Пример #1
void RemoveHangingVertices( std::vector< Vertex >& vertices , std::vector< std::vector< int > >& polygons )
	hash_map< int , int > vMap;
	std::vector< bool > vertexFlags( vertices.size() , false );
	for( size_t i=0 ; i<polygons.size() ; i++ ) for( size_t j=0 ; j<polygons[i].size() ; j++ ) vertexFlags[ polygons[i][j] ] = true;
	int vCount = 0;
	for( int i=0 ; i<int(vertices.size()) ; i++ ) if( vertexFlags[i] ) vMap[i] = vCount++;
	for( size_t i=0 ; i<polygons.size() ; i++ ) for( size_t j=0 ; j<polygons[i].size() ; j++ ) polygons[i][j] = vMap[ polygons[i][j] ];

	std::vector< Vertex > _vertices( vCount );
	for( int i=0 ; i<int(vertices.size()) ; i++ ) if( vertexFlags[i] ) _vertices[ vMap[i] ] = vertices[i];
	vertices = _vertices;
Пример #2
double getClosestPointOLD(ClosestPointInfo *inf, const Point3D &pTest, const Surface &s, const SpacialHash &faceHash, float stopBelow){
  //  get from the hash - they are not in order and distances are squared
  SpacialHash::CellRec *recs;
  int numCells = faceHash.getCells(&recs, pTest);

  //  flags for used triangles
  Array<bool> flags(s.triangles.getSize());

  //  flags for whether point has been tested
  Array<bool> vertexFlags(s.vertices.getSize());

  //  find closest bit of surface
  inf->num = 0;
  inf->triangle = 0;
  inf->type = DIST_TYPE_INVALID;
  double minD = REAL_MAX;
  double stopBelowSqr = -1;
  if (stopBelow > 0)
    stopBelowSqr = stopBelow*stopBelow;

  for (int i = 0; i < numCells; i++){
    /*&& recs[i].d <= minD + EPSILON_LARGE*/  //  --  for when the cells were sorted

    SpacialHash::CellRec rec = recs[i];
    if (rec.d > minD)                         //  --  unsorted cells

    Array<int> *tris = faceHash.getCell(rec.i, rec.j, rec.k);
    int numTris = tris->getSize();
    if (numTris > 0){
      getClosestPointINTERNAL(inf, &minD, pTest, s, stopBelowSqr, tris, &flags, &vertexFlags);

      if (minD < stopBelowSqr){
        //  opt for dodec test
        delete recs;
        return sqrt(minD);

  delete recs;
  return sqrt(minD);
Пример #3
double getClosestPointOrdered(ClosestPointInfo *inf, const Point3D &pTest, const Surface &s, const SpacialHash &faceHash, float stopBelow){
  //  get the dimensions and size of the grid
  int nX = faceHash.getDimX();
  int nY = faceHash.getDimY();
  int nZ = faceHash.getDimZ();
  float cellSize = faceHash.getSize();

  //  flags for used triangles
  Array<bool> flags(s.triangles.getSize());

  //  flags for whether point has been tested
  Array<bool> vertexFlags(s.vertices.getSize());

  //  get cells from the hash
  SpacialHash::CellRec *recs;
  int numCells = faceHash.getCells(&recs, pTest);

  //  initialise the closest point algorithm
  inf->num = 0;
  inf->triangle = 0;
  inf->type = DIST_TYPE_INVALID;
  double minD = REAL_MAX;
  double stopBelowSqr = -1;
  if (stopBelow > 0)
    stopBelowSqr = stopBelow*stopBelow;

  for (int i = 0; i < numCells; i++){
    SpacialHash::CellRec rec = recs[i];
    if (rec.d <= minD){
      Array<int> *cell = faceHash.getCell(rec.i, rec.j, rec.k);
      getClosestPointINTERNAL(inf, &minD, pTest, s, stopBelowSqr, cell, &flags, &vertexFlags);
      if (minD < stopBelowSqr){
        delete recs;
        return sqrt(minD);

  delete recs;
  return sqrt(minD);
Пример #4
double getClosestPoint(ClosestPointInfo *inf, const Point3D &pTest, const Surface &s, const SpacialHash &faceHash, float stopBelow){
  //  get the dimensions and size of the grid
  int nX = faceHash.getDimX();
  int nY = faceHash.getDimY();
  int nZ = faceHash.getDimZ();
  float cellSize = faceHash.getSize();

