Пример #1
int Melder_stringMatchesCriterion (const wchar_t *value, int which_kMelder_string, const wchar_t *criterion) {
	if (value == NULL) {
		value = L"";   /* Regard null strings as empty strings, as is usual in Praat. */
	if (criterion == NULL) {
		criterion = L"";   /* Regard null strings as empty strings, as is usual in Praat. */
	if (which_kMelder_string <= kMelder_string_NOT_EQUAL_TO) {
		int matchPositiveCriterion = wcsequ (value, criterion);
		return (which_kMelder_string == kMelder_string_EQUAL_TO) == matchPositiveCriterion;
	if (which_kMelder_string <= kMelder_string_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN) {
		int matchPositiveCriterion = wcsstr (value, criterion) != NULL;
		return (which_kMelder_string == kMelder_string_CONTAINS) == matchPositiveCriterion;
	if (which_kMelder_string <= kMelder_string_DOES_NOT_START_WITH) {
		int matchPositiveCriterion = wcsnequ (value, criterion, wcslen (criterion));
		return (which_kMelder_string == kMelder_string_STARTS_WITH) == matchPositiveCriterion;
	if (which_kMelder_string <= kMelder_string_DOES_NOT_END_WITH) {
		int criterionLength = wcslen (criterion), valueLength = wcslen (value);
		int matchPositiveCriterion = criterionLength <= valueLength && wcsequ (value + valueLength - criterionLength, criterion);
		return (which_kMelder_string == kMelder_string_ENDS_WITH) == matchPositiveCriterion;
	if (which_kMelder_string == kMelder_string_MATCH_REGEXP) {
		wchar_t *place = NULL, *errorMessage;
		regexp *compiled_regexp = CompileRE (criterion, & errorMessage, 0);
		if (compiled_regexp == NULL) return FALSE;   // BUG: what about removing errorMessage?
		if (ExecRE (compiled_regexp, NULL, value, NULL, 0, '\0', '\0', NULL, NULL, NULL))
			place = compiled_regexp -> startp [0];
		free (compiled_regexp);
		return place != NULL;
	return 0;   /* Should not occur. */
Пример #2
static void saveHistory (HyperPage me, const wchar_t *title) {
	if (! title) return;

	 * The page title will be saved at the top. Go there.
	while (my historyPointer < 19 && my history [my historyPointer]. page)
		my historyPointer ++;

	 * If the page title to be saved is already at the top, ignore it.
	if (my history [my historyPointer]. page) {
		if (wcsequ (my history [my historyPointer]. page, title)) return;
	} else if (my historyPointer > 0 && wcsequ (my history [my historyPointer - 1]. page, title)) {
		my historyPointer --;

	 * If the history buffer is full, shift it.
	if (my historyPointer == 19 && my history [my historyPointer]. page) {
		int i;
		Melder_free (my history [0]. page);
		for (i = 0; i < 19; i ++) my history [i] = my history [i + 1];

