Пример #1
static void
spinup_ap_realmode(struct vmctx *ctx, int newcpu, uint64_t *rip)
	int vector, error;
	uint16_t cs;
	uint64_t desc_base;
	uint32_t desc_limit, desc_access;

	vector = *rip >> PAGE_SHIFT;
	*rip = 0;

	 * Update the %cs and %rip of the guest so that it starts
	 * executing real mode code at at 'vector << 12'.
	error = vm_set_register(ctx, newcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RIP, *rip);
	assert(error == 0);

	error = vm_get_desc(ctx, newcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CS, &desc_base,
			    &desc_limit, &desc_access);
	assert(error == 0);

	desc_base = vector << PAGE_SHIFT;
	error = vm_set_desc(ctx, newcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CS,
			    desc_base, desc_limit, desc_access);
	assert(error == 0);

	cs = (vector << PAGE_SHIFT) >> 4;
	error = vm_set_register(ctx, newcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CS, cs);
	assert(error == 0);
Пример #2
vm_get_seg_desc(struct vmctx *ctx, int vcpu, int reg, struct seg_desc *seg_desc)
	int error;

	error = vm_get_desc(ctx, vcpu, reg, &seg_desc->base, &seg_desc->limit,
	return (error);
Пример #3
 * Return 0 if the selector 'sel' in within the limits of the GDT/LDT
 * and non-zero otherwise.
static int
desc_table_limit_check(struct vmctx *ctx, int vcpu, uint16_t sel)
	uint64_t base;
	uint32_t limit, access;
	int error, reg;

	error = vm_get_desc(ctx, vcpu, reg, &base, &limit, &access);
	assert(error == 0);

	if (reg == VM_REG_GUEST_LDTR) {
		if (SEG_DESC_UNUSABLE(access) || !SEG_DESC_PRESENT(access))
			return (-1);

	if (limit < SEL_LIMIT(sel))
		return (-1);
		return (0);
Пример #4
 * Read/write the segment descriptor 'desc' into the GDT/LDT slot referenced
 * by the selector 'sel'.
 * Returns 0 on success.
 * Returns 1 if an exception was injected into the guest.
 * Returns -1 otherwise.
static int
desc_table_rw(struct vmctx *ctx, int vcpu, struct vm_guest_paging *paging,
    uint16_t sel, struct user_segment_descriptor *desc, bool doread)
	struct iovec iov[2];
	uint64_t base;
	uint32_t limit, access;
	int error, reg;

	error = vm_get_desc(ctx, vcpu, reg, &base, &limit, &access);
	assert(error == 0);
	assert(limit >= SEL_LIMIT(sel));

	error = vm_copy_setup(ctx, vcpu, paging, base + SEL_START(sel),
	    sizeof(*desc), doread ? PROT_READ : PROT_WRITE, iov, nitems(iov));
	if (error == 0) {
		if (doread)
			vm_copyin(ctx, vcpu, iov, desc, sizeof(*desc));
			vm_copyout(ctx, vcpu, desc, iov, sizeof(*desc));
	return (error);
Пример #5
vmexit_task_switch(struct vmctx *ctx, struct vm_exit *vmexit, int *pvcpu)
	struct seg_desc nt;
	struct tss32 oldtss, newtss;
	struct vm_task_switch *task_switch;
	struct vm_guest_paging *paging, sup_paging;
	struct user_segment_descriptor nt_desc, ot_desc;
	struct iovec nt_iov[2], ot_iov[2];
	uint64_t cr0, ot_base;
	uint32_t eip, ot_lim, access;
	int error, ext, minlimit, nt_type, ot_type, vcpu;
	enum task_switch_reason reason;
	uint16_t nt_sel, ot_sel;

	task_switch = &vmexit->u.task_switch;
	nt_sel = task_switch->tsssel;
	ext = vmexit->u.task_switch.ext;
	reason = vmexit->u.task_switch.reason;
	paging = &vmexit->u.task_switch.paging;
	vcpu = *pvcpu;

	assert(paging->cpu_mode == CPU_MODE_PROTECTED);

	 * Section 4.6, "Access Rights" in Intel SDM Vol 3.
	 * The following page table accesses are implicitly supervisor mode:
	 * - accesses to GDT or LDT to load segment descriptors
	 * - accesses to the task state segment during task switch
	sup_paging = *paging;
	sup_paging.cpl = 0;	/* implicit supervisor mode */

	/* Fetch the new TSS descriptor */
	error = read_tss_descriptor(ctx, vcpu, task_switch, nt_sel, &nt_desc);

	nt = usd_to_seg_desc(&nt_desc);

	/* Verify the type of the new TSS */
	nt_type = SEG_DESC_TYPE(nt.access);
	if (nt_type != SDT_SYS386BSY && nt_type != SDT_SYS386TSS &&
	    nt_type != SDT_SYS286BSY && nt_type != SDT_SYS286TSS) {
		sel_exception(ctx, vcpu, IDT_TS, nt_sel, ext);
		goto done;

	/* TSS descriptor must have present bit set */
	if (!SEG_DESC_PRESENT(nt.access)) {
		sel_exception(ctx, vcpu, IDT_NP, nt_sel, ext);
		goto done;

	 * TSS must have a minimum length of 104 bytes for a 32-bit TSS and
	 * 44 bytes for a 16-bit TSS.
	if (nt_type == SDT_SYS386BSY || nt_type == SDT_SYS386TSS)
		minlimit = 104 - 1;
	else if (nt_type == SDT_SYS286BSY || nt_type == SDT_SYS286TSS)
		minlimit = 44 - 1;
		minlimit = 0;

	assert(minlimit > 0);
	if (nt.limit < minlimit) {
		sel_exception(ctx, vcpu, IDT_TS, nt_sel, ext);
		goto done;

	/* TSS must be busy if task switch is due to IRET */
	if (reason == TSR_IRET && !TSS_BUSY(nt_type)) {
		sel_exception(ctx, vcpu, IDT_TS, nt_sel, ext);
		goto done;

