Пример #1
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  wbArg_t args;
  int inputLength;
  float *hostInput1;
  float *hostInput2;
  float *hostOutput;

  args = wbArg_read(argc, argv);

  wbTime_start(Generic, "Importing data and creating memory on host");
  hostInput1 = (float *)wbImport(wbArg_getInputFile(args, 0), &inputLength);
  hostInput2 = (float *)wbImport(wbArg_getInputFile(args, 1), &inputLength);
  hostOutput = (float *)malloc(inputLength * sizeof(float));
  wbTime_stop(Generic, "Importing data and creating memory on host");

  wbLog(TRACE, "The input length is ", inputLength);

	int nbGangs = (inputLength-1)/BLOCK_SIZE + 1;
	wbLog(TRACE, "Run ", nbGangs, " gangs of ", BLOCK_SIZE, " workers");
	#pragma acc parallel loop copyin(hostInput1[0:inputLength]) copyin(hostInput2[0:inputLength]) copyout(hostOutput[0:inputLength])  num_gangs(nbGangs) num_workers(BLOCK_SIZE)
	for( int cpt = 0; cpt < inputLength; cpt++ )
		hostOutput[cpt] = hostInput1[cpt] + hostInput2[cpt];

  wbSolution(args, hostOutput, inputLength);


  return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  wbArg_t args;
  int inputLength;
  float *hostInput1;
  float *hostInput2;
  float *hostOutput;
  //float *deviceInput1;
  //float *deviceInput2;
  //float *deviceOutput;

  args = wbArg_read(argc, argv);

  wbTime_start(Generic, "Importing data and creating memory on host");
  hostInput1 = (float *)wbImport(wbArg_getInputFile(args, 0), &inputLength);
  hostInput2 = (float *)wbImport(wbArg_getInputFile(args, 1), &inputLength);
  hostOutput = (float *)malloc(inputLength * sizeof(float));
  wbTime_stop(Generic, "Importing data and creating memory on host");

  wbLog(TRACE, "The input length is ", inputLength);
	vecadd(hostInput1, hostInput2, hostOutput, inputLength);
  wbSolution(args, hostOutput, inputLength);


  return 0;
Пример #3
static wbBool wbSolution_correctQ(char *expectedOutputFile,
                                  wbSolution_t sol) {
  if (expectedOutputFile == NULL) {
    _solution_correctQ = "Failed to determined the expected output file.";
    return wbFalse;
  } else if (!wbFile_existsQ(expectedOutputFile)) {
    _solution_correctQ =
        wbString("The file ", expectedOutputFile, " does not exist.");
    return wbFalse;
  } else if (wbString_sameQ(wbSolution_getType(sol), "image")) {
    wbBool res;
    wbImage_t solutionImage = NULL;
    wbImage_t expectedImage = wbImport(expectedOutputFile);
    if (expectedImage == NULL) {
      _solution_correctQ = "Failed to open expected output file.";
      res                = wbFalse;
    } else if (wbImage_getWidth(expectedImage) !=
               wbSolution_getWidth(sol)) {
      _solution_correctQ =
          "The image width of the expected image does not "
          "match that of the solution.";
      res = wbFalse;
    } else if (wbImage_getHeight(expectedImage) !=
               wbSolution_getHeight(sol)) {
      _solution_correctQ =
          "The image height of the expected image does not "
          "match that of the solution.";
      res = wbFalse;
    } else if (wbImage_getChannels(expectedImage) !=
               wbSolution_getChannels(sol)) {
      _solution_correctQ =
          "The image channels of the expected image does not "
          "match that of the solution.";
      res = wbFalse;
    } else {
      solutionImage = (wbImage_t)wbSolution_getData(sol);
      wbAssert(solutionImage != NULL);
      res = wbImage_sameQ(solutionImage, expectedImage,
    if (expectedImage != NULL) {
    return res;
  } else if (wbString_sameQ(wbSolution_getType(sol), "histogram")) {
    return wbSolution_listCorrectQ<unsigned char>(expectedOutputFile, sol,
  } else if (wbString_sameQ(wbSolution_getType(sol), "integral_vector")) {
    return wbSolution_listCorrectQ<int>(expectedOutputFile, sol,
  } else if (wbString_sameQ(wbSolution_getType(sol), "vector") ||
             wbString_sameQ(wbSolution_getType(sol), "matrix")) {
    return wbSolution_listCorrectQ<wbReal_t>(expectedOutputFile, sol,
  } else {
    return wbFalse;
Пример #4
static wbBool wbSolution_correctQ(char * expectedOutputFile, wbSolution_t sol) {
    wbBool res;

