Пример #1
 * VMNative: string_set_char_at( string, index, value )
 * Accepts one number argument: the string workshop instance
 * Returns NULL.
static bool vmn_str_set_char_at(VM * vm, VMArg * arg, int argc) {
  VMLibData * data;
  Buffer * buffer;
  int index;
  char value;

  /* check for proper number of arguments */
  if(argc != 3) {
    vm_set_err(vm, VMERR_INCORRECT_NUMARGS);
    return false;

  /* check argument major type */
  if(vmarg_type(arg[0]) != TYPE_LIBDATA ||
     vmarg_type(arg[1]) != TYPE_NUMBER ||
     vmarg_type(arg[1]) != TYPE_NUMBER) {
    vm_set_err(vm, VMERR_INVALID_TYPE_ARGUMENT);
    return false;

  /* extract the libdata from the argument */
  data = vmarg_libdata(arg[0]);

  /* check libdata type */
  if(!vmlibdata_is_type(data, LIBSTR_STRING_TYPE, LIBSTR_STRING_TYPE_LEN)) {
    vm_set_err(vm, VMERR_INVALID_TYPE_ARGUMENT);
    return false;

  /* extract the buffer */
  buffer = vmlibdata_data(data);

  /* extract the index */
  index = vmarg_number(arg[1], NULL);
  value = (char) vmarg_number(arg[2], NULL);

  /* check buffer size range */
  if(index < 0) {
    vm_set_err(vm, VMERR_ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_RANGE);
    return false;

  /* check char value */
  if(value > CHAR_MAX || value < CHAR_MIN) {
    vm_set_err(vm, VMERR_ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_RANGE);
    return false;

  /* push char as a number */
  if(!buffer_set_char(buffer, value, index)) {
    vm_set_err(vm, VMERR_ALLOC_FAILED);
    return false;

  /* this function does not return a value */
  return false;
Пример #2
 * VMNative: char_to_string( char )
 * Accepts one number argument: the char to convert
 * Returns the desired char as a VM String.
static bool vmn_char_to_str(VM * vm, VMArg * arg, int argc) {
  VMLibData * newStrData;
  char character[2] = "";

  /* check for proper number of arguments */
  if(argc != 1) {
    vm_set_err(vm, VMERR_INCORRECT_NUMARGS);
    return false;

  /* check argument major type */
  if(vmarg_type(arg[0]) != TYPE_NUMBER) {
    vm_set_err(vm, VMERR_INVALID_TYPE_ARGUMENT);
    return false;

  character[0] = (char) vmarg_number(arg[0], NULL);

  /* check if value is out of range for char */
  if(character[0] > CHAR_MAX || character[0] < CHAR_MIN) {
    vm_set_err(vm, VMERR_ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_RANGE);
    return false;

  newStrData = vmarg_new_string(character, 1);

  /* push char as a number */
  if(newStrData == NULL || !vmarg_push_libdata(vm, newStrData)) {
    vm_set_err(vm, VMERR_ALLOC_FAILED);
    return false;

  /* this function does return a value */
  return true;
Пример #3
 * VMNative: math_pow( base, power )
 * Accepts one number argument. Returns base^power.
static bool vmn_math_pow(VM * vm, VMArg * arg, int argc) {

  /* check for proper number of arguments */
  if(argc != 2) {
    vm_set_err(vm, VMERR_INCORRECT_NUMARGS);
    return false;

  /* check argument type */
  if(vmarg_type(arg[0]) != TYPE_NUMBER
     || vmarg_type(arg[1]) != TYPE_NUMBER) {
    vm_set_err(vm, VMERR_INVALID_TYPE_ARGUMENT);
    return false;

  /* push result */
  vmarg_push_number(vm, pow(vmarg_number(arg[0], NULL), vmarg_number(arg[1], NULL)));

