Пример #1
static void cmdedit( void )
   double pt[ 3 ], r[ 3 ], c[ 3 ], h, xrot, yrot, rot;
   int i, j, n, vi, snum;

   csSetLayer( layer1 );
   csMergePoints( 0 );

   if ( atom_type == ATYPE_SPHERE ) {
      mgMonitorBegin( "Sphere Atoms", NULL, seqlen );

      csSetLayer( layer1 );
      for ( j = 0; j < seqlen; j++ ) {
         n = atom_count( seq[ j ] );
         for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
            atom_info( seq[ j ], i, &vi, &snum );
            vert_coords( seq[ j ], vi, pt );
            transform_point( j * 3.4, j * 36.0, pt );
            r[ 0 ] = r[ 1 ] = r[ 2 ] = atom_radius[ snum ];
            csSetDefaultSurface( surface_name( snum ));
            csMakeBall( r, atom_nsides, atom_nsegments, pt );
         if ( userabort = mgMonitorStep( 1 ))

   if ( bond_type == BTYPE_CYLINDER && !userabort ) {
      mgMonitorBegin( "Cylinder Bonds", NULL, seqlen );

      for ( j = 0; j < seqlen; j++ ) {
         n = bond_count( seq[ j ] );
         for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
            bond_coords( seq[ j ], i, pt, &h, &xrot, &yrot, &snum );
            pt[ 1 ] += 3.4 * j;
            csSetLayer( layer2 );
            csSetDefaultSurface( surface_name( snum ));
            r[ 0 ] = r[ 1 ] = r[ 2 ] = bond_radius;
            c[ 0 ] = c[ 2 ] = 0.0;
            c[ 1 ] = h / 2.0;
            csMakeDisc( r, h, 0, "Y", bond_nsides, bond_nsegments, c );
            csRotate( xrot, "X", NULL );
            csRotate( yrot, "Y", NULL );
            csMove( pt );
            rot = 36 * j;
            csRotate( rot, "Y", NULL );
            csSetLayer( layer1 );
         if ( userabort = mgMonitorStep( 1 ))
Пример #2
void plot_thetae(void)
	/*  PLOT_THETAE                                              */
	/*  John Hart  NSSFC KCMO                                    */
	/*                                                           */
	/*  Plots vertical profile of Theta-E (sfc-500mb)            */
	float bothgt, tophgt, h, cthe, ix1;
	short x1, y1, x2, y2, i, tlx, tly;
	short pIndex, zIndex, tIndex, tdIndex;
	char st[10];

	pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
	zIndex = getParmIndex("HGHT");
	tIndex = getParmIndex("TEMP");
	tdIndex = getParmIndex("DWPT");

	if (!sndg || pIndex == -1 || tIndex == -1 || tdIndex == -1 ||
	    zIndex == -1)

	/* tlx = hov.brx - 150;
	tly = hov.tly; */

	tlx = hov.tlx + 120;
	tly = hov.bry;

	setcliprgn(tlx, tly, tlx+134, tly+120);
	setlinestyle( 1, 1 );
	rectangle(1,tlx, tly, tlx+134, tly+120); 
	rectangle(0, tlx, tly, tlx+134, tly+120);

	/* ----- Set Layer (AGL) ----- */
	bothgt = 0;
	tophgt = agl(i_hght(500, I_PRES));

	/* ----- Plot Label ----- */
	outgtext("Theta-E vs", tlx+55, tly+3);
	outgtext("Pressure",  tlx+55, tly+15);

	/* ----- Plot horizontal legend ----- */
        if (800 < pIndex < 850){
                cthe = (thetae(800, i_temp(800, I_PRES), i_dwpt(800, I_PRES)) +
                        thetae(650, i_temp(650, I_PRES), i_dwpt(650, I_PRES)) +
                        thetae(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], sndg[sfc()][tIndex],
                        sndg[sfc()][tdIndex])) / 3.0;
        if (750 < pIndex < 800){
                cthe = (thetae(750, i_temp(750, I_PRES), i_dwpt(750, I_PRES)) +
                        thetae(600, i_temp(600, I_PRES), i_dwpt(600, I_PRES)) +
                        thetae(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], sndg[sfc()][tIndex],
                        sndg[sfc()][tdIndex])) / 3.0;
        if (700 < pIndex < 750){
                cthe = (thetae(700, i_temp(700, I_PRES), i_dwpt(700, I_PRES)) +
                        thetae(500, i_temp(500, I_PRES), i_dwpt(500, I_PRES)) +
                        thetae(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], sndg[sfc()][tIndex],
                        sndg[sfc()][tdIndex])) / 3.0;
        if (pIndex >= 850){
                cthe = (thetae(850, i_temp(850, I_PRES), i_dwpt(850, I_PRES)) +
                        thetae(700, i_temp(700, I_PRES), i_dwpt(700, I_PRES)) +
                        thetae(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], sndg[sfc()][tIndex],
                        sndg[sfc()][tdIndex])) / 3.0;
	for(h=cthe - 30.0; h<=cthe + 30.0; h += 10) {
	   x1 = (short)(tlx + 60 + ((h-cthe)*2.5));
	   y1 = tly+120;
	   moveto( x1, y1);
	   lineto( x1, y1-5);
	   sprintf(st, "%.0f", h + 273.15);
	   outgtext(st, x1-6, y1-14);