    if (expectedOutputFile == NULL) {
        _solution_correctQ = json_string("Failed to determined the expected output file.");
        return wbFalse;
    } else if (!wbFile_existsQ(expectedOutputFile)) {
        string str = wbString("The file ", expectedOutputFile, " does not exist.");
        _solution_correctQ = json_string(str.c_str());
        return wbFalse;
    } else if (wbString_sameQ(wbSolution_getType(sol), "image")) {
        wbImage_t solutionImage = NULL;
        wbImage_t expectedImage = wbImport(expectedOutputFile);
        if (expectedImage == NULL) {
            _solution_correctQ = json_string("Failed to open expected output file.");
            res = wbFalse;
        } else if (wbImage_getWidth(expectedImage) != wbSolution_getWidth(sol)) {
            _solution_correctQ = json_string("The image width of the expected image does not match that of the solution.");
            res = wbFalse;
        } else if (wbImage_getHeight(expectedImage) != wbSolution_getHeight(sol)) {
            _solution_correctQ = json_string("The image height of the expected image does not match that of the solution.");
            res = wbFalse;
        } else {

            solutionImage = (wbImage_t) wbSolution_getData(sol);
            wbAssert(solutionImage != NULL);

            res = wbImage_sameQ(solutionImage, expectedImage, _onUnsameImageFunction);
        if (expectedImage != NULL) {
        return res;
    } else if (wbString_sameQ(wbSolution_getType(sol), "vector") ||
               wbString_sameQ(wbSolution_getType(sol), "matrix")) {
        wbReal_t * expectedData;
        int expectedRows, expectedColumns;

        expectedData = (wbReal_t *) wbImport(expectedOutputFile, &expectedRows, &expectedColumns);

        if (expectedData == NULL) {
            _solution_correctQ = json_string("Failed to open expected output file.");
            res = wbFalse;
        } else if (expectedRows != wbSolution_getRows(sol)) {
            wbLog(TRACE, "Number of rows in the solution is ", wbSolution_getRows(sol),
                         ". Expected number of rows is ", expectedRows, ".");
            _solution_correctQ = json_string("The number of rows in the solution did not match that of the expected results.");
            res = wbFalse;
        } else if (expectedColumns != wbSolution_getColumns(sol)) {
            wbLog(TRACE, "Number of columns in the solution is ", wbSolution_getColumns(sol),
                         ". Expected number of columns is ", expectedColumns, ".");
            _solution_correctQ = json_string("The number of columns in the solution did not match that of the expected results.");
            res = wbFalse;
        } else {
            int ii, jj, idx;
            wbReal_t * solutionData;

            solutionData = (wbReal_t *) wbSolution_getData(sol);

            for (ii = 0; ii < expectedRows; ii++) {
                for (jj = 0; jj < expectedColumns; jj++) {
                    idx = ii * expectedColumns + jj;
                    if (wbUnequalQ(expectedData[idx], solutionData[idx])) {
                        string str;
                        if (expectedColumns == 1) {

                            str = wbString("The solution did not match the expected results at row ", ii,
                                            ". Expecting ", expectedData[idx], " but got ",
                                            solutionData[idx], ".");

                        } else {
                            str = wbString("The solution did not match the expected results at column ", jj,
                                            " and row ", ii, ". Expecting ", expectedData[idx], " but got ",
                                            solutionData[idx], ".");

