Ipp32s OutputDuplexString2CSVFile(CommandLineParams *params, USC_CodecInfo *pInfo, Ipp32f spSeconds, Ipp32f ENCspeed_in_mhz, Ipp32f DECspeed_in_mhz) { if (params->puttocsv) { /* open the csv file if any */ vm_file *f_csv=NULL; Ipp8s* pFileName; f_csv = OpenCSVFile(params->csvFileName); if (f_csv == NULL) { printf("\nWarning: File %s could not be open. Ignored.\n", params->csvFileName); return -1; } if ((pFileName = strrchr( params->inputFileName, '/')) != NULL) { pFileName += 1; } else if ((pFileName = strrchr( params->inputFileName, '\\')) != NULL) { pFileName += 1; } else pFileName = params->inputFileName; vm_string_fprintf(f_csv,VM_STRING("%s,%s,%d,%s,%4.2f,%4.2f,%4.2f,%d\n"),pInfo->name, (pInfo->params.modes.vad == 1)?"VAD1":(pInfo->params.modes.vad == 2)?"VAD2":" ", pInfo->params.modes.bitrate,pFileName,spSeconds,ENCspeed_in_mhz,DECspeed_in_mhz,1); CloseCSVFile(f_csv); } return 0; }
int sysInfoToCSV(FILE *f_csv) { char infoBuffer[256]; const IppLibraryVersion *verIppSC, *verIppSP; if(f_csv == NULL) return -1; #ifndef OSX32 infoBuffer[0] = '\0'; vm_sys_info_get_date((char*)infoBuffer,DDMMYY); vm_string_fprintf(f_csv,VM_STRING("Date,%s"),infoBuffer); infoBuffer[0] = '\0'; vm_sys_info_get_time((char*)infoBuffer,HHMMSS); vm_string_fprintf(f_csv,VM_STRING(",Time,%s\n"),infoBuffer); infoBuffer[0] = '\0'; vm_sys_info_get_cpu_name((char*)infoBuffer); vm_string_fprintf(f_csv,VM_STRING("CPU,%s\n"),infoBuffer); infoBuffer[0] = '\0'; vm_sys_info_get_os_name((char*)infoBuffer); vm_string_fprintf(f_csv,VM_STRING("OS,%s\n"),infoBuffer); infoBuffer[0] = '\0'; vm_sys_info_get_computer_name((char*)infoBuffer); vm_string_fprintf(f_csv,VM_STRING("Computer name,%s\n"),infoBuffer); #endif verIppSC = ippscGetLibVersion(); verIppSP = ippsGetLibVersion(); fprintf(f_csv,"IPPS library,%s,%s,%s\n", verIppSP->Name,verIppSP->Version,verIppSP->BuildDate); fprintf(f_csv,"IPPSC library,%s,%s,%s\n", verIppSC->Name,verIppSC->Version,verIppSC->BuildDate); fprintf(f_csv,"EC TYPE,alg type,adaptation,bits,sampling rate,rin file,sin file,speech in sec,speed in mHz\n"); return 0; }
Ipp32s OutputSysInfo2CSVFile(vm_file *f_csv) { vm_char infoBuffer[256]; const IppLibraryVersion *verIppSC, *verIppSP; if(f_csv == NULL) return -1; infoBuffer[0] = '\0'; vm_sys_info_get_date(infoBuffer,DDMMYY); vm_string_fprintf(f_csv,VM_STRING("Date,%s"),infoBuffer); infoBuffer[0] = '\0'; vm_sys_info_get_time(infoBuffer,HHMMSS); vm_string_fprintf(f_csv,VM_STRING(",Time,%s\n"),infoBuffer); infoBuffer[0] = '\0'; vm_sys_info_get_cpu_name(infoBuffer); vm_string_fprintf(f_csv,VM_STRING("CPU,%s\n"),infoBuffer); infoBuffer[0] = '\0'; vm_sys_info_get_os_name(infoBuffer); vm_string_fprintf(f_csv,VM_STRING("OS,%s\n"),infoBuffer); infoBuffer[0] = '\0'; vm_sys_info_get_computer_name(infoBuffer); vm_string_fprintf(f_csv,VM_STRING("Computer name,%s\n"),infoBuffer); verIppSC = ippscGetLibVersion(); verIppSP = ippsGetLibVersion(); vm_string_fprintf(f_csv,VM_STRING("IPPS library,%s,%s,%s\n"), verIppSP->Name,verIppSP->Version,verIppSP->BuildDate); vm_string_fprintf(f_csv,VM_STRING("IPPSC library,%s,%s,%s\n"), verIppSC->Name,verIppSC->Version,verIppSC->BuildDate); return 0; }
