v,1.0);

    vec2 p1 = vec2_floor(v);
    vec2 p2 = vec2_add(p1, vec2_new(1,0) );
    vec2 p3 = vec2_add(p1, vec2_new(0,1) );
    vec2 p4 = vec2_add(p1, vec2_new(1,1) );

    int h1 = vec2_mix_hash(p1);
    int h2 = vec2_mix_hash(p2);
    int h3 = vec2_mix_hash(p3);
    int h4 = vec2_mix_hash(p4);

    double result = bismootherstep_interp(h2, h1, h4, h3, amount.x, amount.y);

    return result / INT_MAX;

Пример #11
static void _gen_ground(void){
	SprHandle spr;	
	int advance = 0;
	static float ground_x = 0;

	while(ground_x < page_width) {
		char sym = mchains_next(ground_chain, &rnd);
		mchains_symbol_info(ground_chain, sym, &advance, &spr);
		Vector2 pos = vec2(fg_page_cursor + ground_x, v_height);		
		if(spr) {
			advance = (uint) sprsheet_get_size_h(spr).x;

			// no collision for grass_start1 and grass_end2
			if(sym == 'a' || sym == 'h'){	
				objects_create(&obj_fg_deco_desc, pos, (void*)spr);
				objects_create(&obj_fall_trigger_desc, vec2_add(pos,vec2(0.0f,127.0f)), (void*)advance);
			} else {
				objects_create(&obj_ground_desc, pos, (void*)spr);

				//water speed trigger
				if( sym == 'j' || sym == 'k' || sym == 'l' ||
					sym == 'm' || sym == 'n' || sym == 'o'){
					ObjSpeedTrigger* t = (ObjSpeedTrigger*)objects_create(&obj_speed_trigger_desc, pos, (void*)spr);
					t->drag_coef = 1.9f;
		} else {
			spr = empty_spr;
			if(sym == '_' || sym == '-' || sym == '='){
				// Fall trigger
				objects_create(&obj_fall_trigger_desc, pos, (void*)advance);

				// Coin arc over gap
					for(uint i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
						float x = pos.x + advance * (-0.3f + i * 0.4f);
						int d = MIN(i, 4 - i);
						float y = v_height - 293.0f;
							y -= (d+1) * 25.0f;

							&obj_powerup_desc, vec2(x, y), (void*)&coin_powerup
		placement_interval(vec2(pos.x,pos.x + advance),spr);

		ground_x += (float)advance;
	ground_x -= page_width;	
Пример #12
float _node_distance_sq(Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2) {
	float result = 10000000.0f;
	float d_sqr;

	for(uint i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
		Vector2 wrap_p = vec2_add(p2, wraparound_offsets[i]);
		d_sqr = vec2_length_sq(vec2_sub(p1, wrap_p));
		result = MIN(result, d_sqr);
	return result;
Пример #13
mat3 terrain_axis(terrain* ter, vec2 position) {

  float offset   = terrain_height(ter, position);
  float offset_x = terrain_height(ter, vec2_add(position, vec2_new(1,0)));
  float offset_y = terrain_height(ter, vec2_add(position, vec2_new(0,1)));
  vec3 pos    = vec3_new(position.x+0, offset,   position.y+0);
  vec3 pos_xv = vec3_new(position.x+1, offset_x, position.y+0);
  vec3 pos_yv = vec3_new(position.x+0, offset_y, position.y+1);
  vec3 tangent = vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(pos_xv, pos));
  vec3 binorm  = vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(pos_yv, pos));
  vec3 normal  = vec3_cross(binorm, tangent);

  return mat3_new(
    tangent.x, tangent.y, tangent.z,
    normal.x,  normal.y,  normal.z, 
    binorm.x,  binorm.y,  binorm.z);
Пример #14
Файл: gx.c Проект: LWSS/gx
static bool is_visible(struct GameState *game_state, vec2 start, vec2 end, float edge_padding)
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < game_state->building_count; ++i)
        struct Building *building = &game_state->buildings[i];
        struct AABB aabb = aabb_from_transform(building->position, vec2_add(building->size, vec2_scalar(edge_padding)));

