Пример #1
extern void dcm_update(vec3f gyro, vec3f acc, float dt)
    dcm.offset_p = vec3f_zero;

    // Apply accelerometer correction
    vec3f down  = vec3f_matmul(dcm.matrix, vec3f_norm(acc));
    vec3f error = vec3f_cross(down, dcm.down_ref);

    dcm.debug = error;

    dcm.offset_p = vec3f_add(dcm.offset_p, vec3f_scale(error, dcm.acc_kp));
    dcm.offset_i = vec3f_add(dcm.offset_i, vec3f_scale(error, dcm.acc_ki));

    // todo: magnetometer correction, once we have one

    // Calculate drift-corrected roll, pitch and yaw angles
    dcm.omega = gyro;
    dcm.omega = vec3f_add(dcm.omega, dcm.offset_p);
    dcm.omega = vec3f_add(dcm.omega, dcm.offset_i);

    // Apply rotation to the direction cosine matrix
    dcm.matrix = dcm_integrate(dcm.matrix, dcm.omega, dt);
    dcm.euler = mat3f_to_euler(dcm.matrix);
Пример #2
/** A callback function that will get called whenever the tracker
 * provides us with new data. This may be called repeatedly for each
 * record that we have missed if many records have been delivered
 * since the last call to the VRPN mainloop() function. */
static void VRPN_CALLBACK handle_tracker(void *name, vrpn_TRACKERCB t)
	float fps = kuhl_getfps(&fps_state);
	if(fps_state.frame == 0)
		msg(INFO, "VRPN records per second: %.1f\n", fps);

	/* Some tracking systems return large values when a point gets
	 * lost. If the tracked point seems to be lost, ignore this
	 * update. */
	float pos[3];
	vec3f_set(pos, t.pos[0], t.pos[1], t.pos[2]);
	long microseconds = (t.msg_time.tv_sec* 1000000L) + t.msg_time.tv_usec;

		printf("Current time %ld; VRPN record time: %ld\n", kuhl_microseconds(), microseconds);
		printf("Received position from vrpn: ");
	if(vec3f_norm(pos) > 100)
	// Store the data in our map so that someone can use it later.
	std::string s = (char*)name;
	nameToCallbackData[s] = t;
Пример #3
void update_object_orientation(void)
	static int mx = 0, my = 0, last_mouse_x = 0, last_mouse_y = 0;
	static int arcball = 0;
	if(!disable_mouse) {
		if(!arcball && input_get_mousebtn_state(MOUSE_LEFTBTN)) {
			arcball = 1;
			input_get_mouse_position(&mx, &my);
			last_mouse_x = mx;
			last_mouse_y = my;
		} else if(arcball && !input_get_mousebtn_state(MOUSE_LEFTBTN)) {
			arcball = 0;
		if(arcball) {
			input_get_mouse_position(&mx, &my);
			if(mx < 0)
				mx = 0;
			else if(mx > window_width)
				mx = window_width;
			if(my < 0)
				my = 0;
			else if(my > window_height)
				my = window_height;
			if(last_mouse_x != mx || last_mouse_y != my) {
				// получаем вектора вращения виртуальной сферы
				vector3f v1 = compute_sphere_vector(last_mouse_x, last_mouse_y);
				vector3f v2 = compute_sphere_vector(mx, my);
				// угол вращения
				rot_angle = RAD_TO_DEG(math_acosf(math_min(1.0f, vec3f_dot(v1, v2))));
				matrix3f rotmat3, model3, rotmodel3;
				mat4_submat(rotmat3, 3, 3, rotmat);
				mat4_submat(model3, 3, 3, modelmat);
				mat3_mult2(rotmodel3, rotmat3, model3);
				// получаем ось вращения (переводим её в систему координат объекта)
				rot_axis = mat3_mult_vec3(rotmodel3, vec3f_norm(vec3f_cross(v1, v2)));
				// домножаем матрицу вращения
				mat4_rotate_axis_mult(rotmat, rot_angle, rot_axis);
				last_mouse_x = mx;
				last_mouse_y = my;
Пример #4
 * Apply an infinitesimal rotation w*dt to a direction cosine matrix A.
 * An orthonormalization step is added to prevent rounding errors.
 * Without the normalization, this would be a simple matrix multiplication:
 * return mat3_matmul( A, (mat3f) {
 *        1,   -w.z,  w.y,
 *      w.z,    1, -w.x,
 *     -w.y,  w.x,    1
 * };
static mat3f dcm_integrate(mat3f A, vec3f w, float dt)
    w = vec3f_scale(w, dt);

