Пример #1
template <typename PointInT, typename PointOutT> void
pcl::MovingLeastSquares<PointInT, PointOutT>::performProcessing (PointCloudOut &output)
  // Compute the number of coefficients
  nr_coeff_ = (order_ + 1) * (order_ + 2) / 2;

  // Allocate enough space to hold the results of nearest neighbor searches
  // \note resize is irrelevant for a radiusSearch ().
  std::vector<int> nn_indices;
  std::vector<float> nn_sqr_dists;

  // For all points
  for (size_t cp = 0; cp < indices_->size (); ++cp)
    // Get the initial estimates of point positions and their neighborhoods
    if (!searchForNeighbors (int (cp), nn_indices, nn_sqr_dists))

    // Check the number of nearest neighbors for normal estimation (and later
    // for polynomial fit as well)
    if (nn_indices.size () < 3)

    PointCloudOut projected_points;
    NormalCloud projected_points_normals;
    // Get a plane approximating the local surface's tangent and project point onto it
    computeMLSPointNormal (int (cp), *input_, nn_indices, nn_sqr_dists, projected_points, projected_points_normals);

    // Append projected points to output
    output.insert (output.end (), projected_points.begin (), projected_points.end ());
    if (compute_normals_)
      normals_->insert (normals_->end (), projected_points_normals.begin (), projected_points_normals.end ());

  // For the voxel grid upsampling method, generate the voxel grid and dilate it
  // Then, project the newly obtained points to the MLS surface
  if (upsample_method_ == VOXEL_GRID_DILATION)
    MLSVoxelGrid voxel_grid (input_, indices_, voxel_size_);
    for (int iteration = 0; iteration < dilation_iteration_num_; ++iteration)
      voxel_grid.dilate ();
    BOOST_FOREACH (typename MLSVoxelGrid::HashMap::value_type voxel, voxel_grid.voxel_grid_)
      // Get 3D position of point
      Eigen::Vector3f pos;
      voxel_grid.getPosition (voxel.first, pos);

      PointInT p;
      p.x = pos[0];
      p.y = pos[1];
      p.z = pos[2];

      std::vector<int> nn_indices;
      std::vector<float> nn_dists;
      tree_->nearestKSearch (p, 1, nn_indices, nn_dists);
      int input_index = nn_indices.front ();

      // If the closest point did not have a valid MLS fitting result
      // OR if it is too far away from the sampled point
      if (mls_results_[input_index].valid == false)
      Eigen::Vector3f add_point = p.getVector3fMap (),
                      input_point = input_->points[input_index].getVector3fMap ();
      Eigen::Vector3d aux = mls_results_[input_index].u;
      Eigen::Vector3f u = aux.cast<float> ();
      aux = mls_results_[input_index].v;
      Eigen::Vector3f v = aux.cast<float> ();
      float u_disp = (add_point - input_point).dot (u),
            v_disp = (add_point - input_point).dot (v);
      PointOutT result_point;
      pcl::Normal result_normal;
      projectPointToMLSSurface (u_disp, v_disp,
                                mls_results_[input_index].u, mls_results_[input_index].v,
                                result_point, result_normal);
      float d_before = (pos - input_point).norm (),
            d_after = (result_point.getVector3fMap () - input_point). norm();
      if (d_after > d_before)

      output.push_back (result_point);
      if (compute_normals_)
        normals_->push_back (result_normal);
Пример #2
template <typename PointInT, typename PointOutT> void
pcl::MovingLeastSquares<PointInT, PointOutT>::performProcessing (PointCloudOut &output)
  // Compute the number of coefficients
  nr_coeff_ = (order_ + 1) * (order_ + 2) / 2;

  // Allocate enough space to hold the results of nearest neighbor searches
  // \note resize is irrelevant for a radiusSearch ().
  std::vector<int> nn_indices;
  std::vector<float> nn_sqr_dists;

  typedef typename pcl::traits::fieldList<typename PointCloudIn::PointType>::type FieldListInput;
  typedef typename pcl::traits::fieldList<typename PointCloudOut::PointType>::type FieldListOutput;

  // For all points
  for (size_t cp = 0; cp < indices_->size (); ++cp)
    // Get the initial estimates of point positions and their neighborhoods
    if (!searchForNeighbors (int (cp), nn_indices, nn_sqr_dists))

