Пример #1
// our application-specific read function
HFileInputResult HSolidModel::Read(const wchar_t * FileName,
								   HBaseView * pHView,
								   bool clean_include,
								   HInputHandlerOptions * options) 
	// This process is going to take sometime, convey that to the user
	CWaitCursor show_hourglass_cursor_through_this_function;

	HFileInputResult success = InputOK;
	wchar_t extension[64];
	wchar_t const * ext = wcsrchr(FileName, L'.');

		return InputBadFileName;

	++ext; //move one past the dot;

	// in case we have a Pro/E file which ends with a number, e.g., *.prt.1 or *.xas.1
	bool good_filename = true;
	wchar_t *filename_copy = 0;
	if ( good_filename && ext[0] >= L'0' && ext[0] <= L'9' ) { 
		if (filename_copy == 0) {
			int original_filename_len = (int)wcslen(FileName);
			filename_copy = new wchar_t [original_filename_len + 1];
			swprintf(filename_copy, original_filename_len, L"%ls", FileName);
			filename_copy[original_filename_len] = '\0';
		wchar_t *bad_ext = wcsrchr(filename_copy, L'.');
		bad_ext[0] = '\0';
		ext = wcsrchr(filename_copy, L'.');
		if (!ext)
			good_filename = false;

	if (ext)
		swprintf(extension, 64, L"%ls", ext);

	if (filename_copy)
		delete [] filename_copy;

	if (!good_filename)
		return InputBadFileName;

	// we should maybe read ach file into it's own subsegment of the main model segment 
	// however I am keeping with reading it into the modelkey directly so that reading
	// and writing out a file doesn't result in nesting occuring.  Gavin
#ifdef INTEROP
	if (wcsieq(extension, L"catpart") || wcsieq(extension, L"catproduct") || wcsieq(extension, L"cgr") ||
		wcsieq(extension, L"model")   || wcsieq(extension, L"session")    || wcsieq(extension, L"exp") ||
		wcsieq(extension, L"prt")     || wcsieq(extension, L"xpr")        ||
		wcsieq(extension, L"asm")     || wcsieq(extension, L"xas")        ||
		wcsieq(extension, L"igs")     || wcsieq(extension, L"iges")       ||
		wcsieq(extension, L"stp")     || wcsieq(extension, L"step")       ||
		wcsieq(extension, L"vda")     ||
		wcsieq(extension, L"sldprt")  || wcsieq(extension, L"sldasm")	  ||
		wcsieq(extension, L"ipt")	  || wcsieq(extension, L"iam")
#ifdef ACIS
		|| wcsieq(extension, L"x_t") || wcsieq(extension, L"x_b")
#endif // ACIS
		) {
			m_bSolidModel = true;
			m_bSolidData = true;
#ifdef ACIS
			outcome o = api_note_state(ds);
#endif // ACIS
			success = iop_fio->Import(FileName, extension, (HBaseView *)pHView);
#ifdef ACIS
			o = api_note_state(ds);

			o = api_note_state(ds);
#endif // ACIS
#endif // INTEROP
#ifdef ACIS
#ifdef INTEROP
#endif // INTEROP
		if  (!wcsnicmp(extension, L"sat", wcslen(L"sat")))
			ENTITY_LIST elist;
			ENTITY* entity;

			m_bSolidModel = true;
			m_bSolidData = true;

			logical read_sat_result = HA_Read_Sat_File(H_ASCII_TEXT(FileName), elist);	// read an SAT file
			if( read_sat_result == FALSE )
				AfxMessageBox(_T("Failed to read SAT file. The file may be corrupt or from later version of ACIS."));
				success = InputFail;

			elist.init();						// set next() function to return first element in "list"
			while (entity = elist.next())
		else if( !wcsnicmp(extension, L"asat", wcslen(L"asat")) )
			m_bSolidModel = true;
			m_bSolidData = true;

			logical read_asat_result = HA_Read_Asat_File(H_ASCII_TEXT(FileName), m_modelList);
			if( read_asat_result == FALSE )
				AfxMessageBox(_T("Failed to read ASAT file. The file may be corrupt or from later version of ACIS."));
				success = InputFail;
				// render the entities
				asm_model* this_model = m_modelList.next();
				while (this_model)
						HA_Render_Model(this_model, "entity");
					this_model->get_top_level_entities(m_entityList, TRUE);

					this_model = m_modelList.next();


