Пример #1
void Camera::yawRight(void)
	float tempVec[3];
	rotateAroundVec(forwardVec, upVec, -cameraTurnSpeed, tempVec);
	vectorCopy(forwardVec, tempVec);
	rotateAroundVec(rightVec, upVec, -cameraTurnSpeed, tempVec);
	vectorCopy(rightVec, tempVec);
Пример #2
void scene::runNPC(float movSpd, float rotSpd)
	mesh *pMesh;
	mesh *wayPoint; 

	for (mMeshList.moveFirst(); !mMeshList.eof(); mMeshList.moveNext())
		pMesh = mMeshList.getData();
		if (pMesh->mName != NULL)
			if (strcmp(pMesh->mName, "npc") == 0)
				if (pMesh->mTarget == NULL)
					pMesh->mTarget = new float[3];
					setMotion((long) pMesh, 1, false);
						(long) pMesh,
						randEx(movSpd * 0.5, movSpd)
						(long) pMesh,
						randEx(rotSpd * 0.5, rotSpd),
						randEx(rotSpd * 0.5, rotSpd),
						randEx(rotSpd * 0.5, rotSpd)
					wayPoint = (mesh *) findWaypoint((long) pMesh);
					if (wayPoint != NULL)
						vectorCopy(pMesh->mTarget, wayPoint->mOrigin);
						pMesh->mNext = wayPoint;
					wayPoint = pMesh->mNext;
							vectorDist(pMesh->mOrigin, wayPoint->mOrigin) <
							pMesh->mRadius + wayPoint->mRadius
						wayPoint = wayPoint->mNext;
						if (wayPoint != NULL)
							vectorCopy(pMesh->mTarget, wayPoint->mOrigin);
							pMesh->mNext = wayPoint;
Пример #3
bool checkPointMeshCollision(float *position, Mesh *mesh, float *normal,
                             float *contactpoint) {
  float maxdist = 0;
  bool planecollision = false;

  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < mesh->polygoncount; i++) {
    class Polygon *polygon = &mesh->polygons[i];

    float dist = distanceFromPlane(position, polygon->planenormal,
    if (dist < 0) {
      bool directcollision = true;
      /*for (j = 0; j < polygon->vertexcount; j++){
          float *p1 = polygon->vertices[j]->position;
          float *p2 = polygon->vertices[(j+1)%polygon->vertexcount]->position;
          float *p3 = polygon->vertices[(j+2)%polygon->vertexcount]->position;
          float v1[3], v2[3];
          vectorSub(v1, p2, p1);

          //Collision for polygon surface
          vectorSub(v2, p3, p2);
          float t1[3];
          vectorProject(t1, v2, v1);
          float norm[3];
          vectorSub(norm, v2, t1);

          //Collision for polygon edges
          float newpoint[3];
          vectorSub(newpoint, position, p1);
          float dist2 = vectorDot(newpoint, norm);
          if (dist2 < 0) directcollision = false;
      if (directcollision) {
        if (dist > maxdist || !planecollision) {
          vectorCopy(normal, polygon->planenormal);
          maxdist = dist;
          planecollision = true;
    } else {
      return false;

  if (planecollision) {
    vectorCopy(contactpoint, position);
  } else {
    return false;

  return true;
Пример #4
void Camera::transformWithMouse(float theta, float phi, float *forward, float *up, float *right)
	float tempForward[3], tempUp[3], tempRight[3], tempVec[3];
	rotateAroundVec(forwardVec, upVec, theta, tempVec);
	rotateAroundVec(rightVec, upVec, theta, tempRight);
	rotateAroundVec(tempVec, tempRight, phi, tempForward);
	rotateAroundVec(upVec, tempRight, phi, tempUp);
	vectorCopy(forward, tempForward);
	vectorCopy(right, tempRight);
	vectorCopy(up, tempUp);
Пример #5
void ConjugateGradient3( float **A, float *b, float *x, int N, int iterations)
	float r[N];
	float r2[N];
	float p[N];
	float q[N];