	 * Add the page title to the top of the history list.
	my history [my historyPointer]. page = Melder_wcsdup_f (title);
Data_Description Data_Description_findNumberUse (Data_Description structDescription, const wchar_t *string) {
	for (Data_Description desc = structDescription; desc -> name; desc ++) {
		if (desc -> max1 && wcsequ (desc -> max1, string)) return desc;
		if (desc -> max2 && wcsequ (desc -> max2, string)) return desc;
	if (structDescription [0]. type == inheritwa) {
		Data_Description parentDescription = ((Data) _Thing_dummyObject ((ClassInfo) structDescription [0]. tagType)) -> v_description ();
		if (parentDescription)
			return Data_Description_findNumberUse (parentDescription, string);
	return NULL;
Distributions Strings_to_Distributions (Strings me) {
	try {
		autoDistributions thee = Distributions_create (my numberOfStrings, 1);
		long idist = 0;
		for (long i = 1; i <= my numberOfStrings; i ++) {
			wchar *string = my strings [i];
			long where = 0;
			long j = 1;
			for (; j <= idist; j ++)
				if (wcsequ (thy rowLabels [j], string))
					{ where = j; break; }
			if (where) {
				thy data [j] [1] += 1.0;
			} else {
				thy rowLabels [++ idist] = Melder_wcsdup (string);
				thy data [idist] [1] = 1.0;
		thy numberOfRows = idist;
		TableOfReal_sortByLabel (thee.peek(), 1, 0);
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": distribution not computed.");
Data_Description Data_Description_findMatch (Data_Description structDescription, const wchar_t *name) {
	for (Data_Description desc = structDescription; desc -> name; desc ++)
		if (wcsequ (name, desc -> name)) return desc;
	if (structDescription [0]. type == inheritwa) {
		Data_Description parentDescription = ((Data) _Thing_dummyObject ((ClassInfo) structDescription [0]. tagType)) -> v_description ();
		if (parentDescription)
			return Data_Description_findMatch (parentDescription, name);
	return NULL;   /* Not found. */
Пример #6
void ButtonEditor::draw () {
    Graphics_clearWs (_g);
    switch (_show) {
    case 1:
        for (long i = 1, n = praat_getNumberOfMenuCommands (); i <= n; i ++) {
            praat_Command cmd = praat_getMenuCommand (i);
            if (wcsequ (cmd -> window, L"Objects"))
                drawMenuCommand (praat_getMenuCommand (i), i);
    case 2:
        for (long i = 1, n = praat_getNumberOfMenuCommands (); i <= n; i ++) {
            praat_Command cmd = praat_getMenuCommand (i);
            if (wcsequ (cmd -> window, L"Picture"))
                drawMenuCommand (praat_getMenuCommand (i), i);
    case 3:
        for (long i = 1, n = praat_getNumberOfMenuCommands (); i <= n; i ++) {
            praat_Command cmd = praat_getMenuCommand (i);
            if (! wcsequ (cmd -> window, L"Objects") && ! wcsequ (cmd -> window, L"Picture"))
                drawMenuCommand (praat_getMenuCommand (i), i);
    case 4:
        for (long i = 1, n = praat_getNumberOfActions (); i <= n; i ++) {
            praat_Command cmd = praat_getAction (i);
            const wchar_t *klas = ((Data_Table) cmd -> class1) -> _className;
            if (wcscmp (klas, L"N") < 0)
                drawAction (praat_getAction (i), i);
    case 5:
        for (long i = 1, n = praat_getNumberOfActions (); i <= n; i ++) {
            praat_Command cmd = praat_getAction (i);
            const wchar_t *klas = ((Data_Table) cmd -> class1) -> _className;
            if (wcscmp (klas, L"N") >= 0)
                drawAction (praat_getAction (i), i);
Пример #7
static long lookUpMatchingAction (ClassInfo class1, ClassInfo class2, ClassInfo class3, ClassInfo class4, const wchar_t *title) {
 * An action command is fully specified by its environment (the selected classes) and its title.
 * Precondition:
 *	class1, class2, and class3 must be in sorted order.
	for (long i = 1; i <= theNumberOfActions; i ++)
		if (class1 == theActions [i]. class1 && class2 == theActions [i]. class2 &&
		    class3 == theActions [i]. class3 && class4 == theActions [i]. class4 &&
		    title && theActions [i]. title && wcsequ (theActions [i]. title, title)) return i;
	return 0;   /* Not found. */
void IntervalTier_cutIntervals_minimumDuration (IntervalTier me, const wchar_t *label, double minimumDuration) {
	long i = 1;
	while (i <= my intervals -> size) {
		TextInterval ti = (TextInterval) my intervals -> item[i];
		if ( (label == 0 || (ti -> text != 0 && wcsequ (ti -> text, label))) &&
		        ti -> xmax - ti -> xmin < minimumDuration) {
			IntervalTier_cutInterval (me, i, 0);
		} else {
Пример #9
/* Because Thing has no parent, we cannot use the macro `class_methods': */
static void _Thing_initialize (void *table);
struct structThing_Table theStructThing =
	{ _Thing_initialize, L"Thing", NULL, sizeof (struct structThing) };
Thing_Table classThing = & theStructThing;
static void _Thing_initialize (void *table) {
	Thing_Table us = (structThing_Table*)table;
	us -> destroy = destroy;
	us -> info = info;
	us -> nameChanged = nameChanged;