  /* this function does return a value */
  return true;
Пример #4
 * VMNative: string_prealloc( workshop , newsize )
 * Accepts a workshop argument and a number. The newsize is the size to
 * reallocate the workshop buffer to. Preallocate buffer for best performance.
static bool vmn_str_prealloc(VM * vm, VMArg * arg, int argc) {
  VMLibData * data;
  Buffer * buffer;
  int newSize;

  /* check for proper number of arguments */
  if(argc != 2) {
    vm_set_err(vm, VMERR_INCORRECT_NUMARGS);
    return false;

  /* check argument 1 major type */
  if(vmarg_type(arg[0]) != TYPE_LIBDATA) {
    vm_set_err(vm, VMERR_INVALID_TYPE_ARGUMENT);
    return false;

  /* extract the libdata from the argument */
  data = vmarg_libdata(arg[0]);

  /* check libdata type */
  if(!vmlibdata_is_type(data, LIBSTR_STRING_TYPE, LIBSTR_STRING_TYPE_LEN)) {
    vm_set_err(vm, VMERR_INVALID_TYPE_ARGUMENT);
    return false;

  /* check argument 2 type */
  if(vmarg_type(arg[1]) != TYPE_NUMBER) {
    vm_set_err(vm, VMERR_INVALID_TYPE_ARGUMENT);
    return false;

  newSize = (int)vmarg_number(arg[1], NULL);

  /* check buffer size range */
  if(newSize < 1) {
    vm_set_err(vm, VMERR_ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_RANGE);
    return false;

  /* extract the workshop */
  buffer = vmlibdata_data(data);

  /* can't make it smaller, only bigger */
  buffer_resize(buffer, newSize >= buffer_size(buffer)
		? newSize : buffer_size(buffer));

  /* push null result */

  /* this function does return a value */
  return true;
Пример #5
 * VMNative: math_round( value, precision )
 * Accepts one number argument. Returns value rounded to precision decimal places.
static bool vmn_math_round(VM * vm, VMArg * arg, int argc) {

  switch(argc) {
  case 1: /* If user did not specify precision, assume round to int */
    /* check argument type */
    if(vmarg_type(arg[0]) != TYPE_NUMBER) {
      vm_set_err(vm, VMERR_INVALID_TYPE_ARGUMENT);
      return false;

    /* push result */
    vmarg_push_number(vm, round(vmarg_number(arg[0], NULL)));

    /* this function does return a value */
    return true;
  case 2: /* if user specified precision */

    /* check argument type */
    if(vmarg_type(arg[0]) != TYPE_NUMBER
       || vmarg_type(arg[1]) != TYPE_NUMBER) {
      vm_set_err(vm, VMERR_INVALID_TYPE_ARGUMENT);
      return false;

    /* push result */
    vmarg_push_number(vm, round(vmarg_number(arg[0], NULL) 
				* pow(10, vmarg_number(arg[1], NULL)))
		      / pow(10, vmarg_number(arg[1], NULL)));

    /* this function does return a value */
    return true;
  vm_set_err(vm, VMERR_INCORRECT_NUMARGS);
  return false;
Пример #6
 * VMNative: string ( buffersize )
 * Accepts one number argument: the size of the string buffer.
static bool vmn_str(VM * vm, VMArg * arg, int argc) {

  VMLibData * data;
  int bufferSize;

  /* check for proper number of arguments */
  if(argc != 1) {
    vm_set_err(vm, VMERR_INCORRECT_NUMARGS);
    return false;

  /* check argument type */
  if(vmarg_type(arg[0]) != TYPE_NUMBER) {
    vm_set_err(vm, VMERR_INVALID_TYPE_ARGUMENT);
    return false;

  bufferSize = (int)vmarg_number(arg[0], NULL);

  /* check buffer size range */
  if(bufferSize < 1) {
    vm_set_err(vm, VMERR_ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_RANGE);
    return false;

  /* allocate string workshop */
  data = libstr_string_new(bufferSize);
  if(data == NULL) {
    vm_set_err(vm, VMERR_ALLOC_FAILED);
    return false;

  /* push result */
  vmarg_push_libdata(vm, data);

  /* this function does return a value */
  return true;