	//float beta[N];
	//float alpha[N];
	float beta;
	float alpha;
	float temp[N];
	// initialization of residual vector: r_0
	matrixVectorProduct( A, x, temp, N);
	vectorDifference( b, temp, r, N);
	// initialization of p_0
	vectorCopy( r, p, N);

	for( int i=0; i<iterations; i++){
		// q_k
		matrixVectorProduct( A, p, q, N);
		alpha = dotProduct( r, r, N);
			beta = alpha / dotProduct( r2, r2, N);
			vectorScale( p, beta, p, N);
			vectorSum( r, p, p, N);
		alpha /= dotProduct( p, q, N);

		// next x
		vectorScale( p, alpha, temp, N);
		vectorSum( x, temp, x, N);
		// old r
		vectorCopy( r, r2, N);
		// next r
		vectorScale( q, -alpha, temp, N);
		vectorSum( r, temp, r, N);
		//float *pointer ;
Пример #6
void addCollision(Object *source, Object *target, float *normal,
                  float *contactpoint) {
  if (contactcount == MAXCONTACTS) {
    printf("Too many contacts!\n");
  Contact *contact = &contacts[contactcount++];
  contact->object1 = source;
  contact->object2 = target;
  vectorCopy(contact->normal, normal);
  vectorCopy(contact->position, contactpoint);
Пример #7
// points the camera at the given point in 3d space
void Camera::pointAt(float* targetVec)
	float tempVec[3];
	float up[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
	forwardVec[0] = targetVec[0] - position[0];
	forwardVec[1] = targetVec[1] - position[1];
	forwardVec[2] = targetVec[2] - position[2];
	rotateAroundVec(forwardVec, up, -1.57079632679f, tempVec);
	tempVec[2] = 0;
	vectorCopy(rightVec, tempVec);
	rotateAroundVec(forwardVec, rightVec, 1.57079632679f, tempVec);
	vectorCopy(upVec, tempVec);
Пример #8
 * Vector a is rotated along each axis by the number of degrees specified by that component in the rotation vector.
 * This means that if you pass the rotation vector (45, 90, 0), vector a will be rotated 45 degrees along the 
 * i axis, 90 degrees along the j axis, and 0 degrees along the k axis. 
DLLEX Vector *vectorRotate(Vector *a, Vector *rotation) {
	Vector *rotated = vectorCopy(a);
	double *i = &(rotated->components[0]),   // declare pointers to save typing, and avoid having to reassign each component by hand
	       *j = &(rotated->components[1]),   // even if it means more memory references because I'm lazy.
	       *k = &(rotated->components[2]);
	double iRot = rotation->components[0] * PI / 180.0,  // Convert each rotational value to radians
	       jRot = rotation->components[1] * PI / 180.0,
	       kRot = rotation->components[2] * PI / 180.0;
	double sinI = sin(iRot),                 // Compute the sine and cosine of each rotation to avoid computing them multiple times
	       cosI = cos(iRot),
	       sinJ = sin(jRot),
	       cosJ = cos(jRot),
	       sinK = sin(kRot),
	       cosK = cos(kRot);
	// rotate around i axis (i component remains constant)
	// not hardcore enough to write the rotations as one-liners
	*j = (*j)*cosI - (*k)*sinI; 
	*k = (*j)*sinI + (*k)*cosI;
	// rotate around j axis (j component remains constant)
	*i = (*k)*sinJ + (*i)*cosJ;
	*k = (*k)*cosJ - (*i)*sinJ;
	// rotate around k axis (k component remains constant)
	*i = (*i)*cosK - (*j)*sinK;
	*j = (*i)*sinK + (*j)*cosK;
	return rotated;
Пример #9
void Simulation::setTape(std::string stringTape) {
	if (tape != NULL) delete tape;
	std::vector<char> vectorCopy(stringTape.size() + 1);
	std::copy(stringTape.begin(), stringTape.end(), vectorCopy.begin());
	vectorCopy.pop_back(); // Erase the ending \O character
	tape = new Tape(vectorCopy);
Пример #10
void Camera::right(void)
	float tempForward[3], tempUp[3], tempRight[3];
	transformWithMouse(mouseLeftRight, mouseUpDown, tempForward, tempUp, tempRight);
	float vec[3];
	vectorCopy(vec, tempRight);
	vectorMul(vec, cameraSpeed);
	vectorAdd(position, vec);
Пример #11
int _start(void)


	enableExt(64, 26,4, 0);