	/* ----- Plot vertical theta-e profile ----- */
	setlinestyle(1, 2);
	x2 = 999;
        if (sndg[numlvl-1][pIndex] < 500) {
	   for (i=0; sndg[i][pIndex] >= 500; i++) {
	      /*printf ("i = %d,    PRES = %.1f\n", i, sndg[i][pIndex]);*/
	      if (qc(sndg[i][tdIndex])) {
	         x1 = (short)(tlx + 60 + ((thetae(sndg[i][pIndex], 
	              sndg[i][tIndex], sndg[i][tdIndex])-cthe)*2.5));
   	         y1 = vert_coords(agl(sndg[i][zIndex]), tophgt, tly);
	         if(x2 == 999) { x2=x1; y2=y1; }

	         moveto(x1, y1);
	         lineto(x2, y2);


	/* ----- Plot Vertical Legend ----- */
	setlinestyle(1, 1);
	x2 = 999;
	for(i=1000; i >= 600; i -= 100) {
	   x1 = tlx;
	   y1 = vert_coords(agl(i_hght(i, I_PRES)), tophgt, tly);
	   moveto( x1, y1);
	   lineto( x1+5, y1);
	   sprintf(st, "%d", i);
	   if (i<1000) outgtext(st, x1+6, y1-5);

	setcliprgn(1, 1, xwdth, xhght);

	/* plot theta-e index */
	sprintf( st, "TEI = %s", qc2( ThetaE_diff(&ix1), "", 0));
        outgtext( st, tlx + 80, tly + 50);
Пример #3
static void meshedit( void )
   double pt[ 3 ];
   LWPntID id[ 57 ], vid[ 2 ];
   int i, j, k, n, v[ 9 ], snum;

   csMeshBegin( 0, 0, OPSEL_GLOBAL );

   if ( bond_type == BTYPE_LINE ) {
      mgMonitorBegin( "Line Bonds", NULL, seqlen );

      for ( j = 0; j < seqlen; j++ ) {
         n = point_count( seq[ j ] );
         for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
            vert_coords( seq[ j ], i, pt );
            transform_point( j * 3.4, j * 36.0, pt );
            id[ i ] = meAddPoint( pt );
         n = bond_count( seq[ j ] );
         for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
            bond_info( seq[ j ], i, &v[ 0 ], &v[ 1 ], &snum );
            vid[ 0 ] = id[ v[ 0 ]];
            vid[ 1 ] = id[ v[ 1 ]];
            meAddPoly( LWPOLTYPE_FACE, NULL, surface_name( snum ), 2, vid );
         if ( userabort = mgMonitorStep( 1 ))

   if ( atom_type == ATYPE_POINT && !userabort ) {
      mgMonitorBegin( "Point Atoms", NULL, seqlen );

      for ( j = 0; j < seqlen; j++ ) {
         n = atom_count( seq[ j ] );
         for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
            atom_info( seq[ j ], i, &v[ 0 ], &snum );
            vert_coords( seq[ j ], v[ 0 ], pt );
            transform_point( j * 3.4, j * 36.0, pt );
            id[ 0 ] = meAddPoint(  pt );
            meAddPoly( LWPOLTYPE_FACE, NULL, surface_name( snum ), 1, &id[ 0 ] );
         if ( userabort = mgMonitorStep( 1 ))

   else if ( atom_type == ATYPE_DODEC && !userabort ) {
      mgMonitorBegin( "Dodecahedron Atoms", NULL, seqlen );

      for ( j = 0; j < seqlen; j++ ) {
         n = atom_count( seq[ j ] );
         for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
            atom_info( seq[ j ], i, &v[ 0 ], &snum );
            vert_coords( seq[ j ], v[ 0 ], pt );
            transform_point( j * 3.4, j * 36.0, pt );
            dodec( pt, atom_radius[ snum ], surface_name( snum ));
         if ( userabort = mgMonitorStep( 1 ))

   if ( do_plates && !userabort ) {
      mgMonitorBegin( "Base Plates", NULL, seqlen );