#endif // ACIS
		if(	wcsieq(extension, L"") )
			AfxMessageBox(_T("Failed to read file. Unrecognized file extension."));
#endif // HOOPS_ONLY			
			// we don't know what extensions the base class is capable of handling
			// let it try and read the file whatever the extension might be

//#ifndef HOOPS_ONLY				
//			if (wcsieq(extension, _T(KERN_STREAM_FILE)))
//				m_bSolidModel = true;
//			else
			m_bSolidModel = true;

			if (wcsieq(extension, L"dwg") || wcsieq(extension, L"dxf")|| wcsieq(extension, L"dgn"))
				//HInputHandlerOptions options;
				//wchar_t * p_dwg_textures_dir = 0;
				//if(CAppSettings::DWGTextureDirectory.IsEmpty() == FALSE)
				//	H_WCS wcs(CAppSettings::DWGTextureDirectory);
				//	p_dwg_textures_dir = wcsdup(wcs.encodedText());
				//options.m_pHBaseView = view;
				//options.m_pExtendedData = (void*) p_dwg_textures_dir;
				//options.m_bInputViaHSF = CAppSettings::bImportDWGviaBstream;
				//options.m_Deviation = atof(H_ASCII_TEXT(CAppSettings::DWGDeviation));
				//options.m_bImportMetadata = CAppSettings::bImportDWGXData;
				//options.m_bMergeEntityShells = true;
				//options.m_bImportAllLayouts = CAppSettings::bImportAllLayouts;

				////For DGN
				//options.m_bIgnoreOffLayer = CAppSettings::bIgnoreInvisibleLayers;
				//options.m_bIgnoreOffEntity = CAppSettings::bIgnoreInvisibleEntity;
				//options.m_coneFactor = atof(H_ASCII_TEXT(CAppSettings::DGNFactorForCone));
				//options.m_factorForSmartSolids = atof(H_ASCII_TEXT(CAppSettings::DGNFactorForSmartSolids ));

				//success = HBaseModel::Read(FileName, 0, true, &options);

				//	free(p_dwg_textures_dir);
				//HInputHandlerOptions opt;
				//// PRC options
				//opt.m_pPRCPMIConnector = m_pPMIConnector;
				//opt.m_pPRCTopologyManager = m_TopologyManager;
				//opt.m_bPRCMergeFaces = !CAppSettings::bPrcFaceEdgeVertexSelectability;
				//opt.m_pPRCMultiModelSelectionCallback = MultiModelSelectionCallback;

				//// Other options
				//opt.m_pConnector = m_pConnector;
				//opt.m_tk = GetStreamFileTK();
				//opt.m_pHBaseView = view;
				//opt.m_bImportMetadata = CAppSettings::bImportDWGXData;;
				success = HBaseModel::Read(FileName/*, view, true, &opt*/);
				/*m_pPRCAsmModelFile = opt.m_pPRCAsmModelFile;
				if (opt.m_bPRCWrongVersion)
					MessageBox(0, H_TEXT(L"PRC Import requires functionality that is not available in your version of Acrobat.\nPlease update to the latest version of Acrobat to view this file."), _T("ERROR!"), MB_OK);
					success = InputOK;
		// update the polygon handedness for this model