	return 0;
Пример #12
camera_frame_t* CAM_RecordCurrentFrame(void)
	camera_frame_t* newFrame;
	newFrame = calloc(1,sizeof(camera_frame_t));
	newFrame->next = 0;
	newFrame->time = simulationTime;
	Quat_CreateFromMat3x3(orientationMatrix, newFrame->orientation);
	return  newFrame;
Пример #13
DLLEX Vector *vectorAdd(Vector *a, Vector *b) {
	Vector *v;

	v = vectorCopy(a);    // create a vector copy of a, which will be returned 
	// add up matching components
	v->components[0] += b->components[0];
	v->components[1] += b->components[1];
	v->components[2] += b->components[2];
	return v;
Пример #14
DLLEX Vector *vectorSub(Vector *a, Vector *b) {
	Vector *v;
	v = vectorCopy(a);
	// subtract matching components
	v->components[0] -= b->components[0];
	v->components[1] -= b->components[1];
	v->components[2] -= b->components[2];
	return v;
Пример #15
DLLEX Vector *vectorMul(Vector *a, double b) {
	Vector *v;
	v = vectorCopy(a);
	// we simply multiply each component of the vector by the scalar
	// this way the magnitude will be scaled by b, but the direction will remain the same
	v->components[0] *= b;
	v->components[1] *= b;
	v->components[2] *= b;
	return v;
Пример #16
DLLEX Vector *vectorDiv(Vector *a, double b) {
	Vector *v;
	v = vectorCopy(a);
	// we simply divide each component of the vector by the scalar
	// this way the magnitude will be divided by b, but the direction will remain the same
	v->components[0] /= b;
	v->components[1] /= b;
	v->components[2] /= b;
	return v;
Пример #17
void object::getVector(long opCode, float *vector)
	switch (opCode)
	case 0: vectorCopy(vector, mOrigin); break;
	case 1: vectorCopy(vector, mAngle); break;
	case 2: vectorCopy(vector, mScale); break;
	case 3: vectorCopy(vector, mPosVel); break;
	case 4: vectorCopy(vector, mAngVel); break;
	case 5: vectorCopy(vector, mPosAcc); break;
	case 6: vectorCopy(vector, mAngAcc);
Пример #18
void object::move(long opCode, float *vector)
	switch (opCode)
	case 0: vectorCopy(mOrigin, vector); break;
	case 1: vectorCopy(mAngle, vector); break;
	case 2: vectorCopy(mScale, vector); break;
	case 3: vectorCopy(mPosVel, vector); break;
	case 4: vectorCopy(mAngVel, vector); break;
	case 5: vectorCopy(mPosAcc, vector); break;
	case 6: vectorCopy(mAngAcc, vector);
Пример #19
void CAM_SetCamera(vec3_t position,float head,float pitch,float aspect , float fov , float zNearl , float zFarl)

	camera.position[3] = 1;
	camera.head = head;
	camera.aspect = aspect;
	camera.fov = fov;
	camera.zNear = zNearl;
	camera.zFar = zFarl;
Пример #20
bool checkSphereMeshCollision(float *sphereposition, float r, Mesh *mesh,
                              float *normal, float *contactpoint) {
  float linenormal[3];
  float pointnormal[3];
  float maxdist = 0;
  bool planecollision = false;
  bool linecollision = false;
  bool pointcollision = false;

  int i, j;

  for (i = 0; i < mesh->polygoncount; i++) {
    class Polygon *polygon = &mesh->polygons[i];

    float dist = distanceFromPlane(sphereposition, polygon->planenormal,
    if (dist < r && dist > -r) {
      bool directcollision = true;
      for (j = 0; j < polygon->vertexcount; j++) {
        float *p1 = polygon->vertices[j]->position;
        float *p2 = polygon->vertices[(j + 1) % polygon->vertexcount]->position;
        float *p3 = polygon->vertices[(j + 2) % polygon->vertexcount]->position;
        float v1[3], v2[3];
        vectorSub(v1, p2, p1);

        // Collision for polygon surface
        vectorSub(v2, p3, p2);
        float t1[3];
        vectorProject(t1, v2, v1);
        float norm[3];
        vectorSub(norm, v2, t1);

