Пример #1
static void handle_fix(const sensor_msgs::NavSatFixConstPtr fix_ptr,
                       const ros::Publisher& pub_enu,
                       const ros::Publisher& pub_datum)
  static double ecef_datum[3];
  static bool have_datum = false;

  if (!have_datum) {
    initialize_datum(ecef_datum, fix_ptr, pub_datum);
    have_datum = true;

  // Prepare the appropriate input vector to convert the input latlon
  // to an ECEF triplet.
  double llh[3] = { fix_ptr->latitude * TO_RADIANS,
                    fix_ptr->longitude * TO_RADIANS,
                    fix_ptr->altitude };
  double ecef[3];
  wgsllh2ecef(llh, ecef);
  // ECEF triplet is converted to north-east-down (NED), by combining it
  // with the ECEF-formatted datum point.
  double ned[3];
  wgsecef2ned_d(ecef, ecef_datum, ned);

  nav_msgs::Odometry odom_msg;
  odom_msg.header.stamp = fix_ptr->header.stamp;
  odom_msg.pose.pose.position.x = ned[1];
  odom_msg.pose.pose.position.y = ned[0];
  odom_msg.pose.pose.position.z = -ned[2];

  // We only need to populate the diagonals of the covariance matrix; the
  // rest initialize to zero automatically, which is correct as the
  // dimensions of the state are independent.
  odom_msg.pose.covariance[0] = fix_ptr->position_covariance[0];
  odom_msg.pose.covariance[7] = fix_ptr->position_covariance[4];
  odom_msg.pose.covariance[14] = fix_ptr->position_covariance[8];
  // Do not use/trust orientation dimensions from GPS.
  odom_msg.pose.covariance[21] = 1e6;
  odom_msg.pose.covariance[28] = 1e6;
  odom_msg.pose.covariance[35] = 1e6;

  // Orientation of GPS is pointing upward (as far as we know).
  odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation.w = 1;

Пример #2
/** Determine the azimuth and elevation of a point in WGS84 Earth Centered,
 * Earth Fixed (ECEF) Cartesian coordinates from a reference point given in
 * WGS84 ECEF coordinates.
 * First the vector between the points is converted into the local North, East,
 * Down frame of the reference point. Then we can directly calculate the
 * azimuth and elevation.
 * \param ecef      Cartesian coordinates of the point, passed as [X, Y, Z],
 *                  all in meters.
 * \param ref_ecef  Cartesian coordinates of the reference point from which the
 *                  azimuth and elevation is to be determined, passed as
 *                  [X, Y, Z], all in meters.
 * \param azimuth   Pointer to where to store the calculated azimuth output.
 * \param elevation Pointer to where to store the calculated elevation output.
void wgsecef2azel(const double ecef[3], const double ref_ecef[3],
                  double* azimuth, double* elevation) {
  double ned[3];

  /* Calculate the vector from the reference point in the local North, East,
   * Down frame of the reference point. */
  wgsecef2ned_d(ecef, ref_ecef, ned);

  *azimuth = atan2(ned[1], ned[0]);
  /* atan2 returns angle in range [-pi, pi], usually azimuth is defined in the
   * range [0, 2pi]. */
  if (*azimuth < 0)
    *azimuth += 2*M_PI;

  *elevation = asin(-ned[2]/vector_norm(3, ned));
Пример #3

/* Check simply that passing the ECEF position the same as the
 * reference position returns (0, 0, 0) in NED frame */
START_TEST(test_random_wgsecef2ned_d_0) {
  s32 i, j;
  double ned[3];

  for (i = 0; i < 222; i++) {
    const double ecef[3] = {frand(-1e8, 1e8),
                            frand(-1e8, 1e8),
                            frand(-1e8, 1e8)};
    wgsecef2ned_d(ecef, ecef, ned);
    for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
      fail_unless(fabs(ned[j]) < 1e-8,
                  "NED vector to reference ECEF point "
                  "has nonzero element %d: %lf\n"
                  "(point was <%lf %lf %lf>)\n",
                  ned[j], ecef[0], ecef[1], ecef[2]);