Пример #1
bool optionwin::draw()
	if (!is_checkbox) {
		if (item->selected)
			vultures_put_img(abs_x, abs_y, vultures_winelem.radiobutton_on);
			vultures_put_img(abs_x, abs_y, vultures_winelem.radiobutton_off);
	/* otherwise we want checkboxes */
	else {
		if (item->selected) {
			/* selected items can be drawn with either an 'x' (count <= 0) or an '#' otherwise */
			if (item->count <= 0)
				vultures_put_img(abs_x, abs_y, vultures_winelem.checkbox_on);
				vultures_put_img(abs_x, abs_y, vultures_winelem.checkbox_count);
		} else
			vultures_put_img(abs_x, abs_y, vultures_winelem.checkbox_off);

	/* draw the option description */
	vultures_put_text_shadow(V_FONT_MENU, caption, vultures_screen,
							abs_x + vultures_winelem.radiobutton_off->w + 4,
							abs_y + 2, V_COLOR_TEXT, V_COLOR_BACKGROUND);

	vultures_invalidate_region(abs_x, abs_y, w, h);

	return false;
Пример #2
bool objheaderwin::draw()
	/* constrain drawing to this window */
	vultures_set_draw_region(abs_x, abs_y, abs_x + w - 1, abs_y + h - 1);

	vultures_fill_rect(abs_x + 2, abs_y + 2, abs_x + w - 3, abs_y + h - 3, CLR32_BLACK_A50);

	/* Outer edge */
	vultures_draw_lowered_frame(abs_x, abs_y, abs_x+w-1, abs_y+h-1);
	/* Inner edge */
	vultures_draw_raised_frame(abs_x+1, abs_y+1, abs_x+w-2, abs_y+h-2);

	/* draw the text centered in the window */
	int txt_width = vultures_text_length(V_FONT_MENU, caption);
	int txt_height = vultures_text_height(V_FONT_MENU, caption);
	int text_start_x = abs_x + (w - txt_width)/2;
	int text_start_y = abs_y + (h - txt_height)/2;

	vultures_put_text_shadow(V_FONT_MENU, caption, vultures_screen, text_start_x,
							text_start_y, CLR32_WHITE, CLR32_BLACK);

	vultures_invalidate_region(abs_x, abs_y, w, h);

	/* lift drawing region restriction */
	vultures_set_draw_region(0, 0, vultures_screen->w - 1, vultures_screen->h - 1);

	return 0;
Пример #3
/* draw text over multiple lines if it's length exceeds maxlen */
void vultures_put_text_multiline(int font_id, const char *str, SDL_Surface *dest,
                                int x, int y, Uint32 color, Uint32 shadowcolor, int maxlen)
    char *str_copy;
    int lastfit, txtlen, lineno, text_height, endpos, startpos;

    lineno = 0;
    lastfit = 0;
    startpos = endpos = 0;
    text_height = vultures_text_height(font_id, str);

    /* lastfit is true when the last segment has been fit onto the surface (drawn) */
    while (!lastfit)
        lastfit = 1;

        startpos = startpos + endpos;
        str_copy = strdup(str + startpos);
        endpos = strlen(str_copy) - 1;

        txtlen = vultures_text_length(font_id, str_copy);

        /* split word off the end of the string until it is short enough to fit */
        while (txtlen > maxlen)
            /* a piece will be split off the end, so this is not the last piece */
            lastfit = 0;

            /* find a suitable place to split */
            while (endpos && !isspace(str_copy[endpos]))

            /* prevent infinite loops if a long word doesn't fit */
            if (endpos == 0)
                endpos = strlen(str_copy) - 1;
                lastfit = 1;

            /* truncate the text */
            str_copy[endpos++] = '\0';
            txtlen = vultures_text_length(font_id, str_copy);
        vultures_put_text_shadow(font_id, str_copy, dest, x, y + lineno * text_height, color, shadowcolor);

Пример #4
bool map::draw()
	int map_x, map_y;
	int i, j;
	window * txt = first_child;
	char buffer[256];

	/* Draw parchment */
	vultures_put_img(abs_x, abs_y, mapbg);

