Пример #1
static void vehicleReset(Chassis* chassis, float mass, const vec3* offset)
	Chassis* c = chassis;

	// Reset chassis
	c->mass = mass;
	c->inertia = 2.f/5.f * SQR(1.f) * c->mass;
	c->pose.v[3].v3 = *offset;

	c->steer = 1.0f;
	// Reset suspension
	vec3 offset0 = {+1.f, +1.4f+0.6f, 0.f};
	vec3 offset1 = {-1.f, +1.4f+0.6f, 0.f};
	vec3 offset2 = {+1.f, -1.4f+0.6f, 0.f};
	vec3 offset3 = {-1.f, -1.4f+0.6f, 0.f};

	suspensionReset(c->suspension[0], &offset0);
	suspensionReset(c->suspension[1], &offset1);
	suspensionReset(c->suspension[2], &offset2);
	suspensionReset(c->suspension[3], &offset3);

	Wheel* w0 = c->suspension[0]->wheel;
	Wheel* w1 = c->suspension[1]->wheel;
	Wheel* w2 = c->suspension[2]->wheel;
	Wheel* w3 = c->suspension[3]->wheel;

	w0->maxSteer = DEG2RAD(35.f);
	w1->maxSteer = DEG2RAD(35.f);
	w2->maxSteer = DEG2RAD(0.f);
	w3->maxSteer = DEG2RAD(0.f);

	w0->driven = true;
	w1->driven = true;
	w2->driven = false;
	w3->driven = false;

	// Set the correct wheel position
	for (int i=0; i<numWheels; i++)
		Suspension* s = c->suspension[i];
		Wheel* w = s->wheel;
		vec3mtx33mulvec3(&s->worldOffset, &c->pose, &s->offset);
		vec3mtx43mulvec3(&s->worldDefaultPos, &c->pose, &s->offset);
		w->pos = s->worldDefaultPos;
Пример #2
void crf1dc_partial_beta_score(crf1d_context_t* ctx, int *mask) 
    int i, j, t;
    int *curr_mask, *next_mask;
    floatval_t *cur = NULL;
    floatval_t *row = ctx->row;
    const floatval_t *next = NULL, *state = NULL, *trans = NULL;
    const int T = ctx->num_items;
    const int L = ctx->num_labels;
    const floatval_t *scale = &ctx->partial_scale_factor[T-1];

    /* Compute the beta scores at (T-1, *). */
    cur = PARTIAL_BETA_SCORE(ctx, T-1);
    veczero(cur, L);
    curr_mask = &mask[(T-1)*L];
    for (i = 0; i < L; ++ i) {
      if (curr_mask[i]) {
        cur[i] = *scale;

    /* Compute the beta scores at (t, *). */
    for (t = T-2;0 <= t;--t) {
        cur = PARTIAL_BETA_SCORE(ctx, t);
        next = PARTIAL_BETA_SCORE(ctx, t+1);
        state = EXP_STATE_SCORE(ctx, t+1);
        curr_mask = &mask[t * L];
        next_mask = &mask[(t+1) * L];

        veccopy(row, next, L);
        veczero(cur, L);
        for (i = 0; i < L; ++ i) {
          if (next_mask[i]) {
            row[i] *= state[i];

        for (j = 0; j < L; ++ j) {
          if (curr_mask[j]) {
            trans = EXP_TRANS_SCORE(ctx, j);
            for (i = 0; i < L; ++ i) {
              if (next_mask[i]) {
                cur[j] += trans[i] * row[i];

        vecscale(cur, *scale, L);
Пример #3
static void suspensionReset(Suspension* s, const vec3* offset)
	Wheel* w = s->wheel;
	s->offset = *offset;
	vec3* chassisPos = &s->chassis->pose.v[3].v3;
	w->angSpeed = 0.f;
	w->radius = 0.3f;
	float smallestMass = s->chassis->mass * 0.05f;
	if (w->mass < smallestMass) w->mass = smallestMass;

	w->inertia = 2.f/5.f*w->radius*w->radius*w->mass;
	w->invInertia = 1.f/w->inertia;
Пример #4
void crf1dc_alpha_score(crf1d_context_t* ctx)
    int i, t;
    floatval_t sum, *cur = NULL;
    floatval_t *scale = &ctx->scale_factor[0];
    const floatval_t *prev = NULL, *trans = NULL, *state = NULL;
    const int T = ctx->num_items;
    const int L = ctx->num_labels;

