inline void pointdynamics(point_t *curpt) // Calculate point movement { GLdouble r = vnorm(&curpt->pos); vector_t grav; vector_t rotf; vector_t coriolis; if(r > c_Re) { // Points outside Earth grav = vscale(-c_Ge * curpt->m / pow(r,3), &curpt->pos); vaddto(&curpt->f, &grav); } else { // Take care of points that vector_t scaled; // are inside Earth curpt->pos = vscale(c_Re / vnorm(&curpt->pos), &curpt->pos); scaled = vscale(-vdot(&curpt->pos, &curpt->v) / c_Re / c_Re, &curpt->pos); vaddto(&curpt->v, &scaled); curpt->v = vscale(0, &curpt->v); } rotf = vscale(c_Vang * c_Vang * curpt->m, &curpt->pos); rotf.z = 0; vset(&coriolis, 2 * curpt->v.y * curpt->m * c_Vang, -2 * curpt->v.x * curpt->m * c_Vang, 0); vaddto(&curpt->f, &rotf); vaddto(&curpt->f, &coriolis); vaddscaled(&curpt->v, TIMESTEP / curpt->m, &curpt->f); vaddscaled(&curpt->pos, TIMESTEP, &curpt->v); if(curtime <= 0) { curpt->v = vscale(.99, &curpt->v); } }
void UpdateCamera() { vsub(&cameraPtr->dir, &cameraPtr->target, &cameraPtr->orig); vnorm(&cameraPtr->dir); const Vec up = {0.f, 1.f, 0.f}; const float fov = (M_PI / 180.f) * 45.f; vxcross(&cameraPtr->x, &cameraPtr->dir, &up); vnorm(&cameraPtr->x); vsmul(&cameraPtr->x, width * fov / height, &cameraPtr->x); vxcross(&cameraPtr->y, &cameraPtr->x, &cameraPtr->dir); vnorm(&cameraPtr->y); vsmul(&cameraPtr->y, fov, &cameraPtr->y); }
msym_error_t findSymmetryOperations(int esl, msym_equivalence_set_t es[], msym_thresholds_t *t, int *lsops, msym_symmetry_operation_t **sops){ msym_error_t ret = MSYM_SUCCESS; msym_symmetry_operation_t *rsops = NULL; int lrsops = 0; for(int i = 0; i < esl;i++){ int llsops = lrsops; if(MSYM_SUCCESS != (ret = findEquivalenceSetSymmetryOperations(&es[i], t, &lrsops, &rsops))) goto err; if(llsops > 0 && lrsops == 0) { free(rsops); rsops = NULL; break; } } for(int i = 0;i < lrsops;i++){ vnorm(rsops[i].v); } *lsops = lrsops; *sops = rsops; return ret; err: free(rsops); *sops = NULL; *lsops = 0; return ret; }
void calcnormals(Gobject *o, int mallocnormals){ int aktpoly = -1, edges,i1,i2,i3, normanz = 0, aktnorm = 0; vec norm; double erg; while ((edges = o->polygons[++aktpoly])!=0){ normanz++; aktpoly+=edges+2; } /* printf("Calcnormals.Normanzahl:%i\n",normanz);*/ if (mallocnormals) o->na=malloc(sizeof(vec)*normanz); aktpoly=0; for (aktnorm=0;aktnorm<normanz;aktnorm++){ i1=o->polygons[aktpoly+3]; i2=o->polygons[aktpoly+4]; i3=o->polygons[aktpoly+5]; veq(norm,vnorm(vp(vdiff(o->va[i2],o->va[i1]),vdiff(o->va[i3],o->va[i1])))); if (o->type==V3DPOLYHEDRON){ erg=sp(vdiff(o->va[i1],o->posmc),norm);vreset(); if (erg<0) veq(norm,sm(-1,norm)); if (erg==0){printf("Fehler in calcnormals: Normale nicht definiert\n"); } } /* pv(norm);*/ veq(o->na[aktnorm],norm); o->polygons[aktpoly+1]=aktnorm; aktpoly+=o->polygons[aktpoly]+3; } }
void SlideNavmesh::update(const float dt) { if (!m_update && !m_step) return; m_step = false; const float maxSpeed = 1.0f; NavmeshAgent* agent = &m_scene.agents[0]; // Find next corner to steer to. // Smooth corner finding does a little bit of magic to calculate spline // like curve (or first tangent) based on current position and movement direction // next couple of corners. float corner[2],dir[2]; int last = 1; vsub(dir, agent->pos, agent->oldpos); // This delta handles wall-hugging better than using current velocity. vnorm(dir); vcpy(corner, agent->pos); if (m_moveMode == AGENTMOVE_SMOOTH || m_moveMode == AGENTMOVE_DRUNK) last = agentFindNextCornerSmooth(agent, dir, m_scene.nav, corner); else last = agentFindNextCorner(agent, m_scene.nav, corner); if (last && vdist(agent->pos, corner) < 0.02f) { // Reached goal vcpy(agent->oldpos, agent->pos); vset(agent->dvel, 0,0); vcpy(agent->vel, agent->dvel); return; } vsub(agent->dvel, corner, agent->pos); // Apply style if (m_moveMode == AGENTMOVE_DRUNK) { agent->t += dt*4; float amp = cosf(agent->t)*0.25f; float nx = -agent->dvel[1]; float ny = agent->dvel[0]; agent->dvel[0] += nx * amp; agent->dvel[1] += ny * amp; } // Limit desired velocity to max speed. const float distToTarget = vdist(agent->pos,agent->target); const float clampedSpeed = maxSpeed * min(1.0f, distToTarget/agent->rad); vsetlen(agent->dvel, clampedSpeed); vcpy(agent->vel, agent->dvel); // Move agent vscale(agent->delta, agent->vel, dt); float npos[2]; vadd(npos, agent->pos, agent->delta); agentMoveAndAdjustCorridor(&m_scene.agents[0], npos, m_scene.nav); }
void UpdateRenderingCPU(void) { double startTime = WallClockTime(); const float invWidth = 1.f / width; const float invHeight = 1.f / height; int x, y; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { /* Loop over image rows */ for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { /* Loop cols */ const int i = (height - y - 1) * width + x; const int i2 = 2 * i; const float r1 = GetRandom(&seeds[i2], &seeds[i2 + 1]) - .5f; const float r2 = GetRandom(&seeds[i2], &seeds[i2 + 1]) - .5f; const float kcx = (x + r1) * invWidth - .5f; const float kcy = (y + r2) * invHeight - .5f; Vec rdir; vinit(rdir, camera.x.x * kcx + camera.y.x * kcy + camera.dir.x, camera.x.y * kcx + camera.y.y * kcy + camera.dir.y, camera.x.z * kcx + camera.y.z * kcy + camera.dir.z); Vec rorig; vsmul(rorig, 0.1f, rdir); vadd(rorig, rorig, camera.orig) vnorm(rdir); const Ray ray = {rorig, rdir}; Vec r; RadiancePathTracing(spheres, sphereCount, &ray, &seeds[i2], &seeds[i2 + 1], &r); if (currentSample == 0) colors[i] = r; else { const float k1 = currentSample; const float k2 = 1.f / (k1 + 1.f); colors[i].x = (colors[i].x * k1 + r.x) * k2; colors[i].y = (colors[i].y * k1 + r.y) * k2; colors[i].z = (colors[i].z * k1 + r.z) * k2; } pixels[y * width + x] = toInt(colors[i].x) | (toInt(colors[i].y) << 8) | (toInt(colors[i].z) << 16); } } const float elapsedTime = WallClockTime() - startTime; const float sampleSec = height * width / elapsedTime; sprintf(captionBuffer, "Rendering time %.3f sec (pass %d) Sample/sec %.1fK\n", elapsedTime, currentSample, sampleSec / 1000.f); currentSample++; }