void AddCodecTableHeader2CSVFile(vm_file *f_csv) { if(f_csv==NULL) return; vm_string_fprintf(f_csv,VM_STRING("Codec,Voice Activity Detection,Bitrate(bps),Audio file,Duration(sec),Encode(MHz),Decode(MHz),nChannels\n")); return; }
Ipp32s WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hinst, HINSTANCE xxx, LPWSTR lpCmdLine, Ipp32s yyy ) { Ipp8s line[WINCE_CMDLINE_SIZE]; /* to copy command line */ Ipp8s* argvv[WINCE_NCMD_PARAMS]; Ipp8s** argv=argvv; wchar_t wexename[WINCE_EXENAME_SIZE]; Ipp8s exename[WINCE_EXENAME_SIZE]; Ipp8s cmdline[WINCE_CMDLINE_SIZE]; /* simulate argc and argv parameters */ Ipp32s argc; #else /*Other OS*/ Ipp32s main(Ipp32s argc, Ipp8s *argv[]) { #endif /*_WIN32_WCE*/ CommandLineParams clParams; USC_EC_Params ecParams; USC_Status USCStatus; MeasureIt measure; FILE *fp_rin = NULL; FILE *fp_sin = NULL; FILE *fp_sout = NULL; FILE *f_log = NULL; vm_file *f_csv = NULL; /* csv File */ Ipp8u *in1_buff_cur, *in2_buff_cur, *out_buff_cur; Ipp8u *in1_buff=NULL, *in2_buff=NULL, *out_buff=NULL; Ipp32s flen, in_len, lCallResult; Ipp32s i, frameNum, tailNum; Ipp32s usage=0, n_repeat=1; double speech_sec; Ipp32s delay=0; Ipp8s* appName=argv[0]; Ipp8s pString[MAX_LEN_STRING]; const IppLibraryVersion *ver = NULL; #if defined( _WIN32_WCE ) GetModuleFileName( hinst, wexename, WINCE_EXENAME_SIZE ); sprintf( exename, "%ls", wexename ); sprintf( cmdline, "%ls", lpCmdLine ); argc = parseCmndLine( exename, cmdline, line, WINCE_CMDLINE_SIZE, argv, WINCE_NCMD_PARAMS ); #endif ippStaticInit(); SetCommandLineByDefault(&clParams); strcpy(clParams.csvFileName, "ec_speed.csv"); usage = ReadCommandLine(&clParams, argc, argv); if(clParams.puttolog == 1) { if((f_log = fopen(clParams.logFileName, "a")) == NULL) return FOPEN_FAIL; } else f_log = NULL; if(usage) { if(clParams.enumerate == 1) { EnumerateStaticLinkedEC(f_log); if(f_log) fclose(f_log); return 0; } else { PrintUsage((const Ipp8s *)appName, f_log); return USAGE; } } lCallResult = LoadECByName((const Ipp8s *)clParams.ECName, &ecParams, f_log); if(lCallResult < 0) { sprintf(pString, "Cannot find %s echo canceller.\n", clParams.ECName); OutputInfoString(1, f_log, (const Ipp8s*)pString); if(f_log) fclose(f_log); return LOAD_EC_FAIL; } ecParams.pUSC_EC_Fxns->std.GetInfo((USC_Handle)NULL, &ecParams.pInfo); ecParams.objEC = NULL; ecParams.pBanks = NULL; ecParams.nBanks = 0; if((fp_rin = fopen(clParams.rinFileName,"rb")) == NULL) { sprintf(pString, "echo canceller: File %s [r-in] could not be open.\n", clParams.rinFileName); OutputInfoString(1, f_log, (const Ipp8s*)pString); if(f_log) fclose(f_log); return FOPEN_FAIL; } if((fp_sin = fopen(clParams.sinFileName,"rb")) == NULL) { sprintf(pString, "echo canceller: File %s [s-in] could not be open.