// Update the pos of the given virtual particle as defined by the real 
// particles in the same molecule
void update_mol_pos_particle(Particle *p)
 // First obtain the real particle responsible for this virtual particle:
 // Find the 1st real particle in the topology for the virtual particle's mol_id
 Particle *p_real = vs_relative_get_real_particle(p);
 // Check, if a real particle was found
 if (!p_real)
   char *errtxt = runtime_error(128 + 3*ES_INTEGER_SPACE);
   ERROR_SPRINTF(errtxt,"virtual_sites_relative.cpp - update_mol_pos_particle(): No real particle associated with virtual site.\n");
 // Calculate the quaternion defining the orientation of the vecotr connectinhg
 // the virtual site and the real particle
 // This is obtained, by multiplying the quaternion representing the director
 // of the real particle with the quaternion of the virtual particle, which 
 // specifies the relative orientation.
 double q[4];
 // Calculate the director resulting from the quaternions
 double director[3];
 // normalize
 double l =sqrt(sqrlen(director));
 // Division comes in the loop below
 // Calculate the new position of the virtual sites from
 // position of real particle + director 
 int i;
 double new_pos[3];
 double tmp;
 for (i=0;i<3;i++)
  new_pos[i] =p_real->r.p[i] +director[i]/l*p->p.vs_relative_distance;
  // Handle the case that one of the particles had gone over the periodic
  // boundary and its coordinate has been folded
   if (PERIODIC(i)) 
    tmp =p->r.p[i] -new_pos[i];
    if (tmp > box_l[i]/2.) {
     //printf("greater than box_l/2 %f\n",tmp);
     p->r.p[i] =new_pos[i] + box_l[i];
    else if (tmp < -box_l[i]/2.) {
     //printf("smaller than box_l/2 %f\n",tmp);
     p->r.p[i] =new_pos[i] - box_l[i];
    else p->r.p[i] =new_pos[i];
    else p->r.p[i] =new_pos[i];
//   fold_coordinate(p->r.p,p->l.i,i);

// Distribute forces that have accumulated on virtual particles to the 
// associated real particles
void distribute_mol_force()
  // Iterate over all the particles in the local cells
  Particle *p;
  int i, np, c;
  Cell *cell;
  for (c = 0; c < local_cells.n; c++) {
    cell = local_cells.cell[c];
    p  = cell->part;
    np = cell->n;
    for(i = 0; i < np; i++) {
      // We only care about virtual particles
      if (ifParticleIsVirtual(&p[i])) {

       // First obtain the real particle responsible for this virtual particle:
       Particle *p_real = vs_relative_get_real_particle(&p[i]);

       // Get distance vector pointing from real to virtual particle, respecting periodic boundary i
       // conditions
       double d[3];

       // The rules for transfering forces are:
       // F_realParticle +=F_virtualParticle
       // T_realParticle +=f_realParticle \times (r_virtualParticle-r_realParticle)
       // Calculate torque to be added on real particle
       double tmp[3];

       // Add forces and torques
       int j;
//       printf("Particle %d gets torque from %f %f %f of particle %d\n",p_real->p.identity, p[i].f.f[0], p[i].f.f[1],p[i].f.f[2], p[i].p.identity);
       for (j=0;j<3;j++) {
//	 printf("%f ",tmp[j]);
	 // Clear forces on virtual particle

// Update the vel of the given virtual particle as defined by the real 
// particles in the same molecule
void update_mol_vel_particle(Particle *p)
 // First obtain the real particle responsible for this virtual particle:
 Particle *p_real = vs_relative_get_real_particle(p);
 // Check, if a real particle was found
 if (!p_real)
   char *errtxt = runtime_error(128 + 3*ES_INTEGER_SPACE);
   ERROR_SPRINTF(errtxt, "virtual_sites_relative.cpp - update_mol_pos_particle(): No real particle associated with virtual site.\n");
 // Calculate the quaternion defining the orientation of the vecotr connectinhg
 // the virtual site and the real particle
 // This is obtained, by multiplying the quaternion representing the director
 // of the real particle with the quaternion of the virtual particle, which 
 // specifies the relative orientation.
 double q[4];
 // Calculate the director resulting from the quaternions
 double director[3];
 // normalize
 double l =sqrt(sqrlen(director));
 // Division comes in the loop below

 // Get omega of real particle in space-fixed frame
 double omega_space_frame[3];
 // Obtain velocity from v=v_real particle + omega_real_particle \times director

 int i;
 // Add prefactors and add velocity of real particle
 for (i=0;i<3;i++)
  // Scale the velocity by the distance of virtual particle from the real particle
  // Also, espresso stores not velocity but velocity * time_step
  p->m.v[i] *= time_step * p->p.vs_relative_distance/l;
  // Add velocity of real particle
  p->m.v[i] += p_real->m.v[i];
// Rigid body conribution to scalar pressure and stress tensor
void vs_relative_pressure_and_stress_tensor(double* pressure, double* stress_tensor)
  // Division by 3 volume is somewhere else. (pressure.cpp after all presure calculations)

  // Iterate over all the particles in the local cells
  Particle *p;
  int i, np, c;
  Cell *cell;
  for (c = 0; c < local_cells.n; c++) {
    cell = local_cells.cell[c];
    p  = cell->part;
    np = cell->n;
    for(i = 0; i < np; i++) {
      // We only care about virtual particles
      if (!ifParticleIsVirtual(&p[i]))


      // First obtain the real particle responsible for this virtual particle:
      Particle *p_real = vs_relative_get_real_particle(&p[i]);

      // Get distance vector pointing from real to virtual particle, respecting periodic boundary i
      // conditions
      double d[3];

      // Stress tensor conribution
      for (int k =0; k<3;k++)
       for (int l =0;l<3;l++)
        stress_tensor[k*3+l] +=p[i].f.f[k] *d[l];
      // Pressure = 1/3 trace of stress tensor
      // but the 1/3 is applied somewhere else.
      *pressure +=(p[i].f.f[0] *d[0] +p[i].f.f[1] *d[1] +p[i].f.f[2] *d[2]);

 for (i=0;i<9;i++)