	/* Draw the level name */
	describe_level(buffer, TRUE);
	if (!describe_level(buffer))
		sprintf(buffer, "%s, level %d ", dungeons[u.uz.dnum].dname, depth(&u.uz));
	txt->x = (w - vultures_text_length(V_FONT_HEADLINE, txt->caption)) / 2;
	txt->abs_x = abs_x + txt->x;
	txt->abs_y = abs_y + txt->y;
	vultures_put_text_shadow(V_FONT_HEADLINE, txt->caption, vultures_screen,
	                      txt->abs_x, txt->abs_y, CLR32_BROWN, CLR32_BLACK_A50);

	/* Find upper left corner of map on parchment */
	map_x = abs_x + 39;
	map_y = abs_y + 91;

	/* Draw map on parchment, and create hotspots */
	for (i = 0; i < ROWNO; i++)
		for (j = 1; j < COLNO; j++) {
			int map_glyph = map_data->get_glyph(MAP_GLYPH, j, i);
			bool is_dark = (map_data->get_glyph(MAP_DARKNESS, j, i) == 2);
			if (map_glyph != NO_GLYPH &&
				(map_glyph != cmap_to_glyph(S_stone) ||
				(level.locations[j][i].seenv && is_dark))) {
						map_x + SYMBOL_WIDTH*j,
						map_y + SYMBOL_HEIGHT*i,

	vultures_invalidate_region(abs_x, abs_y, w, h);

	return false;
Пример #5
bool endingwin::draw()
	int lines;
	int textpos_x, textpos_y;
	SDL_Surface *image;

	if (!flags.tombstone) {
		for (item_iterator i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i)
			printf("%s\n", i->str.c_str());

		return false;

	/* make sure the screen is cleared */
	SDL_FillRect(vultures_screen, NULL, CLR32_BLACK);

	switch (ending_type-1)
		case QUIT:
			image = vultures_load_graphic(V_FILENAME_ENDING_QUIT);

		case ASCENDED:
			image = vultures_load_graphic(V_FILENAME_ENDING_ASCENDED);

		case ESCAPED:
			image = vultures_load_graphic(V_FILENAME_ENDING_ESCAPED);

		case PANICKED:
			image = NULL;

			image = vultures_load_graphic(V_FILENAME_ENDING_DIED);

	if (image != NULL) {
		vultures_put_img((vultures_screen->w - image->w) / 2, (vultures_screen->h - image->h) / 2, image);

	/* Count n. of rows to display */
	lines = items.size();

	/* Add prompt line */

	/* Display the rows */
	textpos_y = vultures_screen->h - (lines+1) * vultures_get_lineheight(V_FONT_INTRO);
	for (item_iterator i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) {
		textpos_x = (vultures_screen->w - vultures_text_length(V_FONT_INTRO, i->str))/2;
		vultures_put_text_shadow(V_FONT_INTRO, i->str, vultures_screen, textpos_x,
		textpos_y += vultures_get_lineheight(V_FONT_INTRO);

	textpos_x = (vultures_screen->w - vultures_text_length(V_FONT_INTRO, "(press any key)"))/2;
	vultures_put_text_shadow(V_FONT_INTRO, "(press any key)", vultures_screen, textpos_x,

	return false;
Пример #6
bool objitemwin::draw()
	char tmpstr[32];
	int text_start_x, text_start_y, txt_height;
	int x = abs_x;
	int y = abs_y;
	int weight = 0;
	Uint32 textcolor;

	vultures_set_draw_region(x, y, x + w - 1, y + h - 1);

	/* re-set the background to prevent shadings from stacking repatedly until they become solid */
	if (background)
		vultures_put_img(x, y, background);

	/* hovering gives an item a light blue frame */
	if (hover)
		vultures_rect(x+1, y+1, x+w-2, y+h-2, CLR32_BLESS_BLUE);

	/* otherwise, if it is selected, the item has an orange frame */
	else if (item->selected)
		vultures_rect(x+1, y+1, x+w-2, y+h-2, CLR32_ORANGE);

	/* all other items appear etched */
		/* draw the outer edge of the frame */
		vultures_draw_lowered_frame(x, y, x+w-1, y+h-1);
		/* Inner edge */
		vultures_draw_raised_frame(x+1, y+1, x+w-2, y+h-2);