const wchar_t * Thing_className (I) { iam (Thing); return our _className; }

Any _Thing_new (void *table) {
	Thing_Table us = (structThing_Table*)table;
	Thing me = (Thing) _Melder_calloc_e (1, us -> _size);
	if (! me) return Melder_errorp ("(Thing_new:) Out of memory.");
	theTotalNumberOfThings += 1;
	my methods = us;
	my name = NULL;
	if (! us -> destroy)   /* Table not initialized? */
		us -> _initialize (us);
	if (Melder_debug == 39) Melder_casual ("created %ls", my methods -> _className);
	return me;

static int numberOfReadableClasses = 0;
static void *readableClasses [1 + 1000];
static void _Thing_addOneReadableClass (Thing_Table readableClass) {
	if (++ numberOfReadableClasses > 1000)
		Melder_fatal ("(Thing_recognizeClassesByName:) Too many (1001) readable classes.");
	readableClasses [numberOfReadableClasses] = readableClass;
	readableClass -> sequentialUniqueIdOfReadableClass = numberOfReadableClasses;
void Thing_recognizeClassesByName (void *readableClass, ...) {
	va_list arg;
	void *klas;
	if (readableClass == NULL) return;
	va_start (arg, readableClass);
	_Thing_addOneReadableClass ((Thing_Table) readableClass);
	while ((klas = va_arg (arg, void*)) != NULL) {
		_Thing_addOneReadableClass ((Thing_Table) klas);
	va_end (arg);

long Thing_listReadableClasses (void) {
	Melder_clearInfo ();
	MelderInfo_open ();
	for (long iclass = 1; iclass <= numberOfReadableClasses; iclass ++) {
		Thing_Table klas = (structThing_Table*)readableClasses [iclass];
		MelderInfo_writeLine3 (Melder_integer (klas -> sequentialUniqueIdOfReadableClass), L"\t", klas -> _className);
	MelderInfo_close ();
	return numberOfReadableClasses;

static int numberOfAliases = 0;
static struct { void *readableClass; const wchar_t *otherName; } aliases [1 + 100];
void Thing_recognizeClassByOtherName (void *readableClass, const wchar_t *otherName) {
	aliases [++ numberOfAliases]. readableClass = readableClass;
	aliases [numberOfAliases]. otherName = otherName;

long Thing_version;   /* Global variable! */
void *Thing_classFromClassName (const wchar_t *klas) {
	int i;
	wchar_t *space;
	static wchar_t buffer [1+100];
	wcsncpy (buffer, klas ? klas : L"", 100);
	space = wcschr (buffer, ' ');
	if (space) {
		*space = '\0';   /* Strip version number. */
		Thing_version = wcstol (space + 1, NULL, 10);
	} else {
		Thing_version = 0;

	 * First try the class names that were registered with Thing_recognizeClassesByName.
	for (i = 1; i <= numberOfReadableClasses; i ++) {
		Thing_Table table = (structThing_Table*)readableClasses [i];
		if (wcsequ (buffer, table -> _className)) {
			if (! table -> destroy)   /* Table not initialized? */
				table -> _initialize (table);
			return table;

	 * Then try the aliases that were registered with Thing_recognizeClassByOtherName.
	for (i = 1; i <= numberOfAliases; i ++) {
		if (wcsequ (buffer, aliases [i]. otherName)) {
			Thing_Table table = (structThing_Table*)aliases [i]. readableClass;
			if (! table -> destroy)   /* Table not initialized? */
				table -> _initialize (table);
			return table;

	return Melder_errorp3 (L"(Thing_classFromClassName:) Class \"", buffer, L"\" not recognized.");
void IntervalTier_cutIntervalsOnLabelMatch (IntervalTier me, const wchar_t *label) {
	long i = 1;
	while (i < my intervals -> size) {
		TextInterval ti = (TextInterval) my intervals -> item[i];
		TextInterval tip1 = (TextInterval) my intervals -> item[i + 1];
		if ( (label == 0 || (ti -> text != 0 && wcsequ (ti -> text, label))) &&
		        (Melder_wcscmp (ti -> text, tip1 -> text) == 0)) {