#if 0
		if( m_bSolidModel )
		return success;
int test_implicit_compare_with_functions() {

  if (memcmp(A, "a", 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'memcmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: memcmp(A, "a", 1) != 0)

  if (wmemcmp(W, L"a", 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'wmemcmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: wmemcmp(W, L"a", 1) != 0)

  if (memicmp(A, "a", 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'memicmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: memicmp(A, "a", 1) != 0)

  if (_memicmp(A, "a", 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_memicmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _memicmp(A, "a", 1) != 0)

  if (_memicmp_l(A, "a", 1, locale))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_memicmp_l' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _memicmp_l(A, "a", 1, locale) != 0)

  if (strcmp(A, "a"))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'strcmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: strcmp(A, "a") != 0)

  if (strncmp(A, "a", 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'strncmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: strncmp(A, "a", 1) != 0)

  if (strcasecmp(A, "a"))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'strcasecmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: strcasecmp(A, "a") != 0)

  if (strncasecmp(A, "a", 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'strncasecmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: strncasecmp(A, "a", 1) != 0)

  if (stricmp(A, "a"))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'stricmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: stricmp(A, "a") != 0)

  if (strcmpi(A, "a"))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'strcmpi' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: strcmpi(A, "a") != 0)

  if (_stricmp(A, "a"))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_stricmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _stricmp(A, "a") != 0)

  if (strnicmp(A, "a", 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'strnicmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: strnicmp(A, "a", 1) != 0)

  if (_strnicmp(A, "a", 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_strnicmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _strnicmp(A, "a", 1) != 0)

  if (_stricmp_l(A, "a", locale))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_stricmp_l' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _stricmp_l(A, "a", locale) != 0)

  if (_strnicmp_l(A, "a", 1, locale))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_strnicmp_l' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _strnicmp_l(A, "a", 1, locale) != 0)

  if (wcscmp(W, L"a"))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'wcscmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: wcscmp(W, L"a") != 0)

  if (wcsncmp(W, L"a", 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'wcsncmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: wcsncmp(W, L"a", 1) != 0)

  if (wcscasecmp(W, L"a"))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'wcscasecmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: wcscasecmp(W, L"a") != 0)

  if (wcsicmp(W, L"a"))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'wcsicmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: wcsicmp(W, L"a") != 0)

  if (_wcsicmp(W, L"a"))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_wcsicmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _wcsicmp(W, L"a") != 0)

  if (_wcsicmp_l(W, L"a", locale))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_wcsicmp_l' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _wcsicmp_l(W, L"a", locale) != 0)

  if (wcsnicmp(W, L"a", 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'wcsnicmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: wcsnicmp(W, L"a", 1) != 0)

  if (_wcsnicmp(W, L"a", 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_wcsnicmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _wcsnicmp(W, L"a", 1) != 0)

  if (_wcsnicmp_l(W, L"a", 1, locale))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_wcsnicmp_l' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _wcsnicmp_l(W, L"a", 1, locale) != 0)

  if (_mbscmp(U, V))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_mbscmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _mbscmp(U, V) != 0)

  if (_mbsncmp(U, V, 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_mbsncmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _mbsncmp(U, V, 1) != 0)

  if (_mbsnbcmp(U, V, 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_mbsnbcmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _mbsnbcmp(U, V, 1) != 0)

  if (_mbsnbicmp(U, V, 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_mbsnbicmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _mbsnbicmp(U, V, 1) != 0)

  if (_mbsicmp(U, V))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_mbsicmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _mbsicmp(U, V) != 0)

  if (_mbsnicmp(U, V, 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_mbsnicmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _mbsnicmp(U, V, 1) != 0)

  if (_mbscmp_l(U, V, locale))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_mbscmp_l' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _mbscmp_l(U, V, locale) != 0)

  if (_mbsncmp_l(U, V, 1, locale))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_mbsncmp_l' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _mbsncmp_l(U, V, 1, locale) != 0)

  if (_mbsicmp_l(U, V, locale))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_mbsicmp_l' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _mbsicmp_l(U, V, locale) != 0)