	/* the item that was toggled last has a white outer frame to indicate it's special status */
	if (last_toggled)
		vultures_rect(x, y, x+w-1, y+h-1, CLR32_WHITE);

	/* selected items also have yellow background shading */
	if (item->selected)
		vultures_fill_rect(x+h-1, y+2, x+w-3, y+h-3, CLR32_GOLD_SHADE);

	/* use a different text color for worn objects */
	if (obj && obj->owornmask)
		textcolor = CLR32_LIGHTGREEN;
		textcolor = CLR32_WHITE;

	/* draw text, leaving a h by h square on the left free for the object tile */
	/* line 1 and if necessary line 2 contain the item description */
	vultures_put_text_multiline(V_FONT_MENU, caption, vultures_screen, x + h,
								y + 3, textcolor, CLR32_BLACK, w - h - 6);

	/* weight is in line 3 */
	txt_height = vultures_text_height(V_FONT_MENU, caption);
	text_start_y = y + txt_height*2 + 4;

	/* draw the object weight */
	tmpstr[0] = '\0';
	if (weight)
		snprintf(tmpstr, 32, "w: %d", weight);
	text_start_x = x + (w - vultures_text_length(V_FONT_MENU, tmpstr))/2;
	vultures_put_text_shadow(V_FONT_MENU, tmpstr, vultures_screen, text_start_x,
								text_start_y, textcolor, CLR32_BLACK);

	if (item->selected) {
		tmpstr[0] = '\0';
		if (item->count <= 0 || (obj && item->count > obj->quan))
			snprintf(tmpstr, 32, "selected (all)");
			snprintf(tmpstr, 32, "selected (%d)", item->count);
		text_start_x = x + w - vultures_text_length(V_FONT_MENU, tmpstr) - 6;
		vultures_put_text_shadow(V_FONT_MENU, tmpstr, vultures_screen, text_start_x,
									text_start_y, textcolor, CLR32_BLACK);

	/* draw the tile itself */
	/* constrain the drawing region to the box for the object tile, so that large
	* tiles don't overlap */
	vultures_set_draw_region(x + 2, y + 2, x + h - 3, y + h - 3);

	/* darken the background */
	vultures_fill_rect(x + 2, y + 2, x + h - 3, y + h - 3, CLR32_BLACK_A30);

	/* indicate blessed/cursed visually */
	if (obj && obj->bknown && obj->blessed)
		vultures_fill_rect(x + 2, y + 2, x + h - 3, y + h - 3, CLR32_BLESS_BLUE);

	if (obj && obj->bknown && obj->cursed)
		vultures_fill_rect(x + 2, y + 2, x + h - 3, y + h - 3, CLR32_CURSE_RED);

	/* draw the object tile */
	if (obj) {
    int tile_x, tile_y;
    int tile = 0;

		tile = vultures_object_to_tile(obj->otyp, -1, -1, obj);
		weight = obj->owt;

		tile_x = x + h/2;
		tile_y = y + h * 3 / 4;

		if (TILE_IS_OBJECT(tile))
			tile_x = x + 2;
			tile_y = y + 2;

    vultures_put_tile(tile_x, tile_y, tile);

	/* draw the item letter on the top left corner of the object tile */
	snprintf(tmpstr, 11, "%c", accelerator);
	vultures_put_text_shadow(V_FONT_MENU, tmpstr, vultures_screen, x + 2,
								y + 2, textcolor, CLR32_BLACK);

	/* draw the quantity on the tile */
	if (obj && obj->quan > 1)
		snprintf(tmpstr, 11, "%ld", obj->quan);
		txt_height = vultures_text_height(V_FONT_MENU, tmpstr);
		text_start_x = x + h - vultures_text_length(V_FONT_MENU, tmpstr) - 2;
		vultures_put_text_shadow(V_FONT_MENU, tmpstr, vultures_screen, text_start_x,
									y + h - txt_height, CLR32_WHITE, CLR32_BLACK);

	/* restore the drawing region */
	vultures_set_draw_region(0, 0, vultures_screen->w - 1, vultures_screen->h - 1);

	vultures_invalidate_region(x, y, w, h);

	return 0;