    // Calculate the new x and y axes. z is calculated later.
    vec3f x = vec3f_matmul(A, (vec3f){    1, w.z, -w.y } );
    vec3f y = vec3f_matmul(A, (vec3f){ -w.z,   1,  w.x } );

    // Orthonormalization
    // First we compute the dot product of the x and y rows of the matrix, which
    // is supposed to be zero, so the result is a measure of how much the X and Y
    // rows are rotating toward each other
    float error = vec3f_dot(x, y);

    // We apportion half of the error each to the x and y rows, and approximately
    // rotate the X and Y rows in the opposite direction by cross coupling:
    vec3f xo, yo, zo;
    xo = vec3f_sub(x, vec3f_scale(y, 0.5 * error));
    yo = vec3f_sub(y, vec3f_scale(x, 0.5 * error));

    // Scale them to unit length and take a cross product for the Z axis
    xo = vec3f_norm(xo);
    yo = vec3f_norm(yo);
    zo = vec3f_cross(xo, yo);

    return (mat3f) {
        xo.x, yo.x, zo.x,
        xo.y, yo.y, zo.y,
        xo.z, yo.z, zo.z
Пример #5
/** Update the vertex positions and the velocity stored in the
 * particles array. */
void update()
	kuhl_geometry *g = modelgeom;
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<kuhl_geometry_count(modelgeom); i++)
		int numFloats = 0;
		GLfloat *pos = kuhl_geometry_attrib_get(g, "in_Position",

		for(unsigned int j=0; j<g->vertex_count; j++)
			/* If the first point isn't moving, don't update anything */
			if(vec3f_norm(particles[i][j].velocity) == 0)

			/* Gravity is pushing particles down -Y, but we are
			 * operating in object coordinates. If GeomTransform
			 * (i.e., g->matrix) is used to rotate the model, then
			 * gravity might not push the particles down in world
			 * coordinates. */
			float accel[3] = { 0, -1, 0};
			float timestep = 0.1f; // change this to change speed of explosion
			for(int k=0; k<3; k++)
				pos[j*3+k] += timestep * (particles[i][j].velocity[k] + timestep * accel[k]/2);
				particles[i][j].velocity[k] += timestep * accel[k];
#if 1   /* Bounce the particles off the xz-plane. */
			if(pos[j*3+1] < 0)
				/* How much velocity is lost when a bounce occurs? */
				float velocityLossFactor = .4;
				/* If particle fell through floor, negate its position */
				pos[j*3+1] *= -velocityLossFactor;
				/* Negative the Y velocity */
				particles[i][j].velocity[1] *= -1;
				/* Scale velocity in all directions */
				vec3f_scalarMult(particles[i][j].velocity, velocityLossFactor); // lose energy on bounce
		g = g->next;

Пример #6
static vector3f compute_sphere_vector(unsigned int mouse_x, unsigned int mouse_y)
	float x = 0.0f, y = 0.0f, vec_length = 0.0f;
	vector3f result;
	// приводим координаты мыши к интервалу [-1,1]
	x = ((float) mouse_x / (float) window_width) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
	y = ((float) mouse_y / (float) window_height) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
	result = vec3f(x, -y, 0.0f);
	// v_len = x*x + y*y
	vec_length = x*x + y*y;
	// R*R = Z*Z + (X*X + Y*Y)  <=>  Z*Z = R*R - (X*X + Y*Y) => (R = 1, (X*X + Y*Y) = v_len) => Z = sqrt(1 - v_len)
	if(vec_length > 1.0f) {
		result = vec3f_norm(result);
	} else {
		result.z = math_sqrtf(1.0f - vec_length);
	return result;