			IntervalTier_cutInterval (me, i, 1);
		} else {
Пример #11

static void cb_ERPWindow_publication (Editor editor, void *closure, Data publication) {
	(void) editor;
	(void) closure;
	 * Keep the gate for error handling.
	try {
		praat_new (publication, NULL);
		praat_updateSelection ();
		if (Thing_member (publication, classSpectrum) && wcsequ (Thing_getName (publication), L"slice")) {
			int IOBJECT;
			LOOP {
				iam (Spectrum);
				autoSpectrumEditor editor2 = SpectrumEditor_create (ID_AND_FULL_NAME, me);
				praat_installEditor (editor2.transfer(), IOBJECT);
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_flushError (NULL);
Пример #12
static double searchToken (ManPages me, long ipage, wchar_t *token) {
	double goodness = 0.0;
	ManPage page = (ManPage) my pages -> item [ipage];
	struct structManPage_Paragraph *par = & page -> paragraphs [0];
	if (! token [0]) return 1.0;
	 * Try to find a match in the title, case insensitively.
	static MelderString buffer = { 0 };
	MelderString_copy (& buffer, page -> title);
	for (wchar_t *p = & buffer.string [0]; *p != '\0'; p ++) *p = tolower (*p);
	if (wcsstr (buffer.string, token)) {
		goodness += 300.0;   /* Lots of points for a match in the title! */
		if (wcsequ (buffer.string, token))
			goodness += 10000.0;   /* Even more points for an exact match! */
	 * Try to find a match in the paragraphs, case-insensitively.
	while (par -> type) {
		if (par -> text) {
			wchar_t *ptoken;
			MelderString_copy (& buffer, par -> text);
			for (wchar_t *p = & buffer.string [0]; *p != '\0'; p ++) *p = tolower (*p);
			ptoken = wcsstr (buffer.string, token);
			if (ptoken) {
				goodness += 10.0;   /* Ten points for every paragraph with a match! */
				if (wcsstr (ptoken + wcslen (token), token)) {
					goodness += 1.0;   /* One point for every second occurrence in a paragraph! */
		par ++;
	return goodness;
Пример #13
int ButtonEditor::goToPage (const wchar_t *title) {
    if (! title || ! title [0]) return 0;
    if (wcsequ (title, L"Buttons")) return 1;
    switch (title [0]) {
    case 'a': {   /* Toggle visibility of action.*/
        long i = wcstol (& title [1], NULL, 10);
        praat_Command action = praat_getAction (i);
        if (! action) return 0;
        if (action -> hidden)
            praat_showAction (action -> class1, action -> class2, action -> class3, action -> title);
            praat_hideAction (action -> class1, action -> class2, action -> class3, action -> title);
    case 'm': {   /* Toggle visibility of menu command. */
        long i = wcstol (& title [1], NULL, 10);
        praat_Command menuCommand = praat_getMenuCommand (i);
        if (! menuCommand) return 0;
        if (menuCommand -> hidden)
            praat_showMenuCommand (menuCommand -> window, menuCommand -> menu, menuCommand -> title);
            praat_hideMenuCommand (menuCommand -> window, menuCommand -> menu, menuCommand -> title);
    case 'e': {   /* Execute action. */
        long i = wcstol (& title [1], NULL, 10);
        praat_Command action = praat_getAction (i);
        if (! action || ! action -> callback) return 0;
        if (action -> title) {
            UiForm::history.write (L"\n");
            UiForm::history.write (action -> title);
        if (action -> script) {
            if (! DO_RunTheScriptFromAnyAddedMenuCommand (NULL, action -> script, NULL, NULL, false, NULL)) Melder_flushError ("Command not executed.");
        } else {
            if (! action -> callback (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, NULL)) Melder_flushError ("Command not executed.");
        praat_updateSelection ();
    case 'p': {   /* Perform menu command. */
        long i = wcstol (& title [1], NULL, 10);
        praat_Command menuCommand = praat_getMenuCommand (i);
        if (! menuCommand || ! menuCommand -> callback) return 0;
        if (menuCommand -> title) {
            UiForm::history.write (L"\n");
            UiForm::history.write (menuCommand -> title);
        if (menuCommand -> script) {
            if (! DO_RunTheScriptFromAnyAddedMenuCommand (NULL, menuCommand -> script, NULL, NULL, false, NULL)) Melder_flushError ("Command not executed.");
        } else {
            if (! menuCommand -> callback (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, NULL)) Melder_flushError ("Command not executed.");
        praat_updateSelection ();
    return 0;
Пример #14
static Strings Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList (const wchar_t *path, int type) {
		 * Initialize.
		DIR *d = NULL;
		try {
			autoMelderString filePath, searchDirectory, left, right;
			 * Parse the path.
			 * Example: in /Users/paul/sounds/h*.wav",
			 * the search directory is "/Users/paul/sounds",
