int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { // Child's CMD line int m = sysconf(_SC_ARG_MAX); // Maximum CMD line length char *cmd; // Store child's CMD line cmd = (char *) calloc(m, sizeof(char)); // Child's parameters int *child_delay = mmap(NULL, sizeof(int), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0); *child_delay = 0; // Delay before starting (shared between parent and child) int child_pid = -1; // PID after the fork() int child_status = -1; // Used during waitpid() char *child_file = NULL; // Binary file // Telnet server int ts_port = -1; // TCP (console) and UDP (serial converter) port int ts_socket = -1; // Telnet server socket char child_output = '\0'; // Store single char from child char client_input = '\0'; // Store single char from client char *xtitle = "Terminal Server"; // Title for telnet clients // Select parameters int *infd = calloc(2, sizeof(int)); // Array of integers [0] is for reading, [1] is for writing int *outfd = calloc(2, sizeof(int)); // Array of integers [0] is for reading, [1] is for writing int active_fd = -1; // Contains current active FD fd_set active_fd_set; // Contains active FD using in select() FD_ZERO(&active_fd_set); fd_set read_fd_set; // Contains FD selected in current loop FD_ZERO(&read_fd_set); // Wrapper parameters int child_afsocket = -1; // Store AF_UNIX child socket int *eth_socket = calloc(64, sizeof(int)); // Store FD of ethernet intefaces int *ser_remoteid = calloc(64, sizeof(int));// Store Remote Device ID (used for UDP communication) int *ser_remoteif = calloc(64, sizeof(int));// Store Remote Interface ID (used for UDP communication) int *ser_socket = calloc(64, sizeof(int)); // Store FD of serial intefaces int udpserver_socket = -1; // UDP socket for serial communications int wrapper_afsocket = -1; // Store AF_UNIX wrapper socket // Other parameters int af_ready = 0; // 1 = AF_UNIX files are configured (needed if IOL is delayed) int i = -1; // Counter int j = -1; // Counter int opt = NULL; // Store CMD options int rc = -1; // Generic return code char *tmp = NULL; // Generic char string struct sigaction sa; // Manage signals (SIGHUP, SIGTERM...) setpgrp(); // Check for iourc file tmp = (char *) malloc(m * sizeof(char)); sprintf(tmp, "iourc"); if (is_file(tmp) != 0) { printf("ERR: file '%s' does not exist.\n", tmp); exit(1); } free(tmp); // Adding options to child's CMD line while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, ":vT:D:d:t:F:e:s:l:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { default: usage(argv[0]); exit(1); // Begin standard parameters case 'v': version(); exit(0); case 'T': // Mandatory: Tenant ID tenant_id = atoi(optarg); if (tenant_id < 0) { printf("ERR: tenant_id must be integer.\n"); exit(1); } break; case 'D': // Mandatory: Device ID device_id = atoi(optarg); if (tenant_id < 0) { printf("ERR: device_id must be integer.\n"); exit(1); } break; case 'F': child_file = optarg; if (is_file(child_file) != 0) { printf("ERR: file '%s' does not exist.\n", child_file); exit(1); } break; case 'd': // Optional: child's startup delay (default 0) *child_delay = atoi(optarg); if (*child_delay < 0) { printf("ERR: delay must be integer.\n"); exit(1); } break; case 't': // Optional: telnet window title (default "Terminal Server") xtitle = optarg; break; // End standard parameters // Optional: number of Ethernet progroups (default: 2) case 'e': child_eth = atoi(optarg); if (child_eth < 0) { printf("ERR: Ethernet portgroup must be integer.\n"); exit(1); } break; // Optional: number of Serial progroups (default: 2) case 's': child_ser = atoi(optarg); if (child_ser < 0) { printf("ERR: Serial portgroup must be numeric.\n"); exit(1); } break; // Optional: Serial link end-point (no default) case 'l': if (udpserver_socket == -1 && tenant_id != -1 && device_id != -1) { // First Serial2UDP definition, must listen() if ((rc = serial2udp_listen(32768 + 128 * tenant_id + device_id, &udpserver_socket)) != 0) { printf("%u:%u ERR: failed to open UDP socket (%i).\n", tenant_id, device_id, rc); exit(1); } // Now add serial end-point if ((rc = serial2udp_add(ser_socket, ser_remoteid, ser_remoteif, optarg)) != 0) { printf("%u:%u ERR: failed to add serial end-point (%i).\n", tenant_id, device_id, rc); exit(1); } } else if (udpserver_socket > 0) { // Serial2UDP wrapper already started, add serial end-point if ((rc = serial2udp_add(ser_socket, ser_remoteid, ser_remoteif, optarg)) != 0) { printf("%u:%u ERR: failed to add serial end-point (%i).\n", tenant_id, device_id, rc); exit(1); } } else { printf("ERR: flag '-l' must be after '-T' and '-D'.\n"); exit(1); } break; } } // Checking if tenant_id is set if (tenant_id < 0) { printf("ERR: tenant ID not set.\n"); exit(1); } // Checking if device_id is set if (device_id < 0) { printf("ERR: device ID not set.\n"); exit(1); } // Checking if child_file is set if (child_file == NULL) { printf("%u:%u ERR: subprocess executable not set.\n", tenant_id, device_id); exit(1); } // Checking total interfaces if (child_eth + child_ser > 16) { printf("%u:%u ERR: Ethernet + Serial portgroups must lower equal than 16.\n", tenant_id, device_id); exit(1); } // Building the CMD line cmd_add(&cmd, "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/unetlab/addons/iol/lib "); cmd_add(&cmd, child_file); // Adding interfaces tmp = (char *) malloc(m * sizeof(char)); sprintf(tmp, " -e %i -s %i", child_eth, child_ser); cmd_add(&cmd, tmp); free(tmp); // Adding parameters after "--" j = 0; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (j == 1) { // Adding parameter given after "--" cmd_add(&cmd, " "); cmd_add(&cmd, argv[i]); } if (strcmp(argv[i], "--") == 0) { // Found "--" j = 1; } } // Adding device_id as last tmp = (char *) malloc(m * sizeof(char)); sprintf(tmp, "%i", device_id); cmd_add(&cmd, " "); cmd_add(&cmd, tmp); free(tmp); // Creating NETMAP if ((rc = mk_netmap()) != 0) { printf("%u:%u ERR: failed to create NETMAP file (%i).\n", tenant_id, device_id, rc); exit(1); } // Creating PIPEs for select() if ((pipe(infd)) < 0 || pipe(outfd) < 0) { printf("%u:%u ERR: failed to create PIPEs (%s).\n", tenant_id, device_id, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } // Telnet listen ts_port = 32768 + 128 * tenant_id + device_id; tsclients_socket[0] = 0; if ((rc = ts_listen(ts_port, &ts_socket)) != 0) { printf("%u:%u ERR: failed to open TCP socket (%i).\n", tenant_id, device_id, rc); exit(1); } // Creating TAP interfaces if ((rc = mk_tap(child_eth, eth_socket)) != 0) { printf("%u:%u ERR: failed to create TAP interfaces (%i).\n", tenant_id, device_id, rc); kill(0, SIGTERM); exit(1); } // Forking if ((rc = fork()) == 0) { // Child: starting subprocess if (DEBUG > 0) printf("DEBUG: starting child (%s).\n", cmd); if (*child_delay > 0) { // Delay is set, waiting for (; *child_delay > 0;) { rc = write(outfd[1], ".", 1); *child_delay = *child_delay - 1; sleep(1); } rc = write(outfd[1], "\n", 1); } close(STDIN_FILENO); // Closing child's stdin close(STDOUT_FILENO); // Closing child's stdout dup2(infd[0], STDIN_FILENO); // Linking stdin to PIPE dup2(outfd[1], STDOUT_FILENO); // Linking stdout to PIPE dup2(outfd[1], STDERR_FILENO); // Redirect child's stderr to child's stdout close(infd[0]); close(infd[1]); close(outfd[0]); close(outfd[1]); // Start process rc = cmd_start(cmd); // Subprocess terminated, killing the parent printf("%u:%u ERR: child terminated (%i).\n", tenant_id, device_id, rc); } else if (rc > 0) { // Parent close(infd[0]); // Used by the child close(outfd[1]); // Used by the child // Handling Signals signal(SIGPIPE,SIG_IGN); // Ignoring SIGPIPE when a client terminates sa.sa_handler = &signal_handler; // Setup the sighub handler sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; // Restart the system call, if at all possible sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); // Signals blocked during the execution of the handler sigaddset(&sa.sa_mask, SIGHUP); // Signal 1 sigaddset(&sa.sa_mask, SIGINT); // Signal 2 sigaddset(&sa.sa_mask, SIGTERM); // Signal 15 sigfillset(&sa.sa_mask); // Intercept SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGUSR1 and SIGTERM if (sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL) == -1) { printf("%u:%u ERR: cannot handle SIGHUP (%s).\n", tenant_id, device_id, strerror(errno)); } if (sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL) == -1) { printf("%u:%u ERR: cannot handle SIGINT (%s).\n", tenant_id, device_id, strerror(errno)); } if (sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL) == -1) { printf("%u:%u ERR: cannot handle SIGTERM (%s).\n", tenant_id, device_id, strerror(errno)); } // Preparing select() FD_ZERO(&active_fd_set); FD_ZERO(&read_fd_set); if (DEBUG > 0) printf("DEBUG: adding subprocess stdout descriptor (%i).\n", outfd[0]); FD_SET(outfd[0], &active_fd_set); // Adding subprocess stdout if (DEBUG > 0) printf("DEBUG: adding telnet socket descriptor (%i).\n", ts_socket); FD_SET(ts_socket, &active_fd_set); // Adding telnet socket if (udpserver_socket > 0) { if (DEBUG > 0) printf("DEBUG: adding UDP socket descriptor (%i).\n", udpserver_socket); FD_SET(udpserver_socket, &active_fd_set); // Adding UDP socket } // Adding TAP interfaces for select() for (i = 0; i <= 63; i++) { if (eth_socket[i] > 0) { if (DEBUG > 0) printf("DEBUG: adding TAP interface descriptor (%i).\n", eth_socket[i]); FD_SET(eth_socket[i], &active_fd_set); } } // While subprocess is running, check IO from subprocess, telnet clients, socket and network while (waitpid(child_pid, &child_status, WNOHANG|WUNTRACED) == 0) { // Creating AF communication from child if (af_ready == 0 && *child_delay == 0) { // wait 3 seconds for AF_UNIX sleep(3); if ((rc = mk_afsocket(&wrapper_afsocket, &child_afsocket)) != 0) {; printf("%u:%u ERR: failed to create AF_UNIX socket file (%i).\n", tenant_id, device_id, rc); kill(0, SIGTERM); break; } af_ready = 1; if (DEBUG > 0) printf("DEBUG: adding wrapper socket descriptor (%i).\n", wrapper_afsocket); FD_SET(wrapper_afsocket, &active_fd_set); // Adding subprocess AF_UNIX socket } // Check if select() is valid read_fd_set = active_fd_set; if ((active_fd = select(FD_SETSIZE, &read_fd_set, NULL, NULL, NULL)) <= 0) { printf("%u:%u ERR: failed to select().\n", tenant_id, device_id); kill(0, SIGTERM); break; } if (DEBUG > 2) printf("DEBUG: data from select descriptor (%i).\n", active_fd); // Check if output from child if (FD_ISSET(outfd[0], &read_fd_set)) { if (read(outfd[0], &child_output, 1) <= 0) { printf("%u:%u ERR: error while reading data from the subprocess, killing it.\n", tenant_id, device_id); kill(0, SIGTERM); break; } // Writing to all telnet clients ts_broadcast(child_output, &active_fd_set, tsclients_socket); } // Check if new client is coming if (FD_ISSET(ts_socket, &read_fd_set)) { if ((rc = ts_accept(&active_fd_set, ts_socket, xtitle, tsclients_socket,1)) != 0) { printf("%u:%u ERR: failed to accept a new client (%i).\n", tenant_id, device_id, rc); } } // Check for output from all telnet clients if (ts_receive(&client_input, &read_fd_set, &active_fd_set, tsclients_socket) == 0) { // Write to child rc = write(infd[1], &client_input, 1); if (rc < 0) { printf("%u:%u ERR: error writing to the subprocess, closing.\n", tenant_id, device_id); kill(0, SIGTERM); break; } } // If AF, UDP and TAP sockets are configured, check for packets if (af_ready == 1) { // Check for packets from subprocess if (FD_ISSET(wrapper_afsocket, &read_fd_set)) { if ((rc = packet_af(wrapper_afsocket, eth_socket, ser_socket, ser_remoteid, ser_remoteif)) != 0) { printf("%u:%u ERR: error forwarding packet from AF_UNIX socket to TAP/UDP (%i).\n", tenant_id, device_id, rc); kill(0, SIGTERM); break; } } // Check for packets from TAP interfaces for (i = 0; i <= 63; i++) { if (eth_socket[i] > 0 && FD_ISSET(eth_socket[i], &read_fd_set)) { if ((rc = packet_tap(eth_socket[i], child_afsocket, i)) != 0) { if (rc == 3) { af_ready = 0; printf("Failed to forward TAP => AF_UNIX. Will try to recreate it later...\n"); } else { printf("%u:%u ERR: error forwarding packet from TAP to AF_UNIX socket (%i).\n", tenant_id, device_id, rc); kill(0, SIGTERM); break; } } } } // Check for incoming serial (UDP) packets if (udpserver_socket > 0) { if (FD_ISSET(udpserver_socket, &read_fd_set)) { if ((rc = packet_udp(udpserver_socket, child_afsocket)) != 0) { if (rc == 3) { af_ready = 0; printf("Failed to forward UDP => AF_UNIX. Will try to recreate it later...\n"); } else { printf("%u:%u ERR: error forwarding packet from UDP to AF_UNIX (%i).\n", tenant_id, device_id, rc); kill(0, SIGTERM); break; } } } } } // We should not have other active dscriptor } // Child is no more running printf("%u:%u ERR: child is no more running.\n", tenant_id, device_id); } else { printf("%u:%u ERR: failed to fork.\n", tenant_id, device_id); exit(1); } close(ts_socket); close(wrapper_afsocket); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { BlockDriverState *bs; off_t dev_offset = 0; off_t offset = 0; uint32_t nbdflags = 0; bool disconnect = false; const char *bindto = ""; int port = NBD_DEFAULT_PORT; struct sockaddr_in addr; socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(addr); off_t fd_size; const char *sopt = "hVb:o:p:rsnP:c:dvk:e:t"; struct option lopt[] = { { "help", 0, NULL, 'h' }, { "version", 0, NULL, 'V' }, { "bind", 1, NULL, 'b' }, { "port", 1, NULL, 'p' }, { "socket", 1, NULL, 'k' }, { "offset", 1, NULL, 'o' }, { "read-only", 0, NULL, 'r' }, { "partition", 1, NULL, 'P' }, { "connect", 1, NULL, 'c' }, { "disconnect", 0, NULL, 'd' }, { "snapshot", 0, NULL, 's' }, { "nocache", 0, NULL, 'n' }, { "shared", 1, NULL, 'e' }, { "persistent", 0, NULL, 't' }, { "verbose", 0, NULL, 'v' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; int ch; int opt_ind = 0; int li; char *end; int flags = BDRV_O_RDWR; int partition = -1; int ret; int shared = 1; uint8_t *data; fd_set fds; int *sharing_fds; int fd; int i; int nb_fds = 0; int max_fd; int persistent = 0; pthread_t client_thread; /* The client thread uses SIGTERM to interrupt the server. A signal * handler ensures that "qemu-nbd -v -c" exits with a nice status code. */ struct sigaction sa_sigterm; int sigterm_fd[2]; if (qemu_pipe(sigterm_fd) == -1) { err(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error setting up communication pipe"); } sigterm_wfd = sigterm_fd[1]; memset(&sa_sigterm, 0, sizeof(sa_sigterm)); sa_sigterm.sa_handler = termsig_handler; sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa_sigterm, NULL); while ((ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, sopt, lopt, &opt_ind)) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 's': flags |= BDRV_O_SNAPSHOT; break; case 'n': flags |= BDRV_O_NOCACHE | BDRV_O_CACHE_WB; break; case 'b': bindto = optarg; break; case 'p': li = strtol(optarg, &end, 0); if (*end) { errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid port `%s'", optarg); } if (li < 1 || li > 65535) { errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Port out of range `%s'", optarg); } port = (uint16_t)li; break; case 'o': dev_offset = strtoll (optarg, &end, 0); if (*end) { errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid offset `%s'", optarg); } if (dev_offset < 0) { errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Offset must be positive `%s'", optarg); } break; case 'r': nbdflags |= NBD_FLAG_READ_ONLY; flags &= ~BDRV_O_RDWR; break; case 'P': partition = strtol(optarg, &end, 0); if (*end) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid partition `%s'", optarg); if (partition < 1 || partition > 8) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid partition %d", partition); break; case 'k': sockpath = optarg; if (sockpath[0] != '/') errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "socket path must be absolute\n"); break; case 'd': disconnect = true; break; case 'c': device = optarg; break; case 'e': shared = strtol(optarg, &end, 0); if (*end) { errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid shared device number '%s'", optarg); } if (shared < 1) { errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Shared device number must be greater than 0\n"); } break; case 't': persistent = 1; break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case 'V': version(argv[0]); exit(0); break; case 'h': usage(argv[0]); exit(0); break; case '?': errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Try `%s --help' for more information.", argv[0]); } } if ((argc - optind) != 1) { errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid number of argument.\n" "Try `%s --help' for more information.", argv[0]); } if (disconnect) { fd = open(argv[optind], O_RDWR); if (fd == -1) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot open %s", argv[optind]); nbd_disconnect(fd); close(fd); printf("%s disconnected\n", argv[optind]); return 0; } if (device && !verbose) { int stderr_fd[2]; pid_t pid; int ret; if (qemu_pipe(stderr_fd) == -1) { err(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error setting up communication pipe"); } /* Now daemonize, but keep a communication channel open to * print errors and exit with the proper status code. */ pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { close(stderr_fd[0]); ret = qemu_daemon(0, 0); /* Temporarily redirect stderr to the parent's pipe... */ dup2(stderr_fd[1], STDERR_FILENO); if (ret == -1) { err(EXIT_FAILURE, "Failed to daemonize"); } /* ... close the descriptor we inherited and go on. */ close(stderr_fd[1]); } else { bool errors = false; char *buf; /* In the parent. Print error messages from the child until * it closes the pipe. */ close(stderr_fd[1]); buf = g_malloc(1024); while ((ret = read(stderr_fd[0], buf, 1024)) > 0) { errors = true; ret = qemu_write_full(STDERR_FILENO, buf, ret); if (ret == -1) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (ret == -1) { err(EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot read from daemon"); } /* Usually the daemon should not print any message. * Exit with zero status in that case. */ exit(errors); } } if (device) { /* Open before spawning new threads. In the future, we may * drop privileges after opening. */ fd = open(device, O_RDWR); if (fd == -1) { err(EXIT_FAILURE, "Failed to open %s", device); } if (sockpath == NULL) { sockpath = g_malloc(128); snprintf(sockpath, 128, SOCKET_PATH, basename(device)); } } bdrv_init(); atexit(bdrv_close_all); bs = bdrv_new("hda"); srcpath = argv[optind]; if ((ret = bdrv_open(bs, srcpath, flags, NULL)) < 0) { errno = -ret; err(EXIT_FAILURE, "Failed to bdrv_open '%s'", argv[optind]); } fd_size = bs->total_sectors * 512; if (partition != -1 && find_partition(bs, partition, &dev_offset, &fd_size)) { err(EXIT_FAILURE, "Could not find partition %d", partition); } sharing_fds = g_malloc((shared + 1) * sizeof(int)); if (sockpath) { sharing_fds[0] = unix_socket_incoming(sockpath); } else { sharing_fds[0] = tcp_socket_incoming(bindto, port); } if (sharing_fds[0] == -1) return 1; if (device) { int ret; ret = pthread_create(&client_thread, NULL, nbd_client_thread, &fd); if (ret != 0) { errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Failed to create client thread: %s", strerror(ret)); } } else { /* Shut up GCC warnings. */ memset(&client_thread, 0, sizeof(client_thread)); } max_fd = sharing_fds[0]; nb_fds++; data = qemu_blockalign(bs, NBD_BUFFER_SIZE); if (data == NULL) { errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot allocate data buffer"); } do { FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(sigterm_fd[0], &fds); for (i = 0; i < nb_fds; i++) FD_SET(sharing_fds[i], &fds); do { ret = select(max_fd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL); } while (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR); if (ret == -1 || FD_ISSET(sigterm_fd[0], &fds)) { break; } if (FD_ISSET(sharing_fds[0], &fds)) ret--; for (i = 1; i < nb_fds && ret; i++) { if (FD_ISSET(sharing_fds[i], &fds)) { if (nbd_trip(bs, sharing_fds[i], fd_size, dev_offset, &offset, nbdflags, data, NBD_BUFFER_SIZE) != 0) { close(sharing_fds[i]); nb_fds--; sharing_fds[i] = sharing_fds[nb_fds]; i--; } ret--; } } /* new connection ? */ if (FD_ISSET(sharing_fds[0], &fds)) { if (nb_fds < shared + 1) { sharing_fds[nb_fds] = accept(sharing_fds[0], (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &addr_len); if (sharing_fds[nb_fds] != -1 && nbd_negotiate(sharing_fds[nb_fds], fd_size, nbdflags) != -1) { if (sharing_fds[nb_fds] > max_fd) max_fd = sharing_fds[nb_fds]; nb_fds++; } } } } while (persistent || nb_fds > 1); qemu_vfree(data); close(sharing_fds[0]); g_free(sharing_fds); if (sockpath) { unlink(sockpath); } if (device) { void *ret; pthread_join(client_thread, &ret); exit(ret != NULL); } else { exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } }
