Пример #1
void ItemHandle::doLaunch(bool useXdgOpen, const char* globalExe, const char* globalArgs)
	UserCore::Item::Misc::ExeInfoI* ei = getItemInfo()->getActiveExe();
	gcString e(globalExe);
	gcString args;
	gcString ea(ei->getExeArgs());
	gcString ua(ei->getUserArgs());
	gcString ga(globalArgs);
	gcString wdp(ei->getExe());
	if (!useXdgOpen)
		//if we have a valid global exe need to append the local exe as the first arg
		if (e.size() > 0)
			args += gcString(ei->getExe());
			globalExe = ei->getExe();
	auto AppendArgs = [&args](const std::string& a)
		if (a.size() == 0)
		if (args.size() > 0)
			args += " ";
		args += a;

	if (!useXdgOpen)
	bool res = false;

	if (useXdgOpen && args.size() != 0)
		Warning(gcString("Arguments '{1}' are not being passed to non-executable file '{0}'.", ei->getExe(), args));

	UserCore::Item::BranchInfoI* branch = getItemInfo()->getCurrentBranch();

#ifdef NIX64
	if (!useXdgOpen && branch && branch->is32Bit())
		#ifdef USE_BITTEST
			int testRet = system("desura_bittest");
			if (testRet != 0)
				throw gcException(ERR_NO32LIBS);
			throw gcException(ERR_NOBITTEST);

	gcString libPathA;
	gcString libPathB;
	gcString libPath;
	if (branch)
		libPathA = gcString("{0}/{1}/{2}/lib", UTIL::OS::getAppDataPath(), branch->getItemId().getFolderPathExtension(), (uint32)branch->getBranchId());
		libPathB = gcString("{0}/lib{1}", getItemInfo()->getPath(), branch->is32Bit()?"32":"64");

		libPath = libPathA;
		if (UTIL::FS::isValidFolder(libPathB.c_str()))
			libPath += ":";
			libPath += libPathB;

	if (useXdgOpen)
		res = UTIL::LIN::launchProcessXDG(ei->getExe(), libPath.c_str());
		if (libPathA.size() > 0)
			std::vector<DesuraId> toolList;
			getUserCore()->getToolManager()->symLinkTools(toolList, libPathA.c_str());
		std::map<std::string, std::string> info;
		info["cla"] = args;
		info["lp"] = libPath;
		info["wd"] = UTIL::FS::PathWithFile(wdp.c_str()).getFolderPath();
		res = UTIL::LIN::launchProcess(globalExe, info);

	if (!res)
		ERROR_OUTPUT(gcString("Failed to create {0} process. [{1}: {2}].\n", getItemInfo()->getName(), errno, ei->getExe()).c_str());
		throw gcException(ERR_LAUNCH, errno, gcString("Failed to create {0} process. [{1}: {2}].\n", getItemInfo()->getName(), errno, ei->getExe()));
Пример #2
//  METHOD: ossimSensorModel::worldToLineSample()
//  Performs forward projection of ground point to image space.
void ossimH5GridModel::worldToLineSample(const ossimGpt& worldPoint,
                                         ossimDpt&       ip) const
   static const double PIXEL_THRESHOLD    = .1; // acceptable pixel error
   static const int    MAX_NUM_ITERATIONS = 20;

   if(worldPoint.isLatNan() || worldPoint.isLonNan())
   // First check if the world point is inside bounding rectangle:
   int iters = 0;
   ossimDpt wdp (worldPoint);
   if ( m_crossesDateline && (wdp.x < 0.0) )
      // Longitude points stored between 0 and 360.
      wdp.x += 360.0;
   if( (m_boundGndPolygon.getNumberOfVertices() > 0) &&
       (!m_boundGndPolygon.hasNans()) )
      if (!(m_boundGndPolygon.pointWithin(wdp)))
         // if(theSeedFunction.valid())
         // {
         //    theSeedFunction->worldToLineSample(worldPoint, ip);
         // }
         // else if(!theExtrapolateGroundFlag) // if I am not already in the extrapolation routine
         // {
         //    ip = extrapolate(worldPoint);
         // }