  if (_mbsnicmp_l(U, V, 1, locale))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_mbsnicmp_l' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _mbsnicmp_l(U, V, 1, locale) != 0)

  if (_mbsnbcmp_l(U, V, 1, locale))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_mbsnbcmp_l' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _mbsnbcmp_l(U, V, 1, locale) != 0)

  if (_mbsnbicmp_l(U, V, 1, locale))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_mbsnbicmp_l' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _mbsnbicmp_l(U, V, 1, locale) != 0)

  return 1;
Пример #3
TextToken* TextToken::tokenizeMath(const wchar_t *text) {
   	TextToken *firstToken = NULL, *lastToken = NULL, *mathToken = NULL;
	static bool     mathModInitialized = false;
	static wchar_t *mathTagName[] = {NULL, NULL};
	static int      mathTagLen[] = {0, 0};
	int i;
	if (!mathModInitialized) {
    	if (ServiceExists(MATH_GET_PARAMS)) {
			char* mthDelStart =  (char *)CallService(MATH_GET_PARAMS, (WPARAM)MATH_PARAM_STARTDELIMITER, 0);
			char* mthDelEnd   =  (char *)CallService(MATH_GET_PARAMS, (WPARAM)MATH_PARAM_ENDDELIMITER, 0);
			if (mthDelStart!=NULL) {
				mathTagName[0] = Utils::convertToWCS(mthDelStart);
				mathTagLen[0] = wcslen(mathTagName[0]);
			if (mthDelEnd!=NULL) {
				mathTagName[1] = Utils::convertToWCS(mthDelEnd);
				mathTagLen[1] = wcslen(mathTagName[1]);
			CallService(MTH_FREE_MATH_BUFFER,0, (LPARAM) mthDelStart);
			CallService(MTH_FREE_MATH_BUFFER,0, (LPARAM) mthDelEnd);
       	mathModInitialized = true;
    int textLen = 0;
    int l = wcslen(text);
	if (mathTagName[0] != NULL && mathTagName[1] != NULL) {
	    for (i=0; i<=l;) {
			int k, tagDataStart=0, newTokenType = 0, newTokenSize = 0;
            bool mathFound = false;
			if (!wcsnicmp(text+i, mathTagName[0], mathTagLen[0])) {
				k = tagDataStart = i + mathTagLen[0];
				for (; k < l; k++) {
					if (!wcsnicmp(text+k, mathTagName[1], mathTagLen[1])) {
						k += mathTagLen[1];
						mathFound = true;
			if (mathFound) {
				mathToken = new TextToken(MATH, text + tagDataStart, k - mathTagLen[1] - tagDataStart);
				char* mathPath=(char*)CallService(MTH_GET_GIF_UNICODE, 0, (LPARAM) mathToken->getTextW());
				if (mathPath!=NULL) {
					CallService(MTH_FREE_GIFPATH, 0, (LPARAM) mathPath);
				} else {
				newTokenType = MATH;
				newTokenSize = k - i;
			} else {
				if (i==l) {
					newTokenType = END;
					newTokenSize = 1;
				} else {
					newTokenType = TEXT;
					newTokenSize = 1;
			if (newTokenType != TEXT) {
				if (textLen >0 ) {
	                TextToken *newToken = new TextToken(TEXT, text+i-textLen, textLen);
					textLen = 0;
					if (lastToken == NULL) {
						firstToken = newToken;
					} else {
					lastToken = newToken;
            	if (newTokenType == MATH) {
					if (lastToken == NULL) {
						firstToken = mathToken;
					} else {
					lastToken = mathToken;
			} else {
				textLen += newTokenSize;
			i += newTokenSize;
    return firstToken;
Пример #4
TextToken* TextToken::tokenizeBBCodes(const wchar_t *text, int l) {
	static wchar_t *bbTagName[] = {L"b", L"i", L"u", L"img", L"color", L"size"};
	static int 		bbTagNameLen[] = {1, 1, 1, 3, 5, 4};
	static int 		bbTagArg[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1};