        // Collision for polygon edges
        float newpoint[3];
        vectorSub(newpoint, sphereposition, p1);
        float dist2 = vectorDot(newpoint, norm);
        if (dist2 < 0) {
          directcollision = false;
          float projloc = vectorDot(newpoint, v1) / vectorDot(v1, v1);
          if (projloc >= 0 && projloc <= 1) {
            float proj[3];
            vectorScale(proj, v1, projloc);
            float projorth[3];
            vectorSub(projorth, newpoint, proj);
            float l2 = vectorDot(projorth, projorth);
            if (l2 < r * r) {
              vectorNormalize(linenormal, projorth);
              if (dist < 0)
                vectorScale(linenormal, -1);
              linecollision = true;

        // Collision for polygon vertices
        float pointdiff[3];
        vectorSub(pointdiff, sphereposition, p1);
        float l3 = vectorDot(pointdiff, pointdiff);
        if (l3 < r * r) {
          vectorScale(pointnormal, pointdiff, 1.0 / sqrt(l3));
          if (dist < 0)
            vectorScale(pointnormal, -1);
          pointcollision = true;
      if (directcollision) {
        if (dist > maxdist || !planecollision) {
          vectorCopy(normal, polygon->planenormal);
          maxdist = dist;
          planecollision = true;

  if (planecollision) {
    vectorScale(contactpoint, normal, -r);
    vectorAdd(contactpoint, sphereposition);
  } else if (linecollision) {
    vectorScale(contactpoint, linenormal, -r);
    vectorAdd(contactpoint, sphereposition);
    vectorCopy(normal, linenormal);
  } else if (pointcollision) {
    vectorScale(contactpoint, pointnormal, -r);
    vectorAdd(contactpoint, sphereposition);
    vectorCopy(normal, pointnormal);
  } else {
    return false;

  return true;
Пример #21
bool checkEdgeMeshCollision(float *p1, float *p2, Mesh *mesh, float *normal,
                            float *contactpoint) {
  float ray[3];
  vectorSub(ray, p2, p1);

  // UNUSED//float maxdist = 0;
  // UNUSED//bool collision = false;

  int i, j;

  tracehit hits[MAXPOLYGONS];
  int hitcount = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < mesh->polygoncount; i++) {
    class Polygon *polygon = &mesh->polygons[i];

    if (tracePlane(&hits[hitcount], p1, ray, polygon)) {

  if (hitcount < 2)
    return false;

  for (i = 1; i < hitcount; i++) {
    for (j = i; j > 0; j--) {
      if (hits[j].t < hits[j - 1].t) {
        float tempt = hits[j].t;
        hits[j].t = hits[j - 1].t;
        hits[j - 1].t = tempt;
        class Polygon *tempp = hits[j].polygon;
        hits[j].polygon = hits[j - 1].polygon;
        hits[j - 1].polygon = tempp;
      } else

  int negative = -1, positive = -1;

  for (i = 0; i < hitcount; i++) {
    // UNUSED//float t = hits[i].t;
    class Polygon *polygon = hits[i].polygon;

    float dot = vectorDot(ray, polygon->planenormal);

    if (dot > 0 && positive == -1)
      positive = i;
    if (dot < 0)
      negative = i;

    if (dot < 0 && positive != -1)
      return false;

  if (negative == -1 || positive == -1)
    return false;

  /*for (i = 0; i < hitcount; i++){
      float t = hits[i].t;
      class Polygon *polygon = hits[i].polygon;

      float dot = vectorDot(ray, polygon->planenormal);

      printf("%f ", dot);

  if (hits[negative].t < 0 || hits[positive].t > 1)
    return false;

  Edge *edge2 = findSharingEdge(hits[negative].polygon, hits[positive].polygon);

  // fflush(stdout);
  float cp1[3], cp2[3];
  vectorScale(cp1, ray, hits[negative].t);
  vectorAdd(cp1, p1);
  vectorScale(cp2, ray, hits[positive].t);
  vectorAdd(cp2, p1);

  if (edge2 != NULL) {

    /*float ev1[3];
    vectorSub(ev1, edge2->v2->position, edge2->v1->position);
    vectorCross(normal, ev1, ray);
    vectorScale(normal, vectorDot(normal, hits[positive].polygon->planenormal));

    float at = (hits[negative].t + hits[positive].t) / 2;
    vectorScale(contactpoint, ray, at);
    vectorAdd(contactpoint, p1);*/

