Пример #1
   Error run(const std::string& input, ProcessResult* pResult)
      // sync child processes don't support pseudoterminal mode
#ifndef _WIN32
      if (options().pseudoterminal)
         return systemError(boost::system::errc::not_supported,

      // run the process
      Error error = ChildProcess::run();
      if (error)
         return error;

      // write input
      if (!input.empty())
         error = writeToStdin(input, true);
         if (error)
            Error terminateError = terminate();
            if (terminateError)

      // bail if we aren't waiting for results
      if (pResult == NULL)
         return Success();

      // read standard out if we didn't have a previous problem
      if (!error)
         error = readStdOut(&(pResult->stdOut));

      // read standard error if we didn't have a previous problem
      if (!error)
         error = readStdErr(&(pResult->stdErr));

      // wait on exit and get exit status. note we always need to do this
      // even if we called terminate due to an earlier error (so we always
      // reap the child)
      Error waitError = waitForExit(&(pResult->exitStatus));
      if (waitError)
         if (!error)
            error = waitError;

      // return error status
      return error;
void MpiLauncher::destroy(bool force)
    pid_t pid=0;
    int status=0;
    string pidFile;
        ScopedMutexLock lock(_mutex);
        if (_pid == 0 || _waiting) {
            throw (InvalidStateException(REL_FILE, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
                   << " MPI launcher already destroyed");
        _waiting = true;
        pid = _pid;
        status = _status;
        pidFile = mpi::getLauncherPidFile(_installPath, _queryId, _launchId);

        if (pid > 0) {
            if (!force) {
            } else { // kill right away
                boost::shared_ptr<boost::asio::deadline_timer> dummyTimer;
                boost::system::error_code dummyErr;
                handleKillTimeout(dummyTimer, dummyErr);
        if (force) {
    if (pid < 0) {
        completeLaunch(-pid, pidFile, status);
    bool rc = waitForExit(pid,&status);
    assert(rc); rc=rc;
        ScopedMutexLock lock(_mutex);
        if (!_waiting || pid != _pid) {
             throw InvalidStateException(REL_FILE, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
                 << " MPI launcher is corrupted after collecting process exit code";

        _pid = -pid;
        _status = status;

        if (_killTimer) {
            size_t n = _killTimer->cancel();
            assert(n<2); n=n;
    completeLaunch(pid, pidFile, status);
bool MpiLauncher::isRunning()
    pid_t pid=0;
    int status=0;
        ScopedMutexLock lock(_mutex);
        if (_pid<=0) { return false; }
        pid = _pid;

    const bool doNotWait=true;
    bool rc = waitForExit(pid, &status, doNotWait);

    if (!rc) {
        return true;

    ScopedMutexLock lock(_mutex);
    _pid = -pid;
    _status = status;

    return false;
Пример #4
OpenGL Hello World
This example draws a yellow rectangle on a blue background.
If anything goes wrong it will display a red image and print errors to the console
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
	//Create an OpenGL window and set up a context with proper debug output
	//	This varies based on platform, we use a couple libraries to do it for us
	GLFWwindow* window = init(800,600,"OpenGL Hello World");
	if(window == nullptr){
		//initialization failed
		return -1;
	//set the clear color to a nice blue :)

	//create a simple shader program which tells the GPU how to draw our data

	//first get the source for the vertex shader
	GLuint vertexShaderId = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
	std::string vertexSource = readContentsOfFile("simple.vert");
	const char* vertexSourcePtr = vertexSource.c_str();
	const GLint vertexSourceLength = vertexSource.size();
	glShaderSource(vertexShaderId,1,&vertexSourcePtr,&vertexSourceLength); //Give OpenGL the source code
	//now we can compile it
	if(!checkCompile(vertexShaderId)){ //check status & get any messages the shader compiler might have generated
		printf("compiling vertex shader failed :(");
		return -1;
	//now the fragment shader
	GLuint fragmentShaderId = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
	std::string fragmentSource = readContentsOfFile("simple.frag");
	const char* fragmentSourcePtr = fragmentSource.c_str();
	const GLint fragmentSourceLength = fragmentSource.size();
	//compile it
	if(!checkCompile(fragmentShaderId)){ //check status & get any messages the shader compiler might have generated
		printf("compiling fragment shader failed :(");
		return -1;
	//now we link the shaders together into a program
	GLuint shaderProgramId = glCreateProgram();
	//Tell OpenGL what input it should expect to the shader program, in this case one attribute with the position
	//linking puts everything together so it's ready for use
	if(!checkLink(shaderProgramId)){//check status & get any messages the shader compiler might have generated
		printf("linking shader program failed :(");
		return -1;

	//Now we need to make a rectangle for the GPU to draw
	GLuint vao; 
	GLuint vbo; 
	//create a vertex array object
	//	A vertex array object holds OpenGL state related to vertex data
	//create a buffer object to hold some GPU data
	//	we will use it to hold geometry data
	glGenBuffers(1, &vbo);
	glBindVertexArray(vao); //make the vertex array object active so we can modify it
	//bind the buffer object
	//	GL_ARRAY_BUFFER holds per-vertex data, in this case a 3D position
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo);
	//here's some points that make a rectangle, arranged like this:
	// (1)-----(2)
	//  |    /  |
	//  |  /    |
	// (3)-----(4)
	// We use a triangle strip so points 2 & 3 are part of both triangles
	float vertices[] = {
		-0.5,-0.5, 0.0,//x,y,z
		 0.5,-0.5, 0.0,
		-0.5, 0.5, 0.0,
		 0.5, 0.5, 0.0
	//This downloads the data to the GPU into the buffer we bound to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER
	//	GL_STATIC_DRAW is a hint to the GPU about what we're going to use the data for
	//	STATIC means that we're going to keep it around for a while and use it multiple times
	//	DRAW means it's data for drawing
	glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(vertices),vertices,GL_STATIC_DRAW);
	//This tells the GPU how the data is structured.
	//	This is done for each attribute to be passed to the GPU
	glEnableVertexAttribArray(0); //We're specifying parameter 0, in_Position in the vertex shader
	glVertexAttribPointer(0, //We're specifying parameter 0, in_Position in the vertex shader
		3, //Three components to the member since it's a 3D position, the vec3 type in GLSL
		GL_FLOAT, //Each component is a float
		GL_FALSE, //OpenGL can automatically normalize your data if you want
		3 * sizeof(float), //This is the offset in the array between the beginning of each attribute
			//	This makes it possible to pack multiple attributes into one buffer.
			//	You can also bind multiple buffers each with different data
		0); //  This is the offset of the start of data in the buffer
	//Now that we're done we unbind our Vertex Array Object

	//All our setup is done, now we can enter our normal draw loop
		//first poll for events
		//clear the screen
		//tell OpenGL to use the program we made earlier for drawing
		//use our vertex data declared by the vertex array object for drawing
		glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, //We're using triangle strips
			0,  //start with the first vertex
			4); //draw 4 vertices (all of the ones in our buffer in our case)
		//finally, update the screen with what we've drawn
	return 0;
Пример #5
 * @author: Grzegorz Mirek
void main() {
	Application application(std::make_shared<MappingConfiguration>());