Пример #1
  void Vertsplit::evalFwd(const std::vector<cpv_MX>& fwdSeed, const std::vector<pv_MX>& fwdSens) {
    int nfwd = fwdSens.size();
    int nx = offset_.size()-1;

    // Get row offsets
    vector<int> row_offset;
    for (std::vector<Sparsity>::const_iterator it=output_sparsity_.begin();
        ++it) {
      row_offset.push_back(row_offset.back() + it->size1());

    for (int d=0; d<nfwd; ++d) {
      const cpv_MX& arg = fwdSeed[d];
      const pv_MX& res = fwdSens[d];
      const MX& x = *arg[0];
      vector<MX> y = vertsplit(x, row_offset);
      for (int i=0; i<nx; ++i) {
        if (res[i]!=0) {
          *res[i] = y[i];
Пример #2
  void Vertsplit::eval_mx(const std::vector<MX>& arg, std::vector<MX>& res) {
    // Get row offsets
    vector<int> row_offset;
    for (std::vector<Sparsity>::const_iterator it=output_sparsity_.begin();
        it!=output_sparsity_.end(); ++it) {
      row_offset.push_back(row_offset.back() + it->size1());

    res = vertsplit(arg[0], row_offset);
Пример #3
  Vertsplit::Vertsplit(const MX& x, const std::vector<int>& offset) : Split(x, offset) {

    // Split up the sparsity pattern
    output_sparsity_ = vertsplit(x.sparsity(), offset_);

    // Have offset_ refer to the nonzero offsets instead of column offsets
    for (std::vector<Sparsity>::const_iterator it=output_sparsity_.begin();
        ++it) {
      offset_.push_back(offset_.back() + it->nnz());
Пример #4
  void Vertsplit::evalFwd(const std::vector<std::vector<MX> >& fseed,
                          std::vector<std::vector<MX> >& fsens) {
    int nfwd = fsens.size();

    // Get row offsets
    vector<int> row_offset;
    for (std::vector<Sparsity>::const_iterator it=output_sparsity_.begin();
        it!=output_sparsity_.end(); ++it) {
      row_offset.push_back(row_offset.back() + it->size1());

    for (int d=0; d<nfwd; ++d) {
      fsens[d] = vertsplit(fseed[d][0], row_offset);
Пример #5
  Function simpleIntegrator(Function f, const std::string& plugin,
                            const Dict& plugin_options) {
    // Consistency check
    casadi_assert_message(f.n_in()==2, "Function must have two inputs: x and p");
    casadi_assert_message(f.n_out()==1, "Function must have one outputs: dot(x)");

    // Sparsities
    Sparsity x_sp = f.sparsity_in(0);
    Sparsity p_sp = f.sparsity_in(1);

    // Wrapper function inputs
    MX x = MX::sym("x", x_sp);
    MX u = MX::sym("u", vertcat(Sparsity::scalar(), vec(p_sp))); // augment p with t

    // Normalized xdot
    int u_offset[] = {0, 1, 1+p_sp.size1()};
    vector<MX> pp = vertsplit(u, vector<int>(u_offset, u_offset+3));
    MX h = pp[0];
    MX p = reshape(pp[1], p_sp.size());
    MX f_in[] = {x, p};
    MX xdot = f(vector<MX>(f_in, f_in+2)).at(0);
    xdot *= h;

    // Form DAE function
    MXDict dae = {{"x", x}, {"p", u}, {"ode", xdot}};

    // Create integrator function
    Dict plugin_options2 = plugin_options;
    plugin_options2["t0"] = 0; // Normalized time
    plugin_options2["tf"] = 1; // Normalized time
    Function ifcn = integrator("integrator", plugin, dae, plugin_options2);

    // Inputs of constructed function
    MX x0 = MX::sym("x0", x_sp);
    p = MX::sym("p", p_sp);
    h = MX::sym("h");