        if (line_aabb_intersection(aabb, start, end))
            return false;

    return true;
Пример #15
int game_update(int mousedx, int mousedy)
	const uint8_t* keys = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL);

	double rot = mousedx*PLAYER_ROTSPEED;
		rot -= 10*PLAYER_ROTSPEED;
		rot += 10*PLAYER_ROTSPEED;
	vec2_rotate(&player.dir, rot, &player.dir);

	vec2_t dir = {0, 0};
	double spd = PLAYER_MOVESPEED;

		spd *= .1;
		spd *= 10.;

	vec2_t dirCrossed = {player.dir.y, -player.dir.x};
	if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_W] || keys[SDL_SCANCODE_UP])
		vec2_add(&dir, &player.dir, &dir);
		vec2_addScale(&dir, &player.dir, -1, &dir);
	if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_A])
		vec2_addScale(&dir, &dirCrossed, -1, &dir);
	if (keys[SDL_SCANCODE_D])
		vec2_add(&dir, &dirCrossed, &dir);

	if (vec2_lengthSq(&dir) > 0.00001)
		vec2_normalize(&dir, &dir);
		camera_t cam = player;
		cam.dir = dir;
		raycast_travel(&cam, spd, &m);
		player.pos = cam.pos;
	return keys[SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE];
Пример #16
int prim_rect_oriented(SDL_Renderer* renderer, Rect* rect, f32 rotation) {
    Vec2 corners[4];

    Vec2 x = vec2_init(cosf(rotation), sinf(rotation));
    Vec2 y = vec2_init(-sinf(rotation), cosf(rotation));

    vec2_scale(&x, rect->width / 2.f, &x);
    vec2_scale(&y, rect->height / 2.f, &y);

    Vec2 center;
    center.x = rect->position.x + rect->width / 2.f;
    center.y = rect->position.y + rect->height / 2.f;

    for (u32 i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        vec2_copy_to(&center, &corners[i]);

    vec2_sub(&corners[0], &x, &corners[0]);
    vec2_sub(&corners[0], &y, &corners[0]);

    vec2_add(&corners[1], &x, &corners[1]);
    vec2_sub(&corners[1], &y, &corners[1]);

    vec2_add(&corners[2], &x, &corners[2]);
    vec2_add(&corners[2], &y, &corners[2]);

    vec2_sub(&corners[3], &x, &corners[3]);
    vec2_add(&corners[3], &y, &corners[3]);

    int result = 0;
    for (u32 i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        Vec2 c1 = corners[i];
        Vec2 c2 = (i < 3) ? corners[i + 1] : corners[0];
        result |= SDL_RenderDrawLine(renderer, (int)c1.x, (int)c1.y, (int)c2.x, (int)c2.y);

    return result;
Пример #17
static bool move_items(obs_scene_t scene, obs_sceneitem_t item, void *param)
	vec2 *offset = reinterpret_cast<vec2*>(param);

	if (obs_sceneitem_selected(item)) {
		vec2 pos;
		obs_sceneitem_getpos(item, &pos);
		vec2_add(&pos, &pos, offset);
		obs_sceneitem_setpos(item, &pos);

	return true;
Пример #18
static void render_widget(AlWidget *widget, Vec2 translate, Box2 scissor)
	widget->valid = true;

	if (!widget->visible)

	Vec2 location = vec2_add(widget->location, translate);
	Box2 bounds = box2_add_vec2(widget->bounds, location);
	scissor = box2_round(box2_intersect(scissor, bounds));

	if (!box2_is_valid(scissor))

	if (!widget->passThrough) {

		render_widget_main(widget, bounds);

		if (widget->border.width > 0) {
			scissor = box2_expand(scissor, -widget->border.width);

		if (widget->model.model) {
			render_model(widget->model.model, vec2_add(widget->model.location, location), widget->model.scale);

		if (widget->text.value) {
			render_text(widget->text.value, widget->text.colour, vec2_add(widget->text.location, location), widget->text.size);

