void writeMessagePointer(const MessageSeverity* messServer){
Пример #2
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
   char  *shortSequence = NULL,
         *longSequence  = NULL,          /*  eventually point to buffers for the two sequences */
         *outputPath    = NULL;			 /*  eventually points to the path for the output */
   int    shortLength=0, longLength=0;   /*  space required for each of those buffers */
   int	  repetitions = 1;				 /*  number of repetitions: one is the default */
   int    n;                             /*  index into argv array */
   long start, iterationStart, dataRead, scoringDone;  /*  timestamps to compute elapsed time */
   const char * const usage = "sw: usage is \r\n\tsw -s shortPath -l longPath -p paramPath [-o outputPath] [-r repetitions]\r\n.\r\n";
   const char * const phases[] = {"Input phase:", "Scoring phase:", "Traceback phase:"};
   int	  rc = 0;
   buffer = malloc(BUFFER_SIZE*sizeof(char));
   Output output;
   output.shorterPath = output.longerPath = NULL;
   for(n=1; n<argc-1; n+=2) {  /*   pull the sequence number from the command line */
      char *value = argv[n+1];
      switch(argv[n][1]) {
         case 's':  output.shorterPath = value; break;
         case 'l':  output.longerPath  = value; break;
         case 'o':  outputPath         = value; break;
         case 'p':  readParameters(value);      break;
         case 'r':  repetitions = atoi(value);  break;
           fprintf(stderr, usage);
           return 10;

   if (alphabetSize == 0) { /*  no point in proceeding if parameters are not correct */
      fprintf(stderr, "No parameter path supplied or parameters are incorrect\n%s", usage);
      rc = 19;
   if (output.shorterPath == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "No path for shorter sequence supplied\n%s", usage);
      rc = 20;
   if (output.longerPath == NULL)  {
      fprintf(stderr, "No path for longer sequence supplied\n%s", usage);
      rc = 21;
   if (rc > 0) return rc;
   start = nowInMilliseconds();
   startTimings(&output, repetitions, 3, phases);
   for(n = 0; n<repetitions; n++) {
	  output.phases = 0;
	  output.iterations = n;
	  iterationStart = nowInMilliseconds();
      shortSequence = readASequence(output.shorterPath);
      shortLength = 1+strlen(shortSequence);  /* this is the WHOLE BUFFER SIZE: add 1 for the sentinel 0 byte */
      longSequence  = readASequence(output.longerPath);
      longLength = 1+strlen(longSequence);   /* this is the WHOLE BUFFER SIZE: add 1 for the sentinel 0 byte */

      dataRead = writeElapsedTime(&output, iterationStart);

      computeTheBestScores(shortSequence, shortLength, longSequence, longLength);
      scoringDone = writeElapsedTime(&output, dataRead);

      doTheTraceback(shortSequence, shortLength, longSequence, longLength, &output);
      writeElapsedTime(&output, scoringDone);

   writeOutput(&output, outputPath, (int)(nowInMilliseconds()-start));
   return 0;
void writeMessageReference(const MessageSeverity& messServer){