Пример #1
void stereocam_droplet_periodic(void)

  static float heading = 0;

  // Read Serial
  while (StereoChAvailable()) {

  if (avoid_navigation_data.timeout <= 0)

  avoid_navigation_data.timeout --;

  // Results
  DOWNLINK_SEND_PAYLOAD(DefaultChannel, DefaultDevice, 1, avoid_navigation_data.stereo_bin);

  volatile bool_t once = TRUE;
  // Move waypoint with constant speed in current direction
  if (
    (avoid_navigation_data.stereo_bin[0] == 97) ||
    (avoid_navigation_data.stereo_bin[0] == 100)
  ) {
    once = TRUE;
    struct EnuCoor_f enu;
    enu.x = waypoint_get_x(WP_GOAL);
    enu.y = waypoint_get_y(WP_GOAL);
    enu.z = waypoint_get_alt(WP_GOAL);
    float sin_heading = sinf(ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(nav_heading));
    float cos_heading = cosf(ANGLE_FLOAT_OF_BFP(nav_heading));
    enu.x += (sin_heading * 1.3 / 20);
    enu.y += (cos_heading * 1.3 / 20);
    waypoint_set_enu(WP_GOAL, &enu);
  } else if (avoid_navigation_data.stereo_bin[0] == 98) {
    // STOP!!!
    if (once) {
      once = FALSE;
  } else {
    once = TRUE;

  switch (avoid_navigation_data.stereo_bin[0]) {
    case 99:     // Turn
      heading += 4;
      if (heading > 360) { heading = 0; }
    default:    // do nothing

  if (obstacle_detected) {
  } else {

Пример #2
int swarm_potential_task(void)
  struct EnuCoor_f speed_sp = {.x = 0., .y = 0., .z = 0.};

  // compute desired velocity
  int8_t nb = 0;
  uint8_t i;

  if (gps.fix == 0) {return 1;}
  struct UtmCoor_i my_pos;
  my_pos.zone = 0;
  utm_of_lla_i(&my_pos, &gps.lla_pos);    // TODO update height to hmsl

  for (i = 0; i < ti_acs_idx; i++) {
    if (ti_acs[i].ac_id == 0 || ti_acs[i].ac_id == AC_ID) { continue; }
    struct ac_info_ * ac = get_ac_info(ti_acs[i].ac_id);
    //float delta_t = ABS((int32_t)(gps.tow - ac->itow) / 1000.);
    // if AC not responding for too long, continue, else compute force
    //if(delta_t > 5) { continue; }

    float de = (ac->utm.east - my_pos.east) / 100.; // + sha * delta_t
    float dn = (ac->utm.north - my_pos.north) / 100.; // cha * delta_t
    float da = (ac->utm.alt - my_pos.alt) / 1000.; // ac->climb * delta_t   // currently wrong reference in other aircraft
    float dist2 = de * de + dn * dn;// + da * da;
    if (dist2 == 0.) {continue;}

    float dist = sqrtf(dist2);

    // potential force equation: x^2 - d0^3/x
    float force = dist2 - TARGET_DIST3 / dist;

    potential_force.east = (de * force) / dist;
    potential_force.north = (dn * force) / dist;
    potential_force.alt = (da * force) / dist;

    // set carrot
    // include speed of other vehicles for swarm cohesion
    speed_sp.x += force_hor_gain * potential_force.east;// + ac->gspeed * sinf(ac->course);
    speed_sp.y += force_hor_gain * potential_force.north;// + ac->gspeed * cosf(ac->course);
    speed_sp.z += force_climb_gain * potential_force.alt;// + ac->climb;


    //potential_force.east  = de;
    //potential_force.north = dn;
    //potential_force.alt   = da;

  // add waypoint force to get vehicle to waypoint
  if (use_waypoint) {
    struct EnuCoor_f my_enu = *stateGetPositionEnu_f();

    float de = waypoint_get_x(SP_WP) - my_enu.x;
    float dn = waypoint_get_y(SP_WP) - my_enu.y;
    float da = waypoint_get_alt(SP_WP) - my_enu.z;

    float dist2 = de * de + dn * dn;// + da * da;
    if (dist2 > 0.01) {   // add deadzone of 10cm from goal
      float dist = sqrtf(dist2);
      float force = 2 * dist2;

      // higher attractive potential to get to goal when close by
      if (dist < 1.) {
        force = 2 * dist;

      potential_force.east  = force * de / dist;
      potential_force.north = force * dn / dist;
      potential_force.alt   = force * da / dist;

      speed_sp.x += force_hor_gain * potential_force.east;
      speed_sp.y += force_hor_gain * potential_force.north;
      speed_sp.z += force_climb_gain * potential_force.alt;

      potential_force.east  = de;
      potential_force.north = dn;
      potential_force.alt   = force;
      potential_force.speed   = speed_sp.x;
      potential_force.climb   = speed_sp.y;

  //potential_force.speed = speed_sp.x;
  //potential_force.climb = speed_sp.y;

  // limit commands
  BoundAbs(speed_sp.x, GUIDANCE_H_REF_MAX_SPEED);
  BoundAbs(speed_sp.y, GUIDANCE_H_REF_MAX_SPEED);
  BoundAbs(speed_sp.z, GUIDANCE_H_REF_MAX_SPEED);

  potential_force.east  = speed_sp.x;
  potential_force.north = speed_sp.y;
  potential_force.alt   = speed_sp.z;

  autopilot_guided_move_ned(speed_sp.y, speed_sp.x, 0, 0);    // speed in enu

  return 1;