	 * TSS must be available (not busy) if task switch reason is
	 * CALL, JMP, exception or interrupt.
	if (reason != TSR_IRET && TSS_BUSY(nt_type)) {
		sel_exception(ctx, vcpu, IDT_GP, nt_sel, ext);
		goto done;

	/* Fetch the new TSS */
	error = vm_copy_setup(ctx, vcpu, &sup_paging, nt.base, minlimit + 1,
	    PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, nt_iov, nitems(nt_iov));
	vm_copyin(ctx, vcpu, nt_iov, &newtss, minlimit + 1);

	/* Get the old TSS selector from the guest's task register */
	ot_sel = GETREG(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_TR);
	if (ISLDT(ot_sel) || IDXSEL(ot_sel) == 0) {
		 * This might happen if a task switch was attempted without
		 * ever loading the task register with LTR. In this case the
		 * TR would contain the values from power-on:
		 * (sel = 0, base = 0, limit = 0xffff).
		sel_exception(ctx, vcpu, IDT_TS, ot_sel, task_switch->ext);
		goto done;

	/* Get the old TSS base and limit from the guest's task register */
	error = vm_get_desc(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_TR, &ot_base, &ot_lim,
	assert(error == 0);
	assert(!SEG_DESC_UNUSABLE(access) && SEG_DESC_PRESENT(access));
	ot_type = SEG_DESC_TYPE(access);
	assert(ot_type == SDT_SYS386BSY || ot_type == SDT_SYS286BSY);

	/* Fetch the old TSS descriptor */
	error = read_tss_descriptor(ctx, vcpu, task_switch, ot_sel, &ot_desc);

	/* Get the old TSS */
	error = vm_copy_setup(ctx, vcpu, &sup_paging, ot_base, minlimit + 1,
	    PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, ot_iov, nitems(ot_iov));
	vm_copyin(ctx, vcpu, ot_iov, &oldtss, minlimit + 1);

	 * Clear the busy bit in the old TSS descriptor if the task switch
	 * due to an IRET or JMP instruction.
	if (reason == TSR_IRET || reason == TSR_JMP) {
		ot_desc.sd_type &= ~0x2;
		error = desc_table_write(ctx, vcpu, &sup_paging, ot_sel,

	if (nt_type == SDT_SYS286BSY || nt_type == SDT_SYS286TSS) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Task switch to 16-bit TSS not supported\n");
		return (VMEXIT_ABORT);

	/* Save processor state in old TSS */
	eip = vmexit->rip + vmexit->inst_length;
	tss32_save(ctx, vcpu, task_switch, eip, &oldtss, ot_iov);

	 * If the task switch was triggered for any reason other than IRET
	 * then set the busy bit in the new TSS descriptor.
	if (reason != TSR_IRET) {
		nt_desc.sd_type |= 0x2;
		error = desc_table_write(ctx, vcpu, &sup_paging, nt_sel,

	/* Update task register to point at the new TSS */
	SETREG(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_TR, nt_sel);

	/* Update the hidden descriptor state of the task register */
	nt = usd_to_seg_desc(&nt_desc);
	update_seg_desc(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_TR, &nt);

	/* Set CR0.TS */
	cr0 = GETREG(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CR0);
	SETREG(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CR0, cr0 | CR0_TS);

	 * We are now committed to the task switch. Any exceptions encountered
	 * after this point will be handled in the context of the new task and
	 * the saved instruction pointer will belong to the new task.
	vmexit->rip = newtss.tss_eip;
	vmexit->inst_length = 0;

	/* Load processor state from new TSS */
	error = tss32_restore(ctx, vcpu, task_switch, ot_sel, &newtss, nt_iov);

	 * Section "Interrupt Tasks" in Intel SDM, Vol 3: if an exception
	 * caused an error code to be generated, this error code is copied
	 * to the stack of the new task.
	if (task_switch->errcode_valid) {
		assert(task_switch->reason == TSR_IDT_GATE);
		error = push_errcode(ctx, vcpu, &task_switch->paging, nt_type,

	 * Treatment of virtual-NMI blocking if NMI is delivered through
	 * a task gate.
	 * Section "Architectural State Before A VM Exit", Intel SDM, Vol3:
	 * If the virtual NMIs VM-execution control is 1, VM entry injects
	 * an NMI, and delivery of the NMI causes a task switch that causes
	 * a VM exit, virtual-NMI blocking is in effect before the VM exit
	 * commences.
	 * Thus, virtual-NMI blocking is in effect at the time of the task
	 * switch VM exit.

	 * Treatment of virtual-NMI unblocking on IRET from NMI handler task.
	 * Section "Changes to Instruction Behavior in VMX Non-Root Operation"
	 * If "virtual NMIs" control is 1 IRET removes any virtual-NMI blocking.
	 * This unblocking of virtual-NMI occurs even if IRET causes a fault.
	 * Thus, virtual-NMI blocking is cleared at the time of the task switch
	 * VM exit.

	 * If the task switch was triggered by an event delivered through
	 * the IDT then extinguish the pending event from the vcpu's
	 * exitintinfo.
	if (task_switch->reason == TSR_IDT_GATE) {
		error = vm_set_intinfo(ctx, vcpu, 0);
		assert(error == 0);

	 * XXX should inject debug exception if 'T' bit is 1
Пример #6
 * Push an error code on the stack of the new task. This is needed if the
 * task switch was triggered by a hardware exception that causes an error
 * code to be saved (e.g. #PF).
 * Returns 0 on success.
 * Returns 1 if an exception was injected into the guest.
 * Returns -1 otherwise.
static int
push_errcode(struct vmctx *ctx, int vcpu, struct vm_guest_paging *paging,
    int task_type, uint32_t errcode)
	struct iovec iov[2];
	struct seg_desc seg_desc;
	int stacksize, bytes, error;
	uint64_t gla, cr0, rflags;
	uint32_t esp;
	uint16_t stacksel;

	cr0 = GETREG(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CR0);
	rflags = GETREG(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RFLAGS);
	stacksel = GETREG(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_SS);

	error = vm_get_desc(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_SS, &seg_desc.base,
	    &seg_desc.limit, &seg_desc.access);
	assert(error == 0);

