Пример #1
int32_t dot_product(int16_t *x,
                    int16_t *y,
                    uint32_t N, //must be a multiple of 8
                    uint8_t output_shift)

  uint32_t n;

#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
  __m128i *x128,*y128,mmtmp1,mmtmp2,mmtmp3,mmcumul,mmcumul_re,mmcumul_im;
  __m64 mmtmp7;
  __m128i minus_i = _mm_set_epi16(-1,1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,1);
  int32_t result;

  x128 = (__m128i*) x;
  y128 = (__m128i*) y;

  mmcumul_re = _mm_setzero_si128();
  mmcumul_im = _mm_setzero_si128();

  for (n=0; n<(N>>2); n++) {

    //printf("n=%d, x128=%p, y128=%p\n",n,x128,y128);
    //    print_shorts("x",&x128[0]);
    //    print_shorts("y",&y128[0]);

    // this computes Re(z) = Re(x)*Re(y) + Im(x)*Im(y)
    mmtmp1 = _mm_madd_epi16(x128[0],y128[0]);
    //    print_ints("re",&mmtmp1);
    // mmtmp1 contains real part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)

    // shift and accumulate results
    mmtmp1 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmp1,output_shift);
    mmcumul_re = _mm_add_epi32(mmcumul_re,mmtmp1);
    //    print_ints("re",&mmcumul_re);

    // this computes Im(z) = Re(x)*Im(y) - Re(y)*Im(x)
    mmtmp2 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(y128[0],_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
    //    print_shorts("y",&mmtmp2);
    mmtmp2 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmp2,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
    //    print_shorts("y",&mmtmp2);
    mmtmp2 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmp2,minus_i);
    //        print_shorts("y",&mmtmp2);

    mmtmp3 = _mm_madd_epi16(x128[0],mmtmp2);
    //        print_ints("im",&mmtmp3);
    // mmtmp3 contains imag part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)

    // shift and accumulate results
    mmtmp3 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmp3,output_shift);
    mmcumul_im = _mm_add_epi32(mmcumul_im,mmtmp3);
    //    print_ints("im",&mmcumul_im);


  // this gives Re Re Im Im
  mmcumul = _mm_hadd_epi32(mmcumul_re,mmcumul_im);
  //  print_ints("cumul1",&mmcumul);

  // this gives Re Im Re Im
  mmcumul = _mm_hadd_epi32(mmcumul,mmcumul);

  //  print_ints("cumul2",&mmcumul);

  //mmcumul = _mm_srai_epi32(mmcumul,output_shift);
  // extract the lower half
  mmtmp7 = _mm_movepi64_pi64(mmcumul);
  //  print_ints("mmtmp7",&mmtmp7);
  // pack the result
  mmtmp7 = _mm_packs_pi32(mmtmp7,mmtmp7);
  //  print_shorts("mmtmp7",&mmtmp7);
  // convert back to integer
  result = _mm_cvtsi64_si32(mmtmp7);



#elif defined(__arm__)
  int16x4_t *x_128=(int16x4_t*)x;
  int16x4_t *y_128=(int16x4_t*)y;
  int32x4_t tmp_re,tmp_im;
  int32x4_t tmp_re1,tmp_im1;
  int32x4_t re_cumul,im_cumul;
  int32x2_t re_cumul2,im_cumul2;
  int32x4_t shift = vdupq_n_s32(-output_shift); 
  int32x2x2_t result2;
  int16_t conjug[4]__attribute__((aligned(16))) = {-1,1,-1,1} ;

  re_cumul = vdupq_n_s32(0);
  im_cumul = vdupq_n_s32(0); 

  for (n=0; n<(N>>2); n++) {

    tmp_re  = vmull_s16(*x_128++, *y_128++);
    //tmp_re = [Re(x[0])Re(y[0]) Im(x[0])Im(y[0]) Re(x[1])Re(y[1]) Im(x[1])Im(y[1])] 
    tmp_re1 = vmull_s16(*x_128++, *y_128++);
    //tmp_re1 = [Re(x1[1])Re(x2[1]) Im(x1[1])Im(x2[1]) Re(x1[1])Re(x2[2]) Im(x1[1])Im(x2[2])] 
    tmp_re  = vcombine_s32(vpadd_s32(vget_low_s32(tmp_re),vget_high_s32(tmp_re)),
    //tmp_re = [Re(ch[0])Re(rx[0])+Im(ch[0])Im(ch[0]) Re(ch[1])Re(rx[1])+Im(ch[1])Im(ch[1]) Re(ch[2])Re(rx[2])+Im(ch[2]) Im(ch[2]) Re(ch[3])Re(rx[3])+Im(ch[3])Im(ch[3])] 

    tmp_im  = vmull_s16(vrev32_s16(vmul_s16(*x_128++,*(int16x4_t*)conjug)),*y_128++);
    //tmp_im = [-Im(ch[0])Re(rx[0]) Re(ch[0])Im(rx[0]) -Im(ch[1])Re(rx[1]) Re(ch[1])Im(rx[1])]
    tmp_im1 = vmull_s16(vrev32_s16(vmul_s16(*x_128++,*(int16x4_t*)conjug)),*y_128++);
    //tmp_im1 = [-Im(ch[2])Re(rx[2]) Re(ch[2])Im(rx[2]) -Im(ch[3])Re(rx[3]) Re(ch[3])Im(rx[3])]
    tmp_im  = vcombine_s32(vpadd_s32(vget_low_s32(tmp_im),vget_high_s32(tmp_im)),
    //tmp_im = [-Im(ch[0])Re(rx[0])+Re(ch[0])Im(rx[0]) -Im(ch[1])Re(rx[1])+Re(ch[1])Im(rx[1]) -Im(ch[2])Re(rx[2])+Re(ch[2])Im(rx[2]) -Im(ch[3])Re(rx[3])+Re(ch[3])Im(rx[3])]

    re_cumul = vqaddq_s32(re_cumul,vqshlq_s32(tmp_re,shift));
    im_cumul = vqaddq_s32(im_cumul,vqshlq_s32(tmp_im,shift));
  re_cumul2 = vpadd_s32(vget_low_s32(re_cumul),vget_high_s32(re_cumul));
  im_cumul2 = vpadd_s32(vget_low_s32(im_cumul),vget_high_s32(im_cumul));
  re_cumul2 = vpadd_s32(re_cumul2,re_cumul2);
  im_cumul2 = vpadd_s32(im_cumul2,im_cumul2);
  result2   = vzip_s32(re_cumul2,im_cumul2);
Пример #2
static INLINE void idct4x4_16_kernel_bd10(const int32x4_t cospis,
                                          int32x4_t *const a0,
                                          int32x4_t *const a1,
                                          int32x4_t *const a2,
                                          int32x4_t *const a3) {
  int32x4_t b0, b1, b2, b3;

  transpose_s32_4x4(a0, a1, a2, a3);
  b0 = vaddq_s32(*a0, *a2);
  b1 = vsubq_s32(*a0, *a2);
  b0 = vmulq_lane_s32(b0, vget_high_s32(cospis), 0);
  b1 = vmulq_lane_s32(b1, vget_high_s32(cospis), 0);
  b2 = vmulq_lane_s32(*a1, vget_high_s32(cospis), 1);
  b3 = vmulq_lane_s32(*a1, vget_low_s32(cospis), 1);
  b2 = vmlsq_lane_s32(b2, *a3, vget_low_s32(cospis), 1);
  b3 = vmlaq_lane_s32(b3, *a3, vget_high_s32(cospis), 1);
  b0 = vrshrq_n_s32(b0, DCT_CONST_BITS);
  b1 = vrshrq_n_s32(b1, DCT_CONST_BITS);
  b2 = vrshrq_n_s32(b2, DCT_CONST_BITS);
  b3 = vrshrq_n_s32(b3, DCT_CONST_BITS);
  *a0 = vaddq_s32(b0, b3);
  *a1 = vaddq_s32(b1, b2);
  *a2 = vsubq_s32(b1, b2);
  *a3 = vsubq_s32(b0, b3);
static OPUS_INLINE void calc_corr( const opus_int32 *const input_QS, opus_int64 *const corr_QC, const opus_int offset, const int32x4_t state_QS_s32x4 )
    int64x2_t corr_QC_s64x2[ 2 ], t_s64x2[ 2 ];
    const int32x4_t input_QS_s32x4 = vld1q_s32( input_QS + offset );
    corr_QC_s64x2[ 0 ] = vld1q_s64( corr_QC + offset + 0 );
    corr_QC_s64x2[ 1 ] = vld1q_s64( corr_QC + offset + 2 );
    t_s64x2[ 0 ] = vmull_s32( vget_low_s32( state_QS_s32x4 ), vget_low_s32( input_QS_s32x4 ) );
    t_s64x2[ 1 ] = vmull_s32( vget_high_s32( state_QS_s32x4 ), vget_high_s32( input_QS_s32x4 ) );
    corr_QC_s64x2[ 0 ] = vsraq_n_s64( corr_QC_s64x2[ 0 ], t_s64x2[ 0 ], 2 * QS - QC );
    corr_QC_s64x2[ 1 ] = vsraq_n_s64( corr_QC_s64x2[ 1 ], t_s64x2[ 1 ], 2 * QS - QC );
    vst1q_s64( corr_QC + offset + 0, corr_QC_s64x2[ 0 ] );
    vst1q_s64( corr_QC + offset + 2, corr_QC_s64x2[ 1 ] );
Пример #4
void dotProd_i16_neon(const float *dataf, const float *weightsf, float *vals, const int n, const int len, const float *istd) {
    const int16_t *data = (const int16_t *)dataf;
    const int16_t *weights = (const int16_t *)weightsf;
    weightsf += n * len / 2; // sizeof(float) / sizeof(int16_t)

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i += 4) {
        int32x4_t accum0 = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
        int32x4_t accum1 = accum0;
        int32x4_t accum2 = accum0;
        int32x4_t accum3 = accum0;

        for (int j = 0; j < len; j += 8) {
            int16x4x2_t d0 = vld2_s16(data + j);

            int16x4x2_t w0 = vld2_s16(weights);
            int16x4x2_t w1 = vld2_s16(weights + 8);
            int16x4x2_t w2 = vld2_s16(weights + 16);
            int16x4x2_t w3 = vld2_s16(weights + 24);

            accum0 = vmlal_s16(accum0, d0.val[0], w0.val[0]);
            accum0 = vmlal_s16(accum0, d0.val[1], w0.val[1]);

            accum1 = vmlal_s16(accum1, d0.val[0], w1.val[0]);
            accum1 = vmlal_s16(accum1, d0.val[1], w1.val[1]);

            accum2 = vmlal_s16(accum2, d0.val[0], w2.val[0]);
            accum2 = vmlal_s16(accum2, d0.val[1], w2.val[1]);

            accum3 = vmlal_s16(accum3, d0.val[0], w3.val[0]);
            accum3 = vmlal_s16(accum3, d0.val[1], w3.val[1]);

            weights += 32;

        int32x2_t sum0 = vpadd_s32(vget_low_s32(accum0), vget_high_s32(accum0));
        int32x2_t sum1 = vpadd_s32(vget_low_s32(accum1), vget_high_s32(accum1));
        int32x2_t sum2 = vpadd_s32(vget_low_s32(accum2), vget_high_s32(accum2));
        int32x2_t sum3 = vpadd_s32(vget_low_s32(accum3), vget_high_s32(accum3));
        sum0 = vpadd_s32(sum0, sum1);
        sum1 = vpadd_s32(sum2, sum3);
        int32x4_t sum = vcombine_s32(sum0, sum1);

        float32x4_t val = vcvtq_f32_s32(sum);
        val = vmulq_f32(val, vld1q_f32(weightsf + i*2));
        val = vmulq_n_f32(val, istd[0]);
        val = vaddq_f32(val, vld1q_f32(weightsf + i*2 + 4));
        vst1q_f32(vals + i, val);
static INLINE void iadst_butterfly_lane_1_0_bd12_neon(const int32x4_t in0,
                                                      const int32x4_t in1,
                                                      const int32x2_t c,
                                                      int64x2_t *const s0,
                                                      int64x2_t *const s1) {
  const int64x2_t t0_lo = vmull_lane_s32(vget_low_s32(in0), c, 1);
  const int64x2_t t1_lo = vmull_lane_s32(vget_low_s32(in0), c, 0);
  const int64x2_t t0_hi = vmull_lane_s32(vget_high_s32(in0), c, 1);
  const int64x2_t t1_hi = vmull_lane_s32(vget_high_s32(in0), c, 0);

  s0[0] = vmlal_lane_s32(t0_lo, vget_low_s32(in1), c, 0);
  s1[0] = vmlsl_lane_s32(t1_lo, vget_low_s32(in1), c, 1);
  s0[1] = vmlal_lane_s32(t0_hi, vget_high_s32(in1), c, 0);
  s1[1] = vmlsl_lane_s32(t1_hi, vget_high_s32(in1), c, 1);
Пример #6
int64_t av1_block_error_fp_neon(const int16_t *coeff, const int16_t *dqcoeff,
                                int block_size) {
  int64x2_t error = vdupq_n_s64(0);

  assert(block_size >= 8);
  assert((block_size % 8) == 0);

