static void var_filter_block2d_bil_w16(const uint8_t *src_ptr,
                                       uint8_t *output_ptr,
                                       unsigned int src_pixels_per_line,
                                       int pixel_step,
                                       unsigned int output_height,
                                       unsigned int output_width,
                                       const uint8_t *filter) {
  const uint8x8_t f0 = vmov_n_u8(filter[0]);
  const uint8x8_t f1 = vmov_n_u8(filter[1]);
  unsigned int i, j;
  for (i = 0; i < output_height; ++i) {
    for (j = 0; j < output_width; j += 16) {
      const uint8x16_t src_0 = vld1q_u8(&src_ptr[j]);
      const uint8x16_t src_1 = vld1q_u8(&src_ptr[j + pixel_step]);
      const uint16x8_t a = vmull_u8(vget_low_u8(src_0), f0);
      const uint16x8_t b = vmlal_u8(a, vget_low_u8(src_1), f1);
      const uint8x8_t out_lo = vrshrn_n_u16(b, FILTER_BITS);
      const uint16x8_t c = vmull_u8(vget_high_u8(src_0), f0);
      const uint16x8_t d = vmlal_u8(c, vget_high_u8(src_1), f1);
      const uint8x8_t out_hi = vrshrn_n_u16(d, FILTER_BITS);
      vst1q_u8(&output_ptr[j], vcombine_u8(out_lo, out_hi));
    // Next row...
    src_ptr += src_pixels_per_line;
    output_ptr += output_width;
Пример #2
// 'do_above' and 'do_left' facilitate branch removal when inlined.
static INLINE void dc_32x32(uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t stride,
                            const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left,
                            int do_above, int do_left) {
  uint16x8_t sum_top;
  uint16x8_t sum_left;
  uint8x8_t dc0;

  if (do_above) {
    const uint8x16_t A0 = vld1q_u8(above);  // top row
    const uint8x16_t A1 = vld1q_u8(above + 16);
    const uint16x8_t p0 = vpaddlq_u8(A0);  // cascading summation of the top
    const uint16x8_t p1 = vpaddlq_u8(A1);
    const uint16x8_t p2 = vaddq_u16(p0, p1);
    const uint16x4_t p3 = vadd_u16(vget_low_u16(p2), vget_high_u16(p2));
    const uint16x4_t p4 = vpadd_u16(p3, p3);
    const uint16x4_t p5 = vpadd_u16(p4, p4);
    sum_top = vcombine_u16(p5, p5);

  if (do_left) {
    const uint8x16_t L0 = vld1q_u8(left);  // left row
    const uint8x16_t L1 = vld1q_u8(left + 16);
    const uint16x8_t p0 = vpaddlq_u8(L0);  // cascading summation of the left
    const uint16x8_t p1 = vpaddlq_u8(L1);
    const uint16x8_t p2 = vaddq_u16(p0, p1);
    const uint16x4_t p3 = vadd_u16(vget_low_u16(p2), vget_high_u16(p2));
    const uint16x4_t p4 = vpadd_u16(p3, p3);
    const uint16x4_t p5 = vpadd_u16(p4, p4);
    sum_left = vcombine_u16(p5, p5);

  if (do_above && do_left) {
    const uint16x8_t sum = vaddq_u16(sum_left, sum_top);
    dc0 = vrshrn_n_u16(sum, 6);
  } else if (do_above) {
    dc0 = vrshrn_n_u16(sum_top, 5);
  } else if (do_left) {
    dc0 = vrshrn_n_u16(sum_left, 5);
  } else {
    dc0 = vdup_n_u8(0x80);

    const uint8x16_t dc = vdupq_lane_u8(dc0, 0);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
      vst1q_u8(dst + i * stride, dc);
      vst1q_u8(dst + i * stride + 16, dc);
Пример #3
// 'do_above' and 'do_left' facilitate branch removal when inlined.
static INLINE void dc_16x16(uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t stride,
                            const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left,
                            int do_above, int do_left) {
  uint16x8_t sum_top;
  uint16x8_t sum_left;
  uint8x8_t dc0;

  if (do_above) {
    const uint8x16_t A = vld1q_u8(above);  // top row
    const uint16x8_t p0 = vpaddlq_u8(A);  // cascading summation of the top
    const uint16x4_t p1 = vadd_u16(vget_low_u16(p0), vget_high_u16(p0));
    const uint16x4_t p2 = vpadd_u16(p1, p1);
    const uint16x4_t p3 = vpadd_u16(p2, p2);
    sum_top = vcombine_u16(p3, p3);