    float dot1 = fabs(vectorDot(ray, hits[negative].polygon->planenormal));
    float dot2 = fabs(vectorDot(ray, hits[positive].polygon->planenormal));

    if (dot1 > dot2) {
      // vectorScale(contactpoint, ray, hits[negative].t);
      // vectorAdd(contactpoint, p1);
      vectorCopy(contactpoint, cp1);
      vectorCopy(normal, hits[positive].polygon->planenormal);
    } else {
      // vectorScale(contactpoint, ray, hits[positive].t);
      // vectorAdd(contactpoint, p1);
      vectorCopy(contactpoint, cp2);
      vectorCopy(normal, hits[negative].polygon->planenormal);
  } else {
    Polygon *polygon = findNearestPolygon(hits[negative].polygon, cp1);
    if (polygon != NULL) {
      /*vectorCopy(contactpoint, cp1);
      vectorAdd(contactpoint, cp2);
      vectorScale(contactpoint, 0.5);*/
      float at = (hits[negative].t + hits[positive].t) / 2;
      vectorScale(contactpoint, ray, at);
      vectorAdd(contactpoint, p1);

      vectorCopy(normal, polygon->planenormal);
    } else {
      return false;

  // shotsound->play();
  return true;
Пример #22
void ENT_GenerateWorldSpaceBBox(entity_t* entity)
	//Transform the bbox from modelSpace to WorldSpace.
	vec4_t modelSpaceMinPoint ;
	vec4_t modelSpaceMaxPoint;
	vec4_t worldSpaceMinPoint ;
	vec4_t worldSpaceMaxPoint;
	modelSpaceMinPoint[3] = 1;
	modelSpaceMaxPoint[3] = 1;
	matrix_transform_vec4t(entity->matrix, modelSpaceMinPoint , worldSpaceMinPoint);
	matrix_transform_vec4t(entity->matrix, modelSpaceMaxPoint , worldSpaceMaxPoint);
//	printf("bbox min: [%.2f,%.2f,%.2f]\n", worldSpaceMinPoint[0], worldSpaceMinPoint[1], worldSpaceMinPoint[2]);
//	printf("bbox max: [%.2f,%.2f,%.2f]\n", worldSpaceMaxPoint[0], worldSpaceMaxPoint[1], worldSpaceMaxPoint[2]);
	//Generate 6 points defining the box limits.
	//Unit cube volume
	//x  y  z
	//0  0  0
	//1  0  0
	//0  0  1
	//1  0  1
	//0  1  0
	//1  1  0
	//0  1  1
	//1  1  1
	// 0 0 0
	entity->worldSpacebbox[0][0] = worldSpaceMinPoint[0] ;
	entity->worldSpacebbox[0][1] = worldSpaceMinPoint[1] ;
	entity->worldSpacebbox[0][2] = worldSpaceMinPoint[2] ;
	// 1 0 0
	entity->worldSpacebbox[1][0] = worldSpaceMaxPoint[0] ;
	entity->worldSpacebbox[1][1] = worldSpaceMinPoint[1] ;
	entity->worldSpacebbox[1][2] = worldSpaceMinPoint[2] ;

	// 0 0 1
	entity->worldSpacebbox[2][0] = worldSpaceMinPoint[0] ;
	entity->worldSpacebbox[2][1] = worldSpaceMinPoint[1] ;
	entity->worldSpacebbox[2][2] = worldSpaceMaxPoint[2] ;