    // Check the number of nearest neighbors for normal estimation (and later
    // for polynomial fit as well)
    if (nn_indices.size () < 3)

    PointCloudOut projected_points;
    NormalCloud projected_points_normals;
    // Get a plane approximating the local surface's tangent and project point onto it
    computeMLSPointNormal (int (cp), *input_, nn_indices, nn_sqr_dists, projected_points, projected_points_normals);

    /// Copy RGB information if available
    float rgb_input;
    bool rgb_exists_input;
    pcl::for_each_type<FieldListInput> (pcl::CopyIfFieldExists<typename PointCloudIn::PointType, float> (
        input_->points[(*indices_)[cp]], "rgb", rgb_exists_input, rgb_input));

    if (rgb_exists_input)
      for (size_t pp = 0; pp < projected_points.size (); ++pp)
        pcl::for_each_type<FieldListOutput> (pcl::SetIfFieldExists<typename PointCloudOut::PointType, float> (
            projected_points.points[pp], "rgb", rgb_input));

    // Append projected points to output
    output.insert (output.end (), projected_points.begin (), projected_points.end ());
    if (compute_normals_)
      normals_->insert (normals_->end (), projected_points_normals.begin (), projected_points_normals.end ());

  if (upsample_method_ == DISTINCT_CLOUD)
    for (size_t dp_i = 0; dp_i < distinct_cloud_->size (); ++dp_i) // dp_i = distinct_point_i
      // Distinct cloud may have nan points, skip them
      if (!pcl_isfinite (distinct_cloud_->points[dp_i].x))

      // Get 3D position of point
      //Eigen::Vector3f pos = distinct_cloud_->points[dp_i].getVector3fMap ();
      std::vector<int> nn_indices;
      std::vector<float> nn_dists;
      tree_->nearestKSearch (distinct_cloud_->points[dp_i], 1, nn_indices, nn_dists);
      int input_index = nn_indices.front ();

      // If the closest point did not have a valid MLS fitting result
      // OR if it is too far away from the sampled point
      if (mls_results_[input_index].valid == false)

      Eigen::Vector3f add_point = distinct_cloud_->points[dp_i].getVector3fMap (),
                      input_point = input_->points[input_index].getVector3fMap ();

      Eigen::Vector3d aux = mls_results_[input_index].u;
      Eigen::Vector3f u = aux.cast<float> ();
      aux = mls_results_[input_index].v;
      Eigen::Vector3f v = aux.cast<float> ();

      float u_disp = (add_point - input_point).dot (u),
            v_disp = (add_point - input_point).dot (v);

      PointOutT result_point;
      pcl::Normal result_normal;
      projectPointToMLSSurface (u_disp, v_disp,
                                mls_results_[input_index].u, mls_results_[input_index].v,
                                result_point, result_normal);

      /// Copy RGB information if available
      float rgb_input;
      bool rgb_exists_input;
      pcl::for_each_type<FieldListInput> (pcl::CopyIfFieldExists<typename PointCloudIn::PointType, float> (
          input_->points[input_index], "rgb", rgb_exists_input, rgb_input));

      if (rgb_exists_input)
          pcl::for_each_type<FieldListOutput> (pcl::SetIfFieldExists<typename PointCloudOut::PointType, float> (
              result_point, "rgb", rgb_input));

      output.push_back (result_point);
      if (compute_normals_)
        normals_->push_back (result_normal);

  // For the voxel grid upsampling method, generate the voxel grid and dilate it
  // Then, project the newly obtained points to the MLS surface
  if (upsample_method_ == VOXEL_GRID_DILATION)
    MLSVoxelGrid voxel_grid (input_, indices_, voxel_size_);
    for (int iteration = 0; iteration < dilation_iteration_num_; ++iteration)
      voxel_grid.dilate ();

    for (typename MLSVoxelGrid::HashMap::iterator m_it = voxel_grid.voxel_grid_.begin (); m_it != voxel_grid.voxel_grid_.end (); ++m_it)
      // Get 3D position of point
      Eigen::Vector3f pos;
      voxel_grid.getPosition (m_it->first, pos);

      PointInT p;
      p.x = pos[0];
      p.y = pos[1];
      p.z = pos[2];

      std::vector<int> nn_indices;
      std::vector<float> nn_dists;
      tree_->nearestKSearch (p, 1, nn_indices, nn_dists);
      int input_index = nn_indices.front ();