			 * the left environment is "h", and the right environment is ".wav".
			MelderString_copy (& searchDirectory, path);
			wchar_t *asterisk = wcsrchr (searchDirectory. string, '*');
			if (asterisk != NULL) {
				*asterisk = '\0';
				searchDirectory. length = asterisk - searchDirectory. string;   // probably superfluous, but correct
				wchar_t *lastSlash = wcsrchr (searchDirectory. string, Melder_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
				if (lastSlash != NULL) {
					*lastSlash = '\0';   // This fixes searchDirectory.
					searchDirectory. length = lastSlash - searchDirectory. string;   // probably superfluous, but correct
					MelderString_copy (& left, lastSlash + 1);
				} else {
					MelderString_copy (& left, searchDirectory. string);   // quickly save...
					MelderString_empty (& searchDirectory);   // ...before destruction
				MelderString_copy (& right, asterisk + 1);
			char buffer8 [1+kMelder_MAXPATH];
			Melder_wcsTo8bitFileRepresentation_inline (searchDirectory. string, buffer8);
			d = opendir (buffer8 [0] ? buffer8 : ".");
			if (d == NULL)
				Melder_throw ("Cannot open directory ", searchDirectory. string, ".");
			//Melder_casual ("opened");
			autoStrings me = Thing_new (Strings);
			my strings = NUMvector <wchar_t *> (1, 1000000);
			struct dirent *entry;
			while ((entry = readdir (d)) != NULL) {
				MelderString_copy (& filePath, searchDirectory. string [0] ? searchDirectory. string : L".");
				MelderString_appendCharacter (& filePath, Melder_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
				wchar_t bufferW [1+kMelder_MAXPATH];
				Melder_8bitFileRepresentationToWcs_inline (entry -> d_name, bufferW);
				MelderString_append (& filePath, bufferW);
				//Melder_casual ("read %s", filePath. string);
				Melder_wcsTo8bitFileRepresentation_inline (filePath. string, buffer8);
				struct stat stats;
				if (stat (buffer8, & stats) != 0) {
					Melder_throw ("Cannot look at file ", filePath. string, ".");
					//stats. st_mode = -1L;
				//Melder_casual ("statted %s", filePath. string);
				//Melder_casual ("file %s mode %s", filePath. string, Melder_integer (stats. st_mode / 4096));
				if ((type == Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList_TYPE_FILE && S_ISREG (stats. st_mode)) ||
					(type == Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList_TYPE_DIRECTORY && S_ISDIR (stats. st_mode)))
					Melder_8bitFileRepresentationToWcs_inline (entry -> d_name, bufferW);
					unsigned long length = wcslen (bufferW);
					if (bufferW [0] != '.' &&
						(left. length == 0 || wcsnequ (bufferW, left. string, left. length)) &&
						(right. length == 0 || (length >= right. length && wcsequ (bufferW + (length - right. length), right. string))))
						my strings [++ my numberOfStrings] = Melder_wcsdup (bufferW);
			closedir (d);
			Strings_sort (me.peek());
			return me.transfer();
		} catch (MelderError) {
			if (d) closedir (d);   // "finally"
	#elif defined (_WIN32)
		try {
			wchar_t searchPath [1+kMelder_MAXPATH];
			int len = wcslen (path), hasAsterisk = wcschr (path, '*') != NULL, endsInSeparator = len != 0 && path [len - 1] == '\\';
			autoStrings me = Thing_new (Strings);
			my strings = NUMvector <wchar_t *> (1, 1000000);
			swprintf (searchPath, 1+kMelder_MAXPATH, L"%ls%ls%ls", path, hasAsterisk || endsInSeparator ? L"" : L"\\", hasAsterisk ? L"" : L"*");
			WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData;
			HANDLE searchHandle = FindFirstFileW (searchPath, & findData);
			if (searchHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
				do {
					if ((type == Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList_TYPE_FILE &&
							(findData. dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0)
					 || (type == Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList_TYPE_DIRECTORY && 
							(findData. dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0))
						if (findData. cFileName [0] != '.') {
							my strings [++ my numberOfStrings] = Melder_wcsdup (findData. cFileName);
				} while (FindNextFileW (searchHandle, & findData));
				FindClose (searchHandle);
			Strings_sort (me.peek());
			return me.transfer();
		} catch (MelderError) {
long TableOfReal_columnLabelToIndex (TableOfReal me, const wchar_t *label) {
	for (long icol = 1; icol <= my numberOfColumns; icol ++)
		if (my columnLabels [icol] && wcsequ (my columnLabels [icol], label))
			return icol;
	return 0;
Пример #16
int HyperPage_any (I, const wchar_t *text, enum kGraphics_font font, int size, int style, double minFooterDistance,
	double x, double secondIndent, double topSpacing, double bottomSpacing, unsigned long method)
	iam (HyperPage);
	double heightGuess;