    /* Compute the alpha scores on nodes (0, *).
        alpha[0][j] = state[0][j]
    cur = ALPHA_SCORE(ctx, 0);
    state = EXP_STATE_SCORE(ctx, 0);
    veccopy(cur, state, L);
    sum = vecsum(cur, L);
    *scale = (sum != 0.) ? 1. / sum : 1.;
    vecscale(cur, *scale, L);

    /* Compute the alpha scores on nodes (t, *).
        alpha[t][j] = state[t][j] * \sum_{i} alpha[t-1][i] * trans[i][j]
    for (t = 1;t < T;++t) {
        prev = ALPHA_SCORE(ctx, t-1);
        cur = ALPHA_SCORE(ctx, t);
        state = EXP_STATE_SCORE(ctx, t);

        veczero(cur, L);
        for (i = 0;i < L;++i) {
            trans = EXP_TRANS_SCORE(ctx, i);
            vecaadd(cur, prev[i], trans, L);
        vecmul(cur, state, L);
        sum = vecsum(cur, L);
        *scale = (sum != 0.) ? 1. / sum : 1.;
        vecscale(cur, *scale, L);

    /* Compute the logarithm of the normalization factor here.
        norm = 1. / (C[0] * C[1] ... * C[T-1])
        log(norm) = - \sum_{t = 0}^{T-1} log(C[t]).
    ctx->log_norm = -vecsumlog(ctx->scale_factor, T);
Пример #5
void crf1dc_reset(crf1d_context_t* ctx, int flag)
    const int T = ctx->num_items;
    const int L = ctx->num_labels;

    if (flag & RF_STATE) {
        veczero(ctx->state, T*L);
    if (flag & RF_TRANS) {
        veczero(ctx->trans, L*L);

    if (ctx->flag & CTXF_MARGINALS) {
        veczero(ctx->mexp_state, T*L);
        veczero(ctx->mexp_trans, L*L);
        veczero(ctx->partial_mexp_state, T*L);
        veczero(ctx->partial_mexp_trans, L*L);
        ctx->log_norm = 0;
        ctx->partial_log_norm = 0;
Пример #6
void crf1dc_marginal_without_beta(crf1d_context_t* ctx)
    int i, j, t;
    floatval_t *prob = NULL;
    floatval_t *row = ctx->row;
    const floatval_t *fwd = NULL;
    const int T = ctx->num_items;
    const int L = ctx->num_labels;

        Compute marginal probabilities of states at T-1
            p(T-1,j) = fwd'[T-1][j]
    fwd = ALPHA_SCORE(ctx, T-1);
    prob = STATE_MEXP(ctx, T-1);
    veccopy(prob, fwd, L);
        Repeat the following computation for t = T-1,T-2, ..., 1.
            1) Compute p(t-1,i,t,j) using p(t,j)
            2) Compute p(t,i) using p(t-1,i,t,j)
    for (t = T-1;0 < t;--t) {
        fwd = ALPHA_SCORE(ctx, t-1);
        prob = STATE_MEXP(ctx, t);

        veczero(ctx->adj, L*L);
        veczero(row, L);

            Compute adj[i][j] and row[j].
                adj[i][j] = fwd'[t-1][i] * edge[i][j]
                row[j] = \sum_{i} adj[i][j]
        for (i = 0;i < L;++i) {
            floatval_t *adj = ADJACENCY(ctx, i);
            floatval_t *edge = EXP_TRANS_SCORE(ctx, i);
            vecaadd(adj, fwd[i], edge, L);
            vecadd(row, adj, L);

            Find z such that z * \sum_{i] adj[i][j] = p(t,j).
            Thus, z = p(t,j) / row[j]; we overwrite row with z.
        vecinv(row, L);
        vecmul(row, prob, L);

            Apply the partition factor z (row[j]) to adj[i][j].
        for (i = 0;i < L;++i) {
            floatval_t *adj = ADJACENCY(ctx, i);
            vecmul(adj, row, L);

            Now that adj[i][j] presents p(t-1,i,t,j),
            accumulate model expectations of transitions.
        for (i = 0;i < L;++i) {
            floatval_t *adj = ADJACENCY(ctx, i);
            floatval_t *prob = TRANS_MEXP(ctx, i);
            vecadd(prob, adj, L);

            Compute the marginal probability of states at t-1.
                p(t-1,i) = \sum_{j} p(t-1,i,t,j)
        prob = STATE_MEXP(ctx, t-1);
        for (i = 0;i < L;++i) {
            floatval_t *adj = ADJACENCY(ctx, i);
            prob[i] = vecsum(adj, L);
Пример #7
void crf1dc_partial_alpha_score(crf1d_context_t* ctx, int *mask)
    int i, j, t;
    int *prev_mask, *curr_mask;
    floatval_t sum, *cur = NULL;
    floatval_t *scale = &ctx->partial_scale_factor[0];
    const floatval_t *prev = NULL, *trans = NULL, *state = NULL;
    const int T = ctx->num_items;
    const int L = ctx->num_labels;