	 * Section "Error Code" in the Intel SDM vol 3: the error code is
	 * pushed on the stack as a doubleword or word (depending on the
	 * default interrupt, trap or task gate size).
	if (task_type == SDT_SYS386BSY || task_type == SDT_SYS386TSS)
		bytes = 4;
		bytes = 2;

	 * PUSH instruction from Intel SDM vol 2: the 'B' flag in the
	 * stack-segment descriptor determines the size of the stack
	 * pointer outside of 64-bit mode.
	if (SEG_DESC_DEF32(seg_desc.access))
		stacksize = 4;
		stacksize = 2;

	esp = GETREG(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RSP);
	esp -= bytes;

	if (vie_calculate_gla(paging->cpu_mode, VM_REG_GUEST_SS,
	    &seg_desc, esp, bytes, stacksize, PROT_WRITE, &gla)) {
		sel_exception(ctx, vcpu, IDT_SS, stacksel, 1);
		return (1);

	if (vie_alignment_check(paging->cpl, bytes, cr0, rflags, gla)) {
		vm_inject_ac(ctx, vcpu, 1);
		return (1);

	error = vm_copy_setup(ctx, vcpu, paging, gla, bytes, PROT_WRITE,
	    iov, nitems(iov));
	if (error)
		return (error);

	vm_copyout(ctx, vcpu, &errcode, iov, bytes);
	SETREG(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RSP, esp);
	return (0);
Пример #7
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	char *vmname;
	int error, ch, vcpu, ptenum;
	vm_paddr_t gpa, gpa_pmap;
	size_t len;
	struct vm_exit vmexit;
	uint64_t ctl, eptp, bm, addr, u64, pteval[4], *pte;
	struct vmctx *ctx;
	int wired;
	cpuset_t cpus;

	uint64_t cr0, cr3, cr4, dr7, rsp, rip, rflags, efer, pat;
	uint64_t rax, rbx, rcx, rdx, rsi, rdi, rbp;
	uint64_t r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15;
	uint64_t cs, ds, es, fs, gs, ss, tr, ldtr;