nsresult GfxInfo::GetFeatureStatusImpl(PRInt32 aFeature, PRInt32 *aStatus, nsAString & aSuggestedDriverVersion, GfxDriverInfo* aDriverInfo /* = nsnull */, OperatingSystem* aOS /* = nsnull */) { GetData(); *aStatus = nsIGfxInfo::FEATURE_NO_INFO; aSuggestedDriverVersion.SetIsVoid(true); #ifdef MOZ_PLATFORM_MAEMO // on Maemo, the glxtest probe doesn't build, and we don't really need GfxInfo anyway return NS_OK; #endif OperatingSystem os = DRIVER_OS_LINUX; // Disable OpenGL layers when we don't have texture_from_pixmap because it regresses performance. if (aFeature == nsIGfxInfo::FEATURE_OPENGL_LAYERS && !mHasTextureFromPixmap) { *aStatus = nsIGfxInfo::FEATURE_BLOCKED_DRIVER_VERSION; aSuggestedDriverVersion.AssignLiteral("<Anything with EXT_texture_from_pixmap support>"); return NS_OK; } // whitelist the linux test slaves' current configuration. // this is necessary as they're still using the slightly outdated 190.42 driver. // this isn't a huge risk, as at least this is the exact setting in which we do continuous testing, // and this only affects GeForce 9400 cards on linux on this precise driver version, which is very few users. // We do the same thing on Windows XP, see in widget/src/windows/GfxInfo.cpp if (mIsNVIDIA && !strcmp(mRenderer.get(), "GeForce 9400/PCI/SSE2") && !strcmp(mVersion.get(), "3.2.0 NVIDIA 190.42")) { return NS_OK; } if (mIsMesa) { if (version(mMajorVersion, mMinorVersion, mRevisionVersion) < version(7,10,3)) { *aStatus = nsIGfxInfo::FEATURE_BLOCKED_DRIVER_VERSION; aSuggestedDriverVersion.AssignLiteral("Mesa 7.10.3"); } } else if (mIsNVIDIA) { if (version(mMajorVersion, mMinorVersion, mRevisionVersion) < version(257,21)) { *aStatus = nsIGfxInfo::FEATURE_BLOCKED_DRIVER_VERSION; aSuggestedDriverVersion.AssignLiteral("NVIDIA 257.21"); } } else if (mIsFGLRX) { // FGLRX does not report a driver version number, so we have the OpenGL version instead. // by requiring OpenGL 3, we effectively require recent drivers. if (version(mMajorVersion, mMinorVersion, mRevisionVersion) < version(3, 0)) { *aStatus = nsIGfxInfo::FEATURE_BLOCKED_DRIVER_VERSION; } } else { // like on windows, let's block unknown vendors. Think of virtual machines. // Also, this case is hit whenever the GLXtest probe failed to get driver info or crashed. *aStatus = nsIGfxInfo::FEATURE_BLOCKED_DEVICE; } if (aOS) *aOS = os; return GfxInfoBase::GetFeatureStatusImpl(aFeature, aStatus, aSuggestedDriverVersion, aDriverInfo, &os); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct bsdtar *bsdtar, bsdtar_storage; int opt, t; char option_o; char possible_help_request; char buff[16]; time_t now; /* * Use a pointer for consistency, but stack-allocated storage * for ease of cleanup. */ _bsdtar = bsdtar = &bsdtar_storage; memset(bsdtar, 0, sizeof(*bsdtar)); bsdtar->fd = -1; /* Mark as "unused" */ bsdtar->gid = -1; bsdtar->uid = -1; option_o = 0; #if defined(HAVE_SIGACTION) && (defined(SIGINFO) || defined(SIGUSR1)) { /* Catch SIGINFO and SIGUSR1, if they exist. */ struct sigaction sa; sa.sa_handler = siginfo_handler; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = 0; #ifdef SIGINFO if (sigaction(SIGINFO, &sa, NULL)) lafe_errc(1, errno, "sigaction(SIGINFO) failed"); #endif #ifdef SIGUSR1 /* ... and treat SIGUSR1 the same way as SIGINFO. */ if (sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL)) lafe_errc(1, errno, "sigaction(SIGUSR1) failed"); #endif } #endif /* Need lafe_progname before calling lafe_warnc. */ if (*argv == NULL) lafe_progname = "bsdtar"; else { #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) lafe_progname = strrchr(*argv, '\\'); #else lafe_progname = strrchr(*argv, '/'); #endif if (lafe_progname != NULL) lafe_progname++; else lafe_progname = *argv; } time(&now); #if HAVE_SETLOCALE if (setlocale(LC_ALL, "") == NULL) lafe_warnc(0, "Failed to set default locale"); #endif #if defined(HAVE_NL_LANGINFO) && defined(HAVE_D_MD_ORDER) bsdtar->day_first = (*nl_langinfo(D_MD_ORDER) == 'd'); #endif possible_help_request = 0; /* Look up uid of current user for future reference */ bsdtar->user_uid = geteuid(); /* Default: open tape drive. */ bsdtar->filename = getenv("TAPE"); if (bsdtar->filename == NULL) bsdtar->filename = _PATH_DEFTAPE; /* Default: preserve mod time on extract */ bsdtar->extract_flags = ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_TIME; /* Default: Perform basic security checks. */ bsdtar->extract_flags |= SECURITY; #ifndef _WIN32 /* On POSIX systems, assume --same-owner and -p when run by * the root user. This doesn't make any sense on Windows. */ if (bsdtar->user_uid == 0) { /* --same-owner */ bsdtar->extract_flags |= ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_OWNER; /* -p */ bsdtar->extract_flags |= ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_PERM; bsdtar->extract_flags |= ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_ACL; bsdtar->extract_flags |= ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_XATTR; bsdtar->extract_flags |= ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_FFLAGS; } #endif bsdtar->argv = argv; bsdtar->argc = argc; /* * Comments following each option indicate where that option * originated: SUSv2, POSIX, GNU tar, star, etc. If there's * no such comment, then I don't know of anyone else who * implements that option. */ while ((opt = bsdtar_getopt(bsdtar)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'B': /* GNU tar */ /* libarchive doesn't need this; just ignore it. */ break; case 'b': /* SUSv2 */ t = atoi(bsdtar->optarg); if (t <= 0 || t > 8192) lafe_errc(1, 0, "Argument to -b is out of range (1..8192)"); bsdtar->bytes_per_block = 512 * t; break; case 'C': /* GNU tar */ set_chdir(bsdtar, bsdtar->optarg); break; case 'c': /* SUSv2 */ set_mode(bsdtar, opt); break; case OPTION_CHECK_LINKS: /* GNU tar */ bsdtar->option_warn_links = 1; break; case OPTION_CHROOT: /* NetBSD */ bsdtar->option_chroot = 1; break; case OPTION_EXCLUDE: /* GNU tar */ if (lafe_exclude(&bsdtar->matching, bsdtar->optarg)) lafe_errc(1, 0, "Couldn't exclude %s\n", bsdtar->optarg); break; case OPTION_FORMAT: /* GNU tar, others */ bsdtar->create_format = bsdtar->optarg; break; case 'f': /* SUSv2 */ bsdtar->filename = bsdtar->optarg; if (strcmp(bsdtar->filename, "-") == 0) bsdtar->filename = NULL; break; case OPTION_GID: /* cpio */ t = atoi(bsdtar->optarg); if (t < 0) lafe_errc(1, 0, "Argument to --gid must be positive"); bsdtar->gid = t; break; case OPTION_GNAME: /* cpio */ bsdtar->gname = bsdtar->optarg; break; case 'H': /* BSD convention */ bsdtar->symlink_mode = 'H'; break; case 'h': /* Linux Standards Base, gtar; synonym for -L */ bsdtar->symlink_mode = 'L'; /* Hack: -h by itself is the "help" command. */ possible_help_request = 1; break; case OPTION_HELP: /* GNU tar, others */ long_help(); exit(0); break; case 'I': /* GNU tar */ /* * TODO: Allow 'names' to come from an archive, * not just a text file. Design a good UI for * allowing names and mode/owner to be read * from an archive, with contents coming from * disk. This can be used to "refresh" an * archive or to design archives with special * permissions without having to create those * permissions on disk. */ bsdtar->names_from_file = bsdtar->optarg; break; case OPTION_INCLUDE: /* * Noone else has the @archive extension, so * noone else needs this to filter entries * when transforming archives. */ if (lafe_include(&bsdtar->matching, bsdtar->optarg)) lafe_errc(1, 0, "Failed to add %s to inclusion list", bsdtar->optarg); break; case 'j': /* GNU tar */ if (bsdtar->create_compression != '\0') lafe_errc(1, 0, "Can't specify both -%c and -%c", opt, bsdtar->create_compression); bsdtar->create_compression = opt; break; case 'J': /* GNU tar 1.21 and later */ if (bsdtar->create_compression != '\0') lafe_errc(1, 0, "Can't specify both -%c and -%c", opt, bsdtar->create_compression); bsdtar->create_compression = opt; break; case 'k': /* GNU tar */ bsdtar->extract_flags |= ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_NO_OVERWRITE; break; case OPTION_KEEP_NEWER_FILES: /* GNU tar */ bsdtar->extract_flags |= ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_NO_OVERWRITE_NEWER; break; case 'L': /* BSD convention */ bsdtar->symlink_mode = 'L'; break; case 'l': /* SUSv2 and GNU tar beginning with 1.16 */ /* GNU tar 1.13 used -l for --one-file-system */ bsdtar->option_warn_links = 1; break; case OPTION_LZMA: if (bsdtar->create_compression != '\0') lafe_errc(1, 0, "Can't specify both -%c and -%c", opt, bsdtar->create_compression); bsdtar->create_compression = opt; break; case 'm': /* SUSv2 */ bsdtar->extract_flags &= ~ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_TIME; break; case 'n': /* GNU tar */ bsdtar->option_no_subdirs = 1; break; /* * Selecting files by time: * --newer-?time='date' Only files newer than 'date' * --newer-?time-than='file' Only files newer than time * on specified file (useful for incremental backups) * TODO: Add corresponding "older" options to reverse these. */ case OPTION_NEWER_CTIME: /* GNU tar */ bsdtar->newer_ctime_sec = get_date(now, bsdtar->optarg); break; case OPTION_NEWER_CTIME_THAN: { struct stat st; if (stat(bsdtar->optarg, &st) != 0) lafe_errc(1, 0, "Can't open file %s", bsdtar->optarg); bsdtar->newer_ctime_sec = st.st_ctime; bsdtar->newer_ctime_nsec = ARCHIVE_STAT_CTIME_NANOS(&st); } break; case OPTION_NEWER_MTIME: /* GNU tar */ bsdtar->newer_mtime_sec = get_date(now, bsdtar->optarg); break; case OPTION_NEWER_MTIME_THAN: { struct stat st; if (stat(bsdtar->optarg, &st) != 0) lafe_errc(1, 0, "Can't open file %s", bsdtar->optarg); bsdtar->newer_mtime_sec = st.st_mtime; bsdtar->newer_mtime_nsec = ARCHIVE_STAT_MTIME_NANOS(&st); } break; case OPTION_NODUMP: /* star */ bsdtar->option_honor_nodump = 1; break; case OPTION_NO_SAME_OWNER: /* GNU tar */ bsdtar->extract_flags &= ~ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_OWNER; break; case OPTION_NO_SAME_PERMISSIONS: /* GNU tar */ bsdtar->extract_flags &= ~ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_PERM; bsdtar->extract_flags &= ~ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_ACL; bsdtar->extract_flags &= ~ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_XATTR; bsdtar->extract_flags &= ~ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_FFLAGS; break; case OPTION_NULL: /* GNU tar */ bsdtar->option_null++; break; case OPTION_NUMERIC_OWNER: /* GNU tar */ bsdtar->uname = ""; bsdtar->gname = ""; break; case 'O': /* GNU tar */ bsdtar->option_stdout = 1; break; case 'o': /* SUSv2 and GNU conflict here, but not fatally */ option_o = 1; /* Record it and resolve it later. */ break; case OPTION_ONE_FILE_SYSTEM: /* GNU tar */ bsdtar->option_dont_traverse_mounts = 1; break; case OPTION_OPTIONS: bsdtar->option_options = bsdtar->optarg; break; #if 0 /* * The common BSD -P option is not necessary, since * our default is to archive symlinks, not follow * them. This is convenient, as -P conflicts with GNU * tar anyway. */ case 'P': /* BSD convention */ /* Default behavior, no option necessary. */ break; #endif case 'P': /* GNU tar */ bsdtar->extract_flags &= ~SECURITY; bsdtar->option_absolute_paths = 1; break; case 'p': /* GNU tar, star */ bsdtar->extract_flags |= ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_PERM; bsdtar->extract_flags |= ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_ACL; bsdtar->extract_flags |= ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_XATTR; bsdtar->extract_flags |= ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_FFLAGS; break; case OPTION_POSIX: /* GNU tar */ bsdtar->create_format = "pax"; break; case 'q': /* FreeBSD GNU tar --fast-read, NetBSD -q */ bsdtar->option_fast_read = 1; break; case 'r': /* SUSv2 */ set_mode(bsdtar, opt); break; case 'S': /* NetBSD pax-as-tar */ bsdtar->extract_flags |= ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_SPARSE; break; case 's': /* NetBSD pax-as-tar */ #if HAVE_REGEX_H add_substitution(bsdtar, bsdtar->optarg); #else lafe_warnc(0, "-s is not supported by this version of bsdtar"); usage(); #endif break; case OPTION_SAME_OWNER: /* GNU tar */ bsdtar->extract_flags |= ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_OWNER; break; case OPTION_STRIP_COMPONENTS: /* GNU tar 1.15 */ bsdtar->strip_components = atoi(bsdtar->optarg); break; case 'T': /* GNU tar */ bsdtar->names_from_file = bsdtar->optarg; break; case 't': /* SUSv2 */ set_mode(bsdtar, opt); bsdtar->verbose++; break; case OPTION_TOTALS: /* GNU tar */ bsdtar->option_totals++; break; case 'U': /* GNU tar */ bsdtar->extract_flags |= ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_UNLINK; bsdtar->option_unlink_first = 1; break; case 'u': /* SUSv2 */ set_mode(bsdtar, opt); break; case OPTION_UID: /* cpio */ t = atoi(bsdtar->optarg); if (t < 0) lafe_errc(1, 0, "Argument to --uid must be positive"); bsdtar->uid = t; break; case OPTION_UNAME: /* cpio */ bsdtar->uname = bsdtar->optarg; break; case 'v': /* SUSv2 */ bsdtar->verbose++; break; case OPTION_VERSION: /* GNU convention */ version(); break; #if 0 /* * The -W longopt feature is handled inside of * bsdtar_getopt(), so -W is not available here. */ case 'W': /* Obscure GNU convention. */ break; #endif case 'w': /* SUSv2 */ bsdtar->option_interactive = 1; break; case 'X': /* GNU tar */ if (lafe_exclude_from_file(&bsdtar->matching, bsdtar->optarg)) lafe_errc(1, 0, "failed to process exclusions from file %s", bsdtar->optarg); break; case 'x': /* SUSv2 */ set_mode(bsdtar, opt); break; case 'y': /* FreeBSD version of GNU tar */ if (bsdtar->create_compression != '\0') lafe_errc(1, 0, "Can't specify both -%c and -%c", opt, bsdtar->create_compression); bsdtar->create_compression = opt; break; case 'Z': /* GNU tar */ if (bsdtar->create_compression != '\0') lafe_errc(1, 0, "Can't specify both -%c and -%c", opt, bsdtar->create_compression); bsdtar->create_compression = opt; break; case 'z': /* GNU tar, star, many others */ if (bsdtar->create_compression != '\0') lafe_errc(1, 0, "Can't specify both -%c and -%c", opt, bsdtar->create_compression); bsdtar->create_compression = opt; break; case OPTION_USE_COMPRESS_PROGRAM: bsdtar->compress_program = bsdtar->optarg; break; default: usage(); } } /* * Sanity-check options. */ /* If no "real" mode was specified, treat -h as --help. */ if ((bsdtar->mode == '\0') && possible_help_request) { long_help(); exit(0); } /* Otherwise, a mode is required. */ if (bsdtar->mode == '\0') lafe_errc(1, 0, "Must specify one of -c, -r, -t, -u, -x"); /* Check boolean options only permitted in certain modes. */ if (bsdtar->option_dont_traverse_mounts) only_mode(bsdtar, "--one-file-system", "cru"); if (bsdtar->option_fast_read) only_mode(bsdtar, "--fast-read", "xt"); if (bsdtar->option_honor_nodump) only_mode(bsdtar, "--nodump", "cru"); if (option_o > 0) { switch (bsdtar->mode) { case 'c': /* * In GNU tar, -o means "old format." The * "ustar" format is the closest thing * supported by libarchive. */ bsdtar->create_format = "ustar"; /* TODO: bsdtar->create_format = "v7"; */ break; case 'x': /* POSIX-compatible behavior. */ bsdtar->option_no_owner = 1; bsdtar->extract_flags &= ~ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_OWNER; break; default: only_mode(bsdtar, "-o", "xc"); break; } } if (bsdtar->option_no_subdirs) only_mode(bsdtar, "-n", "cru"); if (bsdtar->option_stdout) only_mode(bsdtar, "-O", "xt"); if (bsdtar->option_unlink_first) only_mode(bsdtar, "-U", "x"); if (bsdtar->option_warn_links) only_mode(bsdtar, "--check-links", "cr"); /* Check other parameters only permitted in certain modes. */ if (bsdtar->create_compression != '\0') { strcpy(buff, "-?"); buff[1] = bsdtar->create_compression; only_mode(bsdtar, buff, "cxt"); } if (bsdtar->create_format != NULL) only_mode(bsdtar, "--format", "cru"); if (bsdtar->symlink_mode != '\0') { strcpy(buff, "-?"); buff[1] = bsdtar->symlink_mode; only_mode(bsdtar, buff, "cru"); } if (bsdtar->strip_components != 0) only_mode(bsdtar, "--strip-components", "xt"); switch(bsdtar->mode) { case 'c': tar_mode_c(bsdtar); break; case 'r': tar_mode_r(bsdtar); break; case 't': tar_mode_t(bsdtar); break; case 'u': tar_mode_u(bsdtar); break; case 'x': tar_mode_x(bsdtar); break; } lafe_cleanup_exclusions(&bsdtar->matching); #if HAVE_REGEX_H cleanup_substitution(bsdtar); #endif if (bsdtar->return_value != 0) lafe_warnc(0, "Error exit delayed from previous errors."); return (bsdtar->return_value); }