    /* Compute the alpha scores on nodes (0, *).
        alpha[0][j] = state[0][j]
    cur = PARTIAL_ALPHA_SCORE(ctx, 0);
    veczero(cur, L);
    state = EXP_STATE_SCORE(ctx, 0);
    curr_mask = &mask[0];
    for (i = 0; i < L; ++ i) {
      if (curr_mask[i]) {
        cur[i] = state[i];

    sum = vecsum(cur, L);
    /* scale is a temporary structure */
    *scale = (sum != 0.) ? 1. / sum : 1.;
    vecscale(cur, *scale, L);

    /* Compute the alpha scores on nodes (t, *).
        alpha[t][j] = state[t][j] * \sum_{i} alpha[t-1][i] * trans[i][j]
    for (t = 1;t < T;++t) {
        prev = PARTIAL_ALPHA_SCORE(ctx, t-1);
        cur = PARTIAL_ALPHA_SCORE(ctx, t);
        state = EXP_STATE_SCORE(ctx, t);
        prev_mask = &mask[(t-1) * L];
        curr_mask = &mask[t * L];

        veczero(cur, L);
        for (i = 0; i < L; ++ i) {
          if (prev_mask[i]) {
            trans = EXP_TRANS_SCORE(ctx, i);
            for (j = 0; j < L; ++ j) {
              if (curr_mask[j]) {
                cur[j] += prev[i] * trans[j];

        for (j = 0; j < L; ++ j) {
          if (curr_mask[j]) {
            cur[j] *= state[j];

        sum = vecsum(cur, L);
        *scale = (sum != 0.) ? 1. / sum : 1.;
        vecscale(cur, *scale, L);

    /* Compute the logarithm of the normalization factor here.
        norm = 1. / (C[0] * C[1] ... * C[T-1])
        log(norm) = - \sum_{t = 0}^{T-1} log(C[t]).
    ctx->partial_log_norm = -vecsumlog(ctx->partial_scale_factor, T);

Пример #8
int main (int argc, char **argv)
#if 0
	const int N = 4;
	float y[N] = {-0.653828, -0.653828, 0.753333, 0.753333};
	float k[N];

	float l[2] = {0.f, 0.f};
	float kdl[2] = {0.f, 0.f};
	float n[2] = {0.f, 0.f};

	for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
		if (y[i] > 0.f)
			l[1] += y[i];
			n[1] += 1.f;
			l[0] -= y[i];
			n[0] += 1.f;

	kdl[1] = l[1] / (n[1]*l[0] + n[0]*l[1]);
	kdl[0] = l[0] / (n[1]*l[0] + n[0]*l[1]);

	for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
		printf("[%d] l = %f kdl = %f\n", i, l[i], kdl[i]);

	for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
		k[i] = y[i] > 0.f ? kdl[1] : kdl[0];

	float force = 0.f;
	float torque = 0.f;
	for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
		force += k[i]; 
		torque += y[i] * k[i];

	printf("force = %f\n", force);
	printf("torque = %f\n", torque);

	printf("kdl[0]/kdl[1] = %f\n", kdl[0]/kdl[1]);

	return 0;


#if 0
	vec3 r = {1.f, -0.3f, 0.f};
	vec3 fground = {0.f, 1.f, 0.f};
	vec3 fcent = {-1.f, 0.f, 0.f};

	vec3 tground;
	vec3 tcent;
	veccross(&tground, &r, &fground);
	veccross(&tcent, &r, &fcent);

	printf("tground = %f\n", tground.z);
	printf("tcent = %f\n", tcent.z);

	return 0;
	float axleFriction = 200.1f;
	float mass = 10.f;
	float invMass = 1.f/mass;
	float v = 10.0f;
	float dt = 0.01;

	for (int r=0; r<100; r++)
		float force = -axleFriction*sgn(v);
		v = v + force*invMass * dt;
		printf("v = %f\n", v);

	return 0;