	//1  0  1
	entity->worldSpacebbox[3][0] = worldSpaceMaxPoint[0] ;
	entity->worldSpacebbox[3][1] = worldSpaceMinPoint[1] ;
	entity->worldSpacebbox[3][2] = worldSpaceMaxPoint[2] ;
	//0  1  0
	entity->worldSpacebbox[4][0] = worldSpaceMinPoint[0] ;
	entity->worldSpacebbox[4][1] = worldSpaceMaxPoint[1] ;
	entity->worldSpacebbox[4][2] = worldSpaceMinPoint[2] ;
	//1  1  0
	entity->worldSpacebbox[5][0] = worldSpaceMaxPoint[0] ;
	entity->worldSpacebbox[5][1] = worldSpaceMaxPoint[1] ;
	entity->worldSpacebbox[5][2] = worldSpaceMinPoint[2] ;
	//0  1  1
	entity->worldSpacebbox[6][0] = worldSpaceMinPoint[0] ;
	entity->worldSpacebbox[6][1] = worldSpaceMaxPoint[1] ;
	entity->worldSpacebbox[6][2] = worldSpaceMaxPoint[2] ;
	//1  1  1
	entity->worldSpacebbox[7][0] = worldSpaceMaxPoint[0] ;
	entity->worldSpacebbox[7][1] = worldSpaceMaxPoint[1] ;
	entity->worldSpacebbox[7][2] = worldSpaceMaxPoint[2] ;
Пример #23
char OBJ_Load(char* filename,entity_t* entity)
	static vec3_t tmpVertices[DE_USHRT_MAX];
	ushort num_vertices=0;
	static vec2_t tmpTextureCoor[DE_USHRT_MAX];
	ushort num_textuCoor=0;
	int idata[9];	
	int i;
	ushort indiceOfCurrentVertex;
	filehandle_t* objFile ;
	obj_t* obj;
	objFile = FS_OpenFile(filename, "rt");
	if (!objFile)
		printf("Could not Load OBJ: '%s'.\n",filename);
		return 0;
	obj = (obj_t*)entity->model;
	obj->vertices = (obj_vertex_t*)calloc(DE_USHRT_MAX, sizeof(obj_vertex_t));
	obj->num_vertices = 0;
	obj->indices = (ushort*)calloc(DE_USHRT_MAX, sizeof(ushort));
	obj->num_indices = 0;
	while (LE_hasMoreData()) 
		if (!strcmp("v",LE_getCurrentToken()))
			tmpVertices[num_vertices][0] = LE_readReal();
			tmpVertices[num_vertices][1] = LE_readReal();
			tmpVertices[num_vertices][2] = LE_readReal();
		if (!strcmp("vt",LE_getCurrentToken()))
			tmpTextureCoor[num_textuCoor][0] = LE_readReal();
			tmpTextureCoor[num_textuCoor][1] = 1- LE_readReal();
		if (!strcmp("vn",LE_getCurrentToken()))
			//Drop it (like it's hot)
		if (!strcmp("f",LE_getCurrentToken()))
			LE_SetWhiteCharValue('/', 1);
				idata[i] = LE_readReal();
			#ifdef OBJ_FACE_CCW
			for(i=0;i<3;i++)//OBJ Standard: Couter-clockwise
			for(i=2;i>=0;i--) //Bugged expoter.
				indiceOfCurrentVertex = GetCacheVertex(idata[3*i],tmpTextureCoor[idata[3*i+1]]);
				//indiceOfCurrentVertex = obj->num_indices;
				if (indiceOfCurrentVertex+1 > obj->num_vertices)
					obj->num_vertices = indiceOfCurrentVertex+1;
				vectorCopy (tmpVertices[idata[3*i]]		, obj->vertices[indiceOfCurrentVertex].position);
				//		printf("Vertices: %d, %d, %d.\n",obj->vertices[indiceOfCurrentVertex].position[0],obj->vertices[indiceOfCurrentVertex].position[1],obj->vertices[indiceOfCurrentVertex].position[2]);
				vector2Copy(tmpTextureCoor[idata[3*i+1]], obj->vertices[indiceOfCurrentVertex].textCoo);
				//printf("num_indices = %d, indice pointer=%d\n",obj->num_indices,indiceOfCurrentVertex);
				obj->indices[obj->num_indices++] = indiceOfCurrentVertex ;
			LE_SetWhiteCharValue('/', 0);
		if (!strcmp("usemtl",LE_getCurrentToken()))
			entity->material = MATLIB_Get(LE_getCurrentToken());
			if (entity->material == 0)
				printf("************[OBJ Loader] Could not find material: '%s'\n",LE_getCurrentToken());
	//Adjust size of vertices and indices
	obj->vertices = realloc(obj->vertices,obj->num_vertices  * sizeof(obj_vertex_t));
	obj->indices  = realloc(obj->indices ,obj->num_indices   * sizeof(ushort));
	//printf("Obj %s has %d vertices.\n",filename,obj->num_vertices);
	//printf("Obj %s has %d indices.\n",filename,obj->num_indices);
	//Generate lighting infos.
	return 1;