  do {
    const int16x8_t c = vld1q_s16(coeff);
    const int16x8_t d = vld1q_s16(dqcoeff);
    const int16x8_t diff = vsubq_s16(c, d);
    const int16x4_t diff_lo = vget_low_s16(diff);
    const int16x4_t diff_hi = vget_high_s16(diff);
    // diff is 15-bits, the squares 30, so we can store 2 in 31-bits before
    // accumulating them in 64-bits.
    const int32x4_t err0 = vmull_s16(diff_lo, diff_lo);
    const int32x4_t err1 = vmlal_s16(err0, diff_hi, diff_hi);
    const int64x2_t err2 = vaddl_s32(vget_low_s32(err1), vget_high_s32(err1));
    error = vaddq_s64(error, err2);
    coeff += 8;
    dqcoeff += 8;
    block_size -= 8;
  } while (block_size != 0);

  return vgetq_lane_s64(error, 0) + vgetq_lane_s64(error, 1);
void test_vget_highs32 (void)
  int32x2_t out_int32x2_t;
  int32x4_t arg0_int32x4_t;

  out_int32x2_t = vget_high_s32 (arg0_int32x4_t);
static INLINE void iadst_half_butterfly_bd12_neon(int32x4_t *const x,
                                                  const int32x2_t c) {
  const int32x4_t sum = vaddq_s32(x[0], x[1]);
  const int32x4_t sub = vsubq_s32(x[0], x[1]);
  const int64x2_t t0_lo = vmull_lane_s32(vget_low_s32(sum), c, 0);
  const int64x2_t t1_lo = vmull_lane_s32(vget_low_s32(sub), c, 0);
  const int64x2_t t0_hi = vmull_lane_s32(vget_high_s32(sum), c, 0);
  const int64x2_t t1_hi = vmull_lane_s32(vget_high_s32(sub), c, 0);
  const int32x2_t out0_lo = vrshrn_n_s64(t0_lo, DCT_CONST_BITS);
  const int32x2_t out1_lo = vrshrn_n_s64(t1_lo, DCT_CONST_BITS);
  const int32x2_t out0_hi = vrshrn_n_s64(t0_hi, DCT_CONST_BITS);
  const int32x2_t out1_hi = vrshrn_n_s64(t1_hi, DCT_CONST_BITS);

  x[0] = vcombine_s32(out0_lo, out0_hi);
  x[1] = vcombine_s32(out1_lo, out1_hi);
Пример #9
static inline void silk_biquad_alt_stride2_kernel( const int32x4_t A_L_s32x4, const int32x4_t A_U_s32x4, const int32x4_t B_Q28_s32x4, const int32x2_t t_s32x2, const int32x4_t in_s32x4, int32x4_t *S_s32x4, int32x2_t *out32_Q14_s32x2 )
    int32x4_t t_s32x4, out32_Q14_s32x4;

    *out32_Q14_s32x2 = vadd_s32( vget_low_s32( *S_s32x4 ), t_s32x2 );              /* silk_SMLAWB( S{0,1}, B_Q28[ 0 ], in{0,1} )                                      */
    *S_s32x4         = vcombine_s32( vget_high_s32( *S_s32x4 ), vdup_n_s32( 0 ) ); /* S{0,1} = S{2,3}; S{2,3} = 0;                                                    */
    *out32_Q14_s32x2 = vshl_n_s32( *out32_Q14_s32x2, 2 );                          /* out32_Q14_{0,1} = silk_LSHIFT( silk_SMLAWB( S{0,1}, B_Q28[ 0 ], in{0,1} ), 2 ); */
    out32_Q14_s32x4  = vcombine_s32( *out32_Q14_s32x2, *out32_Q14_s32x2 );         /* out32_Q14_{0,1,0,1}                                                             */
    t_s32x4          = vqdmulhq_s32( out32_Q14_s32x4, A_L_s32x4 );                 /* silk_SMULWB( out32_Q14_{0,1,0,1}, A{0,0,1,1}_L_Q28 )                            */
    *S_s32x4         = vrsraq_n_s32( *S_s32x4, t_s32x4, 14 );                      /* S{0,1} = S{2,3} + silk_RSHIFT_ROUND();  S{2,3} = silk_RSHIFT_ROUND();           */
    t_s32x4          = vqdmulhq_s32( out32_Q14_s32x4, A_U_s32x4 );                 /* silk_SMULWB( out32_Q14_{0,1,0,1}, A{0,0,1,1}_U_Q28 )                            */
    *S_s32x4         = vaddq_s32( *S_s32x4, t_s32x4 );                             /* S0 = silk_SMLAWB( S{0,1,2,3}, out32_Q14_{0,1,0,1}, A{0,0,1,1}_U_Q28 );          */
    t_s32x4          = vqdmulhq_s32( in_s32x4, B_Q28_s32x4 );                      /* silk_SMULWB( B_Q28[ {1,1,2,2} ], in{0,1,0,1} )                                  */
    *S_s32x4         = vaddq_s32( *S_s32x4, t_s32x4 );                             /* S0 = silk_SMLAWB( S0, B_Q28[ {1,1,2,2} ], in{0,1,0,1} );                        */
Пример #10
// ref, src = [0, 510] - max diff = 16-bits
// bwl = {2, 3, 4}, width = {16, 32, 64}
int vp9_vector_var_neon(int16_t const *ref, int16_t const *src, const int bwl) {
  int width = 4 << bwl;
  int32x4_t sse = vdupq_n_s32(0);
  int16x8_t total = vdupq_n_s16(0);

  assert(width >= 8);
  assert((width % 8) == 0);

  do {
    const int16x8_t r = vld1q_s16(ref);
    const int16x8_t s = vld1q_s16(src);
    const int16x8_t diff = vsubq_s16(r, s);  // [-510, 510], 10 bits.
    const int16x4_t diff_lo = vget_low_s16(diff);
    const int16x4_t diff_hi = vget_high_s16(diff);
    sse = vmlal_s16(sse, diff_lo, diff_lo);  // dynamic range 26 bits.
    sse = vmlal_s16(sse, diff_hi, diff_hi);
    total = vaddq_s16(total, diff);  // dynamic range 16 bits.

    ref += 8;
    src += 8;
    width -= 8;
  } while (width != 0);

    // Note: 'total''s pairwise addition could be implemented similarly to
    // horizontal_add_u16x8(), but one less vpaddl with 'total' when paired
    // with the summation of 'sse' performed better on a Cortex-A15.
    const int32x4_t t0 = vpaddlq_s16(total);  // cascading summation of 'total'
    const int32x2_t t1 = vadd_s32(vget_low_s32(t0), vget_high_s32(t0));
    const int32x2_t t2 = vpadd_s32(t1, t1);
    const int t = vget_lane_s32(t2, 0);
    const int64x2_t s0 = vpaddlq_s32(sse);  // cascading summation of 'sse'.
    const int32x2_t s1 = vadd_s32(vreinterpret_s32_s64(vget_low_s64(s0)),
    const int s = vget_lane_s32(s1, 0);
    const int shift_factor = bwl + 2;
    return s - ((t * t) >> shift_factor);
Пример #11
inline int32x2_t   vget_high(const int32x4_t   & v) { return vget_high_s32(v); }
Пример #12
static inline int32_t TransformAndFindMaxNeon(int16_t* inre,
                                              int16_t* inim,
                                              int32_t* outre,
                                              int32_t* outim) {
  int k;
  int16_t* inre1 = inre;
  int16_t* inre2 = &inre[FRAMESAMPLES/2 - 4];
  int16_t* inim1 = inim;
  int16_t* inim2 = &inim[FRAMESAMPLES/2 - 4];
  int32_t* outre1 = outre;
  int32_t* outre2 = &outre[FRAMESAMPLES/2 - 4];
  int32_t* outim1 = outim;
  int32_t* outim2 = &outim[FRAMESAMPLES/2 - 4];
  const int16_t* kSinTab1 = &WebRtcIsacfix_kSinTab2[0];
  const int16_t* kSinTab2 = &WebRtcIsacfix_kSinTab2[FRAMESAMPLES/4 - 4];
  uint32x4_t max_r = vdupq_n_u32(0);
  uint32x4_t max_i = vdupq_n_u32(0);

  // Use ">> 5", instead of "<< 9" and then ">> 14" as in the C code.
  for (k = 0; k < FRAMESAMPLES/4; k += 4) {
    int16x4_t tmpi = vld1_s16(kSinTab1);
    kSinTab1 += 4;
    int16x4_t tmpr = vld1_s16(kSinTab2);
    kSinTab2 -= 4;
    int16x4_t inre_0 = vld1_s16(inre1);
    inre1 += 4;
    int16x4_t inre_1 = vld1_s16(inre2);
    inre2 -= 4;
    int16x4_t inim_0 = vld1_s16(inim1);
    inim1 += 4;
    int16x4_t inim_1 = vld1_s16(inim2);
    inim2 -= 4;
    tmpr = vneg_s16(tmpr);
    inre_1 = vrev64_s16(inre_1);
    inim_1 = vrev64_s16(inim_1);
    tmpr = vrev64_s16(tmpr);

    int32x4_t xr = vmull_s16(tmpr, inre_0);
    int32x4_t xi = vmull_s16(tmpr, inim_0);
    int32x4_t yr = vmull_s16(tmpr, inim_1);
    int32x4_t yi = vmull_s16(tmpi, inim_1);
    xr = vmlal_s16(xr, tmpi, inim_0);
    xi = vmlsl_s16(xi, tmpi, inre_0);
    yr = vmlal_s16(yr, tmpi, inre_1);
    yi = vmlsl_s16(yi, tmpr, inre_1);
    yr = vnegq_s32(yr);

    xr = vshrq_n_s32(xr, 5);
    xi = vshrq_n_s32(xi, 5);
    yr = vshrq_n_s32(yr, 5);
    yi = vshrq_n_s32(yi, 5);

    int32x4_t outr0 = vsubq_s32(xr, yi);
    int32x4_t outr1 = vaddq_s32(xr, yi);
    int32x4_t outi0 = vaddq_s32(xi, yr);
    int32x4_t outi1 = vsubq_s32(yr, xi);

    // Find the absolute maximum in the vectors.
    int32x4_t tmp0 = vabsq_s32(outr0);
    int32x4_t tmp1 = vabsq_s32(outr1);
    int32x4_t tmp2 = vabsq_s32(outi0);
    int32x4_t tmp3 = vabsq_s32(outi1);
    // vabs doesn't change the value of 0x80000000.
    // Use u32 so we don't lose the value 0x80000000.
    max_r = vmaxq_u32(max_r, vreinterpretq_u32_s32(tmp0));
    max_i = vmaxq_u32(max_i, vreinterpretq_u32_s32(tmp2));
    max_r = vmaxq_u32(max_r, vreinterpretq_u32_s32(tmp1));
    max_i = vmaxq_u32(max_i, vreinterpretq_u32_s32(tmp3));

    // Store the vectors.
    outr1 = vrev64q_s32(outr1);
    outi1 = vrev64q_s32(outi1);
    int32x4_t outr_1 = vcombine_s32(vget_high_s32(outr1), vget_low_s32(outr1));
    int32x4_t outi_1 = vcombine_s32(vget_high_s32(outi1), vget_low_s32(outi1));

    vst1q_s32(outre1, outr0);
    outre1 += 4;
    vst1q_s32(outim1, outi0);
    outim1 += 4;
    vst1q_s32(outre2, outr_1);
    outre2 -= 4;
    vst1q_s32(outim2, outi_1);
    outim2 -= 4;

  max_r = vmaxq_u32(max_r, max_i);
#if defined(WEBRTC_ARCH_ARM64)
  uint32_t maximum = vmaxvq_u32(max_r);
  uint32x2_t max32x2_r = vmax_u32(vget_low_u32(max_r), vget_high_u32(max_r));
  max32x2_r = vpmax_u32(max32x2_r, max32x2_r);
  uint32_t maximum = vget_lane_u32(max32x2_r, 0);

  return (int32_t)maximum;
static INLINE void iadst8_bd12(int32x4_t *const io0, int32x4_t *const io1,
                               int32x4_t *const io2, int32x4_t *const io3,
                               int32x4_t *const io4, int32x4_t *const io5,
                               int32x4_t *const io6, int32x4_t *const io7) {
  const int32x4_t c0 =
      create_s32x4_neon(cospi_2_64, cospi_30_64, cospi_10_64, cospi_22_64);
  const int32x4_t c1 =
      create_s32x4_neon(cospi_18_64, cospi_14_64, cospi_26_64, cospi_6_64);
  const int32x4_t c2 =
      create_s32x4_neon(cospi_16_64, 0, cospi_8_64, cospi_24_64);
  int32x4_t x[8], t[4];
  int64x2_t s[8][2];

  x[0] = *io7;
  x[1] = *io0;
  x[2] = *io5;
  x[3] = *io2;
  x[4] = *io3;
  x[5] = *io4;
  x[6] = *io1;
  x[7] = *io6;

  // stage 1
  iadst_butterfly_lane_0_1_bd12_neon(x[0], x[1], vget_low_s32(c0), s[0], s[1]);
  iadst_butterfly_lane_0_1_bd12_neon(x[2], x[3], vget_high_s32(c0), s[2], s[3]);
  iadst_butterfly_lane_0_1_bd12_neon(x[4], x[5], vget_low_s32(c1), s[4], s[5]);
  iadst_butterfly_lane_0_1_bd12_neon(x[6], x[7], vget_high_s32(c1), s[6], s[7]);

  x[0] = add_dct_const_round_shift_low_8_bd12(s[0], s[4]);
  x[1] = add_dct_const_round_shift_low_8_bd12(s[1], s[5]);
  x[2] = add_dct_const_round_shift_low_8_bd12(s[2], s[6]);
  x[3] = add_dct_const_round_shift_low_8_bd12(s[3], s[7]);
  x[4] = sub_dct_const_round_shift_low_8_bd12(s[0], s[4]);
  x[5] = sub_dct_const_round_shift_low_8_bd12(s[1], s[5]);
  x[6] = sub_dct_const_round_shift_low_8_bd12(s[2], s[6]);
  x[7] = sub_dct_const_round_shift_low_8_bd12(s[3], s[7]);