	FOR_EACH_WIDGET(child, widget) {
		render_widget(child, location, scissor);
Пример #19
Файл: gx.c Проект: LWSS/gx
static bool line_line_intersection(vec2 a0, vec2 a1, vec2 b0, vec2 b1)
#if 1
    // Implemented based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/17198094/4354008
    vec2 v = vec2_sub(a0, a1);
    vec2 normal = vec2_new(v.y, -v.x);

    vec2 v0 = vec2_sub(b0, a0);
    vec2 v1 = vec2_sub(b1, a0);

    float proj0 = vec2_dot(v0, normal);
    float proj1 = vec2_dot(v1, normal);

    if ((proj0 == 0) || (proj1 == 0))
        return true;

    // TODO: float_sign()
    if ((proj0 > 0) && (proj1 < 0))
        return true;
    if ((proj0 < 0) && (proj1 > 0))
        return true;

    return false;
    vec2 intersection = vec2_zero();

    vec2 b = vec2_sub(a1, a0);
    vec2 d = vec2_sub(b1, b0);
    float b_dot_p_perp = (b.x * d.y) - (b.y * d.x);

    if (b_dot_p_perp == 0)
        return false;

    vec2 c = vec2_sub(b0, a0);
    float t = ((c.x * d.y) - (c.y * d.x)) / b_dot_p_perp;
    if ((t < 0) || (t > 1))
        return false;

    float u = ((c.x * b.y) - (c.y * b.x)) / b_dot_p_perp;
    if ((u < 0) || (u > 1))
        return false;

    // TODO: make this an output parameter
    intersection = vec2_add(a0, vec2_mul(b, t));

    return true;
void add_touch_points(Game* G, int num_touch_points, TouchPoint* points)
    int ii;
    for(ii=0;ii<num_touch_points;++ii) {
        G->points[G->num_points++] = points[ii];

    if(G->num_points == 1) {
        G->prev_single = G->points[0].pos;
        G->tap_timer = 0.0f;
    } else if(G->num_points == 2) {
        Vec2 avg = vec2_add(G->points[0].pos, G->points[1].pos);
        avg = vec2_mul_scalar(avg, 0.5f);
        G->prev_double = avg;
Пример #21
void OBSBasicPreview::MoveItems(const vec2 &pos)
	Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = QGuiApplication::keyboardModifiers();
	OBSBasic *main = reinterpret_cast<OBSBasic*>(App()->GetMainWindow());
	OBSScene scene = main->GetCurrentScene();

	vec2 offset, moveOffset;
	vec2_sub(&offset, &pos, &startPos);
	vec2_sub(&moveOffset, &offset, &lastMoveOffset);

	if (!(modifiers & Qt::ControlModifier))

	vec2_add(&lastMoveOffset, &lastMoveOffset, &moveOffset);

	obs_scene_enum_items(scene, move_items, &moveOffset);
Пример #22
DArray _gen_edges(DArray points, DArray geometry) {
	DArray edges = darray_create(sizeof(Edge), 0);
	Vector2* points_vec2 = DARRAY_DATA_PTR(points, Vector2);
	for(uint i = 0; i < points.size; ++i) {
		for(uint j = 0; j < points.size; ++j) {
			if(i >= j)

			float sqr_dist = _node_distance_sq(points_vec2[i], points_vec2[j]);

			if(sqr_dist <= max_edge_distance*max_edge_distance) {
				Edge n = {i, j};

				Segment s = ai_shortest_path(points_vec2[i], points_vec2[j]);
				Segment s1, s2;
				bool split = ai_split_path(s, &s1, &s2);

				// Check for wall intersection
				Segment* geometry_s = DARRAY_DATA_PTR(geometry, Segment);
				bool intersects_arena = false;
				for(uint k = 0; k < geometry.size; ++k) {
					if(segment_intersect(s1, geometry_s[k], NULL)) {
						intersects_arena = true;
					if(split && segment_intersect(s2, geometry_s[k], NULL)) {
						intersects_arena = true;