/** \brief thresholding as proposed in the Matlab Wavelet-Toolbox. \ingroup grpwavelet \code case 'heursure' hthr = sqrt(2*log(n)); eta = (norm(x).^2-n)/n; crit = (log(n)/log(2))^(1.5)/sqrt(n); if eta < crit thr = hthr; else thr = min(thselect(x,'rigrsure'),hthr); end \endcode */ double heuristic_sure(const double *data, int n){ dprintf("Db: heuristic_sure\n"); double hthr, etat, crit; hthr = sqrt(2*log(n)); etat = (pow(vnorm(data, n, 2), 2)-n)/(double)n; crit = pow((log(n)/log(2)), 1.5)/sqrt(n); if(etat < crit) return hthr; else return fmin(sureshrink(data, n), hthr); }
/* bond energy 1/2 k (r - r0)^2 */ static double potbond(double *a, double *b, double r0, double kr, double *fa, double *fb) { double dx[D], r, dr, amp; r = vnorm( vdiff(dx, a, b) ); dr = r - r0; amp = kr * dr / r; vsinc(fa, dx, -amp); vsinc(fb, dx, amp); return 0.5 * kr * dr * dr; }
int le_save_task(le_task *t, const char *file) { int i, j; FILE *fp = fopen(file, "w"); if (fp == NULL) { perror("Failed to open file"); return 1; } fprintf(fp, "# vtk DataFile Version 3.0\n"); fprintf(fp, "Created by le_save_task\n"); fprintf(fp, "BINARY\n"); fprintf(fp, "DATASET STRUCTURED_POINTS\n"); fprintf(fp, "DIMENSIONS %d %d 1\n", t->n.x, t->n.y); fprintf(fp, "SPACING %f %f 0.0\n", t->h.x, t->h.y); fprintf(fp, "ORIGIN 0.0 0.0 0.0\n"); fprintf(fp, "POINT_DATA %d\n", t->n.x * t->n.y); /* velocity */ fprintf(fp, "SCALARS v float 1\n"); fprintf(fp, "LOOKUP_TABLE v_table\n"); for (j = 0; j < t->n.y; j++) { for (i = 0; i < t->n.x; i++) { float v; if (t->stype == ST_AOS) { v = vnorm(gind(i, j).v); } else if (t->stype == ST_SOA) { le_vec2 vt = { soa_vx(i, j), soa_vy(i, j) }; v = vnorm(vt); } else { assert(0); } write_float(fp, v); } } /* * You can use the same code for saving other variables. */ fclose(fp); return 0; }
void simul() { for(int i = 0; i < numpoints; i++) { vset(&points[i].f, 0, 0, 0); } for(int i = 0; i < numpoints - 1; i++) { vector_t vdiff; GLdouble axialv, frict, elast; vector_t diff = vsub(&points[i+1].pos, &points[i].pos); GLdouble l = vnorm(&diff); vector_t f; elast = points[i].k * (1 - points[i].initlen / l); if(elast < 0) { elast = 0; } points[i].tension = elast * l; vdiff = vsub(&points[i+1].v, &points[i].v); axialv = vdot(&vdiff, &diff) / l; frict = axialv / l * points[i].frict; f = vscale(elast + frict, &diff); vaddto(&points[i].f, &f); vsubfrom(&points[i+1].f, &f); } for(int i = 0; i < numpoints; i++) { double loading = points[i].tension / points[i].crosssect / c_Slim; if(loading > 1 && curtime > 0) { points[i].k = 0; points[i].frict = 0; } } for(int i = 0; i < numpoints; i++) { pointdynamics(&points[i]); } { points[0].pos.x = c_Re * cos(0 / 180.0 * M_PI); points[0].pos.y = 0; points[0].pos.z = c_Re * sin(0 / 180.0 * M_PI); vset(&points[0].v, 0, 0, 0); if(curtime > 1) { points[BREAKPOINT].k = 0; points[BREAKPOINT].frict = 0; } } curtime += TIMESTEP; }
double DistanceTransform::distance2Triangle(const Point3f& pnt, int nt, Point3f& nearPnt) { double dist, temp[3]; Point3f v0, v1, v2; p_Surf->getTriVerts(nt, v0, v1, v2); Vector3f norm; p_Surf->getTriNormal(nt, norm); vector3 vnorm(norm[0], norm[1], norm[2]), vdiff; Point3f edgePnt; //1) First compute the shortest distance from the pnt to the plane of the Triangle. vdiff[0] = pnt[0] - v0[0]; vdiff[1] = pnt[1] - v0[1]; vdiff[2] = pnt[2] - v0[2]; dist = DotProduct(vdiff, vnorm); nearPnt[0] = pnt[0] - dist * norm[0]; nearPnt[1] = pnt[1] - dist * norm[1]; nearPnt[2] = pnt[2] - dist * norm[2]; //2) Then check if the projected point is within the triangle or not. // if yes, then the above is the correct shortest distance. if(pointInTriangle(nearPnt, v0, v1, v2, norm)) { return fabs(dist); } //3) now, the closest point must on the edge. // find the nearest point on each edge. dist = distance2Edge(pnt, v0, v1, nearPnt); double edgeDist = distance2Edge(pnt, v1, v2, edgePnt); if(edgeDist < dist) { dist = edgeDist; nearPnt = edgePnt; } edgeDist = distance2Edge(pnt, v2, v0, edgePnt); if(edgeDist < dist) { dist = edgeDist; nearPnt = edgePnt; } assert(dist >= 0); return dist; }
void draw_thick_curve_segment(float t, vector *pos, vector *dir, void *args) { draw_thick_curve_segment_args *dtcsargs=(draw_thick_curve_segment_args*) args; // Compute a vector from the point pos to the edge of the current segment: vector toedge; vcopy_as(&toedge, dir); vrotz(&toedge, M_PI_2); vnorm(&toedge); float width = (*(dtcsargs->width_func))(t, dtcsargs->width_param); vscale(&toedge, width/2.0); curve segment; // actually just a straight line... segment.from.x = pos->x - toedge.x; // from one edge segment.from.y = pos->y - toedge.y; segment.from.z = 0; segment.come_from.x = pos->x - toedge.x; segment.come_from.y = pos->y - toedge.y; segment.come_from.z = 0; segment.go_towards.x = pos->x + toedge.x; // to the other segment.go_towards.y = pos->y + toedge.y; segment.go_towards.z = 0; = pos->x + toedge.x; = pos->y + toedge.y; = 0; // Draw our segment: draw_curve( dtcsargs->tx, &segment, dtcsargs->color ); // Draw the shade pixel: tx_set_px( dtcsargs->tx, dtcsargs->shade_color, (size_t) segment.from.x, (size_t) segment.from.y ); }