	struct option opts[] = {
		{ "vm",		REQ_ARG,	0,	VMNAME },
		{ "cpu",	REQ_ARG,	0,	VCPU },
		{ "set-mem",	REQ_ARG,	0,	SET_MEM },
		{ "set-efer",	REQ_ARG,	0,	SET_EFER },
		{ "set-cr0",	REQ_ARG,	0,	SET_CR0 },
		{ "set-cr3",	REQ_ARG,	0,	SET_CR3 },
		{ "set-cr4",	REQ_ARG,	0,	SET_CR4 },
		{ "set-dr7",	REQ_ARG,	0,	SET_DR7 },
		{ "set-rsp",	REQ_ARG,	0,	SET_RSP },
		{ "set-rip",	REQ_ARG,	0,	SET_RIP },
		{ "set-rax",	REQ_ARG,	0,	SET_RAX },
		{ "set-rflags",	REQ_ARG,	0,	SET_RFLAGS },
		{ "desc-base",	REQ_ARG,	0,	DESC_BASE },
		{ "desc-limit",	REQ_ARG,	0,	DESC_LIMIT },
		{ "desc-access",REQ_ARG,	0,	DESC_ACCESS },
		{ "set-cs",	REQ_ARG,	0,	SET_CS },
		{ "set-ds",	REQ_ARG,	0,	SET_DS },
		{ "set-es",	REQ_ARG,	0,	SET_ES },
		{ "set-fs",	REQ_ARG,	0,	SET_FS },
		{ "set-gs",	REQ_ARG,	0,	SET_GS },
		{ "set-ss",	REQ_ARG,	0,	SET_SS },
		{ "set-tr",	REQ_ARG,	0,	SET_TR },
		{ "set-ldtr",	REQ_ARG,	0,	SET_LDTR },
		{ "set-x2apic-state",REQ_ARG,	0,	SET_X2APIC_STATE },
		{ "set-vmcs-exception-bitmap",
		{ "set-vmcs-entry-interruption-info",
		{ "capname",	REQ_ARG,	0,	CAPNAME },
		{ "unassign-pptdev", REQ_ARG,	0,	UNASSIGN_PPTDEV },
		{ "setcap",	REQ_ARG,	0,	SET_CAP },
		{ "get-gpa-pmap", REQ_ARG,	0,	GET_GPA_PMAP },
		{ "assert-lapic-lvt", REQ_ARG,	0,	ASSERT_LAPIC_LVT },
		{ "getcap",	NO_ARG,		&getcap,	1 },
		{ "get-stats",	NO_ARG,		&get_stats,	1 },
		{ "get-desc-ds",NO_ARG,		&get_desc_ds,	1 },
		{ "set-desc-ds",NO_ARG,		&set_desc_ds,	1 },
		{ "get-desc-es",NO_ARG,		&get_desc_es,	1 },
		{ "set-desc-es",NO_ARG,		&set_desc_es,	1 },
		{ "get-desc-ss",NO_ARG,		&get_desc_ss,	1 },
		{ "set-desc-ss",NO_ARG,		&set_desc_ss,	1 },
		{ "get-desc-cs",NO_ARG,		&get_desc_cs,	1 },
		{ "set-desc-cs",NO_ARG,		&set_desc_cs,	1 },
		{ "get-desc-fs",NO_ARG,		&get_desc_fs,	1 },
		{ "set-desc-fs",NO_ARG,		&set_desc_fs,	1 },
		{ "get-desc-gs",NO_ARG,		&get_desc_gs,	1 },
		{ "set-desc-gs",NO_ARG,		&set_desc_gs,	1 },
		{ "get-desc-tr",NO_ARG,		&get_desc_tr,	1 },
		{ "set-desc-tr",NO_ARG,		&set_desc_tr,	1 },
		{ "set-desc-ldtr", NO_ARG,	&set_desc_ldtr,	1 },
		{ "get-desc-ldtr", NO_ARG,	&get_desc_ldtr,	1 },
		{ "set-desc-gdtr", NO_ARG,	&set_desc_gdtr, 1 },
		{ "get-desc-gdtr", NO_ARG,	&get_desc_gdtr, 1 },
		{ "set-desc-idtr", NO_ARG,	&set_desc_idtr, 1 },
		{ "get-desc-idtr", NO_ARG,	&get_desc_idtr, 1 },
		{ "get-lowmem", NO_ARG,		&get_lowmem,	1 },
		{ "get-highmem",NO_ARG,		&get_highmem,	1 },
		{ "get-efer",	NO_ARG,		&get_efer,	1 },
		{ "get-cr0",	NO_ARG,		&get_cr0,	1 },
		{ "get-cr3",	NO_ARG,		&get_cr3,	1 },
		{ "get-cr4",	NO_ARG,		&get_cr4,	1 },
		{ "get-dr7",	NO_ARG,		&get_dr7,	1 },
		{ "get-rsp",	NO_ARG,		&get_rsp,	1 },
		{ "get-rip",	NO_ARG,		&get_rip,	1 },
		{ "get-rax",	NO_ARG,		&get_rax,	1 },
		{ "get-rbx",	NO_ARG,		&get_rbx,	1 },
		{ "get-rcx",	NO_ARG,		&get_rcx,	1 },
		{ "get-rdx",	NO_ARG,		&get_rdx,	1 },
		{ "get-rsi",	NO_ARG,		&get_rsi,	1 },
		{ "get-rdi",	NO_ARG,		&get_rdi,	1 },
		{ "get-rbp",	NO_ARG,		&get_rbp,	1 },
		{ "get-r8",	NO_ARG,		&get_r8,	1 },
		{ "get-r9",	NO_ARG,		&get_r9,	1 },
		{ "get-r10",	NO_ARG,		&get_r10,	1 },
		{ "get-r11",	NO_ARG,		&get_r11,	1 },
		{ "get-r12",	NO_ARG,		&get_r12,	1 },
		{ "get-r13",	NO_ARG,		&get_r13,	1 },
		{ "get-r14",	NO_ARG,		&get_r14,	1 },
		{ "get-r15",	NO_ARG,		&get_r15,	1 },
		{ "get-rflags",	NO_ARG,		&get_rflags,	1 },
		{ "get-cs",	NO_ARG,		&get_cs,	1 },
		{ "get-ds",	NO_ARG,		&get_ds,	1 },
		{ "get-es",	NO_ARG,		&get_es,	1 },
		{ "get-fs",	NO_ARG,		&get_fs,	1 },
		{ "get-gs",	NO_ARG,		&get_gs,	1 },
		{ "get-ss",	NO_ARG,		&get_ss,	1 },
		{ "get-tr",	NO_ARG,		&get_tr,	1 },
		{ "get-ldtr",	NO_ARG,		&get_ldtr,	1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-pinbased-ctls",
				NO_ARG,		&get_pinbased_ctls, 1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-procbased-ctls",
				NO_ARG,		&get_procbased_ctls, 1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-procbased-ctls2",
				NO_ARG,		&get_procbased_ctls2, 1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-guest-linear-address",
				NO_ARG,		&get_vmcs_gla,	1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-guest-physical-address",
				NO_ARG,		&get_vmcs_gpa,	1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-entry-interruption-info",
				NO_ARG, &get_vmcs_entry_interruption_info, 1},
		{ "get-vmcs-eptp", NO_ARG,	&get_eptp,	1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-exception-bitmap",
				NO_ARG,		&get_exception_bitmap, 1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-io-bitmap-address",
				NO_ARG,		&get_io_bitmap,	1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-tsc-offset", NO_ARG,&get_tsc_offset, 1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-cr0-mask", NO_ARG,	&get_cr0_mask,	1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-cr0-shadow", NO_ARG,&get_cr0_shadow, 1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-cr4-mask", NO_ARG,	&get_cr4_mask,	1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-cr4-shadow", NO_ARG,&get_cr4_shadow, 1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-cr3-targets", NO_ARG, &get_cr3_targets, 1},
		{ "get-vmcs-apic-access-address",
				NO_ARG,		&get_apic_access_addr, 1},
		{ "get-vmcs-virtual-apic-address",
				NO_ARG,		&get_virtual_apic_addr, 1},
		{ "get-vmcs-tpr-threshold",
				NO_ARG,		&get_tpr_threshold, 1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-msr-bitmap",
				NO_ARG,		&get_msr_bitmap, 1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-msr-bitmap-address",
				NO_ARG,		&get_msr_bitmap_address, 1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-vpid", NO_ARG,	&get_vpid,	1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-ple-gap", NO_ARG,	&get_ple_gap,	1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-ple-window", NO_ARG,&get_ple_window,1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-instruction-error",
				NO_ARG,		&get_inst_err,	1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-exit-ctls", NO_ARG,	&get_exit_ctls,	1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-entry-ctls",
					NO_ARG,	&get_entry_ctls, 1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-guest-pat",	NO_ARG,	&get_guest_pat,	1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-host-pat",	NO_ARG,	&get_host_pat,	1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-host-cr0",
				NO_ARG,		&get_host_cr0,	1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-host-cr3",
				NO_ARG,		&get_host_cr3,	1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-host-cr4",
				NO_ARG,		&get_host_cr4,	1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-host-rip",
				NO_ARG,		&get_host_rip,	1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-host-rsp",
				NO_ARG,		&get_host_rsp,	1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-guest-sysenter",
				NO_ARG,		&get_guest_sysenter, 1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-link", NO_ARG,	&get_vmcs_link, 1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-exit-reason",
				NO_ARG,		&get_vmcs_exit_reason, 1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-exit-qualification",
			NO_ARG,		&get_vmcs_exit_qualification, 1 },
		{ "get-vmcs-exit-interruption-info",
				NO_ARG,	&get_vmcs_exit_interruption_info, 1},
		{ "get-vmcs-exit-interruption-error",
				NO_ARG,	&get_vmcs_exit_interruption_error, 1},
		{ "get-vmcs-interruptibility",
				NO_ARG, &get_vmcs_interruptibility, 1 },
		{ "get-x2apic-state",NO_ARG,	&get_x2apic_state, 1 },
		{ "get-all",	NO_ARG,		&get_all,	1 },
		{ "run",	NO_ARG,		&run,		1 },
		{ "create",	NO_ARG,		&create,	1 },
		{ "destroy",	NO_ARG,		&destroy,	1 },
		{ "inject-nmi",	NO_ARG,		&inject_nmi,	1 },
		{ "force-reset",	NO_ARG,	&force_reset,	1 },
		{ "force-poweroff", NO_ARG,	&force_poweroff, 1 },
		{ "get-active-cpus", NO_ARG,	&get_active_cpus, 1 },
		{ "get-suspended-cpus", NO_ARG,	&get_suspended_cpus, 1 },
		{ NULL,		0,		NULL,		0 }