	if (my rightMargin == 0) return 0;
	// Melder_assert (my rightMargin != 0);

	heightGuess = size * (1.2/72) * ((long) size * wcslen (text) / (int) (my rightMargin * 150));

if (! my printing) {
	Graphics_Link *paragraphLinks;
	int numberOfParagraphLinks, ilink;
	if (my entryHint && (method & HyperPage_USE_ENTRY_HINT) && wcsequ (text, my entryHint)) {
		my entryPosition = my d_y;
	my d_y -= ( my previousBottomSpacing > topSpacing ? my previousBottomSpacing : topSpacing ) * size / 12.0;
	my d_y -= size * (1.2/72);
	my d_x = x;

	if (/* my d_y > PAGE_HEIGHT + 2.0 + heightGuess || */ my d_y < PAGE_HEIGHT - SCREEN_HEIGHT) {
		my d_y -= heightGuess;
	} else {
		Graphics_setFont (my g, font);
		Graphics_setFontSize (my g, size);
		Graphics_setWrapWidth (my g, my rightMargin - x - 0.1);
		Graphics_setSecondIndent (my g, secondIndent);
		Graphics_setFontStyle (my g, style);
		Graphics_text (my g, my d_x, my d_y, text);
		numberOfParagraphLinks = Graphics_getLinks (& paragraphLinks);
		if (my links) for (ilink = 1; ilink <= numberOfParagraphLinks; ilink ++) {
			HyperLink link = HyperLink_create (paragraphLinks [ilink]. name,
				paragraphLinks [ilink]. x1, paragraphLinks [ilink]. x2,
				paragraphLinks [ilink]. y1, paragraphLinks [ilink]. y2);
			Collection_addItem (my links, link);
		if (method & HyperPage_ADD_BORDER) {
			Graphics_setLineWidth (my g, 2);
			Graphics_line (my g, 0.0, my d_y, my rightMargin, my d_y);
			Graphics_setLineWidth (my g, 1);
		 * The text may have wrapped.
		 * Ask the Graphics manager by how much, and update our text position accordingly.
		my d_y = Graphics_inqTextY (my g);
} else {
	Graphics_setFont (my ps, font);
	Graphics_setFontSize (my ps, size);
	my d_y -= my d_y == PAPER_TOP - TOP_MARGIN ? 0 : ( my previousBottomSpacing > topSpacing ? my previousBottomSpacing : topSpacing ) * size / 12.0;
	my d_y -= size * (1.2/72);
	if (my d_y < PAPER_BOTTOM + BOTTOM_MARGIN + minFooterDistance + size * (1.2/72) * (wcslen (text) / (6.0 * 10))) {
		Graphics_nextSheetOfPaper (my ps);
		if (my d_printingPageNumber) my d_printingPageNumber ++;
		HyperPage_initSheetOfPaper (me);
		Graphics_setFont (my ps, font);
		Graphics_setFontSize (my ps, size);
		my d_y -= size * (1.2/72);
	my d_x = 0.7 + x;
	Graphics_setWrapWidth (my ps, 6.0 - x);
	Graphics_setSecondIndent (my ps, secondIndent);