void main() { int len, fileSize, flag, comm; char string[50]; char command[10]; char name[40]; char *s, *s1; version(); initial(); flag = 1; while (flag){ cout << endl << " 模拟文件管理模拟系统" << endl; cout << endl << "CD 改变目录 CREATE 创建文件 DEL 删除文件 " << endl << "LSALL 显示目录 MD 创建目录 RD 删除目录" << endl << "exit 退出" << endl; cout << endl << "-----------------------------------------------" << endl; printf("%s:>#", path); gets(string); len = strlen(string); if (len == 0){ strcpy(command, "errer"); } else{ //获得命令 s = NULL; s = strchr(string, ' '); if (s != NULL){ *s = '\0'; } strcpy(command, string); //测试命令类型 if ((!strcmp(command, "CD")) || !strcmp(command, "cd")){ comm = 1; } else{ if ((!strcmp(command, "CREATE")) || !strcmp(command, "create")){ comm = 2; } else{ if ((!strcmp(command, "DEL")) || !strcmp(command, "del")){ comm = 3; } else{ if ((!strcmp(command, "LSALL")) || !strcmp(command, "lsall")){ comm = 4; } else{ if ((!strcmp(command, "MD")) || !strcmp(command, "md")){ comm = 5; } else{ if ((!strcmp(command, "RD")) || !strcmp(command, "rd")){ comm = 6; } else{ if ((!strcmp(command, "EXIT")) || !strcmp(command, "exit")){ comm = 0; } else{ comm = 100; } } } } } } } switch (comm){ case 1: //1 改变目录 strcpy(name, s + 1); CD(name); break; case 2: //2 创建文件 s1 = strchr(s + 1, ' '); *s1 = '\0'; strcpy(name, s + 1); fileSize = atoi(s1 + 1); CREATE(name, fileSize); break; case 3: //3 删除文件 strcpy(name, s + 1); DEL(name); break; case 4: //4 显示目录 LSALL(); break; case 5: //5 创建目录 strcpy(name, s + 1); MD(name); break; case 6: //6 删除目录 strcpy(name, s + 1); RD(name); break; case 0: //0 退出系统 flag = 0; break; default: cout << "命令错误" << endl; } } } }
int majorVersion() { version(); return _majorVersion; }
int updateVersion() { version(); return _updateVersion; }
int process_commandline(int argc, char **argv, SMSD_Parameters * params) { int opt; #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_LONG struct option long_options[] = { {"help", 0, 0, 'h'}, {"version", 0, 0, 'v'}, {"config", 1, 0, 'c'}, {"use-log", 0, 0, 'l'}, {"no-use-log", 0, 0, 'L'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int option_index; while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "+hvc:lL", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) { #elif defined(HAVE_GETOPT) while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "+hvc:lL")) != -1) { #else /* Poor mans getopt replacement */ int i, optind = -1; #define optarg argv[++i] for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strlen(argv[i]) != 2 || argv[i][0] != '-') { wrong_params(); } opt = argv[i][1]; #endif switch (opt) { case 'c': params->config_file = optarg; break; case 'v': version(); break; case 'l': params->use_log = TRUE; break; case 'L': params->use_log = FALSE; break; case '?': wrong_params(); case 'h': help(); exit(0); default: #if defined(HAVE_GETOPT) || defined(HAVE_GETOPT_LONG) wrong_params(); #else optind = 1; #endif break; } #if !defined(HAVE_GETOPT) && !defined(HAVE_GETOPT_LONG) if (optind != -1) break; #endif } return optind; } #ifndef WIN32 #endif int main(int argc, char **argv) { GSM_Error error; int startarg; GSM_MultiSMSMessage sms; GSM_Message_Type type = SMS_SMSD; GSM_SMSDConfig *config; const char program_name[] = "gammu-smsd-inject"; char newid[200] = { 0 }; SMSD_Parameters params = { NULL, NULL, -1, -1, NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 0 }; /* * We don't need gettext, but need to set locales so that * charset conversion works. */ GSM_InitLocales(NULL); startarg = process_commandline(argc, argv, ¶ms); if (params.config_file == NULL) { #ifdef HAVE_DEFAULT_CONFIG params.config_file = default_config; #else fprintf(stderr, "No config file specified!\n"); help(); exit(1); #endif } error = CreateMessage(&type, &sms, argc, startarg, argv, NULL); if (error != ERR_NONE) { printf("Failed to create message: %s\n", GSM_ErrorString(error)); return 1; } config = SMSD_NewConfig(program_name); assert(config != NULL); error = SMSD_ReadConfig(params.config_file, config, params.use_log); if (error != ERR_NONE) { printf("Failed to read config: %s\n", GSM_ErrorString(error)); SMSD_FreeConfig(config); return 2; } error = SMSD_InjectSMS(config, &sms, newid); if (error != ERR_NONE) { printf("Failed to inject message: %s\n", GSM_ErrorString(error)); SMSD_FreeConfig(config); return 3; } if (strlen(newid) == 0) { printf("Written message without ID\n"); } else { printf("Written message with ID %s\n", newid); } SMSD_FreeConfig(config); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *source; FILE *dest; if (argc < 2) usage(argv[0]); bool isDoingArgs = true; for (char **arg = argv+1; *arg; arg++) { if (strncmp(*arg, "--", 2) != 0) isDoingArgs = false; if (isDoingArgs) { if (strcmp(*arg, "--version") == 0) { version(); } else if (strcmp(*arg, "--verbose") == 0) { isVerbose = true; } else if (strncmp(*arg, "--from=", 7) == 0) { fromFile = (*arg)+7; } else if (strncmp(*arg, "--to=", 5) == 0) { toFile = (*arg)+5; } else { usage(argv[0]); } } else { if (fromFile) { if (toFile) { usage(argv[0]); } toFile = *arg; } else { fromFile = *arg; } } } if (!fromFile || !toFile) usage(argv[0]); source = fopen(fromFile, "rb"); if (!source) { perror(fromFile); exit(1); } dest = fopen(toFile, "wb"); if (!dest) { perror(toFile); exit(1); } char buf[16384]; size_t len,total; total = 0; len = fread(buf, sizeof(buf[0]), sizeof(buf), source); while (len > 0) { fwrite(buf, sizeof(buf[0]), len, dest); total += len; len = fread(buf, sizeof(buf[0]), sizeof(buf), source); } fclose(dest); fclose(source); if (isVerbose) fprintf(stderr, "%d bytes transfered from %s to %s\n", total, fromFile, toFile); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *sopts = "hVvit:o:"; struct option lopts[] = { { "help", 0, 0, 'h' }, { "version", 0, 0, 'V' }, { "verbose", 0, 0, 'v' }, { "interactive", 0, 0, 'i' }, { "log", 1, 0, 'l' }, { "log-dir", 1, 0, 'r' }, { "pid-file", 1, 0, 'p' }, { "timestamp", 1, 0, 't' }, { "overflow-data", 1, 0, 'o'}, { 0 }, }; bool is_interactive = false; int ch; int syslog_option = LOG_CONS; int syslog_mask = LOG_MASK(LOG_WARNING)|LOG_MASK(LOG_ERR)|LOG_MASK(LOG_CRIT)|\ LOG_MASK(LOG_ALERT)|LOG_MASK(LOG_EMERG); int opt_ind = 0; char *pidfile = NULL; while ((ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, sopts, lopts, &opt_ind)) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'h': usage(argv[0]); exit(0); case 'V': version(argv[0]); exit(0); case 'v': #ifndef __sun__ syslog_option |= LOG_PERROR; #endif syslog_mask |= LOG_MASK(LOG_NOTICE)|LOG_MASK(LOG_INFO)| \ LOG_MASK(LOG_DEBUG); break; case 'i': is_interactive = true; break; case 'l': if (!strcmp(optarg, "all")) { log_hv = 1; log_guest = 1; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "hv")) { log_hv = 1; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "guest")) { log_guest = 1; } break; case 'r': log_dir = strdup(optarg); break; case 'p': pidfile = strdup(optarg); break; case 't': if (!strcmp(optarg, "all")) { log_time_hv = 1; log_time_guest = 1; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "hv")) { log_time_hv = 1; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "guest")) { log_time_guest = 1; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "none")) { log_time_guest = 0; log_time_hv = 0; } break; case 'o': if (!strcmp(optarg, "keep")) { discard_overflowed_data = 0; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "discard")) { discard_overflowed_data = 1; } break; case '?': fprintf(stderr, "Try `%s --help' for more information\n", argv[0]); exit(EINVAL); } } if (!log_dir) { log_dir = strdup("/var/log/xen/console"); } if (geteuid() != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s requires root to run.\n", argv[0]); exit(EPERM); } signal(SIGHUP, handle_hup); openlog("xenconsoled", syslog_option, LOG_DAEMON); setlogmask(syslog_mask); if (!is_interactive) { daemonize(pidfile ? pidfile : "/var/run/"); } if (!xen_setup()) exit(1); handle_io(); closelog(); free(log_dir); free(pidfile); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *file = NULL; struct cpuid_state_t state; int c, ret = 0; int cpu_start = -2, cpu_end = -2; while (TRUE) { static struct option long_options[] = { {"version", no_argument, 0, 'v'}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"sanity", no_argument, &do_sanity, 1}, {"dump", no_argument, &do_dump, 1}, {"cpu", required_argument, 0, 'c'}, {"kernel", no_argument, &do_kernel, 'k'}, {"ignore-vendor", no_argument, &ignore_vendor, 1}, {"parse", required_argument, 0, 'f'}, {"format", required_argument, 0, 'o'}, {"scan-to", required_argument, 0, 2}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int option_index = 0; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "c:hdvo:f:", long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 0: break; case 2: assert(optarg); if (sscanf(optarg, "0x%x", &scan_to) != 1) if (sscanf(optarg, "%u", &scan_to) != 1) if (sscanf(optarg, "%x", &scan_to) != 1) scan_to = 0; break; case 'c': assert(optarg); if (sscanf(optarg, "%d", &cpu_start) != 1) { printf("Option --cpu= requires an integer parameter.\n"); exit(1); } if (cpu_start < -1) { printf("Option --cpu= requires a value >= -1.\n"); exit(1); } break; case 'd': do_dump = 1; if (cpu_start == -2 && cpu_end == -2) cpu_start = -1; break; case 'f': file = optarg; break; case 'o': assert(optarg); for (c = 0; formats[c].name != NULL; c++) { if (0 == strcmp(optarg, formats[c].name)) { do_dump = 1; dump_format = formats[c].value; break; } } if (!formats[c].name) { printf("Unrecognized format: '%s'\n", optarg); exit(1); } break; case 'v': version(); case 'h': case '?': default: usage(argv[0]); } } INIT_CPUID_STATE(&state); if (cpu_start == -2) cpu_start = cpu_end = 0; switch(dump_format) { case DUMP_FORMAT_DEFAULT: state.cpuid_print = cpuid_dump_normal; break; case DUMP_FORMAT_VMWARE: cpu_start = 0; state.cpuid_print = cpuid_dump_vmware; break; case DUMP_FORMAT_XEN: cpu_start = 0; state.cpuid_print = cpuid_dump_xen; printf("cpuid = [\n"); break; case DUMP_FORMAT_XEN_SXP: cpu_start = 0; state.cpuid_print = cpuid_dump_xen_sxp; printf("(\n"); break; case DUMP_FORMAT_ETALLEN: state.cpuid_print = cpuid_dump_etallen; break; } if (file) { cpuid_load_from_file(file, &state); state.cpuid_call = cpuid_stub; state.thread_bind = thread_bind_stub; state.thread_count = thread_count_stub; #ifdef __linux__ } else if (do_kernel) { state.cpuid_call = cpuid_kernel; #endif } if (cpu_start == -1) { #ifdef TARGET_OS_MACOSX /* Because thread_bind() doesn't work on Mac. Stupidest * operating system design ever. */ cpu_start = 0; cpu_end = 0; #else cpu_start = 0; cpu_end = state.thread_count(&state) - 1; #endif } else { cpu_end = cpu_start; } if ((uint32_t)cpu_start >= state.thread_count(&state)) { printf("CPU %d doesn't seem to exist.\n", cpu_start); exit(1); } for (c = cpu_start; c <= cpu_end; c++) { state.thread_bind(&state, c); switch(dump_format) { case DUMP_FORMAT_DEFAULT: case DUMP_FORMAT_ETALLEN: printf("CPU %d:\n", c); break; } run_cpuid(&state, do_dump); } switch (dump_format) { case DUMP_FORMAT_XEN: printf("]\n"); break; case DUMP_FORMAT_XEN_SXP: printf(")\n"); break; } if (do_sanity && !file) { ret = sanity_run(&state); } FREE_CPUID_STATE(&state); return ret; }
bool CServerList::SaveServermetToFile() { if (thePrefs.GetLogFileSaving()) AddDebugLogLine(false, _T("Saving servers list file \"%s\""), SERVER_MET_FILENAME); m_nLastSaved = ::GetTickCount(); CString newservermet(thePrefs.GetConfigDir()); newservermet += SERVER_MET_FILENAME _T(".new"); CSafeBufferedFile servermet; CFileException fexp; if (!servermet.Open(newservermet, CFile::modeWrite|CFile::modeCreate|CFile::typeBinary|CFile::shareDenyWrite, &fexp)){ CString strError(GetResString(IDS_ERR_SAVESERVERMET)); TCHAR szError[MAX_CFEXP_ERRORMSG]; if (fexp.GetErrorMessage(szError, ARRSIZE(szError))){ strError += _T(" - "); strError += szError; } LogError(LOG_STATUSBAR, _T("%s"), strError); return false; } setvbuf(servermet.m_pStream, NULL, _IOFBF, 16384); try{ servermet.WriteUInt8(0xE0); UINT fservercount = list.GetCount(); servermet.WriteUInt32(fservercount); for (UINT j = 0; j < fservercount; j++) { const CServer* nextserver = GetServerAt(j); servermet.WriteUInt32(nextserver->GetIP()); servermet.WriteUInt16(nextserver->GetPort()); uint32 uTagCount = 0; ULONG uTagCountFilePos = (ULONG)servermet.GetPosition(); servermet.WriteUInt32(uTagCount); if (!nextserver->GetListName().IsEmpty()){ if (WriteOptED2KUTF8Tag(&servermet, nextserver->GetListName(), ST_SERVERNAME)) uTagCount++; CTag servername(ST_SERVERNAME, nextserver->GetListName()); servername.WriteTagToFile(&servermet); uTagCount++; } if (!nextserver->GetDynIP().IsEmpty()){ if (WriteOptED2KUTF8Tag(&servermet, nextserver->GetDynIP(), ST_DYNIP)) uTagCount++; CTag serverdynip(ST_DYNIP, nextserver->GetDynIP()); serverdynip.WriteTagToFile(&servermet); uTagCount++; } if (!nextserver->GetDescription().IsEmpty()){ if (WriteOptED2KUTF8Tag(&servermet, nextserver->GetDescription(), ST_DESCRIPTION)) uTagCount++; CTag serverdesc(ST_DESCRIPTION, nextserver->GetDescription()); serverdesc.WriteTagToFile(&servermet); uTagCount++; } if (nextserver->GetFailedCount()){ CTag serverfail(ST_FAIL, nextserver->GetFailedCount()); serverfail.WriteTagToFile(&servermet); uTagCount++; } if (nextserver->GetPreferences() != SRV_PR_NORMAL){ CTag serverpref(ST_PREFERENCE, nextserver->GetPreferences()); serverpref.WriteTagToFile(&servermet); uTagCount++; } if (nextserver->GetUsers()){ CTag serveruser("users", nextserver->GetUsers()); serveruser.WriteTagToFile(&servermet); uTagCount++; } if (nextserver->GetFiles()){ CTag serverfiles("files", nextserver->GetFiles()); serverfiles.WriteTagToFile(&servermet); uTagCount++; } if (nextserver->GetPing()){ CTag serverping(ST_PING, nextserver->GetPing()); serverping.WriteTagToFile(&servermet); uTagCount++; } if (nextserver->GetLastPingedTime()){ CTag serverlastp(ST_LASTPING, nextserver->GetLastPingedTime()); serverlastp.WriteTagToFile(&servermet); uTagCount++; } if (nextserver->GetMaxUsers()){ CTag servermaxusers(ST_MAXUSERS, nextserver->GetMaxUsers()); servermaxusers.WriteTagToFile(&servermet); uTagCount++; } if (nextserver->GetSoftFiles()){ CTag softfiles(ST_SOFTFILES, nextserver->GetSoftFiles()); softfiles.WriteTagToFile(&servermet); uTagCount++; } if (nextserver->GetHardFiles()){ CTag hardfiles(ST_HARDFILES, nextserver->GetHardFiles()); hardfiles.WriteTagToFile(&servermet); uTagCount++; } if (!nextserver->GetVersion().IsEmpty()){ // as long as we don't receive an integer version tag from the local server (TCP) we store it as string CTag version(ST_VERSION, nextserver->GetVersion()); version.WriteTagToFile(&servermet); uTagCount++; } if (nextserver->GetUDPFlags()){ CTag tagUDPFlags(ST_UDPFLAGS, nextserver->GetUDPFlags()); tagUDPFlags.WriteTagToFile(&servermet); uTagCount++; } if (nextserver->GetLowIDUsers()){ CTag tagLowIDUsers(ST_LOWIDUSERS, nextserver->GetLowIDUsers()); tagLowIDUsers.WriteTagToFile(&servermet); uTagCount++; } servermet.Seek(uTagCountFilePos, CFile::begin); servermet.WriteUInt32(uTagCount); servermet.SeekToEnd(); } if (thePrefs.GetCommitFiles() >= 2 || (thePrefs.GetCommitFiles() >= 1 && !theApp.emuledlg->IsRunning())){ servermet.Flush(); // flush file stream buffers to disk buffers if (_commit(_fileno(servermet.m_pStream)) != 0) // commit disk buffers to disk AfxThrowFileException(CFileException::hardIO, GetLastError(), servermet.GetFileName()); } servermet.Close(); CString curservermet(thePrefs.GetConfigDir()); CString oldservermet(thePrefs.GetConfigDir()); curservermet += SERVER_MET_FILENAME; oldservermet += _T("server_met.old"); if (_taccess(oldservermet, 0) == 0) CFile::Remove(oldservermet); if (_taccess(curservermet, 0) == 0) CFile::Rename(curservermet,oldservermet); CFile::Rename(newservermet,curservermet); } catch(CFileException* error) { CString strError(GetResString(IDS_ERR_SAVESERVERMET2)); TCHAR szError[MAX_CFEXP_ERRORMSG]; if (error->GetErrorMessage(szError, ARRSIZE(szError))){ strError += _T(" - "); strError += szError; } LogError(LOG_STATUSBAR, _T("%s"), strError); error->Delete(); return false; } return true; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { po::options_description options("Options"); // Don't use default values because the help print it ugly and too wide options.add_options() ("move,m", "move files rather than copy") ("symlink,s", "symlink files rather than copy (posix only)") ("order,o", po::value<std::string>(), "order and types of metadata to read\ne=exif, i=iptc, f=file (default: eif)") ("unsorted,u", po::value<std::string>(), "special directory to store unsorted files (default: unsorted)") ("dups,d", po::value<std::string>(), "special directory to store files with duplicate names (default: duplicates)") ("force,f", "overwrite duplicate files instead of using special directory") ("rename,r", "rename duplicate files instead of using special directory") ("ignore,i", "ignore both unsorted and duplicate files instead of using special directories") ("ignore-unsorted", "ignore unsorted files instead of using special directory") ("ignore-dups", "ignore duplicate files instead of using special directory") ("verify", "verify copied or moved files and exit if incorrect") ("exclude,x", po::value< std::vector<std::string> >(), "exclude directories and files that contain arg (case sensitive on all platforms)") ("limit-depth,l", po::value<long>(), "limit recursion to specified depth (0 