                        _solution_correctQ = json_string(str.c_str());
                        res = wbFalse;
                        goto matrixCleanup;

            res = wbTrue;
        if (expectedData != NULL) {
        return res;
    } else {
        return wbFalse;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    wbArg_t args;
    int inputLength;
    float *hostInput1;
    float *hostInput2;
    float *hostOutput;
    float *deviceInput1;
    float *deviceInput2;
    float *deviceOutput;

    cl_context clctx;
    cl_context_properties properties[3];
    cl_program program;

    cl_device_id device_id;
    cl_uint num_of_platforms;
    cl_uint num_of_devices;
    cl_command_queue command_queue;
    cl_kernel kernel;
    cl_int clerr = CL_SUCCESS;

    args = wbArg_read(argc, argv);

    wbTime_start(Generic, "Importing data and creating memory on host");
    hostInput1 = (float *)wbImport(wbArg_getInputFile(args, 0), &inputLength);
    hostInput2 = (float *)wbImport(wbArg_getInputFile(args, 1), &inputLength);
    hostOutput = (float *)malloc(inputLength * sizeof(float));
    wbTime_stop(Generic, "Importing data and creating memory on host");

    wbLog(TRACE, "The input length is ", inputLength);
    for (int i = 0; i < inputLength; i++)
        printf("position:%d [%f, %f]\n", i, hostInput1[i], hostInput2[i]);

    wbTime_start(GPU, "Allocating GPU memory.");
    //@@ Allocate GPU memory here
    //get number of platforms
    if(clGetPlatformIDs(0, NULL, &num_of_platforms) != CL_SUCCESS)
        printf("unable to get number of platforms\n");
        return 1;

    //now get all the platforms
    cl_platform_id platform[num_of_platforms];
    if (clGetPlatformIDs(num_of_platforms, platform, NULL)!= CL_SUCCESS)
        printf("Unable to get platform_id\n");
        return 1;

    // try to get a supported GPU device
    /*if (clGetDeviceIDs(&platform, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, 1, &device_id, &num_of_devices) != CL_SUCCESS)
    	printf("Unable to get device_id\n");
    	return 1;

    properties[0]= (cl_context_properties) CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM;
    properties[1]= (cl_context_properties) platform[0];
    properties[2]= (cl_context_properties) 0;

    clctx = clCreateContextFromType(properties, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, NULL, NULL, &clerr);
    if(clerr != CL_SUCCESS)
        printf("error creating context.\n");
        return 1;

    size_t stuff;
    clerr = clGetContextInfo(clctx, CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES, 0, NULL, &stuff);
    if(clerr != CL_SUCCESS)
        printf("error getting context info.\n");
        return 1;

    cl_device_id* cldevs = (cl_device_id *) malloc(stuff);
    clerr = clGetContextInfo(clctx, CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES, stuff, cldevs, NULL);
    if(clerr != CL_SUCCESS)
        printf("could not get context infor.\n");
        return 1;

    command_queue = clCreateCommandQueue(clctx, cldevs[0], 0, &clerr);
    if (clerr != CL_SUCCESS)
        printf("could not create command queue\n");
        return 1;

    program = clCreateProgramWithSource(clctx, 1, &vaddsrc, NULL, &clerr);
    printf("create program function: %d\n", clerr);
    //char clcompileflags[4096];
    //sprintf(clcompileflags, "-cl-mad-enable");

    clerr = clBuildProgram(program, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if( clerr != CL_SUCCESS)

        printf("unable to build program.%d \n", clerr);
        return 1;

    kernel = clCreateKernel(program, "vadd", &clerr);

    cl_mem d_A, d_B, d_C;
    int mem_size = inputLength*sizeof(float);
    d_A = clCreateBuffer(clctx, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, mem_size, hostInput1, &clerr);
    d_B = clCreateBuffer(clctx, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, mem_size, hostInput2, &clerr);
    d_C = clCreateBuffer(clctx, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, mem_size, NULL, &clerr);
    //printf("%f", d_A[0]);

    wbTime_stop(GPU, "Allocating GPU memory.");

    wbTime_start(GPU, "Copying input memory to the GPU.");