    // State at end
    MX xf = ifcn(MXDict{{"x0", x0}, {"p", vertcat(h, vec(p))}}).at("xf");

    // Form discrete-time dynamics
    return Function("F", {x0, p, h}, {xf}, {"x0", "p", "h"}, {"xf"});
Пример #6
  void Vertcat::evaluateMX(const MXPtrV& input, MXPtrV& output, const MXPtrVV& fwdSeed,
                           MXPtrVV& fwdSens, const MXPtrVV& adjSeed, MXPtrVV& adjSens,
                           bool output_given) {
    int nfwd = fwdSens.size();
    int nadj = adjSeed.size();

    // Non-differentiated output
    if (!output_given) {
      *output[0] = vertcat(getVector(input));

    // Forward sensitivities
    for (int d = 0; d<nfwd; ++d) {
      *fwdSens[d][0] = vertcat(getVector(fwdSeed[d]));

    // Quick return?
    if (nadj==0) return;

    // Get offsets for each row
    vector<int> row_offset(ndep()+1, 0);
    for (int i=0; i<ndep(); ++i) {
      int nrow = dep(i).sparsity().size1();
      row_offset[i+1] = row_offset[i] + nrow;

    // Adjoint sensitivities
    for (int d=0; d<nadj; ++d) {
      MX& aseed = *adjSeed[d][0];
      vector<MX> s = vertsplit(aseed, row_offset);
      aseed = MX();
      for (int i=0; i<ndep(); ++i) {
  void CollocationIntegratorInternal::setupFG() {

    // Interpolation order
    deg_ = getOption("interpolation_order");

    // All collocation time points
    std::vector<long double> tau_root = collocationPointsL(deg_, getOption("collocation_scheme"));

    // Coefficients of the collocation equation
    vector<vector<double> > C(deg_+1, vector<double>(deg_+1, 0));

    // Coefficients of the continuity equation
    vector<double> D(deg_+1, 0);

    // Coefficients of the quadratures
    vector<double> B(deg_+1, 0);

    // For all collocation points
    for (int j=0; j<deg_+1; ++j) {

      // Construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at the collocation point
      Polynomial p = 1;
      for (int r=0; r<deg_+1; ++r) {
        if (r!=j) {
          p *= Polynomial(-tau_root[r], 1)/(tau_root[j]-tau_root[r]);

      // Evaluate the polynomial at the final time to get the
      // coefficients of the continuity equation
      D[j] = zeroIfSmall(p(1.0L));

      // Evaluate the time derivative of the polynomial at all collocation points to
      // get the coefficients of the continuity equation
      Polynomial dp = p.derivative();
      for (int r=0; r<deg_+1; ++r) {
        C[j][r] = zeroIfSmall(dp(tau_root[r]));

      // Integrate polynomial to get the coefficients of the quadratures
      Polynomial ip = p.anti_derivative();
      B[j] = zeroIfSmall(ip(1.0L));

    // Symbolic inputs
    MX x0 = MX::sym("x0", f_.input(DAE_X).sparsity());
    MX p = MX::sym("p", f_.input(DAE_P).sparsity());
    MX t = MX::sym("t", f_.input(DAE_T).sparsity());

    // Implicitly defined variables (z and x)
    MX v = MX::sym("v", deg_*(nx_+nz_));
    vector<int> v_offset(1, 0);
    for (int d=0; d<deg_; ++d) {
    vector<MX> vv = vertsplit(v, v_offset);
    vector<MX>::const_iterator vv_it = vv.begin();

    // Collocated states
    vector<MX> x(deg_+1), z(deg_+1);
    for (int d=1; d<=deg_; ++d) {
      x[d] = reshape(*vv_it++, this->x0().shape());
      z[d] = reshape(*vv_it++, this->z0().shape());

    // Collocation time points
    vector<MX> tt(deg_+1);
    for (int d=0; d<=deg_; ++d) {
      tt[d] = t + h_*tau_root[d];

