Пример #1
bool win32_set_video_mode(void *data,
      unsigned width, unsigned height,
      bool fullscreen)
#ifndef _XBOX
   DWORD style;
   MSG msg;
   RECT mon_rect;
   unsigned mon_id;
   MONITORINFOEX current_mon;
   bool windowed_full;
   RECT rect             = {0};
   HMONITOR hm_to_use    = NULL;
   settings_t *settings  = config_get_ptr();

   win32_monitor_info(&current_mon, &hm_to_use, &mon_id);

   mon_rect        = current_mon.rcMonitor;
   g_resize_width  = width;
   g_resize_height = height;

   windowed_full   = settings->video.windowed_fullscreen;

   win32_set_style(&current_mon, &hm_to_use, &width, &height,
         fullscreen, windowed_full, &rect, &mon_rect, &style);

   if (!win32_window_create(data, style, &mon_rect, width, height, fullscreen))
      return false;
   win32_set_window(&width, &height, fullscreen, windowed_full, &rect);

   /* Wait until context is created (or failed to do so ...) */
   while (!g_inited && !g_quit && GetMessage(&msg, main_window.hwnd, 0, 0))

   if (g_quit)
      return false;

   return true;
Пример #2
static bool d3d_construct(d3d_video_t *d3d,
      const video_info_t *info, const input_driver_t **input,
      void **input_data)
   unsigned full_x, full_y;
   settings_t    *settings     = config_get_ptr();

   d3d->should_resize = false;

#if defined(HAVE_MENU)
   d3d->menu                = new overlay_t();

   if (!d3d->menu)
      return false;

   d3d->menu->tex_coords[0]  = 0;
   d3d->menu->tex_coords[1]  = 0;
   d3d->menu->tex_coords[2]  = 1;
   d3d->menu->tex_coords[3]  = 1;
   d3d->menu->vert_coords[0] = 0;
   d3d->menu->vert_coords[1] = 1;
   d3d->menu->vert_coords[2] = 1;
   d3d->menu->vert_coords[3] = -1;

   memset(&d3d->windowClass, 0, sizeof(d3d->windowClass));
   d3d->windowClass.lpfnWndProc = WndProcD3D;
   win32_window_init(&d3d->windowClass, true, NULL);

   bool windowed_full;
   RECT mon_rect;
   MONITORINFOEX current_mon;
   HMONITOR hm_to_use;

   win32_monitor_info(&current_mon, &hm_to_use, &d3d->cur_mon_id);
   mon_rect = current_mon.rcMonitor;
   g_resize_width  = info->width;
   g_resize_height = info->height;

   windowed_full = settings->video.windowed_fullscreen;

   full_x = (windowed_full || info->width  == 0) ?
      (mon_rect.right  - mon_rect.left) : info->width;
   full_y = (windowed_full || info->height == 0) ?
      (mon_rect.bottom - mon_rect.top)  : info->height;
   RARCH_LOG("[D3D]: Monitor size: %dx%d.\n",
         (int)(mon_rect.right  - mon_rect.left),
         (int)(mon_rect.bottom - mon_rect.top));
   gfx_ctx_get_video_size(&full_x, &full_y);
      unsigned new_width  = info->fullscreen ? full_x : info->width;
      unsigned new_height = info->fullscreen ? full_y : info->height;
      video_driver_set_size(&new_width, &new_height);

   DWORD style;
   unsigned win_width, win_height;
   RECT rect            = {0};

   video_driver_get_size(&win_width, &win_height);

   win32_set_style(&current_mon, &hm_to_use, &win_width, &win_height, info->fullscreen, windowed_full, &rect, &mon_rect, &style);

   win32_window_create(d3d, style, &mon_rect, win_width,
         win_height, info->fullscreen);

   win32_set_window(&win_width, &win_height, info->fullscreen,
	   windowed_full, &rect);

   /* This should only be done once here
    * to avoid set_shader() to be overridden
    * later. */
   enum rarch_shader_type type =
      video_shader_parse_type(settings->video.shader_path, RARCH_SHADER_NONE);
   if (settings->video.shader_enable && type == RARCH_SHADER_CG)
      d3d->shader_path = settings->video.shader_path;

   if (!d3d_process_shader(d3d))
      return false;

   d3d->video_info = *info;
   if (!d3d_initialize(d3d, &d3d->video_info))
      return false;

   gfx_ctx_input_driver(input, input_data);

   RARCH_LOG("[D3D]: Init complete.\n");
   return true;