    //@@ Copy memory to the GPU here

    //pritnf("%f", &d_A[0]);
    wbTime_stop(GPU, "Copying input memory to the GPU.");

    //@@ Initialize the grid and block dimensions here
    //size_t size = inputLength;
    const size_t grid = (inputLength - 1)/512+1;
    const size_t block = 512;

    wbTime_start(Compute, "Performing CUDA computation");
    //@@ Launch the GPU Kernel here

    kernel = clCreateKernel(program, "vadd", NULL);
    clerr = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &d_A);
    clerr = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &d_B);
    clerr = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), &d_C);
    clerr = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 3, sizeof(size_t), &inputLength);

    cl_event event = NULL;
    clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(command_queue, kernel, 1, NULL, &grid, &block, 0, NULL, NULL);
    clerr = clWaitForEvents(1, &event);
    clerr = clReleaseEvent(event);
    wbTime_stop(Compute, "Performing CUDA computation");

    wbTime_start(Copy, "Copying output memory to the CPU");
    //@@ Copy the GPU memory back to the CPU here
    clEnqueueReadBuffer(command_queue, d_C, CL_TRUE, 0, mem_size, hostOutput, 0, NULL, NULL);

    for(int i = 0; i < inputLength; i++)
        //hostOutput[i] = hostInput2[i] + hostInput1[i];
        printf("at pos:%d, [%f]\n", i, hostOutput[i]);

    wbSolution(args, hostOutput, inputLength);
    wbTime_start(GPU, "Freeing GPU Memory");
    //@@ Free the GPU memory here

    wbTime_stop(GPU, "Freeing CPU Memory");


    return 0;
Пример #6
void * wbImport(const char * file, int * rows) {
    return wbImport(file, rows, NULL);
Пример #7
void * wbImport(const char * file, int * rows, int * columns) {
    return wbImport(file, rows, columns, "Real");
Пример #8
static wbBool wbSolution_listCorrectQ(const char *expectedOutputFile,
                                      wbSolution_t sol, const char *type) {
  wbBool res;
  T *expectedData;
  int expectedRows, expectedColumns;

  expectedData = (T *)wbImport(expectedOutputFile, &expectedRows,
                               &expectedColumns, type);

  if (expectedData == NULL) {
    _solution_correctQ = "Failed to open expected output file.";
    res                = wbFalse;
  } else if (expectedRows != wbSolution_getRows(sol)) {
    wbLog(TRACE, "Number of rows in the solution is ",
          wbSolution_getRows(sol), ". Expected number of rows is ",
          expectedRows, ".");
    _solution_correctQ =
        "The number of rows in the solution did not match "
        "that of the expected results.";
    res = wbFalse;
  } else if (expectedColumns != wbSolution_getColumns(sol)) {
    wbLog(TRACE, "Number of columns in the solution is ",
          wbSolution_getColumns(sol), ". Expected number of columns is ",
          expectedColumns, ".");
    _solution_correctQ = "The number of columns in the solution did not "
                         "match that of the expected results.";
    res = wbFalse;
  } else {
    int ii, jj, idx;
    T *solutionData;

    solutionData = (T *)wbSolution_getData(sol);

    for (ii = 0; ii < expectedRows; ii++) {
      for (jj = 0; jj < expectedColumns; jj++) {
        idx = ii * expectedColumns + jj;
        if (wbUnequalQ(expectedData[idx], solutionData[idx])) {
          string str;
          if (expectedColumns == 1) {
            str = wbString(
                "The solution did not match the expected results at row ",
                ii, ". Expecting ", expectedData[idx], " but got ",
                solutionData[idx], ".");
          } else {
            str = wbString("The solution did not match the expected "
                           "results at column ",
                           jj, " and row ", ii, ". Expecting ",
                           expectedData[idx], " but got ",
                           solutionData[idx], ".");
          _solution_correctQ = str;
          res                = wbFalse;
          goto matrixCleanup;

    res = wbTrue;
    if (expectedData != NULL) {
  return res;