  // stage 2
  t[0] = x[0];
  t[1] = x[1];
  t[2] = x[2];
  t[3] = x[3];
  iadst_butterfly_lane_0_1_bd12_neon(x[4], x[5], vget_high_s32(c2), s[4], s[5]);
  iadst_butterfly_lane_1_0_bd12_neon(x[7], x[6], vget_high_s32(c2), s[7], s[6]);

  x[0] = vaddq_s32(t[0], t[2]);
  x[1] = vaddq_s32(t[1], t[3]);
  x[2] = vsubq_s32(t[0], t[2]);
  x[3] = vsubq_s32(t[1], t[3]);
  x[4] = add_dct_const_round_shift_low_8_bd12(s[4], s[6]);
  x[5] = add_dct_const_round_shift_low_8_bd12(s[5], s[7]);
  x[6] = sub_dct_const_round_shift_low_8_bd12(s[4], s[6]);
  x[7] = sub_dct_const_round_shift_low_8_bd12(s[5], s[7]);

  // stage 3
  iadst_half_butterfly_bd12_neon(x + 2, vget_low_s32(c2));
  iadst_half_butterfly_bd12_neon(x + 6, vget_low_s32(c2));

  *io0 = x[0];
  *io1 = vnegq_s32(x[4]);
  *io2 = x[6];
  *io3 = vnegq_s32(x[2]);
  *io4 = x[3];
  *io5 = vnegq_s32(x[7]);
  *io6 = x[5];
  *io7 = vnegq_s32(x[1]);
Пример #14
int32x2_t test_vget_high_s32(int32x4_t a) {
  // CHECK-COMMON-LABEL: test_vget_high_s32:
  return vget_high_s32(a);
  // CHECK-AARCH64: dup d0, {{v[0-9]+}}.d[1]
  // CHECK-ARM64: ext v0.16b, v0.16b, v0.16b, #8
Пример #15
int32x2_t test_vget_high_s32(int32x4_t a) {
  // CHECK-LABEL: test_vget_high_s32:
  return vget_high_s32(a);
  // CHECK: dup d0, {{v[0-9]+}}.d[1]
Пример #16
static inline void PostShiftAndDivideAndDemodulateNeon(int16_t* inre,
                                                       int16_t* inim,
                                                       int32_t* outre1,
                                                       int32_t* outre2,
                                                       int32_t sh) {
  int k;
  int16_t* p_inre = inre;
  int16_t* p_inim = inim;
  int32_t* p_outre1 = outre1;
  int32_t* p_outre2 = outre2;
  const int16_t* kCosTab = &WebRtcIsacfix_kCosTab1[0];
  const int16_t* kSinTab = &WebRtcIsacfix_kSinTab1[0];
  int32x4_t shift = vdupq_n_s32(-sh - 16);
  // Divide through by the normalizing constant:
  // scale all values with 1/240, i.e. with 273 in Q16.
  // 273/65536 ~= 0.0041656
  // 1/240 ~= 0.0041666
  int16x8_t scale = vdupq_n_s16(273);
  // Sqrt(240) in Q11 is round(15.49193338482967 * 2048) = 31727.
  int factQ19 = 31727 << 16;
  int32x4_t fact = vdupq_n_s32(factQ19);

  for (k = 0; k < FRAMESAMPLES/2; k += 8) {
    int16x8_t inre16x8 = vld1q_s16(p_inre);
    int16x8_t inim16x8 = vld1q_s16(p_inim);
    p_inre += 8;
    p_inim += 8;
    int16x8_t tmpr = vld1q_s16(kCosTab);
    int16x8_t tmpi = vld1q_s16(kSinTab);
    kCosTab += 8;
    kSinTab += 8;
    // By vshl and vmull, we effectively did "<< (-sh - 16)",
    // instead of "<< (-sh)" and ">> 16" as in the C code.
    int32x4_t outre1_0 = vmull_s16(vget_low_s16(inre16x8), vget_low_s16(scale));
    int32x4_t outre2_0 = vmull_s16(vget_low_s16(inim16x8), vget_low_s16(scale));
#if defined(WEBRTC_ARCH_ARM64)
    int32x4_t outre1_1 = vmull_high_s16(inre16x8, scale);
    int32x4_t outre2_1 = vmull_high_s16(inim16x8, scale);
    int32x4_t outre1_1 = vmull_s16(vget_high_s16(inre16x8),
    int32x4_t outre2_1 = vmull_s16(vget_high_s16(inim16x8),

    outre1_0 = vshlq_s32(outre1_0, shift);
    outre1_1 = vshlq_s32(outre1_1, shift);
    outre2_0 = vshlq_s32(outre2_0, shift);
    outre2_1 = vshlq_s32(outre2_1, shift);

    // Demodulate and separate.
    int32x4_t tmpr_0 = vmovl_s16(vget_low_s16(tmpr));
    int32x4_t tmpi_0 = vmovl_s16(vget_low_s16(tmpi));
#if defined(WEBRTC_ARCH_ARM64)
    int32x4_t tmpr_1 = vmovl_high_s16(tmpr);
    int32x4_t tmpi_1 = vmovl_high_s16(tmpi);
    int32x4_t tmpr_1 = vmovl_s16(vget_high_s16(tmpr));
    int32x4_t tmpi_1 = vmovl_s16(vget_high_s16(tmpi));

    int64x2_t xr0 = vmull_s32(vget_low_s32(tmpr_0), vget_low_s32(outre1_0));
    int64x2_t xi0 = vmull_s32(vget_low_s32(tmpr_0), vget_low_s32(outre2_0));
    int64x2_t xr2 = vmull_s32(vget_low_s32(tmpr_1), vget_low_s32(outre1_1));
    int64x2_t xi2 = vmull_s32(vget_low_s32(tmpr_1), vget_low_s32(outre2_1));
    xr0 = vmlsl_s32(xr0, vget_low_s32(tmpi_0), vget_low_s32(outre2_0));
    xi0 = vmlal_s32(xi0, vget_low_s32(tmpi_0), vget_low_s32(outre1_0));
    xr2 = vmlsl_s32(xr2, vget_low_s32(tmpi_1), vget_low_s32(outre2_1));
    xi2 = vmlal_s32(xi2, vget_low_s32(tmpi_1), vget_low_s32(outre1_1));

#if defined(WEBRTC_ARCH_ARM64)
    int64x2_t xr1 = vmull_high_s32(tmpr_0, outre1_0);
    int64x2_t xi1 = vmull_high_s32(tmpr_0, outre2_0);
    int64x2_t xr3 = vmull_high_s32(tmpr_1, outre1_1);
    int64x2_t xi3 = vmull_high_s32(tmpr_1, outre2_1);
    xr1 = vmlsl_high_s32(xr1, tmpi_0, outre2_0);
    xi1 = vmlal_high_s32(xi1, tmpi_0, outre1_0);
    xr3 = vmlsl_high_s32(xr3, tmpi_1, outre2_1);
    xi3 = vmlal_high_s32(xi3, tmpi_1, outre1_1);
    int64x2_t xr1 = vmull_s32(vget_high_s32(tmpr_0), vget_high_s32(outre1_0));
    int64x2_t xi1 = vmull_s32(vget_high_s32(tmpr_0), vget_high_s32(outre2_0));
    int64x2_t xr3 = vmull_s32(vget_high_s32(tmpr_1), vget_high_s32(outre1_1));
    int64x2_t xi3 = vmull_s32(vget_high_s32(tmpr_1), vget_high_s32(outre2_1));
    xr1 = vmlsl_s32(xr1, vget_high_s32(tmpi_0), vget_high_s32(outre2_0));
    xi1 = vmlal_s32(xi1, vget_high_s32(tmpi_0), vget_high_s32(outre1_0));
    xr3 = vmlsl_s32(xr3, vget_high_s32(tmpi_1), vget_high_s32(outre2_1));
    xi3 = vmlal_s32(xi3, vget_high_s32(tmpi_1), vget_high_s32(outre1_1));

    outre1_0 = vcombine_s32(vshrn_n_s64(xr0, 10), vshrn_n_s64(xr1, 10));
    outre2_0 = vcombine_s32(vshrn_n_s64(xi0, 10), vshrn_n_s64(xi1, 10));
    outre1_1 = vcombine_s32(vshrn_n_s64(xr2, 10), vshrn_n_s64(xr3, 10));
    outre2_1 = vcombine_s32(vshrn_n_s64(xi2, 10), vshrn_n_s64(xi3, 10));
    outre1_0 = vqdmulhq_s32(outre1_0, fact);
    outre2_0 = vqdmulhq_s32(outre2_0, fact);
    outre1_1 = vqdmulhq_s32(outre1_1, fact);
    outre2_1 = vqdmulhq_s32(outre2_1, fact);

    vst1q_s32(p_outre1, outre1_0);
    p_outre1 += 4;
    vst1q_s32(p_outre1, outre1_1);
    p_outre1 += 4;
    vst1q_s32(p_outre2, outre2_0);
    p_outre2 += 4;
    vst1q_s32(p_outre2, outre2_1);
    p_outre2 += 4;
Пример #17
void silk_biquad_alt_stride2_neon(
    const opus_int16            *in,                /* I     input signal                                               */
    const opus_int32            *B_Q28,             /* I     MA coefficients [3]                                        */
    const opus_int32            *A_Q28,             /* I     AR coefficients [2]                                        */
    opus_int32                  *S,                 /* I/O   State vector [4]                                           */
    opus_int16                  *out,               /* O     output signal                                              */
    const opus_int32            len                 /* I     signal length (must be even)                               */
    /* DIRECT FORM II TRANSPOSED (uses 2 element state vector) */
    opus_int        k            = 0;
    const int32x2_t offset_s32x2 = vdup_n_s32( (1<<14) - 1 );
    const int32x4_t offset_s32x4 = vcombine_s32( offset_s32x2, offset_s32x2 );
    int16x4_t       in_s16x4  = vdup_n_s16( 0 );
    int16x4_t       out_s16x4;
    int32x2_t       A_Q28_s32x2, A_L_s32x2, A_U_s32x2, B_Q28_s32x2, t_s32x2;
    int32x4_t       A_L_s32x4, A_U_s32x4, B_Q28_s32x4, S_s32x4, out32_Q14_s32x4;
    int32x2x2_t     t0_s32x2x2, t1_s32x2x2, t2_s32x2x2, S_s32x2x2;

    opus_int32 S_c[ 4 ];
    VARDECL( opus_int16, out_c );
    ALLOC( out_c, 2 * len, opus_int16 );

    silk_memcpy( &S_c, S, sizeof( S_c ) );
    silk_biquad_alt_stride2_c( in, B_Q28, A_Q28, S_c, out_c, len );

    /* Negate A_Q28 values and split in two parts */
    A_Q28_s32x2 = vld1_s32( A_Q28 );
    A_Q28_s32x2 = vneg_s32( A_Q28_s32x2 );
    A_L_s32x2   = vshl_n_s32( A_Q28_s32x2, 18 );                                                        /* ( -A_Q28[] & 0x00003FFF ) << 18                                                     */
    A_L_s32x2   = vreinterpret_s32_u32( vshr_n_u32( vreinterpret_u32_s32( A_L_s32x2 ), 3 ) );           /* ( -A_Q28[] & 0x00003FFF ) << 15                                                     */
    A_U_s32x2   = vshr_n_s32( A_Q28_s32x2, 14 );                                                        /* silk_RSHIFT( -A_Q28[], 14 )                                                         */
    A_U_s32x2   = vshl_n_s32( A_U_s32x2, 16 );                                                          /* silk_RSHIFT( -A_Q28[], 14 ) << 16 (Clip two leading bits to conform to C function.) */
    A_U_s32x2   = vshr_n_s32( A_U_s32x2, 1 );                                                           /* silk_RSHIFT( -A_Q28[], 14 ) << 15                                                   */

    B_Q28_s32x2  = vld1_s32( B_Q28 );
    t_s32x2      = vld1_s32( B_Q28 + 1 );
    t0_s32x2x2   = vzip_s32( A_L_s32x2, A_L_s32x2 );
    t1_s32x2x2   = vzip_s32( A_U_s32x2, A_U_s32x2 );
    t2_s32x2x2   = vzip_s32( t_s32x2, t_s32x2 );
    A_L_s32x4    = vcombine_s32( t0_s32x2x2.val[ 0 ], t0_s32x2x2.val[ 1 ] );                            /* A{0,0,1,1}_L_Q28          */
    A_U_s32x4    = vcombine_s32( t1_s32x2x2.val[ 0 ], t1_s32x2x2.val[ 1 ] );                            /* A{0,0,1,1}_U_Q28          */
    B_Q28_s32x4  = vcombine_s32( t2_s32x2x2.val[ 0 ], t2_s32x2x2.val[ 1 ] );                            /* B_Q28[ {1,1,2,2} ]        */
    S_s32x4      = vld1q_s32( S );                                                                      /* S0 = S[ 0 ]; S3 = S[ 3 ]; */
    S_s32x2x2    = vtrn_s32( vget_low_s32( S_s32x4 ), vget_high_s32( S_s32x4 ) );                       /* S2 = S[ 1 ]; S1 = S[ 2 ]; */
    S_s32x4      = vcombine_s32( S_s32x2x2.val[ 0 ], S_s32x2x2.val[ 1 ] );

    for( ; k < len - 1; k += 2 ) {
        int32x4_t in_s32x4[ 2 ], t_s32x4;
        int32x2_t out32_Q14_s32x2[ 2 ];