	vcpu = 0;
	vmname = NULL;
	assert_lapic_lvt = -1;
	progname = basename(argv[0]);

	while ((ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, "", opts, NULL)) != -1) {
		switch (ch) {
		case 0:
		case VMNAME:
			vmname = optarg;
		case VCPU:
			vcpu = atoi(optarg);
		case SET_MEM:
			memsize = atoi(optarg) * MB;
			memsize = roundup(memsize, 2 * MB);
		case SET_EFER:
			efer = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
			set_efer = 1;
		case SET_CR0:
			cr0 = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
			set_cr0 = 1;
		case SET_CR3:
			cr3 = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
			set_cr3 = 1;
		case SET_CR4:
			cr4 = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
			set_cr4 = 1;
		case SET_DR7:
			dr7 = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
			set_dr7 = 1;
		case SET_RSP:
			rsp = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
			set_rsp = 1;
		case SET_RIP:
			rip = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
			set_rip = 1;
		case SET_RAX:
			rax = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
			set_rax = 1;
		case SET_RFLAGS:
			rflags = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
			set_rflags = 1;
		case DESC_BASE:
			desc_base = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
		case DESC_LIMIT:
			desc_limit = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
			desc_access = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
		case SET_CS:
			cs = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
			set_cs = 1;
		case SET_DS:
			ds = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
			set_ds = 1;
		case SET_ES:
			es = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
			set_es = 1;
		case SET_FS:
			fs = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
			set_fs = 1;
		case SET_GS:
			gs = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
			set_gs = 1;
		case SET_SS:
			ss = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
			set_ss = 1;
		case SET_TR:
			tr = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
			set_tr = 1;
		case SET_LDTR:
			ldtr = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
			set_ldtr = 1;
			x2apic_state = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
			set_x2apic_state = 1;
			exception_bitmap = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
			set_exception_bitmap = 1;
			vmcs_entry_interruption_info = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
			set_vmcs_entry_interruption_info = 1;
		case SET_CAP:
			capval = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
			setcap = 1;
		case GET_GPA_PMAP:
			gpa_pmap = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
			get_gpa_pmap = 1;
		case CAPNAME:
			capname = optarg;
			unassign_pptdev = 1;
			if (sscanf(optarg, "%d/%d/%d", &bus, &slot, &func) != 3)
			assert_lapic_lvt = atoi(optarg);
	argc -= optind;
	argv += optind;

	if (vmname == NULL)

	error = 0;

	if (!error && create)
		error = vm_create(vmname);

	if (!error) {
		ctx = vm_open(vmname);
		if (ctx == NULL)
			error = -1;

	if (!error && memsize)
		error = vm_setup_memory(ctx, memsize, VM_MMAP_NONE);

	if (!error && set_efer)
		error = vm_set_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_EFER, efer);

	if (!error && set_cr0)
		error = vm_set_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CR0, cr0);

	if (!error && set_cr3)
		error = vm_set_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CR3, cr3);

	if (!error && set_cr4)
		error = vm_set_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CR4, cr4);

	if (!error && set_dr7)
		error = vm_set_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_DR7, dr7);

	if (!error && set_rsp)
		error = vm_set_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RSP, rsp);

	if (!error && set_rip)
		error = vm_set_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RIP, rip);

	if (!error && set_rax)
		error = vm_set_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RAX, rax);

	if (!error && set_rflags) {
		error = vm_set_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RFLAGS,

	if (!error && set_desc_ds) {
		error = vm_set_desc(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_DS,
				    desc_base, desc_limit, desc_access);

	if (!error && set_desc_es) {
		error = vm_set_desc(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_ES,
				    desc_base, desc_limit, desc_access);

	if (!error && set_desc_ss) {
		error = vm_set_desc(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_SS,
				    desc_base, desc_limit, desc_access);

	if (!error && set_desc_cs) {
		error = vm_set_desc(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CS,
				    desc_base, desc_limit, desc_access);

	if (!error && set_desc_fs) {
		error = vm_set_desc(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_FS,
				    desc_base, desc_limit, desc_access);

	if (!error && set_desc_gs) {
		error = vm_set_desc(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_GS,
				    desc_base, desc_limit, desc_access);

	if (!error && set_desc_tr) {
		error = vm_set_desc(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_TR,
				    desc_base, desc_limit, desc_access);

	if (!error && set_desc_ldtr) {
		error = vm_set_desc(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_LDTR,
				    desc_base, desc_limit, desc_access);

	if (!error && set_desc_gdtr) {
		error = vm_set_desc(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_GDTR,
				    desc_base, desc_limit, 0);

	if (!error && set_desc_idtr) {
		error = vm_set_desc(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_IDTR,
				    desc_base, desc_limit, 0);