				// Check distance to walls at midpoint
				Vector2 midpoint = vec2_scale(vec2_add(s1.p1, s1.p2), 0.5f);
				if(ai_wall_distance(midpoint, geometry) < min_wall_distance)
					intersects_arena = true;

					darray_append(&edges, (void*)&n);
	return edges;
Пример #23
void gravity_system_update(GravitySystem* self) {

    for (u32 i = 0; i < components->count; ++i) {
        Entity entity = GET_ENTITY(i);

        GravityComponent* gravity = (GravityComponent*)GET_SYSTEM_COMPONENT(i);

        MovementComponent* movement = (MovementComponent*)GET_COMPONENT(entity, COMPONENT_MOVEMENT);

        REQUIRED_COMPONENTS(gravity, movement);

        Vec2 gravScale;
        vec2_copy_to(&gravity->gravAccel, &gravScale);
        vec2_scale(&gravScale, globals.time.delta, &gravScale);

        vec2_add(&movement->velocity, &gravScale, &movement->velocity);
        //printf("%f\n", movement->velocity.y);
void remove_touch_points(Game* G, int num_touch_points, TouchPoint* points)
    int orig_num_points = G->num_points;
    int ii, jj;
    for(ii=0;ii<orig_num_points;++ii) {
        for(jj=0;jj<num_touch_points;++jj) {
            if(G->points[ii].index == points[jj].index) {
                /* This is the removed touch, swap it with the end of the list */
                G->points[ii] = G->points[--G->num_points];

    if(G->num_points == 1) {
        G->prev_single = G->points[0].pos;
    } else if(G->num_points == 2) {
        Vec2 avg = vec2_add(G->points[0].pos, G->points[1].pos);
        avg = vec2_mul_scalar(avg, 0.5f);
        G->prev_double = avg;
    } else {
        if(G->tap_timer < 0.5f) {
            if(G->prev_single.x < G->width/2) {
                if(G->prev_single.y < G->height/2) { // Top Left
                } else { // bottom left
                    G->dynamic_lights = !G->dynamic_lights;

            } else {
                if(G->prev_single.y < G->height/2) { // Top right
                } else { // bottom right
Пример #25
// ===================================================
// B(t) = (1-t)P_0 + tP_1
	vec2** pts,
	unsigned int count,
	unsigned int destct,
	vec2*** dest
	*dest = malloc(sizeof(vec2*)*destct);
	double t = 0.0;
	double inc = (double)count/(double)destct;
	vec2 a, b, c;
	for(int i = 0, j=0; i < count-1; t += inc, j++) {
		if (t > 1.0) {
			t = t - 1.0;
		vec2_scale(&a, pts[i], 1.0-t);
		vec2_scale(&b, pts[i+1], t);
		vec2_add(&c, &a, &b);
		*dest[i] = vec2_copy(&c);
Пример #26
vec2 ui_rectangle_center(ui_rectangle* r) {
    return vec2_div(vec2_add(r->top_left, r->bottom_right), 2);
Пример #27
void scotland_init() {
  graphics_viewport_set_dimensions(1280, 720);
  ui_button* loading = ui_elem_new("loading", ui_button);
  ui_button_move(loading, vec2_new(graphics_viewport_width() / 2 - 40,graphics_viewport_height() / 2 - 13));
  ui_button_resize(loading, vec2_new(80,25));
  ui_button_set_label(loading, "Loading...");
  ui_spinner* load_spinner = ui_elem_new("load_spinner", ui_spinner);
  load_spinner->color = vec4_white();
  load_spinner->top_left = vec2_new(graphics_viewport_width() / 2 + 50, graphics_viewport_height() / 2 - 13);
  load_spinner->bottom_right = vec2_add(load_spinner->top_left, vec2_new(24,24));
  ui_button* framerate = ui_elem_new("framerate", ui_button);
  ui_button_move(framerate, vec2_new(10,10));
  ui_button_resize(framerate, vec2_new(30,25));
  ui_button_set_label(framerate, "FRAMERATE");
  framerate->active = false;
  ui_button* wireframe = ui_elem_new("wireframe", ui_button);
  ui_button_move(wireframe, vec2_new(50,10));
  ui_button_resize(wireframe, vec2_new(80,25));
  ui_button_set_label(wireframe, "wireframe");
  wireframe->active = false;
  ui_elem_add_event("wireframe", toggle_wireframe);
  ui_button* freecam = ui_elem_new("freecam", ui_button);
  ui_button_move(freecam, vec2_new(140,10));
  ui_button_resize(freecam, vec2_new(65,25));
  ui_button_set_label(freecam, "freecam");
  freecam->active = false;
  ui_elem_add_event("freecam", toggle_freecam);
  loading_resources = true;
  SDL_Thread* load_thread = SDL_GL_CreateThread(load_resources, NULL);
  /* New Camera and light */
  camera* cam = entity_new("camera", camera);
  cam->position = vec3_new(512.0, 200.0, 512.0);
  cam->target =  vec3_new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  light* sun = entity_new("sun", light);
  light_set_type(sun, light_type_sun);
  sun->position = vec3_new(0, 512, 0);
  sun->target = vec3_new(512, 0, 512);
  /* Renderer Setup */
  forward_renderer_set_shadow_texture( shadow_mapper_depth_texture() );
Пример #28
static image* perlin_noise_generate(int x_size, int y_size, int octaves) {

