Пример #1
void Video::loadVideos() {
    const char *path = "/Users/Jobs/Documents/Xcode/HolumV0.1/HolumV0.1/Resource Files";
    string videoPath(path);
    struct dirent *entry;
    DIR *dp;
    dp = opendir(path);
    if(dp == NULL) {
        cout << "Errore 004: Il percorso della directory video non esiste o non è definito.";
        return -1;
    while((entry = readdir(dp))) {
        string videoName = string(entry->d_name);
        int videoNameLen = strlen(videoName.c_str());
        if(checkExtension(videoName, videoNameLen)) {
            videoPath += "/" + videoName;
            FileVideo fv(videoPath, videoName.substr(0, videoName.find(".")));
Пример #2
	/* images will be saved in the current directory by default */
	std::vector<string> capture(int startFrame, int endFrame, bool output = false, const char* path = "", string filename = "") {
		/* total number of frames */
		size_t total = endFrame - startFrame;
		/* dynamical array of images for storing all the frames */
		/* store string rather than Image objects because those objects will eat all the memory */
		std::vector<string> images;

		this->setFrames(startFrame, false);

#ifdef FFMPEG

		/* use ffmpeg to improve speed */
		string videoPath(this->path);
		string framePath(path);
		string cmd = "ffmpeg -r \"" + Common::doubleToStr(this->getVideo().get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS)) + "\" -ss " + Common::doubleToStr(startFrame / this->getVideo().get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS)) + " -i " + videoPath + " -vframes \"" + Common::intToStr(total + 1) + "\" \"" + framePath + "f" + filename + "_%1d.png\"";

		/* excute the command */
		FILE* captureProcess = popen(cmd.c_str(), "w");

		if (captureProcess == NULL) {
			ostringstream os;
			os << "Failed to capture frames from the video";
			/* exit */


		size_t i = 1;
		for (; i <= total + 1; i++) {
			/* save the image when output is [true] */
			if (output && i >= startFrame) {
				string num = Common::intToStr(i);
				string reserved(path);
				images.push_back(reserved + "f" + filename + "_" + num + ".png");


#ifndef FFMPEG

		/* this loop will cost too much time */
		size_t i = startFrame;
		for (; i <= endFrame; i++) {
			Mat reservedImg;
			/* save the image when output is [true] */
			if (output && i >= startFrame) {
				string num = Common::intToStr(i);
				string reserved(path);

				imwrite((reserved + filename + num + ".png").c_str(), reservedImg);
				images.push_back(reserved + "f" + filename + "_" + num + ".png");
				cout << "save image: " + num << endl;


		return images;