Пример #1
Status XvMCPutSurface(Display *dpy, XvMCSurface *surface, Drawable drawable,
                      short srcx, short srcy, unsigned short srcw, unsigned short srch,
                      short destx, short desty, unsigned short destw, unsigned short desth,
                      int flags)
   static int dump_window = -1;

   struct pipe_context *pipe;
   struct vl_compositor *compositor;
   struct vl_compositor_state *cstate;
   struct vl_screen *vscreen;

   XvMCSurfacePrivate *surface_priv;
   XvMCContextPrivate *context_priv;
   XvMCSubpicturePrivate *subpicture_priv;
   XvMCContext *context;
   struct u_rect src_rect = {srcx, srcx + srcw, srcy, srcy + srch};
   struct u_rect dst_rect = {destx, destx + destw, desty, desty + desth};

   struct pipe_resource *tex;
   struct pipe_surface surf_templ, *surf;
   struct u_rect *dirty_area;

   XVMC_MSG(XVMC_TRACE, "[XvMC] Displaying surface %p.\n", surface);


   if (!surface || !surface->privData)
      return XvMCBadSurface;

   surface_priv = surface->privData;
   context = surface_priv->context;
   context_priv = context->privData;

   assert(flags == XVMC_TOP_FIELD || flags == XVMC_BOTTOM_FIELD || flags == XVMC_FRAME_PICTURE);
   assert(srcx + srcw - 1 < surface->width);
   assert(srcy + srch - 1 < surface->height);

   subpicture_priv = surface_priv->subpicture ? surface_priv->subpicture->privData : NULL;
   pipe = context_priv->pipe;
   compositor = &context_priv->compositor;
   cstate = &context_priv->cstate;
   vscreen = context_priv->vscreen;

   tex = vscreen->texture_from_drawable(vscreen, (void *)drawable);
   dirty_area = vscreen->get_dirty_area(vscreen);

   memset(&surf_templ, 0, sizeof(surf_templ));
   surf_templ.format = tex->format;
   surf = pipe->create_surface(pipe, tex, &surf_templ);

   if (!surf)
      return BadDrawable;

    * Some apps (mplayer) hit these asserts because they call
    * this function after the window has been resized by the WM
    * but before they've handled the corresponding XEvent and
    * know about the new dimensions. The output should be clipped
    * until the app updates destw and desth.
   assert(destx + destw - 1 < drawable_surface->width);
   assert(desty + desth - 1 < drawable_surface->height);



   vl_compositor_set_buffer_layer(cstate, compositor, 0, surface_priv->video_buffer,
                                  &src_rect, NULL, VL_COMPOSITOR_WEAVE);

   if (subpicture_priv) {
      XVMC_MSG(XVMC_TRACE, "[XvMC] Surface %p has subpicture %p.\n", surface, surface_priv->subpicture);

      assert(subpicture_priv->surface == surface);

      if (subpicture_priv->palette)
         vl_compositor_set_palette_layer(cstate, compositor, 1, subpicture_priv->sampler, subpicture_priv->palette,
                                         &subpicture_priv->src_rect, &subpicture_priv->dst_rect, true);
         vl_compositor_set_rgba_layer(cstate, compositor, 1, subpicture_priv->sampler,
                                      &subpicture_priv->src_rect, &subpicture_priv->dst_rect, NULL);

      surface_priv->subpicture = NULL;
      subpicture_priv->surface = NULL;

   // Workaround for r600g, there seems to be a bug in the fence refcounting code
   pipe->screen->fence_reference(pipe->screen, &surface_priv->fence, NULL);

   vl_compositor_set_layer_dst_area(cstate, 0, &dst_rect);
   vl_compositor_set_layer_dst_area(cstate, 1, &dst_rect);
   vl_compositor_render(cstate, compositor, surf, dirty_area, true);

   pipe->flush(pipe, &surface_priv->fence, 0);

   XVMC_MSG(XVMC_TRACE, "[XvMC] Submitted surface %p for display. Pushing to front buffer.\n", surface);

   pipe->screen->flush_frontbuffer(pipe->screen, tex, 0, 0,
                                   vscreen->get_private(vscreen), NULL);

   if(dump_window == -1) {
      dump_window = debug_get_num_option("XVMC_DUMP", 0);

   if(dump_window) {
      static unsigned int framenum = 0;
      char cmd[256];

      sprintf(cmd, "xwd -id %d -out xvmc_frame_%08d.xwd", (int)drawable, ++framenum);
      if (system(cmd) != 0)
         XVMC_MSG(XVMC_ERR, "[XvMC] Dumping surface %p failed.\n", surface);