    // Equations that implicitly define v
    vector<MX> eq;

    // Quadratures
    MX qf = MX::zeros(f_.output(DAE_QUAD).sparsity());

    // End state
    MX xf = D[0]*x0;

    // For all collocation points
    for (int j=1; j<deg_+1; ++j) {
      //for (int j=deg_; j>=1; --j) {

      // Evaluate the DAE
      vector<MX> f_arg(DAE_NUM_IN);
      f_arg[DAE_T] = tt[j];
      f_arg[DAE_P] = p;
      f_arg[DAE_X] = x[j];
      f_arg[DAE_Z] = z[j];
      vector<MX> f_res = f_.call(f_arg);

      // Get an expression for the state derivative at the collocation point
      MX xp_j = C[0][j] * x0;
      for (int r=1; r<deg_+1; ++r) {
        xp_j += C[r][j] * x[r];

      // Add collocation equation
      eq.push_back(vec(h_*f_res[DAE_ODE] - xp_j));

      // Add the algebraic conditions

      // Add contribution to the final state
      xf += D[j]*x[j];

      // Add contribution to quadratures
      qf += (B[j]*h_)*f_res[DAE_QUAD];

    // Form forward discrete time dynamics
    vector<MX> F_in(DAE_NUM_IN);
    F_in[DAE_T] = t;
    F_in[DAE_X] = x0;
    F_in[DAE_P] = p;
    F_in[DAE_Z] = v;
    vector<MX> F_out(DAE_NUM_OUT);
    F_out[DAE_ODE] = xf;
    F_out[DAE_ALG] = vertcat(eq);
    F_out[DAE_QUAD] = qf;
    F_ = MXFunction(F_in, F_out);

    // Backwards dynamics
    // NOTE: The following is derived so that it will give the exact adjoint
    // sensitivities whenever g is the reverse mode derivative of f.
    if (!g_.isNull()) {

      // Symbolic inputs
      MX rx0 = MX::sym("x0", g_.input(RDAE_RX).sparsity());
      MX rp = MX::sym("p", g_.input(RDAE_RP).sparsity());

      // Implicitly defined variables (rz and rx)
      MX rv = MX::sym("v", deg_*(nrx_+nrz_));
      vector<int> rv_offset(1, 0);
      for (int d=0; d<deg_; ++d) {
      vector<MX> rvv = vertsplit(rv, rv_offset);
      vector<MX>::const_iterator rvv_it = rvv.begin();

      // Collocated states
      vector<MX> rx(deg_+1), rz(deg_+1);
      for (int d=1; d<=deg_; ++d) {
        rx[d] = reshape(*rvv_it++, this->rx0().shape());
        rz[d] = reshape(*rvv_it++, this->rz0().shape());

      // Equations that implicitly define v

      // Quadratures
      MX rqf = MX::zeros(g_.output(RDAE_QUAD).sparsity());

      // End state
      MX rxf = D[0]*rx0;

      // For all collocation points
      for (int j=1; j<deg_+1; ++j) {

        // Evaluate the backward DAE
        vector<MX> g_arg(RDAE_NUM_IN);
        g_arg[RDAE_T] = tt[j];
        g_arg[RDAE_P] = p;
        g_arg[RDAE_X] = x[j];
        g_arg[RDAE_Z] = z[j];
        g_arg[RDAE_RX] = rx[j];
        g_arg[RDAE_RZ] = rz[j];
        g_arg[RDAE_RP] = rp;
        vector<MX> g_res = g_.call(g_arg);

        // Get an expression for the state derivative at the collocation point
        MX rxp_j = -D[j]*rx0;
        for (int r=1; r<deg_+1; ++r) {
          rxp_j += (B[r]*C[j][r]) * rx[r];

        // Add collocation equation
        eq.push_back(vec(h_*B[j]*g_res[RDAE_ODE] - rxp_j));