    unsigned char* data = malloc(sizeof(char) * x_size * y_size);

    int i, x, y;

    /* Clear data to average */
    for(x = 0; x < x_size; x++)
        for(y = 0; y < y_size; y++) {
            data[x + (y * x_size)] = 128;


    debug("Generating perlin noise.");

    for(i = 0; i < octaves; i++ ) {

        float wavelength = pow( 2, i);
        float amplitude = pow( 0.5, octaves-i );
        vec2 seed = vec2_new(rand(),rand());

        debug("Octave: %i Wavelength: %f Amplitude: %f", i, wavelength, amplitude);

        for(x = 0; x < x_size; x++)
            for(y = 0; y < y_size; y++) {

                /* Four positions are required for tiling behaviour */

                vec2 pos, pos_x, pos_y, pos_xy;

                pos = vec2_div( vec2_new(x, y) , wavelength );
                pos_x = vec2_div( vec2_new(x - x_size, y) , wavelength );
                pos_y = vec2_div( vec2_new(x, y - y_size) , wavelength );
                pos_xy = vec2_div( vec2_new(x - x_size, y - y_size) , wavelength );

                pos = vec2_add( pos, seed );
                pos_x = vec2_add( pos_x, seed );
                pos_y = vec2_add( pos_y, seed );
                pos_xy = vec2_add( pos_xy, seed );

                float val = perlin_noise2D(pos) * amplitude;
                float val_x = perlin_noise2D(pos_x) * amplitude;
                float val_y = perlin_noise2D(pos_y) * amplitude;
                float val_xy = perlin_noise2D(pos_xy) * amplitude;

                val = bilinear_interp(val_x, val, val_xy, val_y, (float)x/x_size, (float)y/y_size);

                data[x + (y * x_size)] += val * 128;


    unsigned char* image_data = malloc(sizeof(char) * 4 * x_size * y_size);
    for(x = 0; x < x_size; x++)
        for(y = 0; y < y_size; y++) {
            int amount = data[x + y * x_size];
            image_data[x * 4 + y * x_size * 4 + 0] = amount;
            image_data[x * 4 + y * x_size * 4 + 1] = amount;
            image_data[x * 4 + y * x_size * 4 + 2] = amount;
            image_data[x * 4 + y * x_size * 4 + 3] = 255;


    return image_new(x_size, y_size, image_data);
Пример #29
static inline void gen_infinity(CPoint* out, float width, float angle, int segment_count)