        /* S[ 2 * i + 0 ], S[ 2 * i + 1 ], S[ 2 * i + 2 ], S[ 2 * i + 3 ]: Q12 */
        in_s16x4      = vld1_s16( &in[ 2 * k ] );                                                       /* in{0,1,2,3} = in[ 2 * k + {0,1,2,3} ]; */
        in_s32x4[ 0 ] = vshll_n_s16( in_s16x4, 15 );                                                    /* in{0,1,2,3} << 15                      */
        t_s32x4       = vqdmulhq_lane_s32( in_s32x4[ 0 ], B_Q28_s32x2, 0 );                             /* silk_SMULWB( B_Q28[ 0 ], in{0,1,2,3} ) */
        in_s32x4[ 1 ] = vcombine_s32( vget_high_s32( in_s32x4[ 0 ] ), vget_high_s32( in_s32x4[ 0 ] ) ); /* in{2,3,2,3} << 15                      */
        in_s32x4[ 0 ] = vcombine_s32( vget_low_s32 ( in_s32x4[ 0 ] ), vget_low_s32 ( in_s32x4[ 0 ] ) ); /* in{0,1,0,1} << 15                      */
        silk_biquad_alt_stride2_kernel( A_L_s32x4, A_U_s32x4, B_Q28_s32x4, vget_low_s32 ( t_s32x4 ), in_s32x4[ 0 ], &S_s32x4, &out32_Q14_s32x2[ 0 ] );
        silk_biquad_alt_stride2_kernel( A_L_s32x4, A_U_s32x4, B_Q28_s32x4, vget_high_s32( t_s32x4 ), in_s32x4[ 1 ], &S_s32x4, &out32_Q14_s32x2[ 1 ] );

        /* Scale back to Q0 and saturate */
        out32_Q14_s32x4 = vcombine_s32( out32_Q14_s32x2[ 0 ], out32_Q14_s32x2[ 1 ] );                   /* out32_Q14_{0,1,2,3}                                                                                        */
        out32_Q14_s32x4 = vaddq_s32( out32_Q14_s32x4, offset_s32x4 );                                   /* out32_Q14_{0,1,2,3} + (1<<14) - 1                                                                          */
        out_s16x4       = vqshrn_n_s32( out32_Q14_s32x4, 14 );                                          /* (opus_int16)silk_SAT16( silk_RSHIFT( out32_Q14_{0,1,2,3} + (1<<14) - 1, 14 ) )                             */
        vst1_s16( &out[ 2 * k ], out_s16x4 );                                                           /* out[ 2 * k + {0,1,2,3} ] = (opus_int16)silk_SAT16( silk_RSHIFT( out32_Q14_{0,1,2,3} + (1<<14) - 1, 14 ) ); */

    /* Process leftover. */
    if( k < len ) {
        int32x4_t in_s32x4;
        int32x2_t out32_Q14_s32x2;

        /* S[ 2 * i + 0 ], S[ 2 * i + 1 ]: Q12 */
        in_s16x4     = vld1_lane_s16( &in[ 2 * k + 0 ], in_s16x4, 0 );                                  /* in{0,1} = in[ 2 * k + {0,1} ];     */
        in_s16x4     = vld1_lane_s16( &in[ 2 * k + 1 ], in_s16x4, 1 );                                  /* in{0,1} = in[ 2 * k + {0,1} ];     */
        in_s32x4     = vshll_n_s16( in_s16x4, 15 );                                                     /* in{0,1} << 15                      */
        t_s32x2      = vqdmulh_lane_s32( vget_low_s32( in_s32x4 ), B_Q28_s32x2, 0 );                    /* silk_SMULWB( B_Q28[ 0 ], in{0,1} ) */
        in_s32x4     = vcombine_s32( vget_low_s32( in_s32x4 ), vget_low_s32( in_s32x4 ) );              /* in{0,1,0,1} << 15                  */
        silk_biquad_alt_stride2_kernel( A_L_s32x4, A_U_s32x4, B_Q28_s32x4, t_s32x2, in_s32x4, &S_s32x4, &out32_Q14_s32x2 );

        /* Scale back to Q0 and saturate */
        out32_Q14_s32x2 = vadd_s32( out32_Q14_s32x2, offset_s32x2 );                                    /* out32_Q14_{0,1} + (1<<14) - 1                                                              */
        out32_Q14_s32x4 = vcombine_s32( out32_Q14_s32x2, out32_Q14_s32x2 );                             /* out32_Q14_{0,1,0,1} + (1<<14) - 1                                                          */
        out_s16x4       = vqshrn_n_s32( out32_Q14_s32x4, 14 );                                          /* (opus_int16)silk_SAT16( silk_RSHIFT( out32_Q14_{0,1,0,1} + (1<<14) - 1, 14 ) )             */
        vst1_lane_s16( &out[ 2 * k + 0 ], out_s16x4, 0 );                                               /* out[ 2 * k + 0 ] = (opus_int16)silk_SAT16( silk_RSHIFT( out32_Q14_0 + (1<<14) - 1, 14 ) ); */
        vst1_lane_s16( &out[ 2 * k + 1 ], out_s16x4, 1 );                                               /* out[ 2 * k + 1 ] = (opus_int16)silk_SAT16( silk_RSHIFT( out32_Q14_1 + (1<<14) - 1, 14 ) ); */

    vst1q_lane_s32( &S[ 0 ], S_s32x4, 0 );                                                              /* S[ 0 ] = S0; */
    vst1q_lane_s32( &S[ 1 ], S_s32x4, 2 );                                                              /* S[ 1 ] = S2; */
    vst1q_lane_s32( &S[ 2 ], S_s32x4, 1 );                                                              /* S[ 2 ] = S1; */
    vst1q_lane_s32( &S[ 3 ], S_s32x4, 3 );                                                              /* S[ 3 ] = S3; */

    silk_assert( !memcmp( S_c, S, sizeof( S_c ) ) );
    silk_assert( !memcmp( out_c, out, 2 * len * sizeof( opus_int16 ) ) );
Пример #18
static INLINE void idct4x4_16_kernel_bd12(const int32x4_t cospis,
                                          int32x4_t *const a0,
                                          int32x4_t *const a1,
                                          int32x4_t *const a2,
                                          int32x4_t *const a3) {
  int32x4_t b0, b1, b2, b3;
  int64x2_t c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11;

  transpose_s32_4x4(a0, a1, a2, a3);
  b0 = vaddq_s32(*a0, *a2);
  b1 = vsubq_s32(*a0, *a2);
  c0 = vmull_lane_s32(vget_low_s32(b0), vget_high_s32(cospis), 0);
  c1 = vmull_lane_s32(vget_high_s32(b0), vget_high_s32(cospis), 0);
  c2 = vmull_lane_s32(vget_low_s32(b1), vget_high_s32(cospis), 0);
  c3 = vmull_lane_s32(vget_high_s32(b1), vget_high_s32(cospis), 0);
  c4 = vmull_lane_s32(vget_low_s32(*a1), vget_high_s32(cospis), 1);
  c5 = vmull_lane_s32(vget_high_s32(*a1), vget_high_s32(cospis), 1);
  c6 = vmull_lane_s32(vget_low_s32(*a1), vget_low_s32(cospis), 1);
  c7 = vmull_lane_s32(vget_high_s32(*a1), vget_low_s32(cospis), 1);
  c8 = vmull_lane_s32(vget_low_s32(*a3), vget_low_s32(cospis), 1);
  c9 = vmull_lane_s32(vget_high_s32(*a3), vget_low_s32(cospis), 1);
  c10 = vmull_lane_s32(vget_low_s32(*a3), vget_high_s32(cospis), 1);
  c11 = vmull_lane_s32(vget_high_s32(*a3), vget_high_s32(cospis), 1);
  c4 = vsubq_s64(c4, c8);
  c5 = vsubq_s64(c5, c9);
  c6 = vaddq_s64(c6, c10);
  c7 = vaddq_s64(c7, c11);
  b0 = vcombine_s32(vrshrn_n_s64(c0, DCT_CONST_BITS),
                    vrshrn_n_s64(c1, DCT_CONST_BITS));
  b1 = vcombine_s32(vrshrn_n_s64(c2, DCT_CONST_BITS),
                    vrshrn_n_s64(c3, DCT_CONST_BITS));
  b2 = vcombine_s32(vrshrn_n_s64(c4, DCT_CONST_BITS),
                    vrshrn_n_s64(c5, DCT_CONST_BITS));
  b3 = vcombine_s32(vrshrn_n_s64(c6, DCT_CONST_BITS),
                    vrshrn_n_s64(c7, DCT_CONST_BITS));
  *a0 = vaddq_s32(b0, b3);
  *a1 = vaddq_s32(b1, b2);
  *a2 = vsubq_s32(b1, b2);
  *a3 = vsubq_s32(b0, b3);
Пример #19
void computeNetwork0new_neon(const float *dataf, const float *weightsf, uint8_t *d) {
    const int16_t *data = (const int16_t *)dataf;
    const int16_t *weights = (const int16_t *)weightsf;

    int32x4_t accum0 = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    int32x4_t accum1 = accum0;
    int32x4_t accum2 = accum0;
    int32x4_t accum3 = accum0;

    for (int i = 0; i < 128/2; i += 8) {
        int16x4x2_t d0 = vld2_s16(data + i);

        int16x4x2_t w0 = vld2_s16(weights + i * 4);
        int16x4x2_t w1 = vld2_s16(weights + i * 4 + 8);
        int16x4x2_t w2 = vld2_s16(weights + i * 4 + 16);
        int16x4x2_t w3 = vld2_s16(weights + i * 4 + 24);

        accum0 = vmlal_s16(accum0, d0.val[0], w0.val[0]);
        accum0 = vmlal_s16(accum0, d0.val[1], w0.val[1]);

        accum1 = vmlal_s16(accum1, d0.val[0], w1.val[0]);
        accum1 = vmlal_s16(accum1, d0.val[1], w1.val[1]);

        accum2 = vmlal_s16(accum2, d0.val[0], w2.val[0]);
        accum2 = vmlal_s16(accum2, d0.val[1], w2.val[1]);

        accum3 = vmlal_s16(accum3, d0.val[0], w3.val[0]);
        accum3 = vmlal_s16(accum3, d0.val[1], w3.val[1]);

    int32x2_t sum0 = vpadd_s32(vget_low_s32(accum0), vget_high_s32(accum0));
    int32x2_t sum1 = vpadd_s32(vget_low_s32(accum1), vget_high_s32(accum1));
    int32x2_t sum2 = vpadd_s32(vget_low_s32(accum2), vget_high_s32(accum2));
    int32x2_t sum3 = vpadd_s32(vget_low_s32(accum3), vget_high_s32(accum3));
    sum0 = vpadd_s32(sum0, sum1);
    sum1 = vpadd_s32(sum2, sum3);
    int32x4_t sum = vcombine_s32(sum0, sum1);

    float32x4_t m0 = vcvtq_f32_s32(sum);

    m0 = vmulq_f32(m0, vld1q_f32(weightsf + 512/4));
    m0 = vaddq_f32(m0, vld1q_f32(weightsf + 528/4));

    float32x4_t m1, m2, m3, m4;

    m1 = m0;

    m0 = vreinterpretq_f32_u32(vandq_u32(vreinterpretq_u32_f32(m0), sign_bits_f));
    m0 = vaddq_f32(m0, ones_f);
    m0 = vmulq_f32(reciprocal(m0), m1);

    m1 = vdupq_lane_f32(vget_low_f32(m0), 0);
    m2 = vdupq_lane_f32(vget_low_f32(m0), 1);
    m3 = vdupq_lane_f32(vget_high_f32(m0), 0);
    m4 = vdupq_lane_f32(vget_high_f32(m0), 1);

    m1 = vmulq_f32(m1, vld1q_f32(weightsf + 544/4));
    m2 = vmulq_f32(m2, vld1q_f32(weightsf + 560/4));
    m3 = vmulq_f32(m3, vld1q_f32(weightsf + 576/4));
    m4 = vmulq_f32(m4, vld1q_f32(weightsf + 592/4));

    m1 = vaddq_f32(m1, m2);
    m3 = vaddq_f32(m3, m4);
    m1 = vaddq_f32(m1, m3);
    m1 = vaddq_f32(m1, vld1q_f32(weightsf + 608/4));

    uint32x4_t gte = vcgeq_f32(m1, zeroes_f);
    uint16x4_t gte_u16 = vmovn_u32(gte);
    uint8x8_t gte_u8 = vmovn_u16(vcombine_u16(gte_u16, vget_low_u16(vreinterpretq_u16_u32(sign_bits_f))));
    gte_u8 = vshr_n_u8(gte_u8, 7);
    vst1_lane_u32((uint32_t *)d, vreinterpret_u32_u8(gte_u8), 0);
Пример #20
// CHECK-LABEL: define <2 x i32> @test_vget_high_s32(<4 x i32> %a) #0 {
// CHECK:   [[SHUFFLE_I:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i32> %a, <4 x i32> %a, <2 x i32> <i32 2, i32 3>
// CHECK:   ret <2 x i32> [[SHUFFLE_I]]
int32x2_t test_vget_high_s32(int32x4_t a) {
  return vget_high_s32(a);
void mdrc5b_apply_limiter(MDRC5B_LOCAL_STRUCT_T *HeapPtr)
    unsigned int LaIdx;
    unsigned int NumMainCh;
    unsigned int Samples;
    unsigned int ch, k, n;
    MMlong       *Ptr;
    MMlong       *Ptr2;