	static int 		bbTagId[] = {BB_B, BB_I, BB_U, BB_IMG, BB_COLOR, BB_SIZE};
	static int      bbTagEnd[6];
	static int      bbTagCount[6];
	int i,j;
   	TextToken *firstToken = NULL, *lastToken = NULL, * bbToken = NULL;
    int textLen = 0;
	for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
		bbTagCount[j] = 0;
		bbTagEnd[j] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i <= l;) {
		int k, tagArgStart=0, tagArgEnd=0, tagDataStart=0, newTokenType = 0, newTokenSize = 0;
		bool bbFound = false;
		if (text[i] == '[') {
			if (text[i+1] != '/') {
				for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
					k = i + 1;
					if (!wcsnicmp(text+k, bbTagName[j], bbTagNameLen[j])) {
						tagArgStart = tagArgEnd = 0;
						k += bbTagNameLen[j];
						if (bbTagArg[j]) {
							if (text[k] != '=') continue;
							tagArgStart = k;
							for (; text[k]!='\0'; k++) {
								if ((text[k]>='0' && text[k]<='9') ||
									(text[k]>='A' && text[k]<='Z') ||
									(text[k]>='a' && text[k]<='z') ||
									(text[k]=='#')) continue;
							tagArgEnd = k;
						if (text[k] == ']') {
							tagDataStart = k;
							if (k < bbTagEnd[j]) k = bbTagEnd[j];
							for (; k < l; k++) {
								if (text[k] == '[' && text[k+1] == '/') {
									k += 2;
									if (!wcsnicmp(text+k, bbTagName[j], bbTagNameLen[j])) {
										k += bbTagNameLen[j];
										if (text[k] == ']') {
											bbFound = true;
							if (bbFound) break;
				if (bbFound) {
                    bbTagEnd[j] = k;
					switch (bbTagId[j]) {
					case BB_B:
					case BB_I:
					case BB_U:
					case BB_COLOR:
					case BB_SIZE:
						if (bbTagArg[j]) {
							bbToken = new TextToken(BBCODE, text + tagArgStart, tagArgEnd - tagArgStart);
						} else {
							bbToken = new TextToken(BBCODE, bbTagName[j], bbTagNameLen[j]);
						newTokenType = BBCODE;
						newTokenSize = tagDataStart - i;
					case BB_IMG:
						bbToken = new TextToken(BBCODE, text + tagDataStart, k - 6 - tagDataStart);
						newTokenType = BBCODE;
						newTokenSize = k - i;
			} else {
				for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
					k = i + 2;
					if (bbTagCount[j]>0 && !wcsnicmp(text+k, bbTagName[j], bbTagNameLen[j])) {
						k += bbTagNameLen[j];
						if (text[k] == ']') {
							bbFound = true;
				if (bbFound) {
					bbToken = new TextToken(BBCODE, bbTagName[j], bbTagNameLen[j]);
					newTokenType = BBCODE;
					newTokenSize = k - i;
		if (!bbFound) {
			if (i==l) {
				newTokenType = END;
				newTokenSize = 1;
			} else {
				newTokenType = TEXT;
				newTokenSize = 1;
		if (newTokenType != TEXT) {
			if (textLen >0 ) {
                TextToken *newToken = new TextToken(TEXT, text+i-textLen, textLen);
				textLen = 0;
				if (lastToken == NULL) {
					firstToken = newToken;
				} else {
				lastToken = newToken;
            if (newTokenType == BBCODE) {
				if (lastToken == NULL) {
					firstToken = bbToken;
				} else {
				lastToken = bbToken;
		} else {
			textLen += newTokenSize;
		i += newTokenSize;
    return firstToken;
Пример #5
* \author	Darryn Campbell (DCC, JRQ768)
* \date		October 2009
LRESULT CIEBrowserEngine::WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	LRESULT lResult = S_OK;