   XVMC_MSG(XVMC_TRACE, "[XvMC] Pushed surface %p to front buffer.\n", surface);

   return Success;
 * Copy image data from application memory in a specific indexed format to
 * a VdpOutputSurface.
vlVdpOutputSurfacePutBitsIndexed(VdpOutputSurface surface,
                                 VdpIndexedFormat source_indexed_format,
                                 void const *const *source_data,
                                 uint32_t const *source_pitch,
                                 VdpRect const *destination_rect,
                                 VdpColorTableFormat color_table_format,
                                 void const *color_table)
   vlVdpOutputSurface *vlsurface;
   struct pipe_context *context;
   struct vl_compositor *compositor;
   struct vl_compositor_state *cstate;

   enum pipe_format index_format;
   enum pipe_format colortbl_format;

   struct pipe_resource *res, res_tmpl;
   struct pipe_sampler_view sv_tmpl;
   struct pipe_sampler_view *sv_idx = NULL, *sv_tbl = NULL;

   struct pipe_box box;
   struct u_rect dst_rect;

   vlsurface = vlGetDataHTAB(surface);
   if (!vlsurface)

   context = vlsurface->device->context;
   compositor = &vlsurface->device->compositor;
   cstate = &vlsurface->cstate;

   index_format = FormatIndexedToPipe(source_indexed_format);
   if (index_format == PIPE_FORMAT_NONE)

   if (!source_data || !source_pitch)

   colortbl_format = FormatColorTableToPipe(color_table_format);
   if (colortbl_format == PIPE_FORMAT_NONE)

   if (!color_table)

   memset(&res_tmpl, 0, sizeof(res_tmpl));
   res_tmpl.target = PIPE_TEXTURE_2D;
   res_tmpl.format = index_format;

   if (destination_rect) {
      res_tmpl.width0 = abs(destination_rect->x0-destination_rect->x1);
      res_tmpl.height0 = abs(destination_rect->y0-destination_rect->y1);
   } else {
      res_tmpl.width0 = vlsurface->surface->texture->width0;
      res_tmpl.height0 = vlsurface->surface->texture->height0;
   res_tmpl.depth0 = 1;
   res_tmpl.array_size = 1;
   res_tmpl.usage = PIPE_USAGE_STAGING;
   res_tmpl.bind = PIPE_BIND_SAMPLER_VIEW;

   vlVdpResolveDelayedRendering(vlsurface->device, NULL, NULL);

   res = context->screen->resource_create(context->screen, &res_tmpl);
   if (!res)
      goto error_resource;

   box.x = box.y = box.z = 0;
   box.width = res->width0;
   box.height = res->height0;
   box.depth = res->depth0;

   context->transfer_inline_write(context, res, 0, PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE, &box,
                                  source_data[0], source_pitch[0],
                                  source_pitch[0] * res->height0);

   memset(&sv_tmpl, 0, sizeof(sv_tmpl));
   u_sampler_view_default_template(&sv_tmpl, res, res->format);

   sv_idx = context->create_sampler_view(context, res, &sv_tmpl);
   pipe_resource_reference(&res, NULL);

   if (!sv_idx)
      goto error_resource;

   memset(&res_tmpl, 0, sizeof(res_tmpl));
   res_tmpl.target = PIPE_TEXTURE_1D;
   res_tmpl.format = colortbl_format;
   res_tmpl.width0 = 1 << util_format_get_component_bits(
      index_format, UTIL_FORMAT_COLORSPACE_RGB, 0);
   res_tmpl.height0 = 1;
   res_tmpl.depth0 = 1;
   res_tmpl.array_size = 1;
   res_tmpl.usage = PIPE_USAGE_STAGING;
   res_tmpl.bind = PIPE_BIND_SAMPLER_VIEW;

   res = context->screen->resource_create(context->screen, &res_tmpl);
   if (!res)
      goto error_resource;

   box.x = box.y = box.z = 0;
   box.width = res->width0;
   box.height = res->height0;
   box.depth = res->depth0;

   context->transfer_inline_write(context, res, 0, PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE, &box, color_table,
                                  util_format_get_stride(colortbl_format, res->width0), 0);

   memset(&sv_tmpl, 0, sizeof(sv_tmpl));
   u_sampler_view_default_template(&sv_tmpl, res, res->format);

   sv_tbl = context->create_sampler_view(context, res, &sv_tmpl);
   pipe_resource_reference(&res, NULL);

   if (!sv_tbl)
      goto error_resource;

   vl_compositor_set_palette_layer(cstate, compositor, 0, sv_idx, sv_tbl, NULL, NULL, false);
   vl_compositor_set_layer_dst_area(cstate, 0, RectToPipe(destination_rect, &dst_rect));
   vl_compositor_render(cstate, compositor, vlsurface->surface, NULL);

   pipe_sampler_view_reference(&sv_idx, NULL);
   pipe_sampler_view_reference(&sv_tbl, NULL);

   return VDP_STATUS_OK;

   pipe_sampler_view_reference(&sv_idx, NULL);
   pipe_sampler_view_reference(&sv_tbl, NULL);