Пример #1
/* load, init and query */
static int xacodec_load(sh_video_t *sh, char *filename)
    vd_xanim_ctx *priv = sh->context;
    void *(*what_the)();
    char *error;
    XAVID_MOD_HDR *mod_hdr;
    XAVID_FUNC_HDR *func;
    int i;

//    priv->file_handler = dlopen(filename, RTLD_NOW|RTLD_GLOBAL);
    priv->file_handler = dlopen(filename, RTLD_LAZY);
    if (!priv->file_handler)
	error = dlerror();
	if (error)
	    mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_FATAL, "xacodec: failed to dlopen %s while %s\n", filename, error);
	    mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_FATAL, "xacodec: failed to dlopen %s\n", filename);
	return 0;

    what_the = dlsym(priv->file_handler, "What_The");
    if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL)
	mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_FATAL, "xacodec: failed to init %s while %s\n", filename, error);
	return 0;

    mod_hdr = what_the();
    if (!mod_hdr)
	mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_FATAL, "xacodec: initializer function failed in %s\n", filename);
	return 0;

    mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_V, "=== XAnim Codec ===\n");
    mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_V, " Filename: %s (API revision: %x)\n", filename, mod_hdr->api_rev);
    mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_V, " Codec: %s. Rev: %s\n", mod_hdr->desc, mod_hdr->rev);
    if (mod_hdr->copyright)
	mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_V, " %s\n", mod_hdr->copyright);
    if (mod_hdr->mod_author)
	mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_V, " Module Author(s): %s\n", mod_hdr->mod_author);
    if (mod_hdr->authors)
	mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_V, " Codec Author(s): %s\n", mod_hdr->authors);

    if (mod_hdr->api_rev > XAVID_API_REV)
	mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_FATAL, "xacodec: not supported api revision (%d) in %s\n",
	    mod_hdr->api_rev, filename);
	return 0;

    func = mod_hdr->funcs;
    if (!func)
	mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_FATAL, "xacodec: function table error in %s\n", filename);
	return 0;

    mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_DBG2, "Exported functions by codec: [functable: %p entries: %d]\n",
	mod_hdr->funcs, mod_hdr->num_funcs);
    for (i = 0; i < (int)mod_hdr->num_funcs; i++)
	mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_DBG2, " %d: %d %d [iq:%p d:%p]\n",
		i, func[i].what, func[i].id, func[i].iq_func, func[i].dec_func);
	if (func[i].what & XAVID_AVI_QUERY)
	    mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_DBG2, " %p: avi init/query func (id: %d)\n",
		func[i].iq_func, func[i].id);
	    priv->iq_func = (void *)func[i].iq_func;
	if (func[i].what & XAVID_QT_QUERY)
	    mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_DBG2, " %p: qt init/query func (id: %d)\n",
		func[i].iq_func, func[i].id);
	    priv->iq_func = (void *)func[i].iq_func;
	if (func[i].what & XAVID_DEC_FUNC)
	    mp_msg(MSGT_DECVIDEO, MSGL_DBG2, " %p: decoder func (init/query: %p) (id: %d)\n",
		func[i].dec_func, func[i].iq_func, func[i].id);
	    priv->dec_func = (void *)func[i].dec_func;
    return 1;
Пример #2
static int init_xadll(bgav_stream_t * s)
  void *(*what_the)();
  XAVID_MOD_HDR *mod_hdr;
  XA_CODEC_HDR codec_hdr;
  int i;
  xanim_priv_t * priv;
  char dll_filename[PATH_MAX];
  priv = calloc(1, sizeof(*priv));
  sprintf(dll_filename, "%s/%s", bgav_dll_path_xanim, "vid_3ivX.xa");
  priv->dll_handle = dlopen(dll_filename,
    bgav_log(s->opt, BGAV_LOG_ERROR, LOG_DOMAIN, "Cannot open dll %s: %s", dll_filename, dlerror());
    goto fail;
  what_the = dlsym(priv->dll_handle, "What_The");

    bgav_log(s->opt, BGAV_LOG_ERROR, LOG_DOMAIN, "failed to init %s", dlerror());
    goto fail;
  mod_hdr = what_the();
    bgav_log(s->opt, BGAV_LOG_ERROR, LOG_DOMAIN, "initializer function failed");
    goto fail;
  if (mod_hdr->api_rev > XAVID_API_REV)
    bgav_log(s->opt, BGAV_LOG_ERROR, LOG_DOMAIN, "Unsupported api revision (%d)", mod_hdr->api_rev);
    goto fail;
  func = mod_hdr->funcs;
  if (!func)
    bgav_log(s->opt, BGAV_LOG_ERROR, LOG_DOMAIN, "function table error");
    goto fail;
  for (i = 0; i < (int)mod_hdr->num_funcs; i++)
    if (func[i].what & XAVID_AVI_QUERY)
      priv->iq_func = (void *)func[i].iq_func;
    if (func[i].what & XAVID_QT_QUERY)
      priv->iq_func = (void *)func[i].iq_func;
    if (func[i].what & XAVID_DEC_FUNC)
      priv->dec_func = (void *)func[i].dec_func;
  codec_hdr.xapi_rev = XAVID_API_REV;
  codec_hdr.anim_hdr = malloc(4096);
  codec_hdr.description = "Description";
  codec_hdr.compression = s->fourcc;
  codec_hdr.decoder = NULL;
  codec_hdr.x = s->data.video.format.image_width; /* ->disp_w */
  codec_hdr.y = s->data.video.format.image_height; /* ->disp_h */
  /* extra fields to store palette */
  codec_hdr.avi_ctab_flag = 0;
  codec_hdr.avi_read_ext = NULL;
  codec_hdr.extra = NULL;
  codec_hdr.depth = 12;

  if(priv->iq_func(&codec_hdr) != CODEC_SUPPORTED)
    bgav_log(s->opt, BGAV_LOG_ERROR, LOG_DOMAIN, "Codec not supported");
    goto fail;
  priv->dec_func = (void *)codec_hdr.decoder;
  priv->decinfo.cmd = 0;
  priv->decinfo.skip_flag = 0;
  priv->decinfo.imagex = priv->decinfo.xe = codec_hdr.x;
  priv->decinfo.imagey = priv->decinfo.ye = codec_hdr.y;
  priv->decinfo.imaged = codec_hdr.depth;
  priv->decinfo.chdr = NULL;
  priv->decinfo.map_flag = 0; /* xaFALSE */
  priv->decinfo.map = NULL;
  priv->decinfo.xs = priv->decinfo.ys = 0;
  priv->decinfo.special = 0;
  priv->decinfo.extra = codec_hdr.extra;
  s->decoder_priv = priv;
  s->data.video.format.pixelformat = GAVL_YUV_420_P;

  gavl_metadata_set(&s->m, GAVL_META_FORMAT,
  return 1;
  return 0;