void contour3d(Contour* c){ int i,j,*k; vecp v; matp m; if (c->initialized==0){ c->tva=malloc((c->vaakt+1)*sizeof(vec)); c->na=malloc((c->polakt+1)*sizeof(vec)); c->sp=malloc((c->polakt+1)*sizeof(vec)); c->points=malloc((c->polakt+1)*sizeof(DPoint)); c->Garray=malloc((c->polakt+1)*sizeof(Gobject)); for (i=0;i<=c->polakt;i++) { c->Garray[i].na=c->na; c->Garray[i].tva=c->tva; c->Garray[i].poswc=(vecp) &c->sp[i]; /* compiler distinguishes between vec* and vecp */ c->Garray[i].points=c->points; c->Garray[i].polygons=&c->pol[i*6]; c->Garray[i].drawstruct=drawtrianglelight; j=c->pol[i*6]; veq(c->na[i],vnorm(vp(vdiff(c->va[j+4],c->va[j+3]),vdiff(c->va[j+5],c->va[j+3])))); } c->initialized=1; } /* Transformation, die jedes Mal durchlaufen wird. */ meq(c->mc2wcmn,getmc2wcmn()); meq(c->mc2wcm,getmc2wcm()); veq(c->mc2wcv,getmc2wcv()); m=c->mc2wcm; v=c->mc2wcv; for (i=0;i<=c->vaakt;i++) { veq(c->tva[i],vsum(matvecmul(m,c->va[i]),v)); wc2dc(&c->points[i].x,&c->points[i].y,c->tva[i]); } for (i=0;i<=c->polakt;i++){ /* Schwerpunkt in Weltkoordinaten */ k=&c->pol[i*6+3]; veq(c->sp[i],sm(0.33333, vsum(vsum(c->tva[*k],c->tva[*(k+1)]),c->tva[*(k+2)]))); insertGobject(&c->Garray[i]); } }
void geRK4ApplyGravity(ge_RK4State* s1, ge_RK4State* s2){ const double G = 6.67234E-11; double d = vdist(s1->position, s2->position); if(d <= 1.0 || d < s1->radius_min || d < s2->radius_min){ return; } double P = G * ((s1->mass * s2->mass) / (d * d)); ge_Vector3d force, f1, f2; force.x = s2->position.x - s1->position.x; force.y = s2->position.y - s1->position.y; force.z = s2->position.z - s1->position.z; force = vnorm(force); force = vmulk(force, P); f1.x = force.x; f1.y = force.y; f1.z = force.z; f2.x = -force.x; f2.y = -force.y; f2.z = -force.z; geRK4ApplyForce(s1, f1); geRK4ApplyForce(s2, f2); }
void le_set_ball(le_task *t, const le_vec2 c, const real r, const real s) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < t->n.x; i++) { for (j = 0; j < t->n.y; j++) { le_vec2 x = {t->h.x * i, t->h.y * j}; le_vec2 d = {x.x - c.x, x.y - c.y}; if (vnorm(d) < r) { /* * Set pressure disturbance, */ if (t->stype == ST_AOS) { gind(i, j).s.xx = s; gind(i, j).s.yy = s; } else if (t->stype == ST_SOA) { soa_sxx(i, j) = s; soa_syy(i, j) = s; } else { assert(0); } } } } }
int pt_in_gt (struct pt *p, struct groundtri *gt) { double theta; struct vect v1, v2; theta = 0; psub (&v1, >->p1, p); vnorm (&v1, &v1); psub (&v2, >->p2, p); vnorm (&v2, &v2); theta += acos (vdot (&v1, &v2)); psub (&v1, >->p2, p); vnorm (&v1, &v1); psub (&v2, >->p3, p); vnorm (&v2, &v2); theta += acos (vdot (&v1, &v2)); psub (&v1, >->p3, p); vnorm (&v1, &v1); psub (&v2, >->p1, p); vnorm (&v2, &v2); theta += acos (vdot (&v1, &v2)); if (theta >= DTOR ((360 - 1e-7))) { return (1); } return (0); }
void grounded_moving (void) { double now, dt; struct pt newpos; struct groundtri *gt; struct vect ctrl_vel; now = get_secs (); dt = now - player.lasttime; ctrl_vel.x = 0; ctrl_vel.y = 0; ctrl_vel.z = 0; if (fabs (player.p.z - ground_height (&player.p)) <= 1e6) { switch (player.moving) { case BACK: ctrl_vel.x = -.3 * player.speed * cos (player.theta); ctrl_vel.y = -.3 * player.speed * sin (player.theta); break; case FORW: ctrl_vel.x = player.speed * cos (player.theta); ctrl_vel.y = player.speed * sin (player.theta); break; case SIDE_Q: ctrl_vel.x = player.speed * cos (player.theta + DTOR (90)); ctrl_vel.y = player.speed * sin (player.theta + DTOR (90)); break; case SIDE_E: ctrl_vel.x = player.speed * cos (player.theta - DTOR (90)); ctrl_vel.y = player.speed * sin (player.theta - DTOR (90)); break; case FORW_Q: ctrl_vel.x = player.speed * cos (player.theta + DTOR (45)); ctrl_vel.y = player.speed * sin (player.theta + DTOR (45)); break; case FORW_E: ctrl_vel.x = player.speed * cos (player.theta - DTOR (45)); ctrl_vel.y = player.speed * sin (player.theta - DTOR (45)); break; case BACK_Q: ctrl_vel.x = -.3 * player.speed * cos (player.theta - DTOR (45)); ctrl_vel.y = -.3 * player.speed * sin (player.theta - DTOR (45)); break; case BACK_E: ctrl_vel.x = -.3 * player.speed * cos (player.theta + DTOR (45)); ctrl_vel.y = -.3 * player.speed * sin (player.theta + DTOR (45)); break; } } newpos.x = player.p.x + ctrl_vel.x * dt; newpos.y = player.p.y + ctrl_vel.y * dt; newpos.z = player.p.z + ctrl_vel.z * dt; psub (&player.vel, &newpos, &player.p); vscal (&player.vel, &player.vel, 1 / dt); if ((gt = detect_plane (&newpos)) == NULL) { printf ("Can't find ground, moving player to start position " "to avoid seg fault\n"); player.p.x = 0; player.p.y = 0; player.p.z = ground_height (&player.p); player.movtype = GROUNDED; player.loc = detect_plane (&player.p); return; } if (gt->theta < DTOR (50)) { newpos.z = ground_height (&newpos); psub (&player.vel, &newpos, &player.p); vscal (&player.vel, &player.vel, 1 / dt); player.p = newpos; } else if (newpos.z > gt->pl.middle.z) { //imperfect detection of cliffs but tolerable for now player.p = newpos; player.movtype = FALLING; printf ("switching to falling\n"); } else { if (gt == player.loc) { printf ("line %d: HORRIBLE MESSINESS\n", __LINE__); paused = YES; printf ("paused game\n"); return; } struct vect v1, v2; vnorm (&v2, &ctrl_vel); vcross (&v1, &player.loc->normv, >->normv); vnorm (&v1, &v1); if (vdot (&v1, &v2) < 0) vscal (&v1, &v1, -1); vscal (&ctrl_vel, &v1, vdot (&ctrl_vel, &v1)); newpos.x = player.p.x + ctrl_vel.x * dt; newpos.y = player.p.y + ctrl_vel.y * dt; newpos.z = player.p.z + ctrl_vel.z * dt; newpos.z = ground_height (&newpos); psub (&player.vel, &newpos, &player.p); vscal (&player.vel, &player.vel, 1 / dt); player.p = newpos; } }