        // Add the algebraic conditions

        // Add contribution to the final state
        rxf += -B[j]*C[0][j]*rx[j];

        // Add contribution to quadratures
        rqf += h_*B[j]*g_res[RDAE_QUAD];

      // Form backward discrete time dynamics
      vector<MX> G_in(RDAE_NUM_IN);
      G_in[RDAE_T] = t;
      G_in[RDAE_X] = x0;
      G_in[RDAE_P] = p;
      G_in[RDAE_Z] = v;
      G_in[RDAE_RX] = rx0;
      G_in[RDAE_RP] = rp;
      G_in[RDAE_RZ] = rv;
      vector<MX> G_out(RDAE_NUM_OUT);
      G_out[RDAE_ODE] = rxf;
      G_out[RDAE_ALG] = vertcat(eq);
      G_out[RDAE_QUAD] = rqf;
      G_ = MXFunction(G_in, G_out);
Пример #8
  Function implicitRK(Function& f, const std::string& impl, const Dictionary& impl_options,
                      const MX& tf, int order, const std::string& scheme, int ne) {
    casadi_assert_message(ne>=1, "Parameter ne (number of elements must be at least 1), "
                          "but got " << ne << ".");
    casadi_assert_message(order==4, "Only RK order 4 is supported now.");
    casadi_assert_message(f.getNumInputs()==DAE_NUM_IN && f.getNumOutputs()==DAE_NUM_OUT,
                          "Supplied function must adhere to dae scheme.");
                          "Supplied function cannot have quadrature states.");

    // Obtain collocation points
    std::vector<double> tau_root = collocationPoints(order, "legendre");

    // Retrieve collocation interpolating matrices
    std::vector < std::vector <double> > C;
    std::vector < double > D;
    collocationInterpolators(tau_root, C, D);

    // Retrieve problem dimensions
    int nx = f.input(DAE_X).size();
    int nz = f.input(DAE_Z).size();
    int np = f.input(DAE_P).size();

    //Variables for one finite element
    MX X = MX::sym("X", nx);
    MX P = MX::sym("P", np);
    MX V = MX::sym("V", order*(nx+nz)); // Unknowns

    MX X0 = X;

    // Components of the unknowns that correspond to states at collocation points
    std::vector<MX> Xc;Xc.reserve(order);

    // Components of the unknowns that correspond to algebraic states at collocation points
    std::vector<MX> Zc;Zc.reserve(order);

    // Splitting the unknowns
    std::vector<int> splitPositions = range(0, order*nx, nx);
    if (nz>0) {
      std::vector<int> Zc_pos = range(order*nx, order*nx+(order+1)*nz, nz);
      splitPositions.insert(splitPositions.end(), Zc_pos.begin(), Zc_pos.end());
    } else {
    std::vector<MX> Vs = vertsplit(V, splitPositions);

    // Extracting unknowns from Z
    for (int i=0;i<order;++i) {
    if (nz>0) {
      for (int i=0;i<order;++i) {

    // Get the collocation Equations (that define V)
    std::vector<MX> V_eq;

    // Local start time
    MX t0_l=MX::sym("t0");
    MX h = MX::sym("h");

    for (int j=1;j<order+1;++j) {
      // Expression for the state derivative at the collocation point
      MX xp_j = 0;
      for (int r=0;r<order+1;++r) {
        xp_j+= C[j][r]*Xc[r];
      // Append collocation equations & algebraic constraints
      std::vector<MX> f_out;
      MX t_l = t0_l+tau_root[j]*h;
      if (nz>0) {
        f_out = f.call(daeIn("t", t_l, "x", Xc[j], "p", P, "z", Zc[j-1]));
      } else {
        f_out = f.call(daeIn("t", t_l, "x", Xc[j], "p", P));


    // Root-finding function, implicitly defines V as a function of X0 and P
    std::vector<MX> vfcn_inputs;

