// Training SVM with feature vector X and label Y. 
// Each row of X is a feature vector, with corresponding label in Y.
// Return a CV_32F weight Mat
Mat Objectness::trainSVM(CMat &X1f, const vecI &Y, int sT, double C, double bias, double eps)
	// Set SVM parameters
	parameter param; {
		param.solver_type = sT; // L2R_L2LOSS_SVC_DUAL;
		param.C = C;
		param.eps = eps; // see setting below
		param.p = 0.1;
		param.nr_weight = 0;
		param.weight_label = NULL;
		param.weight = NULL;
		CV_Assert(X1f.rows == Y.size() && X1f.type() == CV_32F);

	// Initialize a problem
	feature_node *x_space = NULL;
	problem prob;{
		prob.l = X1f.rows;
		prob.bias = bias;
		prob.y = Malloc(double, prob.l);
		prob.x = Malloc(feature_node*, prob.l);
		const int DIM_FEA = X1f.cols;
		prob.n = DIM_FEA + (bias >= 0 ? 1 : 0);
		x_space = Malloc(feature_node, (prob.n + 1) * prob.l);
		int j = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < prob.l; i++){
			prob.y[i] = Y[i];
			prob.x[i] = &x_space[j];
			const float* xData = X1f.ptr<float>(i);
			for (int k = 0; k < DIM_FEA; k++){
				x_space[j].index = k + 1;
				x_space[j++].value = xData[k];
			if (bias >= 0){
				x_space[j].index = prob.n;
				x_space[j++].value = bias;
			x_space[j++].index = -1;
		CV_Assert(j == (prob.n + 1) * prob.l);

	// Training SVM for current problem
	const char*  error_msg = check_parameter(&prob, &param);
		fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: %s\n",error_msg);
	model *svmModel = train(&prob, &param);
	Mat wMat(1, prob.n, CV_64F, svmModel->w);
	wMat.convertTo(wMat, CV_32F);
	return wMat;
bool CIntersectionAssistanceUnit::GetHighestScoringLastKnownGoodPosition( const QuatT& baseOrientation, QuatT& outQuat ) const
    bool bFlippedIsBest = false;

            // Higher is better
            float fBestScore = 0.0f;
            int bestIndex = -1;
            Vec3 vBaseUpDir = baseOrientation.q.GetColumn2().GetNormalized();
            for(uint8 i = 0; i < m_lastKnownGoodPositions.size(); ++i)
                    const QuatT& qLastKnownGood = m_lastKnownGoodPositions[i];
                    if(IsPositionWithinAcceptedLimits(qLastKnownGood.t, baseOrientation.t, kDistanceTolerance))
                            // Generate [0.0f,1.0f] score for distance
                            const Vec3 distVec = (qLastKnownGood.t - baseOrientation.t);

                            const float length = max(distVec.GetLengthFast(),0.0001f);
                            const float distanceScore = max(1.0f - (length * kInverseDistanceTolerance) * kDistanceWeight, 0.0f);

                            Vec3 vUpDir		 = qLastKnownGood.q.GetColumn2();

                            const float regularOrientationScore = vBaseUpDir.Dot(vUpDir);
                            const float flippedOrientationScore = vBaseUpDir.Dot(-vUpDir);

                            float orientationScore = max(regularOrientationScore, flippedOrientationScore);
                            orientationScore *= kOrientationWeight;

                            const float fCandidateScore = distanceScore + orientationScore;

#ifndef _RELEASE
                            if(g_pGameCVars->pl_pickAndThrow.intersectionAssistDebugEnabled == 2)
                                    CryWatch("[INDEX(%d)] : D[%.3f] O[%.3f] T[%.3f] (%s)", i, distanceScore, orientationScore, fCandidateScore, flippedOrientationScore > regularOrientationScore ? "*F*" : "R");
#endif //#ifndef _RELEASE