/****************************************************************** * Solve Inverse Kinematics ******************************************************************/ double sKinematics::solveIKPalmItr(double x_dest[], int axis, double dir_dest[], double q_rest[], double q_out[]) { int i,j; double *q_old, *q_curr, *q_delta, *q_null; double x[3], dir[3]; double ox[6]; double error_old, error; error_old = 1000.0; // set maximum error; q_old = svector(dof); q_curr = svector(dof); q_delta= svector(dof); q_null = svector(dof); while(1){ getJacobianPalm(axis, OJ ); getEndPos(x); getEndDirAxis(axis, dir); getJoints(q_curr); for( i=0; i<3; i++ ){ ox[i ] = x_dest[i]-x[i]; ox[i+3] = dir_dest[i] - dir[i]; } error = vnorm(6, ox ); //printf("%f \n", error ); // stop when the error reach to a local minimum if( error < IK_TOLERANCE ){ matcp_c1(dof, q_curr, q_out ); return error; } else if( abs(error_old - error) < IK_TOLERANCE ){ matcp_c1(dof, q_curr, q_out ); return error; } else if( error > error_old ){ matcp_c1(dof, q_old, q_out ); return error_old; } matcp_c1(dof, q_curr, q_old ); // solve inverse kinematics matsvdinvDLS(OJ, 6, dof, 0.01, OJi ); // set weight for( i=0; i<dof; i++ ){ for( j=0; j<6; j++ ){ OJi[i][j] *= sDH[active_index[i]].weight; } } matnull(6, dof, OJ, OJi, N ); matsub_c1(dof, q_rest, q_curr, q_null ); for(i=0; i<dof; i++ ) q_null[i] *= lamda; matmul_vec(OJi, dof, 6, ox, q_delta ); matadd_c1(dof, q_delta, q_curr ); matmul_vec( N, dof, dof, q_null, q_delta ); matadd_c1(dof, q_delta, q_curr ); checkVelocityLimit(q_old, q_curr, deltaT); setJoints(q_curr); getEndPos(x); getEndDirAxis(axis, dir); for( i=0; i<3; i++ ){ ox[i ] = x_dest[i]-x[i]; ox[i+3] = dir_dest[i] - dir[i]; } error = vnorm(6, ox ); error_old = error; } }
void old_grounded_moving (void) { double now, dt; struct pt newpos; struct groundtri *gt; struct vect v1, v2, ctrl_vel; now = get_secs (); dt = now - player.lasttime; ctrl_vel.x = 0; ctrl_vel.y = 0; ctrl_vel.z = 0; if (player.p.z <= ground_height (&player.p)) { switch (player.moving) { case BACK: ctrl_vel.x = -.3 * player.speed * cos (player.theta); ctrl_vel.y = -.3 * player.speed * sin (player.theta); break; case FORW: ctrl_vel.x = player.speed * cos (player.theta); ctrl_vel.y = player.speed * sin (player.theta); break; case SIDE_Q: ctrl_vel.x = player.speed * cos (player.theta + DTOR (90)); ctrl_vel.y = player.speed * sin (player.theta + DTOR (90)); break; case SIDE_E: ctrl_vel.x = player.speed * cos (player.theta - DTOR (90)); ctrl_vel.y = player.speed * sin (player.theta - DTOR (90)); break; case FORW_Q: ctrl_vel.x = player.speed * cos (player.theta + DTOR (45)); ctrl_vel.y = player.speed * sin (player.theta + DTOR (45)); break; case FORW_E: ctrl_vel.x = player.speed * cos (player.theta - DTOR (45)); ctrl_vel.y = player.speed * sin (player.theta - DTOR (45)); break; case BACK_Q: ctrl_vel.x = -.3 * player.speed * cos (player.theta - DTOR (45)); ctrl_vel.y = -.3 * player.speed * sin (player.theta - DTOR (45)); break; case BACK_E: ctrl_vel.x = -.3 * player.speed * cos (player.theta + DTOR (45)); ctrl_vel.y = -.3 * player.speed * sin (player.theta + DTOR (45)); break; } } newpos.x = player.p.x + ctrl_vel.x * dt; newpos.y = player.p.y + ctrl_vel.y * dt; newpos.z = player.p.z + ctrl_vel.z * dt; psub (&player.vel, &newpos, &player.p); vscal (&player.vel, &player.vel, 1 / dt); if ((gt = detect_plane (&newpos)) == NULL) { printf ("Can't find ground, moving player to start position " "to avoid seg fault\n"); player.p.x = 0; player.p.y = 0; player.p.z = ground_height (&player.p); player.movtype = GROUNDED; player.loc = detect_plane (&player.p); return; } if (gt->theta < DTOR (50)) { newpos.z = ground_height (&newpos); psub (&player.vel, &newpos, &player.p); vscal (&player.vel, &player.vel, 1 / dt); player.p = newpos; } else if (newpos.z > gt->pl.middle.z) { player.p = newpos; player.movtype = FALLING; printf ("switching to falling\n"); } else if (newpos.z <= gt->pl.middle.z) { if (gt == player.loc) { printf ("line %d: some sort of bug caused" " player to be in grounded mode while" " on steep plane\n", __LINE__); pt_on_z_plane (&newpos, &newpos, &player.loc->pl); player.p = newpos; printf ("shifting player to nearest point on" " plane with same z\n"); vset (&player.vel, 0, 0, 0); printf ("killing player velocity\n"); player.movtype = FALLING; printf ("switching to falling\n"); paused = YES; printf ("paused game\n"); return; } vnorm (&v2, &ctrl_vel); vcross (&v1, &player.loc->normv, >->normv); vnorm (&v1, &v1); if (vdot (&v1, &v2) < 0) vscal (&v1, &v1, -1); vscal (&ctrl_vel, &v1, vdot (&ctrl_vel, &v1)); newpos.x = player.p.x + ctrl_vel.x * dt; newpos.y = player.p.y + ctrl_vel.y * dt; newpos.z = player.p.z + ctrl_vel.z * dt; if ((gt = detect_plane (&newpos)) == NULL) { printf ("can't detect plane, exiting\n"); exit (1); } if (gt->theta < DTOR (50)) { newpos.z = ground_height (&newpos); psub (&player.vel, &newpos, &player.p); vscal (&player.vel, &player.vel, 1 / dt); printf ("bar\n"); player.p = newpos; } else { // struct groundtri *first_col, *last_col, *gt2; // int i; //PLAYER STARTS MOVING INTO GROUND BEFORE THIS EVER //HAPPENS printf ("pausing\n"); paused = YES; /* i = 0; */ /* first_col = NULL; */ /* last_col = NULL; */ /* for (gt2 = first_groundtri; gt2; gt2 = gt2->next) { */ /* if (detect_collision (&player.p, */ /* &newpos, gt2)) { */ /* if (first_col == NULL) { */ /* first_col = gt2; */ /* } else { */ /* last_col->next = gt2; */ /* } */ /* last_col = gt2; */ /* i++; */ /* } */ /* } */ /* if (first_col == NULL) { */ /* printf ("%s: %s: %d: something weird\n", */ /* __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); */ /* } */ /* printf ("number of collisions: %d\n", i); */ //TRY PROJECTING PLAYER TO LINE OF INTERSECTION //BETWEEN OLD & NEW PLANES. IF PLAYER IS STILL //INSIDE ANY PLANES, GRAB THREE PLANES AND GO //TO INTERSECTION POINT OF THOSE. MIGHT WANT //TO CHECK FOR OVER THREE PLANES JUST IN CASE /* printf ("player.z: %g\n", player.p.z); */ /* newpos = player.p; */ /* rnd_escape (&newpos, gt); */ /* printf ("ran rnd_escape\n"); */ /* gt = detect_plane (&newpos); */ /* double b2; */ /* b2 = newpos.y - (gt->pl.b / gt->pl.a) * newpos.x; */ /* newpos.x = -(b2 * gt->pl.a * gt->pl.b */ /* + gt->pl.c * newpos.z * gt->pl.a */ /* + gt->pl.d * gt->pl.a) */ /* / (square (gt->pl.a) + square (gt->pl.b)); */ /* newpos.y = (gt->pl.b / gt->pl.a) * newpos.x + b2; */ /* player.p = newpos; */ /* printf ("shifting player to nearest point on" */ /* " plane with same z\n"); */ /* gt = detect_plane (&player.p); */ /* printf ("re detected plane\n"); */ /* if (gt->theta >= DTOR (50)) { */ /* printf ("rnd_escape put player on slope," */ /* " changing player to falling\n"); */ /* player.movtype = FALLING; */ /* printf ("killing velocity\n"); */ /* vset (&player.vel, 0, 0, 0); */ /* } */ /* printf ("player.z: %g\n", player.p.z); */ } } else { printf ("this should never be printed\n"); } }
/************************************************************************* Testing Nearest Neighbor Search on uniformly distributed hypercube NormType: 0, 1, 2 D: space dimension N: points count *************************************************************************/ static void testkdtuniform(const ap::real_2d_array& xy, const int& n, const int& nx, const int& ny, const int& normtype, bool& kdterrors) { double errtol; ap::integer_1d_array tags; ap::real_1d_array ptx; ap::real_1d_array tmpx; ap::boolean_1d_array tmpb; kdtree treex; kdtree treexy; kdtree treext; ap::real_2d_array qx; ap::real_2d_array qxy; ap::integer_1d_array qtags; ap::real_1d_array qr; int kx; int kxy; int kt; int kr; double eps; int i; int j; int k; int task; bool isequal; double r; int q; int qcount; qcount = 10; // // Tol - roundoff error tolerance (for '>=' comparisons) // errtol = 100000*ap::machineepsilon; // // fill tags // tags.setlength(n); for(i = 0; i <= n-1; i++) { tags(i) = i; } // // build trees // kdtreebuild(xy, n, nx, 0, normtype, treex); kdtreebuild(xy, n, nx, ny, normtype, treexy); kdtreebuildtagged(xy, tags, n, nx, 0, normtype, treext); // // allocate arrays // tmpx.setlength(nx); tmpb.setlength(n); qx.setlength(n, nx); qxy.setlength(n, nx+ny); qtags.setlength(n); qr.setlength(n); ptx.setlength(nx); // // test general K-NN queries (with self-matches): // * compare results from different trees (must be equal) and // check that correct (value,tag) pairs are returned // * test results from XT tree - let R be radius of query result. // then all points not in result must be not closer than R. // for(q = 1; q <= qcount; q++) { // // Select K: 1..N // if( ap::fp_greater(ap::randomreal(),0.5) ) { k = 1+ap::randominteger(n); } else { k = 1; } // // Select point (either one of the points, or random) // if( ap::fp_greater(ap::randomreal(),0.5) ) { i = ap::randominteger(n); ap::vmove(&ptx(0), 1, &xy(i, 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1)); } else { for(i = 0; i <= nx-1; i++) { ptx(i) = 2*ap::randomreal()-1; } } // // Test: // * consistency of results from different queries // * points in query are IN the R-sphere (or at the boundary), // and points not in query are outside of the R-sphere (or at the boundary) // * distances are correct and are ordered // kx = kdtreequeryknn(treex, ptx, k, true); kxy = kdtreequeryknn(treexy, ptx, k, true); kt = kdtreequeryknn(treext, ptx, k, true); if( kx!=k||kxy!=k||kt!=k ) { kdterrors = true; return; } kx = 0; kxy = 0; kt = 0; kdtreequeryresultsx(treex, qx, kx); kdtreequeryresultsxy(treexy, qxy, kxy); kdtreequeryresultstags(treext, qtags, kt); kdtreequeryresultsdistances(treext, qr, kr); if( kx!=k||kxy!=k||kt!=k||kr!=k ) { kdterrors = true; return; } kdterrors = kdterrors||kdtresultsdifferent(xy, n, qx, qxy, qtags, k, nx, ny); for(i = 0; i <= n-1; i++) { tmpb(i) = true; } r = 0; for(i = 0; i <= k-1; i++) { tmpb(qtags(i)) = false; ap::vmove(&tmpx(0), 1, &ptx(0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1)); ap::vsub(&tmpx(0), 1, &qx(i, 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1)); r = ap::maxreal(r, vnorm(tmpx, nx, normtype)); } for(i = 0; i <= n-1; i++) { if( tmpb(i) ) { ap::vmove(&tmpx(0), 1, &ptx(0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1)); ap::vsub(&tmpx(0), 1, &xy(i, 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1)); kdterrors = kdterrors||ap::fp_less(vnorm(tmpx, nx, normtype),r*(1-errtol)); } } for(i = 0; i <= k-2; i++) { kdterrors = kdterrors||ap::fp_greater(qr(i),qr(i+1)); } for(i = 0; i <= k-1; i++) { ap::vmove(&tmpx(0), 1, &ptx(0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1)); ap::vsub(&tmpx(0), 1, &xy(qtags(i), 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1)); kdterrors = kdterrors||ap::fp_greater(fabs(vnorm(tmpx, nx, normtype)-qr(i)),errtol); } } // // test general approximate K-NN queries (with self-matches): // * compare results from different trees (must be equal) and // check that correct (value,tag) pairs are returned // * test results from XT tree - let R be radius of query result. // then all points not in result must be not closer than R/(1+Eps). // for(q = 1; q <= qcount; q++) { // // Select K: 1..N // if( ap::fp_greater(ap::randomreal(),0.5) ) { k = 1+ap::randominteger(n); } else { k = 1; } // // Select Eps // eps = 0.5+ap::randomreal(); // // Select point (either one of the points, or random) // if( ap::fp_greater(ap::randomreal(),0.5) ) { i = ap::randominteger(n); ap::vmove(&ptx(0), 1, &xy(i, 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1)); } else { for(i = 0; i <= nx-1; i++) { ptx(i) = 2*ap::randomreal()-1; } } // // Test: // * consistency of results from different queries // * points in query are IN the R-sphere (or at the boundary), // and points not in query are outside of the R-sphere (or at the boundary) // * distances are correct and are ordered // kx = kdtreequeryaknn(treex, ptx, k, true, eps); kxy = kdtreequeryaknn(treexy, ptx, k, true, eps); kt = kdtreequeryaknn(treext, ptx, k, true, eps); if( kx!=k||kxy!=k||kt!=k ) { kdterrors = true; return; } kx = 0; kxy = 0; kt = 0; kdtreequeryresultsx(treex, qx, kx); kdtreequeryresultsxy(treexy, qxy, kxy); kdtreequeryresultstags(treext, qtags, kt); kdtreequeryresultsdistances(treext, qr, kr); if( kx!=k||kxy!=k||kt!=k||kr!=k ) { kdterrors = true; return; } kdterrors = kdterrors||kdtresultsdifferent(xy, n, qx, qxy, qtags, k, nx, ny); for(i = 0; i <= n-1; i++) { tmpb(i) = true; } r = 0; for(i = 0; i <= k-1; i++) { tmpb(qtags(i)) = false; ap::vmove(&tmpx(0), 1, &ptx(0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1)); ap::vsub(&tmpx(0), 1, &qx(i, 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1)); r = ap::maxreal(r, vnorm(tmpx, nx, normtype)); } for(i = 0; i <= n-1; i++) { if( tmpb(i) ) { ap::vmove(&tmpx(0), 1, &ptx(0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1)); ap::vsub(&tmpx(0), 1, &xy(i, 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1)); kdterrors = kdterrors||ap::fp_less(vnorm(tmpx, nx, normtype),r*(1-errtol)/(1+eps)); } } for(i = 0; i <= k-2; i++) { kdterrors = kdterrors||ap::fp_greater(qr(i),qr(i+1)); } for(i = 0; i <= k-1; i++) { ap::vmove(&tmpx(0), 1, &ptx(0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1)); ap::vsub(&tmpx(0), 1, &xy(qtags(i), 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1)); kdterrors = kdterrors||ap::fp_greater(fabs(vnorm(tmpx, nx, normtype)-qr(i)),errtol); } } // // test general R-NN queries (with self-matches): // * compare results from different trees (must be equal) and // check that correct (value,tag) pairs are returned // * test results from XT tree - let R be radius of query result. // then all points not in result must be not closer than R. // for(q = 1; q <= qcount; q++) { // // Select R // if( ap::fp_greater(ap::randomreal(),0.3) ) { r = ap::maxreal(ap::randomreal(), ap::machineepsilon); } else { r = ap::machineepsilon; } // // Select point (either one of the points, or random) // if( ap::fp_greater(ap::randomreal(),0.5) ) { i = ap::randominteger(n); ap::vmove(&ptx(0), 1, &xy(i, 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1)); } else { for(i = 0; i <= nx-1; i++) { ptx(i) = 2*ap::randomreal()-1; } } // // Test: // * consistency of results from different queries // * points in query are IN the R-sphere (or at the boundary), // and points not in query are outside of the R-sphere (or at the boundary) // * distances are correct and are ordered // kx = kdtreequeryrnn(treex, ptx, r, true); kxy = kdtreequeryrnn(treexy, ptx, r, true); kt = kdtreequeryrnn(treext, ptx, r, true); if( kxy!=kx||kt!=kx ) { kdterrors = true; return; } kx = 0; kxy = 0; kt = 0; kdtreequeryresultsx(treex, qx, kx); kdtreequeryresultsxy(treexy, qxy, kxy); kdtreequeryresultstags(treext, qtags, kt); kdtreequeryresultsdistances(treext, qr, kr); if( kxy!=kx||kt!=kx||kr!=kx ) { kdterrors = true; return; } kdterrors = kdterrors||kdtresultsdifferent(xy, n, qx, qxy, qtags, kx, nx, ny); for(i = 0; i <= n-1; i++) { tmpb(i) = true; } for(i = 0; i <= kx-1; i++) { tmpb(qtags(i)) = false; } for(i = 0; i <= n-1; i++) { ap::vmove(&tmpx(0), 1, &ptx(0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1)); ap::vsub(&tmpx(0), 1, &xy(i, 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1)); if( tmpb(i) ) { kdterrors = kdterrors||ap::fp_less(vnorm(tmpx, nx, normtype),r*(1-errtol)); } else { kdterrors = kdterrors||ap::fp_greater(vnorm(tmpx, nx, normtype),r*(1+errtol)); } } for(i = 0; i <= kx-2; i++) { kdterrors = kdterrors||ap::fp_greater(qr(i),qr(i+1)); } } // // Test self-matching: // * self-match - nearest neighbor of each point in XY is the point itself // * no self-match - nearest neighbor is NOT the point itself // if( n>1 ) { // // test for N=1 have non-general form, but it is not really needed // for(task = 0; task <= 1; task++) { for(i = 0; i <= n-1; i++) { ap::vmove(&ptx(0), 1, &xy(i, 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nx-1)); kx = kdtreequeryknn(treex, ptx, 1, task==0); kdtreequeryresultsx(treex, qx, kx); if( kx!=1 ) { kdterrors = true; return; } isequal = true; for(j = 0; j <= nx-1; j++) { isequal = isequal&&ap::fp_eq(qx(0,j),ptx(j)); } if( task==0 ) { kdterrors = kdterrors||!isequal; } else { kdterrors = kdterrors||isequal; } } } } }