	Graphics_setFontStyle (my ps, style);
	Graphics_text (my ps, my d_x, my d_y, text);
	if (method & HyperPage_ADD_BORDER) {
		Graphics_setLineWidth (my ps, 3);
		/*Graphics_line (my ps, 0.7, my d_y, 6.7, my d_y);*/
		Graphics_line (my ps, 0.7, my d_y + size * (1.2/72) + 0.07, 6.7, my d_y + size * (1.2/72) + 0.07);
		Graphics_setLineWidth (my ps, 1);
	my d_y = Graphics_inqTextY (my ps);
	my previousBottomSpacing = bottomSpacing;
	return 1;
Пример #17
Speaker Speaker_create (wchar_t *kindOfSpeaker, int numberOfVocalCordMasses) {
	Speaker me = Thing_new (Speaker);

	/* Supralaryngeal dimensions are taken from P. Mermelstein (1973):		*/
	/*    "Articulatory model for the study of speech production",		*/
	/*    Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 53,1070 - 1082.		*/
	/* That was a male speaker, so we need scaling for other speakers:		*/

	double scaling;
	if (! me) return NULL;
	if (wcsequ (kindOfSpeaker, L"Male")) my relativeSize = 1.1;
	else if (wcsequ (kindOfSpeaker, L"Child")) my relativeSize = 0.7;
	else my relativeSize = 1.0;
	scaling = my relativeSize;

	/* Laryngeal system. Data for male speaker from Ishizaka and Flanagan.	*/

	if (wcsequ (kindOfSpeaker, L"Female")) {
		my lowerCord.thickness = 1.4e-3;   /* dx, in metres */
		my upperCord.thickness = 0.7e-3;
		my cord.length = 10e-3;
		my lowerCord.mass = 0.02e-3;   /* kilograms */
		my upperCord.mass = 0.01e-3;
		my lowerCord.k1 = 10;   /* Newtons per metre */
		my upperCord.k1 = 4;
	} else if (wcsequ (kindOfSpeaker, L"Male")) {
		my lowerCord.thickness = 2.0e-3;   /* dx, in metres */
		my upperCord.thickness = 1.0e-3;
		my cord.length = 18e-3;
		my lowerCord.mass = 0.1e-3;   /* kilograms */
		my upperCord.mass = 0.05e-3;
		my lowerCord.k1 = 12;   /* Newtons per metre */
		my upperCord.k1 = 4;
	} else /* "Child" */ {
		my lowerCord.thickness = 0.7e-3;   /* dx, in metres */
		my upperCord.thickness = 0.3e-3;
		my cord.length = 6e-3;
		my lowerCord.mass = 0.003e-3;   /* kilograms */
		my upperCord.mass = 0.002e-3;
		my lowerCord.k1 = 6;   /* Newtons per metre */
		my upperCord.k1 = 2;
	my cord.numberOfMasses = numberOfVocalCordMasses;
	if (numberOfVocalCordMasses == 1) {
		my lowerCord.thickness += my upperCord.thickness;
		my lowerCord.mass += my upperCord.mass;
		my lowerCord.k1 += my upperCord.k1;