                            if(fCandidateScore > fBestScore)
                                    bestIndex	 = i;
                                    fBestScore = fCandidateScore;
                                    bFlippedIsBest = (flippedOrientationScore > regularOrientationScore);

            if(bestIndex >= 0)
                    outQuat = m_lastKnownGoodPositions[bestIndex];
                            Matrix34 wMat(outQuat);
                            Vec3 vFlippedUpDir = -outQuat.q.GetColumn2().GetNormalized();
                            Vec3 vForwardDir	 = outQuat.q.GetColumn1().GetNormalized();
                            Vec3 vSideDir			 = -outQuat.q.GetColumn0().GetNormalized();
                            Matrix34 wFlippedMat;
                            wFlippedMat = Matrix34::CreateFromVectors(vSideDir, vForwardDir, vFlippedUpDir, wMat.GetTranslation());
                            outQuat = QuatT(wFlippedMat);

                            // Adjust pos (rotating around OOBB centre effectively)
                            const IEntity* pSubjectEntity = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntity(m_subjectEntityId);
                                    AABB entAABB;
                                    OBB  entOBB;
                                    entOBB.SetOBBfromAABB(Quat(IDENTITY), entAABB);

                                    Vec3 Centre = wMat.TransformPoint(entOBB.c);
                                    Vec3 toCentre = Centre - outQuat.t;
                                    outQuat.t += (toCentre * 2.0f);

#ifndef _RELEASE
                    if(g_pGameCVars->pl_pickAndThrow.intersectionAssistDebugEnabled == 2)
                            m_currentBestIndex = bestIndex;
                            CryWatch("[BEST INDEX] : %d", bestIndex);
#endif // ifndef _RELEASE

                    return true;

#ifndef _RELEASE
    m_currentBestIndex = -1;
#endif // ifndef _RELEASE

    return false;
Пример #3
void Objectness::trainStateII(int numPerSz)
    const int NUM_TRAIN = _voc.trainNum;
    vector<vecI> SZ(NUM_TRAIN), Y(NUM_TRAIN);
    vector<vecF> VAL(NUM_TRAIN);

    #pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i = 0; i < _voc.trainNum; i++)	{
        const vector<Vec4i> &bbgts = _voc.gtTrainBoxes[i];
        ValStructVec<float, Vec4i> valBoxes;
        vecI &sz = SZ[i], &y = Y[i];
        vecF &val = VAL[i];
        CStr imgPath = format(_S(_voc.imgPathW), _S(_voc.trainSet[i]));
        predictBBoxSI(imread(imgPath), valBoxes, sz, numPerSz, false);
        const int num = valBoxes.size();
        CV_Assert(sz.size() == num);
        y.resize(num), val.resize(num);
        for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) {
            Vec4i bb = valBoxes[j];
            val[j] = valBoxes(j);
            y[j] = maxIntUnion(bb, bbgts) >= 0.5 ? 1 : -1;

    const int NUM_SZ = _svmSzIdxs.size();
    const int maxTrainNum = 100000;
    vector<vecM> rXP(NUM_SZ), rXN(NUM_SZ);
    for (int r = 0; r < NUM_SZ; r++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TRAIN; i++) {
        const vecI &sz = SZ[i], &y = Y[i];
        vecF &val = VAL[i];
        int num = sz.size();
        for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) {
            int r = sz[j];
            CV_Assert(r >= 0 && r < NUM_SZ);
            if (y[j] == 1)
                rXP[r].push_back(Mat(1, 1, CV_32F, &val[j]));
                rXN[r].push_back(Mat(1, 1, CV_32F, &val[j]));

    Mat wMat(NUM_SZ, 2, CV_32F);
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SZ; i++) {
        const vecM &xP = rXP[i], &xN = rXN[i];
        if (xP.size() < 10 || xN.size() < 10)
            printf("Warning %s:%d not enough training sample for r[%d] = %d. P = %d, N = %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, i, _svmSzIdxs[i], xP.size(), xN.size());
        for (size_t k = 0; k < xP.size(); k++)
            CV_Assert(xP[k].size() == Size(1, 1) && xP[k].type() == CV_32F);

        Mat wr = trainSVM(xP, xN, L1R_L2LOSS_SVC, 100, 1);
        CV_Assert(wr.size() == Size(2, 1));
    matWrite(_modelName + ".wS2", wMat);
    _svmReW1f = wMat;