static void processSamples(KX_Obstacle* activeObst, KX_NavMeshObject* activeNavMeshObj, KX_Obstacles& obstacles, float levelHeight, const float vmax, const float* spos, const float cs, const int nspos, float* res, float maxToi, float velWeight, float curVelWeight, float sideWeight, float toiWeight) { vset(res, 0,0); const float ivmax = 1.0f / vmax; float adir[2], adist; vcpy(adir, activeObst->pvel); if (vlen(adir) > 0.01f) vnorm(adir); else vset(adir,0,0); float activeObstPos[2]; vset(activeObstPos, activeObst->m_pos.x(), activeObst->m_pos.y()); adist = vdot(adir, activeObstPos); float minPenalty = FLT_MAX; for (int n = 0; n < nspos; ++n) { float vcand[2]; vcpy(vcand, &spos[n*2]); // Find min time of impact and exit amongst all obstacles. float tmin = maxToi; float side = 0; int nside = 0; for (int i = 0; i < obstacles.size(); ++i) { KX_Obstacle* ob = obstacles[i]; bool res = filterObstacle(activeObst, activeNavMeshObj, ob, levelHeight); if (!res) continue; float htmin, htmax; if (ob->m_shape==KX_OBSTACLE_CIRCLE) { float vab[2]; // Moving, use RVO vscale(vab, vcand, 2); vsub(vab, vab, activeObst->vel); vsub(vab, vab, ob->vel); // Side // NOTE: dp, and dv are constant over the whole calculation, // they can be precomputed per object. const float* pa = activeObstPos; float pb[2]; vset(pb, ob->m_pos.x(), ob->m_pos.y()); const float orig[2] = {0,0}; float dp[2],dv[2],np[2]; vsub(dp,pb,pa); vnorm(dp); vsub(dv,ob->dvel, activeObst->dvel); const float a = triarea(orig, dp,dv); if (a < 0.01f) { np[0] = -dp[1]; np[1] = dp[0]; } else { np[0] = dp[1]; np[1] = -dp[0]; } side += clamp(min(vdot(dp,vab)*2,vdot(np,vab)*2), 0.0f, 1.0f); nside++; if (!sweepCircleCircle(activeObst->m_pos, activeObst->m_rad, vab, ob->m_pos, ob->m_rad, htmin, htmax)) continue; // Handle overlapping obstacles. if (htmin < 0.0f && htmax > 0.0f) { // Avoid more when overlapped. htmin = -htmin * 0.5f; } } else if (ob->m_shape == KX_OBSTACLE_SEGMENT) { MT_Point3 p1 = ob->m_pos; MT_Point3 p2 = ob->m_pos2; //apply world transform if (ob->m_type == KX_OBSTACLE_NAV_MESH) { KX_NavMeshObject* navmeshobj = static_cast<KX_NavMeshObject*>(ob->m_gameObj); p1 = navmeshobj->TransformToWorldCoords(p1); p2 = navmeshobj->TransformToWorldCoords(p2); } float p[2], q[2]; vset(p, p1.x(), p1.y()); vset(q, p2.x(), p2.y()); // NOTE: the segments are assumed to come from a navmesh which is shrunken by // the agent radius, hence the use of really small radius. // This can be handle more efficiently by using seg-seg test instead. // If the whole segment is to be treated as obstacle, use agent->rad instead of 0.01f! const float r = 0.01f; // agent->rad if (distPtSegSqr(activeObstPos, p, q) < sqr(r+ob->m_rad)) { float sdir[2], snorm[2]; vsub(sdir, q, p); snorm[0] = sdir[1]; snorm[1] = -sdir[0]; // If the velocity is pointing towards the segment, no collision. if (vdot(snorm, vcand) < 0.0f) continue; // Else immediate collision. htmin = 0.0f; htmax = 10.0f; } else { if (!sweepCircleSegment(activeObstPos, r, vcand, p, q, ob->m_rad, htmin, htmax)) continue; } // Avoid less when facing walls. htmin *= 2.0f; } if (htmin >= 0.0f) { // The closest obstacle is somewhere ahead of us, keep track of nearest obstacle. if (htmin < tmin) tmin = htmin; } } // Normalize side bias, to prevent it dominating too much. if (nside) side /= nside; const float vpen = velWeight * (vdist(vcand, activeObst->dvel) * ivmax); const float vcpen = curVelWeight * (vdist(vcand, activeObst->vel) * ivmax); const float spen = sideWeight * side; const float tpen = toiWeight * (1.0f/(0.1f+tmin/maxToi)); const float penalty = vpen + vcpen + spen + tpen; if (penalty < minPenalty) { minPenalty = penalty; vcpy(res, vcand); } } }
Symbolhandle rangen(Symbolhandle list) { Symbolhandle result = (Symbolhandle) 0, symhN, symhParam1, symhParam2; long sampleSize, lengthParam1, lengthParam2; long op, verbose = 1; long nargs = NARGS(list), margs; char *what1, *what2; char *badarg = "argument %ld (%s) to %s()"; char *badParam = "ERROR: argument %ld to %s() (%s) not REAL scalar or vector"; char *hasMissing = "ERROR: argument %ld to %s() (%s) has 1 or more MISSING values"; char *badLength = "ERROR: length of vector argument %ld to %s() (%s) differs from sample size"; WHERE("rangen"); /* generate a list of random numbers */ if (strcmp(FUNCNAME, "rnorm") == 0) { op = IRNORM; } else if (strcmp(FUNCNAME, "rpoi") == 0) { op = IRPOI; what1 = "mean"; } else if (strcmp(FUNCNAME, "rbin") == 0) { op = IRBINOM; what1 = "n"; what2 = "p"; } else { op = IRUNI; } margs = (op == IRBINOM) ? 3 : ((op == IRPOI) ? 2 : 1); OUTSTR[0] = '\0'; if (nargs != margs) { badNargs(FUNCNAME, margs); goto errorExit; } symhN = COMPVALUE(list,0); if (!isInteger(symhN, POSITIVEVALUE)) { char outstr[30]; sprintf(outstr, badarg, 1L, "sample size", FUNCNAME); notPositiveInteger(outstr); goto errorExit; } /*if (!isInteger(symhN, POSITIVEVALUE))*/ sampleSize = (long) DATAVALUE(symhN,0); if (margs > 1) { symhParam1 = COMPVALUE(list, 1); if (!argOK(symhParam1, 0, 2)) { goto errorExit; } lengthParam1 = symbolSize(symhParam1); if (TYPE(symhParam1) != REAL || !isVector(symhParam1)) { sprintf(OUTSTR, badParam, 2L, what1, FUNCNAME); } else if (anyMissing(symhParam1)) { sprintf(OUTSTR, hasMissing, 2L, what1, FUNCNAME); } else if (lengthParam1 > 1 && lengthParam1 != sampleSize) { sprintf(OUTSTR, badLength, 2L, what1, FUNCNAME); } else if (margs > 2) { symhParam2 = COMPVALUE(list, 2); if (!argOK(symhParam2, 