\n", clParams.sinFileName); OutputInfoString(1, f_log, (const Ipp8s*)pString); if(f_log) fclose(f_log); return FOPEN_FAIL; } if((fp_sout = fopen(clParams.soutFileName,"wb")) == NULL) { sprintf(pString, "echo canceller: File %s [s-out] could not be open.\n", clParams.soutFileName); OutputInfoString(1, f_log, (const Ipp8s*)pString); if(f_log) fclose(f_log); return FOPEN_FAIL; } if(clParams.puttocsv) { /* open the csv file */ if((f_csv = vm_file_open(clParams.csvFileName, "a")) == NULL) { sprintf(pString, "\nFile %s could not be open.\n", clParams.csvFileName); OutputInfoString(1, f_log, (const Ipp8s*)pString); if(f_log) fclose(f_log); return FOPEN_FAIL; } } if(clParams.printSysInfo){ OutputInfoString(0, f_log,"The Intel(R) echo canceller conformant to ITU G167 and G168,\n"); ver = ippscGetLibVersion(); sprintf(pString, "The Intel(R) IPPSC library used: %d.%d.%d Build %d, name %s\n", ver->major,ver->minor,ver->majorBuild,ver->build,ver->Name); OutputInfoString(0, f_log, (const Ipp8s*)pString); ver = ippsGetLibVersion(); sprintf(pString, "The Intel(R) IPPSP library used: %d.%d.%d Build %d, name %s\n", ver->major,ver->minor,ver->majorBuild,ver->build,ver->Name); OutputInfoString(0, f_log, (const Ipp8s*)pString); } sprintf(pString, "Input rin file: %s\n", clParams.rinFileName); OutputInfoString(1, f_log, (const Ipp8s*)pString); sprintf(pString, "Input sin file: %s\n", clParams.sinFileName); OutputInfoString(1, f_log, (const Ipp8s*)pString); sprintf(pString, "Output sout file: %s\n", clParams.soutFileName); OutputInfoString(1, f_log, (const Ipp8s*)pString); switch(clParams.nlp) { case 0: sprintf(pString, "NLP disabled\n"); break; case 1: sprintf(pString, "NLP type 1 enabled\n"); break; default: sprintf(pString, "NLP type 2 enabled\n"); } switch(clParams.alg) { case EC_FULLBAND: ecParams.pInfo.params.algType = EC_FULLBAND; sprintf(pString, "mode : fullband \n"); break; case EC_SUBBAND: ecParams.pInfo.params.algType = EC_SUBBAND; sprintf(pString, "mode : subband \n"); break; case EC_AFFINESUBBAND: ecParams.pInfo.params.algType = EC_AFFINESUBBAND; sprintf(pString, "mode : subband affine projection \n"); break; case EC_FASTSUBBAND: ecParams.pInfo.params.algType = EC_FASTSUBBAND; sprintf(pString, "mode : fast subband \n"); break; default: return UNKNOWN_FORMAT; } OutputInfoString(1, f_log, (const Ipp8s*)pString); switch(clParams.adapt) { case 0: sprintf(pString, "adaptation : disable \n"); ecParams.pInfo.params.modes.adapt = AD_OFF; break; case 2: sprintf(pString, "adaptation : lite \n"); ecParams.pInfo.params.modes.adapt = AD_LITEADAPT; break; default: ecParams.pInfo.params.modes.adapt = AD_FULLADAPT; sprintf(pString, "adaptation : full \n"); } OutputInfoString(1, f_log, (const Ipp8s*)pString); sprintf(pString, "echo tail length : %d\n", clParams.tail); OutputInfoString(1, f_log, (const Ipp8s*)pString); if(clParams.puttocsv) { if(clParams.printSysInfo){ sysInfoToCSV(f_csv); } } ecParams.pInfo.params.pcmType.sample_frequency = clParams.freq; ecParams.pInfo.params.pcmType.bitPerSample = 16; ecParams.pInfo.params.echotail = clParams.tail; ecParams.pInfo.params.modes.zeroCoeff = 1;///??? ecParams.pInfo.params.modes.nlp = clParams.nlp; ecParams.pInfo.params.modes.cng = clParams.cng; ecParams.pInfo.params.modes.td = 1; ecParams.pInfo.params.modes.ah = clParams.ah_mode; ecParams.pUSC_EC_Fxns->std.NumAlloc((const USC_EC_Option *)&ecParams.pInfo.params, &ecParams.nBanks); ecParams.pBanks = (USC_MemBank*)ippsMalloc_8u(sizeof(USC_MemBank)*ecParams.nBanks); if(!ecParams.pBanks) { sprintf(pString, "\nLow memory: %d bytes not allocated\n", (int)(sizeof(USC_MemBank)*ecParams.nBanks)); OutputInfoString(1, f_log, (const Ipp8s*)pString); if(fp_rin) fclose(fp_rin); if(fp_sin) fclose(fp_sin); if(fp_sout) fclose(fp_sout); if(clParams.puttocsv) { if(f_csv) vm_file_fclose(f_csv); } if(f_log) fclose(f_log); return MEMORY_FAIL; } ecParams.pUSC_EC_Fxns->std.MemAlloc((const USC_EC_Option *)&ecParams.pInfo.params, ecParams.pBanks); for(i=0;i<ecParams.nBanks;i++) { ecParams.pBanks[i].pMem = (Ipp8s *)ippsMalloc_8u(ecParams.pBanks[i].nbytes);//375d60,377420 if(!ecParams.pBanks[i].pMem) { sprintf(pString, "\nLow memory: %d bytes not allocated\n", ecParams.pBanks[i].nbytes); OutputInfoString(1, f_log, (const Ipp8s*)pString); if(ecParams.pBanks) ippsFree(ecParams.pBanks); if(fp_rin) fclose(fp_rin); if(fp_sin) fclose(fp_sin); if(fp_sout) fclose(fp_sout); if(clParams.puttocsv) { if(f_csv) vm_file_fclose(f_csv); } if(f_log) fclose(f_log); return MEMORY_FAIL; } } flen = PrepareInput(fp_rin, " receive-in input ", &in1_buff, f_log); in_len = PrepareInput(fp_sin, " send-in input ", &in2_buff, f_log); if(ecParams.pInfo.params.pcmType.sample_frequency == 8000){ /* 8 KHz */ delay = (Ipp32s) (clParams.fdelay * 8000 * 2/1000); }else{ /* 16 KHz */ delay = (Ipp32s) (clParams.fdelay * 16000 * 2/1000); } flen -= delay; if(flen < 0) flen = 0; if (flen < in_len) in_len = flen; out_buff=(Ipp8u*)ippsMalloc_8u(in_len);/* allocate output buffer */ if(!out_buff){ /* allocate output buffer */ sprintf(pString, "\nNo memory for buffering of %d output bytes", in_len); OutputInfoString(1, f_log, (const Ipp8s*)pString); if(f_log) fclose(f_log); return MEMORY_FAIL; } /* time stamp prior to threads creation, creation and running time may overlap. */ measure_start(&measure); n_repeat = clParams.nRepeat; while(n_repeat--) { USCStatus = ecParams.pUSC_EC_Fxns->std.Init((const USC_EC_Option *)&ecParams.pInfo.params, ecParams.pBanks, &ecParams.objEC); if(USCStatus!=USC_NoError) { OutputInfoString(1, f_log,"\nCan not initialize the EC object!"); if(ecParams.pBanks) ippsFree(ecParams.pBanks); if(fp_rin) fclose(fp_rin); if(fp_sin) fclose(fp_sin); if(fp_sout) fclose(fp_sout); if(clParams.puttocsv) { if(f_csv) vm_file_fclose(f_csv); } if(f_log) fclose(f_log); return ERROR_INIT; } ecParams.pUSC_EC_Fxns->std.GetInfo(ecParams.objEC, (USC_EC_Info *)&ecParams.pInfo); frameNum = in_len/ecParams.pInfo.params.framesize; tailNum = (in_len/sizeof(Ipp16s)) - (ecParams.pInfo.params.framesize/sizeof(Ipp16s))*frameNum; out_buff_cur = out_buff; in1_buff_cur = in1_buff; in2_buff_cur = in2_buff+ delay; /* shift forward the sin at delay */ for (i = 0; i < frameNum; i++) { ecParams.pUSC_EC_Fxns->CancelEcho(ecParams.objEC, (Ipp16s *)in2_buff_cur, (Ipp16s *)in1_buff_cur, (Ipp16s *)out_buff_cur);//4,6,9,11,14,19,21,26,29,31,34,36,39,41,44,46,49,51 in1_buff_cur += ecParams.pInfo.params.framesize; in2_buff_cur += ecParams.pInfo.params.framesize; out_buff_cur += ecParams.pInfo.params.framesize; } for (i = 0; i < tailNum; i++) { ippsZero_16s((Ipp16s *)out_buff_cur, tailNum); } } measure_end(&measure); if (PostProcessPCMstream((Ipp8s *)out_buff, in_len)) { sprintf(pString, "No memory for load of %d bytes convert from linear PCM to special pack value.",in_len); OutputInfoString(1, f_log, (const Ipp8s*)pString); if(f_log) fclose(f_log); return MEMORY_FAIL; } /* Write output PCM to the output file */ fwrite(out_buff, 1, in_len, fp_sout); for(i=0; i<ecParams.nBanks;i++){ if(ecParams.pBanks[i].pMem) ippsFree(ecParams.pBanks[i].pMem); ecParams.pBanks[i].pMem = NULL; } if(ecParams.pBanks) { ippsFree(ecParams.pBanks); ecParams.pBanks = NULL; } ippsFree(out_buff); speech_sec = (in_len / 2 * clParams.nRepeat)/(double)ecParams.pInfo.params.pcmType.sample_frequency; measure_output(f_log, &measure, speech_sec); sprintf(pString, "Done %d samples of %d Hz PCM wave file (%g sec)\n", (in_len>>1) * clParams.nRepeat, ecParams.pInfo.params.pcmType.sample_frequency, speech_sec); OutputInfoString(1, f_log, (const Ipp8s*)pString); if(clParams.puttocsv) { Ipp8s* rinFile; Ipp8s* sinFile; if ((rinFile = strrchr(clParams.rinFileName, '/')) != NULL) { rinFile += 1; } else if ((rinFile = strrchr(clParams.rinFileName, '\\')) != NULL) { rinFile += 1; } else rinFile = clParams.rinFileName; if ((sinFile = strrchr(clParams.sinFileName, '/')) != NULL) { sinFile += 1; } else if ((sinFile = strrchr(clParams.sinFileName, '\\')) != NULL) { sinFile += 1; } else sinFile = clParams.sinFileName; i=sprintf(pString, clParams.ECName); i += sprintf(pString + i,","); switch(clParams.alg) { case EC_FULLBAND: i += sprintf(pString + i,"fullband,"); break; case EC_SUBBAND: i += sprintf(pString + i,"subband,"); break; case EC_FASTSUBBAND: i += sprintf(pString + i,"fast subband,"); break; default: i += sprintf(pString + i,"subband,"); } switch(clParams.adapt) { case 2: i += sprintf(pString + i,"lite,"); break; default: i += sprintf(pString + i,"full,"); } i += sprintf(pString + i,"%d,",clParams.tail); i += sprintf(pString + i,"%d,%s,%s,%4.2f,%4.2f", ecParams.pInfo.params.pcmType.sample_frequency, rinFile, sinFile, speech_sec, measure.speed_in_mhz); vm_string_fprintf(f_csv,VM_STRING("%s\n"),pString); vm_file_fclose(f_csv); } ippsFree(in1_buff); ippsFree(in2_buff); fclose(fp_rin); fclose(fp_sin); fclose(fp_sout); OutputInfoString(1, f_log,"Completed !\n"); if(f_log) fclose(f_log); return 0; }