disables recursion)") ("verbose,v", "prints operations as they happen") ("dry-run,n", "do not make actual changes (implies verbose)") ("help,h", "show this help message then exit") ("version,V", "show program version then exit") ; po::options_description hidden("Hidden Options"); hidden.add_options() ("source-dir", po::value< std::string >(), "directory of files to organize, may end in file wildcard") ("dest-dir", po::value< std::string >(), "desination directory for files, may not be within source-dir") ("pattern", po::value< std::string >(), "subdirectory pattern for grouping files within dest-dir") ; po::options_description cmdline; cmdline.add(options).add(hidden); po::positional_options_description positional; positional.add("source-dir", 1); positional.add("dest-dir", 1); positional.add("pattern", 1); try { po::variables_map vm; po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv). options(cmdline).positional(positional).run(), vm); po::notify(vm); if (vm.count("help")) { usage_full(options, argv[0]); return 0; } if (vm.count("version")) { version(); return 0; } conflicting(vm, "verify", "symlink"); conflicting(vm, "move", "symlink"); conflicting(vm, "unsorted", "ignore"); conflicting(vm, "unsorted", "ignore-unsorted"); conflicting(vm, "dups", "ignore"); conflicting(vm, "dups", "ignore-dups"); conflicting(vm, "force", "ignore"); conflicting(vm, "force", "ignore-dups"); conflicting(vm, "force", "rename"); conflicting(vm, "rename", "ignore"); conflicting(vm, "rename", "ignore-dups"); required(vm, "source-dir"); required(vm, "dest-dir"); required(vm, "pattern"); const bool dry_run = vm.count("dry-run") != 0; g_verbose = (vm.count("verbose") != 0 || dry_run); std::string order = "eif"; if(vm.count("order")) { order = vm["order"].as<std::string>(); boost::to_lower(order); if(order.length() > 3) { throw std::logic_error(std::string("order is longer than 4 characters")); } } unsigned i = 0; std::string::iterator end = order.end(); for(std::string::iterator iter = order.begin(); iter != end && i < 4; ++iter, ++i) { switch(*iter) { case 'e': g_run_order[i] = EXIF_SLOT; break; case 'i': g_run_order[i] = IPTC_SLOT; break; case 'x': throw std::logic_error(std::string("xmp not implemented yet '") + *iter + "'"); break; case 'f': g_run_order[i] = FILE_SLOT; break; default: throw std::logic_error(std::string("unknown order character '") + *iter + "'"); } } const fs::path source_dir( vm["source-dir"].as<std::string>() ); if( !exists(source_dir) || !is_directory(source_dir) ) { throw std::logic_error(std::string("source '") + source_dir.string() + "' must exist and be a directory"); } const fs::path dest_dir( vm["dest-dir"].as<std::string>() ); if( exists(dest_dir) && !is_directory(dest_dir) ) { throw std::logic_error(std::string("destination '") + dest_dir.string() + "' must be a directory"); } // Boost doesn't seem to have a way to get a canonical path, so this // simple test is easy to confuse with some ../../'s in the paths. Oh // well, this is good enough for now. fs::path test_dest(dest_dir); for(; !test_dest.empty(); test_dest = test_dest.parent_path()) { if(fs::equivalent(source_dir, test_dest)) { throw std::logic_error(std::string("dest-dir must not be within source-dir")); } } // Disect the pattern std::string pattern = vm["pattern"].as<std::string>(); boost::regex regex( "([^@]*)(@[[:alpha:]]+)([^@]*)"); boost::sregex_iterator m_iter = make_regex_iterator(pattern, regex); boost::sregex_iterator m_end; for( ; m_iter != m_end; ++m_iter) { const boost::smatch &match = *m_iter; const std::string &pre = match[1]; const std::string &pat = match[2]; const std::string &post = match[3]; // Should put this in a map, but there aren't that many options now bool found = false; for( const Pattern *pattern = g_patterns; pattern->pat.length(); ++pattern) { if(pattern->pat == pat) { PathPart part(pre, pattern, post); g_path_parts.push_back(part); found = true; break; } } if(!found) { throw std::logic_error(std::string("unknown pattern '") + pat + "'"); } } // Assign defaults to params that need them const bool ignore = vm.count("ignore") != 0; std::vector<std::string> excludes; if(vm.count("exclude")) excludes = vm["exclude"].as< std::vector<std::string> >(); long limit_depth = LONG_MAX; if(vm.count("limit-depth")) { limit_depth = vm["limit-depth"].as<long>(); // Boost program_options doesn't work with unsigned, so do it manually if( limit_depth < 0 ) throw std::logic_error(std::string("recursion depth limit must be positive")); } std::string dups = "duplicates"; if(vm.count("dups")) dups = vm["dups"].as<std::string>(); const fs::path dups_dir = dest_dir / dups; std::string unsorted = "unsorted"; if(vm.count("unsorted")) unsorted = vm["unsorted"].as<std::string>(); const fs::path unsorted_dir = dest_dir / unsorted; ProcessParams params = { dest_dir, dry_run, (vm.count("ignore-dups") != 0 || ignore), (vm.count("ignore-unsorted") != 0 || ignore), vm.count("force") != 0, vm.count("rename") != 0, vm.count("symlink") != 0, vm.count("verify") != 0, vm.count("move") != 0, limit_depth, dups_dir, unsorted_dir, excludes, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; process_directory(source_dir, 0, params); std::string op = "copied"; if(params.symlink) op = "linked"; else if(params.move) op = "moved"; if(dry_run) op = std::string("would be ") + op; if(g_neednewline) std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "\n" << params.ok_count << " files " << op << "\n"; std::cout << " " << params.dups_count << " duplicates\n"; std::cout << " " << params.unsorted_count << " unsorted\n"; if(params.dups_ignored_count) std::cout << params.dups_ignored_count << " duplicates ignored\n"; if(params.unsorted_ignored_count) std::cout << params.unsorted_ignored_count << " unsorted ignored\n"; if(params.dir_ex_count) std::cout << params.dir_ex_count << " directories excluded\n"; if(params.file_ex_count) std::cout << params.file_ex_count << " files excluded\n"; if(params.dir_err_count) std::cout << params.dir_err_count << " directory errors\n"; if(params.file_err_count) std::cout << params.file_err_count << " file errors\n"; return 0; } catch (Exiv2::AnyError& e) { error(e, std::string("Aborting")); return -1; } catch(std::logic_error& e) { error(e, ""); usage_header(argv[0]); std::cout << argv[0] << " -h for more help" << std::endl; return -2; } catch(std::exception& e) { error(e, "Aborting"); return -3; } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret = 0, c, opt_index, udp = 0, ipv4 = -1, daemon = 1, log = 1; char *port = NULL, *stun = NULL, *dev = NULL, *home = NULL, *alias = NULL; enum working_mode wmode = MODE_UNKNOW; setfsuid(getuid()); setfsgid(getgid()); home = fetch_home_dir(); while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, &opt_index)) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'h': help(); break; case 'v': version(); break; case 'D': daemon = 0; break; case 'N': log = 0; break; case 'C': wmode = MODE_DUMPC; break; case 'S': wmode = MODE_DUMPS; break; case 'c': wmode = MODE_CLIENT; if (optarg) { if (*optarg == '=') optarg++; alias = xstrdup(optarg); } break; case 'd': dev = xstrdup(optarg); break; case 'k': wmode = MODE_KEYGEN; break; case '4': ipv4 = 1; break; case '6': ipv4 = 0; break; case 'x': wmode = MODE_EXPORT; break; case 's': wmode = MODE_SERVER; break; case 'u': udp = 1; break; case 't': stun = xstrdup(optarg); break; case 'p': port = xstrdup(optarg); break; case '?': switch (optopt) { case 't': case 'd': case 'u': case 'p': panic("Option -%c requires an argument!\n", optopt); default: if (isprint(optopt)) printf("Unknown option character `0x%X\'!\n", optopt); die(); } default: break; } } if (argc < 2) help(); register_signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); register_signal(SIGHUP, signal_handler); register_signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler); register_signal(SIGPIPE, signal_handler); curve25519_selftest(); switch (wmode) { case MODE_KEYGEN: ret = main_keygen(home); break; case MODE_EXPORT: ret = main_export(home); break; case MODE_DUMPC: ret = main_dumpc(home); break; case MODE_DUMPS: ret = main_dumps(home); break; case MODE_CLIENT: ret = main_client(home, dev, alias, daemon); break; case MODE_SERVER: if (!port) panic("No port specified!\n"); if (stun) print_stun_probe(stun, 3478, strtoul(port, NULL, 10)); ret = main_server(home, dev, port, udp, ipv4, daemon, log); break; default: die(); } free(dev); free(stun); free(port); free(alias); return ret; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int c, j; int reel_count=0; int height = 0; int width = 0; char buffer[80]; opendcp_t *opendcp; reel_list_t reel_list[MAX_REELS]; if ( argc <= 1 ) { dcp_usage(); } opendcp = opendcp_create(); /* parse options */ while (1) { static struct option long_options[] = { {"annotation", required_argument, 0, 'a'}, {"base", required_argument, 0, 'b'}, {"digest", no_argument, 0, 'd'}, {"duration", required_argument, 0, 'n'}, {"entry", required_argument, 0, 'e'}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"issuer", required_argument, 0, 'i'}, {"kind", required_argument, 0, 'k'}, {"log_level", required_argument, 0, 'l'}, {"rating", required_argument, 0, 'm'}, {"reel", required_argument, 0, 'r'}, {"title", required_argument, 0, 't'}, {"root", required_argument, 0, '1'}, {"ca", required_argument, 0, '2'}, {"signer", required_argument, 0, '3'}, {"privatekey", required_argument, 0, 'p'}, {"sign", no_argument, 0, 's'}, {"height", required_argument, 0, 'y'}, {"width", required_argument, 0, 'x'}, {"version", no_argument, 0, 'v'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; /* getopt_long stores the option index here. */ int option_index = 0; c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "a:b:e:svdhi:k:r:l:m:n:t:x:y:p:1:2:3:", long_options, &option_index); /* Detect the end of the options. */ if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 0: /* If this option set a flag, do nothing else now. */ if (long_options[option_index].flag != 0) break; break; case 'a': sprintf(opendcp->dcp.annotation,"%.128s",optarg); break; case 'b': sprintf(opendcp->dcp.basename,"%.80s",optarg); break; case 'd': opendcp->dcp.digest_flag = 1; break; case 'e': opendcp->entry_point = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': dcp_usage(); break; case 'i': sprintf(opendcp->dcp.issuer,"%.80s",optarg); break; case 'k': sprintf(opendcp->dcp.kind,"%.15s",optarg); break; case 'l': opendcp->log_level = atoi(optarg); break; case 'm': if ( !strcmp(optarg,"G") || !strcmp(optarg,"PG") || !strcmp(optarg,"PG-13") || !strcmp(optarg,"R") || !strcmp(optarg,"NC-17") ) { sprintf(opendcp->dcp.rating,"%.5s",optarg); } else { sprintf(buffer,"Invalid rating %s\n",optarg); dcp_fatal(opendcp,buffer); } break; case 'n': opendcp->duration = atoi(optarg); break; case 'r': j = 0; optind--; while ( optind<argc && strncmp("-",argv[optind],1) != 0) { sprintf(reel_list[reel_count].asset_list[j++].filename,"%s",argv[optind++]); } reel_list[reel_count++].asset_count = j--; break; #ifdef XMLSEC case 's': opendcp->xml_signature.sign = 1; break; #endif case 't': sprintf(opendcp->dcp.title,"%.80s",optarg); break; case 'x': width = atoi(optarg); break; case 'y': height = atoi(optarg); break; case '1': opendcp->xml_signature.root = optarg; opendcp->xml_signature.use_external = 1; break; case '2': opendcp-> = optarg; opendcp->xml_signature.use_external = 1; break; case '3': opendcp->xml_signature.signer = optarg; opendcp->xml_signature.use_external = 1; break; case 'p': opendcp->xml_signature.private_key = optarg; opendcp->xml_signature.use_external = 1; break; case 'v': version(); break; default: dcp_usage(); } } /* set log level */ dcp_set_log_level(opendcp->log_level); if (opendcp->log_level > 0) { printf("\nOpenDCP XML %s %s\n",OPENDCP_VERSION,OPENDCP_COPYRIGHT); } if (reel_count < 1) { dcp_fatal(opendcp,"No reels supplied"); } /* check cert files */ if (opendcp->xml_signature.sign && opendcp->xml_signature.use_external == 1) { FILE *tp; if (opendcp->xml_signature.root) { tp = fopen(opendcp->xml_signature.root,"rb"); if (tp) { fclose(tp); } else { dcp_fatal(opendcp,"Could not read root certificate"); } } else { dcp_fatal(opendcp,"XML digital signature certifcates enabled, but root certificate file not specified"); } if (opendcp-> { tp = fopen(opendcp->,"rb"); if (tp) { fclose(tp); } else { dcp_fatal(opendcp,"Could not read ca certificate"); } } else { dcp_fatal(opendcp,"XML digital signature certifcates enabled, but ca certificate file not specified"); } if (opendcp->xml_signature.signer) { tp = fopen(opendcp->xml_signature.signer,"rb"); if (tp) { fclose(tp); } else { dcp_fatal(opendcp,"Could not read signer certificate"); } } else { dcp_fatal(opendcp,"XML digital signature certifcates enabled, but signer certificate file not specified"); } if (opendcp->xml_signature.private_key) { tp = fopen(opendcp->xml_signature.private_key,"rb"); if (tp) { fclose(tp); } else { dcp_fatal(opendcp,"Could not read private key file"); } } else { dcp_fatal(opendcp,"XML digital signature certifcates enabled, but private key file not specified"); } } /* set aspect ratio override */ if (width || height) { if (!height) { dcp_fatal(opendcp,"You must specify height, if you specify width"); } if (!width) { dcp_fatal(opendcp,"You must specify widht, if you specify height"); } sprintf(opendcp->dcp.aspect_ratio,"%d %d",width,height); } /* add pkl to the DCP (only one PKL currently support) */ pkl_t pkl; create_pkl(opendcp->dcp, &pkl); add_pkl_to_dcp(&opendcp->dcp, pkl); /* add cpl to the DCP/PKL (only one CPL currently support) */ cpl_t cpl; create_cpl(opendcp->dcp, &cpl); add_cpl_to_pkl(&opendcp->dcp.pkl[0], cpl); /* set the callbacks (optional) for the digest generator */ if (opendcp->log_level>0 && opendcp->log_level<3) { opendcp->dcp.sha1_update.callback = sha1_update_done_cb; } /* Add and validate reels */ for (c = 0; c<reel_count; c++) { int a; reel_t reel; create_reel(opendcp->dcp, &reel); for (a = 0; a < reel_list[c].asset_count; a++) { val = 0; asset_t asset; add_asset(opendcp, &asset, reel_list[c].asset_list[a].filename); sprintf(progress_string, "%-.25s %.25s", asset.filename, "Digest Calculation"); total = atoi(asset.size) / read_size; if (opendcp->log_level>0 && opendcp->log_level<3) { printf("\n"); progress_bar(); } calculate_digest(opendcp, asset.filename, asset.digest); add_asset_to_reel(opendcp, &reel, asset); } if (validate_reel(opendcp, &reel, c) == OPENDCP_NO_ERROR) { add_reel_to_cpl(&opendcp->dcp.pkl[0].cpl[0], reel); } else { sprintf(buffer,"Could not validate reel %d\n",c+1); dcp_fatal(opendcp,buffer); } } /* set ASSETMAP/VOLINDEX path */ if (opendcp->ns == XML_NS_SMPTE) { sprintf(opendcp->dcp.assetmap.filename,"%s","ASSETMAP.xml"); sprintf(opendcp->dcp.volindex.filename,"%s","VOLINDEX.xml"); } else { sprintf(opendcp->dcp.assetmap.filename,"%s","ASSETMAP"); sprintf(opendcp->dcp.volindex.filename,"%s","VOLINDEX"); } /* Write CPL File */ if (opendcp->log_level>0 && opendcp->log_level<3) { printf("\n"); sprintf(progress_string, "%-.50s", opendcp->dcp.pkl[0].cpl[0].filename); progress_bar(); } if (write_cpl(opendcp, &opendcp->dcp.pkl[0].cpl[0]) != OPENDCP_NO_ERROR) dcp_fatal(opendcp,"Writing composition playlist failed"); /* Write PKL File */ if (opendcp->log_level>0 && opendcp->log_level<3) { printf("\n"); sprintf(progress_string, "%-.50s", opendcp->dcp.pkl[0].filename); progress_bar(); } if (write_pkl(opendcp, &opendcp->dcp.pkl[0]) != OPENDCP_NO_ERROR) dcp_fatal(opendcp,"Writing packing list failed"); if (opendcp->log_level>0 && opendcp->log_level<3) { printf("\n"); sprintf(progress_string, "%-.50s", opendcp->dcp.assetmap.filename); progress_bar(); } if (write_volumeindex(opendcp) != OPENDCP_NO_ERROR) dcp_fatal(opendcp,"Writing volume index failed"); if (opendcp->log_level>0 && opendcp->log_level<3) { printf("\n"); sprintf(progress_string, "%-.50s", opendcp->dcp.volindex.filename); progress_bar(); } if (write_assetmap(opendcp) != OPENDCP_NO_ERROR) dcp_fatal(opendcp,"Writing asset map failed"); dcp_log(LOG_INFO,"DCP Complete"); if (opendcp->log_level > 0) { printf("\nDCP Creation Done\n"); } opendcp_delete(opendcp); exit(0); }