  if (do_left) {
    const uint8x16_t L = vld1q_u8(left);  // left row
    const uint16x8_t p0 = vpaddlq_u8(L);  // cascading summation of the left
    const uint16x4_t p1 = vadd_u16(vget_low_u16(p0), vget_high_u16(p0));
    const uint16x4_t p2 = vpadd_u16(p1, p1);
    const uint16x4_t p3 = vpadd_u16(p2, p2);
    sum_left = vcombine_u16(p3, p3);

  if (do_above && do_left) {
    const uint16x8_t sum = vaddq_u16(sum_left, sum_top);
    dc0 = vrshrn_n_u16(sum, 5);
  } else if (do_above) {
    dc0 = vrshrn_n_u16(sum_top, 4);
  } else if (do_left) {
    dc0 = vrshrn_n_u16(sum_left, 4);
  } else {
    dc0 = vdup_n_u8(0x80);

    const uint8x16_t dc = vdupq_lane_u8(dc0, 0);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
      vst1q_u8(dst + i * stride, dc);
Пример #4
// 'do_above' and 'do_left' facilitate branch removal when inlined.
static INLINE void dc_8x8(uint8_t *dst, ptrdiff_t stride,
                          const uint8_t *above, const uint8_t *left,
                          int do_above, int do_left) {
  uint16x8_t sum_top;
  uint16x8_t sum_left;
  uint8x8_t dc0;

  if (do_above) {
    const uint8x8_t A = vld1_u8(above);  // top row
    const uint16x4_t p0 = vpaddl_u8(A);  // cascading summation of the top
    const uint16x4_t p1 = vpadd_u16(p0, p0);
    const uint16x4_t p2 = vpadd_u16(p1, p1);
    sum_top = vcombine_u16(p2, p2);

  if (do_left) {
    const uint8x8_t L = vld1_u8(left);  // left border
    const uint16x4_t p0 = vpaddl_u8(L);  // cascading summation of the left
    const uint16x4_t p1 = vpadd_u16(p0, p0);
    const uint16x4_t p2 = vpadd_u16(p1, p1);
    sum_left = vcombine_u16(p2, p2);

  if (do_above && do_left) {
    const uint16x8_t sum = vaddq_u16(sum_left, sum_top);
    dc0 = vrshrn_n_u16(sum, 4);
  } else if (do_above) {
    dc0 = vrshrn_n_u16(sum_top, 3);
  } else if (do_left) {
    dc0 = vrshrn_n_u16(sum_left, 3);
  } else {
    dc0 = vdup_n_u8(0x80);

    const uint8x8_t dc = vdup_lane_u8(dc0, 0);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
      vst1_u32((uint32_t*)(dst + i * stride), vreinterpret_u32_u8(dc));
Пример #5
// Process a block exactly 8 wide and any height.
static void var_filter_block2d_bil_w8(const uint8_t *src_ptr,
                                      uint8_t *output_ptr,
                                      unsigned int src_pixels_per_line,
                                      int pixel_step,
                                      unsigned int output_height,
                                      const uint8_t *filter) {
  const uint8x8_t f0 = vdup_n_u8(filter[0]);
  const uint8x8_t f1 = vdup_n_u8(filter[1]);
  unsigned int i;
  for (i = 0; i < output_height; ++i) {
    const uint8x8_t src_0 = vld1_u8(&src_ptr[0]);
    const uint8x8_t src_1 = vld1_u8(&src_ptr[pixel_step]);
    const uint16x8_t a = vmull_u8(src_0, f0);
    const uint16x8_t b = vmlal_u8(a, src_1, f1);
    const uint8x8_t out = vrshrn_n_u16(b, FILTER_BITS);
    vst1_u8(output_ptr, out);
    src_ptr += src_pixels_per_line;
    output_ptr += 8;
static void var_filter_block2d_bil_w8(const uint8_t *src_ptr,
                                      uint8_t *output_ptr,
                                      unsigned int src_pixels_per_line,
                                      int pixel_step,
                                      unsigned int output_height,
                                      unsigned int output_width,
                                      const uint16_t *vpx_filter) {
  const uint8x8_t f0 = vmov_n_u8((uint8_t)vpx_filter[0]);
  const uint8x8_t f1 = vmov_n_u8((uint8_t)vpx_filter[1]);
  unsigned int i;
  for (i = 0; i < output_height; ++i) {
    const uint8x8_t src_0 = vld1_u8(&src_ptr[0]);
    const uint8x8_t src_1 = vld1_u8(&src_ptr[pixel_step]);
    const uint16x8_t a = vmull_u8(src_0, f0);
    const uint16x8_t b = vmlal_u8(a, src_1, f1);
    const uint8x8_t out = vrshrn_n_u16(b, FILTER_BITS);
    vst1_u8(&output_ptr[0], out);
    // Next row...
    src_ptr += src_pixels_per_line;
    output_ptr += output_width;