      // If the closest point did not have a valid MLS fitting result
      // OR if it is too far away from the sampled point
      if (mls_results_[input_index].valid == false)

      Eigen::Vector3f add_point = p.getVector3fMap (),
                      input_point = input_->points[input_index].getVector3fMap ();

      Eigen::Vector3d aux = mls_results_[input_index].u;
      Eigen::Vector3f u = aux.cast<float> ();
      aux = mls_results_[input_index].v;
      Eigen::Vector3f v = aux.cast<float> ();

      float u_disp = (add_point - input_point).dot (u),
            v_disp = (add_point - input_point).dot (v);

      PointOutT result_point;
      pcl::Normal result_normal;
      projectPointToMLSSurface (u_disp, v_disp,
                                mls_results_[input_index].u, mls_results_[input_index].v,
                                result_point, result_normal);

      float d_before = (pos - input_point).norm (),
            d_after = (result_point.getVector3fMap () - input_point). norm();
      if (d_after > d_before)

      /// Copy RGB information if available
      float rgb_input;
      bool rgb_exists_input;
      pcl::for_each_type<FieldListInput> (pcl::CopyIfFieldExists<typename PointCloudIn::PointType, float> (
          input_->points[input_index], "rgb", rgb_exists_input, rgb_input));

      if (rgb_exists_input)
          pcl::for_each_type<FieldListOutput> (pcl::SetIfFieldExists<typename PointCloudOut::PointType, float> (
              result_point, "rgb", rgb_input));

      output.push_back (result_point);
      if (compute_normals_)
        normals_->push_back (result_normal);
Пример #3
template <typename PointInT, typename PointOutT> void
pcl::MovingLeastSquares<PointInT, PointOutT>::performUpsampling (PointCloudOut &output)
  if (upsample_method_ == DISTINCT_CLOUD)
    for (size_t dp_i = 0; dp_i < distinct_cloud_->size (); ++dp_i) // dp_i = distinct_point_i
      // Distinct cloud may have nan points, skip them
      if (!pcl_isfinite (distinct_cloud_->points[dp_i].x))

      // Get 3D position of point
      //Eigen::Vector3f pos = distinct_cloud_->points[dp_i].getVector3fMap ();
      std::vector<int> nn_indices;
      std::vector<float> nn_dists;
      tree_->nearestKSearch (distinct_cloud_->points[dp_i], 1, nn_indices, nn_dists);
      int input_index = nn_indices.front ();

      // If the closest point did not have a valid MLS fitting result
      // OR if it is too far away from the sampled point
      if (mls_results_[input_index].valid == false)

      Eigen::Vector3d add_point = distinct_cloud_->points[dp_i].getVector3fMap ().template cast<double> ();

      float u_disp = static_cast<float> ((add_point - mls_results_[input_index].mean).dot (mls_results_[input_index].u_axis)),
            v_disp = static_cast<float> ((add_point - mls_results_[input_index].mean).dot (mls_results_[input_index].v_axis));

      PointOutT result_point;
      pcl::Normal result_normal;
      projectPointToMLSSurface (u_disp, v_disp,
                                mls_results_[input_index].u_axis, mls_results_[input_index].v_axis,
                                result_point, result_normal);

      // Copy additional point information if available
      copyMissingFields (input_->points[input_index], result_point);

      // Store the id of the original point
      corresponding_input_indices_->indices.push_back (input_index);

      output.push_back (result_point);
      if (compute_normals_)
        normals_->push_back (result_normal);

  // For the voxel grid upsampling method, generate the voxel grid and dilate it
  // Then, project the newly obtained points to the MLS surface
  if (upsample_method_ == VOXEL_GRID_DILATION)
    MLSVoxelGrid voxel_grid (input_, indices_, voxel_size_);
    for (int iteration = 0; iteration < dilation_iteration_num_; ++iteration)
      voxel_grid.dilate ();

    for (typename MLSVoxelGrid::HashMap::iterator m_it = voxel_grid.voxel_grid_.begin (); m_it != voxel_grid.voxel_grid_.end (); ++m_it)
      // Get 3D position of point
      Eigen::Vector3f pos;
      voxel_grid.getPosition (m_it->first, pos);