    switch (uMsg) 
		case WM_NOTIFY:
			//  Received a message from the Pocket Internet Explorer component
			//  to indicate something has happened (BeforeNavigate / DocumentComplete etc).
			//  The lParam contains an NM_HTMLVIEWW containing information about
			//  the event, parse it.
			LPNMHDR pnmh;
			pnmHTML = (NM_HTMLVIEWW *) lParam;
			pnmh    = (LPNMHDR) &(pnmHTML->hdr);
			//  The message has originated from one of the tabs we created, determine
			//  the tab ID from the hwnd
			//IETab* tab = GetSpecificTab(hwndParentOfOriginator);
            CIEBrowserEngine* mobileTab = CIEBrowserEngine::getInstance();

			//  Invoke the appropriate tab with the event.  The data will vary
			//  depending on which event has been received
			TCHAR tcTarget[MAX_URL + 1];
			memset (tcTarget, 0, sizeof(TCHAR) * MAX_URL + 1);
			switch (pnmh->code)
			case NM_PIE_TITLE:
				//  The Page Title has been received from the Page, convert 
				//  the content to a wide string
				if (pnmHTML->szTarget)
					mbstowcs(tcTarget, (LPSTR)pnmHTML->szTarget, MAX_URL);
				if (tcTarget)
			case NM_PIE_META:

				//  A Meta Tag has been received from the Page, convert the content
				//  and data to wide strings.
				if (pnmHTML->szTarget)
					mbstowcs(tcTarget, (LPSTR)pnmHTML->szTarget, MAX_URL);
				TCHAR tcData[MAX_URL+1];
				memset(tcData, 0, sizeof(TCHAR) * MAX_URL + 1);
				if (pnmHTML->szData)
					mbstowcs(tcData, (LPSTR)pnmHTML->szData, MAX_URL);
				//  If there is both an HTTP Equiv and some Content to the Meta
				//  tag then invoke it
				if (tcTarget && tcData)
					mobileTab->InvokeEngineEventMetaTag(tcTarget, tcData);			
				if (pnmHTML->szTarget)
					mbstowcs(tcTarget, (LPSTR)pnmHTML->szTarget, MAX_URL);

				// GD - stop navigation if target starts with file:// and ends with '\'.
				// This is the generated target when using <a href=""> from a local page.
				// If we don't stop it then the File Explorer is launched.
				if (wcslen (tcTarget) >= 8)
					if (!wcsnicmp (tcTarget, L"file://", 7))
						if (tcTarget [wcslen (tcTarget) - 1] == '\\')
							LOG(TRACE) + "Navigation to file folder aborted\n";
							return S_FALSE;
				if (tcTarget)
					mobileTab->InvokeEngineEventLoad(tcTarget, EEID_BEFORENAVIGATE);
				if (pnmHTML->szTarget)
					mbstowcs(tcTarget, (LPSTR)pnmHTML->szTarget, MAX_URL);
				//  If the network is available but the server being reached
				//  is inaccessible the browser component appears to immediately
				//  give a document complete with the current page URL (not the
				//  page being navigated to) which is hiding the hourglass, 
				//  stop this behaviour.
				if (tcTarget && !wcsicmp(tcTarget, mobileTab->m_tcNavigatedURL))
					mobileTab->InvokeEngineEventLoad(tcTarget, EEID_DOCUMENTCOMPLETE);
				if (pnmHTML->szTarget)
					mbstowcs(tcTarget, (LPSTR)pnmHTML->szTarget, MAX_URL);
				if (tcTarget)
					mobileTab->InvokeEngineEventLoad(tcTarget, EEID_NAVIGATECOMPLETE);
				//  Not Used


		lResult = DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);

	return lResult;