  //  work out the MAX ring number  (doesn't really need to be small)
  int maxRing = nX;
  if (nY > maxRing)
    maxRing = nY;
  if (nZ > maxRing)
    maxRing = nZ;

  //  get the cell 
  int Cx, Cy, Cz;
  faceHash.getBoundedIndices(&Cx, &Cy, &Cz, pTest);

  //  flags for used triangles
  Array<bool> flags(s.triangles.getSize());

  //  flags for whether point has been tested
  Array<bool> vertexFlags(s.vertices.getSize());

  //  initialise the closest point algorithm
  inf->num = 0;
  inf->triangle = 0;
  inf->type = DIST_TYPE_INVALID;
  double minD = REAL_MAX;
  double stopBelowSqr = -1;
  if (stopBelow > 0)
    stopBelowSqr = stopBelow*stopBelow;

  //  process the first cell
  Array<int> *cell = faceHash.getCell(Cx, Cy, Cz);
  if (cell->getSize())
    getClosestPointINTERNAL(inf, &minD, pTest, s, stopBelowSqr, cell, &flags, &vertexFlags);

#define DOCELL() {   \
          Array<int> *cell = faceHash.getCell(x, y, z);  \
          if (cell->getSize() && faceHash.getDistanceSQR(x, y, z, pTest) < minD){ \
            getClosestPointINTERNAL(inf, &minD, pTest, s, stopBelowSqr, cell, &flags, &vertexFlags); \
            if (minD < stopBelowSqr) \
              return sqrt(minD); \
            } } \

  //  process rings
  int x, y, z;
  for (int ring = 1; ring <= maxRing; ring++){
    //  check for terminate of ring
    double d = (ring-1)*cellSize;
    if (d*d > minD)
      return sqrt(minD);  //  done

    //  get clamped bounds for the ring
    int minX = Cx - ring;
    if (minX < 0)
      minX = 0;

    int minY = Cy - ring;
    if (minY < 0)
      minY = 0;

    int minZ = Cz - ring;
    if (minZ < 0)
      minZ = 0;

    int maxX = Cx + ring;
    if (maxX >= nX)
      maxX = nX-1;

    int maxY = Cy + ring;
    if (maxY >= nY)
      maxY = nY-1;

    int maxZ = Cz + ring;
    if (maxZ >= nZ)
      maxZ = nZ-1;

    //  top
    y = Cy - ring;
    if (y >= 0){
      for (x = minX; x <= maxX; x++)
        for (z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++)

    //  bottom
    y = Cy + ring;
    if (y < nY){
      for (x = minX; x <= maxX; x++)
        for (z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++)

    //  work out the starting points
    int localMinY = Cy - ring + 1;    //  top and bottom already done
    if (localMinY < minY)
      localMinY = minY;

    int localMaxY = Cy + ring - 1;
    if (localMaxY > maxY)
      localMaxY = maxY;

    int localMinZ = Cz - ring;
    if (localMinZ < minZ)
      localMinZ = minZ;

    int localMaxZ = Cz + ring;
    if (localMaxZ > maxZ)
      localMaxZ = maxZ;

    //  left
    x = Cx - ring;
    if (x >= 0){
      for (y = localMinY; y <= localMaxY; y++)
        for (z = localMinZ; z <= localMaxZ; z++)

    //  right
    x = Cx + ring;
    if (x < nX){
      for (y = localMinY; y <= localMaxY; y++)
        for (z = localMinZ; z <= localMaxZ; z++)

    //  work out the starting points
    int localMinX = Cx - ring + 1;    //  left and right already done
    if (localMinX < minX)
      localMinX = minX;

    int localMaxX = Cx + ring - 1;
    if (localMaxX > maxX)
      localMaxX = maxX;

    //  front
    z = Cz - ring;
    if (z > 0){
      for (x = localMinX; x <= localMaxX; x++)
        for (y = localMinY; y <= localMaxY; y++)

    //  back
    z = Cz + ring;
    if (z < nZ){
      for (x = localMinX; x <= localMaxX; x++)
        for (y = localMinY; y <= localMaxY; y++)

  return sqrt(minD);