    MMlong       *MemOutPtr;
    MMshort      PeakdB;
    MMlong       PeakMax;
    int          RmsMeasure;
    MMshort      LimiterAtCoef;
    MMshort      LimiterReCoef;
    MMshort      LimiterGainMant[MDRC5B_BLOCK_SIZE + 1];
    MMshort      LimiterGainExp;
    MMshort      LimiterTargetGaindB;
    unsigned int LimiterHoldRem;
    unsigned int LimiterHtSamp;
    MMshort      Exp, TargetGain;
    MMshort      MaxShiftBits;
    unsigned int lookahead_len = (unsigned int) HeapPtr->LimiterLALen;
    unsigned int cpt1, cpt2;
    uint32x2x2_t Temp_u32x2x2;
    uint32x2_t   Ldbits_u32x2, Ldbits2_u32x2;
    uint32x2_t   bsl_u32x2;
    int32x2_t    LimGainMant_32x2;
    int64x2_t    TempX_64x2, MemOut_64x2;
    int64x2_t    Tmp_64x2;
    int64x2_t    LimiterGainExp_64x2, sample_64x2;
    int64x1_t    TempX_64x1, sample_64x1;
    int32_t      *LimiterGainMant_ptr;
    int32x2_t    Tmp_32x2, Ldbits_32x2, n_32x2;
    int32x2_t    TempX_low_32x2, TempX_high_32x2;
    int32x2x2_t  Tmp_32x2x2;
    int64x1_t    Peak_64x1, PeakMax_64x1, Tmp_64x1, diffX_64x1;
    int64x1_t    Peak_scale_pow_64x1, Peak_scale_64x1, Zero_s64x1;
    int64x1_t    MaxShiftBits_neg_64x1, MaxShiftBits_hd_64x1;
    int64x2_t    diffX_64x2;
    uint64x1_t   bsl_u64x1;
    int32x2_t    LimiterPeakCoef_32x2, diffX_low_32x2, diffX_high_32x2;
    int32x2_t    TargetGain_32x2;
    uint32x2x2_t Peak_u32x2x2;
    uint32x2_t   Peak_exp_u32x2, Peak_exp2_u32x2, Peak_mant_u32x2;
    int32x2_t    x_32x2, xn_32x2, PeakdB_32x2, Peak_exp_32x2;
    int32x2_t    LimiterTargetGaindB_32x2, Exp_32x2, LimiterCoef_32x2;
    int32x4_t    Tmp_32x4;



    Samples   = (unsigned int) HeapPtr->BlockSize;
    NumMainCh = (unsigned int) HeapPtr->NumMainCh;

    TempX_64x2 = vdupq_n_s64(0);
    for(ch = 0; ch < NumMainCh; ch++)
        Ptr = HeapPtr->MainInBuf[ch];
        // compute the number of bits needs to be shifted to avoid overflow
        for(k = (Samples >> 1); k > 0; k--)
            sample_64x2 = vld1q_s64(Ptr);
            Ptr        +=2;
            sample_64x2 = veorq_s64(sample_64x2, vshrq_n_s64(sample_64x2, 63));
            TempX_64x2  = vorrq_s64(TempX_64x2, sample_64x2);
        if(Samples & 1)
            sample_64x1 = vld1_s64(Ptr);
            sample_64x1 = veor_s64(sample_64x1, vshr_n_s64(sample_64x1, 63));
            TempX_64x2  = vorrq_s64(TempX_64x2, vcombine_s64(sample_64x1, sample_64x1));
    TempX_64x1    = vorr_s64(vget_low_s64(TempX_64x2), vget_high_s64(TempX_64x2));
    Temp_u32x2x2  = vuzp_u32(vreinterpret_u32_s64(TempX_64x1), vreinterpret_u32_s64(TempX_64x1));
    bsl_u32x2     = vceq_u32(Temp_u32x2x2.val[1], vdup_n_u32(0));                  // MSB == 0 ?
    // use clz instead of cls because we are sure that input value is positive
    // and because cls(LSB) could be wrong (if MSB is equal to 0 and bit 31 of LSL is 1)
    // thus clz result will be 1 more than cls result (that's why you may see (Ldbits - 1)
    // instead of Ldbits below)
    Ldbits_u32x2  = vadd_u32(vclz_u32(Temp_u32x2x2.val[0]), vdup_n_u32(32));       // clz(LSB)+32
    Ldbits2_u32x2 = vclz_u32(Temp_u32x2x2.val[1]);                                 // clz(MSB)
    Ldbits_u32x2  = vbsl_u32(bsl_u32x2, Ldbits_u32x2, Ldbits2_u32x2);              // MSB == 0 ? clz(LSB)+32 : clz(MSB)
    bsl_u32x2     = vceq_u32(Ldbits_u32x2, vdup_n_u32(64));                        // Ldbits == 64 ? (i.e. TempX == 0 ?)
    // the aim of MaxShiftBits is that sample will be shifted so that it occupies
    // 24 significant bits for 24 bits samples or 32 significant bits for 32 bits samples
    // but we are in 64 bits architecture on CA9/NEON
    // so we must right shift of ((64 - 24) - (Ldbits - 1)) bits for 24 bits samples
    // or of ((64 - 32) - (Ldbits - 1)) bits for 32 bits samples
    // and we add 1 because it was done this way on MMDSP (I don't know why !)
#ifdef SAMPLES_24_BITS
    // MaxShiftBits = ((64 - 24) - (Ldbits - 1)) + 1
    //              = 42 - Ldbits
    Ldbits_32x2     = vsub_s32(vdup_n_s32(42), vreinterpret_s32_u32(Ldbits_u32x2));
#else // SAMPLES_24_BITS
    // MaxShiftBits = ((64 - 32) - (Ldbits - 1)) + 1
    //              = 34 - Ldbits
    Ldbits_32x2     = vsub_s32(vdup_n_s32(34), vreinterpret_s32_u32(Ldbits_u32x2));
#endif // SAMPLES_24_BITS
    Ldbits_32x2     = vmax_s32(vdup_n_s32(1), Ldbits_32x2);
    Ldbits_32x2     = vbsl_s32(bsl_u32x2, vdup_n_s32(1), Ldbits_32x2);              // if(TempX == 0) Ldbits = 1
    MaxShiftBits    = vget_lane_s32(Ldbits_32x2, 0);

    if((debug_cpt_samples >= DEBUG_CPT_MIN) && (debug_cpt_samples <= DEBUG_CPT_MAX))
        char string[100];

        sprintf(string, "MaxShiftBits=%d\n", MaxShiftBits);


    // insert the new subband samples into the lookahead buffers
    RmsMeasure = HeapPtr->Limiter.RmsMeasure;

    LaIdx = (unsigned int) HeapPtr->LimiterLaIdx;
    if(LaIdx + Samples >= lookahead_len)
        cpt1                  = lookahead_len - LaIdx;
        cpt2                  = Samples - cpt1;
        // update index
        HeapPtr->LimiterLaIdx = (int) cpt2;
        cpt1                  = Samples;
        cpt2                  = 0;
        // update index
        HeapPtr->LimiterLaIdx = (int) (LaIdx + Samples);

    LimiterPeakCoef_32x2  = vdup_n_s32(HeapPtr->LimiterPeakAtCoef);                               // LimiterPeakAtCoef, LimiterPeakAtCoef
    LimiterPeakCoef_32x2  = vset_lane_s32(HeapPtr->LimiterPeakReCoef, LimiterPeakCoef_32x2, 1);   // LimiterPeakAtCoef, LimiterPeakReCoef
    Peak_scale_64x1       = vdup_n_s64(HeapPtr->PrevShiftBits - MaxShiftBits);
    Peak_scale_pow_64x1   = vshl_n_s64(Peak_scale_64x1, 1);
    MaxShiftBits_neg_64x1 = vdup_n_s64(-MaxShiftBits);
#ifdef SAMPLES_24_BITS
    MaxShiftBits_hd_64x1  = vdup_n_s64(24 - MaxShiftBits);
#else // SAMPLES_24_BITS
    MaxShiftBits_hd_64x1  = vdup_n_s64(32 - MaxShiftBits);
#endif // SAMPLES_24_BITS
    PeakMax_64x1          = vdup_n_s64(0);

    for(ch = 0; ch < NumMainCh; ch++)
        Ptr  = HeapPtr->MainInBuf[ch];
        Ptr2 = HeapPtr->LimiterLABuf[ch] + LaIdx;  // go to the first valid sample

        Peak_64x1 = vdup_n_s64(HeapPtr->LimiterPeak[ch]);
            // compensate Peak according to the previous shift bits
            Peak_64x1 = vqrshl_s64(Peak_64x1, Peak_scale_pow_64x1);                                 // neg value => shift right rounding

            // rms measure
            for(k = cpt1; k > 0; k--)
                Tmp_64x1        = vld1_s64(Ptr);
                vst1_s64(Ptr2, Tmp_64x1);
                Tmp_64x1        = vqrshl_s64(Tmp_64x1, MaxShiftBits_neg_64x1);
                Tmp_64x2        = vcombine_s64(Tmp_64x1, Tmp_64x1);
                Tmp_32x2x2      = vuzp_s32(vget_low_s32(vreinterpretq_s32_s64(Tmp_64x2)), vget_high_s32(vreinterpretq_s32_s64(Tmp_64x2)));
                Tmp_32x2        = Tmp_32x2x2.val[0];                                                // LSB of Tmp_64x2 (MSB is dummy)
                TempX_64x2      = vqdmull_s32(Tmp_32x2, Tmp_32x2);
                TempX_64x1      = vget_low_s64(TempX_64x2);
                diffX_64x1      = vqsub_s64(Peak_64x1, TempX_64x1);
                bsl_u64x1       = vreinterpret_u64_s64(vshr_n_s64(diffX_64x1, 63));                 // sign(diffX)
                diffX_64x2      = vcombine_s64(diffX_64x1, diffX_64x1);
                diffX_low_32x2  = vshrn_n_s64(vshlq_n_s64(diffX_64x2, 32), 32);                     // wextract_l(diffX), wextract_l(diffX)
                diffX_high_32x2 = vrshrn_n_s64(diffX_64x2, 32);                                     // wround_L(diffX), wround_L(diffX)
                Tmp_64x2        = vmovl_s32(vqrdmulh_s32(LimiterPeakCoef_32x2, diffX_low_32x2));    // (MMlong) wfmulr(wextract_l(diffX), LimiterPeakAtCoef), (MMlong) wfmulr(wextract_l(diffX), LimiterPeakReCoef)
                Tmp_64x2        = vqdmlal_s32(Tmp_64x2, LimiterPeakCoef_32x2, diffX_high_32x2);     // wL_addsat((MMlong) wfmulr(wextract_l(diffX), LimiterPeakAtCoef), wL_fmul(wround_L(diffX), LimiterPeakAtCoef)), wL_addsat((MMlong) wfmulr(wextract_l(diffX), LimiterPeakReCoef), wL_fmul(wround_L(diffX), LimiterPeakReCoef))
                Tmp_64x2        = vqaddq_s64(TempX_64x2, Tmp_64x2);
                Peak_64x1       = vbsl_s64(bsl_u64x1, vget_low_s64(Tmp_64x2), vget_high_s64(Tmp_64x2));
                Tmp_64x1        = vqsub_s64(Peak_64x1, PeakMax_64x1);
                bsl_u64x1       = vreinterpret_u64_s64(vshr_n_s64(Tmp_64x1, 63));                   // sign(Peak_64x1 - PeakMax_64x1)
                PeakMax_64x1    = vbsl_s64(bsl_u64x1, PeakMax_64x1, Peak_64x1);
            Ptr2 = HeapPtr->LimiterLABuf[ch];
            for(k = cpt2; k > 0; k--)
                Tmp_64x1        = vld1_s64(Ptr);
                vst1_s64(Ptr2, Tmp_64x1);
                Tmp_64x1        = vqrshl_s64(Tmp_64x1, MaxShiftBits_neg_64x1);
                Tmp_64x2        = vcombine_s64(Tmp_64x1, Tmp_64x1);
                Tmp_32x2x2      = vuzp_s32(vget_low_s32(vreinterpretq_s32_s64(Tmp_64x2)), vget_high_s32(vreinterpretq_s32_s64(Tmp_64x2)));
                Tmp_32x2        = Tmp_32x2x2.val[0];                                                // LSB of Tmp_64x2 (MSB is dummy)
                TempX_64x2      = vqdmull_s32(Tmp_32x2, Tmp_32x2);
                TempX_64x1      = vget_low_s64(TempX_64x2);
                diffX_64x1      = vqsub_s64(Peak_64x1, TempX_64x1);
                bsl_u64x1       = vreinterpret_u64_s64(vshr_n_s64(diffX_64x1, 63));                 // sign(diffX)
                diffX_64x2      = vcombine_s64(diffX_64x1, diffX_64x1);
                diffX_low_32x2  = vshrn_n_s64(vshlq_n_s64(diffX_64x2, 32), 32);                     // wextract_l(diffX), wextract_l(diffX)
                diffX_high_32x2 = vrshrn_n_s64(diffX_64x2, 32);                                     // wround_L(diffX), wround_L(diffX)
                Tmp_64x2        = vmovl_s32(vqrdmulh_s32(LimiterPeakCoef_32x2, diffX_low_32x2));    // (MMlong) wfmulr(wextract_l(diffX), LimiterPeakAtCoef), (MMlong) wfmulr(wextract_l(diffX), LimiterPeakReCoef)
                Tmp_64x2        = vqdmlal_s32(Tmp_64x2, LimiterPeakCoef_32x2, diffX_high_32x2);     // wL_addsat((MMlong) wfmulr(wextract_l(diffX), LimiterPeakAtCoef), wL_fmul(wround_L(diffX), LimiterPeakAtCoef)), wL_addsat((MMlong) wfmulr(wextract_l(diffX), LimiterPeakReCoef), wL_fmul(wround_L(diffX), LimiterPeakReCoef))
                Tmp_64x2        = vqaddq_s64(TempX_64x2, Tmp_64x2);
                Peak_64x1       = vbsl_s64(bsl_u64x1, vget_low_s64(Tmp_64x2), vget_high_s64(Tmp_64x2));
                Tmp_64x1        = vqsub_s64(Peak_64x1, PeakMax_64x1);
                bsl_u64x1       = vreinterpret_u64_s64(vshr_n_s64(Tmp_64x1, 63));                   // sign(Peak_64x1 - PeakMax_64x1)
                PeakMax_64x1    = vbsl_s64(bsl_u64x1, PeakMax_64x1, Peak_64x1);
            // compensate Peak according to the previous shift bits
            Peak_64x1  = vqrshl_s64(Peak_64x1, Peak_scale_64x1);