      PointInT p;
      p.x = pos[0];
      p.y = pos[1];
      p.z = pos[2];

      std::vector<int> nn_indices;
      std::vector<float> nn_dists;
      tree_->nearestKSearch (p, 1, nn_indices, nn_dists);
      int input_index = nn_indices.front ();

      // If the closest point did not have a valid MLS fitting result
      // OR if it is too far away from the sampled point
      if (mls_results_[input_index].valid == false)

      Eigen::Vector3d add_point = p.getVector3fMap ().template cast<double> ();
      float u_disp = static_cast<float> ((add_point - mls_results_[input_index].mean).dot (mls_results_[input_index].u_axis)),
            v_disp = static_cast<float> ((add_point - mls_results_[input_index].mean).dot (mls_results_[input_index].v_axis));

      PointOutT result_point;
      pcl::Normal result_normal;
      projectPointToMLSSurface (u_disp, v_disp,
                                mls_results_[input_index].u_axis, mls_results_[input_index].v_axis,
                                result_point, result_normal);

      // Copy additional point information if available
      copyMissingFields (input_->points[input_index], result_point);

      // Store the id of the original point
      corresponding_input_indices_->indices.push_back (input_index);

      output.push_back (result_point);

      if (compute_normals_)
        normals_->push_back (result_normal);
Пример #4
template <typename PointInT, typename PointOutT> void
pcl::MovingLeastSquares<PointInT, PointOutT>::performUpsampling (PointCloudOut &output)

  if (upsample_method_ == DISTINCT_CLOUD)
    corresponding_input_indices_.reset (new PointIndices);
    for (size_t dp_i = 0; dp_i < distinct_cloud_->size (); ++dp_i) // dp_i = distinct_point_i
      // Distinct cloud may have nan points, skip them
      if (!pcl_isfinite (distinct_cloud_->points[dp_i].x))

      // Get 3D position of point
      //Eigen::Vector3f pos = distinct_cloud_->points[dp_i].getVector3fMap ();
      std::vector<int> nn_indices;
      std::vector<float> nn_dists;
      tree_->nearestKSearch (distinct_cloud_->points[dp_i], 1, nn_indices, nn_dists);
      int input_index = nn_indices.front ();

      // If the closest point did not have a valid MLS fitting result
      // OR if it is too far away from the sampled point
      if (mls_results_[input_index].valid == false)

      Eigen::Vector3d add_point = distinct_cloud_->points[dp_i].getVector3fMap ().template cast<double> ();
      MLSResult::MLSProjectionResults proj =  mls_results_[input_index].projectPoint (add_point, projection_method_,  5 * nr_coeff_);
      addProjectedPointNormal (input_index, proj.point, proj.normal, mls_results_[input_index].curvature, output, *normals_, *corresponding_input_indices_);

  // For the voxel grid upsampling method, generate the voxel grid and dilate it
  // Then, project the newly obtained points to the MLS surface
  if (upsample_method_ == VOXEL_GRID_DILATION)
    corresponding_input_indices_.reset (new PointIndices);

    MLSVoxelGrid voxel_grid (input_, indices_, voxel_size_);
    for (int iteration = 0; iteration < dilation_iteration_num_; ++iteration)
      voxel_grid.dilate ();

    for (typename MLSVoxelGrid::HashMap::iterator m_it = voxel_grid.voxel_grid_.begin (); m_it != voxel_grid.voxel_grid_.end (); ++m_it)
      // Get 3D position of point
      Eigen::Vector3f pos;
      voxel_grid.getPosition (m_it->first, pos);

      PointInT p;
      p.x = pos[0];
      p.y = pos[1];
      p.z = pos[2];

      std::vector<int> nn_indices;
      std::vector<float> nn_dists;
      tree_->nearestKSearch (p, 1, nn_indices, nn_dists);
      int input_index = nn_indices.front ();

      // If the closest point did not have a valid MLS fitting result
      // OR if it is too far away from the sampled point
      if (mls_results_[input_index].valid == false)

      Eigen::Vector3d add_point = p.getVector3fMap ().template cast<double> ();
      MLSResult::MLSProjectionResults proj = mls_results_[input_index].projectPoint (add_point, projection_method_,  5 * nr_coeff_);
      addProjectedPointNormal (input_index, proj.point, proj.normal, mls_results_[input_index].curvature, output, *normals_, *corresponding_input_indices_);