	if (!error && set_cs)
		error = vm_set_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CS, cs);

	if (!error && set_ds)
		error = vm_set_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_DS, ds);

	if (!error && set_es)
		error = vm_set_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_ES, es);

	if (!error && set_fs)
		error = vm_set_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_FS, fs);

	if (!error && set_gs)
		error = vm_set_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_GS, gs);

	if (!error && set_ss)
		error = vm_set_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_SS, ss);

	if (!error && set_tr)
		error = vm_set_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_TR, tr);

	if (!error && set_ldtr)
		error = vm_set_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_LDTR, ldtr);

	if (!error && set_x2apic_state)
		error = vm_set_x2apic_state(ctx, vcpu, x2apic_state);

	if (!error && unassign_pptdev)
		error = vm_unassign_pptdev(ctx, bus, slot, func);

	if (!error && set_exception_bitmap) {
		error = vm_set_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_EXCEPTION_BITMAP,

	if (!error && set_vmcs_entry_interruption_info) {
		error = vm_set_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_ENTRY_INTR_INFO,

	if (!error && inject_nmi) {
		error = vm_inject_nmi(ctx, vcpu);

	if (!error && assert_lapic_lvt != -1) {
		error = vm_lapic_local_irq(ctx, vcpu, assert_lapic_lvt);

	if (!error && (get_lowmem || get_all)) {
		gpa = 0;
		error = vm_get_memory_seg(ctx, gpa, &len, &wired);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("lowmem\t\t0x%016lx/%ld%s\n", gpa, len,
			    wired ? " wired" : "");

	if (!error && (get_highmem || get_all)) {
		gpa = 4 * GB;
		error = vm_get_memory_seg(ctx, gpa, &len, &wired);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("highmem\t\t0x%016lx/%ld%s\n", gpa, len,
			    wired ? " wired" : "");

	if (!error && (get_efer || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_EFER, &efer);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("efer[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, efer);

	if (!error && (get_cr0 || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CR0, &cr0);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("cr0[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, cr0);

	if (!error && (get_cr3 || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CR3, &cr3);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("cr3[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, cr3);

	if (!error && (get_cr4 || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CR4, &cr4);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("cr4[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, cr4);

	if (!error && (get_dr7 || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_DR7, &dr7);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("dr7[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, dr7);

	if (!error && (get_rsp || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RSP, &rsp);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("rsp[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, rsp);

	if (!error && (get_rip || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RIP, &rip);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("rip[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, rip);

	if (!error && (get_rax || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RAX, &rax);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("rax[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, rax);

	if (!error && (get_rbx || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RBX, &rbx);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("rbx[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, rbx);

	if (!error && (get_rcx || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RCX, &rcx);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("rcx[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, rcx);

	if (!error && (get_rdx || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RDX, &rdx);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("rdx[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, rdx);

	if (!error && (get_rsi || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RSI, &rsi);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("rsi[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, rsi);

	if (!error && (get_rdi || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RDI, &rdi);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("rdi[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, rdi);

	if (!error && (get_rbp || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RBP, &rbp);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("rbp[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, rbp);

	if (!error && (get_r8 || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_R8, &r8);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("r8[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, r8);

	if (!error && (get_r9 || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_R9, &r9);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("r9[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, r9);

	if (!error && (get_r10 || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_R10, &r10);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("r10[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, r10);

	if (!error && (get_r11 || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_R11, &r11);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("r11[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, r11);

	if (!error && (get_r12 || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_R12, &r12);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("r12[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, r12);

	if (!error && (get_r13 || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_R13, &r13);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("r13[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, r13);

	if (!error && (get_r14 || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_R14, &r14);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("r14[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, r14);

	if (!error && (get_r15 || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_R15, &r15);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("r15[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, r15);

	if (!error && (get_rflags || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RFLAGS,
		if (error == 0)
			printf("rflags[%d]\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, rflags);

	if (!error && (get_stats || get_all)) {
		int i, num_stats;
		uint64_t *stats;
		struct timeval tv;
		const char *desc;

		stats = vm_get_stats(ctx, vcpu, &tv, &num_stats);
		if (stats != NULL) {
			printf("vcpu%d\n", vcpu);
			for (i = 0; i < num_stats; i++) {
				desc = vm_get_stat_desc(ctx, i);
				printf("%-40s\t%ld\n", desc, stats[i]);

	if (!error && (get_desc_ds || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_desc(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_DS,
				    &desc_base, &desc_limit, &desc_access);
		if (error == 0) {
			printf("ds desc[%d]\t0x%016lx/0x%08x/0x%08x\n",
			       vcpu, desc_base, desc_limit, desc_access);	

	if (!error && (get_desc_es || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_desc(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_ES,
				    &desc_base, &desc_limit, &desc_access);
		if (error == 0) {
			printf("es desc[%d]\t0x%016lx/0x%08x/0x%08x\n",
			       vcpu, desc_base, desc_limit, desc_access);	

	if (!error && (get_desc_fs || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_desc(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_FS,
				    &desc_base, &desc_limit, &desc_access);
		if (error == 0) {
			printf("fs desc[%d]\t0x%016lx/0x%08x/0x%08x\n",
			       vcpu, desc_base, desc_limit, desc_access);	

	if (!error && (get_desc_gs || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_desc(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_GS,
				    &desc_base, &desc_limit, &desc_access);
		if (error == 0) {
			printf("gs desc[%d]\t0x%016lx/0x%08x/0x%08x\n",
			       vcpu, desc_base, desc_limit, desc_access);	

	if (!error && (get_desc_ss || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_desc(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_SS,
				    &desc_base, &desc_limit, &desc_access);
		if (error == 0) {
			printf("ss desc[%d]\t0x%016lx/0x%08x/0x%08x\n",
			       vcpu, desc_base, desc_limit, desc_access);	

