Пример #1
    Dump the file upload details. Don't actually do anything with the uploaded file.
static void uploadTest(Webs *wp, char *path, char *query)
    WebsKey         *s;
    WebsUpload  *up;
    char            *upfile;

    websSetStatus(wp, 200);
    websWriteHeaders(wp, -1, 0);
    websWriteHeader(wp, "Content-Type", "text/plain");
    if (scaselessmatch(wp->method, "POST")) {
        for (s = hashFirst(wp->files); s; s = hashNext(wp->files, s)) {
            up = s->content.value.symbol;
            websWrite(wp, "FILE: %s\r\n", s->name.value.string);
            websWrite(wp, "FILENAME=%s\r\n", up->filename);
            websWrite(wp, "CLIENT=%s\r\n", up->clientFilename);
            websWrite(wp, "TYPE=%s\r\n", up->contentType);
            websWrite(wp, "SIZE=%d\r\n", up->size);
            upfile = sfmt("%s/tmp/%s", websGetDocuments(), up->clientFilename);
            rename(up->filename, upfile);
        websWrite(wp, "\r\nVARS:\r\n");
        for (s = hashFirst(wp->vars); s; s = hashNext(wp->vars, s)) {
            websWrite(wp, "%s=%s\r\n", s->name.value.string, s->content.value.string);
Пример #2
static void logHeader()
    char    home[ME_GOAHEAD_LIMIT_STRING];

    getcwd(home, sizeof(home));
    logmsg(2, "Configuration for %s", ME_TITLE);
    logmsg(2, "---------------------------------------------");
    logmsg(2, "Version:            %s", ME_VERSION);
    logmsg(2, "BuildType:          %s", ME_DEBUG ? "Debug" : "Release");
    logmsg(2, "CPU:                %s", ME_CPU);
    logmsg(2, "OS:                 %s", ME_OS);
    logmsg(2, "Host:               %s", websGetServer());
    logmsg(2, "Directory:          %s", home);
    logmsg(2, "Documents:          %s", websGetDocuments());
    logmsg(2, "Configure:          %s", ME_CONFIG_CMD);
    logmsg(2, "---------------------------------------------");
Пример #3
static void logHeader()
    char    home[BIT_LIMIT_STRING];

    getcwd(home, sizeof(home));
    trace(2, "Configuration for %s\n", BIT_TITLE);
    trace(2, "---------------------------------------------\n");
    trace(2, "Version:            %s-%s\n", BIT_VERSION, BIT_BUILD_NUMBER);
    trace(2, "BuildType:          %s\n", BIT_DEBUG ? "Debug" : "Release");
    trace(2, "CPU:                %s\n", BIT_CPU);
    trace(2, "OS:                 %s\n", BIT_OS);
    trace(2, "Host:               %s\n", websGetServer());
    trace(2, "Directory:          %s\n", home);
    trace(2, "Documents:          %s\n", websGetDocuments());
    trace(2, "Configure:          %s\n", BIT_CONFIG_CMD);
    trace(2, "---------------------------------------------\n");