      for ( j = 0; j < seqlen; j++ ) {
         for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
            plate_info( seq[ j ], i, &n, v, &snum );
            for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ ) {
               vert_coords( seq[ j ], v[ k ], pt );
               transform_point( j * 3.4, j * 36.0, pt );
               id[ k ] = meAddPoint( pt );
            meAddPoly( LWPOLTYPE_FACE, NULL, surface_name( snum ), n, id );
         if ( userabort = mgMonitorStep( 1 ))

   csMeshDone( EDERR_NONE, 0 );
Пример #4
void plot_vertsrw(void)
	/*  PLOT_VERTSRW                                             */
	/*  John Hart  NSSFC KCMO                                    */
	/*                                                           */
	/*  Plots vertical profile of sr-winds (0-9km AGL)           */
	float bothgt, tophgt, h, ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4, h1, h2;
	short x1, y1, x2, y2, tlx, tly, wid;
	char st[40];

	tlx = hov.tlx + 254;
	tly = hov.bry;
	wid = 135;

	setcliprgn( tlx+2, tly+2, tlx+wid+24, tly+wid-15);
	setlinestyle( 1, 1 );
	rectangle( 1,tlx, tly, tlx+wid+27, tly+wid-15); 
	rectangle( 0, tlx, tly, tlx+wid+27, tly+wid-15);

	/* ----- Set Layer (AGL) ----- */
	bothgt = 0;
	tophgt = 16000;

	/* ----- Plot Label ----- */
	outgtext( "SR Winds (kt)", tlx + 20, tly + 3 );
	outgtext( "vs Height", tlx + 20, tly + 15 );

	/* ----- Plot height legend ----- */
	for(h=bothgt; h<=tophgt; h += 2000)
	   x1 = tlx;
	   y1 = vert_coords(h, tophgt, tly);
	   moveto( x1, y1);
	   lineto(x1+5, y1);

	   if(h>0 && h<16000)
	      sprintf( st, "%d", (int)(h/1000));
	      outgtext( st, x1+5, y1-4 );

	/* ----- Plot horizontal legend ----- */
	for(h=0; h<=80; h += 10)
	   x1 = tlx + (short)(h*2);
	   y1 = tly + wid - 15;
	   moveto( x1, y1);
	   lineto( x1, y1-5);

       /* ----- Plot vertical dashed line at 15kt ----- */
       setlinestyle(2, 1);
       moveto( tlx + 30, tly);
       lineto( tlx + 30, tly + wid);

       /* ----- Plot vertical dashed line at 40kt ----- */
       moveto( tlx + 80, tly);
       lineto( tlx + 80, tly + (wid/2));

       /* ----- Plot vertical dashed line at 15kt ----- */
       moveto( tlx + 140, tly);
       lineto( tlx + 140, tly + (wid/2));

	/* ----- Plot vertical srw profile ----- */
        setlinestyle(1, 2);
	x2 = 999;
	for(h=bothgt; h<=tophgt; h += 250)
	   sr_wind( i_pres(msl(h)), i_pres(msl(h)), 
			st_dir, st_spd, &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
	   x1 = tlx + (short)(ix4*2);
	   y1 = vert_coords(h, tophgt, tly);
	   if(x2 == 999) { x2=x1; y2=y1; }

	   moveto( x1, y1);
	   lineto( x2, y2);


	/* ----- Plot Mean-Layer SRW value (Sfc-2km) ----- */
	h1 = 0;
	h2 = 2000;
	sr_wind( i_pres(msl(h1)), i_pres(msl(h2)),
			st_dir, st_spd, &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
	   x1 = tlx + (short)(ix4*2);
	   y1 = vert_coords(h1, tophgt, tly);
	   y2 = vert_coords(h2, tophgt, tly);
	   moveto( x1, y1);
	   lineto( x1, y2);

	/* ----- Plot Mean-Layer SRW value (4-6km) ----- */
	h1 = 4000;
	h2 = 6000;
	sr_wind( i_pres(msl(h1)), i_pres(msl(h2)), st_dir, st_spd, &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
	   x1 = tlx + (short)(ix4*2);
	   y1 = vert_coords(h1, tophgt, tly);
	   y2 = vert_coords(h2, tophgt, tly);
	   moveto( x1, y1);
	   lineto( x1, y2);

	/* ----- Plot Mean-Layer SRW value (9-11km) ----- */
	h1 = 9000;
	h2 = 11000;
	sr_wind( i_pres(msl(h1)), i_pres(msl(h2)), st_dir, st_spd, &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
	   x1 = tlx + (short)(ix4*2);
	   y1 = vert_coords(h1, tophgt, tly);
	   y2 = vert_coords(h2, tophgt, tly);
	   moveto( x1, y1);
	   lineto( x1, y2);

	setcliprgn(1, 1, xwdth, xhght);