	if (!error && (get_desc_cs || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_desc(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CS,
				    &desc_base, &desc_limit, &desc_access);
		if (error == 0) {
			printf("cs desc[%d]\t0x%016lx/0x%08x/0x%08x\n",
			       vcpu, desc_base, desc_limit, desc_access);	

	if (!error && (get_desc_tr || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_desc(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_TR,
				    &desc_base, &desc_limit, &desc_access);
		if (error == 0) {
			printf("tr desc[%d]\t0x%016lx/0x%08x/0x%08x\n",
			       vcpu, desc_base, desc_limit, desc_access);	

	if (!error && (get_desc_ldtr || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_desc(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_LDTR,
				    &desc_base, &desc_limit, &desc_access);
		if (error == 0) {
			printf("ldtr desc[%d]\t0x%016lx/0x%08x/0x%08x\n",
			       vcpu, desc_base, desc_limit, desc_access);	

	if (!error && (get_desc_gdtr || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_desc(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_GDTR,
				    &desc_base, &desc_limit, &desc_access);
		if (error == 0) {
			       vcpu, desc_base, desc_limit);	

	if (!error && (get_desc_idtr || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_desc(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_IDTR,
				    &desc_base, &desc_limit, &desc_access);
		if (error == 0) {
			       vcpu, desc_base, desc_limit);	

	if (!error && (get_cs || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_CS, &cs);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("cs[%d]\t\t0x%04lx\n", vcpu, cs);

	if (!error && (get_ds || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_DS, &ds);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("ds[%d]\t\t0x%04lx\n", vcpu, ds);

	if (!error && (get_es || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_ES, &es);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("es[%d]\t\t0x%04lx\n", vcpu, es);

	if (!error && (get_fs || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_FS, &fs);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("fs[%d]\t\t0x%04lx\n", vcpu, fs);

	if (!error && (get_gs || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_GS, &gs);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("gs[%d]\t\t0x%04lx\n", vcpu, gs);

	if (!error && (get_ss || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_SS, &ss);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("ss[%d]\t\t0x%04lx\n", vcpu, ss);

	if (!error && (get_tr || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_TR, &tr);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("tr[%d]\t\t0x%04lx\n", vcpu, tr);

	if (!error && (get_ldtr || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_LDTR, &ldtr);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("ldtr[%d]\t\t0x%04lx\n", vcpu, ldtr);

	if (!error && (get_x2apic_state || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_x2apic_state(ctx, vcpu, &x2apic_state);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("x2apic_state[%d]\t%d\n", vcpu, x2apic_state);

	if (!error && (get_pinbased_ctls || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_PIN_BASED_CTLS, &ctl);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("pinbased_ctls[%d]\t0x%08lx\n", vcpu, ctl);

	if (!error && (get_procbased_ctls || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu,
		if (error == 0)
			printf("procbased_ctls[%d]\t0x%08lx\n", vcpu, ctl);

	if (!error && (get_procbased_ctls2 || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu,
		if (error == 0)
			printf("procbased_ctls2[%d]\t0x%08lx\n", vcpu, ctl);

	if (!error && (get_vmcs_gla || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu,
		if (error == 0)
			printf("gla[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, u64);

	if (!error && (get_vmcs_gpa || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu,
		if (error == 0)
			printf("gpa[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, u64);

	if (!error && (get_vmcs_entry_interruption_info || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_ENTRY_INTR_INFO,&u64);
		if (error == 0) {
				vcpu, u64);

	if (!error && (get_eptp || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_EPTP, &eptp);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("eptp[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, eptp);

	if (!error && (get_exception_bitmap || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_EXCEPTION_BITMAP,
		if (error == 0)
			printf("exception_bitmap[%d]\t0x%08lx\n", vcpu, bm);

	if (!error && (get_io_bitmap || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_IO_BITMAP_A, &bm);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("io_bitmap_a[%d]\t0x%08lx\n", vcpu, bm);
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_IO_BITMAP_B, &bm);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("io_bitmap_b[%d]\t0x%08lx\n", vcpu, bm);

	if (!error && (get_tsc_offset || get_all)) {
		uint64_t tscoff;
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_TSC_OFFSET, &tscoff);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("tsc_offset[%d]\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, tscoff);

	if (!error && (get_cr0_mask || get_all)) {
		uint64_t cr0mask;
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_CR0_MASK, &cr0mask);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("cr0_mask[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, cr0mask);

	if (!error && (get_cr0_shadow || get_all)) {
		uint64_t cr0shadow;
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_CR0_SHADOW,
		if (error == 0)
			printf("cr0_shadow[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, cr0shadow);

	if (!error && (get_cr4_mask || get_all)) {
		uint64_t cr4mask;
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_CR4_MASK, &cr4mask);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("cr4_mask[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, cr4mask);

	if (!error && (get_cr4_shadow || get_all)) {
		uint64_t cr4shadow;
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_CR4_SHADOW,
		if (error == 0)
			printf("cr4_shadow[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, cr4shadow);
	if (!error && (get_cr3_targets || get_all)) {
		uint64_t target_count, target_addr;
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_CR3_TARGET_COUNT,
		if (error == 0) {
				vcpu, target_count);

		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_CR3_TARGET0,
		if (error == 0) {
				vcpu, target_addr);

		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_CR3_TARGET1,
		if (error == 0) {
				vcpu, target_addr);

		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_CR3_TARGET2,
		if (error == 0) {
				vcpu, target_addr);