/****************************************************************************** * * * Function: main * * * * Purpose: executes server processes * * * * Author: Eugene Grigorjev * * * ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { zbx_task_t task = ZBX_TASK_START; char ch = '\0'; int nodeid = 0; #if defined(PS_OVERWRITE_ARGV) || defined(PS_PSTAT_ARGV) argv = setproctitle_save_env(argc, argv); #endif progname = get_program_name(argv[0]); /* parse the command-line */ while ((char)EOF != (ch = (char)zbx_getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL))) { switch (ch) { case 'c': CONFIG_FILE = zbx_strdup(CONFIG_FILE, zbx_optarg); break; case 'R': if (0 == strcmp(zbx_optarg, ZBX_CONFIG_CACHE_RELOAD)) task = ZBX_TASK_CONFIG_CACHE_RELOAD; else { printf("invalid runtime control option: %s\n", zbx_optarg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'h': help(); exit(-1); break; case 'n': nodeid = (NULL == zbx_optarg ? 0 : atoi(zbx_optarg)); task = ZBX_TASK_CHANGE_NODEID; break; case 'V': version(); exit(-1); break; default: usage(); exit(-1); break; } } if (NULL == CONFIG_FILE) CONFIG_FILE = zbx_strdup(CONFIG_FILE, SYSCONFDIR "/zabbix_server.conf"); /* required for simple checks */ init_metrics(); zbx_load_config(); if (ZBX_TASK_CONFIG_CACHE_RELOAD == task) exit(SUCCEED == zbx_sigusr_send(ZBX_TASK_CONFIG_CACHE_RELOAD) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE); #ifdef HAVE_OPENIPMI init_ipmi_handler(); #endif switch (task) { case ZBX_TASK_CHANGE_NODEID: exit(SUCCEED == change_nodeid(nodeid) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE); break; default: break; } return daemon_start(CONFIG_ALLOW_ROOT); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, j = 0; char **newargv = (char**) calloc(argc + 2, sizeof(char*)); ATsetWarningHandler(WarningHandler); ATsetErrorHandler(ErrorHandler); if (!newargv) ATerror("Cannot allocate array argv"); newargv[j++] = argv[0]; newargv[j++] = "-no-extra-rules"; ATinit(argc, argv, (ATerm*) &argc); ATprotect((ATerm*) &smds); ATprotect((ATerm*) &pars); ATprotect((ATerm*) &inits); ATprotect((ATerm*) &vars); ATprotect((ATerm*) &actnames); ATprotect((ATerm*) &actargs); vars = actnames = actargs = ATempty; for (i=1;i<argc;i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-help")) { help(); exit(0); } if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-version")) { version(); exit(0); } if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-pars")) { pars = ATempty; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-npars")) { npars = ATtrue; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-extra")) { extra = ATtrue; continue; } newargv[j++] = argv[i]; } if (extra) { if (!MCRLinitRW(j, newargv)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); RWdeclareVariables(MCRLgetListOfPars()); } else {if (!MCRLinitSU(j, newargv)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);} if (npars) { fprintf(stdout,"%d", MCRLgetNumberOfPars()); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } smds = MCRLgetListOfSummands(); if (pars) { pars = MCRLgetListOfPars(); inits = MCRLgetListOfInitValues(); } ATfprintf(stdout, "Number of process parameters: %d\n", MCRLgetNumberOfPars()); ATfprintf(stdout, "Number of summands: %d\n",ATgetLength(smds)); for (;!ATisEmpty(smds);smds=ATgetNext(smds)) { ATerm smd = ATgetFirst(smds); ATerm actname = ATgetArgument((ATermAppl) smd, 1), actarg = ATgetArgument((ATermAppl) smd, 2); vars = ATconcat(vars, (ATermList) ATgetArgument((ATermAppl) smd, 0)); if (ATindexOf(actnames , actname, 0) < 0 || ATindexOf(actargs , actarg, 0)<0) { actnames = ATinsert(actnames, actname); actargs = ATinsert(actargs, actarg); } if (extra) { if (!ATisEmpty(vars)) ATerror( "Flag -extra cannot be used, there are sum variables present"); DisabledEdges( (ATermList) ATgetArgument( (ATermAppl)ATgetArgument((ATermAppl) smd, 3), 0)); } } ATfprintf(stdout, "Number of sum variables: %d\n", ATgetLength(vars)); ATfprintf(stdout, "Number of different action names: %d\n", ATgetLength(actnames)); if (pars) { ATfprintf(stdout, "Process parameters\n"); for (i=1;!ATisEmpty(pars)&&!ATisEmpty(inits); pars=ATgetNext(pars), inits=ATgetNext(inits),i++) { ATerm par = ATgetFirst(pars); ATfprintf(stdout, "%t:\t%t\tinit[%d]=%t\n", MCRLprint( ATgetArgument((ATermAppl)par, 0)), MCRLprint(ATgetArgument((ATermAppl)par, 1)), i, MCRLprint(ATgetFirst(inits))); } } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
/* * The main guy. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int rcode = EXIT_SUCCESS; int status; int argval; bool spawn_flag = true; bool write_pid = false; bool display_version = false; int flag = 0; int from_child[2] = {-1, -1}; /* * We probably don't want to free the talloc autofree context * directly, so we'll allocate a new context beneath it, and * free that before any leak reports. */ TALLOC_CTX *autofree = talloc_init("main"); /* * If the server was built with debugging enabled always install * the basic fatal signal handlers. */ #ifndef NDEBUG if (fr_fault_setup(getenv("PANIC_ACTION"), argv[0]) < 0) { fr_perror("radiusd"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #endif #ifdef OSFC2 set_auth_parameters(argc,argv); #endif if ((progname = strrchr(argv[0], FR_DIR_SEP)) == NULL) progname = argv[0]; else progname++; #ifdef WIN32 { WSADATA wsaData; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), &wsaData)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to initialize socket library.\n", progname); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } #endif debug_flag = 0; set_radius_dir(autofree, RADIUS_DIR); /* * Ensure that the configuration is initialized. */ memset(&main_config, 0, sizeof(main_config)); = AF_UNSPEC; main_config.port = 0; = "radiusd"; main_config.daemonize = true; /* * Don't put output anywhere until we get told a little * more. */ default_log.dst = L_DST_NULL; default_log.fd = -1; main_config.log_file = NULL; /* Process the options. */ while ((argval = getopt(argc, argv, "Cd:D:fhi:l:mMn:p:PstvxX")) != EOF) { switch(argval) { case 'C': check_config = true; spawn_flag = false; main_config.daemonize = false; break; case 'd': set_radius_dir(autofree, optarg); break; case 'D': main_config.dictionary_dir = talloc_typed_strdup(NULL, optarg); break; case 'f': main_config.daemonize = false; break; case 'h': usage(0); break; case 'l': if (strcmp(optarg, "stdout") == 0) { goto do_stdout; } main_config.log_file = strdup(optarg); default_log.dst = L_DST_FILES; default_log.fd = open(main_config.log_file, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT, 0640); if (default_log.fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "radiusd: Failed to open log file %s: %s\n", main_config.log_file, fr_syserror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fr_log_fp = fdopen(default_log.fd, "a"); break; case 'i': if (ip_hton(optarg, AF_UNSPEC, &main_config.myip) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "radiusd: Invalid IP Address or hostname \"%s\"\n", optarg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } flag |= 1; break; case 'n': = optarg; break; case 'm': main_config.debug_memory = true; break; case 'M': main_config.memory_report = true; main_config.debug_memory = true; break; case 'p': { unsigned long port; port = strtoul(optarg, 0, 10); if ((port == 0) || (port > UINT16_MAX)) { fprintf(stderr, "radiusd: Invalid port number \"%s\"\n", optarg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } main_config.port = (uint16_t) port; flag |= 2; } break; case 'P': /* Force the PID to be written, even in -f mode */ write_pid = true; break; case 's': /* Single process mode */ spawn_flag = false; main_config.daemonize = false; break; case 't': /* no child threads */ spawn_flag = false; break; case 'v': display_version = true; break; case 'X': spawn_flag = false; main_config.daemonize = false; debug_flag += 2; main_config.log_auth = true; main_config.log_auth_badpass = true; main_config.log_auth_goodpass = true; do_stdout: fr_log_fp = stdout; default_log.dst = L_DST_STDOUT; default_log.fd = STDOUT_FILENO; break; case 'x': debug_flag++; break; default: usage(1); break; } } /* * Mismatch between the binary and the libraries it depends on */ if (fr_check_lib_magic(RADIUSD_MAGIC_NUMBER) < 0) { fr_perror("radiusd"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (rad_check_lib_magic(RADIUSD_MAGIC_NUMBER) < 0) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* * Mismatch between build time OpenSSL and linked SSL, * better to die here than segfault later. */ #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL_CRYPTO_H if (ssl_check_consistency() < 0) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #endif if (flag && (flag != 0x03)) { fprintf(stderr, "radiusd: The options -i and -p cannot be used individually.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* * Better here, so it doesn't matter whether we get passed * -xv or -vx. */ if (display_version) { /* Don't print timestamps */ debug_flag += 2; fr_log_fp = stdout; default_log.dst = L_DST_STDOUT; default_log.fd = STDOUT_FILENO; version(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if (debug_flag) { version(); } /* * Initialising OpenSSL once, here, is safer than having individual * modules do it. */ #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL_CRYPTO_H tls_global_init(); #endif /* * Initialize any event loops just enough so module instantiations * can add fd/event to them, but do not start them yet. */ if (!radius_event_init(autofree)) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Read the configuration files, BEFORE doing anything else. */ if (main_config_init() < 0) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Check for vulnerabilities in the version of libssl were linked against */ #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL_CRYPTO_H if (tls_global_version_check(main_config.allow_vulnerable_openssl) < 0) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #endif /* * Load the modules */ if (modules_init(main_config.config) < 0) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Set the panic action (if required) */ if (main_config.panic_action && #ifndef NDEBUG !getenv("PANIC_ACTION") && #endif (fr_fault_setup(main_config.panic_action, argv[0]) < 0)) { fr_perror("radiusd"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #ifndef __MINGW32__ /* * Disconnect from session */ if (main_config.daemonize) { pid_t pid; int devnull; /* * Really weird things happen if we leave stdin open and call things like * system() later. */ devnull = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR); if (devnull < 0) { ERROR("Failed opening /dev/null: %s", fr_syserror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } dup2(devnull, STDIN_FILENO); close(devnull); if (pipe(from_child) != 0) { ERROR("Couldn't open pipe for child status: %s", fr_syserror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { ERROR("Couldn't fork: %s", fr_syserror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* * The parent exits, so the child can run in the background. * * As the child can still encounter an error during initialisation * we do a blocking read on a pipe between it and the parent. * * Just before entering the event loop the child will send a success * or failure message to the parent, via the pipe. */ if (pid > 0) { uint8_t ret = 0; int stat_loc; /* So the pipe is correctly widowed if the child exits */ close(from_child[1]); /* * The child writes a 0x01 byte on * success, and closes the pipe on error. */ if ((read(from_child[0], &ret, 1) < 0)) { ret = 0; } /* For cleanliness... */ close(from_child[0]); /* Don't turn children into zombies */ if (!ret) { waitpid(pid, &stat_loc, WNOHANG); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* so the pipe is correctly widowed if the parent exits?! */ close(from_child[0]); # ifdef HAVE_SETSID setsid(); # endif } #endif /* * Ensure that we're using the CORRECT pid after forking, * NOT the one we started with. */ radius_pid = getpid(); /* * Redirect stderr/stdout as appropriate. */ if (radlog_init(&default_log, main_config.daemonize) < 0) { ERROR("%s", fr_strerror()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* * Start the event loop(s) and threads. */ radius_event_start(main_config.config, spawn_flag); /* * Now that we've set everything up, we can install the signal * handlers. Before this, if we get any signal, we don't know * what to do, so we might as well do the default, and die. */ #ifdef SIGPIPE signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #endif if ((fr_set_signal(SIGHUP, sig_hup) < 0) || (fr_set_signal(SIGTERM, sig_fatal) < 0)) { ERROR("%s", fr_strerror()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* * If we're debugging, then a CTRL-C will cause the * server to die immediately. Use SIGTERM to shut down * the server cleanly in that case. */ if (main_config.debug_memory || (debug_flag == 0)) { if ((fr_set_signal(SIGINT, sig_fatal) < 0) #ifdef SIGQUIT || (fr_set_signal(SIGQUIT, sig_fatal) < 0) #endif ) { ERROR("%s", fr_strerror()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* * Everything seems to have loaded OK, exit gracefully. */ if (check_config) { DEBUG("Configuration appears to be OK"); /* for -C -m|-M */ if (main_config.debug_memory) { goto cleanup; } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } #ifdef WITH_STATS radius_stats_init(0); #endif /* * Write the PID always if we're running as a daemon. */ if (main_config.daemonize) write_pid = true; /* * Write the PID after we've forked, so that we write the * correct one. */ if (write_pid) { FILE *fp; fp = fopen(main_config.pid_file, "w"); if (fp != NULL) { /* * FIXME: What about following symlinks, * and having it over-write a normal file? */ fprintf(fp, "%d\n", (int) radius_pid); fclose(fp); } else { ERROR("Failed creating PID file %s: %s\n", main_config.pid_file, fr_syserror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } exec_trigger(NULL, NULL, "server.start", false); /* * Inform the parent (who should still be waiting) that * the rest of initialisation went OK, and that it should * exit with a 0 status. If we don't get this far, then * we just close the pipe on exit, and the parent gets a * read failure. */ if (main_config.daemonize) { if (write(from_child[1], "\001", 1) < 0) { WARN("Failed informing parent of successful start: %s", fr_syserror(errno)); } close(from_child[1]); } /* * Clear the libfreeradius error buffer */ fr_strerror(); /* * Process requests until HUP or exit. */ while ((status = radius_event_process()) == 0x80) { #ifdef WITH_STATS radius_stats_init(1); #endif main_config_hup(); } if (status < 0) { ERROR("Exiting due to internal error: %s", fr_strerror()); rcode = EXIT_FAILURE; } else { INFO("Exiting normally"); } exec_trigger(NULL, NULL, "server.stop", false); /* * Ignore the TERM signal: we're * about to die. */ signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN); /* * Send a TERM signal to all * associated processes * (including us, which gets * ignored.) */ #ifndef __MINGW32__ if (spawn_flag) kill(-radius_pid, SIGTERM); #endif /* * We're exiting, so we can delete the PID * file. (If it doesn't exist, we can ignore * the error returned by unlink) */ if (main_config.daemonize) { unlink(main_config.pid_file); } radius_event_free(); cleanup: /* * Detach any modules. */ modules_free(); xlat_free(); /* modules may have xlat's */ /* * Free the configuration items. */ main_config_free(); #ifdef WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL_CRYPTO_H tls_global_cleanup(); #endif /* * So we don't see autofreed memory in the talloc report */ talloc_free(autofree); if (main_config.memory_report) { INFO("Allocated memory at time of report:"); fr_log_talloc_report(NULL); } return rcode; }
int minorVersion() { version(); return _minorVersion; }
StatusWith<ChunkType> ChunkType::fromBSON(const BSONObj& source) { ChunkType chunk; { std::string chunkName; Status status = bsonExtractStringField(source,, &chunkName); if (!status.isOK()) return status; chunk._name = chunkName; } { std::string chunkNS; Status status = bsonExtractStringField(source,, &chunkNS); if (!status.isOK()) return status; chunk._ns = chunkNS; } { BSONElement chunkMinElement; Status status = bsonExtractTypedField(source,, Object, &chunkMinElement); if (!status.isOK()) return status; chunk._min = chunkMinElement.Obj().getOwned(); } { BSONElement chunkMaxElement; Status status = bsonExtractTypedField(source,, Object, &chunkMaxElement); if (!status.isOK()) return status; chunk._max = chunkMaxElement.Obj().getOwned(); } { std::string chunkShard; Status status = bsonExtractStringField(source,, &chunkShard); if (!status.isOK()) return status; chunk._shard = chunkShard; } { bool chunkJumbo; Status status = bsonExtractBooleanField(source,, &chunkJumbo); if (status.isOK()) { chunk._jumbo = chunkJumbo; } else if (status == ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey) { // Jumbo status is missing, so it will be presumed false } else { return status; } } // // ChunkVersion backward compatibility logic contained in ChunkVersion // // ChunkVersion is currently encoded as { 'version': [<TS>,<OID>] } if (ChunkVersion::canParseBSON(source, version())) { chunk._version = ChunkVersion::fromBSON(source, version()); } else if (ChunkVersion::canParseBSON(source, DEPRECATED_lastmod())) { chunk._version = ChunkVersion::fromBSON(source, DEPRECATED_lastmod()); } return chunk; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int nb_samples, total_samples=0, nb_encoded; int c; int option_index = 0; char *inFile, *outFile; FILE *fin, *fout; short input[MAX_FRAME_SIZE]; int frame_size; int quiet=0; int vbr_enabled=0; int abr_enabled=0; int vad_enabled=0; int dtx_enabled=0; int nbBytes; const SpeexMode *mode=NULL; int modeID = -1; void *st; SpeexBits bits; char cbits[MAX_FRAME_BYTES]; struct option long_options[] = { {"wideband", no_argument, NULL, 0}, {"ultra-wideband", no_argument, NULL, 0}, {"narrowband", no_argument, NULL, 0}, {"vbr", no_argument, NULL, 0}, {"abr", required_argument, NULL, 0}, {"vad", no_argument, NULL, 0}, {"dtx", no_argument, NULL, 0}, {"quality", required_argument, NULL, 0}, {"bitrate", required_argument, NULL, 0}, {"nframes", required_argument, NULL, 0}, {"comp", required_argument, NULL, 0}, {"denoise", no_argument, NULL, 0}, {"agc", no_argument, NULL, 0}, {"help", no_argument, NULL, 0}, {"quiet", no_argument, NULL, 0}, {"le", no_argument, NULL, 0}, {"be", no_argument, NULL, 0}, {"8bit", no_argument, NULL, 0}, {"16bit", no_argument, NULL, 0}, {"stereo", no_argument, NULL, 0}, {"rate", required_argument, NULL, 0}, {"version", no_argument, NULL, 0}, {"version-short", no_argument, NULL, 0}, {"comment", required_argument, NULL, 0}, {"author", required_argument, NULL, 0}, {"title", required_argument, NULL, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; int print_bitrate=0; int rate=0, size; int chan=1; int fmt=16; int quality=-1; float vbr_quality=-1; int lsb=1; ogg_stream_state os; ogg_page og; ogg_packet op; int bytes_written=0, ret, result; int id=-1; SpeexHeader header; int nframes=1; int complexity=3; char *vendor_string = "Encoded with Speex " SPEEX_VERSION; char *comments; int comments_length; int close_in=0, close_out=0; int eos=0; int bitrate=0; double cumul_bits=0, enc_frames=0; char first_bytes[12]; int wave_input=0; int tmp; SpeexPreprocessState *preprocess = NULL; int denoise_enabled=0, agc_enabled=0; int lookahead = 0; comment_init(&comments, &comments_length, vendor_string); /*Process command-line options*/ while(1) { c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "nwuhvV", long_options, &option_index); if (c==-1) break; switch(c) { case 0: if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"narrowband")==0) { modeID = SPEEX_MODEID_NB; } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"wideband")==0) { modeID = SPEEX_MODEID_WB; } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"ultra-wideband")==0) { modeID = SPEEX_MODEID_UWB; } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"vbr")==0) { vbr_enabled=1; } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"abr")==0) { abr_enabled=atoi(optarg); if (!abr_enabled) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid ABR value: %d\n", abr_enabled); exit(1); } } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"vad")==0) { vad_enabled=1; } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"dtx")==0) { dtx_enabled=1; } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"quality")==0) { quality = atoi (optarg); vbr_quality=atof(optarg); } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"bitrate")==0) { bitrate = atoi (optarg); } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"nframes")==0) { nframes = atoi (optarg); if (nframes<1) nframes=1; if (nframes>10) nframes=10; } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"comp")==0) { complexity = atoi (optarg); } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"denoise")==0) { denoise_enabled=1; } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"agc")==0) { agc_enabled=1; } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"help")==0) { usage(); exit(0); } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"quiet")==0) { quiet = 1; } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"version")==0) { version(); exit(0); } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"version-short")==0) { version_short(); exit(0); } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"le")==0) { lsb=1; } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"be")==0) { lsb=0; } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"8bit")==0) { fmt=8; } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"16bit")==0) { fmt=16; } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"stereo")==0) { chan=2; } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"rate")==0) { rate=atoi (optarg); } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"comment")==0) { if (!strchr(optarg, '=')) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid comment: %s\n", optarg); fprintf (stderr, "Comments must be of the form name=value\n"); exit(1); } comment_add(&comments, &comments_length, NULL, optarg); } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"author")==0) { comment_add(&comments, &comments_length, "author=", optarg); } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name,"title")==0) { comment_add(&comments, &comments_length, "title=", optarg); } break; case 'n': modeID = SPEEX_MODEID_NB; break; case 'h': usage(); exit(0); break; case 'v': version(); exit(0); break; case 'V': print_bitrate=1; break; case 'w': modeID = SPEEX_MODEID_WB; break; case 'u': modeID = SPEEX_MODEID_UWB; break; case '?': usage(); exit(1); break; } } if (argc-optind!