#if 0
	float mass = 10.f;
	float wheelmass = 1.0f;
	float radius = 0.1f;
	float wheelInertia = 2.f/5.f*radius*radius*wheelmass;
	float vel = 0.f;
	float wheelVel= 0.f;

	float dt = 0.01f;
	float torque = 1000.f;
	float angSpeed = -dt*torque*radius/wheelInertia; 

	float momentum = angSpeed*wheelInertia;
	printf("momentum put in = %f \n", momentum);

	for (int repeat = 0; repeat<10; repeat++)
			float contactSpeed = radius * angSpeed + wheelVel;
			float error = contactSpeed;
			float denom = 1.f/wheelmass + radius*radius/wheelInertia;
			float impulse = error / denom;

			// Add impulse to the wheel
			wheelVel = wheelVel - impulse/wheelmass;
			angSpeed = angSpeed - radius*impulse/wheelInertia;

		// Axis error
			float error = wheelVel - vel;
			float denom = 1.f/wheelmass + 1.f/mass;
			float impulse = error/denom;
			wheelVel = wheelVel - impulse/wheelmass;
			vel = vel + impulse/mass;
	printf("momentum c = %f\n", vel*mass);
	printf("momentum w = %f\n", vel*wheelmass);
	printf("momentum aw = %f\n", angSpeed*wheelInertia);
	printf("total momentum = %f\n", vel*(mass+wheelmass) + angSpeed*wheelInertia);
	printf("chassis = %f, wheel = %f\n", vel, wheelVel);

	return 0;

#if 0
	float mass = 10.f;
	float inertia = mass * 0.4f;
	vec3 wheelOffset = {0.f, 1.5f, -0.2f};
	float wheelmass = 1.0f;
	float radius = 0.1f;
	float wheelInertia = 2.f/5.f*radius*radius*wheelmass;
	vec3 vel = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
	vec3 w = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
	float wheelVel= 0.f;

	float dt = 0.01f;
	float torque = 1000.f;
	float angSpeed = -dt*torque*radius/wheelInertia; 

	for (int repeat = 0; repeat<100; repeat++)
			float contactSpeed = radius * angSpeed + wheelVel;
			float error = contactSpeed;
			float denom = 1.f/wheelmass + radius*radius/wheelInertia;
			float impulse = error / denom;

			// Add impulse to the wheel
			wheelVel = wheelVel - impulse/wheelmass;
			angSpeed = angSpeed - radius*impulse/wheelInertia;

		// Axis error
			// float axleVel = vel;
			vec3 cross;
			veccross(&cross, &w, &wheelOffset);
			float axleVel = vel.y + cross.y;

			vec3 pulldir = {0.f, 1.f, 0.f};
			float error = wheelVel - axleVel;
			if (error < 0.000001f) break;
			float denom = 1.f/wheelmass + computeDenominator(1.f/mass, 1.f/inertia, &wheelOffset, &pulldir);
			float impulse = error/denom;
			wheelVel = wheelVel - impulse/wheelmass;
			//vel = vel + impulse/mass;
				vecscale(&pulldir, &pulldir, impulse);
				addImpulseAtOffset(&vel, &w, 1.f/mass, 1.f/inertia, &wheelOffset, &pulldir);

	printf("wheelVel = %f, vel = %f, w = %f\n", wheelVel, vel.y, w.x);
	printf("%f\n", w.x/vel.y);

	// Simple force application!
		wheelVel = 0.f;
		vec3 impulse = {0.f, dt * torque / radius, 0.f};
		vec3 offset = wheelOffset;
		//offset.z -= radius;
		printf("wheelVel = %f, vel = %f, w = %f\n", wheelVel, vel.y, w.x);
		addImpulseAtOffset(&vel, &w, 1.f/mass, 1.f/inertia, &offset, &impulse);

	printf("wheelVel = %f, vel = %f, w = %f\n", wheelVel, vel.y, w.x);

	printf("%f\n", w.x/vel.y);

	return 0;

#if 0
	float x = 100.f;
	float friction = 20.f;
	float dt = 0.01f;
	float r = dt*friction;
	int n=0;

	while (n<1000)
		//x = x - r*x/(fabsf(x)+r);
		printf("%f\n", x);

	return 0;


    // GLUT Window Initialization:
    glutInit (&argc, argv);
    glutInitWindowSize (s_width, s_height);
    glutInitDisplayMode ( GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_DEPTH);
    glutCreateWindow ("CS248 GLUT example");

    // Initialize OpenGL graphics state

    // Register callbacks:
    glutDisplayFunc (display);
    glutReshapeFunc (reshape);
    glutKeyboardFunc (keyboard);
    glutMouseFunc (mouseButton);
    glutMotionFunc (mouseMotion);
    glutIdleFunc (animateScene);

    //BuildPopupMenu ();
    //glutAttachMenu (GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON);

    // Turn the flow of control over to GLUT
    glutMainLoop ();

    return 0;