Пример #1
int wildcard_expand_string(const wcstring &wc, const wcstring &base_dir, expand_flags_t flags, std::vector<completion_t> &outputs )
    // PCA: not convinced this temporary variable is really necessary
    std::vector<completion_t> lst;
    int res = wildcard_expand(wc.c_str(), base_dir.c_str(), flags, lst);
    outputs.insert(outputs.end(), lst.begin(), lst.end());
    return res;
Пример #2
int wildcard_expand_string(const wcstring &wc, const wcstring &base_dir, expand_flags_t flags, std::vector<completion_t> &outputs )
    std::vector<completion_t> lst;
    int res = wildcard_expand(wc.c_str(), base_dir.c_str(), flags, lst);    
    outputs.insert(outputs.end(), lst.begin(), lst.end());
    return res;
Пример #3
int wildcard_expand_string(const wcstring &wc, const wcstring &base_dir, expand_flags_t flags, std::vector<completion_t> *output)
    assert(output != NULL);
    /* Hackish fix for 1631. We are about to call c_str(), which will produce a string truncated at any embedded nulls. We could fix this by passing around the size, etc. However embedded nulls are never allowed in a filename, so we just check for them and return 0 (no matches) if there is an embedded null. This isn't quite right, e.g. it will fail for \0?, but that is an edge case. */
    if (wc.find(L'\0') != wcstring::npos)
        return 0;
    return wildcard_expand(wc.c_str(), base_dir.c_str(), flags, output);
Пример #4
int wildcard_expand_string(const wcstring &wc, const wcstring &base_dir, expand_flags_t flags, std::vector<completion_t> &outputs)
    /* Hackish fix for 1631. We are about to call c_str(), which will produce a string truncated at any embedded nulls. We could fix this by passing around the size, etc. However embedded nulls are never allowed in a filename, so we just check for them and return 0 (no matches) if there is an embedded null. This isn't quite right, e.g. it will fail for \0?, but that is an edge case. */
    if (wc.find(L'\0') != wcstring::npos)
        return 0;
    // PCA: not convinced this temporary variable is really necessary
    std::vector<completion_t> lst;
    int res = wildcard_expand(wc.c_str(), base_dir.c_str(), flags, lst);
    outputs.insert(outputs.end(), lst.begin(), lst.end());
    return res;