            // amplitude measure
            Zero_s64x1 = vdup_n_s64(0);
            for(k = cpt1; k > 0; k--)
                Tmp_64x1        = vld1_s64(Ptr);
                vst1_s64(Ptr2, Tmp_64x1);
                bsl_u64x1       = vreinterpret_u64_s64(vshr_n_s64(Tmp_64x1, 63));                   // sign(Tmp_64x1)
                TempX_64x1      = vqsub_s64(Zero_s64x1, Tmp_64x1);                                  // -Tmp_64x1
                TempX_64x1      = vbsl_s64(bsl_u64x1, TempX_64x1, Tmp_64x1);
                TempX_64x1      = vqrshl_s64(TempX_64x1, MaxShiftBits_hd_64x1);
                TempX_64x2      = vcombine_s64(TempX_64x1, TempX_64x1);
                diffX_64x1      = vqsub_s64(Peak_64x1, TempX_64x1);
                bsl_u64x1       = vreinterpret_u64_s64(vshr_n_s64(diffX_64x1, 63));                 // sign(diffX)
                diffX_64x2      = vcombine_s64(diffX_64x1, diffX_64x1);
                diffX_low_32x2  = vshrn_n_s64(vshlq_n_s64(diffX_64x2, 32), 32);                     // wextract_l(diffX), wextract_l(diffX)
                diffX_high_32x2 = vrshrn_n_s64(diffX_64x2, 32);                                     // wround_L(diffX), wround_L(diffX)
                Tmp_64x2        = vmovl_s32(vqrdmulh_s32(LimiterPeakCoef_32x2, diffX_low_32x2));    // (MMlong) wfmulr(wextract_l(diffX), LimiterPeakAtCoef), (MMlong) wfmulr(wextract_l(diffX), LimiterPeakReCoef)
                Tmp_64x2        = vqdmlal_s32(Tmp_64x2, LimiterPeakCoef_32x2, diffX_high_32x2);     // wL_addsat((MMlong) wfmulr(wextract_l(diffX), LimiterPeakAtCoef), wL_fmul(wround_L(diffX), LimiterPeakAtCoef)), wL_addsat((MMlong) wfmulr(wextract_l(diffX), LimiterPeakReCoef), wL_fmul(wround_L(diffX), LimiterPeakReCoef))
                Tmp_64x2        = vqaddq_s64(TempX_64x2, Tmp_64x2);
                Peak_64x1       = vbsl_s64(bsl_u64x1, vget_low_s64(Tmp_64x2), vget_high_s64(Tmp_64x2));
                Tmp_64x1        = vqsub_s64(Peak_64x1, PeakMax_64x1);
                bsl_u64x1       = vreinterpret_u64_s64(vshr_n_s64(Tmp_64x1, 63));                   // sign(Peak_64x1 - PeakMax_64x1)
                PeakMax_64x1    = vbsl_s64(bsl_u64x1, PeakMax_64x1, Peak_64x1);
            Ptr2 = HeapPtr->LimiterLABuf[ch];
            for(k = cpt2; k > 0; k--)
                Tmp_64x1        = vld1_s64(Ptr);
                vst1_s64(Ptr2, Tmp_64x1);
                bsl_u64x1       = vreinterpret_u64_s64(vshr_n_s64(Tmp_64x1, 63));                   // sign(Tmp_64x1)
                TempX_64x1      = vqsub_s64(Zero_s64x1, Tmp_64x1);                                  // -Tmp_64x1
                TempX_64x1      = vbsl_s64(bsl_u64x1, TempX_64x1, Tmp_64x1);
                TempX_64x1      = vqrshl_s64(TempX_64x1, MaxShiftBits_hd_64x1);
                TempX_64x2      = vcombine_s64(TempX_64x1, TempX_64x1);
                diffX_64x1      = vqsub_s64(Peak_64x1, TempX_64x1);
                bsl_u64x1       = vreinterpret_u64_s64(vshr_n_s64(diffX_64x1, 63));                 // sign(diffX)
                diffX_64x2      = vcombine_s64(diffX_64x1, diffX_64x1);
                diffX_low_32x2  = vshrn_n_s64(vshlq_n_s64(diffX_64x2, 32), 32);                     // wextract_l(diffX), wextract_l(diffX)
                diffX_high_32x2 = vrshrn_n_s64(diffX_64x2, 32);                                     // wround_L(diffX), wround_L(diffX)
                Tmp_64x2        = vmovl_s32(vqrdmulh_s32(LimiterPeakCoef_32x2, diffX_low_32x2));    // (MMlong) wfmulr(wextract_l(diffX), LimiterPeakAtCoef), (MMlong) wfmulr(wextract_l(diffX), LimiterPeakReCoef)
                Tmp_64x2        = vqdmlal_s32(Tmp_64x2, LimiterPeakCoef_32x2, diffX_high_32x2);     // wL_addsat((MMlong) wfmulr(wextract_l(diffX), LimiterPeakAtCoef), wL_fmul(wround_L(diffX), LimiterPeakAtCoef)), wL_addsat((MMlong) wfmulr(wextract_l(diffX), LimiterPeakReCoef), wL_fmul(wround_L(diffX), LimiterPeakReCoef))
                Tmp_64x2        = vqaddq_s64(TempX_64x2, Tmp_64x2);
                Peak_64x1       = vbsl_s64(bsl_u64x1, vget_low_s64(Tmp_64x2), vget_high_s64(Tmp_64x2));
                Tmp_64x1        = vqsub_s64(Peak_64x1, PeakMax_64x1);
                bsl_u64x1       = vreinterpret_u64_s64(vshr_n_s64(Tmp_64x1, 63));                   // sign(Peak_64x1 - PeakMax_64x1)
                PeakMax_64x1    = vbsl_s64(bsl_u64x1, PeakMax_64x1, Peak_64x1);

        HeapPtr->LimiterPeak[ch] = vget_lane_s64(Peak_64x1, 0);                                     // save history
    }  // for(ch = 0...)
    PeakMax                = vget_lane_s64(PeakMax_64x1, 0);
    HeapPtr->PrevShiftBits = MaxShiftBits;


        PeakdB = (MDRC5B_POWER_DB_MINUS_INF << 16); // 8.16, [-128.0, 127.0] dB
        Peak_u32x2x2    = vuzp_u32(vreinterpret_u32_s64(PeakMax_64x1), vreinterpret_u32_s64(PeakMax_64x1));
        bsl_u32x2       = vceq_u32(Peak_u32x2x2.val[1], vdup_n_u32(0));
        Peak_exp_u32x2  = vadd_u32(vclz_u32(Peak_u32x2x2.val[0]), vdup_n_u32(32));
        Peak_exp2_u32x2 = vclz_u32(Peak_u32x2x2.val[1]);
        Peak_exp_u32x2  = vbsl_u32(bsl_u32x2, Peak_exp_u32x2, Peak_exp2_u32x2);
        Peak_mant_u32x2 = vrshrn_n_u64(vshlq_u64(vreinterpretq_u64_s64(vcombine_s64(PeakMax_64x1, PeakMax_64x1)), vreinterpretq_s64_u64(vmovl_u32(Peak_exp_u32x2))), 32);

        // if(Peak_mant >= sqrt(0.5))
        // {
        //     Peak_exp--;
        //     Peak_mant >>= 1;
        // }
        bsl_u32x2       = vcge_u32(Peak_mant_u32x2, vdup_n_u32(0xB504F334));
        Peak_exp_u32x2  = vbsl_u32(bsl_u32x2, vsub_u32(Peak_exp_u32x2, vdup_n_u32(1)), Peak_exp_u32x2);
        Peak_mant_u32x2 = vbsl_u32(bsl_u32x2, vrshr_n_u32(Peak_mant_u32x2, 1), Peak_mant_u32x2);

        Peak_exp_32x2 = vreinterpret_s32_u32(Peak_exp_u32x2);
#ifdef SAMPLES_24_BITS
        // correction of 16 bits if input samples are 24 bits
        Peak_exp_32x2 = vsub_s32(Peak_exp_32x2, vdup_n_s32(16));
#endif // SAMPLES_24_BITS

        // at this point : sqrt(0.5)/2 <= Peak_mant < sqrt(0.5)
        // ln(1+x) = x - x^2/2 + x^3/3 - x^4/4 + x^5/5 - x^6/6 + x^7/7 - x^8/8 + x^9/9 - x^10/10 ...    accuracy OK if |x| < 0.5
        // sqrt(0.5)/2 <= Peak_mant < sqrt(0.5)  =>  sqrt(0.5)-1 <= 2*Peak_mant-1 < 2*sqrt(0.5)-1
        //                                       =>  ln(Peak_mant) = ln(1+x)-ln(2) with x=2*Peak_mant-1, i.e. |x| < 0.414214...

        // x=2*PeakMax_mant-1 in Q31
        // => sqrt(0.5)-1 <= x < 2*sqrt(0.5)-1
        x_32x2      = vreinterpret_s32_u32(vsub_u32(Peak_mant_u32x2, vdup_n_u32(0x80000000)));

        PeakdB_32x2 = x_32x2;                                                                     // PeakdB = x

        xn_32x2     = vqrdmulh_s32(x_32x2, x_32x2);                                               // xn = x^2
        PeakdB_32x2 = vqsub_s32(PeakdB_32x2, vrshr_n_s32(xn_32x2, 1));                            // PeakdB = x - x^2/2

        xn_32x2     = vqrdmulh_s32(xn_32x2, x_32x2);                                              // xn = x^3
        PeakdB_32x2 = vqadd_s32(PeakdB_32x2, vqrdmulh_s32(xn_32x2, vdup_n_s32(0x2AAAAAAB)));      // PeakdB = x - x^2/2 + x^3/3

        xn_32x2     = vqrdmulh_s32(xn_32x2, x_32x2);                                              // xn = x^4
        PeakdB_32x2 = vqsub_s32(PeakdB_32x2, vrshr_n_s32(xn_32x2, 2));                            // PeakdB = x - x^2/2 + x^3/3 - x^4/4

        xn_32x2     = vqrdmulh_s32(xn_32x2, x_32x2);                                              // xn = x^5
        PeakdB_32x2 = vqadd_s32(PeakdB_32x2, vqrdmulh_s32(xn_32x2, vdup_n_s32(0x1999999A)));      // PeakdB = x - x^2/2 + x^3/3 - x^4/4 + x^5/5

        xn_32x2     = vqrdmulh_s32(xn_32x2, x_32x2);                                              // xn = x^6
        PeakdB_32x2 = vqsub_s32(PeakdB_32x2, vqrdmulh_s32(xn_32x2, vdup_n_s32(0x15555555)));      // PeakdB = x - x^2/2 + x^3/3 - x^4/4 + x^5/5 - x^6/6

        xn_32x2     = vqrdmulh_s32(xn_32x2, x_32x2);                                              // xn = x^7
        PeakdB_32x2 = vqadd_s32(PeakdB_32x2, vqrdmulh_s32(xn_32x2, vdup_n_s32(0x12492492)));      // PeakdB = x - x^2/2 + x^3/3 - x^4/4 + x^5/5 - x^6/6 + x^7/7

        xn_32x2     = vqrdmulh_s32(xn_32x2, x_32x2);                                              // xn = x^8
        PeakdB_32x2 = vqsub_s32(PeakdB_32x2, vrshr_n_s32(xn_32x2, 3));                            // PeakdB = x - x^2/2 + x^3/3 - x^4/4 + x^5/5 - x^6/6 + x^7/7 - x^8/8

        xn_32x2     = vqrdmulh_s32(xn_32x2, x_32x2);                                              // xn = x^9
        PeakdB_32x2 = vqadd_s32(PeakdB_32x2, vqrdmulh_s32(xn_32x2, vdup_n_s32(0x0E38E38E)));      // PeakdB = x - x^2/2 + x^3/3 - x^4/4 + x^5/5 - x^6/6 + x^7/7 - x^8/8 + x^9/9

        xn_32x2     = vqrdmulh_s32(xn_32x2, x_32x2);                                              // xn = x^10
        PeakdB_32x2 = vqsub_s32(PeakdB_32x2, vqrdmulh_s32(xn_32x2, vdup_n_s32(0x0CCCCCCD)));      // PeakdB = x - x^2/2 + x^3/3 - x^4/4 + x^5/5 - x^6/6 + x^7/7 - x^8/8 + x^9/9 - x^10/10

