Пример #1
PRIVATE char *
wrap_get_ptypes(const short *S,
                vrna_md_t *md){

  char *ptype;
  int n,i,j,k,l,*idx;

  n     = S[0];
  ptype = (char *)vrna_alloc(sizeof(char)*((n*(n+1))/2+2));
  idx   = vrna_idx_row_wise(n);
  int min_loop_size = md->min_loop_size;

  for (k=1; k<n-min_loop_size; k++)
    for (l=1; l<=2; l++) {
      int type,ntype=0,otype=0;
      i=k; j = i+min_loop_size+l; if (j>n) continue;
      type = md->pair[S[i]][S[j]];
      while ((i>=1)&&(j<=n)) {
        if ((i>1)&&(j<n)) ntype = md->pair[S[i-1]][S[j+1]];
        if (md->noLP && (!otype) && (!ntype))
          type = 0; /* i.j can only form isolated pairs */
        ptype[idx[i]-j] = (char) type;
        otype =  type;
        type  = ntype;
        i--; j++;
  return ptype;
Пример #2
PUBLIC double
mean_bp_distance_pr(int length,
                    FLT_OR_DBL *p){

  double d=0;
  int *index = vrna_idx_row_wise((unsigned int) length);

  if (p==NULL)
    vrna_message_error("p==NULL. You need to supply a valid probability matrix for mean_bp_distance_pr()");

  d = wrap_mean_bp_distance(p, length, index, TURN);

  return d;
Пример #3
PUBLIC float *Make_bp_profile_bppm(FLT_OR_DBL *bppm, int length){
   int i,j;
   int L=3;
   float *P; /* P[i*3+0] unpaired, P[i*3+1] upstream, P[i*3+2] downstream p */
   int *index = vrna_idx_row_wise((unsigned) length);

   P =  (float *) vrna_alloc((length+1)*3*sizeof(float));
   /* indices start at 1 use first entries to store length and dimension */
   P[0] = (float) length;
   P[1] = (float) L;

   for( i=1; i<length; i++)
     for( j=i+1; j<=length; j++ ) {
       P[i*L+1] += bppm[index[i]-j];
       P[j*L+2] += bppm[index[i]-j];
   for( i=1; i<=length; i++)
     P[i*3+0] = 1 - P[i*3+1] - P[i*3+2];


   return (float *) P;
Пример #4
PUBLIC double
mean_bp_dist(int length) {

  /* compute the mean base pair distance in the thermodynamic ensemble */
  /* <d> = \sum_{a,b} p_a p_b d(S_a,S_b)
     this can be computed from the pair probs p_ij as
     <d> = \sum_{ij} p_{ij}(1-p_{ij}) */

  int     i, j, *my_iindx;
  double  d = 0;

  if (pr==NULL)
    vrna_message_error("pr==NULL. You need to call pf_fold() before mean_bp_dist()");

  my_iindx = vrna_idx_row_wise(length);

  for (i=1; i<=length; i++)
    for (j=i+TURN+1; j<=length; j++)
      d += pr[my_iindx[i]-j] * (1-pr[my_iindx[i]-j]);

  return 2*d;
Пример #5
set_fold_compound(vrna_fold_compound_t *vc,
                  vrna_md_t *md_p,
                  unsigned int options,
                  unsigned int aux){

  char *sequence, **sequences;
  unsigned int        length, s;
  int                 cp;                     /* cut point for cofold */
  char                *seq, *seq2;

  sequence          = NULL;
  sequences         = NULL;
  cp                = -1;

  /* some default init values */
  vc->params        = NULL;
  vc->exp_params    = NULL;
  vc->matrices      = NULL;
  vc->exp_matrices  = NULL;
  vc->hc            = NULL;
  vc->auxdata       = NULL;
  vc->free_auxdata  = NULL;

    case VRNA_VC_TYPE_SINGLE:     sequence  = vc->sequence;

                                  seq2 = strdup(sequence);
                                  seq = vrna_cut_point_remove(seq2, &cp); /*  splice out the '&' if concatenated sequences and
                                                                        reset cp... this should also be safe for
                                                                        single sequences */
                                  vc->cutpoint            = cp;

                                  if((cp > 0) && (md_p->min_loop_size == TURN))
                                    md_p->min_loop_size = 0;  /* is it safe to set this here? */

                                  vc->sequence            = seq;
                                  vc->length              = length = strlen(seq);
                                  vc->sequence_encoding   = vrna_seq_encode(seq, md_p);
                                  vc->sequence_encoding2  = vrna_seq_encode_simple(seq, md_p);
                                  if(!(options & VRNA_OPTION_EVAL_ONLY)){
                                    vc->ptype               = (aux & WITH_PTYPE) ? vrna_ptypes(vc->sequence_encoding2, md_p) : NULL;
                                    /* backward compatibility ptypes */
                                    vc->ptype_pf_compat     = (aux & WITH_PTYPE_COMPAT) ? get_ptypes(vc->sequence_encoding2, md_p, 1) : NULL;
                                  } else {
                                    vc->ptype           = NULL;
                                    vc->ptype_pf_compat = NULL;
                                  vc->sc                  = NULL;

    case VRNA_VC_TYPE_ALIGNMENT:  sequences     = vc->sequences;

                                  vc->length    = length = vc->length;

                                  vc->cons_seq  = consensus((const char **)sequences);
                                  vc->S_cons    = vrna_seq_encode_simple(vc->cons_seq, md_p);

                                  vc->pscore    = vrna_alloc(sizeof(int)*((length*(length+1))/2+2));
                                  /* backward compatibility ptypes */
                                  vc->pscore_pf_compat = (aux & WITH_PTYPE_COMPAT) ? vrna_alloc(sizeof(int)*((length*(length+1))/2+2)) : NULL;

                                  oldAliEn = vc->oldAliEn  = md_p->oldAliEn;

                                  vc->S   = vrna_alloc((vc->n_seq+1) * sizeof(short *));
                                  vc->S5  = vrna_alloc((vc->n_seq+1) * sizeof(short *));
                                  vc->S3  = vrna_alloc((vc->n_seq+1) * sizeof(short *));
                                  vc->a2s = vrna_alloc((vc->n_seq+1) * sizeof(unsigned short *));
                                  vc->Ss  = vrna_alloc((vc->n_seq+1) * sizeof(char *));

                                  for (s = 0; s < vc->n_seq; s++) {
                                  vc->S5[vc->n_seq]  = NULL;
                                  vc->S3[vc->n_seq]  = NULL;
                                  vc->a2s[vc->n_seq] = NULL;
                                  vc->Ss[vc->n_seq]  = NULL;
                                  vc->S[vc->n_seq]   = NULL;

                                  vc->scs       = NULL;

    default:                      /* do nothing ? */

  vc->iindx = vrna_idx_row_wise(vc->length);
  vc->jindx = vrna_idx_col_wise(vc->length);

  /* now come the energy parameters */
  add_params(vc, md_p, options);

Пример #6
PUBLIC int *
get_iindx(unsigned int length){

  return vrna_idx_row_wise(length);