	/* Supralaryngeal system. Data from Mermelstein. */

	my velum.x = -0.031 * scaling;
	my velum.y = 0.023 * scaling;
	my velum.a = atan2 (my velum.y, my velum.x);
	my palate.radius = sqrt (my velum.x * my velum.x + my velum.y * my velum.y);
	my tip.length = 0.034 * scaling;
	my neutralBodyDistance = 0.086 * scaling;
	my alveoli.x = 0.024 * scaling;
	my alveoli.y = 0.0302 * scaling;
	my alveoli.a = atan2 (my alveoli.y, my alveoli.x);
	my teethCavity.dx1 = -0.009 * scaling;
	my teethCavity.dx2 = -0.004 * scaling;
	my teethCavity.dy = -0.011 * scaling;
	my lowerTeeth.a = -0.30;   /* radians */
	my lowerTeeth.r = 0.113 * scaling;   /* metres */
	my upperTeeth.x = 0.036 * scaling;
	my upperTeeth.y = 0.026 * scaling;
	my lowerLip.dx = 0.010 * scaling;
	my lowerLip.dy = -0.004 * scaling;
	my upperLip.dx = 0.010 * scaling;
	my upperLip.dy = 0.004 * scaling;

	my nose.Dx = 0.007 * scaling;
	my nose.Dz = 0.014 * scaling;
	my nose.weq [0] = 0.018 * scaling;
	my nose.weq [1] = 0.016 * scaling;
	my nose.weq [2] = 0.014 * scaling;
	my nose.weq [3] = 0.020 * scaling;
	my nose.weq [4] = 0.023 * scaling;
	my nose.weq [5] = 0.020 * scaling;
	my nose.weq [6] = 0.035 * scaling;
	my nose.weq [7] = 0.035 * scaling;
	my nose.weq [8] = 0.030 * scaling;
	my nose.weq [9] = 0.022 * scaling;
	my nose.weq [10] = 0.016 * scaling;
	my nose.weq [11] = 0.010 * scaling;
	my nose.weq [12] = 0.012 * scaling;
	my nose.weq [13] = 0.013 * scaling;

	return me;
Пример #18
void structManual :: v_draw () {
	ManPages manPages = (ManPages) data;
	ManPage page;
	ManPage_Paragraph paragraph;
	#if motif
	Graphics_clearWs (g);
	if (path == SEARCH_PAGE) {
		HyperPage_pageTitle (this, L"Best matches");
		HyperPage_intro (this, L"The best matches to your query seem to be:");
		for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfMatches; i ++) {
			wchar link [300];
			page = (ManPage) manPages -> pages -> item [matches [i]];
			swprintf (link, 300, L"\\bu @@%ls", page -> title);
			HyperPage_listItem (this, link);
	page = (ManPage) manPages -> pages -> item [path];
	if (! paragraphs) return;
	HyperPage_pageTitle (this, page -> title);
	for (paragraph = & page -> paragraphs [0]; paragraph -> type != 0; paragraph ++) {
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				paragraph -> height, paragraph -> draw); break;
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				paragraph -> height, paragraph -> text); break;
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					goAhead = FALSE;
					HyperPage_entry (this, L"Links to this page");
		if (goAhead) for (ilink = 1; ilink <= page -> nlinksHither; ilink ++) {
			long link = page -> linksHither [ilink];
			int alreadyShown = FALSE;
			for (jlink = 1; jlink <= page -> nlinksThither; jlink ++)
				if (page -> linksThither [jlink] == link)
					alreadyShown = TRUE;
			if (! alreadyShown) {
				const wchar *title = ((ManPage) manPages -> pages -> item [page -> linksHither [ilink]]) -> title;
				wchar linkText [304];
				swprintf (linkText, 304, L"@@%ls@", title);
				HyperPage_listItem (this, linkText);
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			wcsequ (page -> author, L"ppgb") ? L"Paul Boersma" :
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			date % 100, month [imonth], date / 10000);
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			0.03, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0);
long TableOfReal_rowLabelToIndex (TableOfReal me, const wchar_t *label) {
	for (long irow = 1; irow <= my numberOfRows; irow ++)
		if (my rowLabels [irow] && wcsequ (my rowLabels [irow], label))
			return irow;
	return 0;