Пример #1
vec3 collide_sphere_sphere(struct sphere_hitbox player, struct sphere_hitbox sphere) {
    if (vec3_distance(player.pos, sphere.pos) >= player.r + sphere.r) {
        return player.pos;

    return add_vec3(sphere.pos, mult_vec3(normalize(sub(player.pos, sphere.pos)), player.r + sphere.r));
Пример #2
// ************************************************************
// get hit result with a ray.
RTHitResult RTPlane::GetHitResult(RTRay *r) {
    Ray = r->vStart + t * r->vDir
    vNormal dot (vOrigin - vPointOnPlane) = 0.

    So substitute the ray equation r(t) in for x and solve for t:

      vNormal dot (vOrigin - ray(t)) = 0
      vNormal dot (vOrigin - vStart - vDir*t) = 0
      vNormal dot (vOrigin - vStart) = (vNormal dot vDir) * t
      t = [ vNormal dot (vOrigin - vStart) ] / (vNormal dot vDir)

    Vec3 vDirToOrigin = vPos.Sub(r->vStart);

    Vec3 vDirNormalized = r->vDir.GetNormalized();

    GLfloat numerator = vec3_dot(&vNormal, &vDirToOrigin);
    GLfloat denominator = vec3_dot(&vNormal, &vDirNormalized);

    GLfloat t = (GLfloat) (numerator / denominator);

    RTHitResult hr;

    // if line wasn't parallel or directly on the plane,
    if(t >= 0) {
        // find point hit
        hr.vPointHit = r->PointAtTValue(t);

        // if point hit was at a reasonable distance
        if(vec3_distance(&r->vStart, &hr.vPointHit) > 30) {
            hr.bHit = false;
            return hr;

        } else {
            // return a hit result containing the point, normal, etc.
            hr.bHit = true;
            hr.t = t;
            hr.vNormalHit = vNormal;
            hr.matHit = mat;



    return hr;

Пример #3
void RailTrailEffect::tick()
    if (Options::animation_level <= 0) return;

    static const float span = 0.5f; // space between particle layers
    static const float spin_span = PI / 8;

    const float dist = vec3_distance(this->end, this->start);
    const float step = span / (dist);
    Vec3 fwd = vec3_sub(this->end, this->start);
    //this->start = vec3_add(this->start, vec3_scalar_mult(vec3_normalize(this->start), 0.005f));

    // RIGHT SETTINGS WOULD LOOK GOOD ON MOB IMPACTS ---> voxel_explode(this->end, /*min*/ 4, /*max*/ 14, /*size*/ 0.2f, /*force*/ 0.1f, COLOR_GREEN);

    float theta, phi;
    vec3_to_angles(fwd, &theta, &phi);

    float curr_spin = 0.0f;
    //float curr_spin = (PI/16) * this->ttl;
    for (float fl=0.0f; fl<=1.0f; fl+=step)
        Vec3 curr = vec3_interpolate(this->start, this->end, fl);
        //float r = 0.17f; // quadratic radius
        float r = 0.08f; // quadratic radius

        Vec3 spiral = vec3_init(
                          r * cosf(curr_spin),
                          r * sinf(curr_spin)
        Vec3 spiral2 = vec3_init(
                           r * cosf(curr_spin + PI),
                           r * sinf(curr_spin + PI)

        spiral = vec3_euler_rotation(spiral, theta-0.5f, 0, phi-0.5f);
        spiral2 = vec3_euler_rotation(spiral2, theta-0.5f, 0, phi-0.5f);
        spiral = vec3_add(curr, spiral);
        spiral2 = vec3_add(curr, spiral2);

        spiral = translate_position(spiral);
        spiral2 = translate_position(spiral2);

        //float anim_scale = float(Options::animation_level)/3.0f;
        //n = anim_scale*float(n);
        Particle::Shrapnel *s;

        s = Particle::create_shrapnel(spiral, /*vel*/ vec3_init(0,0,0));
        if (s == NULL) return;

        //s->ttl = randrange(8, 15);
        //s->scale = 0.1f;
        //s->texture_index = 54;
        s->ttl = randrange(2, 4);
        //s->ttl = 2;
        s->scale = 0.06f;
        s->texture_index = 22;

        s = Particle::create_shrapnel(spiral2, /*vel*/ vec3_init(0,0,0));
        if (s == NULL) return;

        //s->ttl = randrange(8, 15);
        //s->scale = 0.1f;
        s->texture_index = 54;
        s->ttl = randrange(2, 4);
        //s->ttl = 2;
        s->scale = 0.06f;
        s->texture_index = 22;

        //draw_quad(curr, span, theta, phi);
        curr_spin += spin_span;
        if (curr_spin >= PI*2)
            curr_spin = 0.0f;