=2) { usage(); exit(1); } inFile=argv[optind]; outFile=argv[optind+1]; /*Initialize Ogg stream struct*/ srand(time(NULL)); if (ogg_stream_init(&os, rand())==-1) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: stream init failed\n"); exit(1); } if (strcmp(inFile, "-")==0) { #if defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32 _setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY); #endif fin=stdin; } else { fin = fopen(inFile, "rb"); if (!fin) { perror(inFile); exit(1); } close_in=1; } { fread(first_bytes, 1, 12, fin); if (strncmp(first_bytes,"RIFF",4)==0 && strncmp(first_bytes,"RIFF",4)==0) { if (read_wav_header(fin, &rate, &chan, &fmt, &size)==-1) exit(1); wave_input=1; lsb=1; /* CHECK: exists big-endian .wav ?? */ } } if (modeID==-1 && !rate) { /* By default, use narrowband/8 kHz */ modeID = SPEEX_MODEID_NB; rate=8000; } else if (modeID!=-1 && rate) { if (rate>48000) { fprintf (stderr, "Error: sampling rate too high: %d Hz, try down-sampling\n", rate); exit(1); } else if (rate>25000) { if (modeID != SPEEX_MODEID_UWB) { fprintf (stderr, "Warning: Trying to encode in %s at %d Hz. I'll do it but I suggest you try ultra-wideband instead\n", mode->modeName , rate); } } else if (rate>12500) { if (modeID != SPEEX_MODEID_WB) { fprintf (stderr, "Warning: Trying to encode in %s at %d Hz. I'll do it but I suggest you try wideband instead\n", mode->modeName , rate); } } else if (rate>=6000) { if (modeID != SPEEX_MODEID_NB) { fprintf (stderr, "Warning: Trying to encode in %s at %d Hz. I'll do it but I suggest you try narrowband instead\n", mode->modeName , rate); } } else { fprintf (stderr, "Error: sampling rate too low: %d Hz\n", rate); exit(1); } } else if (modeID==-1) { if (rate>48000) { fprintf (stderr, "Error: sampling rate too high: %d Hz, try down-sampling\n", rate); exit(1); } else if (rate>25000) { modeID = SPEEX_MODEID_UWB; } else if (rate>12500) { modeID = SPEEX_MODEID_WB; } else if (rate>=6000) { modeID = SPEEX_MODEID_NB; } else { fprintf (stderr, "Error: Sampling rate too low: %d Hz\n", rate); exit(1); } } else if (!rate) { if (modeID == SPEEX_MODEID_NB) rate=8000; else if (modeID == SPEEX_MODEID_WB) rate=16000; else if (modeID == SPEEX_MODEID_UWB) rate=32000; } if (!quiet) if (rate!=8000 && rate!=16000 && rate!=32000) fprintf (stderr, "Warning: Speex is only optimized for 8, 16 and 32 kHz. It will still work at %d Hz but your mileage may vary\n", rate); mode = speex_lib_get_mode (modeID); speex_init_header(&header, rate, 1, mode); header.frames_per_packet=nframes; header.vbr=vbr_enabled; header.nb_channels = chan; { char *st_string="mono"; if (chan==2) st_string="stereo"; if (!quiet) fprintf (stderr, "Encoding %d Hz audio using %s mode (%s)\n", header.rate, mode->modeName, st_string); } /*fprintf (stderr, "Encoding %d Hz audio at %d bps using %s mode\n", header.rate, mode->bitrate, mode->modeName);*/ /*Initialize Speex encoder*/ st = speex_encoder_init(mode); if (strcmp(outFile,"-")==0) { #if defined WIN32 || defined _WIN32 _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_BINARY); #endif fout=stdout; } else { fout = fopen(outFile, "wb"); if (!fout) { perror(outFile); exit(1); } close_out=1; } speex_encoder_ctl(st, SPEEX_GET_FRAME_SIZE, &frame_size); speex_encoder_ctl(st, SPEEX_SET_COMPLEXITY, &complexity); speex_encoder_ctl(st, SPEEX_SET_SAMPLING_RATE, &rate); if (quality >= 0) { if (vbr_enabled) speex_encoder_ctl(st, SPEEX_SET_VBR_QUALITY, &vbr_quality); else speex_encoder_ctl(st, SPEEX_SET_QUALITY, &quality); } if (bitrate) { if (quality >= 0 && vbr_enabled) fprintf (stderr, "Warning: --bitrate option is overriding --quality\n"); speex_encoder_ctl(st, SPEEX_SET_BITRATE, &bitrate); } if (vbr_enabled) { tmp=1; speex_encoder_ctl(st, SPEEX_SET_VBR, &tmp); } else if (vad_enabled) { tmp=1; speex_encoder_ctl(st, SPEEX_SET_VAD, &tmp); } if (dtx_enabled) speex_encoder_ctl(st, SPEEX_SET_DTX, &tmp); if (dtx_enabled && !(vbr_enabled || abr_enabled || vad_enabled)) { fprintf (stderr, "Warning: --dtx is useless without --vad, --vbr or --abr\n"); } else if ((vbr_enabled || abr_enabled) && (vad_enabled)) { fprintf (stderr, "Warning: --vad is already implied by --vbr or --abr\n"); } if (abr_enabled) { speex_encoder_ctl(st, SPEEX_SET_ABR, &abr_enabled); } speex_encoder_ctl(st, SPEEX_GET_LOOKAHEAD, &lookahead); if (denoise_enabled || agc_enabled) { preprocess = speex_preprocess_state_init(frame_size, rate); speex_preprocess_ctl(preprocess, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_SET_DENOISE, &denoise_enabled); speex_preprocess_ctl(preprocess, SPEEX_PREPROCESS_SET_AGC, &agc_enabled); lookahead += frame_size; } /*Write header*/ { op.packet = (unsigned char *)speex_header_to_packet(&header, (int*)&(op.bytes)); op.b_o_s = 1; op.e_o_s = 0; op.granulepos = 0; op.packetno = 0; ogg_stream_packetin(&os, &op); free(op.packet); op.packet = (unsigned char *)comments; op.bytes = comments_length; op.b_o_s = 0; op.e_o_s = 0; op.granulepos = 0; op.packetno = 1; ogg_stream_packetin(&os, &op); while((result = ogg_stream_flush(&os, &og))) { if(!result) break; ret = oe_write_page(&og, fout); if(ret != og.header_len + og.body_len) { fprintf (stderr,"Error: failed writing header to output stream\n"); exit(1); } else bytes_written += ret; } } free(comments); speex_bits_init(&bits); if (!wave_input) { nb_samples = read_samples(fin,frame_size,fmt,chan,lsb,input, first_bytes, NULL); } else { nb_samples = read_samples(fin,frame_size,fmt,chan,lsb,input, NULL, &size); } if (nb_samples==0) eos=1; total_samples += nb_samples; nb_encoded = -lookahead; /*Main encoding loop (one frame per iteration)*/ while (!eos || total_samples>nb_encoded) { id++; /*Encode current frame*/ if (chan==2) speex_encode_stereo_int(input, frame_size, &bits); if (preprocess) speex_preprocess(preprocess, input, NULL); speex_encode_int(st, input, &bits); nb_encoded += frame_size; if (print_bitrate) { int tmp; char ch=13; speex_encoder_ctl(st, SPEEX_GET_BITRATE, &tmp); fputc (ch, stderr); cumul_bits += tmp; enc_frames += 1; if (!quiet) { if (vad_enabled || vbr_enabled || abr_enabled) fprintf (stderr, "Bitrate is use: %d bps (average %d bps) ", tmp, (int)(cumul_bits/enc_frames)); else fprintf (stderr, "Bitrate is use: %d bps ", tmp); } } if (wave_input) { nb_samples = read_samples(fin,frame_size,fmt,chan,lsb,input, NULL, &size); } else { nb_samples = read_samples(fin,frame_size,fmt,chan,lsb,input, NULL, NULL); } if (nb_samples==0) { eos=1; } if (eos && total_samples<=nb_encoded) op.e_o_s = 1; else op.e_o_s = 0; total_samples += nb_samples; if ((id+1)%nframes!=0) continue; speex_bits_insert_terminator(&bits); nbBytes = speex_bits_write(&bits, cbits, MAX_FRAME_BYTES); speex_bits_reset(&bits); op.packet = (unsigned char *)cbits; op.bytes = nbBytes; op.b_o_s = 0; /*Is this redundent?*/ if (eos && total_samples<=nb_encoded) op.e_o_s = 1; else op.e_o_s = 0; op.granulepos = (id+1)*frame_size-lookahead; if (op.granulepos>total_samples) op.granulepos = total_samples; /*printf ("granulepos: %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", (int)op.granulepos, id, nframes, lookahead, 5, 6);*/ op.packetno = 2+id/nframes; ogg_stream_packetin(&os, &op); /*Write all new pages (most likely 0 or 1)*/ while (ogg_stream_pageout(&os,&og)) { ret = oe_write_page(&og, fout); if(ret != og.header_len + og.body_len) { fprintf (stderr,"Error: failed writing header to output stream\n"); exit(1); } else bytes_written += ret; } } if ((id+1)%nframes!=0) { while ((id+1)%nframes!=0) { id++; speex_bits_pack(&bits, 15, 5); } nbBytes = speex_bits_write(&bits, cbits, MAX_FRAME_BYTES); op.packet = (unsigned char *)cbits; op.bytes = nbBytes; op.b_o_s = 0; op.e_o_s = 1; op.granulepos = (id+1)*frame_size-lookahead; if (op.granulepos>total_samples) op.granulepos = total_samples; op.packetno = 2+id/nframes; ogg_stream_packetin(&os, &op); } /*Flush all pages left to be written*/ while (ogg_stream_flush(&os, &og)) { ret = oe_write_page(&og, fout); if(ret != og.header_len + og.body_len) { fprintf (stderr,"Error: failed writing header to output stream\n"); exit(1); } else bytes_written += ret; } speex_encoder_destroy(st); speex_bits_destroy(&bits); ogg_stream_clear(&os); if (close_in) fclose(fin); if (close_out) fclose(fout); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool slow = false, invoke_cpp = false, reseed = true, cpustats = true; bool prio_high = false, set_irq_aff = true; int c, opt_index, vals[4] = {0}, irq; uint64_t gap = 0; unsigned int i, j; char *confname = NULL, *ptr; unsigned long cpus_tmp, orig_num = 0; unsigned long long tx_packets, tx_bytes; struct ctx ctx; fmemset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx)); ctx.cpus = get_number_cpus_online(); ctx.uid = getuid(); ctx.gid = getgid(); ctx.qdisc_path = false; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, &opt_index)) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'h': help(); break; case 'v': version(); break; case 'C': cpustats = false; break; case 'e': example(); break; case 'p': invoke_cpp = true; break; case 'V': ctx.verbose = true; break; case 'P': cpus_tmp = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); if (cpus_tmp > 0 && cpus_tmp < ctx.cpus) ctx.cpus = cpus_tmp; break; case 'd': case 'o': ctx.device = xstrndup(optarg, IFNAMSIZ); break; case 'H': prio_high = true; break; case 'Q': set_irq_aff = false; break; case 'q': ctx.qdisc_path = true; break; case 'r': ctx.rand = true; break; case 's': slow = true; ctx.cpus = 1; ctx.smoke_test = true; ctx.rhost = xstrdup(optarg); break; case 'R': ctx.rfraw = true; break; case 'J': ctx.jumbo_support = true; break; case 'c': case 'i': confname = xstrdup(optarg); if (!strncmp("-", confname, strlen("-"))) ctx.cpus = 1; break; case 'u': ctx.uid = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); ctx.enforce = true; break; case 'g': ctx.gid = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); ctx.enforce = true; break; case 'k': ctx.kpull = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 'E': seed = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); reseed = false; break; case 'n': orig_num = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); ctx.num = orig_num; break; case 't': slow = true; ptr = optarg; gap = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); for (j = i = strlen(optarg); i > 0; --i) { if (!isdigit(optarg[j - i])) break; ptr++; } if (!strncmp(ptr, "ns", strlen("ns"))) { = gap / 1000000000; = gap % 1000000000; } else if (*ptr == '\0' || !strncmp(ptr, "us", strlen("us"))) { /* Default to microseconds for backwards * compatibility if no postfix is given. */ = gap / 1000000; = (gap % 1000000) * 1000; } else if (!strncmp(ptr, "ms", strlen("ms"))) { = gap / 1000; = (gap % 1000) * 1000000; } else if (!strncmp(ptr, "s", strlen("s"))) { = gap; = 0; } else panic("Syntax error in time param!\n"); if (gap > 0) /* Fall back to single core to not mess up * correct timing. We are slow anyway! */ ctx.cpus = 1; break; case 'S': ptr = optarg; ctx.reserve_size = 0; for (j = i = strlen(optarg); i > 0; --i) { if (!isdigit(optarg[j - i])) break; ptr++; } if (!strncmp(ptr, "KiB", strlen("KiB"))) ctx.reserve_size = 1 << 10; else if (!strncmp(ptr, "MiB", strlen("MiB"))) ctx.reserve_size = 1 << 20; else if (!strncmp(ptr, "GiB", strlen("GiB"))) ctx.reserve_size = 1 << 30; else panic("Syntax error in ring size param!\n"); ctx.reserve_size *= strtol(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case '?': switch (optopt) { case 'd': case 'c': case 'n': case 'S': case 's': case 'P': case 'o': case 'E': case 'i': case 'k': case 'u': case 'g': case 't': panic("Option -%c requires an argument!\n", optopt); default: if (isprint(optopt)) printf("Unknown option character `0x%X\'!\n", optopt); die(); } default: break; } } if (argc < 5) help(); if (ctx.device == NULL) panic("No networking device given!\n"); if (confname == NULL) panic("No configuration file given!\n"); if (device_mtu(ctx.device) == 0) panic("This is no networking device!\n"); register_signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); register_signal(SIGQUIT, signal_handler); register_signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler); register_signal(SIGHUP, signal_handler); register_signal_f(SIGALRM, timer_elapsed, SA_SIGINFO); if (prio_high) { set_proc_prio(-20); set_sched_status(SCHED_FIFO, sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO)); } set_system_socket_memory(vals, array_size(vals)); xlockme(); if (ctx.rfraw) { ctx.device_trans = xstrdup(ctx.device); xfree(ctx.device); enter_rfmon_mac80211(ctx.device_trans, &ctx.device); sleep(0); } irq = device_irq_number(ctx.device); if (set_irq_aff) device_set_irq_affinity_list(irq, 0, ctx.cpus - 1); stats = setup_shared_var(ctx.cpus); for (i = 0; i < ctx.cpus; i++) { pid_t pid = fork(); switch (pid) { case 0: if (reseed) seed = generate_srand_seed(); srand(seed); cpu_affinity(i); main_loop(&ctx, confname, slow, i, invoke_cpp, orig_num); goto thread_out; case -1: panic("Cannot fork processes!\n"); } } for (i = 0; i < ctx.cpus; i++) { int status; wait(&status); if (WEXITSTATUS(status) == EXIT_FAILURE) die(); } if (ctx.rfraw) leave_rfmon_mac80211(ctx.device); reset_system_socket_memory(vals, array_size(vals)); for (i = 0, tx_packets = tx_bytes = 0; i < ctx.cpus; i++) { while ((__get_state(i) & CPU_STATS_STATE_RES) == 0) sched_yield(); tx_packets += stats[i].tx_packets; tx_bytes += stats[i].tx_bytes; } fflush(stdout); printf("\n"); printf("\r%12llu packets outgoing\n", tx_packets); printf("\r%12llu bytes outgoing\n", tx_bytes); for (i = 0; cpustats && i < ctx.cpus; i++) { printf("\r%12lu sec, %lu usec on CPU%d (%llu packets)\n", stats[i].tv_sec, stats[i].tv_usec, i, stats[i].tx_packets); } thread_out: xunlockme(); destroy_shared_var(stats, ctx.cpus); if (set_irq_aff) device_restore_irq_affinity_list(); free(ctx.device); free(ctx.device_trans); free(ctx.rhost); free(confname); return 0; }