    CPoint path[13];









    int offset=0;

    int seg;
    for (seg=0; seg<=segment_count; seg++) {
        float tt = ((float)seg/(float)segment_count)*angle;

        int q=4;
        float tstep=1./q;
        int n = floor(tt/tstep);

        if (seg >= segment_count) {
        //printf("n>%d\n", n);

        CPoint a = path[0+3*n];;
        CPoint p1 = path[1+3*n];
        CPoint p2 = path[2+3*n];
        CPoint b = path[3+3*n];

        float t=(tt-tstep*n)*q;
        float nt = 1.0f - t;

        vec2 p = {a.x * nt * nt * nt  +  3.0 * p1.x * nt * nt * t  +  3.0 * p2.x * nt * t * t  +  b.x * t * t * t,
                  a.y * nt * nt * nt  +  3.0 * p1.y * nt * nt * t  +  3.0 * p2.y * nt * t * t  +  b.y * t * t * t

        vec2 tangent = {-3.0 * a.x * nt * nt  +  3.0 * p1.x * (1.0 - 4.0 * t + 3.0 * t * t)  +  3.0 * p2.x * (2.0 * t - 3.0 * t * t)  +  3.0 * b.x * t * t,
                        -3.0 * a.y * nt * nt  +  3.0 * p1.y * (1.0 - 4.0 * t + 3.0 * t * t)  +  3.0 * p2.y * (2.0 * t - 3.0 * t * t)  +  3.0 * b.y * t * t

        vec2 tan_norm = {-tangent[1], tangent[0]};
        vec2 norm;
        vec2_norm(norm, tan_norm);

        vec2 v;
        vec2 norm_scaled;
        vec2_scale(norm_scaled, norm, +width/2.);
        vec2_add(v, p, norm_scaled);

        out[offset] = CPointMake(v[0], v[1]);

        vec2_scale(norm_scaled, norm, -width/2.);
        vec2_add(v, p, norm_scaled);

        out[offset] = CPointMake(v[0], v[1]);
    //printf("infinity_q>%d", offset);
Пример #30
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

#ifdef _WIN32
    FILE* ctt = fopen("CON", "w" );
    FILE* fout = freopen( "CON", "w", stdout );
    FILE* ferr = freopen( "CON", "w", stderr );


    graphics_viewport_set_size(1280, 720);


    glClearColor(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

    ui_button* info_button = ui_elem_new("info_button", ui_button);
    ui_button_move(info_button, vec2_new(10, 10));
    ui_button_resize(info_button, vec2_new(460,25));
    ui_button_set_label(info_button, "Procedural texture from perlin noise and feedback functions");

    ui_button* save_button = ui_elem_new("save_button", ui_button);
    ui_button_move(save_button, vec2_new(480, 10));
    ui_button_resize(save_button, vec2_new(380,25));
    ui_button_set_label(save_button, "Click Here to save tileable perlin noise to file");
    ui_button_set_onclick(save_button, save_noise_to_file);

    ui_button* spinner_box = ui_elem_new("spinner_box", ui_button);
    ui_button_resize(spinner_box, vec2_new(32, 32));
    ui_button_move(spinner_box, vec2_new(870, 7));
    ui_button_set_label(spinner_box, "");

    ui_spinner* save_spinner = ui_elem_new("save_spinner", ui_spinner);
    save_spinner->color = vec4_new(1,1,1,0);
    save_spinner->top_left = vec2_new(874, 11);
    save_spinner->bottom_right = vec2_add(save_spinner->top_left, vec2_new(24,24));

    shader_time = (float)rand() / (RAND_MAX / 1000);

    bool running = true;
    while(running) {

        SDL_Event event;
        while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {

            switch(event.type) {
            case SDL_KEYDOWN:
            case SDL_KEYUP:
                if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) {
                    running = 0;
                if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_PRINTSCREEN) {
            case SDL_QUIT:
                running = 0;



        shader_time += frame_time();





    SDL_WaitThread(save_thread, NULL);


    return 0;