0, 3)) { goto errorExit; } lengthParam2 = symbolSize(symhParam2); if (TYPE(symhParam2) != REAL || !isVector(symhParam2)) { sprintf(OUTSTR, badParam, 3L, what2, FUNCNAME); } else if (anyMissing(symhParam2)) { sprintf(OUTSTR, hasMissing, 3L, what2, FUNCNAME); } else if (lengthParam2 > 1 && lengthParam2 != sampleSize) { sprintf(OUTSTR, badLength, 3L, what2, FUNCNAME); } } if (*OUTSTR) { goto errorExit; } if (op == IRPOI) { /*rpoi(lambda)*/ if (doubleMin(DATAPTR(symhParam1), lengthParam1) < 0.0) { sprintf(OUTSTR, "ERROR: argument 2 (%s) to %s() has negative element", what1, FUNCNAME); } } else if (op == IRBINOM) { /*rbinom(samplesize,n,p)*/ long i; double *n = DATAPTR(symhParam1); for (i = 0; i < lengthParam1; i++) { if (n[i] < 1 || n[i] != floor(n[i])) { sprintf(OUTSTR, "ERROR: not all elements of argument 2 (%s) to %s() are positive integers", what1, FUNCNAME); goto errorExit; } } /*for (i = 0; i < lengthParam1; i++)*/ if (doubleMin(DATAPTR(symhParam2), lengthParam2) < 0.0 || doubleMax(DATAPTR(symhParam2), lengthParam2) > 1.0) { sprintf(OUTSTR, "ERROR: argument 3 (%s) to %s() has value < 0 or > 1", what2, FUNCNAME); } } /*else if (op == IRBINOM)*/ if (*OUTSTR) { goto errorExit; } } /*if (margs > 1)*/ if (Rands1 == 0 && Rands2 == 0) { randomSeed(verbose); } /*if (Rands1 == 0 && Rands2 == 0)*/ result = RInstall(SCRATCH, sampleSize); if (result != (Symbolhandle) 0) { switch (op) { case IRUNI: vuni(sampleSize, DATAPTR(result)); break; case IRNORM: vnorm(sampleSize, DATAPTR(result)); break; case IRPOI: vpoi(sampleSize, DATAPTR(symhParam1), lengthParam1, DATAPTR(result)); break; case IRBINOM: vbinom(sampleSize, DATAPTR(symhParam1), lengthParam1, DATAPTR(symhParam2), lengthParam2, DATAPTR(result)); break; } /*switch (op)*/ } /*if (result != (Symbolhandle) 0)*/ return (result); errorExit: putErrorOUTSTR(); return (0); } /*rangen()*/
void define_plane (double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2, double x3, double y3, double z3, double normx, double normy, double normz) { struct groundtri *gt; struct vect v1, v2; gt = xcalloc (1, sizeof *gt); if (first_groundtri == NULL) { first_groundtri = gt; } else { last_groundtri->next = gt; } last_groundtri = gt; gt->pl.a = normx; gt->pl.b = normy; gt->pl.c = normz; gt->pl.d = -(gt->pl.a * x1 + gt->pl.b * y1 + gt->pl.c * z1); gt->normv.x = normx; gt->normv.y = normy; gt->normv.z = normz; vnorm (>->normv, >->normv); gt->p1.x = x1; gt->p1.y = y1; gt->p1.z = z1; gt->p2.x = x2; gt->p2.y = y2; gt->p2.z = z2; gt->p3.x = x3; gt->p3.y = y3; gt->p3.z = z3; gt->pl.middle.x = (x1 + x2 + x3) / 3; gt->pl.middle.y = (y1 + y2 + y3) / 3; gt->pl.middle.z = (z1 + z2 + z3) / 3; if (fabs (gt->pl.c) < 1e-6) { gt->downhill.x = 0; gt->downhill.y = 0; gt->downhill.z = -1; } else if (hypot (gt->pl.a, gt->pl.b) < 1e-6) { gt->downhill.x = 1; gt->downhill.y = 0; gt->downhill.z = 0; } else { gt->downhill.x = gt->pl.a; gt->downhill.y = gt->pl.b; gt->downhill.z = (-gt->pl.a * gt->pl.a - gt->pl.b * gt->pl.b - gt->pl.d) / gt->pl.c; } vnorm (>->downhill, >->downhill); vscal (&v1, >->downhill, -1); if (v1.x == 0 && v1.y == 0) { v2.x = 1; v2.y = 1; v2.z = 0; } else { v2.x = v1.x; v2.y = v1.y; v2.z = 0; } gt->theta = acos (vdot (&v1, &v2)); gt->gndnum = gndcounter; gndcounter++; }
void DoFlares(GLfloat from[3], GLfloat at[3], GLfloat light[3], GLfloat near_clip) { GLfloat view_dir[3], tmp[3], light_dir[3], position[3], dx[3], dy[3], center[3], axis[3], sx[3], sy[3], dot, global_scale = 1.5; GLuint bound_to = 0; int i; /* view_dir = normalize(at-from) */ vdiff(view_dir, at, from); vnorm(view_dir); /* center = from + near_clip * view_dir */ vscale(tmp, view_dir, near_clip); vadd(center, from, tmp); /* light_dir = normalize(light-from) */ vdiff(light_dir, light, from); vnorm(light_dir); /* light = from + dot(light,view_dir)*near_clip*light_dir */ dot = vdot(light_dir, view_dir); vscale(tmp, light_dir, near_clip / dot); vadd(light, from, light_dir); /* axis = light - center */ vdiff(axis, light, center); vcopy(dx, axis); /* dx = normalize(axis) */ vnorm(dx); /* dy = cross(dx,view_dir) */ vcross(dy, dx, view_dir); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDisable(GL_DITHER); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE); for (i = 0; i < num_flares; i++) { vscale(sx, dx, flare[i].scale * global_scale); vscale(sy, dy, flare[i].scale * global_scale); glColor3fv(flare[i].color); /* Note logic below to eliminate duplicate texture binds. */ if (flare[i].type < 0) { if (bound_to) glEnd(); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, shineTex[shine_tic]); bound_to = shineTex[shine_tic]; shine_tic = (shine_tic + 1) % 10; glBegin(GL_QUADS); } else { if (bound_to != flareTex[flare[i].type]) { glEnd(); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, flareTex[flare[i].type]); bound_to = flareTex[flare[i].type]; glBegin(GL_QUADS); } } /* position = center + flare[i].loc * axis */ vscale(tmp, axis, flare[i].loc); vadd(position, center, tmp); glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0); vadd(tmp, position, sx); vadd(tmp, tmp, sy); glVertex3fv(tmp); glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0); vdiff(tmp, position, sx); vadd(tmp, tmp, sy); glVertex3fv(tmp); glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0); vdiff(tmp, position, sx); vdiff(tmp, tmp, sy); glVertex3fv(tmp); glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0); vadd(tmp, position, sx); vdiff(tmp, tmp, sy); glVertex3fv(tmp); } glEnd(); }