        // at this point : PeakMaxdB contains ln(1+x) in Q31

            // dB(power) = 10*log10(power)

            // PeakMaxdB = 10*log10(PeakMax)+20*log10(2)*(HEADROOM+MaxShiftBits)
            //           = 10*ln(PeakMax)/ln(10)+20*ln(2)/ln(10)*(HEADROOM+MaxShiftBits)
            //           = 10/ln(10)*ln(PeakMax_mant*2^(-PeakMax_exp))+20*ln(2)/ln(10)*(HEADROOM+MaxShiftBits)
            //           = 10/ln(10)*(ln(PeakMax_mant)-PeakMax_exp*ln(2))+20*ln(2)/ln(10)*(HEADROOM+MaxShiftBits)
            //           = 10/ln(10)*ln(PeakMax_mant)-PeakMax_exp*10*ln(2)/ln(10)+20*ln(2)/ln(10)*(HEADROOM+MaxShiftBits)
            //           = 10/ln(10)*ln(PeakMax_mant)+10*ln(2)/ln(10)*(2*(HEADROOM+MaxShiftBits)-PeakMax_exp)
            // => RmsdB = 10/ln(10)*ln(1+x)+10*ln(2)/ln(10)*(2*(HEADROOM+MaxShiftBits)-PeakMax_exp)
            // => RmsdB (Q16) = 0x457CB*ln(1+x)+0x302A3*(2*(HEADROOM+MaxShiftBits)-PeakMax_exp)

            // fractional mutiply 0x457CB*ln(1+x) in Q16
            PeakdB_32x2   = vqrdmulh_s32(PeakdB_32x2, vdup_n_s32(0x457CB));

            // PeakdB_exp = 2*(HEADROOM+MaxShiftBits)-PeakdB_exp
            Peak_exp_32x2 = vsub_s32(vdup_n_s32(2 * (HEADROOM + MaxShiftBits)), Peak_exp_32x2);

            // PeakMaxdB final value (integer mac 0x302A3*PeakdB_exp)
            PeakdB_32x2   = vmla_s32(PeakdB_32x2, Peak_exp_32x2, vdup_n_s32(0x302A3));
            // dB(power) = 20*log10(abs)

            // PeakMaxdB = 20*log10(PeakMax)+20*log10(2)*(HEADROOM+MaxShiftBits)
            //           = 20*ln(PeakMax)/ln(10)+20*ln(2)/ln(10)*(HEADROOM+MaxShiftBits)
            //           = 20/ln(10)*ln(PeakMax_mant*2^(-PeakMax_exp))+20*ln(2)/ln(10)*(HEADROOM+MaxShiftBits)
            //           = 20/ln(10)*(ln(PeakMax_mant)-PeakMax_exp*ln(2))+20*ln(2)/ln(10)*(HEADROOM+MaxShiftBits)
            //           = 20/ln(10)*ln(PeakMax_mant)-PeakMax_exp*20*ln(2)/ln(10)+20*ln(2)/ln(10)*(HEADROOM+MaxShiftBits)
            //           = 20/ln(10)*ln(PeakMax_mant)+20*ln(2)/ln(10)*(HEADROOM+MaxShiftBits-PeakMax_exp)
            // => RmsdB = 20/ln(10)*ln(1+x)+20*ln(2)/ln(10)*(HEADROOM+MaxShiftBits-PeakMax_exp)
            // => RmsdB (Q16) = 0x8AF96*ln(1+x)+0x60546*(HEADROOM+MaxShiftBits-PeakMax_exp)

            // fractional mutiply 0x8AF96*ln(1+x) in Q16
            PeakdB_32x2     = vqrdmulh_s32(PeakdB_32x2, vdup_n_s32(0x8AF96));

            // PeakdB_exp = HEADROOM+MaxShiftBits-PeakdB_exp
            Peak_exp_32x2 = vsub_s32(vdup_n_s32(HEADROOM + MaxShiftBits), Peak_exp_32x2);

            // PeakMaxdB final value (integer mac 0x60546*PeakdB_exp)
            PeakdB_32x2     = vmla_s32(PeakdB_32x2, Peak_exp_32x2, vdup_n_s32(0x60546));
        PeakdB = vget_lane_s32(PeakdB_32x2, 0);
    if((debug_cpt_samples >= DEBUG_CPT_MIN) && (debug_cpt_samples <= DEBUG_CPT_MAX))
        char string[100];

        sprintf(string, "PeakMax=0x%012llX, HEADROOM+MaxShiftBits=%d => PeakdB=0x%06X\n",
#ifdef SAMPLES_24_BITS
                        PeakMax & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFLL,
#else // SAMPLES_24_BITS
                        (PeakMax >> 16) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFLL,
#endif // SAMPLES_24_BITS
                        HEADROOM + MaxShiftBits,
                        PeakdB & 0xFFFFFF);
void silk_warped_autocorrelation_FIX_neon(
          opus_int32                *corr,                                  /* O    Result [order + 1]                                                          */
          opus_int                  *scale,                                 /* O    Scaling of the correlation vector                                           */
    const opus_int16                *input,                                 /* I    Input data to correlate                                                     */
    const opus_int                  warping_Q16,                            /* I    Warping coefficient                                                         */
    const opus_int                  length,                                 /* I    Length of input                                                             */
    const opus_int                  order                                   /* I    Correlation order (even)                                                    */
    if( ( MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER > 24 ) || ( order < 6 ) ) {
        silk_warped_autocorrelation_FIX_c( corr, scale, input, warping_Q16, length, order );
    } else {
        opus_int       n, i, lsh;
        opus_int64     corr_QC[ MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER + 1 ] = { 0 }; /* In reverse order */
        opus_int64     corr_QC_orderT;
        int64x2_t      lsh_s64x2;
        const opus_int orderT = ( order + 3 ) & ~3;
        opus_int64     *corr_QCT;
        opus_int32     *input_QS;
        VARDECL( opus_int32, input_QST );
        VARDECL( opus_int32, state );

        /* Order must be even */
        silk_assert( ( order & 1 ) == 0 );
        silk_assert( 2 * QS - QC >= 0 );

        ALLOC( input_QST, length + 2 * MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER, opus_int32 );

        input_QS = input_QST;
        /* input_QS has zero paddings in the beginning and end. */
        vst1q_s32( input_QS, vdupq_n_s32( 0 ) );
        input_QS += 4;
        vst1q_s32( input_QS, vdupq_n_s32( 0 ) );
        input_QS += 4;
        vst1q_s32( input_QS, vdupq_n_s32( 0 ) );
        input_QS += 4;
        vst1q_s32( input_QS, vdupq_n_s32( 0 ) );
        input_QS += 4;
        vst1q_s32( input_QS, vdupq_n_s32( 0 ) );
        input_QS += 4;
        vst1q_s32( input_QS, vdupq_n_s32( 0 ) );
        input_QS += 4;

        /* Loop over samples */
        for( n = 0; n < length - 7; n += 8, input_QS += 8 ) {
            const int16x8_t t0_s16x4 = vld1q_s16( input + n );
            vst1q_s32( input_QS + 0, vshll_n_s16( vget_low_s16( t0_s16x4 ), QS ) );
            vst1q_s32( input_QS + 4, vshll_n_s16( vget_high_s16( t0_s16x4 ), QS ) );
        for( ; n < length; n++, input_QS++ ) {
            input_QS[ 0 ] = silk_LSHIFT32( (opus_int32)input[ n ], QS );
        vst1q_s32( input_QS, vdupq_n_s32( 0 ) );
        input_QS += 4;
        vst1q_s32( input_QS, vdupq_n_s32( 0 ) );
        input_QS += 4;
        vst1q_s32( input_QS, vdupq_n_s32( 0 ) );
        input_QS += 4;
        vst1q_s32( input_QS, vdupq_n_s32( 0 ) );
        input_QS += 4;
        vst1q_s32( input_QS, vdupq_n_s32( 0 ) );
        input_QS += 4;
        vst1q_s32( input_QS, vdupq_n_s32( 0 ) );
        input_QS = input_QST + MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER - orderT;

        /* The following loop runs ( length + order ) times, with ( order ) extra epilogues.                  */
        /* The zero paddings in input_QS guarantee corr_QC's correctness even with the extra epilogues.       */
        /* The values of state_QS will be polluted by the extra epilogues, however they are temporary values. */

        /* Keep the C code here to help understand the intrinsics optimization. */
            opus_int32 state_QS[ 2 ][ MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER + 1 ] = { 0 };
            opus_int32 *state_QST[ 3 ];
            state_QST[ 0 ] = state_QS[ 0 ];
            state_QST[ 1 ] = state_QS[ 1 ];
            for( n = 0; n < length + order; n++, input_QS++ ) {
                state_QST[ 0 ][ orderT ] = input_QS[ orderT ];
                for( i = 0; i < orderT; i++ ) {
                    corr_QC[ i ] += silk_RSHIFT64( silk_SMULL( state_QST[ 0 ][ i ], input_QS[ i ] ), 2 * QS - QC );
                    state_QST[ 1 ][ i ] = silk_SMLAWB( state_QST[ 1 ][ i + 1 ], state_QST[ 0 ][ i ] - state_QST[ 0 ][ i + 1 ], warping_Q16 );
                state_QST[ 2 ] = state_QST[ 0 ];
                state_QST[ 0 ] = state_QST[ 1 ];
                state_QST[ 1 ] = state_QST[ 2 ];

            const int32x4_t warping_Q16_s32x4 = vdupq_n_s32( warping_Q16 << 15 );
            const opus_int32 *in = input_QS + orderT;
            opus_int o = orderT;
            int32x4_t state_QS_s32x4[ 3 ][ 2 ];

            ALLOC( state, length + orderT, opus_int32 );
            state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 1 ] = vdupq_n_s32( 0 );

            /* Calculate 8 taps of all inputs in each loop. */
            do {
                state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 0 ] = state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 1 ] =
                state_QS_s32x4[ 1 ][ 0 ] = state_QS_s32x4[ 1 ][ 1 ] = vdupq_n_s32( 0 );
                n = 0;
                do {
                    calc_corr( input_QS + n, corr_QC, o - 8, state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 0 ] );
                    calc_corr( input_QS + n, corr_QC, o - 4, state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 1 ] );
                    state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 1 ] = vld1q_s32( in + n );
                    vst1q_lane_s32( state + n, state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 0 ], 0 );
                    state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 0 ] = vextq_s32( state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 0 ], state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 1 ], 1 );
                    state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 1 ] = vextq_s32( state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 1 ], state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 1 ], 1 );
                    state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 0 ] = calc_state( state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 0 ], state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 0 ], state_QS_s32x4[ 1 ][ 0 ], warping_Q16_s32x4 );
                    state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 1 ] = calc_state( state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 1 ], state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 1 ], state_QS_s32x4[ 1 ][ 1 ], warping_Q16_s32x4 );
                    state_QS_s32x4[ 1 ][ 0 ] = state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 0 ];
                    state_QS_s32x4[ 1 ][ 1 ] = state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 1 ];
                } while( ++n < ( length + order ) );
                in = state;
                o -= 8;
            } while( o > 4 );

            if( o ) {
                /* Calculate the last 4 taps of all inputs. */
                opus_int32 *stateT = state;
                silk_assert( o == 4 );
                state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 0 ] = state_QS_s32x4[ 1 ][ 0 ] = vdupq_n_s32( 0 );
                n = length + order;
                do {
                    calc_corr( input_QS, corr_QC, 0, state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 0 ] );
                    state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 0 ] = vld1q_s32( stateT );
                    vst1q_lane_s32( stateT, state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 0 ], 0 );
                    state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 0 ] = vextq_s32( state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 0 ], state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 0 ], 1 );
                    state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 0 ] = calc_state( state_QS_s32x4[ 0 ][ 0 ], state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 0 ], state_QS_s32x4[ 1 ][ 0 ], warping_Q16_s32x4 );
                    state_QS_s32x4[ 1 ][ 0 ] = state_QS_s32x4[ 2 ][ 0 ];
                } while( --n );

            const opus_int16 *inputT = input;
            int32x4_t t_s32x4;
            int64x1_t t_s64x1;
            int64x2_t t_s64x2 = vdupq_n_s64( 0 );
            for( n = 0; n <= length - 8; n += 8 ) {
                int16x8_t input_s16x8 = vld1q_s16( inputT );
                t_s32x4 = vmull_s16( vget_low_s16( input_s16x8 ), vget_low_s16( input_s16x8 ) );
                t_s32x4 = vmlal_s16( t_s32x4, vget_high_s16( input_s16x8 ), vget_high_s16( input_s16x8 ) );
                t_s64x2 = vaddw_s32( t_s64x2, vget_low_s32( t_s32x4 ) );
                t_s64x2 = vaddw_s32( t_s64x2, vget_high_s32( t_s32x4 ) );
                inputT += 8;
            t_s64x1 = vadd_s64( vget_low_s64( t_s64x2 ), vget_high_s64( t_s64x2 ) );
            corr_QC_orderT = vget_lane_s64( t_s64x1, 0 );
            for( ; n < length; n++ ) {
                corr_QC_orderT += silk_SMULL( input[ n ], input[ n ] );
            corr_QC_orderT = silk_LSHIFT64( corr_QC_orderT, QC );
            corr_QC[ orderT ] = corr_QC_orderT;