		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_CR3_TARGET3,
		if (error == 0) {
				vcpu, target_addr);

	if (!error && (get_apic_access_addr || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_APIC_ACCESS, &addr);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("apic_access_addr[%d]\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, addr);

	if (!error && (get_virtual_apic_addr || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_VIRTUAL_APIC, &addr);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("virtual_apic_addr[%d]\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, addr);

	if (!error && (get_tpr_threshold || get_all)) {
		uint64_t threshold;
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_TPR_THRESHOLD,
		if (error == 0)
			printf("tpr_threshold[%d]\t0x%08lx\n", vcpu, threshold);

	if (!error && (get_msr_bitmap_address || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_MSR_BITMAP, &addr);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("msr_bitmap[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, addr);

	if (!error && (get_msr_bitmap || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_MSR_BITMAP, &addr);
		if (error == 0)
			error = dump_vmcs_msr_bitmap(vcpu, addr);

	if (!error && (get_vpid || get_all)) {
		uint64_t vpid;
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_VPID, &vpid);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("vpid[%d]\t\t0x%04lx\n", vcpu, vpid);
	if (!error && (get_ple_window || get_all)) {
		uint64_t window;
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_PLE_WINDOW, &window);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("ple_window[%d]\t\t0x%08lx\n", vcpu, window);

	if (!error && (get_ple_gap || get_all)) {
		uint64_t gap;
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_PLE_GAP, &gap);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("ple_gap[%d]\t\t0x%08lx\n", vcpu, gap);

	if (!error && (get_inst_err || get_all)) {
		uint64_t insterr;
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_INSTRUCTION_ERROR,
		if (error == 0) {
				vcpu, insterr);

	if (!error && (get_exit_ctls || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_EXIT_CTLS, &ctl);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("exit_ctls[%d]\t\t0x%08lx\n", vcpu, ctl);

	if (!error && (get_entry_ctls || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_ENTRY_CTLS, &ctl);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("entry_ctls[%d]\t\t0x%08lx\n", vcpu, ctl);

	if (!error && (get_host_pat || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_HOST_IA32_PAT, &pat);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("host_pat[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, pat);

	if (!error && (get_guest_pat || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_GUEST_IA32_PAT, &pat);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("guest_pat[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, pat);

	if (!error && (get_host_cr0 || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_HOST_CR0, &cr0);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("host_cr0[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, cr0);

	if (!error && (get_host_cr3 || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_HOST_CR3, &cr3);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("host_cr3[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, cr3);

	if (!error && (get_host_cr4 || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_HOST_CR4, &cr4);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("host_cr4[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, cr4);

	if (!error && (get_host_rip || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_HOST_RIP, &rip);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("host_rip[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, rip);

	if (!error && (get_host_rsp || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_HOST_RSP, &rsp);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("host_rsp[%d]\t\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, rsp);

	if (!error && (get_guest_sysenter || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu,
		if (error == 0)
			printf("guest_sysenter_cs[%d]\t0x%08lx\n", vcpu, cs);

		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu,
		if (error == 0)
			printf("guest_sysenter_sp[%d]\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, rsp);
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu,
		if (error == 0)
			printf("guest_sysenter_ip[%d]\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, rip);

	if (!error && (get_vmcs_link || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_LINK_POINTER, &addr);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("vmcs_pointer[%d]\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, addr);

	if (!error && (get_vmcs_exit_reason || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_EXIT_REASON, &u64);
		if (error == 0)
			printf("vmcs_exit_reason[%d]\t0x%016lx\n", vcpu, u64);

	if (!error && (get_vmcs_exit_qualification || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_EXIT_QUALIFICATION,
		if (error == 0)
				vcpu, u64);

	if (!error && (get_vmcs_exit_interruption_info || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_EXIT_INTR_INFO, &u64);
		if (error == 0) {
				vcpu, u64);

	if (!error && (get_vmcs_exit_interruption_error || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu, VMCS_EXIT_INTR_ERRCODE,
		if (error == 0) {
				vcpu, u64);

	if (!error && (get_vmcs_interruptibility || get_all)) {
		error = vm_get_vmcs_field(ctx, vcpu,
		if (error == 0) {
				vcpu, u64);

	if (!error && setcap) {
		int captype;
		captype = vm_capability_name2type(capname);
		error = vm_set_capability(ctx, vcpu, captype, capval);
		if (error != 0 && errno == ENOENT)
			printf("Capability \"%s\" is not available\n", capname);

	if (!error && get_gpa_pmap) {
		error = vm_get_gpa_pmap(ctx, gpa_pmap, pteval, &ptenum);
		if (error == 0) {
			printf("gpa %#lx:", gpa_pmap);
			pte = &pteval[0];
			while (ptenum-- > 0)
				printf(" %#lx", *pte++);

	if (!error && (getcap || get_all)) {
		int captype, val, getcaptype;

		if (getcap && capname)
			getcaptype = vm_capability_name2type(capname);
			getcaptype = -1;

		for (captype = 0; captype < VM_CAP_MAX; captype++) {
			if (getcaptype >= 0 && captype != getcaptype)
			error = vm_get_capability(ctx, vcpu, captype, &val);
			if (error == 0) {
				printf("Capability \"%s\" is %s on vcpu %d\n",
					val ? "set" : "not set", vcpu);
			} else if (errno == ENOENT) {
				error = 0;
				printf("Capability \"%s\" is not available\n",
			} else {

	if (!error && (get_active_cpus || get_all)) {
		error = vm_active_cpus(ctx, &cpus);
		if (!error)
			print_cpus("active cpus", &cpus);

	if (!error && (get_suspended_cpus || get_all)) {
		error = vm_suspended_cpus(ctx, &cpus);
		if (!error)
			print_cpus("suspended cpus", &cpus);

	if (!error && run) {
		error = vm_get_register(ctx, vcpu, VM_REG_GUEST_RIP, &rip);
		assert(error == 0);

		error = vm_run(ctx, vcpu, rip, &vmexit);
		if (error == 0)
			dump_vm_run_exitcode(&vmexit, vcpu);
			printf("vm_run error %d\n", error);

	if (!error && force_reset)
		error = vm_suspend(ctx, VM_SUSPEND_RESET);

	if (!error && force_poweroff)
		error = vm_suspend(ctx, VM_SUSPEND_POWEROFF);

	if (error)
		printf("errno = %d\n", errno);

	if (!error && destroy)