    Function vfcn = MXFunction(vfcn_inputs, vertcat(V_eq));

    try {
      // Attempt to convert to SXFunction to decrease overhead
      vfcn = SXFunction(vfcn);
    } catch(CasadiException & e) {

    // Create a implicit function instance to solve the system of equations
    ImplicitFunction ifcn(impl, vfcn, Function(), LinearSolver());

    // Get an expression for the state at the end of the finite element
    std::vector<MX> ifcn_call_in(5);
    ifcn_call_in[0] = MX::zeros(V.sparsity());
    std::copy(vfcn_inputs.begin()+1, vfcn_inputs.end(), ifcn_call_in.begin()+1);
    std::vector<MX> ifcn_call_out = ifcn.call(ifcn_call_in, true);
    Vs = vertsplit(ifcn_call_out[0], splitPositions);

    MX XF = 0;
    for (int i=0;i<order+1;++i) {
      XF += D[i]*(i==0? X : X + Vs[i-1]);

    // Get the discrete time dynamics
    MXFunction F = MXFunction(ifcn_call_in, XF);

    // Loop over all finite elements
    MX h_ = tf/ne;
    MX t0_ = 0;

    for (int i=0;i<ne;++i) {
      std::vector<MX> F_in;
      t0_+= h_;
      std::vector<MX> F_out = F.call(F_in);
      X = F_out[0];

    // Create a ruturn function with Integrator signature
    MXFunction ret = MXFunction(integratorIn("x0", X0, "p", P), integratorOut("xf", X));

    return ret;

Пример #9
  Function simpleIRK(Function f, int N, int order, const std::string& scheme,
                       const std::string& solver,
                       const Dict& solver_options) {
    // Consistency check
    casadi_assert_message(N>=1, "Parameter N (number of steps) must be at least 1, but got "
                          << N << ".");
    casadi_assert_message(f.n_in()==2, "Function must have two inputs: x and p");
    casadi_assert_message(f.n_out()==1, "Function must have one outputs: dot(x)");

    // Obtain collocation points
    std::vector<double> tau_root = collocation_points(order, scheme);
    tau_root.insert(tau_root.begin(), 0);

    // Retrieve collocation interpolating matrices
    std::vector < std::vector <double> > C;
    std::vector < double > D;
    collocationInterpolators(tau_root, C, D);

    // Inputs of constructed function
    MX x0 = MX::sym("x0", f.sparsity_in(0));
    MX p = MX::sym("p", f.sparsity_in(1));
    MX h = MX::sym("h");

    // Time step
    MX dt = h/N;

    // Implicitly defined variables
    MX v = MX::sym("v", repmat(x0.sparsity(), order));
    std::vector<MX> x = vertsplit(v, x0.size1());
    x.insert(x.begin(), x0);

    // Collect the equations that implicitly define v
    std::vector<MX> V_eq, f_in(2), f_out;
    for (int j=1; j<order+1; ++j) {
      // Expression for the state derivative at the collocation point
      MX xp_j = 0;
      for (int r=0; r<=order; ++r) xp_j+= C[j][r]*x[r];

      // Collocation equations
      f_in[0] = x[j];
      f_in[1] = p;
      f_out = f(f_in);

    // Root-finding function
    Function rfp("rfp", {v, x0, p, h}, {vertcat(V_eq)});

    // Create a implicit function instance to solve the system of equations
    Function ifcn = rootfinder("ifcn", solver, rfp, solver_options);

    // Get state at end time
    MX xf = x0;
    for (int k=0; k<N; ++k) {
      std::vector<MX> ifcn_out = ifcn({repmat(xf, order), xf, p, h});
      x = vertsplit(ifcn_out[0], x0.size1());

      // State at end of step
      xf = D[0]*x0;
      for (int i=1; i<=order; ++i) {
        xf += D[i]*x[i-1];

    // Form discrete-time dynamics
    return Function("F", {x0, p, h}, {xf}, {"x0", "p", "h"}, {"xf"});