        corr_QCT = corr_QC + orderT - order;
        lsh = silk_CLZ64( corr_QC_orderT ) - 35;
        lsh = silk_LIMIT( lsh, -12 - QC, 30 - QC );
        *scale = -( QC + lsh );
        silk_assert( *scale >= -30 && *scale <= 12 );
        lsh_s64x2 = vdupq_n_s64( lsh );
        for( i = 0; i <= order - 3; i += 4 ) {
            int32x4_t corr_s32x4;
            int64x2_t corr_QC0_s64x2, corr_QC1_s64x2;
            corr_QC0_s64x2 = vld1q_s64( corr_QCT + i );
            corr_QC1_s64x2 = vld1q_s64( corr_QCT + i + 2 );
            corr_QC0_s64x2 = vshlq_s64( corr_QC0_s64x2, lsh_s64x2 );
            corr_QC1_s64x2 = vshlq_s64( corr_QC1_s64x2, lsh_s64x2 );
            corr_s32x4     = vcombine_s32( vmovn_s64( corr_QC1_s64x2 ), vmovn_s64( corr_QC0_s64x2 ) );
            corr_s32x4     = vrev64q_s32( corr_s32x4 );
            vst1q_s32( corr + order - i - 3, corr_s32x4 );
        if( lsh >= 0 ) {
            for( ; i < order + 1; i++ ) {
                corr[ order - i ] = (opus_int32)silk_CHECK_FIT32( silk_LSHIFT64( corr_QCT[ i ], lsh ) );
        } else {
            for( ; i < order + 1; i++ ) {
                corr[ order - i ] = (opus_int32)silk_CHECK_FIT32( silk_RSHIFT64( corr_QCT[ i ], -lsh ) );
        silk_assert( corr_QCT[ order ] >= 0 ); /* If breaking, decrease QC*/

        opus_int32 corr_c[ MAX_SHAPE_LPC_ORDER + 1 ];
        opus_int   scale_c;
        silk_warped_autocorrelation_FIX_c( corr_c, &scale_c, input, warping_Q16, length, order );
        silk_assert( !memcmp( corr_c, corr, sizeof( corr_c[ 0 ] ) * ( order + 1 ) ) );
        silk_assert( scale_c == *scale );
Пример #23
void computeNetwork0_i16_neon(const float *inputf, const float *weightsf, uint8_t *d) {
    const int16_t *input = (const int16_t *)inputf;
    const int16_t *weights = (const int16_t *)weightsf;

    int32x4_t accum0 = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    int32x4_t accum1 = accum0;
    int32x4_t accum2 = accum0;
    int32x4_t accum3 = accum0;

    for (int i = 0; i < 96/2; i += 8) {
        int16x4x2_t d0 = vld2_s16(input + i);

        int16x4x2_t w0 = vld2_s16(weights + i * 4);
        int16x4x2_t w1 = vld2_s16(weights + i * 4 + 8);
        int16x4x2_t w2 = vld2_s16(weights + i * 4 + 16);
        int16x4x2_t w3 = vld2_s16(weights + i * 4 + 24);

        accum0 = vmlal_s16(accum0, d0.val[0], w0.val[0]);
        accum0 = vmlal_s16(accum0, d0.val[1], w0.val[1]);

        accum1 = vmlal_s16(accum1, d0.val[0], w1.val[0]);
        accum1 = vmlal_s16(accum1, d0.val[1], w1.val[1]);

        accum2 = vmlal_s16(accum2, d0.val[0], w2.val[0]);
        accum2 = vmlal_s16(accum2, d0.val[1], w2.val[1]);

        accum3 = vmlal_s16(accum3, d0.val[0], w3.val[0]);
        accum3 = vmlal_s16(accum3, d0.val[1], w3.val[1]);

    int32x2_t sum0 = vpadd_s32(vget_low_s32(accum0), vget_high_s32(accum0));
    int32x2_t sum1 = vpadd_s32(vget_low_s32(accum1), vget_high_s32(accum1));
    int32x2_t sum2 = vpadd_s32(vget_low_s32(accum2), vget_high_s32(accum2));
    int32x2_t sum3 = vpadd_s32(vget_low_s32(accum3), vget_high_s32(accum3));
    sum0 = vpadd_s32(sum0, sum1);
    sum1 = vpadd_s32(sum2, sum3);
    int32x4_t sum = vcombine_s32(sum0, sum1);

    float32x4_t m0 = vcvtq_f32_s32(sum);

    m0 = vmulq_f32(m0, vld1q_f32(weightsf + 384/4));
    m0 = vaddq_f32(m0, vld1q_f32(weightsf + 400/4));

    float32x4_t m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7;

    m1 = m0;

    m0 = vreinterpretq_f32_u32(vandq_u32(vreinterpretq_u32_f32(m0), sign_bits_f_zero_l));
    m0 = vaddq_f32(m0, ones_f);
    m0 = vmulq_f32(reciprocal(m0), m1);

    m1 = vdupq_lane_f32(vget_low_f32(m0), 0);
    m2 = vdupq_lane_f32(vget_low_f32(m0), 1);
    m3 = vdupq_lane_f32(vget_high_f32(m0), 0);
    m4 = vdupq_lane_f32(vget_high_f32(m0), 1);

    m1 = vmulq_f32(m1, vld1q_f32(weightsf + 416/4));
    m2 = vmulq_f32(m2, vld1q_f32(weightsf + (416+16)/4));
    m3 = vmulq_f32(m3, vld1q_f32(weightsf + (416+32)/4));
    m4 = vmulq_f32(m4, vld1q_f32(weightsf + (416+48)/4));

    m1 = vaddq_f32(m1, m2);
    m3 = vaddq_f32(m3, m4);
    m1 = vaddq_f32(m1, m3);
    m1 = vaddq_f32(m1, vld1q_f32(weightsf + (416+64)/4));

    m7 = m1;
    m1 = vreinterpretq_f32_u32(vandq_u32(vreinterpretq_u32_f32(m1), sign_bits_f));
    m1 = vaddq_f32(m1, ones_f);
    m7 = vmulq_f32(reciprocal(m1), m7);

    m3 = m0;

    m0 = vdupq_lane_f32(vget_low_f32(m0), 0);
    m1 = vdupq_lane_f32(vget_low_f32(m3), 1);
    m2 = vdupq_lane_f32(vget_high_f32(m3), 0);
    m3 = vdupq_lane_f32(vget_high_f32(m3), 1);

    m0 = vmulq_f32(m0, vld1q_f32(weightsf + 496/4));
    m1 = vmulq_f32(m1, vld1q_f32(weightsf + (496+16)/4));
    m2 = vmulq_f32(m2, vld1q_f32(weightsf + (496+32)/4));
    m3 = vmulq_f32(m3, vld1q_f32(weightsf + (496+48)/4));

    m4 = vdupq_lane_f32(vget_low_f32(m7), 0);
    m5 = vdupq_lane_f32(vget_low_f32(m7), 1);
    m6 = vdupq_lane_f32(vget_high_f32(m7), 0);
    m7 = vdupq_lane_f32(vget_high_f32(m7), 1);

    m4 = vmulq_f32(m4, vld1q_f32(weightsf + (496+64)/4));
    m5 = vmulq_f32(m5, vld1q_f32(weightsf + (496+80)/4));
    m6 = vmulq_f32(m6, vld1q_f32(weightsf + (496+96)/4));
    m7 = vmulq_f32(m7, vld1q_f32(weightsf + (496+112)/4));

    m0 = vaddq_f32(m0, m1);
    m2 = vaddq_f32(m2, m3);
    m4 = vaddq_f32(m4, m5);
    m6 = vaddq_f32(m6, m7);

    m0 = vaddq_f32(m0, m2);
    m4 = vaddq_f32(m4, m6);
    m0 = vaddq_f32(m0, m4);

    m0 = vaddq_f32(m0, vld1q_f32(weightsf + (496+128)/4));

    float32x2_t maximum = vmax_f32(vget_low_f32(m0), vget_high_f32(m0));
    d[0] = (vget_lane_f32(maximum, 1) <= vget_lane_f32(maximum, 0));
Пример #24
int mult_cpx_conj_vector(int16_t *x1,
                         int16_t *x2,
                         int16_t *y,
                         uint32_t N,
                         int output_shift,
			 int madd)
  // Multiply elementwise the complex conjugate of x1 with x2.
  // x1       - input 1    in the format  |Re0 Im0 Re1 Im1|,......,|Re(N-2)  Im(N-2) Re(N-1) Im(N-1)|
  //            We assume x1 with a dinamic of 15 bit maximum
  // x2       - input 2    in the format  |Re0 Im0 Re1 Im1|,......,|Re(N-2)  Im(N-2) Re(N-1) Im(N-1)|
  //            We assume x2 with a dinamic of 14 bit maximum
  // y        - output     in the format  |Re0 Im0 Re1 Im1|,......,|Re(N-2)  Im(N-2) Re(N-1) Im(N-1)|
  // N        - the size f the vectors (this function does N cpx mpy. WARNING: N>=4;
  // output_shift  - shift to be applied to generate output
  // madd - add the output to y

  uint32_t i;                 // loop counter

  simd_q15_t *x1_128;
  simd_q15_t *x2_128;
  simd_q15_t *y_128;
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
  simd_q15_t tmp_re,tmp_im;
  simd_q15_t tmpy0,tmpy1;

#elif defined(__arm__)
  int32x4_t tmp_re,tmp_im;
  int32x4_t tmp_re1,tmp_im1;
  int16x4x2_t tmpy;
  int32x4_t shift = vdupq_n_s32(-output_shift);

  x1_128 = (simd_q15_t *)&x1[0];
  x2_128 = (simd_q15_t *)&x2[0];
  y_128  = (simd_q15_t *)&y[0];

  // we compute 4 cpx multiply for each loop
  for(i=0; i<(N>>2); i++) {
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
    tmp_re = _mm_madd_epi16(*x1_128,*x2_128);
    tmp_im = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(*x1_128,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
    tmp_im = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(tmp_im,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
    tmp_im = _mm_sign_epi16(tmp_im,*(__m128i*)&conjug[0]);
    tmp_im = _mm_madd_epi16(tmp_im,*x2_128);
    tmp_re = _mm_srai_epi32(tmp_re,output_shift);
    tmp_im = _mm_srai_epi32(tmp_im,output_shift);
    tmpy0  = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(tmp_re,tmp_im);
    tmpy1  = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(tmp_re,tmp_im);
    if (madd==0)
      *y_128 = _mm_packs_epi32(tmpy0,tmpy1);
      *y_128 += _mm_packs_epi32(tmpy0,tmpy1);

#elif defined(__arm__)

    tmp_re  = vmull_s16(((simdshort_q15_t *)x1_128)[0], ((simdshort_q15_t*)x2_128)[0]);
    //tmp_re = [Re(x1[0])Re(x2[0]) Im(x1[0])Im(x2[0]) Re(x1[1])Re(x2[1]) Im(x1[1])Im(x2[1])]
    tmp_re1 = vmull_s16(((simdshort_q15_t *)x1_128)[1], ((simdshort_q15_t*)x2_128)[1]);
    //tmp_re1 = [Re(x1[1])Re(x2[1]) Im(x1[1])Im(x2[1]) Re(x1[1])Re(x2[2]) Im(x1[1])Im(x2[2])]
    tmp_re  = vcombine_s32(vpadd_s32(vget_low_s32(tmp_re),vget_high_s32(tmp_re)),
    //tmp_re = [Re(ch[0])Re(rx[0])+Im(ch[0])Im(ch[0]) Re(ch[1])Re(rx[1])+Im(ch[1])Im(ch[1]) Re(ch[2])Re(rx[2])+Im(ch[2]) Im(ch[2]) Re(ch[3])Re(rx[3])+Im(ch[3])Im(ch[3])]

    tmp_im  = vmull_s16(vrev32_s16(vmul_s16(((simdshort_q15_t*)x2_128)[0],*(simdshort_q15_t*)conjug)), ((simdshort_q15_t*)x1_128)[0]);
    //tmp_im = [-Im(ch[0])Re(rx[0]) Re(ch[0])Im(rx[0]) -Im(ch[1])Re(rx[1]) Re(ch[1])Im(rx[1])]
    tmp_im1 = vmull_s16(vrev32_s16(vmul_s16(((simdshort_q15_t*)x2_128)[1],*(simdshort_q15_t*)conjug)), ((simdshort_q15_t*)x1_128)[1]);
    //tmp_im1 = [-Im(ch[2])Re(rx[2]) Re(ch[2])Im(rx[2]) -Im(ch[3])Re(rx[3]) Re(ch[3])Im(rx[3])]
    tmp_im  = vcombine_s32(vpadd_s32(vget_low_s32(tmp_im),vget_high_s32(tmp_im)),
    //tmp_im = [-Im(ch[0])Re(rx[0])+Re(ch[0])Im(rx[0]) -Im(ch[1])Re(rx[1])+Re(ch[1])Im(rx[1]) -Im(ch[2])Re(rx[2])+Re(ch[2])Im(rx[2]) -Im(ch[3])Re(rx[3])+Re(ch[3])Im(rx[3])]

    tmp_re = vqshlq_s32(tmp_re,shift);
    tmp_im = vqshlq_s32(tmp_im,shift);
    tmpy   = vzip_s16(vmovn_s32(tmp_re),vmovn_s32(tmp_im));
    if (madd==0)
      *y_128 = vcombine_s16(tmpy.val[0],tmpy.val[1]);
      *y_128 += vcombine_s16(tmpy.val[0],tmpy.val[1]);