   // Substitute zero for null elevation if present:
   double height = worldPoint.hgt;
   if ( ossim::isnan(height) )
      height = 0.0;

   // Utilize iterative scheme for arriving at image point. Begin with guess
   // at image center:
      theSeedFunction->worldToLineSample(worldPoint, ip);
      ip.u = theRefImgPt.u;
      ip.v = theRefImgPt.v;
   ossimDpt ip_du;
   ossimDpt ip_dv;

   ossimGpt gp, gp_du, gp_dv;
   double dlat_du, dlat_dv, dlon_du, dlon_dv;
   double delta_lat, delta_lon, delta_u, delta_v;
   double inverse_norm;
   bool done = false;
   // Begin iterations:
      // establish perturbed image points about the guessed point:
      ip_du.u = ip.u + 1.0;
      ip_du.v = ip.v;
      ip_dv.u = ip.u;
      ip_dv.v = ip.v + 1.0;
      // Compute numerical partials at current guessed point:
      lineSampleHeightToWorld(ip,    height, gp);
      lineSampleHeightToWorld(ip_du, height, gp_du);
      lineSampleHeightToWorld(ip_dv, height, gp_dv);
      if(gp.isLatNan() || gp.isLonNan())
         gp = ossimCoarseGridModel::extrapolate(ip);
      if(gp_du.isLatNan() || gp_du.isLonNan())
         gp_du = ossimCoarseGridModel::extrapolate(ip_du);
      if(gp_dv.isLatNan() || gp_dv.isLonNan())
         gp_dv = ossimCoarseGridModel::extrapolate(ip_dv);

      if ( m_crossesDateline )
         // Longitude set to between 0 and 360.
         if ( gp.lon < 0.0 )    gp.lon    += 360.0;
         if ( gp_du.lon < 0.0 ) gp_du.lon += 360.0;
         if ( gp_dv.lon < 0.0 ) gp_dv.lon += 360.0;
      dlat_du = gp_du.lat - gp.lat; //e
      dlon_du = gp_du.lon - gp.lon; //g
      dlat_dv = gp_dv.lat - gp.lat; //f
      dlon_dv = gp_dv.lon - gp.lon; //h
      // Test for convergence:
      // Use the wdp as it was corrected if there was a date line cross.
      delta_lat = wdp.lat - gp.lat;
      delta_lon = wdp.lon - gp.lon;

      // Compute linearized estimate of image point given gp delta:
      inverse_norm = dlat_dv*dlon_du - dlat_du*dlon_dv; // fg-eh
      if (!ossim::almostEqual(inverse_norm, 0.0, DBL_EPSILON))
         delta_u = (-dlon_dv*delta_lat + dlat_dv*delta_lon)/inverse_norm;
         delta_v = ( dlon_du*delta_lat - dlat_du*delta_lon)/inverse_norm;
         ip.u += delta_u;
         ip.v += delta_v;
         delta_u = 0;
         delta_v = 0;

#if 0
      cout << "gp:    " << gp
           << "\ngp_du: " << gp_du
           << "\ngp_dv: " << gp_dv
           << "\ndelta_lat: " << delta_lat
           << "\ndelta_lon: " << delta_lon     
           << "\ndelta_u: " << delta_u
           << "\ndelta_v: " << delta_v
           << endl;
      done = ((fabs(delta_u) < PIXEL_THRESHOLD)&&
              (fabs(delta_v) < PIXEL_THRESHOLD));

   } while ( (!done) && (iters < MAX_NUM_ITERATIONS));

   // Note that this error mesage appears only if max count was reached while
   // iterating. A linear (no iteration) solution would finish with iters =
#if 0 /* please leave for debug: */
   if (iters >= MAX_NUM_ITERATIONS)
      std::cout << "MAX ITERATION!!!" << std::endl;
      std::cout << "delta_u = "   << delta_u
                << "\ndelta_v = " << delta_v << "\n";
      std::cout << "ITERS === " << iters << std::endl;
   std::cout << "iters = " << iters << "\n";

   // The image point computed this way corresponds to full image space.
   // Apply image offset in the case this is a sub-image rectangle:
   ip -= theSubImageOffset;
} // End: worldToLineSample( ... )