/* * IMAPFilter: an IMAP mail filtering utility. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); opts.verbose = 0; opts.interactive = 0; opts.log = NULL; opts.config = NULL; opts.oneline = NULL; opts.debug = NULL; env.home = NULL; env.pathmax = -1; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "Vc:d:e:il:v?")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'V': version(); /* NOTREACHED */ break; case 'c': opts.config = optarg; break; case 'd': opts.debug = optarg; break; case 'e': opts.oneline = optarg; break; case 'i': opts.interactive = 1; break; case 'l': opts.log = optarg; break; case 'v': opts.verbose = 1; break; case '?': default: usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ break; } } get_pathmax(); open_debug(); create_homedir(); catch_signals(); open_log(); if (opts.config == NULL) opts.config = get_filepath("config.lua"); buffer_init(&ibuf, INPUT_BUF); buffer_init(&obuf, OUTPUT_BUF); buffer_init(&nbuf, NAMESPACE_BUF); buffer_init(&cbuf, CONVERSION_BUF); regexp_compile(responses); SSL_library_init(); SSL_load_error_strings(); start_lua(); #if LUA_VERSION_NUM < 502 { list *l; session *s; l = sessions; while (l != NULL) { s = l->data; l = l->next; request_logout(s); } } #endif stop_lua(); ERR_free_strings(); regexp_free(responses); buffer_free(&ibuf); buffer_free(&obuf); buffer_free(&nbuf); buffer_free(&cbuf); xfree(env.home); close_log(); close_debug(); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct login_ctx ctx[1]; struct passwd *pw; pid_t pid; int c, stat; memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx)); while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "vc:df:h:?")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'v': version(); break; case 'c': ctx->config = optarg; break; case 'd': duo_debug = 1; break; case 'f': ctx->duouser = optarg; break; case 'h': ctx->host = optarg; break; default: usage(); } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; ctx->uid = getuid(); if (geteuid() != ctx->uid) { /* Setuid-root operation protecting private config. */ if (ctx->config != NULL || ctx->duouser != NULL) { die("Only root may specify -c or -f"); } if ((pw = getpwnam(DUO_PRIVSEP_USER)) == NULL) { die("User '%s' not found", DUO_PRIVSEP_USER); } if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { /* Unprivileged auth child. */ if (drop_privs(pw->pw_uid, pw->pw_gid) != 0) { die("couldn't drop privileges: %s", strerror(errno)); } exit(do_auth(ctx, get_command(argc, argv))); } else { /* Parent continues as user. */ if (drop_privs(getuid(), getgid()) != 0) { die("couldn't drop privileges: %s", strerror(errno)); } /* Check auth child status. */ if (waitpid(pid, &stat, 0) != pid) { die("waitpid: %s", strerror(errno)); } if (WEXITSTATUS(stat) == 0) { do_exec(ctx, get_command(argc, argv)); } } } else { char *cmd = get_command(argc, argv); /* Non-setuid root operation or running as root. */ if (do_auth(ctx, cmd) == EXIT_SUCCESS) { do_exec(ctx, cmd); } } exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *allowed_args = "hl:x:p:o:sv:i:r:V"; char *node = NULL; int retval; int async = 1; val_log_t *logp; char *label_str = NULL; struct val_daneparams daneparams; struct val_danestatus *danestatus = NULL; struct val_ssl_data *ssl_dane_data = NULL; int port = 443; int proto = DANE_PARAM_PROTO_TCP; val_context_t *context = NULL; val_status_t val_status; struct addrinfo *val_ainfo = NULL; struct addrinfo hints; int ret = 0; int dane_retval = VAL_DANE_INTERNAL_ERROR; int ai_retval = 0; int err; /* Parse the command line */ while (1) { int c; #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_LONG int opt_index = 0; #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_LONG_ONLY c = getopt_long_only(argc, argv, allowed_args, prog_options, &opt_index); #else c = getopt_long(argc, argv, allowed_args, prog_options, &opt_index); #endif #else /* only have getopt */ c = getopt(argc, argv, allowed_args); #endif if (c == -1) { break; } switch (c) { case 'h': usage(argv[0]); return -1; case 'l': label_str = optarg; break; case 'o': logp = val_log_add_optarg(optarg, 1); if (NULL == logp) { /* err msg already logged */ usage(argv[0]); return -1; } break; case 's': async = 0; break; case 'p': port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'x': if(strncmp(optarg, DANE_PARAM_PROTO_STR_TCP, strlen(DANE_PARAM_PROTO_STR_TCP))) proto = DANE_PARAM_PROTO_TCP; else if (strncmp(optarg, DANE_PARAM_PROTO_STR_UDP, strlen(DANE_PARAM_PROTO_STR_UDP))) proto = DANE_PARAM_PROTO_UDP; else if (strncmp(optarg, DANE_PARAM_PROTO_STR_SCTP, strlen(DANE_PARAM_PROTO_STR_SCTP))) proto = DANE_PARAM_PROTO_SCTP; else { usage(argv[0]); return -1; } break; case 'v': dnsval_conf_set(optarg); break; case 'i': root_hints_set(optarg); break; case 'r': resolv_conf_set(optarg); break; case 'V': version(); return 0; default: fprintf(stderr, "Invalid option %s\n", argv[optind - 1]); usage(argv[0]); return -1; } } if (optind < argc) { node = argv[optind++]; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error: node name not specified\n"); usage(argv[0]); return -1; } if (VAL_NO_ERROR != (retval = val_create_context(label_str, &context))) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create context %s(%d)\n", p_val_error(retval), retval); return -1; } daneparams.port = port; daneparams.proto = proto; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); #ifdef AI_ADDRCONFIG hints.ai_flags = AI_ADDRCONFIG; #endif if (!async) { /* synchronous lookup and validation */ ai_retval = val_getaddrinfo(context, node, NULL, &hints, &val_ainfo, &val_status); dane_retval = val_getdaneinfo(context, node, &daneparams, &danestatus); } else { #ifdef VAL_NO_ASYNC fprintf(stderr, "async support not available\n"); #else struct dane_cb cb_data_dane = { &dane_retval, &danestatus, 0 }; val_dane_callback my_dane_cb = &_danecallback; struct timeval tv; val_async_status *das = NULL; /* helps us cancel the lookup if we need to */ struct getaddr_s cb_data_ai = { &ai_retval, &val_ainfo, &val_status, 0 }; val_gai_callback my_ai_cb = &_aicallback; val_gai_status *status = NULL; /* * submit requests */ if (VAL_NO_ERROR != val_dane_submit(context, node, &daneparams, my_dane_cb, &cb_data_dane, &das) || VAL_NO_ERROR != val_getaddrinfo_submit(context, node, NULL, &hints, my_ai_cb, &cb_data_ai, 0, &status)) { dane_retval = VAL_DANE_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto done; } /* * wait for it to complete */ #if 0 while(0 == cb_data_dane.done || 0 == cb_data_ai.done) { tv.tv_sec = 10; tv.tv_usec = 0; val_async_check_wait(context, NULL, NULL, &tv, 0); } #endif #if 1 while(0 == cb_data_dane.done || 0 == cb_data_ai.done) { fd_set activefds; int nfds = 0; int ready; FD_ZERO(&activefds); tv.tv_sec = 10; /* 10 sec */ tv.tv_usec = 0; val_async_select_info(context, &activefds, &nfds, &tv); ready = select(nfds+1, &activefds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (ready < 0) { continue; } val_async_check(context, &activefds, &nfds, 0); } #endif #endif } done: if (ai_retval != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in val_getaddrinfo(): %d\n", ai_retval); return -1; } if (!val_istrusted(val_status)) { fprintf(stderr, "Address lookup information could not be validated: %s\n", p_val_status(val_status)); } else if(dane_retval == VAL_DANE_NOERROR && proto == DANE_PARAM_PROTO_TCP) { /* Set up the SSL connection */ SSL_library_init(); SSL_load_error_strings(); const SSL_METHOD *meth = SSLv23_client_method(); SSL_CTX *sslctx = SSL_CTX_new(meth); struct addrinfo *ai = NULL; int presetup_okay; /* * OpenSSL only does protocol negotiation on SSLv23_client_method; * we need to set SNI to get the correct certificate from many * modern browsers, so we disable both SSLv2 and SSLv3 if we can. * That leaves (currently) TLSv1.0 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 */ long ssl_options = 0 #ifdef SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 | SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 #endif #ifdef SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 | SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 #endif ; if (!SSL_CTX_set_options(sslctx, ssl_options)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set SSL context options (%ld): %s\n", ssl_options, ssl_error()); presetup_okay = 0; } else { presetup_okay = 1; } if (VAL_NO_ERROR != (err = val_enable_dane_ssl(context, sslctx, node, danestatus, &ssl_dane_data))) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not set danestatus for SSL connection %s\n", p_val_error(err)); } ai = val_ainfo; while(presetup_okay && ai && (ai->ai_protocol == IPPROTO_TCP) && (ai->ai_family == AF_INET || ai->ai_family == AF_INET6)) { int sock; char buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; size_t buflen = sizeof(buf); const char *addr = NULL; if (ai->ai_family == AF_INET) { sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); ((struct sockaddr_in *)(ai)->ai_addr)->sin_port = htons(port); } else { sock = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); ((struct sockaddr_in6 *)(ai)->ai_addr)->sin6_port = htons(port); } INET_NTOP(ai->ai_family, ai->ai_addr, sizeof(ai->ai_addr), buf, buflen, addr); fprintf(stderr, "Connecting to %s\n", addr); if (0 == connect(sock, ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen)) { SSL *ssl = SSL_new(sslctx); BIO * sbio = BIO_new_socket(sock,BIO_NOCLOSE); #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x0090806fL && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT) SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(ssl, node); #endif SSL_set_bio(ssl,sbio,sbio); if ((err = SSL_connect(ssl)) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "SSL Connect to %s failed: %d\n", node, err); } SSL_shutdown(ssl); SSL_free(ssl); } else { fprintf(stderr, "TCP Connect to %s failed\n", node); } ai = (struct addrinfo *) (ai->ai_next); } } else if (dane_retval == VAL_DANE_IGNORE_TLSA) { fprintf(stderr, "TLSA is either provably non-existant or provably insecure. It will be ignored.\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "TLSA record could not be validated.\n"); ret = 1; } if (danestatus != NULL) val_free_dane(danestatus); if (val_ainfo != NULL) val_freeaddrinfo(val_ainfo); val_free_dane_ssl(ssl_dane_data);/* MUST happen before we free the context*/ val_free_context(context); val_free_validator_state(); return ret; }
/** * @brief main of scepclient * * @param argc number of arguments * @param argv pointer to the argument values */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* external values */ extern char * optarg; extern int optind; /* type of input and output files */ typedef enum { PKCS1 = 0x01, PKCS10 = 0x02, PKCS7 = 0x04, CERT_SELF = 0x08, CERT = 0x10, CACERT_ENC = 0x20, CACERT_SIG = 0x40 } scep_filetype_t; /* filetype to read from, defaults to "generate a key" */ scep_filetype_t filetype_in = 0; /* filetype to write to, no default here */ scep_filetype_t filetype_out = 0; /* input files */ char *file_in_pkcs1 = DEFAULT_FILENAME_PKCS1; char *file_in_cacert_enc = DEFAULT_FILENAME_CACERT_ENC; char *file_in_cacert_sig = DEFAULT_FILENAME_CACERT_SIG; /* output files */ char *file_out_pkcs1 = DEFAULT_FILENAME_PKCS1; char *file_out_pkcs10 = DEFAULT_FILENAME_PKCS10; char *file_out_pkcs7 = DEFAULT_FILENAME_PKCS7; char *file_out_cert_self = DEFAULT_FILENAME_CERT_SELF; char *file_out_cert = DEFAULT_FILENAME_CERT; char *file_out_prefix_cacert = DEFAULT_FILENAME_PREFIX_CACERT; /* by default user certificate is requested */ bool request_ca_certificate = FALSE; /* by default existing files are not overwritten */ bool force = FALSE; /* length of RSA key in bits */ u_int rsa_keylength = DEFAULT_RSA_KEY_LENGTH; /* validity of self-signed certificate */ time_t validity = DEFAULT_CERT_VALIDITY; time_t notBefore = 0; time_t notAfter = 0; /* distinguished name for requested certificate, ASCII format */ char *distinguishedName = NULL; /* challenge password */ char challenge_password_buffer[MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH]; /* symmetric encryption algorithm used by pkcs7, default is 3DES */ int pkcs7_symmetric_cipher = OID_3DES_EDE_CBC; /* digest algorithm used by pkcs7, default is SHA-1 */ int pkcs7_digest_alg = OID_SHA1; /* signature algorithm used by pkcs10, default is SHA-1 */ hash_algorithm_t pkcs10_signature_alg = HASH_SHA1; /* URL of the SCEP-Server */ char *scep_url = NULL; /* http request method, default is GET */ bool http_get_request = TRUE; /* poll interval time in manual mode in seconds */ u_int poll_interval = DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL; /* maximum poll time */ u_int max_poll_time = 0; err_t ugh = NULL; /* initialize library */ if (!library_init(NULL)) { library_deinit(); exit(SS_RC_LIBSTRONGSWAN_INTEGRITY); } if (lib->integrity && !lib->integrity->check_file(lib->integrity, "scepclient", argv[0])) { fprintf(stderr, "integrity check of scepclient failed\n"); library_deinit(); exit(SS_RC_DAEMON_INTEGRITY); } /* initialize global variables */ pkcs1 = chunk_empty; pkcs7 = chunk_empty; serialNumber = chunk_empty; transID = chunk_empty; fingerprint = chunk_empty; encoding = chunk_empty; pkcs10_encoding = chunk_empty; issuerAndSubject = chunk_empty; challengePassword = chunk_empty; getCertInitial = chunk_empty; scep_response = chunk_empty; subjectAltNames = linked_list_create(); options = options_create(); log_to_stderr = TRUE; for (;;) { static const struct option long_opts[] = { /* name, has_arg, flag, val */ { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, { "optionsfrom", required_argument, NULL, '+' }, { "quiet", no_argument, NULL, 'q' }, { "in", required_argument, NULL, 'i' }, { "out", required_argument, NULL, 'o' }, { "force", no_argument, NULL, 'f' }, { "keylength", required_argument, NULL, 'k' }, { "dn", required_argument, NULL, 'd' }, { "days", required_argument, NULL, 'D' }, { "startdate", required_argument, NULL, 'S' }, { "enddate", required_argument, NULL, 'E' }, { "subjectAltName", required_argument, NULL, 's' }, { "password", required_argument, NULL, 'p' }, { "algorithm", required_argument, NULL, 'a' }, { "url", required_argument, NULL, 'u' }, { "method", required_argument, NULL, 'm' }, { "interval", required_argument, NULL, 't' }, { "maxpolltime", required_argument, NULL, 'x' }, #ifdef DEBUG { "debug-all", no_argument, NULL, 'A' }, { "debug-parsing", no_argument, NULL, 'P'}, { "debug-raw", no_argument, NULL, 'R'}, { "debug-control", no_argument, NULL, 'C'}, { "debug-controlmore", no_argument, NULL, 'M'}, { "debug-private", no_argument, NULL, 'X'}, #endif { 0,0,0,0 } }; /* parse next option */ int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hv+:qi:o:fk:d:s:p:a:u:m:t:x:APRCMS", long_opts, NULL); switch (c) { case EOF: /* end of flags */ break; case 'h': /* --help */ usage(NULL); case 'v': /* --version */ version(); case 'q': /* --quiet */ log_to_stderr = FALSE; continue; case 'i': /* --in <type> [= <filename>] */ { char *filename = strstr(optarg, "="); if (filename) { /* replace '=' by '\0' */ *filename = '\0'; /* set pointer to start of filename */ filename++; } if (strcaseeq("pkcs1", optarg)) { filetype_in |= PKCS1; if (filename) file_in_pkcs1 = filename; } else if (strcaseeq("cacert-enc", optarg)) { filetype_in |= CACERT_ENC; if (filename) file_in_cacert_enc = filename; } else if (strcaseeq("cacert-sig", optarg)) { filetype_in |= CACERT_SIG; if (filename) file_in_cacert_sig = filename; } else { usage("invalid --in file type"); } continue; } case 'o': /* --out <type> [= <filename>] */ { char *filename = strstr(optarg, "="); if (filename) { /* replace '=' by '\0' */ *filename = '\0'; /* set pointer to start of filename */ filename++; } if (strcaseeq("pkcs1", optarg)) { filetype_out |= PKCS1; if (filename) file_out_pkcs1 = filename; } else if (strcaseeq("pkcs10", optarg)) { filetype_out |= PKCS10; if (filename) file_out_pkcs10 = filename; } else if (strcaseeq("pkcs7", optarg)) { filetype_out |= PKCS7; if (filename) file_out_pkcs7 = filename; } else if (strcaseeq("cert-self", optarg)) { filetype_out |= CERT_SELF; if (filename) file_out_cert_self = filename; } else if (strcaseeq("cert", optarg)) { filetype_out |= CERT; if (filename) file_out_cert = filename; } else if (strcaseeq("cacert", optarg)) { request_ca_certificate = TRUE; if (filename) file_out_prefix_cacert = filename; } else { usage("invalid --out file type"); } continue; } case 'f': /* --force */ force = TRUE; continue; case '+': /* --optionsfrom <filename> */ if (!options->from(options, optarg, &argc, &argv, optind)) { exit_scepclient("optionsfrom failed"); } continue; case 'k': /* --keylength <length> */ { div_t q; rsa_keylength = atoi(optarg); if (rsa_keylength == 0) usage("invalid keylength"); /* check if key length is a multiple of 8 bits */ q = div(rsa_keylength, 2*BITS_PER_BYTE); if (q.rem != 0) { exit_scepclient("keylength is not a multiple of %d bits!" , 2*BITS_PER_BYTE); } continue; } case 'D': /* --days */ if (optarg == NULL || !isdigit(optarg[0])) usage("missing number of days"); { char *endptr; long days = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 0); if (*endptr != '\0' || endptr == optarg || days <= 0) usage("<days> must be a positive number"); validity = 24*3600*days; } continue; case 'S': /* --startdate */ if (optarg == NULL || strlen(optarg) != 13 || optarg[12] != 'Z') usage("date format must be YYMMDDHHMMSSZ"); { chunk_t date = { optarg, 13 }; notBefore = asn1_to_time(&date, ASN1_UTCTIME); } continue; case 'E': /* --enddate */ if (optarg == NULL || strlen(optarg) != 13 || optarg[12] != 'Z') usage("date format must be YYMMDDHHMMSSZ"); { chunk_t date = { optarg, 13 }; notAfter = asn1_to_time(&date, ASN1_UTCTIME); } continue; case 'd': /* --dn */ if (distinguishedName) usage("only one distinguished name allowed"); distinguishedName = optarg; continue; case 's': /* --subjectAltName */ { char *value = strstr(optarg, "="); if (value) { /* replace '=' by '\0' */ *value = '\0'; /* set pointer to start of value */ value++; } if (strcaseeq("email", optarg) || strcaseeq("dns", optarg) || strcaseeq("ip", optarg)) { subjectAltNames->insert_last(subjectAltNames, identification_create_from_string(value)); continue; } else { usage("invalid --subjectAltName type"); continue; } } case 'p': /* --password */ if (challengePassword.len > 0) { usage("only one challenge password allowed"); } if (strcaseeq("%prompt", optarg)) { printf("Challenge password: "******"challenge password could not be read"); } } else { challengePassword.ptr = optarg; challengePassword.len = strlen(optarg); } continue; case 'u': /* -- url */ if (scep_url) { usage("only one URL argument allowed"); } scep_url = optarg; continue; case 'm': /* --method */ if (strcaseeq("get", optarg)) { http_get_request = TRUE; } else if (strcaseeq("post", optarg)) { http_get_request = FALSE; } else { usage("invalid http request method specified"); } continue; case 't': /* --interval */ poll_interval = atoi(optarg); if (poll_interval <= 0) { usage("invalid interval specified"); } continue; case 'x': /* --maxpolltime */ max_poll_time = atoi(optarg); if (max_poll_time < 0) { usage("invalid maxpolltime specified"); } continue; case 'a': /*--algorithm */ { const proposal_token_t *token; token = proposal_get_token(optarg, strlen(optarg)); if (token == NULL || token->type != ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM) { usage("invalid algorithm specified"); } pkcs7_symmetric_cipher = encryption_algorithm_to_oid( token->algorithm, token->keysize); if (pkcs7_symmetric_cipher == OID_UNKNOWN) { usage("unsupported encryption algorithm specified"); } continue; } #ifdef DEBUG case 'A': /* --debug-all */ base_debugging |= DBG_ALL; continue; case 'P': /* debug parsing */ base_debugging |= DBG_PARSING; continue; case 'R': /* debug raw */ base_debugging |= DBG_RAW; continue; case 'C': /* debug control */ base_debugging |= DBG_CONTROL; continue; case 'M': /* debug control more */ base_debugging |= DBG_CONTROLMORE; continue; case 'X': /* debug private */ base_debugging |= DBG_PRIVATE; continue; #endif default: usage("unknown option"); } /* break from loop */ break; } cur_debugging = base_debugging; init_log("scepclient"); /* load plugins, further infrastructure may need it */ if (!lib->plugins->load(lib->plugins, NULL, lib->settings->get_str(lib->settings, "scepclient.load", PLUGINS))) { exit_scepclient("plugin loading failed"); } print_plugins(); if ((filetype_out == 0) && (!request_ca_certificate)) { usage ("--out filetype required"); } if (request_ca_certificate && (filetype_out > 0 || filetype_in > 0)) { usage("in CA certificate request, no other --in or --out option allowed"); } /* check if url is given, if cert output defined */ if (((filetype_out & CERT) || request_ca_certificate) && !scep_url) { usage("URL of SCEP server required"); } /* check for sanity of --in/--out */ if (!filetype_in && (filetype_in > filetype_out)) { usage("cannot generate --out of given --in!"); } /* * input of PKCS#1 file */ if (filetype_in & PKCS1) /* load an RSA key pair from file */ { char *path = concatenate_paths(PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, file_in_pkcs1); private_key = lib->creds->create(lib->creds, CRED_PRIVATE_KEY, KEY_RSA, BUILD_FROM_FILE, path, BUILD_END); } else /* generate an RSA key pair */ { private_key = lib->creds->create(lib->creds, CRED_PRIVATE_KEY, KEY_RSA, BUILD_KEY_SIZE, rsa_keylength, BUILD_END); } if (private_key == NULL) { exit_scepclient("no RSA private key available"); } public_key = private_key->get_public_key(private_key); /* check for minimum key length */ if (private_key->get_keysize(private_key) < RSA_MIN_OCTETS / BITS_PER_BYTE) { exit_scepclient("length of RSA key has to be at least %d bits" ,RSA_MIN_OCTETS * BITS_PER_BYTE); } /* * input of PKCS#10 file */ if (filetype_in & PKCS10) { /* user wants to load a pkcs10 request * operation is not yet supported * would require a PKCS#10 parsing function pkcs10 = pkcs10_read_from_file(file_in_pkcs10); */ } else { if (distinguishedName == NULL) { char buf[BUF_LEN]; int n = sprintf(buf, DEFAULT_DN); /* set the common name to the hostname */ if (gethostname(buf + n, BUF_LEN - n) || strlen(buf) == n) { exit_scepclient("no hostname defined, use " "--dn <distinguished name> option"); } distinguishedName = buf; } DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("dn: '%s'", distinguishedName); ) subject = identification_create_from_string(distinguishedName); if (subject->get_type(subject) != ID_DER_ASN1_DN) { exit_scepclient("parsing of distinguished name failed"); } DBG(DBG_CONTROL, DBG_log("building pkcs10 object:") ) pkcs10_req = lib->creds->create(lib->creds, CRED_CERTIFICATE, CERT_PKCS10_REQUEST, BUILD_SIGNING_KEY, private_key, BUILD_SUBJECT, subject, BUILD_SUBJECT_ALTNAMES, subjectAltNames, BUILD_CHALLENGE_PWD, challengePassword, BUILD_DIGEST_ALG, pkcs10_signature_alg, BUILD_END); if (!pkcs10_req) { exit_scepclient("generating pkcs10 request failed"); } pkcs10_req->get_encoding(pkcs10_req, CERT_ASN1_DER, &pkcs10_encoding); fingerprint = scep_generate_pkcs10_fingerprint(pkcs10_encoding); plog(" fingerprint: %s", fingerprint.ptr); }
void run() { int numShards = 10; int numInitialChunks = 5; int maxChunks = 100000; // Needed to not overflow the BSONArray's max bytes int keySize = 2; BSONArrayBuilder chunksB; BSONObj lastSplitPt; ShardChunkVersion version( 1, 0, OID() ); // // Generate numChunks with a given key size over numShards // All chunks have double key values, so we can split them a bunch // for( int i = -1; i < numInitialChunks; i++ ){ BSONObjBuilder splitPtB; for( int k = 0; k < keySize; k++ ){ string field = string( "k" ) + string( 1, (char)('0' + k) ); if( i < 0 ) splitPtB.appendMinKey( field ); else if( i < numInitialChunks - 1 ) splitPtB.append( field, (double)i ); else splitPtB.appendMaxKey( field ); } BSONObj splitPt = splitPtB.obj(); if( i >= 0 ){ BSONObjBuilder chunkB; chunkB.append( "min", lastSplitPt ); chunkB.append( "max", splitPt ); int shardNum = rand( numShards ); chunkB.append( "shard", "shard" + string( 1, (char)('A' + shardNum) ) ); rand( 2 ) ? version.incMajor() : version.incMinor(); version.addToBSON( chunkB, "lastmod" ); chunksB.append( chunkB.obj() ); } lastSplitPt = splitPt; } BSONArray chunks = chunksB.arr(); // log() << "Chunks generated : " << chunks << endl; DBClientMockCursor chunksCursor( chunks ); // Setup the empty ranges and versions first RangeMap ranges; ShardChunkVersion maxVersion = ShardChunkVersion( 0, 0, OID() ); VersionMap maxShardVersions; // Create a differ which will track our progress boost::shared_ptr< DefaultDiffAdapter > differ( _inverse ? new InverseDiffAdapter() : new DefaultDiffAdapter() ); differ->attach( "test", ranges, maxVersion, maxShardVersions ); // Validate initial load differ->calculateConfigDiff( chunksCursor ); validate( chunks, ranges, maxVersion, maxShardVersions ); // Generate a lot of diffs, and keep validating that updating from the diffs always // gives us the right ranges and versions int numDiffs = 135; // Makes about 100000 chunks overall int numChunks = numInitialChunks; for( int i = 0; i < numDiffs; i++ ){ // log() << "Generating new diff... " << i << endl; BSONArrayBuilder diffsB; BSONArrayBuilder newChunksB; BSONObjIterator chunksIt( chunks ); while( chunksIt.more() ){ BSONObj chunk =; int randChoice = rand( 10 ); if( randChoice < 2 && numChunks < maxChunks ){ // Simulate a split // log() << " ...starting a split with chunk " << chunk << endl; BSONObjBuilder leftB; BSONObjBuilder rightB; BSONObjBuilder midB; for( int k = 0; k < keySize; k++ ){ string field = string( "k" ) + string( 1, (char)('0' + k) ); BSONType maxType = chunk["max"].Obj()[field].type(); double max = maxType == NumberDouble ? chunk["max"].Obj()[field].Number() : 0.0; BSONType minType = chunk["min"].Obj()[field].type(); double min = minType == NumberDouble ? chunk["min"].Obj()[field].Number() : 0.0; if( minType == MinKey ){ midB.append( field, max - 1.0 ); } else if( maxType == MaxKey ){ midB.append( field, min + 1.0 ); } else { midB.append( field, ( max + min ) / 2.0 ); } } BSONObj midPt = midB.obj(); // Only happens if we can't split the min chunk if( midPt.isEmpty() ) continue; leftB.append( chunk["min"] ); leftB.append( "max", midPt ); rightB.append( "min", midPt ); rightB.append( chunk["max"] ); leftB.append( chunk["shard"] ); rightB.append( chunk["shard"] ); version.incMajor(); version._minor = 0; version.addToBSON( leftB, "lastmod" ); version.incMinor(); version.addToBSON( rightB, "lastmod" ); BSONObj left = leftB.obj(); BSONObj right = rightB.obj(); // log() << " ... split into " << left << " and " << right << endl; newChunksB.append( left ); newChunksB.append( right ); diffsB.append( right ); diffsB.append( left ); numChunks++; } else if( randChoice < 4 && chunksIt.more() ){ // Simulate a migrate // log() << " ...starting a migrate with chunk " << chunk << endl; BSONObj prevShardChunk; while( chunksIt.more() ){ prevShardChunk =; if( prevShardChunk["shard"].String() == chunk["shard"].String() ) break; // log() << "... appending chunk from diff shard: " << prevShardChunk << endl; newChunksB.append( prevShardChunk ); prevShardChunk = BSONObj(); } // We need to move between different shards, hence the weirdness in logic here if( ! prevShardChunk.isEmpty() ){ BSONObjBuilder newShardB; BSONObjBuilder prevShardB; newShardB.append( chunk["min"] ); newShardB.append( chunk["max"] ); prevShardB.append( prevShardChunk["min"] ); prevShardB.append( prevShardChunk["max"] ); int shardNum = rand( numShards ); newShardB.append( "shard", "shard" + string( 1, (char)('A' + shardNum) ) ); prevShardB.append( prevShardChunk["shard"] ); version.incMajor(); version._minor = 0; version.addToBSON( newShardB, "lastmod" ); version.incMinor(); version.addToBSON( prevShardB, "lastmod" ); BSONObj newShard = newShardB.obj(); BSONObj prevShard = prevShardB.obj(); // log() << " ... migrated to " << newShard << " and updated " << prevShard << endl; newChunksB.append( newShard ); newChunksB.append( prevShard ); diffsB.append( newShard ); diffsB.append( prevShard ); } else{ // log() << "... appending chunk, no more left: " << chunk << endl; newChunksB.append( chunk ); } } else{ // log() << "Appending chunk : " << chunk << endl; newChunksB.append( chunk ); } } BSONArray diffs = diffsB.arr(); chunks = newChunksB.arr(); // log() << "Diffs generated : " << diffs << endl; // log() << "All chunks : " << chunks << endl; // Rarely entirely clear out our data if( rand( 10 ) < 1 ){ diffs = chunks; ranges.clear(); maxVersion = ShardChunkVersion( 0, 0, OID() ); maxShardVersions.clear(); } // log() << "Total number of chunks : " << numChunks << " iteration " << i << endl; DBClientMockCursor diffCursor( diffs ); differ->calculateConfigDiff( diffCursor ); validate( chunks, ranges, maxVersion, maxShardVersions ); } }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int c, ret = 0; char *subopts; char *value; char *src_name = NULL; extern char *optarg; extern int optind; struct eq_lexer *lex = (struct eq_lexer *) malloc (sizeof (struct eq_lexer)); struct eq_parser *parser = (struct eq_parser *) malloc (sizeof (struct eq_parser)); init_global (); init_global_tree (); init_options (); progname = strrchr (argv[0], '/'); if (NULL == progname) progname = argv[0]; else progname++; while (-1 != (c = getopt (argc, argv, "B:P:V"))) switch (c) { case 'P': subopts = optarg; while (*subopts != '\0') switch (getsubopt (&subopts, p_opts, &value)) { case OPT_PRINT_PROGRAM: options.print_program = true; break; case OPT_PRINT_MATCHES: options.print_matches = true; break; case OPT_PRINT_TYPES: options.print_types = true; break; default: fprintf (stderr, "unknown -P suboption `%s'\n", value); goto cleanup; break; } break; case 'B': subopts = optarg; while (*subopts != '\0') switch (getsubopt (&subopts, b_opts, &value)) { case OPT_BREAK_PARSER: options.break_option = break_parser; break; case OPT_BREAK_TYPECHECK: options.break_option = break_typecheck; break; case OPT_BREAK_CONTROLFLOW: options.break_option = break_controlflow; case OPT_BREAK_DATAFLOW: options.break_option = break_dataflow; break; default: fprintf (stderr, "unknown -B suboption `%s'\n", value); goto cleanup; break; } break; case 'V': version (); goto cleanup; default: usage (); goto cleanup; } if (options.print_types && !(options.print_program || options.print_matches)) fprintf (stderr, "warning: 'types' flag is useless without either " "'program' flag or 'matches' flag\n"); argv += optind; /* FIXME: What if we have multiple files? */ if (NULL == *argv) { fprintf (stderr, "%s:error: filename argument required\n", progname); usage (); ret = -1; goto cleanup; } /* Initialize the lexer. */ if (!eq_lexer_init (lex, *argv)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s cannot create a lexer for file `%s'\n", progname, *argv); ret = -2; goto cleanup; } else { /* Discard extension from file to compile. */ char* start = strrchr (*argv, '/'); char* ext = strrchr (*argv, '.'); int size = 0; if (start == NULL) start = *argv; else start += 1; if (ext == NULL) size = strlen(start); else size = ext - start; src_name = strndup (start, size); } /* Initialize the parser. */ eq_parser_init (parser, lex); if ((ret += eq_parse (parser)) == 0 && options.break_option != break_parser) ret += typecheck (); /* printing debug routine. */ if (options.print_program) { xfile * xf = xfile_init_file_stdout (); printf ("\n######### Output ########\n"); print_program (xf); xfile_finalize (xf); } if (options.print_matches) { printf ("\n####### Transforms ########\n"); print_matches (); } if (options.break_option != break_typecheck && options.break_option != break_parser && !ret) controlflow (); if (options.break_option != break_controlflow && options.break_option != break_typecheck && options.break_option != break_parser && !ret) dataflow (); if (options.break_option != break_dataflow && options.break_option != break_controlflow && options.break_option != break_typecheck && options.break_option != break_parser && !ret) codegen (src_name); printf ("note: finished compiling.\n"); free (src_name); cleanup: eq_parser_finalize (parser); finalize_global_tree (); finalize_global (); /* That should be called at the very end. */ free_atomic_trees (); if (parser) free (parser); if (lex) free (lex); return ret == 0 ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret=0; argc--; argv0 = *argv++; int done=0; while(argc>0) { if (argc > 0 && strcmp(*argv, "--chip_awake") == 0) { /* WLAN enable */ chip_awake(2); return ASI_SUCCESS; } else if (argc > 0 && strcmp(*argv, "--on") == 0) { /* WLAN enable */ chip_awake(1); return ASI_SUCCESS; } else if (argc > 0 && strcmp(*argv, "--off") == 0) { /* WLAN enable */ chip_awake(0); return ASI_SUCCESS; } else if (argc > 0 && strcmp(*argv, "--log") == 0) { argc--; argv++; ret=LOG_FILE_FAIL; if(argc>0) { ret=log_init(LOG_TO_FILE, *argv); argc--; argv++; } if (ret!=LOG_FILE_SUCCESS) { usage(); return ASI_FAIL; } } else if (argc > 0 && strcmp(*argv, "--debug") == 0) { argc--; argv++; ret=log_init(LOG_PRNT_SCR, NULL); if (ret!=LOG_FILE_SUCCESS) { usage(); return ASI_FAIL; } } else if (argc > 0 && ((strcmp(*argv, "--version") == 0) || (strcmp(*argv, "-v") == 0))) { version(); return ASI_SUCCESS; } else if(argc==1){ if (set_debugfs_sdio(*argv) !=ASI_SUCCESS) { usage(); return ASI_FAIL; } argc--; argv++; } else { usage(); return ASI_FAIL; } } if ( argc > 0 || get_debugfs_sdio_file_status() != ASI_SUCCESS) { usage(); return ASI_FAIL; } start_adb_socket(); return ASI_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char* config_path = NULL; char* pid_path = NULL; int daemon = 1; int c = 0; int pid_path_set = 0; int daemon_set = 0; pid_t pid = 0; eemo_rv rv = ERV_OK; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "fc:p:Ghv")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'f': daemon = 0; daemon_set = 1; break; case 'c': config_path = strdup(optarg); if (config_path == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating memory, exiting\n"); return ERV_MEMORY; } break; case 'p': pid_path = strdup(optarg); if (pid_path == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating memory, exiting\n"); return ERV_MEMORY; } pid_path_set = 1; break; case 'G': generate_guid(); return 0; break; case 'h': usage(); return 0; case 'v': version(); return 0; } } if (config_path == NULL) { config_path = strdup(DEFAULT_EEMO_SENSOR_CONF); if (config_path == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating memory, exiting\n"); return ERV_MEMORY; } } if (pid_path == NULL) { pid_path = strdup(DEFAULT_EEMO_SENSOR_PIDFILE); if (pid_path == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating memory, exiting\n"); return ERV_MEMORY; } } /* Load the configuration */ if (eemo_init_config_handling(config_path) != ERV_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load the configuration, exiting\n"); return ERV_CONFIG_ERROR; } /* Initialise logging */ if (eemo_init_log() != ERV_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialise logging, exiting\n"); return ERV_LOG_INIT_FAIL; } /* Determine configuration settings that were not specified on the command line */ if (!pid_path_set) { char* conf_pid_path = NULL; if (eemo_conf_get_string("daemon", "pidfile", &conf_pid_path, NULL) != ERV_OK) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to retrieve pidfile information from the configuration"); } else { if (conf_pid_path != NULL) { free(pid_path); pid_path = conf_pid_path; } } } if (!daemon_set) { if (eemo_conf_get_bool("daemon", "fork", &daemon, 1) != ERV_OK) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to retrieve daemon information from the configuration"); } } /* Now fork if that was requested */ if (daemon) { pid = fork(); if (pid != 0) { /* This is the parent process; write the PID file and exit */ write_pid(pid_path, pid); /* Unload the configuration */ if (eemo_uninit_config_handling() != ERV_OK) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to uninitialise configuration handling"); } /* Uninitialise logging */ if (eemo_uninit_log() != ERV_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to uninitialise logging\n"); } free(pid_path); free(config_path); return ERV_OK; } } /* If we forked, this is the child */ INFO_MSG("Starting the Extensible Ethernet Monitor Sensor (eemo_sensor) version %s", VERSION); INFO_MSG("eemo_sensor %sprocess ID is %d", daemon ? "daemon " : "", getpid()); /* Install signal handlers */ signal(SIGABRT, signal_handler); signal(SIGBUS, signal_handler); signal(SIGFPE, signal_handler); signal(SIGILL, signal_handler); signal(SIGPIPE, signal_handler); signal(SIGQUIT, signal_handler); signal(SIGSEGV, signal_handler); signal(SIGSYS, signal_handler); signal(SIGXCPU, signal_handler); signal(SIGXFSZ, signal_handler); /* Initialise OpenSSL */ SSL_library_init(); SSL_load_error_strings(); DEBUG_MSG("Initialised OpenSSL"); if (eemo_mt_openssl_init() != ERV_OK) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to initialise multi-thread use of OpenSSL"); return ERV_GENERAL_ERROR; } /* Initialise the sensor */ if (eemo_sensor_init() == ERV_OK) { /* Run the multiplexer until it is stopped */ eemo_sensor_run(); /* Uninitialise the sensor */ eemo_sensor_finalize(); } else { ERROR_MSG("Failed to initialise the sensor"); rv = ERV_GENERAL_ERROR; } /* Remove signal handlers */ signal(SIGABRT, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGBUS, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGFPE, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGILL, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGSEGV, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGSYS, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGXCPU, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGXFSZ, SIG_DFL); INFO_MSG("Extensible Ethernet Monitor Sensor exiting"); eemo_mt_openssl_finalize(); /* Uninitialise logging */ if (eemo_uninit_log() != ERV_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to uninitialise logging\n"); } free(pid_path); free(config_path); return rv; }